
    #76 Erik Prince - China vs Taiwan, JFK Assassination, Ad ID Tracking & Social Credit | Part 2

    en-usSeptember 27, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Tensions between US and Russia: Different Motivations and PrioritiesNeocon belief in weakening or destroying Russia contrasts with Russian paramilitary group's threats, illustrating the complexities of international relations and potential consequences of various policy approaches.

      The motivations and priorities of political elites in Washington can be vastly different from those of their opponents, as illustrated by the ongoing tensions between the US and Russia. The Neocon attitude towards Russia, rooted in the belief that Russia must be weakened or destroyed, has been a dominant force in Democrat foreign policy. Meanwhile, the Wagner Group, a Russian paramilitary organization, continues to pose a threat. Eric Prince, a former businessman, shared his experiences in establishing companies in Africa, including Frontier Resource Group and Frontier Service Group. These companies focused on mining, geoscience, exploration, logistics, and air operations, but were mischaracterized as Private Military Companies (PMCs). Prince left Frontier Service Group as Chinese investment and CCP involvement increased. The discussion highlights the complexities and nuances of international relations and the potential consequences of different policy approaches.

    • China's Role in Africa: A Complex Response to Western ApproachesChina's involvement in Africa offers infrastructure projects and financial incentives in response to Western focus on gender and environmental issues, but raises concerns over exploitation and control.

      China's involvement in Africa, while problematic in some ways, can be seen as a response to the mismatch between the needs and wants of African countries and the approach of Western powers. The Chinese government, through its CCP, exerts significant control over business deals and personnel assignments, and its methods can be seen as exploitative and abusive towards locals. However, when Western powers focus on issues like gender or environmental transformation in countries with basic needs unmet, China steps in with infrastructure projects and offers financial incentives to leaders. This dynamic, while problematic, highlights the importance of understanding the complex motivations and realities of international relations. The US could benefit from recognizing the limitations of its influence and finding ways to address the needs of countries in a more effective and sustainable manner.

    • Countering China and Russia's influence in AfricaThe US can effectively challenge China and Russia's presence in Africa by focusing on expertise, governance, and security, rather than just sending money or military force. Leveraging commercial engagement and local partnerships can be an effective strategy.

      The US and the West can counter China and Russia's influence in Africa by focusing on providing expertise, governance, and proper security instead of just sending money or military force. The history of warfare shows that defeating the finance, logistics, and manpower of the enemy is more effective than targeting individual leaders. Additionally, the US should be present in Africa due to the continent's vast mineral resources, particularly uranium, which are crucial for the world's transition to a post-oil economy. A private approach, using commercial engagement and local partnerships, can be an effective way to push back against foreign powers without the bureaucracy and stigma associated with sending conventional US forces.

    • The importance of soft personnel in complex environmentsEffective engagement in complex environments necessitates a strong presence of soft personnel, including leadership, intelligence, communications, medical support, and logistics. Decision-makers lacking this expertise hinder success in unconventional warfare.

      Effective and sustained engagement in complex and challenging environments requires a significant presence of soft personnel with expertise in areas like leadership, intelligence, communications, medical support, and logistics. These individuals, whether active duty or contracted, serve as a crucial foundation for indigenous military units and can lead to more successful operations. The use of air power, particularly unseemly yet effective solutions, can provide an overmatch in these situations. However, the current state of affairs in Africa, specifically within SOCOM, is not conducive to this approach. The lack of representation from soft backgrounds at SOCOM headquarters hampers decision-making and policy creation. To truly excel in unconventional warfare, we need to reevaluate our priorities and ensure that those making decisions have the necessary experience and understanding.

    • Speaker's Preferred Ketone Supplement and Hydration MethodThe speaker endorses HVMN's Ketone IQ for enhanced workouts and daily energy, and Hoist IV for efficient hydration without excessive sugar.

