
    #79 Sean Webb - CIA Funds Remote Viewing Program | Part 1

    en-usOctober 16, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Shop and save with Bakers, explore remote viewing with the Monroe InstituteBakers offers discounts, rewards, and savings through their app and memberships. The Monroe Institute conducts research on accelerated learning and psychic abilities like remote viewing, funded by organizations like the CIA.

      Bakers not only offers lower prices but also rewards and savings through their app, fuel points, and memberships. Meanwhile, the Monroe Institute, founded in 1971, is known for its research on accelerated learning through environmental changes, which has led to the development of psychic-type abilities like remote viewing, with significant investment from organizations like the CIA. Remote viewing is a topic of intrigue for many, and the Monroe Institute continues to explore its potential. So, shop and save at Bakers, and delve into the fascinating world of remote viewing and the Monroe Institute.

    • Exploring Consciousness Expansion with The Monroe InstituteThe Monroe Institute, a leading research institute, uses technology like HemiSync to help individuals expand their consciousness and explore its capabilities, including remote viewing and communication with extraterrestrial entities.

      The Monroe Institute is a leading research institute for consciousness expansion, located on the east coast of the United States. Consciousness is the observing space within us, separate from the mind. While some scientists argue that consciousness is an emergent property of the brain, others believe it extends beyond the body. The Monroe Institute is known for developing technology, such as HemiSync, to help individuals expand their consciousness and explore its capabilities, including remote viewing and communication with extraterrestrial entities. The Institute's history includes training remote viewers for the CIA and military industrial complex. While remote viewing is a significant focus, the Monroe Institute also offers courses on various other consciousness-expanding practices.

    • Exploring Consciousness with the Monroe Institute and the CIAThe Monroe Institute, a pioneer in consciousness research, collaborated with the CIA to investigate remote viewing and potential intelligence applications. The CIA's interest was driven by concerns about Russia's use of psychics, leading to the validation of remote viewer Joe McMonagall's abilities.

      The Monroe Institute, founded in the 1960s, has been at the forefront of consciousness exploration and collaboration with intelligence agencies like the CIA. Their research includes the use of binaural beats to induce different states of consciousness and the development of remote viewing programs. The CIA was reportedly concerned about Russia's use of psychics for intelligence gathering and invested in the Monroe Institute to research and potentially develop similar capabilities. The institute's remote viewing program, led by a man named Skip, aimed to assess the potential threat and relevance of this practice for the US. The use of such practices, often labeled as "woo woo" or fringe, is reportedly widespread among first world nations. A notable example of remote viewing's effectiveness is the case of Joe McMonagall, a remote viewer whose abilities were validated through government records and the accurate prediction of a nuclear sub program.

    • The CIA's Role in Developing Remote ViewingThe CIA discovered remote viewing through individuals with unique backgrounds, like Joe McMoneagle, who was the first official remote viewer for the US military. McMoneagle's abilities were confirmed through testing at Stanford Research Institute, leading to the acceptance and exploration of this extraordinary phenomenon.

      The Monroe Institute, with its connection to the CIA, played a significant role in the investigation and development of remote viewing as a psychic ability. The CIA sought to identify potential remote viewers by looking for individuals who had spent unusually long periods in high-risk jobs, such as Joe McMoneagle, who became the first official remote viewer for the US military. McMoneagle's exceptional abilities were confirmed through rigorous testing at Stanford Research Institute, which involved describing targets' randomized locations without any prior knowledge. The testing process ensured the integrity of the results by using separate judges who were not involved in the experiment. Remote viewing, as described by McMoneagle, involves accessing information about a target by imagining a cardboard door and receiving pieces of the scene behind it. This extraordinary phenomenon, once researched and validated by government institutions, has left a lasting impact on the understanding of human potential and the realm of the unknown.

    • Joe McMoneagle's psychic prediction of Skylab's re-entryPsychic Joe McMoneagle accurately predicted Skylab's re-entry location and date, impressing scientists and challenging perceptions of human abilities.

      Joe McMoneagle, a psychic, was able to accurately predict the location and date of Skylab's re-entry in 1978, despite having no prior knowledge or technology to determine it. This was a significant achievement in the field of remote viewing, a psychic ability where the viewer describes a distant or unseen target. Joe's success in the remote viewing program led him to believe in his psychic abilities, despite initial skepticism. The scientists involved were impressed by Joe's accuracy, which was statistically unlikely based on chance alone. This event showcases the potential of psychic abilities, particularly remote viewing, and challenges our understanding of the limits of human perception and intuition.

