
    7/12/23: Trump, Dems Trash Cluster Bombs To Ukraine, Tuberville On White Nationalism, Zelensky Fumes At NATO, Hunter Biden Star Witness Indicted, Tucker Andrew Tate, Oppenheimer Barbie History, Congress Covid Origins Hearing, Sierra Leone Elections

    enJuly 12, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • New Seasons of Popular Podcasts and Intriguing NewsMTV's challenge podcast and Next Question with Katie Couric debut new seasons with high-profile guests. Vermont faces floods, NATO summit brings controversy, and Andrew Tate discusses with Tucker Carlson. Next Question relies on listener support for independent coverage, and Ziegler Fiber offers faster uploads for less than cable.

      This week is an exciting one for podcast listeners as MTV's official challenge podcast and Next Question with Katie Couric return with new seasons, featuring high-profile guests like Kris Jenner, Jay Shetty, Hillary Clinton, and Renee Fleming. Meanwhile, in the news, Vermont is dealing with devastating floods, and the NATO summit has seen some intriguing developments, including controversy surrounding Tommy Tuberville and the Activision Microsoft merger. Additionally, Andrew Tate sat down with Tucker Carlson for a lengthy interview, and the meme of the summer, Barbie Oppenheimer, is generating buzz. With Ziegler Fiber offering faster uploads for less than cable, and Next Question relying on listener support to continue providing independent coverage, it's an engaging time for podcast enthusiasts.

    • Debate over Cluster Munitions in Ukraine and NATO SummitFormer President Trump criticizes Biden admin's decision to send cluster munitions to Ukraine, while Democrats push for a ban. Ethical and practical questions raised over their use. NATO summit adds complexity with Sweden and Finland joining.

      The debate over the use of cluster munitions in Ukraine continues, with former President Trump criticizing the Biden administration's decision to send them, while Democrats in Congress are pushing for a ban on their transfer. The issue comes as Ukraine faces a critical situation in its war against Russia, with President Zelensky urging stronger support from NATO. Trump's criticism of the Biden administration's handling of the situation and potential revelation of sensitive information has added to the controversy. Meanwhile, Chernobyl's update on the Sierra Leonean election and the deep irregularities taking place will also be discussed on the show. The NATO summit and developments in Ukraine, including the decision of Sweden and Finland to join NATO, have added complexity to the situation. The debate over cluster munitions raises ethical and practical questions, with some arguing that their use could worsen the situation in the long run. The bipartisan momentum towards a ban on cluster munitions in the NDAA is a significant development, but it remains to be seen whether it will gain enough support to pass.

    • Debate over Cluster Munitions in Ukraine ConflictRepublican Matt Gaetz supports an amendment to prevent cluster munition transfer to Ukraine, but it needs Democrat support to pass. The use of these weapons against civilians could be a war crime, and opponents aim to prevent their transfer due to their indiscriminate nature and high dud rate.

      The use of cluster munitions in the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine, which was discussed in a recent podcast by journalist Ryan Grim, has gained significant opposition from various quarters, including some members of the US Congress. Matt Gaetz, a Republican congressman, has expressed his support for an amendment aimed at preventing the transfer of cluster munitions to Ukraine. This amendment, if passed, would have a better chance of getting through the rules committee due to Gaetz's backing. However, it still needs the support of Democrats on the committee, particularly Jim McGovern, who is the ranking Democrat on the rules committee. The debate on this issue is significant because the use of cluster munitions against civilians could potentially be a war crime. The international community, including the US, has condemned the use of such weapons due to their indiscriminate nature and high dud rate. The NATO summit also saw Erdogan clearing the way for Sweden to join NATO, despite Turkey's use of cluster munitions in the conflict. The debate on this issue is likely to continue in the US Congress, with opponents hoping to prevent the transfer of cluster munitions to Ukraine.

    • NATO Summit: Germany, France, and Norway Announce Military Aid to UkraineNATO summit saw Germany, France, and Norway pledging military aid to Ukraine, Zelensky pushing for membership, Finland and Sweden joining, and continued support for Ukraine against Russian aggression.