      The speaker is passionate about using ketone supplements, specifically HVMN's Ketone IQ, to enhance his workouts and daily energy levels. He appreciates the product's ability to provide clarity and endurance without sugar or caffeine. Additionally, he recommends Hoist IV level hydration, which has less sugar and more electrolytes than many sports drinks and is authorized by the military. Regarding international affairs, the speaker notes that while there is Russian and Chinese influence in Africa, they are more likely to cooperate than compete. He also discusses the cultural differences between gun ownership and security in the US and China, making it unlikely for a Chinese private military company to resemble those in the US. Lastly, he mentions the seriousness of the China-Taiwan situation.

    • Potential Invasion of Taiwan: Weather, Elections, and Economic PreparationsChina's political landscape, weather conditions, upcoming Taiwanese election, economic decisions, and leadership changes indicate a potential invasion of Taiwan could be imminent.

      The political landscape in Taiwan and China, along with China's economic and military preparations, suggest a potential invasion of Taiwan could be on the horizon. The weather and small windows for invasion make it a risky endeavor, but the upcoming Taiwanese presidential election in January 2024, with pro-Beijing candidates, could provide an opportunity for China. Additionally, China's economic decisions, such as building up a sanction-proof book of business and stockpiling resources, indicate a readiness for potential conflict. China's leader, Xi Jinping, has also consolidated power and replaced financial technocrats with military leaders, further suggesting a shift towards a more aggressive stance. These factors combined make the situation a cause for concern.

    • Control of Taiwan's chip industry crucial for global economy and USTaiwan's chip industry produces 90% of high-end computer chips, making control vital for global economy and US. Creating home guard could buy time for defense and intervention, while China's hydrocarbon dependence makes them vulnerable to blockade.

      The control of Taiwan and its high-tech chip industry is of significant importance to the global economy and the United States, as they produce 90% of high-end computer chips. The vulnerability of Taiwan's chip plants, located in densely populated areas, makes it an inviting target for invasion. However, creating uncertainty for an invading force could be achieved by arming and training a home guard of civilians in basic military skills. This could potentially buy valuable time for Taiwan to defend itself and for international intervention. Additionally, China's reliance on imported hydrocarbons makes them vulnerable to a blockade, adding another layer of complexity to any potential invasion.

    • Securing Taiwan's communication capabilities is vital for deterring Chinese aggressionTaiwan's population with military training and communication tools can serve as an effective deterrent against Chinese invasion, focusing on urban tactics, small arms training, and improvised explosives. International cooperation is needed to replicate Taiwan's high-end chip production capacity and reduce reliance on it.

      Securing Taiwan's access to communication capabilities is crucial in deterring potential Chinese aggression. The Straits of Malacca, a vital shipping lane for energy resources, can be easily blocked, making alternative sources essential. Taiwan's population, if equipped with basic military training and communication tools, could serve as an effective deterrent against Chinese invasion. This approach, which includes urban tactics, small arms training, and improvised explosives, is cost-effective and could potentially unify Taiwanese society. The US and other nations should encourage this strategy instead of relying on traditional military solutions, which may not be effective against Chinese tactics. Furthermore, the global importance of Taiwan's high-end chip production capacity necessitates international cooperation to replicate this capability elsewhere and reduce reliance on Taiwan.

    • Political climate dominated by contentious issues, with concern over gender ideology as a distractionSpeaker advocates for refocusing on defense preparedness, a capable intelligence agency, and ethical standards in gender-related surgeries

      The current political climate is dominated by various contentious issues, including renewable energy, defense reforms, and gender ideology. In the discussion, there is a concern that the focus on gender issues is a distraction from more pressing matters, such as defense preparedness against potential threats. The speaker also expresses a need for a robust and capable intelligence agency, free from political interference and focused on collecting information for policymakers. Furthermore, there is a concern that the intelligence community has become highly politicized and risk-averse, and lacks the moral courage to undertake high-risk operations. The speaker advocates for a return to the original mission of intelligence gathering and analysis, without domestic information dissemination for desired policy outcomes. The conversation also touches upon the spread of gender ideology, which is seen as a societal issue that is causing harm, particularly among the vulnerable population and amplified by social media. The speaker suggests that those involved in promoting and performing gender-related surgeries should be held accountable for potential violations of ethical standards.

