
    763: Web Scraping + Reverse Engineering APIs

    enMay 01, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring Web Scraping and API Reverse EngineeringWeb scraping and API reverse engineering offer valuable insights into data access and application functionality. Understand legal and ethical implications, and creatively interact with web pages for success.

      Web scraping and reverse engineering APIs can be valuable skills for accessing data and understanding how applications function. Wes, a Canadian developer, shares his experiences with writing web scrapers and the importance of interacting with web pages in creative ways. He also discusses the recent success of his wife's school auction, where they raised a record amount of money through donations and auctions of items like vacation homes. In the context of web scraping, Wes mentions the importance of understanding the legal and ethical implications, as well as the potential benefits of gaining visibility into unforeseen issues caused by bots or unconventional usage of applications. These insights provide a comprehensive understanding of the value and complexities of web scraping and reverse engineering APIs.

    • Gain insights from attempted attacks and scrape data for valuable informationSentry offers insights into application attacks and scraping allows access to valuable data from websites, but always respect website owners' wishes

      Sentry helps provide valuable insights into attempted attacks on your application, even if they're from bots trying common exploits. This visibility can save you from unnecessary stress and allow you to focus on fixing actual issues. Scraping is another useful tool when accessing data from websites is necessary, especially when an API isn't available or is too expensive. Scraping allows computers to read and extract information from websites, providing access to a vast amount of data on the web. However, it's important to note that scraping exists in a legal gray area, and respecting website owners' wishes is crucial. Examples of scraping in action include my brother-in-law's PlayStation 5 availability checker and a COVID vaccine notifier that pinged pharmacies for updates. These tools demonstrate the power of scraping to automate tasks and gather valuable information.

    • Managing Digital Content with Automation and ToolsTools like marketplace scrapers and file hosting apps have streamlined content discovery and management, but their effectiveness can change with updates and advancements. Adaptability and automation are key to efficiently managing digital content.

      Automation and efficient tools have significantly changed the way we discover and manage digital content. The speaker shared his experience of using various tools like marketplace scrapers and file hosting apps for personal use, and how these tools have evolved over the years. He discussed how he used to use a marketplace scraper to find and purchase old road bikes listed on Craigslist by texting him as soon as a keyword appeared. Now, Facebook Marketplace has made this process less efficient due to its advanced search capabilities and image recognition. The speaker also mentioned his use of Cloud App (now called Zite or Vercel) for hosting and managing screenshots. He shared how he wrote a script to download all his files from the app after considering moving to another tool due to the perceived decrease in quality. He emphasized the importance of automation in managing digital content, such as using Hazel to move and organize files based on specific criteria. The speaker's story highlights the impact of technology on our daily lives and the importance of adapting to new tools and methods for managing digital content.

    • Learning web scraping for data extractionWeb scraping is a versatile tool for extracting data from websites, enhancing insights, and saving time. Write scrapers for podcast stats, social media followers, and deals at stores like Canadian Tire. Learn web tech, auth methods, and website defenses. Use server-side JS for easy access. Some platforms lack detailed stats, necessitating scraping.

      Web scraping is a powerful tool for extracting data from websites, and it can be used for various purposes such as tracking competition, checking for stock on specific items, viewing stats over time, and even finding deals at stores like Canadian Tire. The speaker shared his experiences with writing scrapers for different projects, including a podcast stats scraper, a Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok follower scraper, and a script to find deals at Canadian Tire. He emphasized that web scraping is not only fun but also educational, as it helps you learn about web technology, authentication, and how websites try to prevent unauthorized access. He encouraged using server-side JavaScript for scraping, as it's the easiest way to access data. The speaker also mentioned that while some platforms like YouTube provide detailed stats, others like Spotify do not, making it essential to write scrapers to obtain the desired data. Overall, web scraping is a valuable skill that can provide insights and information that may not be readily available elsewhere.

    • Web scraping can be done client-side or server-sideChoose client-side for direct browser data or simple tasks, server-side for complex processes or when client-side access is denied

      Web scraping can be done both client-side and server-side, depending on the specific requirements of the task. Client-side scraping is useful when the data needs to be extracted directly from the browser or when the data is readily available in a different format. However, many websites use private APIs, which can be accessed by reverse-engineering the requests made by the website itself. This often involves dealing with authentication and session tokens. On the other hand, server-side scraping is beneficial when dealing with complex, multi-step processes or when the data cannot be extracted through client-side means. Additionally, tools like Proxyman can be used to intercept and analyze HTTPS traffic, providing valuable insights into the data being sent and received by applications and websites. Ultimately, the choice between client-side and server-side scraping depends on the specific use case, the available tools, and the resources at hand.

