
    #76 Erik Prince - 6 Enemies of Big Government, Combating Cartels and the Ukraine War | Part 1

    en-usSeptember 25, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Bakers saves customers over $500 per week with digital coupons, fuel points, and Boost membershipsBakers offers substantial savings through digital coupons, fuel points, and Boost memberships, enabling customers to save over $500 per week.

      Bakers offers significant savings and rewards to customers through digital coupons, fuel points, and Boost memberships, allowing shoppers to save over $500 per week. Eric Prince, a former Navy SEAL and CEO of Blackwater, discussed his views on the current political climate and the potential presidential candidates for 2024, expressing his support for a Trump comeback but expressing concerns about cabinet appointments. While Trump has faced opposition, his determination to challenge the political elite highlights his commitment to the country. The ability of potential candidates like Ron DeSantis and Vivek Ramaswami to withstand media scrutiny remains uncertain.

    • The regulatory state's power and the need for reformThe regulatory state's excessive power, driven by unaccountable bureaucracy and civil service laws, leads to an unchecked growth of regulations. Reining in this state, reforming civil service laws, and cutting government spending are crucial steps to restore competitiveness and reduce its power.

      The regulatory state has grown too powerful, leading to an unaccountable bureaucracy that writes laws with the force of felonies. This issue, which started gaining momentum in 1984 with a Supreme Court case, has led to an excessive number of regulations across various aspects of life. The most important step for the president is to rein in this regulatory state and reform civil service laws to make federal employees accountable. Additionally, closing off the money supply to these regulations is crucial to reducing their power. The current debt of over $30 trillion underscores the importance of spending less on government to achieve less stupid government. The administrative state's growth might be driven by a desire for total control, and it's essential to restore competitiveness across American industries. A recommended read on this topic is "The Myth of Capitalism" by Jonathan Tepper.

    • The concentration of power among a few large corporations is a significant problem in AmericaThe consolidation of power in various industries since the 1980s has led to higher prices, fewer public companies, and a shrinking middle class. Regulations have favored large businesses, making it hard for small ones to survive. Support local businesses and boycott offensive companies.

      The lack of competition in various industries in America is a significant problem leading to increased concentration of power among a few large corporations. This consolidation has been occurring since the 1980s and can be seen in sectors like airlines, banking, agriculture, insurance, and more. The result is higher prices for consumers, fewer public companies, and a shrinking middle class. Regulations intended to protect consumers have instead given an advantage to large businesses, making it difficult for small businesses to survive. This trend is concerning as it threatens the American economy's health and the dream of a strong middle class. The consolidation extends beyond what meets the eye, with many brands being owned by a few large corporations. For example, 80-90% of the beer in America is produced by two companies. Consumers can make a difference by supporting local businesses and boycotting companies that engage in offensive practices. Another pressing issue is the southern border crisis, with approximately 100,000 deaths a year from fentanyl overdoses, and China playing a role in the production and supply of fentanyl to the cartels. The situation calls for immediate action to secure the border and protect American lives.

    • Chinese involvement in Mexican drug cartelsTo combat Mexican drug cartels effectively, efforts should focus on addressing the root cause in China through covert actions and diplomatic measures.

      The issue of drug cartels in Mexico and the United States runs deeper than just addressing the cartels themselves. The Chinese Communist Party is reportedly involved in the production and distribution of precursor chemicals used to manufacture drugs, and they are even intervening in Mexican politics to support leftist candidates who are less likely to take a firm stance against the cartels. Therefore, to effectively combat this problem, efforts should focus on addressing the root cause in China rather than just targeting the cartels. This may involve covert actions and diplomatic measures to put pressure on the Chinese government to address the issue. Additionally, the global economic instability and potential shifts in international alliances may add complexity to this issue.

    • Preparing for Financial Challenges with Precious MetalsPartnering with Goldco can help protect your financial assets with precious metals, while understanding historical context and considering nuanced approaches can inform effective policy decisions regarding drug demand and geopolitical challenges.

