
    #72 Neil Pasricha: Happy Habits

    enDecember 24, 2019
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    Podcast Summary

    • The importance of resilience learned from parents' experiencesObserving parents' positive attitude and belief in learning and adapting instilled resilience in Neil, a valuable lesson for all

      Learning from this conversation with Neil Pasricha on The Knowledge Project is the importance of resilience, which he learned from his parents. Neil's mother, an immigrant from Kenya, and father, from Northern India, came to Canada with no friends or family and had to start over in a new country. Despite facing numerous challenges, they maintained a positive attitude and approached each obstacle with the belief that they could learn and adapt. This mindset of mental strength and resilience, which Neil observed growing up, has stayed with him and is a valuable lesson for all of us. It's a reminder that no matter what challenges we face in life, we can learn to overcome them with a positive attitude and the belief that we can do it later.

    • Living in an Era of Infinite Abundance: The Hidden CostFocus on intentional activities to build resilience and improve happiness, as only 40% of our happiness is controllable through our actions

      Resilience, the inner strength to bounce back from hardships, is a learned skill that many people struggle to develop due to the abundance and ease of modern life. According to the speaker, we live in an era of infinite abundance, where we can press a button to get a ride, have food delivered to our door, and live in safety. However, this ease has led to a loss of our capacity to handle failure and perceived failure, resulting in increased anxiety, loneliness, and depression. The speaker argues that we need to focus on building our internal musculature to handle these emotions, rather than relying on external validation from social media. According to research, 50% of our happiness is genetic, 10% is circumstantial, and the remaining 40% is intentional activities that we can control. Therefore, it's essential to focus on intentional activities that can help us build resilience and improve our overall happiness.

    • Spending too much time on cell phones hinders happinessConsider reevaluating time spent on cell phones and eliminating mindless activities for more happiness

      While we know the activities that can contribute to greater happiness, such as nature walks, journaling, meditation, and reading, many of us are instead spending a significant portion of our time (around 40%) addicted to our cell phones. This addiction, which has productivity, physical, and psychological consequences, is a major reason why we may not be as happy as we could be. Instead of feeling too busy to engage in positive activities, we should consider reevaluating how we're currently spending our time and eliminating mindless activities like scrolling through social media or reading unnecessary emails and notifications. By doing so, we can make time for activities that truly enrich our lives and contribute to our overall well-being.

    • The Importance of Connection for Personal Growth and ResilienceBeing fully present and making meaningful connections with loved ones, especially during important moments, is crucial for personal growth and resilience. Technology can hinder these connections, and neglecting them can lead to feelings of disconnection and rudeness.

      Being fully present and making meaningful connections with others, especially during important moments like spending time with family, is essential for personal growth and resilience. The speaker shared an experience of being so focused on work during a car ride that he failed to connect with the driver, feeling rude and disconnected. He also discussed how technology can hinder our ability to connect with our children, citing early studies on the potential negative effects. The speaker admired the resilience of his mother, who, despite facing significant challenges and discrimination in her upbringing, developed an incredible memory and went on to receive an education and create a loving family. Her ability to navigate adversity and provide endless love to her children is a powerful reminder of the importance of connection and resilience.

    • Impact of Parenting on Children's ResiliencePermissive parenting may hinder children's ability to develop resilience by preventing them from facing challenges and learning from failures. Striking a balance between love and guidance, and allowing natural consequences is essential for building strength and coping skills.

      The way we raise our children can significantly impact their ability to develop resilience. While it's important to love and support them, allowing them to experience natural consequences and learn from failures can help build their strength and ability to handle life's challenges. The speaker shared how his mother's permissive approach allowed him to quit various activities as a child, which might have contributed to his own struggles with resilience in adulthood. He also expressed concern about the current trend of overprotective parenting, which can prevent children from developing essential skills to cope with adversity. The speaker's experience and observations highlight the importance of striking a balance between nurturing love and supportive guidance, and allowing children to face challenges and learn from their mistakes.

    • Story of a man's shattered dreams and the importance of resilienceRecognize challenges are natural, develop resilience, and learn from setbacks to adapt and grow.

      Life can be unpredictable and challenging, and it's essential to build resilience to bounce back from setbacks. The story of a young man, who despite graduating top of his class and landing a dream job, was shattered by a critical email from his boss, illustrates how even small incidents can leave us feeling fragile. The speaker shares her own experience of growing up in a rough environment, which helped her develop resilience and handle life's challenges better. Research also shows that people tend to underestimate the future's uncertainties and assume that their current situation will remain the same. Building resilience involves recognizing that challenges are a natural part of life and developing the ability to adapt and learn from them.

    • Perceiving traumatic experiences as new beginningsEmpathy and compassion during difficult conversations can help people process traumatic experiences as new beginnings, rather than endings. It's a learned skill to focus on potential positive outcomes and train ourselves to see the silver lining.

      Traumatic experiences, such as getting fired or going through a divorce, can be perceived as either a step towards something new or an end of something, depending on one's perspective. The manager in the story learned that providing empathy and compassion during difficult conversations can make a significant difference in how the person receiving the news processes it. While it may be innate for some to offer support, it can also be a learned skill. The manager emphasized the importance of saying less and being present in those moments, allowing the person to begin processing the news. In terms of how people cope after such experiences, it is learned, and can be influenced by the way we train ourselves to see the potential positive outcomes. The manager's own experiences of getting fired and going through a divorce led him to focus on gratitude, happiness, and resilience in his writing, which resonated with many people. By sharing stories and research, he hopes to help others get through traumatic experiences and come out stronger on the other side.

    • Reflecting on the good, bad, and anticipated through gratitude practicesPracticing gratitude by reflecting on the rose (good), rose thorn (bad), and bud (anticipated) can broaden perspective and increase happiness and overall well-being, rooted in evolutionary biology.

      Shane's book, "Start: Punch Fear in the Face," stands out as unique because it doesn't dictate actions, but rather shows readers how to implement practices that foster gratitude and self-improvement. A powerful example of this is the "rose, rose thorn, bud" dinner exercise, which encourages reflection and perspective-shifting, leading to increased happiness and overall well-being. The book's impact extends beyond seasoned readers, as Shane's 8-year-old son, who typically avoids reading, was drawn to it. Shane aims for an inclusive, mass-market audience, believing that helping non-readers engage with the material signifies the book's success. Gratitude, a practice often perceived as cheesy or overused, gains new significance when practiced consistently. By reflecting on the good, the bad, and the anticipated, individuals can broaden their perspective and appreciate life's moments more deeply. This practice, rooted in evolutionary biology, serves a crucial function in our modern era of abundance. Our brains, shaped by millions of years of survival instincts, still contain the amygdala, which secretes fight-or-flight hormones. While no longer necessary for physical survival, these instincts can be harnessed to cultivate gratitude and find joy in everyday life.

    • Appreciating the present moment and focusing on gratitudePracticing gratitude and mindfulness can help us develop new neural pathways to appreciate positive moments, living in the present, and being aware of the limited time we have can motivate us to live our best lives.

      Our brains are naturally wired to focus on negative experiences and stimuli, but practicing gratitude and mindfulness can help us develop new neural pathways to appreciate the positive moments in life. Life is fragile and brief, and it's essential to make the most of each day by living in the present and focusing on what we're grateful for. A simple practice, like spending a few minutes each morning cuddling and discussing the day ahead with loved ones, can help us pause and appreciate the present moment. Additionally, being aware of the limited time we have on this planet can motivate us to take action and live our best lives. As the saying goes, "Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans."

    • Exploring the Science of Happiness and the Importance of Gratitude and LoveExploring the science of happiness reveals the importance of gratitude, love, and personal growth in our lives. Defining happiness as the joy felt while striving towards potential, the speaker emphasizes that even during challenges, we can experience happiness through expanding our abilities and expressing gratitude and love.

      Gratitude, love, and the pursuit of happiness are interconnected. The speaker, Neil Pasricha, shared his personal journey of writing a blog for 1000 days straight, falling in love, getting married, and having a child. During his honeymoon, he discovered his wife was pregnant, which led him to contemplate how to help his child live a happy life. He spent nine months writing a 300-page love letter to his unborn child, exploring the science of happiness. He defines happiness as "the joy you feel while striving towards your potential." Although happiness can be difficult to define, it is an essential human pursuit. The speaker emphasized that even during challenging experiences, such as training for a marathon or giving birth, people can feel happy because they are expanding their potential. The scientific community defines happiness as subjective well-being, which is self-reported on a scale of 1 to 10. The speaker's personal experiences and exploration of positive psychology led him to understand the importance of gratitude, love, and the pursuit of happiness in our lives.

    • Living in the present moment for true happinessReflect on the past to learn, but live in the present to fully experience happiness. Depression is living with the past, anxiety is living in the future.

      The pursuit of happiness can often lead to unhappiness due to the constant desire for more or the focus on the past or future. The speaker shares personal observations and scientific studies that suggest living in the present moment is key to experiencing true happiness. Parents who are always waiting for their children to advance to the next phase, for example, may miss out on the joy of the present. The speaker also shares a concept, living with the past is depression, living in the future is anxiety. The speaker emphasizes the importance of reflecting on the past to learn, but also living in the present to fully experience happiness. The speaker's personal experience of having a system to ensure a healthy relationship before marriage is also shared as an example of living in the present.

    • Unexpected marriage endings and the importance of communicationMarriage requires genuine connection and communication. Don't take love for granted and prioritize open conversations to build a successful and fulfilling relationship.

      Relationships require genuine connection and communication, even after the commitment of marriage. The speaker shares his personal experience of a marriage ending unexpectedly after two years, despite having followed the societal model of getting married and starting a family. He explains that his wife expressed doubts about their connection and revealed she had feelings for someone else, leading to their divorce. The emotional impact was amplified by the suicide of his best friend around the same time. This experience taught him that love and connection should not be taken for granted and that it's essential to have open and honest conversations in a relationship. While it's natural to fear the pain of divorce and the societal pressure to conform to the marriage and family model, ultimately, prioritizing genuine connection and communication is crucial for a successful and fulfilling relationship.

    • Perception and experiences can vary greatly, even during similar situationsOur narratives have the power to shape our thoughts and actions, and learning to revise and replace them can lead to personal growth.

      Our experiences and perspectives can greatly differ, even during seemingly identical situations. The speaker shares an experience of a hike in the Adirondacks that was perceived as the worst day of her life by her, but the best day by her companion. Later in life, she went through a challenging period marked by the fallout of a marriage, loss of a close friend, and identity crisis. She describes the shattering of cultural assumptions and self-deprecating narratives she held about herself. To cope, she turned to daily journaling, therapy, and self-reflection. The low-level answer to changing these narratives was through practical means like therapy and writing. The high-level answer was learning to tell herself a different story, as shown in the study "Too Fat to Fit Through the Door," where anorexic individuals' beliefs about their bodies caused them to physically adjust to fit through doorways, even when they didn't need to. Our narratives have immense power over our thoughts and actions, and learning to revise and replace them can lead to significant personal growth.

    • Our perception of ourselves and experiences is shaped by stories we tell ourselvesRecognize that our stories are not always objective truths, and challenging negative narratives can help gain perspective and appreciate experiences

      Our perception of ourselves and our experiences is shaped by the stories we tell ourselves. These stories can be based on facts or exaggerations, and they can greatly impact our self-image and outlook on life. The speaker shared her personal experience of how she had built up stories around her failures and perceived shortcomings, which she had internalized as truths. However, she learned to distinguish between facts and stories and to challenge the negative narratives she had been telling herself. The study mentioned in the conversation also highlighted the importance of going through various experiences, including disappointments and heartbreaks, as part of the journey towards finding true love. Ultimately, it's essential to recognize that our stories are not always objective truths, and that learning to see the stories for what they are can help us gain perspective and appreciate the value of our experiences.

    • Reframing negative thoughts and seeking opportunities beyond the conventional pathInstead of dwelling on limitations, reframe negative thoughts and seek opportunities that value unique backgrounds and perspectives. Empathy comes from understanding others' stories.

      Our mindset and the stories we tell ourselves shape our experiences and perceptions. The speaker shared a personal story of feeling like an "admissions mistake" at Harvard Business School, despite being awarded a scholarship due to financial need. Instead of focusing on the stress of trying to compete with wealthier peers, the former dean advised him to "get off the beach" and seek opportunities with smaller companies that might value his unique background and perspective. By doing so, the speaker landed a job at Walmart and rose through the ranks due to his distinct expertise. This anecdote highlights the importance of reframing negative thoughts and seeking opportunities beyond the conventional path. Additionally, understanding others' perspectives by asking what stories they're telling themselves can lead to empathy and a better understanding of the world.

    • Focus on personal growth and small winsThe 'small pond effect' suggests our self-concept stays elevated for a decade after feeling successful. Seek out winnable games to build confidence and stand out effectively.

      It's essential to find small wins and focus on personal growth rather than constantly comparing ourselves to others in the global community. This concept, known as the "small pond effect," suggests that our self-concept stays elevated for up to a decade after we leave a position or environment where we felt successful. However, in today's vast and competitive world, it's nearly impossible to outshine everyone. Instead, we should seek out games we can win and use those victories to build confidence and resilience. This approach not only helps us feel better about ourselves but also allows us to stand out more effectively. As the speaker in this conversation shared, even after achieving success, it's crucial to maintain a growth mindset and continue seeking opportunities for personal development.

    • Creating Uninterrupted Time for Increased ProductivityDedicating one day a week to be completely disconnected from work and the world can lead to a significant increase in productivity and creativity. Structure your life to create uninterrupted time for focused work.

      Creating uninterrupted time in your schedule, also known as "Untouchable Days," can significantly increase productivity and creativity. The speaker shares his personal experience of dedicating one day a week to be completely disconnected from work and the world, leading to a 10x increase in his writing output and the creation of multiple projects. He suggests that entrepreneurs can structure their lives around work to create such uninterrupted time, while those in offices can try blocking off mornings or specific hours for focused work. The concept of "Untouchable Days" is especially important in today's era of constant distractions and connectivity. Bezos' idea of a flywheel, which refers to building momentum and creating positive feedback loops, also plays a role in enabling this uninterrupted time and harmony between work and family life.

    • Building a flywheel for work-life balanceEngage fully in work to bring best self home, invest in relationships for renewed energy, avoid retirement's disconnection, create dynamic interplay between work and life for growth and fulfillment

      Achieving a fulfilling work-life balance is not about maintaining an equal distribution of energy between different areas of life, but rather building a flywheel that gains momentum as energy is poured into it. When we are fully engaged in our work, we bring our best selves home, and similarly, when we invest in our relationships and personal growth, we return to our work with renewed energy and focus. Retirement, on the other hand, was originally designed as a solution to youth unemployment, but it inadvertently removes essential elements of social connection, stimulation, and story from people's lives, potentially leading to decreased well-being. Instead of viewing work and life as separate spheres, we should aim to create a dynamic interplay between them, fostering growth and fulfillment in all areas.

    • Redefining Retirement: Finding Purpose and Meaning in WorkRetirement as we know it may be outdated, focus on purpose and meaning in work for happiness and well-being, societies with highest centenarians don't have word for retirement, find joy and meaning in daily activities

      The concept of retirement as we know it may be outdated and potentially harmful to our overall well-being. The idea of retiring at a certain age, such as 65, was artificially established decades ago, but with increased lifespans and advancements in technology, this notion may no longer serve us. Instead, finding purpose and meaning in our work, regardless of age, is crucial for our happiness and overall well-being. Societies with the highest ratios of centenarians, like Okinawa, Japan, don't have a word for retirement. Instead, they focus on the concept of Ikigai, or the reason they get out of bed in the morning. By focusing on our purpose and continuing to engage in meaningful work, we can maintain social connections, intellectual stimulation, and a sense of belonging. It's essential to recognize that retirement doesn't have to mean stopping work entirely; it can simply mean transitioning to something new and fulfilling. Whether it's volunteering, starting a blog, or turning a hobby into a business, the key is to find meaning and joy in our daily activities.

    • Managing Decisions with 2x2 MatrixAutomate low-importance, quick decisions. Regulate low-importance, time-consuming decisions. Debate high-importance, quick decisions. Execute high-importance, time-consuming decisions efficiently to save mental energy.

      Effective decision making involves recognizing and managing the time and importance of various decisions in our lives. The 2x2 decision making model proposed by the speaker suggests that every decision requires a certain amount of time and importance. For decisions that take little time and have low importance, automation is recommended. For decisions that take a lot of time but are not very important, regulation is suggested. Decisions that are both high in time and importance should be debated thoroughly. The model also highlights the importance of managing decisions that are high in importance but take little time, as these should be executed efficiently to free up mental energy for more complex decisions. The goal is to minimize decision fatigue and conserve mental energy for the most important decisions in life.

    • Morning practice of letting go, gratitude, and focusStart your day by writing down things to release, things to be thankful for, and one thing to concentrate on for a better mood and productivity

      Starting your day with a 2-minute morning practice of letting go, being grateful, and focusing on one thing can serve as a contemporary form of confession and help set a positive tone for the day. This practice, as shared by the guest, involves writing down three things: things to let go of, things to be grateful for, and one thing to focus on. By releasing anxiety and practicing gratitude, individuals can refocus their energy and prioritize their tasks effectively. This simple yet powerful routine can bring clarity, satisfaction, and a sense of accomplishment to your day.

    Recent Episodes from The Knowledge Project with Shane Parrish

    The Storytelling Expert: How to Speak so That Everyone Listens (Matthew Dicks #202)

    The Storytelling Expert: How to Speak so That Everyone Listens (Matthew Dicks #202)

    Shane Parrish sits down with Matthew Dicks, a renowned storyteller, author, and teacher, to explore the nuanced art of storytelling. They go deep into the techniques that turn mediocre stories into masterful ones.

    You’ll learn what makes a story truly resonate with an audience, how to identify and highlight the pivotal moments that create emotional impact, the architecture of compelling stories, how to structure narratives for maximum engagement and how to use techniques like suspense, stakes, and humor to keep audiences on the edge of their seats. This conversation covers broad frameworks, like how to structure a great story—and the granular details, like when you should talk quietly to refocus the audience.

    Matthew Dicks is novelist, storyteller, columnist, playwright, blogger, and teacher. He’s published fiction and non-fiction books, the latter of which include: Storyworthy: Engage, Teach, Persuade, and Change Your Life Through the Power of Storytelling and Someday Is Today: 22 Simple, Actionable Ways to Propel Your Creative Life.

    (00:00:00 Intro

    (00:03:28) What makes a good story

    (00:06:57) Stories vs anecdotes

    (00:08:29) A Story: The Spoon of Power

    (00:17:42) The art of story architecture

    (00:21:28) Create compelling stories

    (00:36:30) Common mistakes & how to fix them

    (00:55:01) Strategic listening

    (01:03:32) Can you lie in stories?

    (01:05:10) 'And' stories vs. 'but / therefore' stories

    (01:10:05) Finding engaging stories in everyday life

    (01:20:05) Structuring a story

    (01:24:00) Storytelling for an unforgettable brand

    (01:31:20) Learn confidence

    (01:38:40) Writing vs telling a story

    (01:51:53) Teach kids to love writing

    (01:55:15) Define success

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    #201 April Dunford: Perfecting Your Product's Positioning

    #201 April Dunford: Perfecting Your Product's Positioning

    What if people aren’t buying your product or service because their idea of what it does is wrong?

    In this episode, Shane asks April Dunford to reveal all her secrets about what makes good and bad product positioning, how a startup should differ in its communications from a big company, and the difference between B2B and B2C positioning. Dunford also shares how a startup can better identify pain points their customers face, how to write the best sales page copy, and the best way to objectively evaluate a product’s positioning.

    If you’re an executive at a company, this episode will make you reflect on your current marketing and sales pipelines and ask, “Are we doing this right?” If you’re a designer, engineer, or marketer at a company, this episode will teach you the secrets to selling a product that will help get you promoted and earn trust within your organization.

    Dunford spent the first 25 years of her career as a startup executive running marketing, product, and sales teams positioning products acquired by companies like IBM and Siebel Systems. Since then, she’s worked with over 200 companies as a consultant, developing a system to better position technology products and companies. She studied Engineering at the University of Waterloo and is most recently the author of Sales Pitch.

    Watch the episode on YouTube: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://www.youtube.com/c/theknowledgeproject/videos⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

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    (00:00) Intro

    (02:07) Positioning, explained

    (16:47) Why is positioning important?

    (20:40) B2B vs. B2C positioning

    (29:03) When re-positioning a product failed

    (32:31) How to identify customer's pain points

    (34:35) How to position a product on a sales page

    (38:06) How technology has changed positioning

    (41:40) How to evaluate product positioning

    (45:43) Who's in charge of positioning at a company?

    (50:27) On storytelling

    (56:35) Should a company have a point of view on the market?

    (1:00:21) Dealing with gatekeepers in B2B marketing

    (1:03:02) Mistakes people make with positioning

    (1:05:21) What schools get wrong about marketing

    (1:08:59) Secrets of B2B decision-making

    (1:11:18) On success

    #200 Brian Halligan: Scaling Culture from Startup to IPO

    #200 Brian Halligan: Scaling Culture from Startup to IPO

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    This episode is a must-listen for entrepreneurs, CEOs, and anyone interested in the intersection of personal growth and professional success.

    Brian Halligan is currently a Senior Advisor at Sequoia Capital. In 2006, he co-founded HubSpot and served as its CEO until 2021. He is also a senior lecturer at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

    (00:00) Intro

    (02:36) Halligan's life-changing snowmobile accident

    (09:38) Shane's life-changing medical mystery

    (14:38) The different phases a CEO goes through while growing companies

    (20:44) Lessons learned from Steve Jobs

    (23:18) How to hire and fire people (and when)

    (27:55) The problems with "Best Practices" in business

    (31:11) The most underrated public CEOs (and why Jerry Garcia from The Grateful Dead is on this list)

    (43:38) The history and future of inbound marketing

    (51:08) On decision making

    (55:18) On work-life balance

    (58:28) On success

    Watch the episode on YouTube: ⁠⁠⁠⁠https://www.youtube.com/c/theknowledgeproject/videos⁠⁠⁠⁠

    Newsletter - I share timeless insights and ideas you can use at work and home. Join over 600k others every Sunday and subscribe to Brain Food. Try it: ⁠⁠⁠⁠https://fs.blog/newsletter/⁠⁠⁠⁠

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    #199 Esther Perel: Cultivating Desire (2019)

    #199 Esther Perel: Cultivating Desire (2019)

    Few episodes in The Knowledge Project’s nine-year history have impacted people’s relationships and lives more than when Esther Perel shared her infinite wisdom for the first time in 2019.

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    (00:00) Intro
    (02:38) Coming back to life after the war
    (08:09) The myth of stability
    (11:30) The power of reflections
    (19:48) Important conversations for early relationships
    (24:20) Can values change in relationships?
    (27:20) Being secure in a relationship
    (30:40) Better conversations with your partner
    (33:00) What's behind every criticism
    (36:52) Too much honesty
    (39:37) What happens if I don't love my partner
    (47:12) Why does good sex fade in relationships?
    (50:59) Love vs. desire
    (55:38) How to have difficult conversations with your partner
    (01:05:13) Conscious uncoupling

    Watch the episode on YouTube: ⁠⁠⁠https://www.youtube.com/c/theknowledgeproject/videos⁠⁠⁠

    Newsletter - I share timeless insights and ideas you can use at work and home. Join over 600k others every Sunday and subscribe to Brain Food. Try it: ⁠⁠⁠https://fs.blog/newsletter/⁠⁠⁠

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    #198 Maya Shankar: The Science of Identity

    #198 Maya Shankar: The Science of Identity

    Shane Parrish and Maya Shankar dive into the complexities of identity and personal transformation. They explore how significant life changes can reshape one's sense of self and explain how to navigate these transitions. Maya shares her personal stories and tips on making proactive choices and keeping a flexible, layered sense of self. They also discuss the psychological and philosophical aspects of identity, offering practical advice on goal-setting and personal growth.
    Maya Shankar is a cognitive scientist and the creator, executive producer, and host of the podcast, A Slight Change of Plans. Shankar was a Senior Advisor in the Obama White House, where she founded and served as Chair of the White House Behavioral Science Team. She holds a Ph.D. in Cognitive Psychology from Oxford and a B.A from Yale.

    (00:00) Intro

    (02:40) Shankar's "almost unbelievable" story of getting into Julliard

    (05:30) Why Shankar studied identity

    (11:38) What is identity?

    (14:52) Using your identity to accomplish your goals

    (18:00) Using anti-identities to accomplish your goals

    (18:51) What to do when your identity is "attacked"

    (26:30) How to re-establish trust in institutions

    (32:30) Use identity to start a positive habit

    (35:35) How to debunk myths with stories and facts

    (37:18) How does how we frame our goals help (or prevent) us from accomplishing them

    (43:11) The one motivational technique Shankar uses every day

    (45:15) On success

    Watch the episode on YouTube: ⁠⁠https://www.youtube.com/c/theknowledgeproject/videos⁠⁠

    Newsletter - I share timeless insights and ideas you can use at work and home. Join over 600k others every Sunday and subscribe to Brain Food. Try it: ⁠⁠https://fs.blog/newsletter/⁠⁠

    My Book! Clear Thinking: Turning Ordinary Moments into Extraordinary Results is out now - ⁠⁠https://fs.blog/clear/⁠⁠

    Follow me: ⁠⁠https://beacons.ai/shaneparrish⁠⁠

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    #197 Michaeleen Doucleff: TEAM Parenting

    #197 Michaeleen Doucleff: TEAM Parenting

    It's surprising how often we give our kids orders: "Do this!" "Don't do that!" But if we want to raise resilient and independent kids, is this the right approach? Michaeleen Doucleff argues there's a better way, and in this conversation, she explains why and shares practical strategies for solving the parenting "crisis" in the modern world.

    In this conversation, Doucleff reveals four parenting principles that will help foster resilience and independence in your kids while protecting and enhancing their emotional well-being. Shane and Doucleff discuss her observations on how different cultures approach parenting and how their practices can help alleviate the burdens we place on ourselves and our children. We also explore the role of technology and its impact on our parenting and our children's development and maturity.
    Michaeleen Doucleff is the author of Hunt, Gather, Parent. Her work has taken her all over the world to explore, observe, and learn from the parenting practices of various cultures. She is also a correspondent for NPR's Science Desk.

    (00:00) Intro

    (04:12) How (and why) we've lost our way as parents

    (08:02) The rise of the nuclear family

    (13:46) TEAM Parenting: T

    (17:20) TEAM Parenting: E

    (23:01) Why you don't need to praise your child

    (26:12) TEAM Parenting: A

    (36:42) TEAM Parenting: M

    (38:34) "Kids do not need to be entertained"

    (39:12) Technology, parenting, and transmitting values

    (1:02:59) Resources parents can use to educate kids about technology

    (1:04:50) How you can use the environment to give kids autonomy

    (1:09:56) Success and parenting

    Watch the episode on YouTube: ⁠https://www.youtube.com/c/theknowledgeproject/videos⁠

    Newsletter - I share timeless insights and ideas you can use at work and home. Join over 600k others every Sunday and subscribe to Brain Food. Try it: ⁠https://fs.blog/newsletter/⁠

    My Book! Clear Thinking: Turning Ordinary Moments into Extraordinary Results is out now - ⁠https://fs.blog/clear/⁠

    Follow me: ⁠https://beacons.ai/shaneparrish⁠

    Join our membership: ⁠https://fs.blog/membership/

    #196 Brent Beshore: Business Brilliance and Happiness at Home

    #196 Brent Beshore: Business Brilliance and Happiness at Home

    Succeeding in both life and business is very difficult. The skills needed to scale a company often clash with those required to cultivate a thriving home life. Yet, Brent Beshore seems to have cracked the code—or at least he's actively working on it. In this conversation, he spills his secrets on excelling in both arenas.

    This episode is split into two parts: the first 45 minutes covers life and how to be a better person. Brent opens up about the evolution of his marriage, physical health, and inner life.

    The rest of the episode focuses on business. Shane and Beshore discuss private equity, how to hire (and when to fire) CEOs, incentives, why debt isn’t a good thing in an unpredictable world, stewardship versus ownership, and why personality tests are so important for a functional organization.
    After beginning his career as an entrepreneur, Brent Beshore founded Permanent Equity in 2007 and leads the firm as CEO. He works with investors and operators to evaluate new investment opportunities.

    Watch the episode on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/theknowledgeproject/videos

    Newsletter - I share timeless insights and ideas you can use at work and home. Join over 600k others every Sunday and subscribe to Brain Food. Try it: https://fs.blog/newsletter/

    My Book! Clear Thinking: Turning Ordinary Moments into Extraordinary Results is out now - https://fs.blog/clear/

    Follow me: https://beacons.ai/shaneparrish

    Join our membership: https://fs.blog/membership/


    Shopify: Making commerce better for everyone. https://www.shopify.com/shane

    Protekt: Simple solutions to support healthy routines. Enter the code "Knowledge" at checkout to receive 30% off your order. https://protekt.com/knowledge

    (00:00) Intro

    (05:08) Why Brent examined his life

    (09:44) How Brent "fixed" his relationships

    (20:04) How helping hurts

    (32:13) How Brent was subtly controlling relationships

    (40:36) Why Brent stopped drinking (mostly)

    (50:29) How to run a business with love yet competitively

    (01:00:34) Win-win relationships

    (01:05:34) On debt

    (01:19:28) On incentives

    (01:29:08) How to hire and fire CEOs

    (01:34:18) What most people miss about hiring

    (01:44:19) Brent's playbook for taking over a company

    (01:51:20) On projections

    (01:55:52) Revisiting investments

    (01:58:44) How "hands-off" is Brent?

    (02:08:34) Where people go wrong in private equity

    (02:14:07) On success

    #195 Morgan Housel: Get Rich, Stay Rich

    #195 Morgan Housel: Get Rich, Stay Rich

    The skills it takes to get rich are drastically different from the skills it takes to stay rich. Few understand this phenomenon more than Morgan Housel. He's identified unique lessons about wealth, happiness, and money by studying the world's richest families and learning what they did to build their wealth and just how quickly they squandered it all.
    In this conversation, Shane and Housel discuss various aspects of risk-taking, wealth accumulation, and financial independence. Morgan explains the importance of understanding personal financial goals and the dangers of social comparison, lets everyone in on his personal financial “mistake” that instantly made him sleep better at night, and why the poorest people in the world disproportionately play the lottery—and why it makes sense that they do. They also touch on the influence of upbringing on financial behaviors, the difference between being rich and wealthy, and the critical role of compounding in financial success. Of course, we can’t have a writer as good as Morgan Housel on the podcast and not ask him about his process, so Housel concludes with insights into storytelling, his writing processes, and the importance of leading by example in teaching financial values to children.
    Morgan Housel is a partner at Collaborative Fund. Previously, he was an analyst at The Motley Fool. He is a two-time winner of the Best in Business Award from the Society of American Business Editors and Writers and was selected by the Columbia Journalism Review for the Best Business Writing anthology. He's the author of two books: The Psychology of Money and Same as Ever.
    Watch the episode on YouTube: ⁠https://www.youtube.com/c/theknowledgeproject/videos⁠

    Newsletter - I share timeless insights and ideas you can use at work and home. Join over 600k others every Sunday and subscribe to Brain Food. Try it: ⁠https://fs.blog/newsletter/⁠

    My Book! Clear Thinking: Turning Ordinary Moments into Extraordinary Results is out now - ⁠https://fs.blog/clear/⁠ 

    Follow me: ⁠https://beacons.ai/shaneparrish⁠

    Join our membership: ⁠https://fs.blog/membership/⁠


    Protekt: Simple solutions to support healthy routines. Enter the code "Knowledge" at checkout to receive 30% off your order. ⁠https://protekt.com/knowledge

    (00:00) Intro

    (04:46) Risk and income

    (07:40) On luck and skill

    (10:10) Buffett's secret strategy

    (12:28) The one trait you need to build wealth

    (16:20) Housel's capital allocation strategy

    (16:48) Index funds, explained

    (20:59) Expectations and moving goalposts

    (22:17) Your house: asset or liability?

    (27:39) Money lies we believe

    (32:12) How to avoid status games

    (35:04) Money rules from parents

    (40:15) Rich vs. wealthy

    (41:46) Housel's influential role models

    (42:48) Why are rich people miserable?

    (45:59) How success sows the seeds of average performance

    (49:50) On risk

    (50:59) Making money, spending money, saving money

    (52:50) How the Vanderbilt's squandered their wealth

    (1:04:11) How to manage your expectations

    (01:06:26) How to talk to kids about money

    (01:09:52) The biggest risk to capitalism

    (01:13:56) The magic of compounding

    (01:16:18) How Morgan reads

    (01:22:42) How to tell the best story

    (01:24:42) How Morgan writes

    (01:35:42) Parting wisdom and thoughts on success

    #194 Abigail Shrier: The Parent-Therapy Trap

    #194 Abigail Shrier: The Parent-Therapy Trap
    Over the last decade, therapy has become the de facto solution to solve all sorts of problems for all sorts of people. Everyone has slowly accepted that therapy is normal and a net benefit to society.

    But instead of helping kids work through difficult circumstances, what if it's just making the problems worse? That's what Abigail Shrier thinks is happening, and in this conversation, she reveals some surprising reasons why.

    Shane and Shrier discuss the real reason therapy is "bad," how we got to this point of acceptance as a culture, and what you can do as a parent to get back to normalcy. Shrier also shares her experiences with lifelong therapy patients, who should actually be in therapy, and the one thing that makes someone a successful parent.

    Watch the episode on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/theknowledgeproject/videos

    Newsletter - I share timeless insights and ideas you can use at work and home. Join over 600k others every Sunday and subscribe to Brain Food. Try it: https://fs.blog/newsletter/

    My Book! Clear Thinking: Turning Ordinary Moments into Extraordinary Results is out now - https://fs.blog/clear/ 

    Follow me: https://beacons.ai/shaneparrish

    Join our membership: https://fs.blog/membership/


    Shopify: Making commerce better for everyone. https://www.shopify.com/shane

    Protekt: Simple solutions to support healthy routines. Enter the code "Knowledge" at checkout to receive 30% off your order. https://protekt.com/knowledge

    (00:00) Intro
    (05:44) Inverse: How do we raise mentally unstable kids?
    (08:29) How we got to now
    (11:45) Bad therapy...or just social trends?
    (13:21) Being your kids' friend: good or bad?
    (15:55) The parenting type that raises the BEST kids
    (21:35) Is this all the parents' fault?
    (29:53) Is "Bad Therapy" a world-wide problem?
    (32:57) Talk to your kids' therapist about these things
    (42:09) The importance of facing adversity in childhood
    (47:06) Can we blame grad schools for all of this?
    (49:14) On technology and social media
    (51:03) Schools should "never" have gotten involved in mental health
    (54:43) Did COVID accelerate "bad therapy?"
    (56:07) How to return to normalcy
    (58:21) Why Shane shares negative YouTube comments with his kids
    (01:01:23) Shrier's experience being "cancelled"
    (01:04:13) On prestige media
    (01:07:47) Small steps parents can take to return to normal
    (01:11:02) Dealing with schools saying one thing and parents saying another
    (01:13:32) Why is the silent majority...silent?
    (01:16:32) If this continues, what happens?
    (01:18:19) What makes someone a successful parent?

    #193: Dr. Jim Loehr: Change the Stories You Tell Yourself

    #193: Dr. Jim Loehr: Change the Stories You Tell Yourself

    What if reaching the next level of success wasn't determined by another skill, degree, or course but by something that changed on the inside?

    That's what Dr. Jim Loehr believes, and in this episode, he reveals everything he knows about mental toughness and winning the mind game. Shane and Loehr discuss the radical importance of the stories you tell yourself—including how they can damage your kids—and how to change the negative stories you believe. Loehr also shares the best reflection questions to ask yourself to reveal personal blindspots, the importance of rituals for calming anxiety and performing under pressure, and how the best in the world use their recovery time effectively.

    Dr. Jim Loehr is a world-renowned performance psychologist and author of 16 books. From his more than 30 years of experience and applied research, Dr. Loehr believes the single most important factor in successful achievement, personal fulfillment, and life satisfaction is the strength of one’s character. Dr. Loehr possesses a masters and doctorate in psychology and is a full member of the American Psychological Association.

    Watch the episode on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/theknowledgeproject/videos

    Newsletter - I share timeless insights and ideas you can use at work and home. Join over 600k others every Sunday and subscribe to Brain Food. Try it: https://fs.blog/newsletter/

    My Book! Clear Thinking: Turning Ordinary Moments into Extraordinary Results is out now - https://fs.blog/clear/ 

    Follow me: https://beacons.ai/shaneparrish

    Join our membership: https://fs.blog/membership/


    Protekt: Simple solutions to support healthy routines. Enter the code "Knowledge" at checkout to receive 30% off your order. https://protekt.com/knowledge


    (00:00) Intro

    (03:20) Parenting and storytelling

    (06:15) How to determine whether or not the stories are limiting or enabling you

    (08:41) What the stories world-class performers tell themselves

    (15:02) How to change the stories you tell yourself

    (23:26) Questions to journal about

    (26:16) Private voices vs. public voices (and how they impact your kids)

    (31:32) How to help your friends change their stories

    (37:30) How to better come alongside your kids to prevent destructive behavior

    (44:48) - (45:06) What Loehr knows about high performers that others miss

    (53:12) On time and energy

    (01:06:26) Conquering the "between point" ritual

    (01:11:50) On rituals vs. habits

    (01:15:54) How to increase your mental toughness

    (01:23:51) On success



    Related Episodes

    How to Live a Turned On Life w/ Dr. Justin Moseley + David Norrie

    How to Live a Turned On Life w/ Dr. Justin Moseley + David Norrie

    Today Dr. Justin Moseley is talking with David Norrie on How to Live a Turned On Life.  This interview is from “The Power of Mindset Summit” that Dr. Justin hosted.


    David Norrie is a 25 year veteran journalist with experience in magazine, newspaper, television and social media. He is a best selling author and co-host of the Turned On Podcast.


    My Top Takeaways From The Episode:


    • David is passionate about helping people live a "turned on life," one defined as being passionate and finding joy in life. 

    • One key characteristic of living a turned on life is being present, both with family and in one's work. 

    • To live a more "turned on" life people must ask themselves what brings them alive and find ways to implement that passion into their daily lives and work. 

    • People should avoid turning to money or material things as emotional fixes for life's challenges as these are fleeting solutions. 

    • As people get older they can take advantage of experience to leave behind things that no longer serve them, allowing them to find more fulfilling occupations.

    • Dr. Justin Moseley discussed with a guest the importance of taking risks to reach the next level of success, but also trusting in God's plan. 

    • Be your own best cheerleader.  Nobody will want your business to succeed more than you do.

    • Take a moment at the end of the day to celebrate your accomplishments, both big and small. 

    • In order to start living a turned on life, one must take an honest assessment of where they are in life, recognize one’s gifts and talents, and find the momentum needed to make a change. 

    • David reminds people to stay resilient during difficult times, keep faith in God and surround themselves with like-minded individuals. 

    • Interested individuals can find more information about David Norrie’s work at https://turnedon.com/

    Connect with Dr. Justin Moseley:

        •    Website :https://drjustinmoseley.com/

        •    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drjustinmoseley/

        •    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DrJustinMoseley


    Join Dr. Justin Moseley's Free Facebook Group:




    Watch Dr. Justin Moseley’s TEDx talk: https://bit.ly/DrJustinTEDx


    Check out lots of Free Resources at:



    Dr. Justin Moseley’s Free Rewired Guidebook- 24 Questions to help your rewire your subconscious mind to attract success and happiness into your life:



    Dr. Justin Moseley’s Free Life Purpose Meditation: 



    Dr. Justin Moseley’s Free Baseball Technique that helps you prime your subconscious mind so that you can achieve your desired results 3-5x faster:



    Interested in joining a Mastermind Group?  Check out Dr. Justin Moseley’s MindShift Mastermind:


    If you enjoyed listening then please take a second to rate the show on Apple Podcasts.  Every podcaster will tell you that Apple Podcast reviews drive listeners to our shows so please let me know what you thought and make sure you subscribe using your favorite podcast player. It means a lot to me and to the guests.

    659 Does the Shoe Fit?

    659 Does the Shoe Fit?

    Your thoughts are your internal gems. Thoughts can either help you or hurt you. Which does the shoe fit?

    The games we play in our heads can destroy who we are. In fact, it can confuse us to the point of losing focus of who we are, where we are headed, and what step do we take next in life.

    Desire to be supported and encourage by other like-minded women? Join us at Women of IMPACT. http://facebook.com/groups/thewomenofimpact   

    I want to ask you a strange question... How are you playing with your thoughts? Are you playing with sand that makes you smile? Or are you choosing to play mean and dirty?

    Does the shoe fit?

    Fall and Winter is a great time to make changes in life, especially personal ones. You are limited to what you can do in nature (outside), which gives more time for you on the inside, both inside your home and inside yourself.

    My concern is too many of us are complacent and really don't work towards the change for the better. We let others influence us to the point of adopting their thoughts as our own.

    Then what happens is we become our own drama queen in our mind. We play with the ideas and they become more of a reality. Our thoughts actually become our own worst enemy.

    Does the shoe fit? Are you struggling with the rabbit holes of insecurities, what ifs, and disbeliefs?

    As women, we hat the tendency to over analyze to the point of reasoning what we know isn't true.

    Think about Cinderella and how she had a not so great life. Her step sisters were mean. But for some reason, she always chose to do the right thing, even if it meant not going to the ball to meet the Prince.

    "Her thoughts were minded by the goodness within herself."

    Now we all know how it ended, happily ever after. If I was to speak with your Cinderella, would you be the one in the magical fairytale or the grumpy step sister?

    Does the shoe fit? 

    "Our thoughts are our minds commodity."

    The K.I.S.S. ~ Seize Your Thoughts!

    1. Be watchful of the soap operas in your head.
    2. Keep the drama at bay far away.
    3. Don't adopy others' influences as your own.

    "Our thoughts can make us a better woman or a bitter woman."

    1 Peter 1:13  "Therefore, preparing your minds for action, and being sober-minded, set your hope fully on the grace that will be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ."

    "One step at a time leads to miles of greatness."


    Ready to see if coaching and a mentorship is for you? It's time you TAKE A.I.M. ~ Action Ignites Motivation. This is FREE for you. Stop trying to do it by yourself. Invest in YOU! You are worth the time!!!


    ANNOUNCEMENT: Ready to shine your light and tell your story. Please click on MY STRENGTH IS MY STORY. Here you can submit yourself to appear on the podcast or make recommendations as who you would like to hear. This is going to be a beautiful series!


    TAKE A.I.M. ~ Action Ignites Motivation  - This is a complimentary coaching call with me. You will be able to discuss your specific situation and gain tools and strategies to move you forward.

    Live. Love. IMPACT!  

    "One step at a time leads to miles of greatness!"

    Subscribe to Create Your Now TV on YouTube.

    Wanting help with goals, setting your schedule, or need someone to talk to (even if you don't know what you need)? It's time you TAKE A.I.M. ~ Action Ignites Motivation. This is FREE for you. Stop trying to do it by yourself. Put YOU first! Become your best selfie so you can live your life's purpose.


    ANNOUNCEMENT: Ready to shine your light and tell your story. Please click on MY STRENGTH IS MY STORY. Here you can submit yourself to appear on the podcast or make recommendations as who you would like to hear. This is going to be a beautiful series!


    Subscribe to Create Your Now TV on YouTube.

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    The Create Your Now Archives are LIVE!! You can subscribe and listen to all the previous episodes here.  http://bit.ly/CYNarchive1 and http://bit.ly/CYNarchive2 and http://bit.ly/CYNarchive3



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    Contact me at YourBestSelfie@CreateYourNow.com

    Read more from Kristianne, a contributor to The Huffington Post, MindBodyGreen, Thrive Global, Addicted2Succes, and She Owns It.







    DOMESTIC BEAUTIES (Announcements)

    1. Come and let's connect on Facebook - Women Of IMPACT  http://facebook.com/groups/thewomenofimpact

    2. Create Your Now ~ Your Best Selfie can be heard on iHeart Radio

    3. Create Your Now Archive 1 is LIVE! You can subscribe and listen to all the previous episodes here. http://bit.ly/CYNarchive1

    4. Create Your Now Archive 2 is LIVE! You can subscribe and listen to all the previous episodes here. http://bit.ly/CYNarchive2

    5. Create Your Now Archive 3 is LIVE! You can subscribe and listen to all the previous episodes here. http://bit.ly/CYNarchive3

    6. NEW Website! Go check it out and tell me what you think. http://www.createyournow.com

    7. Sign Up for The A.I.M. Academy! You will be the first to learn all about it. http://createyournow.com/m-academy-2

    8. Schedule a Discovery Call. This is a free 30-45 minute call for those serious about coaching with me.

    9. Newsletter and Library: If you desire to get weekly emails,be sure to sign up here so you can stay connected. http://createyournow.com/library


    Music by Mandisa - Overcomer



    Cover Art by Jenny Hamson

    9: Dr. Tabitha Kirkland on Happiness

    9: Dr. Tabitha Kirkland on Happiness

    My guest on this episode is Dr. Tabitha Kirkland, a lecturer in  psychology at the University of Washington where she teaches a course called Happiness. We discuss happiness and a variety of practices that help increase one's happiness including mindfulness, journaling, gratitude letters, counting blessings and a few others.

    We talk about the apps Headspace and 10% Happier, and the book "The Charisma Myth" by Olivia Fox Cabane. 

    This episode is made possible by a Compassion and Resilience Seed Grant from the Resilience Lab. http://webster.uaa.washington.edu/resilience/

    #51: Lessons From A Legends Life Lost

    #51:  Lessons From A Legends Life Lost

    David talks about a few lessons learned from the sudden death of Calvin Riley, a player he coached as a part of the 2016 Menlo Park Legends collegiate team. Click here https://www.gofundme.com/27ch3rek to support Cal Riley Funeral Fund. This go fund me account is to help Calvin's parents put him to rest with respect, dignity, and honor that he deserves. ———————————————— A Legends Life: To keep up on the latest guest and news, sign up for our newsletter: http://eepurl.com/bKfvHP Facebook: www.facebook.com/alegendslife Instagram: @legendslifeshow @mplegends Twitter: @legendslifeshow @mplegends Keywords: relationships, health, nutrition, exercise, mindfulness, meditate, meditation, mindfulness, productivity, success, happiness, bio-hacking, gratitude, leadership, love, greatness, community, baseball, coach, coaching, manage, managing, relax, relaxing, family, stress management, CEO, friend, athlete, lifestyle, sports, preparation, david klein, entrepreneur, slump, life

    674 It's Not About the Destination

    674 It's Not About the Destination

    When you have a healthy and victorious mindset, it's not about the destination. You might be thinking it's all about the journey. But the time has come for a twist!

    Even if you were to get to all your destinations, your victory would be in the little things, the small things along the way.

    Desire to be supported and encourage by other like-minded women? Join us at Women of IMPACT. http://facebook.com/groups/thewomenofimpact   

    Helen Keller once told the Tennessee legislature that when she was young, she had longed to do great things and simply could not. So she decided to do small things in a great way.

    It's the little things that count. All those single steps in your long journey that brought you to where you are now.

    But it doesn't stop there. Everytime we get to where we want to go, we decide to go somewhere else; new dreams, new aspirations.

    "Nothing you do in your life should be a waste of time. Each moment, each obstacle is the opportunity to master greatness."

    It's not about the destination.

    "It's simply what you're doing in the moment you're doing it to create your now."

    How can you do the little things in a great way?

    The K.I.S.S. ~ Leave mediocrity and take A.I.M. in a GREAT way!

    • Each step you perform to the best of your ability, your great way.

    Here's The Mindset Boxing Match: The Mediocre Way vs. The Great Way! (DOWNLOAD)

    Challenge: Make a list of your "current way" and see if you can create your great way. Use the above to write yours too.

    "One step at a time leads to miles of greatness!"

    Ready to see if coaching and a mentorship is for you? It's time you TAKE A.I.M. ~ Action Ignites Motivation. This is FREE for you. Stop trying to do it by yourself. Invest in YOU! You are worth the time!!!


    ANNOUNCEMENT: Ready to shine your light and tell your story. Please click on MY STRENGTH IS MY STORY. Here you can submit yourself to appear on the podcast or make recommendations as who you would like to hear. This is going to be a beautiful series!


    TAKE A.I.M. ~ Action Ignites Motivation  - This is a complimentary coaching call with me. You will be able to discuss your specific situation and gain tools and strategies to move you forward.

    Live. Love. IMPACT!  

    "One step at a time leads to miles of greatness!"

    Subscribe to Create Your Now TV on YouTube.

    Wanting help with goals, setting your schedule, or need someone to talk to (even if you don't know what you need)? It's time you TAKE A.I.M. ~ Action Ignites Motivation. This is FREE for you. Stop trying to do it by yourself. Put YOU first! Become your best selfie so you can live your life's purpose.


    ANNOUNCEMENT: Ready to shine your light and tell your story. Please click on MY STRENGTH IS MY STORY. Here you can submit yourself to appear on the podcast or make recommendations as who you would like to hear. This is going to be a beautiful series!


    Subscribe to Create Your Now TV on YouTube.

    Listen to Create Your Now on iHeart Radio. Click here.

    The Create Your Now Archives are LIVE!! You can subscribe and listen to all the previous episodes here.  http://bit.ly/CYNarchive1 and http://bit.ly/CYNarchive2 and http://bit.ly/CYNarchive3



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    Contact me at YourBestSelfie@CreateYourNow.com

    Read more from Kristianne, a contributor to The Huffington Post, MindBodyGreen, Thrive Global, Addicted2Succes, and She Owns It.







    DOMESTIC BEAUTIES (Announcements)

    1. Come and let's connect on Facebook - Women Of IMPACT  http://facebook.com/groups/thewomenofimpact

    2. Create Your Now ~ Your Best Selfie can be heard on iHeart Radio

    3. Create Your Now Archive 1 is LIVE! You can subscribe and listen to all the previous episodes here. http://bit.ly/CYNarchive1

    4. Create Your Now Archive 2 is LIVE! You can subscribe and listen to all the previous episodes here. http://bit.ly/CYNarchive2

    5. Create Your Now Archive 3 is LIVE! You can subscribe and listen to all the previous episodes here. http://bit.ly/CYNarchive3

    6. NEW Website! Go check it out and tell me what you think. http://www.createyournow.com

    7. Sign Up for The A.I.M. Academy! You will be the first to learn all about it. http://createyournow.com/m-academy-2

    8. Schedule a Discovery Call. This is a free 30-45 minute call for those serious about coaching with me.

    9. Newsletter and Library: If you desire to get weekly emails,be sure to sign up here so you can stay connected. http://createyournow.com/library


    Music by Mandisa - Overcomer



    Cover Art by Jenny Hamson