    • Accessing data from websites through unconventional meansReverse-engineering APIs, downloading server-rendered HTML, and using headless browsers are methods to access data from websites, but they require technical expertise and adaptability to changes

      Accessing data from websites through unconventional means can be a complex process. Adobe's CloudApp or Zite, for instance, can have their APIs reverse-engineered to download data, but newer trends involve server-rendered HTML that requires downloading multiple pages and reconstructing the DOM. Some websites, like Instagram, may offer initial state data during rehydration, which can be a quicker way to obtain information. However, since these methods aren't versioned, changes to the application can render previous methods obsolete. Additionally, client-side only websites require headless browsers like Puppeteer, Playwright, or Cypress to load and run JavaScript code, making it harder for websites to detect and block. These methods can be effective but require a deep understanding of web technologies and the ability to adapt to changes.

    • Use server-side web scraping for efficiencyUse Fetch for requests and Linked DOM for parsing server-side HTML for efficient web scraping

      When it comes to web scraping using Node.js, it's more efficient to request and parse data directly from the server instead of waiting for a webpage to load and then scraping it. This can be achieved by using packages like Fetch for making requests and Linked DOM for recreating the DOM on the server side. Linked DOM is a popular choice due to its simplicity and compatibility with various platforms. It allows you to work with the HTML and use methods like querySelector and querySelectorAll, just like in vanilla JavaScript. However, it's important to note that the structure and complexity of HTML can vary greatly from website to website, requiring a good understanding of the specific HTML layout to effectively parse and extract the desired data. Additionally, some websites intentionally make it difficult to scrape data by using obscure class names or complex HTML structures to prevent automated tools from accessing certain elements.

    • Locating specific elements on complex websitesUse ARIA labels, data test IDs, XPath, or AI to find specific elements on complex websites when classes aren't available.

      When navigating through the HTML and CSS structure of a complex website like Twitter, it's essential to have strategies to locate specific elements without relying on classes. One effective method is to search for ARIA labels, as they are required for accessibility and provide clear identifiers for various elements. Another strategy is to look for data test IDs, which developers often leave in the code for testing purposes. If neither ARIA labels nor data test IDs are available, XPath can be used to select elements based on their text content. However, these methods can be brittle and may break if the markup changes, making it important to keep them flexible and adaptable. Additionally, using AI to parse HTML and extract the desired information can be an effective alternative, especially when dealing with complex and dynamic webpages.

    • Utilizing AI and APIs for data processingAI and APIs can simplify data processing tasks and provide better results, but be aware of challenges like API standardization and sending tokens with requests to access protected routes.

      AI and APIs can significantly enhance the process of parsing and manipulating data, especially when dealing with large datasets. The speaker mentioned positive experiences with using AI to suggest maps, filters, and reductions for data. Additionally, APIs like Bun's file writing and reading API can simplify the process of handling files. However, the standardization of APIs can be a challenge, and sometimes specific use cases may require the use of non-standardized APIs. Another important point discussed was the need to send tokens or cookies along with fetch requests to access protected routes, as the response in the browser may differ from what is received on the server. To do this, the speaker suggested inspecting the network tab in dev tools, copying the fetch request, and then using the headers provided to send the request with the necessary tokens. In conclusion, utilizing AI and APIs can streamline data processing tasks and provide better results. However, it's essential to be aware of the challenges, such as the lack of standardization in APIs and the need to send tokens with requests to access protected routes.

    • Managing Authentication Tokens in API RequestsIdentify and handle necessary authentication headers or tokens, store them securely, and manage cookies with plugins for successful API interactions.

      When working with APIs, it's essential to identify and handle necessary authentication headers or tokens, which can be headers or cookies. These tokens often have long validity periods, but sometimes they might expire or require additional login steps. It's crucial to keep these tokens secure by storing them in environment files, as they should not be directly included in the code. When using fetch requests, managing cookies can be a challenge, but plugins like fetch-cookie can help automate the process. Additionally, be aware that some APIs may require CAPTCHA verification to prevent automated requests. However, if you're working ethically and not trying to abuse APIs, you should not encounter CAPTCHAs frequently. Overall, understanding the specific authentication requirements and handling them effectively is crucial for successful API interactions.

    • Innovative uses of technology to streamline processesAmazon experimented with 'just walk out' stores but faced manual labor challenges, while Uniglo uses RFID chips and iPads for efficient checkout. Simple solutions like a portable fridge for grocery shopping and tools like Keyboard Clean Tool enhance productivity.