      While it's impossible to predict the future with certainty, it's important to be prepared for potential challenges, particularly when it comes to protecting your financial assets. That's why partnering with a company like Goldco can help you defend your money with precious metals. Another important issue discussed was the complex relationship between drug demand in the US and its impact on Mexico, as well as potential strategies for dealing with cartels and other geopolitical challenges, such as China's economic influence. Ultimately, understanding historical context and considering nuanced approaches can help inform effective policy decisions.

    • Singapore's Economic Transformation vs China's InfiltrationSingapore's economic development under Lee Kuan Yew transformed a small fishing village into a global powerhouse. China's economic growth under Deng Xiaoping was accompanied by infiltration of Western institutions, universities, and businesses through funding, intellectual property theft, and propaganda.

      The economic development of Singapore after World War II, led by Lee Kuan Yew, transformed a small fishing village into a global economic powerhouse despite its lack of natural resources. Meanwhile, China, under Deng Xiaoping in the late 70s and 80s, opened up to capitalism while retaining its communist ideology. This led to significant economic growth, but also resulted in China's infiltration of Western institutions, universities, and businesses through funding, intellectual property theft, and propaganda. The Chinese Communist Party's influence extends to Confucius Institutes and the United Front Work Department, which promote Chinese propaganda and place agents in American universities and companies. Despite this, there is a fear of addressing this issue due to concerns over racism. The Soviet Union's intentions were clear during the Cold War, but China's infiltration is more subtle and insidious, making it a significant threat that requires more attention and action.

    • Missing opportunities for local development in AfghanistanThe U.S. should focus on building local value and infrastructure instead of military intervention and foreign aid to reduce dependence on foreign sources and create jobs for locals.

      The U.S. needs to prioritize building local value and infrastructure over military intervention and sending money from Washington. This was highlighted in the discussion about Afghanistan, where the U.S. missed the opportunity to develop resources like lithium and oil fields, which would have reduced dependence on foreign sources and provided jobs for locals. Instead, the U.S. relied on expensive imports and overempowered corrupt leaders, allowing China to secure resources and operate mines. The Chinese spying incidents in the U.S. military and the escalating tensions with China underscore the importance of being diligent in counterintelligence and prioritizing domestic development. The East India Company model, which emphasizes creating functioning workshops and building value locally, could serve as a useful guide for the U.S. in this regard.

    • Economic foundations for military strategy and societal developmentClearly defining property rights, business licenses, and contract enforcements are essential for economic growth and societal stability.

      Understanding the foundational elements of a functioning economy is crucial for effective military strategy and societal development. Economist Hernando DeSoto highlighted this through his experience in Peru, where the lack of clear land titles, business licenses, and contract enforcements kept people in poverty and fueled insurgencies. DeSoto's solution – providing clear property rights – led to economic growth and the suppression of the insurgency. This principle can be applied to the Sahel region and other collapsing states. America's success lies in the existence of these basic infrastructure elements, which enable individuals to start businesses, enter into contracts, and access banking services. Neglecting or undermining these foundations can hinder economic progress and suppress the little guy trying to climb the ladder.

    • Egypt's lack of clear property rights hindered economic growthEffective property rights and regulatory systems are crucial for economic mobility and growth. Overreach of regulatory state and corporate consolidation can hinder progress.

      The lack of clearly defined private property rights and efficient regulatory systems can significantly hinder economic growth and keep people trapped in poverty. This was highlighted in the case of Egypt, where the lengthy and corrupt licensing process for starting a business and the lack of ability to own and sell property were identified as major issues. Contrastingly, the strong focus on private property rights and commercial code in America has historically allowed even the poorest individuals to climb the economic ladder through hard work and savings. However, income disparities and inflation in America today can be attributed to the overreach of the regulatory state and the consolidation of power in big business. The historical examples of robber barons like Rockefeller and Vanderbilt serve as cautionary tales against the dangers of unchecked corporate power.