      During the NATO summit, Germany, France, and Norway announced new military aid to Ukraine, including tanks and longer-range missiles. Ukraine's President Zelensky expressed frustration that conditions were being put on even an invitation to join NATO, and he criticized the lack of readiness to extend membership. Zelensky's desire for NATO membership is driven by the ongoing conflict with Russia, but it could lead to more death and destruction in the region. The NATO summit also saw Finland and Sweden joining the alliance, sending a strong message to Russia that it will not outlast the alliance. Despite this, Zelensky continues to push for membership, and some believe that security guarantees offered in March 2022 could have ended the war at that time. Overall, the summit highlighted the continued support for Ukraine from NATO and the determination to stand up to Russian aggression.

    • Political debates and conflicts can lead to frustration and confusionPoliticians should communicate clearly and avoid causing confusion with their words and actions, especially regarding military policies and sensitive social matters.

      The ongoing debates and conflicts within the political sphere, as seen in the cases of Zelensky's strategic decisions and Senator Tuberville's stance on military policies and white nationalism, can lead to frustration, confusion, and significant consequences. The line between correctness and frustration becomes blurred, especially when it comes to complex issues like war strategies and sensitive social matters. In the case of Zelensky, his perspective might not align with what is best for the situation, but his frustration with external criticism is understandable given the circumstances. Similarly, Senator Tuberville's blocking of military promotions and his comments on white nationalism have caused significant backlash, highlighting the importance of clear communication and understanding when dealing with controversial issues. The military should not be a platform for setting intricate policies, and politicians should be careful with their words and actions to avoid causing confusion and frustration.

    • Senator Tuberville's Controversial Stances: Racism and Abortion in the MilitaryThe intersection of controversial racial issues and political policies, as exemplified by Senator Tuberville's stance on abortion in the military and accusations of racism, highlights the need for greater understanding and education on these complex topics.

      The current political landscape is grappling with the intersection of controversial stances on racial issues and political policies. The case of Tommy Tuberville, a senator who has taken a hardline stance against abortion in the military while facing accusations of racism, has caused consternation among conservatives. Tuberville's refusal to denounce white nationalism, despite its inherent racist nature, has undercut his moral credibility and raised questions about the direction of the conservative movement. McConnell and other Republicans have attempted to distance themselves from Tuberville's stance, but the issue highlights a deeper problem: the confusion between racist and non-racist forms of nationalism. White nationalists argue they are not racist, but their separatist ideology is rooted in ethnic homogeneity and can be seen as racist. The debate exposes a troubling trend in politics, where some individuals feel oppressed despite the abundance of opportunities available to them. Tuberville's inability to address these complex issues effectively underscores the need for greater understanding and education on these topics.

    • The use of inflammatory language and redefinition of terms can hinder productive conversationsUsing inflammatory language and redefining terms like racism and white nationalism can create confusion and hinder productive conversations. Be mindful of the nuances of issues and avoid smearing decent people with misleading labels.

      The use of inflammatory language and the redefinition of terms like racism and white nationalism can cause confusion and hinder productive conversations. The discussion touched upon the case of Tommy Tuberville, who was criticized for his past statements regarding minorities. It was suggested that his words may have been the result of unconscious biases or a lack of understanding of the nuances of the issue. However, it was also noted that the left's inflation of definitions of terms like racism and white nationalism can lead to confusion and the smearing of decent people. The conversation then shifted to the case of Gal Luft, who was accused of being a foreign agent and arms trafficker, among other charges. It was pointed out that he had worked for the former CIA director James Woolsey and that the tone of some media outlets reporting on the case was smug and misleading, implying that this was a insignificant or fringe issue for Republicans when in fact, the individuals involved were not insignificant players. Overall, it was emphasized that the use of inflammatory language and the redefinition of terms can create more harm than good and hinder the progress of important conversations.

    • Italian-American energy consultant indicted for Chinese espionage linked to Hunter Biden and CEFCAn Italian-American energy consultant's indictment for Chinese espionage adds complexity to investigations into Hunter Biden's business dealings with CEFC, raising questions about potential involvement of other individuals and the Biden family.