    • Transparency and the Importance of Releasing InformationDelayed release of documents related to historical events and potential threats raises questions about what's being hidden, emphasizing the importance of truth and trust in government.

      Transparency and the release of information related to historical events and potential threats are crucial for the functioning of democracy. The Kennedy assassination and the ongoing debate about the involvement of agencies and foreign powers in it serve as an example. The declassification and release of related documents have been delayed, raising questions about what is being hidden. Similarly, the ongoing controversy over Havana Syndrome, a reported series of incidents causing traumatic brain injuries to diplomats, highlights the importance of truth and trust between governments and their people. The potential use of energy weapons, such as microwave devices, adds to the complexity of these issues, emphasizing the need for clear communication and accountability.

    • Countering drone threats with jammersAutonomous drones may not be susceptible to jamming, but communication-dependent drones can be disabled by RF jammers. Quick and effective countermeasures are crucial against drone threats, as shown by advanced defense systems like Iron Dome.

      Jamming devices may not be effective against all types of drones. While autonomous drones like the SHA-HEAD 136 can navigate and find targets without external command input, making them less susceptible to jamming, other drones that rely on communication and coordination between each other can be disabled by large RF jammers. The development of advanced defense systems like Iron Dome, which uses a rapid-fire calculation system to shoot down incoming rockets, showcases the importance of quick and effective countermeasures against drone threats. Additionally, the tech sector's rapid growth can be attributed to its lack of regulation, allowing for consolidation and innovation without limits. However, as industries continue to consolidate, regulations may become stricter, potentially impacting the pace of innovation.

    • Digital data and privacy concerns with tech giantsTech giants like Facebook, Apple, and Google extensively monitor and sell our digital data to advertisers, raising privacy concerns. Alternatives like unplugged phones prioritize user data security and offer privacy guarantees.

      Our digital interactions and data are being extensively monitored and used for advertising purposes by tech giants like Facebook, Apple, and Google. This data is often resold to advertisers, despite assurances of privacy. The duopoly between Apple and Google, as the dominant operating systems, gives them significant control over our digital lives, including access to our location, call logs, and browsing history. In response, there's a growing demand for more privacy-focused alternatives, such as independent phone platforms that prioritize user data security. The unplugged phone, for instance, is an Android-based phone with a proprietary operating system, hardware, and app store that does not contain hooks for data harvesting and selling. This phone offers a kill switch, guarantees data privacy, and even has its own secure messenger. For adults concerned about their privacy and data being traded, this could be an attractive alternative.

    • A new messenger app, Unplugged, offers secure phone-to-phone communicationUnplugged is a new messenger app that ensures secure phone-to-phone communication without relying on advertising IDs or IMEIs, providing extra layers of security and privacy.

      Privacy is a significant concern in today's digital world, and the need for secure communication methods is more important than ever. Unplugged, a new messenger app, aims to address this concern by offering highly secure phone-to-phone communication. Unlike traditional messaging apps, Unplugged does not rely on advertising IDs or IMEIs, making it difficult for third parties to track users' communications or locations. The app also includes a feature to wipe all data upon entering a code, adding an extra layer of security. The Patriot Act, which expanded the government's ability to access communications data, is a concern for many, and Unplugged presents a solution to reclaim privacy. While the app is still in its early stages, it's a promising step towards secure communication in an increasingly surveillance-heavy world. It's essential to be aware of the potential risks to our data and take measures to protect it. For those interested in securing their financial assets, Sean Likes Gold also offers a free gold and silver kit to help defend against economic uncertainty.

    • Restoring Competitiveness: Education, Central Bank Digital Currencies, and Real Antitrust EnforcementImprove education quality, resist central bank digital currencies, and enforce real antitrust laws to maintain America's economic competitiveness

      Restoring competitiveness in America is crucial for everyone, especially for entrepreneurs and workers, by ensuring a sufficient number of businesses for effective spending and efficient employment opportunities. Education plays a significant role in this, as the quality of education, especially in certain areas, needs improvement. Furthermore, the potential dangers of a central bank digital currency and the push for ESG scores in business must be resisted, as they threaten individual freedom and economic competitiveness. The country needs real antitrust enforcement rather than new regulatory bodies. America's past achievements should serve as a reminder of the importance of maintaining a competitive economy, even during good times.

    • The importance of effective governance and spiritual connectionEffective governance and spiritual connection are crucial for a well-functioning society. Liberty, the best form of governance, requires sacrifices, while faith provides meaning and purpose.

      Effective governance and spiritual connection are essential for a well-functioning society. The speaker's experiences traveling the world and managing a security company led him to recognize the importance of these foundational elements. He believes that liberty is the best form of governance but acknowledges that it comes with sacrifices. The speaker also emphasizes the significance of faith in filling the human quest for meaning and purpose, and the potential consequences of rejecting this divine order. He shares his experience of providing spiritual support to his employees through hiring a chaplain, but unfortunately, the government intervened and the chapel project was never completed. Despite this unfinished business, the speaker cherishes the opportunity to surround himself with colorful characters and build a culture of stepping forward during challenging times. Ultimately, he believes that America could benefit from more of this resilient spirit and a renewed focus on governance and spiritual connection.

    • Adding a P.S. to a job application cover letter can increase its chances of being readUp to 75% of recruiters or hiring managers read the P.S. first, making it crucial to invest time in crafting a compelling one

      Adding a P.S. to a job application cover letter can significantly increase the chances of it being read. According to Skip Freeman, author of "Headhunters Hiring Secrets," up to 75% of recruiters or hiring managers may read the P.S. first before the rest of the letter. So, it's worth investing time and effort in crafting an engaging and compelling P.S. that highlights your qualifications, achievements, or unique selling points. This simple addition could make a difference in getting your foot in the door for an interview. To learn more about this tip and other valuable insights for personal growth, listen to the Something You Should Know podcast and search for Skip Freeman's interview.

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    Source Material:



    Potstirrer Podcast Theme composed by Jon Biegen from Stranger Still

    Four More Weeks composed by Vans in Japan

    Sunday composed by TrackTribe

    Ascent to the Station composed by TeknoAXE
    Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

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    The Chinese Foreign Ministry confirmed President Xi Jinping will travel to South Africa to attend the upcoming BRICS summit, the first time he'll visit Africa since 2018. Xi will be joined by three other of the group's leaders along with Russian President Vladimir Putin who will attend remotely.

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    #33 Can I Just Disappear? The Privacy Right to Be Forgotten.

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    Related Links:

    EU General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”), Article 17, Right to Erasure (‘Right to be Forgotten’) (effective May 2018)

    Court of Justice of the European Union, Press Release No. 112/19, Google LLC v. Commission nationale de l’informatique et des libertés (CNIL) (Sept. 24, 2019)

    Court of Justice of the European Union, Press Release No. 128/19, Eva Glawischnig-Piesczek v. Facebook Ireland Limited (Oct. 3, 2019)

    U.S. Children’s Online Privacy Protection Rule (“COPPA”)

    California “Eraser Button Law” (SB 586) (effective January 1, 2015)

    California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”)

    Hosted by:

    John Roberti, Partner, Allen & Overy and Kayla Odom, Associate, Freitas & Weinberg

    045 – Privacidad vs control gubernamental en Colombia, China propone un nuevo internet y más noticias tech del 06.04.2020

    045 – Privacidad vs control gubernamental en Colombia, China propone un nuevo internet y más noticias tech del 06.04.2020
    Noticias de tecnología, innovación y negocios del 06 de abril de 2020:

    .- El gobierno colombiano pretendía acceder a las bases de datos de personales de usuarios en pro de ayudar a población vulnerable por la epidemia.

    .- China propone un nuevo internet y algunos países como Rusia quieren hacer el cambio.

    .- Telegram no va a poder vender sus criptomonedas tan fácilmente.

    .- La ironía de la estrategia de Facebook.

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