    • The Concentration of Power in Few Corporations Can Lead to Economic Instability and AuthoritarianismThe concentration of power in a few large corporations can lead to economic instability, individual liberty loss, and political freedom threats. Antitrust enforcement is crucial to prevent this, but its relaxation can result in industry consolidation and easier government control.

      The concentration of power in a few large corporations, or cartels, can have detrimental effects on economic stability, individual liberty, and political freedom. This was evident during the late 1800s and early 1900s in the United States, when income disparities grew as these industries consolidated and dictated terms to the government. The situation worsened in Germany during the 1920s, leading to hyperinflation and the rise of Adolf Hitler. Antitrust enforcement, which broke up these large industries, was effective in improving wages and normalizing costs during the 1930s to 1970s. However, the relaxation of antitrust enforcement in the 1980s, as advocated by Judge Bork, led to the consolidation of industries and made them easier for governments to control. The US Army's denazification, demilitarization, and decartelization efforts in post-World War II Germany serve as a reminder of the importance of individual entrepreneurship and private ownership in preventing the rise of authoritarian regimes. Today, it's crucial to promote these values and challenge the perception that there are many competitors in the market when, in reality, the number may be fewer than perceived. The potential loss of private property ownership is a serious concern and could lead to civil unrest.

    • Individual homeownership vs renting and government's roleGovernments should ensure equal treatment under the law in housing market to prevent large corporations from buying up properties and individuals from being disadvantaged by low interest rates.

      Individual homeownership is preferable to renting, especially in the face of large corporations buying up properties and turning them into rentals. This issue should be addressed by governments to prevent the advantage going to big borrowers, who benefit the most from low interest rates. The role of government is to ensure individual liberty and equal treatment under the law, not skewed treatment based on wealth or political access. Another topic discussed was the involvement of the US in the Ukraine-Russia conflict and Putin's motivations. Putin, as a traditionally trained KGB officer, sees the West's expansion towards his border as a threat, given Russia's proud history and the broken promises made during the collapse of the Soviet Union. The resilience of the Russian people during World War II should not be overlooked, as 22 million Soviet citizens died defeating the Nazis, compared to the 400,000 Americans who died in the same war.

    • Historical context of US-Russia relationship and UkraineThe US-Russia relationship's historical context, including WWII sacrifices, and current tensions stem from perceived US provocations, lack of serious diplomacy, and shrinking American industrial base.

      The historical context of the US-Russia relationship, particularly regarding Ukraine, can be traced back to World War II and the heavy sacrifices made by the Soviet Union in defeating national socialism. The current tensions between the two nations can be attributed to perceived unnecessarily provocative actions by the US, such as expanding NATO and flying military planes near Russian borders. The lack of seriousness in Washington's diplomacy, sending unserious representatives to negotiate with Russia, has further fueled the conflict. Additionally, the shrinking American industrial base and reliance on foreign supply chains for military equipment raise questions about the US's ability to support allies and engage in future conflicts. Ultimately, understanding the historical context and the current state of industrial capabilities is crucial to comprehending the significance of the Ukraine situation and the broader US-Russia relationship.

    • Modern Warfare: Agile, Small, and MobilePrecision strikes and unmanned weapons require military forces to be agile, small, and mobile. Traditional large units and command centers are at risk. AI, robotics, and small weapons also impact the battlefield. Intelligence and preparation are crucial.