    • Predicting Future Events with Remote ViewingRemote viewing's accuracy in predicting future events, such as Skylab's re-entry location and nuclear tests, holds significant value for intelligence gathering and operational information. Consider investing in precious metals for economic instability, and try HVMN's ketone supplement, Ketone IQ, for energy and clarity.

      The ability to accurately predict future events, as demonstrated by remote viewer Joe McMonegal and his identification of Skylab's re-entry location, holds significant value for intelligence gathering and operational information. McMonegal's extraordinary skills led the US Central Intelligence Agency to invest millions in the 1980s to explore the potential intelligence capabilities of remote viewing. Some remote viewers were even able to predict nuclear tests and their outcomes before they were publicly announced. McMonegal never missed the location of a nuclear sub in his entire career due to his unique ability to sense high levels of entropy associated with nuclear reactors. This example highlights the potential benefits of such abilities and the interest they garnered from intelligence agencies. Additionally, the discussion touched upon the importance of being prepared for uncertain economic situations. The speaker shared his partnership with Goldcode and encouraged listeners to consider investing in precious metals as a means of defending their money during economic instability. Lastly, the speaker shared his personal use of HVMN's ketone supplement, Ketone IQ, which provides energy and clarity without the use of sugar or caffeine. He offered a discount for his audience to try the product.

    • Psychic Provides Critical Intelligence on Russian SubmarineA psychic's unconventional intelligence about a Russian military facility led to the discovery of a new submarine, showcasing the potential value of psychic abilities in intelligence gathering but also the challenges in accepting and acting on unconventional information.

      A psychic named Joe McPonagall provided critical intelligence to the National Security Council about a mysterious building in the Russian tundra, which was believed to be a military facility. McPonagal's unique ability allowed him to describe the building as a new and massive Russian submarine, complete with technical specifications and unique features, such as canted launch tubes and a special propulsion system. Despite skepticism from other intelligence personnel, McPonagal's predictions were proven correct when the submarine was later launched. However, his report was initially dismissed due to his psychic status, and it took the intervention of Robert Gates to get the information disseminated to the NSC. This incident highlights the potential value of psychic abilities in intelligence gathering, but also the challenges in accepting and acting on unconventional information.

    • Successful Prediction of Russian Submarine LaunchRemote viewing accurately predicted the launch of a Russian submarine, Red October, 112 days before it happened, leading to increased interest and training for remote viewers.

      The remote viewing operation, led by a man named Joe, accurately predicted the launch of a Russian submarine, the Red October, 112 days before it actually happened. This successful prediction, which included details such as the submarine's size, location, and progress in loading, came as a surprise to many and sparked significant interest in remote viewing within intelligence agencies. The constant demand for remote viewing information in life or death situations led to burnout for the remote viewers, and the Neuro Institute stepped in to provide training to improve their focus and quicken their response times. This event marked a significant milestone in the history of remote viewing and its recognition within the intelligence community.

    • Psychic helps locate missing child using out-of-body experienceA psychic's out-of-body experience led authorities to a missing child, demonstrating the potential for expanded consciousness and honed abilities.

      Joe McMonigal, a psychic, used his ability to project consciousness beyond his physical body to help locate a missing five-year-old child in the Virginia wilderness. Within minutes of receiving a call from the local sheriff, Joe provided detailed instructions that led the officers to the child's location, defying the statistics and conventional wisdom. The child had walked up a steep hill to a deserted cabin with a light on, following his father's advice. Joe's abilities were not only documented but also recognized and awarded by the government. This incident highlights the potential for expanding our understanding of consciousness and its ability to reach beyond our physical selves. The more we practice and hone our abilities, the more reliable and effective they can become.

    • Exploring the world of remote viewing inspired by Joe McMoneagleDiscover McMoneagle's remote viewing techniques through his course at the Monroe Institute, emphasizing mind clearing, data recording, and avoiding judgment. Importance of deep sleep and hydration for optimal results.

      Joe McMoneagle, a national treasure and renowned figure in the field of remote viewing, inspired our speaker to explore this phenomenon further. The speaker discovered McMoneagle through a documentary called "Third Eye Spies," which detailed his work with the government's remote viewing programs. Fascinated by McMoneagle's abilities and belief in consciousness beyond the body, the speaker signed up for his remote viewing course at the Monroe Institute. There, they learned the techniques to clear the mind, record raw data, and avoid judgment. Newcomers to remote viewing were amazed by their results, receiving only a reference number and a blank sheet of paper during the course. The speaker emphasizes the importance of deep sleep, mentioning Helix Sleep and their personalized mattresses, and the value of hydration, highlighting Hoist IV level hydration.