      The investigation into business dealings involving Hunter Biden and foreign entities, specifically CEFC, has led to the indictment of Giuseppe Schiavone, an Italian-American energy consultant. Schiavone's involvement with CEFC puts him at the center of the controversy, and his indictment raises questions about the involvement of other individuals, including the Biden family. The fact that Schiavone is now an alleged Chinese spy does not discredit Hunter Biden's defenders' argument that he was also involved in CEFC's influence operation. Instead, it adds to the complexity of the situation and makes Schiavone a potentially valuable source of information. The constant push and pull around disclosure versus opacity in think tanks and foreign influence adds to the intrigue. Schiavone's statement that he voluntarily reached out to the FBI in 2019 to warn them about an influence operation involving Joe Biden adds another layer to the story. Despite the FBI's claims that he made false statements during that meeting, Schiavone's knowledge of the situation makes him a significant player in this unfolding saga.

    • Discussions on China's Belt and Road initiative and Microsoft's acquisition of Activision BlizzardFormer CIA director's opinions on China's Belt and Road initiative raised suspicions, while Microsoft's acquisition of Activision Blizzard faced criticism for potential unfair advantages, underscoring the need for transparency and accountability in intelligence and business sectors

      Former CIA director James Woolsey's op-eds about China's Belt and Road initiative could have raised suspicions within the intelligence community, potentially leading to his identification as a part of a foreign intelligence operation. This was discussed in the context of the Hunter Biden allegations, where such behavior could have made those allegations more credible. In a separate topic, a recent court ruling allowed Microsoft's acquisition of Activision Blizzard to move forward, despite concerns about potential unfair advantages for Xbox in the video game market. Critics argue that the judge's ruling was flawed and relied too heavily on Microsoft's promises to continue supporting other platforms. Overall, these discussions highlight the importance of transparency and accountability in various industries, including intelligence and business.

    • Union's priority: Members' interestsDespite potential competition concerns, unions prioritize members' interests, and a merger ruling could signal a shift in labor market dynamics.

      The union's support for the merger between Microsoft and Activision Blizzard, despite potential competition concerns, highlights the union's primary goal of representing the interests of its members. The judge's ruling in favor of the merger also signifies a potential shift in the labor market, allowing for collective bargaining for thousands of workers. This situation underscores the complex dynamics of labor, business, and government, and the ongoing negotiation of power and influence among these entities. The union's stance on the merger also serves as a reminder that unions are not monolithic entities and can hold various positions on various issues, depending on their members' interests.

    • Union elections reveal internal contradictionsThe CWA union elections showed the rejection of old guard candidates and the need for the union to redefine its direction amid industry changes.

      The recent telecom industry developments have led to better wages for union workers, but the union elections, such as the CWA presidency race between Sarah Steffens and Ed Mooney, showcased internal contradictions and the rejection of the old guard. Sarah Steffens, representing more left-wing elements, ran a poor campaign, while Ed Mooney, an old-school candidate, was defeated by the unexpected win of Claude Cummings. This victory presents an opportunity for the CWA to redefine its direction amid industry changes. Meanwhile, Tucker Carlson interviewed Andrew Tate, and the 2-hour-long conversation raised questions about the simplistic good vs. bad dichotomy in wars. Tate urged viewers to investigate beyond these labels, as there are vested interests at play in any conflict. Previously, Tucker had expressed support for Russia in the Ukraine-Russia conflict, but in this interview, he seemed to acknowledge that neither side is entirely good or bad. The complexities of the situation highlight the importance of critical thinking and understanding the nuances of international conflicts.

    • Discussion on Masculinity and False AccusationsAndrew Tate believes his message of traditional masculinity, having opinions, standards, and boundaries, is perceived as a threat by those wanting to control men. False accusations and new tactics to discredit individuals are topics of concern.