      Technology continues to evolve, with companies finding innovative ways to streamline processes and automate tasks. However, there are still challenges to overcome, such as CAPTCHAs and manual labor in unexpected places. For instance, Amazon's experiment with "just walk out" stores involved people in other countries manually processing transactions. Meanwhile, some businesses, like Uniglo, are using technology like RFID chips and iPads to make checkout more efficient. As for everyday tasks, there's a need for simpler solutions, like a fridge you can bring to the grocery store. In terms of productivity, there are various tools available, such as Keyboard Clean Tool, which makes cleaning your keyboard and screen easier. Overall, technology is advancing, but there's still room for improvement and innovation.

    • Exploring Window Management Tools on MacThe speaker found BetterTouchTool effective for customizing keyboard shortcuts and window resizing but was drawn to the automatic tiling feature of Yabai, Amethyst, and Ubuy. He opted for creating custom shortcuts in BetterTouchTool instead of mastering the more complex tools due to the learning curve.

      The speaker discovered the need for more efficient window management on his Mac, leading him to explore various tools like BetterTouchTool, Yabai, Rectangle, and Amethyst. He found BetterTouchTool to be a versatile solution for customizing keyboard shortcuts and window resizing. However, he was particularly drawn to the automatic tiling feature of tools like Yabai, Amethyst, and Ubuy, which allows windows to resize and rearrange automatically when opening or closing others. Despite the appeal, he found the learning curve and time investment required to master these tools to be a barrier. Instead, he opted to create custom keyboard shortcuts in BetterTouchTool to incrementally resize windows to his desired sizes. For those interested in deeper exploration of related topics, the speaker recommended checking out Syntax on YouTube, where they release content on various tech subjects, including self-hosting and using tools like COOLify.

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    [00:02:00] Daily AI news
    [00:06:45] Jordan's hot takes
    [00:10:40] Explanation of Zapier and examples
    [00:14:40] Quick explanation of ChatGPT
    [00:18:43] ChatGPT automation limitations
    [00:21:15] Examples of ChatGPT and Zapier combo
    [00:29:42] ChatGPT and Zapier - the ultimate duo
    [00:33:00] Using Zapier in ChatGPT plugin packs
    [00:39:40] The results of ChatGPT and Zapier

    Topics Covered in This Episode:
    Primary Topic: Introduction and Recommendations for Zapier
    - Speaker highly recommends using Zapier for businesses, having used it themselves for 5 to 10 months.
    - Describes Zapier as a marketing automation platform.
    - Mentions using Zapier for clients in their digital strategy company.
    - Highlights the ability of Zapier to automate tasks and save time.
    Primary Topic: Underutilized Business Tool: ChatGPT with Plugins
    - Introduces ChatGPT with plugins as an underutilized business tool.
    - Believes ChatGPT with plugins will be most beneficial until Microsoft Copilot is released.
    - Discusses the capabilities of ChatGPT for creative content creation.
    - Mentions the lack of comprehensive automation capabilities in ChatGPT.
    - Emphasizes the importance of combining ChatGPT and Zapier for business automation.

    Zapier, marketing automation platform, digital strategy company, ChatGPT, underutilized business tool, Microsoft Copilot, episode, viewers, educational content, generative AI, business, Google, political advertisements, AI, California governor, executive order, risk assessment, energy usage, Apple, conversational AI, AI models, automation, efficiency, ChatGPT plugins, WCI plugin, content creation, SEO, Zapier plugins, scaling businesses, GPT technology, external interaction, conditional logic zap.

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    🦠 Covid-19 or no Covid-19 🦠 - marketers gotta market! And voila! 🎩 🎩 🎩

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    Have a listen!

    About Kevin

    Kevin Steinberger is responsible for developing global market research for corporate real estate, facilities and workplace teams across all industries of the Fortune 500. This research is used for advising tenants on next steps for their workplace strategy and real estate footprint, and additionally is used to develop the speaking content for the annual Future Offices conferences at IQPC. As the producer for these shows, Kevin brings together the highest level of research and content circling around people, place and technology to ultimately help enterprises develop their next generation workplaces.



    You can also listen to the entire episode, as well as all our previous episodes, over on Apple Podcasts. We'd love it if you could subscribe give us a review! 

    If you're losing sleep over a particular marketing/business related problem during this Covid-19 economic uncertainty, or if you have a guest idea on the topic, let us know. Drop us a line at c+p digital. 

    And as always, sweet dreams…well, hopefully!

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    LogRocket - Sponsor

    LogRocket lets you replay what users do on your site, helping you reproduce bugs and fix issues faster. It’s an exception tracker, a session re-player and a performance monitor. Get 14 days free at logrocket.com/syntax.

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