    • Remote Viewing Practice at The Monroe InstituteThrough quiet focus and recording information about a target, individuals can practice remote viewing and potentially improve mental abilities.

      The Monroe Institute for Remote Viewing provides individuals with a reference number and instructs them to quiet their minds and focus on the target associated with that number. Through the practice of remote viewing, the mind is expected to provide information about the target, which is then recorded and compared to the actual target during a group session. The process is designed to improve focus and mental abilities, with the use of technology such as headphones and frequencies being introduced at a later stage. My first experience with remote viewing involved seeing a spider web with a large, opaque dot in the middle, which I recorded in my drawing. The results of individual remote viewing sessions are then compared to the actual target during a group session for comparison.

    • Experiencing Perfection in Remote Viewing TrainingDuring a week-long remote viewing training session, the speaker produced several nearly perfect matches to target images by trusting their initial impressions and avoiding analytical thinking.

      The speaker experienced unprecedented success in remote viewing, a psychic ability where one attempts to describe a distant or unseen target, during a training session. The training involved receiving a random image reference and drawing what came to mind without analysis or preconceptions. The speaker's first attempt resulted in a nearly perfect match to the target image, which was a spider web with a black dot in the center. Throughout the week-long training, the speaker continued to produce drawings that matched the targets, leading them to believe that remote viewing was a real phenomenon. The process involved trusting the initial impression that came to mind and avoiding analytical thinking or preconceptions. The speaker was initially skeptical but was convinced by the repeated successes.

    • The sixth sense: a survival toolThe sixth sense, or extrasensory perception, is a real ability that helped our ancestors survive and can be honed with practice to improve accuracy in sensing things outside our body and outside space and time.

      Everyone has the ability to tap into what some call the sixth sense or extrasensory perception. This capability, according to Joe, is not just a myth but the first sense that helped our ancestors survive in the wild. It's a part of consciousness that allows us to sense things outside our body and outside space and time. Many people in a class at the Monroe Institute were able to hone this skill and use it to achieve impressive results in remote viewing exercises. While everyone has this ability, not everyone uses it or exercises it regularly. With practice, trust, and confidence, one can improve and become more accurate in using this sense. The story of Joe's prediction of the coming down of the Sky Lab and his ability to sense danger in various situations serves as a testament to the power of this ability.

    • Exploring the Ability to Gather Information Through ConsciousnessRemote viewing is a practice where individuals use their consciousness to gather info about targets, experiencing physical sensations or intuitions. Strict controls minimize external interference, and it can be used for present-day or future targets.

      Remote viewing is a practice where individuals use their consciousness to gather information about a target, which can be a person, place, or object. During this process, known as "visualization," remote viewers may experience physical sensations or intuitions that help them identify the target. Strict scientific controls are implemented to minimize external interference, such as radio signals or collusion, ensuring the accuracy of the data. While remote viewing often focuses on present-day targets, it can also be used to look into the future. Research suggests that theta consciousness, a state associated with creativity and ideas, plays a role in this ability. The scientific explanation for how this works is still being studied, but the potential applications of remote viewing are vast, from intelligence gathering to disaster response.

    • Adding a P.S. to your job application cover letter can increase its chances of being readUp to 75% of recruiters or hiring managers might read the P.S. first, making it a valuable addition to your job application cover letter

      Adding a P.S. to your job application cover letter can significantly increase the chances of it being read. According to Skip Freeman, author of "Headhunters Hiring Secrets," up to 75% of recruiters or hiring managers might read the P.S. first before going through the rest of the letter. So, make sure that the P.S. is compelling and adds value to your application. This simple addition could make a difference in getting noticed in a competitive job market. If you're in the process of applying for jobs, give it a try and see the results. For more insights and tips, listen to the Something You Should Know podcast or search for it on YouTube.

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    Book Chapters:

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    Chapter 7: A Desperate Search With day turning into night and Jake's horse still missing, the duo embarks on a desperate search for the faithful companion that had once shared their adventures. Against the odds, they refuse to give up hope.

    Chapter 8: The Power of Instinct Amidst their quest, Jake and Bear encounter the raw power of instinct. Together, they learn to navigate treacherous terrain, interpret subtle signs from nature, and rely on their intuition to overcome the wilderness's formidable challenges.