      During a discussion on Tucker Carlson's show, Andrew Tate expressed his stance on traditional masculinity and the backlash he receives for it. He believes that his message, which encourages men to have opinions, standards, and boundaries, is perceived as a threat by those who want to control men. Tate also commented on the changing public consciousness regarding false accusations and the potential new tactics that may be used to discredit individuals. Additionally, there was a mention of Sam Bankman-Fried, who is currently under indictment for alleged financial crimes, and the perceived unfair treatment he has received in the media. Despite the interview not being particularly hard-hitting on the charges against Tate or Bankman-Fried, the conversation highlighted the ongoing debates surrounding masculinity, personal freedoms, and the potential consequences of public perception.

    • The interview raises complex moral and societal issuesUnderstanding the appeal of controversial figures requires acknowledging their harmful actions and beliefs while also exploring the societal issues they represent

      The interview between Tucker Carlson and Andrew Tate raises complex moral and societal issues beyond just the legal questions surrounding Tate's alleged actions. Tate has been accused of various misdeeds, including rape and recruiting women into pornography. Some of these accusations may be trumped up, but the broader issue is the appeal of figures like Tate to certain segments of society, particularly those struggling with economic hardship and feeling marginalized. The masculinity crisis and the rise of ideologies like white nationalism are interconnected issues that demand serious engagement and understanding. However, it's important to acknowledge that Tate's actions and beliefs are morally questionable and harmful to many. While it's essential to try to understand the motivations and beliefs of such figures, it's equally important to challenge and condemn their harmful actions and ideologies. The media's role is to provide nuanced coverage of these complex issues without normalizing or glorifying harmful beliefs and actions.

    • The Influence of Misogynistic Figures and Historical EventsJordan Peterson's academic background doesn't negate his promotion of divisive views, while Andrew Tate capitalizes on toxic ideologies. Historical events like oil and nuclear weapons have shaped modern politics.

      The speaker discusses the influence and success of certain individuals who promote misogynistic views towards women. They argue that Jordan Peterson, despite his past academic background, has been unfairly attacked and has helped many men, but others like Andrew Tate have capitalized on toxic ideologies. The speaker also touches upon the influence of oil and nuclear weapons in shaping modern history and politics. The conversation ends with a humorous reference to a meme called "Barbenheimer," a crossover of Barbie and Oppenheimer. Overall, the discussion highlights the power of inflammatory rhetoric and the impact it can have on society.

    • The Connection Between Barbie and OppenheimerThe post-WW2 era's shift from military production to consumer goods led to the plastic revolution and mass production of toys like Barbie, while nuclear threat and oil dependence continued to shape global dynamics.

      The seemingly unrelated phenomena of Barbie and Oppenheimer, represented in a viral meme, are in fact deeply connected through history. The post-World War 2 era saw a shift from military production to consumer goods, driven by the abundance of oil and the desire to satisfy American consumers. This transition led to the plastic revolution and the mass production of toys like Barbie. Meanwhile, the nuclear threat and geopolitical relationships tied to oil continued to shape global dynamics. The first Barbie doll was even produced in Japan in the late 1950s during its post-war economic recovery. The meme's humor lies in the contrast between the lighthearted Barbie and the serious Oppenheimer, but their connection is rooted in the historical context of the post-war period and the intertwined realms of consumer culture, oil dependence, and nuclear power.

    • COVID Origins Hearing: Partisan TheoriesDespite evidence, partisanship persists in COVID origins debate between Dems and GOP, with each side accusing the other of bias. Researchers' conclusion shift during peer review questioned, potential financial ties denied.

      Key takeaway from the COVID origins hearing at the House subcommittee is the stark partisanship surrounding the theories of the virus's origin. While Democrats continued to support the natural origin theory, Republicans argued for the lab leak theory, each side accusing the other of partisanship. The hearing also touched upon the timeline of the Proximal Origins paper, which initially suggested a lab leak but later pivoted to a natural origin. The change in conclusion occurred during the peer review period, and it was later revealed that the claim of a 99% similar virus in pangolins was untrue. Additionally, there were discussions around potential financial incentives, with the researchers denying any connection between their grant and their conclusions. The hearing provided a clear display of the politically charged nature of the ongoing investigation into the origins of COVID-19.

    • NIH funding decisions involve more than just scientific valueThe NIH's funding decisions consider scientific value, advisory council approval, geopolitical sensitivities, and current funding priorities.

      The decision to approve and disburse large funding grants from the NIH, such as the $1,000,000 for a research center, involves more considerations than just scientific value and approval from advisory councils. The final funding decision lies with the leadership of the organizations and can take into account geopolitical sensitivities and current funding priorities. In the COVID hearing, there was a misunderstanding regarding the timing of the funding decision, with Democrats criticizing a statement from Anderson that the decisions were made before the conference call, when in fact, the decision was made after. Additionally, the hearing touched on the importance of understanding the context of viral outbreaks, such as COVID and previous outbreaks like Ebola, by examining the research being conducted in affected regions like Sierra Leone. The ongoing election in Sierra Leone features two major political factions, the Sierra Leone People's Party (SLPP) and the All People's Congress (APC), with the SLPP currently in power. The APC was in power during the Ebola outbreak, and understanding the role of organizations and research in the region during that time is crucial for context when studying the current pandemic.

    • Sierra Leone's Elections: Incomplete and Non-TransparentDespite numerous irregularities reported, both ruling and opposition parties reached a consensus to deny Sierra Leoneans a fair election outcome. International pressure is needed for transparency and accountability.

      The political landscape in Sierra Leone has been dominated by two parties for over 60 years, with no successful efforts to challenge their power. The latest elections were declared incomplete and non-transparent, with numerous irregularities reported. The international community, including the United States and European Union, have classified the elections as non-transparent but go beyond that to highlight illegalities in the way the elections were conducted. The electoral commission failed to properly count and tabulate votes, and the results were announced without completing the required calculations at the polling station, district, and regional levels. The current situation sees both the ruling party and opposition party reaching a consensus to allow the president to continue in power, denying Sierra Leoneans the right to decide their government. It's essential that those involved respect the rules and call for a proper investigation into the elections to hold those responsible accountable. The international community must also play a role in pressuring for transparency and democracy in Sierra Leone.

    • Acknowledge illegalities and irregularities in Sierra Leone electionsInternational community should not fund illegal regime in Sierra Leone, prioritize monitoring and adherence to human rights and good governance standards to prevent potential violence and instability.

      The international community, including the US and other organizations, should not classify the Sierra Leone elections as merely non-transparent, but rather acknowledge the illegalities and irregularities that occurred. These elections, which resulted in an illegal regime, should not be funded with loans or grants. The current situation in Sierra Leone, marked by corruption, economic crisis, and territorial tendencies, calls for effective international monitoring and adherence to human rights and good governance standards. The lack of accountability and transparency in the elections may lead people to seek alternatives to democracy, potentially resulting in violence and instability in the already volatile West African region.

    • Rigged elections leaving Sierra Leoneans feeling hopeless and desperateRigged elections undermine faith in democracy, perpetuating political instability and corruption, while essential services remain lacking. Transparency and accountability are crucial for good governance.

      The rigged elections in Sierra Leone have left many citizens feeling disempowered and desperate, leading them to consider alternative ways to assert their citizenship. This situation is particularly concerning given Sierra Leone's recent history of civil war caused by political instability and corruption. The lack of basic services like electricity, housing, healthcare, and education in major parts of the country is a result of political mismanagement and corruption. The rigged elections were a missed opportunity for citizens to believe in the power of the ballot box to bring about change and hold politicians accountable. Instead, politicians openly manipulated the vote count, leaving many feeling hopeless and frustrated. It's crucial to prevent the same groups that led the country to war from regaining power and perpetuating conflict and crisis. As a journalist, I've personally experienced the consequences of advocating for transparency and accountability in government. The situation is dire, and it's important to remember that every vote matters and that transparency and accountability are essential for good governance.

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    Vaush: https://www.youtube.com/@Vaush  

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    6/26/24: Hillary Says 'Impossible' To Debate Trump, Bowman Trounced By AIPAC, Kenya On Fire As Troops Occupy Haiti, Ryan Exposes Pro-Israel Group Lies, MIT Nuke Expert Dire Warning On Ukraine

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    6/25/24: AIPAC Spends $15 Million To Oust Bowman, Media Lies About Synagogue Protests, War Scholar Says Hamas Has Won

    6/25/24: AIPAC Spends $15 Million To Oust Bowman, Media Lies About Synagogue Protests, War Scholar Says Hamas Has Won

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    6/24/24: Biden Panics As Dems Boycott Bibi Speech, Biden Greenlights Hezbollah War, New Tapes Expose 9/11 Saudi Conspiracy

    Krystal and Saagar discuss Biden panics as Dems boycott Bibi speech, Biden greenlights Lebanon invasion, new tapes expose Saudi 9/11 involvement. 


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    6/20/24: CNN Biden Age Cope, Hezbollah Threatens Massive War, Boeing Victim Goes Off On CEO, Biden Gaza Pier Crumbles

    Krystal and Saagar discuss CNN blames fake videos for Biden age concern, Hezbollah threatens massive war, Boeing victim mom goes off on CEO, Biden Gaza pier crumbles.


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    Ukraine 'advancing on Bakhmut' & Joe Biden visits the UK ahead of NATO summit

    Day 501.

    Today, we bring you updates from the front lines as Ukraine advances on Bakhmut, American President Joe Biden visits London, and western allies of Ukraine disagree over the supply of cluster munitions. Plus, we interview Sir Michael Fallon, the British Defence Secretary 2014-17, reflecting on his memories of the annexation of Crimea.

    We are coming to the United States in September. For more information, listen to Friday's episode from 31:30: https://shorturl.at/bnUW7


    David Knowles (Host). @djknowles22 on Twitter.

    Dominic Nicholls (Associate Editor, Defence). @DomNicholls on Twitter.

    Francis Dearnley (Assistant Comment Editor). @FrancisDearnley on Twitter.

    With thanks to Sir Michael Fallon KCB (Secretary of State for Defence from 2014 to 2017).

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    Subscribe to The Telegraph: telegraph.co.uk/ukrainethelatest

    Email: ukrainepod@telegraph.co.uk

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    David Knowles (Host). @djknowles22 on Twitter.

    Francis Dearnley (Assistant Comment Editor) @FrancisDearnley on Twitter.

    Roland Oliphant (Senior Foreign Correspondent). @RolandOliphant

    Hamish De Bretton-Gordon (Former Tank Commander & Telegraph columnist).

    The investigation by The Associated Press: https://apnews.com/article/ukraine-russia-prisons-civilians-torture-detainees-88b4abf2efbf383272eed9378be13c72

    Subscribe to The Telegraph: telegraph.co.uk/ukrainethelatest

    Email: ukrainepod@telegraph.co.uk

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    7/10/23: Biden Defends Cluster Bombs To Ukraine, Biden Says Ukraine Not Ready For NATO, DeSantis Low Polling, Slowing Growth Jobs Market, Twitter Threatens Lawsuit With Zuckerberg, Colleges Nuke Merit, AOC Endorses Biden, Will Jawando Runs For Senate

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    To become a Breaking Points Premium Member and watch/listen to the show uncut and 1 hour early visit: https://breakingpoints.supercast.com/

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    America approves cluster weapons for Ukraine & counter-offensive advances near Bakhmut

    America approves cluster weapons for Ukraine & counter-offensive advances near Bakhmut

    Day 498.

    Today, we bring you news from Ukraine as the US considers supplying cluster munitions and Zelensky meets European leaders ahead of next week’s NATO summit. Plus, we reveal upcoming plans for the podcast. To contact us on this, please email: ukrainepod@telegraph.co.uk


    David Knowles (Host). @djknowles22 on Twitter.

    Dominic Nicholls (Associate Editor, Defence). @DomNicholls on Twitter.

    Francis Dearnley (Assistant Comment Editor). @FrancisDearnley on Twitter.

    With a retrospective piece looking back on an earlier interview with the late Ukrainian writer Victoria Amelina.

    Find out more: 

    Bob Seely MP's article on the 'state of play':


    Dr. Benjamin Tallis's report on security guarantees:


    Subscribe to The Telegraph: telegraph.co.uk/ukrainethelatest

    Email: ukrainepod@telegraph.co.uk

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.