      The nature of warfare has evolved significantly, with precision strike capabilities and unmanned weapons making any identifiable target vulnerable to immediate destruction. This shift requires military forces to be agile, small, and mobile. Traditional large, heavily armored units and command centers are at risk, as they can be targeted from long ranges using various types of weapons. The use of AI and robotics is also driving the trend towards unmanned weapons. However, the success of conventional warfare strategies, such as those employed by the Russians in the past, still poses a significant challenge. The Ukrainian conflict serves as a reminder that even small, seemingly insignificant weapons, like cardboard drones, can have significant effects on the battlefield. Additionally, the heavy reliance on logistics and air power for maneuver warfare has been limited in the Ukraine theater due to the abundance of missiles, making it a dangerous and unfriendly environment for large-scale offensives. The hubris displayed by Putin and the Russians before their invasion of Ukraine highlights the importance of accurate intelligence and preparation in modern warfare.

    • Russia-Ukraine Conflict: Weather, Geopolitics and Putin's ChallengesDespite military capabilities, Russia-Ukraine conflict influenced by weather, geopolitics and Putin's domestic pressures. Ongoing war causes significant casualties and not in West's strategic interest. Constructive relationship, trade and diplomacy beneficial for all parties, but tensions and accusations complicate resolution.

      The ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine is influenced by various factors beyond just military capabilities, including weather conditions and geopolitical considerations. Putin's invasion did not go as planned due to faulty intelligence and the challenges of the mud season. The war is causing significant casualties on both sides and is not in the strategic interest of the West to continue indefinitely. The situation is uncomfortable for Putin, who faces domestic pressures and an upcoming election. A more constructive relationship between Russia and the West, including trade and diplomacy, could be beneficial for all parties. However, the ongoing tensions and accusations, such as those related to biolabs and money laundering, complicate efforts to find a peaceful resolution.

    • Defense industry consolidation and cost-plus contracts lead to inefficiencies and high costsThe defense industry's consolidation and reliance on cost-plus contracts have resulted in inefficiencies, high costs, and slow production in military procurement, with major contractors facing significant overheads.

      The consolidation of the defense industry and the reliance on cost-plus contracts have led to inefficiencies, high costs, and slow production in the military procurement process. The Ukrainian sale of Motor Sich is an example of this, as well as the challenges faced by private military companies like Blackwater in competing with large defense contractors. The five major defense contractors, Boeing, Northrop, Raytheon, General Dynamics, Lockheed, and Lockheed Martin, have significant overheads due to cost-plus contracts, which incentivizes them to spend more. The Obama and Trump State Departments' interference in business deals also hindered progress. The existence of black budget programs and the development of advanced technologies within these companies are plausible, but the extent and nature of these programs remain unknown.

    • Special operations shaping historyPeople united by a common cause can overcome seemingly impossible challenges, as demonstrated in America's past civil war and subsequent reunification, and special operations have played a significant role in shaping history.

      History is filled with remarkable individuals and teams who, with determination and resources, have shaped the course of nations. From ancient times to the present day, special operations have played a pivotal role in shaping history. Meanwhile, the competition between different governance models, such as individualist capitalist versus authoritarian, continues to shape the world today. America's unique advantages, including its navigable rivers, arable land, and two non-hostile borders, make it a formidable player in this global contest. Despite seemingly insurmountable differences, history shows that people united by a common cause can overcome seemingly impossible challenges, as evidenced by America's past civil war and subsequent reunification.

    • The complex history of private securityFrom labor disputes with deadly consequences to the emergence of high-risk groups like the Wagner Group, private security has a long and intricate history involving geopolitical conflicts and violent situations.

      The history of private security involves significant challenges, such as labor disputes leading to violent situations with the use of Gatling guns at the New York Times headquarters. However, political actions like antitrust enforcement and regulations have helped mitigate these issues. Regarding the Wagner Group, the speaker was approached to establish it in 2011 during a time of supposed Russian-American reconciliation. The group, known for its high-risk tactics, had a preference for American weapons and had conducted numerous missions inside Russia. Despite their effectiveness, the speaker noted their lack of mobility and left without engaging further. The Wagner Group later emerged as a significant force in Russia's interventions in Ukraine and Syria due to its smaller footprint approach. The speaker expressed frustration that the group was later employed by the Central African Republic government to quell violent factions in the country. Overall, the discussion highlights the complex and often violent history of private security and its role in geopolitical conflicts.

    • Russian private military company, Wagner Group, expanding influence in AfricaThe Wagner Group, a Russian private military company, is exploiting political instability and weak governance in Africa, expanding its influence through various activities and taking advantage of the lack of consequences from the West and failure of governments to provide basic needs for their people.

      The Wagner Group, a Russian private military company, has been expanding its influence in Africa, taking advantage of political instability and weak governance. They have been involved in various activities, from security and mining to political messaging and social media manipulation. Their presence has been fueled by the lack of consequences from the West and the failure of governments in providing basic needs for their people. This has created a power vacuum that the Wagner Group has been quick to exploit. Their success in Central African Republic is just one example of their growing influence in the continent. This trend is concerning as it could lead to further instability and conflict in Africa. It's important for the international community to take notice and take action to prevent the Wagner Group from expanding its reach.

    • Instability in Sahel leads to Jihadi empowermentThe Sahel's instability fuels Jihadi groups' self-funding activities and potential unification, threatening fragile states. Address it with credible security and economic development.

      The instability in the Sahel region of Africa, despite the good intentions of vaccination programs, has led to a surge in population and a lack of opportunities for employment and education. This has resulted in the empowerment of Jihadi organizations through self-funding activities like mining, kidnapping, and extortion. If these groups unite under a strong leader, they could pose a significant threat to the already fragile states in the region. To address this issue, it's crucial to establish credible security and provide people with the means to improve their lives through property rights and economic development. The history of the East India Company offers a potential solution, as it demonstrated the benefits of employing locals and building out infrastructure to end famines, stop warlordism, and prevent practices like wife burning.

    • Respecting traditions with moral boundariesLeaders must balance respecting cultural traditions with addressing harmful practices, making tough decisions, and standing firm on moral principles.

      Respecting cultural traditions is important, but there are lines that should not be crossed. The story of Charles Napier in India illustrates this, as he put a stop to the harmful practice of sati while also respecting the locals' traditions. Conversely, failing to address harmful practices, such as Batchabazzi in Afghanistan, can result in missed opportunities and lost trust from the local population. Ulysses S. Grant's story serves as an example of a leader who rose from failure to become a victorious military leader and eventual President, despite facing personal struggles. Both stories highlight the importance of standing firm on moral principles and making tough decisions, even in the face of adversity.

    • Perseverance and efficient managementPersevering through adversity can lead to success and positive impact. Efficient management and minimizing waste are crucial in military operations.

      Perseverance and determination, even in the face of great adversity, can lead to success and making a positive impact, as demonstrated by Ulysses S. Grant's completion of his memoirs before his death, which became a national bestseller and provided for his family. Another key takeaway is the importance of efficient management and minimizing waste in military operations. The military's view of manpower as a free good can lead to inefficiencies and unnecessary costs, as shown in the example of the Navy's excessive manpower for a helicopter mission compared to Blackboard Aviation's lean team. Market-based reforms and focusing on recruiting from specific populations with high potential for success, like wrestlers in certain states, can help improve the military's manpower management and overall effectiveness.

    • Military and VA Reforms for Veterans' Well-beingThe military should adopt a flat organizational structure, VA should allow veterans autonomy in healthcare choices, and veterans should advocate for necessary changes to improve efficiency, reduce bureaucracy, and prioritize veterans' well-being.

      The military and the VA need significant reforms to become more efficient, reduce bureaucracy, and prioritize the well-being of veterans. The military should learn from private sector organizations and adopt a flat and fast organizational structure, while the VA should provide veterans with more autonomy in choosing their healthcare providers and treatments. Additionally, veterans, especially those with influence, should use their voices to advocate for necessary changes and tackle tough issues, rather than remaining silent due to potential backlash. The current state of affairs, with veterans on excessive medications and struggling with the VA system, is unacceptable and contributes to high suicide rates. By implementing these reforms and empowering veterans, we can ensure they feel valued and are able to contribute meaningfully to society.

    • Freedom and the Costs of LibertyBuilding something meaningful comes with risks and challenges, but standing up for what one believes in is crucial. Adaptability and innovation are essential in uncertain situations.

      Having the freedom to pursue one's passions and build something meaningful can be incredibly rewarding, but it also comes with risks and challenges. The speaker shared his personal experience of building a successful business only to have it dismantled by politics. He emphasized the importance of standing up for what one believes in, even in the face of adversity. The costs of liberty, such as those paid by the signers of the Declaration of Independence, should not be forgotten. Regarding the Wagner group and the recent assassination of its leader, the speaker expressed his belief that Putin may have let the situation escalate, leading to chaos and instability. In a different context, the speaker discussed the importance of being adaptable and innovative, especially in uncertain situations. He also shared a tip for job applicants, suggesting adding a P.S. to a cover letter to increase the chances of it being read.

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    Shawn Ryan - A Memorial Day Message | SRS Special Release
    This is a special Memorial Day weekend message from Host Shawn Ryan. God Bless our fallen heroes and God Bless the United States of America. Please leave us a review on Apple & Spotify Podcasts. Vigilance Elite/Shawn Ryan Links: Website | Patreon | TikTok | Instagram | Download Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    Shawn Ryan Show
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    #112 Vivek Ramaswamy - The Truth Behind the Campaign Trail & Government Lies

    #112 Vivek Ramaswamy - The Truth Behind the Campaign Trail & Government Lies
    Vivek Ramaswamy is a former Presidential Candidate and American entrepreneur. As a Harvard graduate, he founded Roivant Sciences, a wildly successful biotech company. He also co-founded Strive Asset Management, an investment firm that positions itself in opposition to environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG). Vivek fought a fierce battle on the campaign trail in 2024 and has returned to the Shawn Ryan Show to share his experience and what he believes is next for America. Shawn Ryan Show Sponsors: https://lairdsuperfood.com - USE CODE "SRS" https://shopify.com/shawn https://zippixtoothpicks.com - USE CODE "SRS" Vivek Ramaswamy Links: Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/vivekgramaswamy Twitter - https://twitter.com/VivekGRamaswamy Campaign - https://www.vivek2024.com Please leave us a review on Apple & Spotify Podcasts. Vigilance Elite/Shawn Ryan Links: Website | Patreon | TikTok | Instagram | Download Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    Shawn Ryan Show
    en-usMay 23, 2024

    #111 John Burke - What Happens When We Die?

    #111 John Burke - What Happens When We Die?
    John Burke is the New York Times Bestselling author of No Perfect People Allowed, Imagine Heaven and Imagine the God of Heaven. He founded and pastored Gateway Church in Austin, Texas. He's also the president of Gateway Leadership Initiative (GLI), a nonprofit organization. As an international speaker, Burke has addressed thousands of people across more than a dozen countries. He has spent the last several years investigating and documenting the near death experiences of people from all walks of life. Burke has worked tirelessly to analyze these experiences and share the truth behind these extraordinary stories with the world. Shawn Ryan Show Sponsors: https://lairdsuperfood.com - USE CODE "SRS" https://helixsleep.com/srs https://mypatriotsupply.com https://trueclassictees.com/srs https://drinkhoist.com - USE CODE "SHAWN" https://ShawnLikesGold.com | 855-936-GOLD #goldcopartner John Burke Links: Books - https://imagineheaven.net Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/johnburkeofficial | https://www.facebook.com/imagineheavenbook IG - https://www.instagram.com/johnburkeofficial Please leave us a review on Apple & Spotify Podcasts. Vigilance Elite/Shawn Ryan Links: Website | Patreon | TikTok | Instagram | Download Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    Shawn Ryan Show
    en-usMay 20, 2024

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