    Chapter 9: Survival Skills in the Wild As they continue their journey, Jake and Bear hone their survival skills. From foraging for food to finding shelter, they embrace the teachings of the wild. Through perseverance and resourcefulness, they navigate the harsh terrain, learning to adapt and thrive in their mountainous home.

    Chapter 10: A Heartwarming Reunion Against all odds, Jake's horse is found, bringing a glimmer of joy and hope. The reunion between Jake, Bear, and their equine companion is a heartwarming moment, a testament to the unbreakable bond they share and the triumph of their unwavering friendship.

    Chapter 11: Discovering Hidden Dangers In their quest for adventure, Jake and Bear stumble upon a hidden secret lurking within the wilderness. As they uncover the mysteries of their surroundings, they find themselves facing unforeseen dangers that test their courage and unity.

    Chapter 12: Facing Fierce Challenges The journey takes an intense turn as Jake and Bear encounter fierce challenges that push them to their limits. Whether it's traversing treacherous river rapids or braving a raging storm, they summon their inner strength and rely on their deep connection to persevere.

    Chapter 13: Uncovering a Startling Mystery As they delve deeper into the wilderness, Jake and Bear stumble upon a perplexing mystery that sends them on a path of discovery. Together, they unravel the enigma, unraveling the secrets that lie hidden within their mountainous domain.


    Chapter 14: Strength in Unity In the face of adversity, Jake and Bear realize the power of unity. They come to understand that by combining their unique strengths and unwavering loyalty, they can overcome any obstacle that stands in their way. Together, they exemplify the true meaning of friendship and resilience.

    Chapter 15: Embracing Life's Lessons As their adventure nears its conclusion, Jake and Bear reflect on the invaluable lessons they've learned throughout their journey. They realize that the true beauty of life lies not just in the triumphs, but also in the challenges and the bonds forged in the wild. With hearts full of gratitude, they embrace the wisdom gained and carry it with them as they continue to explore the untamed wilderness.

    Story: "Jake and Bear's Mountain Adventure"

    Jake and his pet Grizzly Bear, lived high in the Rocky Mountains of Montana. They shared a unique and cherished bond, dwelling together in the wilderness of the rugged mountain area. Their days were filled with thrilling escapades and the wonders of nature. One fateful day, as Jake was riding his horse through the vast wilderness, he fell off and injured his leg. To make matters worse, his horse galloped away, leaving him stranded. With daylight fading and snowfall intensifying, Jake grew increasingly concerned. However, in his darkest moment, his loyal companion, Bear, came to the rescue.

    Guided by their unwavering friendship and Bear's innate instincts, the pet Grizzly Bear embarked on a daring mission to save Jake. Braving the elements, Bear tracked down Jake's horse and led it back to its injured owner. Jake's heart swelled with gratitude as he realized the depth of their extraordinary connection. Together, they faced the challenges of the wild, relying on their shared strength and unwavering determination. Jake and Bear's story became a testament to the power of friendship, trust, and the indomitable spirit of adventure that thrives in the untamed wilderness of the Rocky Mountains.

    The End

    98: Zero Day Brokers

    98: Zero Day Brokers
    Zero day brokers are people who make or sell malware that’s sold to people who will use that malware to exploit people. It’s a strange and mysterious world that not many people know a lot about. Nicole Perlroth, who is a cybersecurity reporter for the NY Times, dove in head first which resulted in her writing a whole book on it. Affiliate link for book: This is How They Tell Me The World Ends (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1635576059/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=1635576059&linkCode=as2&tag=tunn01-20&linkId=0aa8c966d98b49a7927bfc29aac76bbe) Audiobook deal: Try Audible Premium Plus and Get Up to Two Free Audiobooks (https://www.amazon.com/Audible-Free-Trial-Digital-Membership/dp/B00NB86OYE/?ref_=assoc_tag_ph_1485906643682&_encoding=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=9325&linkCode=pf4&tag=tunn01-20&linkId=31042b955d5e6d639488dc084711d033) Sponsors Support for this show comes from IT Pro TV. Get 65 hours of free training by visiting ITPro.tv/darknet. And use promo code DARKNET. Support for this show comes from Privacy.com. Privacy allows you to create anonymous debit cards instantly to use for online shopping. Visit privacy.com/darknet to get a special offer. View all active sponsors. Sources Nicole’s Book: This is How They Tell Me the World Ends https://www.nytimes.com/2013/01/31/technology/chinese-hackers-infiltrate-new-york-times-computers.html Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices