
    #82 Luis Chaparro - Navy SEAL and Journalist Discuss Combatting Cartels with a Psyop | Part 2

    en-usNovember 08, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Using propaganda and PSYOP to divide criminal organizationsPropaganda and psychological operations can create division and chaos within criminal organizations, potentially turning them against each other. However, it's important to consider the potential consequences of such a strategy.

      The use of propaganda and psychological operations (PSYOP) to divide and conquer criminal organizations like cartels could be an effective strategy. This tactic has already proven successful in creating division and chaos within societies, and it could be applied to criminal organizations to turn them against each other. The Mexican cartels have employed similar tactics against the Mexican government, undermining public trust and creating resistance. To implement this strategy, it would be important to create and disseminate credible information that sows discord and mistrust within the cartel. This could involve using bots or hackers to spread false information or creating propaganda materials that highlight the cartel's corruption and violence. However, it's important to consider the potential consequences of such a strategy, as it could lead to increased violence and instability before things improve.

    • Mexico's Cartel Conflict: A War of MisinformationMexico's Maio Sambata and Chapitos cartels use fake news to gain advantage, creating confusion and fear among public and law enforcement. Intervention through counter-narratives or fact-checking initiatives could disrupt the cycle of misinformation.

      The ongoing conflict between the Maio Sambata and Chapitos cartels in Mexico is being exploited by both sides through misinformation and fake news to gain an advantage over each other. The use of fake news narratives, such as staged busts and territorial claims, is a primitive yet effective tactic to create fear and confusion among the public and law enforcement. The authenticity of key figures, like El Mayo Sambada and Khali Sukartel, is also questionable, making it difficult to distinguish between real and fake cartels. This information war creates an opportunity for intervention, potentially through the creation of counter-narratives or fact-checking initiatives, to disrupt the cycle of misinformation and bring clarity to the situation.

    • Targeting the Jalisco New Generation Cartel's weak pointsA multi-faceted approach, including targeting supply chains and exploiting the cartel's ego and desire for power, could be more effective against the Jalisco New Generation Cartel than military intervention alone.

      The Jalisco New Generation Cartel is a formidable adversary with sophisticated leadership, strategies, and access to advanced weapons. Military intervention alone may not be effective due to the cartel's social bases and the potential harm to innocent civilians. Instead, a multi-faceted approach that targets the cartel's supply chains and weak points, such as their ego and desire for power, could be more successful. The cartel's leaders are cunning and adaptable, making it essential to stay informed about the latest trends and tactics. Previous attempts to eliminate cartels by targeting the top leadership have not been successful due to the quick rise of new leaders. Therefore, a long-term strategy that addresses the root causes of cartel violence and corruption is necessary.

    • Mexico's Cartels: Deeply Entrenched and PridefulThe cartels' grip on Mexico's communities and industries requires a nuanced approach, addressing root causes and providing alternatives, rather than sending a foreign army.

      The cartels in Mexico are deeply entrenched in their communities and have a strong hold on various industries, leaving few legitimate options for people. The cartels' members have weak minds when it comes to self-respect and self-love, and their egos are inflated due to the publicity and power they gain. This situation has led to an internal power struggle, which could potentially result in a devastating war within the cartels. The idea of sending a foreign army to solve the problem may not be well-received, as it could be perceived as an invasion and an insult to their pride. Instead, a more nuanced approach, such as addressing the root causes of the cartels' power and providing viable alternatives for people, might be more effective.

    • Cartel lifestyle leads to dangerous situationsThe cartel lifestyle can lead to dangerous situations and it's difficult to disrupt their operations, so focusing on ethical business ventures is a safer alternative.

      The cartel lifestyle, driven by the desire for quick and easy wealth, can lead individuals into dangerous and potentially fatal situations, particularly for those from cartel families. The cartels' horizontal structure makes it difficult to completely dismantle them, and attempting to infiltrate or disrupt their operations can lead to dangerous consequences. Instead, focusing on ethical and sustainable business ventures, even if they may not offer the same level of wealth, is a better alternative for those looking to improve their lives outside of cartel families. Additionally, the cartels are made up of intelligent individuals, so any attempts to disrupt their operations must be well-planned and executed with care.

    • Staying Informed: New Drugs, Economic Instability, and Learning a New LanguageStay updated on emerging drugs, economic instability, and consider learning a new language with Babbel for essential conversational skills. Prepare for potential economic downturns by understanding the current global situation and considering alternative investments.

      The global drug landscape is constantly evolving, with new, more potent substances like nidizenase emerging and surpassing existing threats such as fentanyl. This shift can occur years before it gains widespread public and political attention. Meanwhile, economic instability, geopolitical tensions, and collapsing banks pose potential risks to individuals' financial wellbeing. It's crucial to stay informed and adapt accordingly. Another key point from the discussion is the importance of continuous learning, especially when it comes to mastering a new language. Tools like Babbel can help learners make significant progress in just a few weeks, providing them with essential conversational skills for traveling or everyday life. Lastly, it's essential to consider preparing for potential economic downturns by understanding the current global situation and considering alternative investment options, such as precious metals. Stay informed and take action to safeguard your financial future. For more information on how to learn a new language quickly and effectively, visit Babbel.com/SRS and take advantage of their special offer. To learn more about protecting your financial future, visit SeanLikesGold.com or call 855-936-Gold.

    • New Potent Drug 'Nitrogen' Floods Illegal MarketA new drug called 'Nitrogen', 50% more potent than fentanyl, is causing a surge in overdoses and deaths in the illegal drug market. It's important to be aware of these risks and take steps to protect oneself, such as investing in precious metals and educating ourselves and communities about harm reduction strategies.

      The illegal drug market is constantly evolving, with new and more potent substances emerging that pose significant risks to public health and safety. In this case, a new drug called "nitrogen" is reportedly 50% more potent than fentanyl and is now flooding the market. This drug, which may be produced in China and distributed through the same supply chains as other illicit substances, is causing a surge in overdoses and deaths. The cartels producing and distributing these drugs don't seem to care about the harm they're causing, as long as they can make a profit. It's important for individuals to be aware of these risks and take steps to protect themselves, such as investing in precious metals as a hedge against economic instability and potential currency devaluation. Additionally, it's crucial to educate ourselves and our communities about the dangers of illicit drugs and the importance of harm reduction strategies.

    • The illegal drug market is a complex web, with opioids like fentanyl being intentionally laced into other drugs leading to a surge in overdoses and fatalities.The illegal drug market, especially opioids, poses a significant public health threat due to intentional lacing of fentanyl into other drugs, leading to increased overdoses and fatalities.

      The illegal drug market, particularly in relation to opioids like fentanyl, is a complex and dangerous web. Cartels and dealers are producing and distributing large quantities of fentanyl, often unknowingly lacing it into other drugs such as heroin, cocaine, and even counterfeit prescription pills. This is leading to a significant increase in overdoses and fatalities across the United States. The issue is so pervasive that first responders are regularly reaching out for information and resources to identify and address the problem. It's important to note that while there have been reports of other drugs being laced with fentanyl, the most intentional and widespread lacing is occurring with opioids. The availability of real prescription opioids on the black market is contributing to the problem, as dealers sell counterfeit versions laced with fentanyl at lower prices. This creates a dangerous situation where unsuspecting users are putting themselves at risk of overdose or death. The situation is particularly concerning given the potency and ease of production of fentanyl, making it a significant public health threat.

    • Fentanyl Production and Distribution Expands to EuropeCartels expand Fentanyl production and distribution to Europe, forming relationships with organized crime groups and establishing hubs in Spain and the Netherlands, leading to increased availability of illegal drugs.

      The illegal drug trade, specifically the production and distribution of Fentanyl, has become a global issue with cartels expanding their operations beyond Latin America and the US into Europe. Fentanyl, a powerful opioid, has gained popularity due to its potency and ease of production, leading to an increase in demand and dangerous consequences such as overdoses and even deaths. Cartels have broken deals with local gangs in Europe and established strong relationships with organized crime groups like the Albanian Mafia to distribute Fentanyl and other drugs. Spain and the Netherlands have become major hubs for the production and distribution of Fentanyl due to the ease of setting up operations and the corruption of law enforcement officials. This trend has been ongoing for several years and has led to a significant increase in the availability of illegal drugs in Europe.

    • Jalisco Cartel's Expansion into AfricaThe Jalisco Cartel's expansion into Africa involves corrupting weak governments and offering the best prices and contacts to local gangs, leading to control of drug trade and human trafficking. This strategy's success is due to African corruption and instability, high European demand, and ideal drug production conditions.

      The Jalisco Cartel has successfully expanded its operations into Africa by establishing a presence through local gangs and corrupting weak governments. They began by offering the best prices and contacts, eventually taking control of the drug trade and even human trafficking in certain areas. This strategy has proven to be highly profitable due to the corruption and instability in African governments and the high demand for drugs in Europe. The success of the Jalisco Cartel in Africa, along with the Sinaloa Cartel's operations in Europe, has made both cartels major players in the global drug trade. The Albanian mafia has also been involved in the drug trade in Africa and South America, using it as a means to facilitate human trafficking. The most profitable strategy for these cartels may be a large production facility in Africa, as the continent provides the perfect conditions for drug production and easy access to Europe.

    • Cartels expand operations to Europe, forming alliances with other criminal organizationsThe Caliso and Aloha cartels have expanded their reach to Europe, forming alliances with other criminal organizations, leading to increased violence and control over human trafficking and drug trafficking businesses.

      The Caliso and Aloha cartels have expanded their operations south to countries like Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, and Paraguay, aiming to own the supply side of their businesses and form alliances with other criminal organizations, such as the Albanians. This has led to increased violence and the exportation of cartel leadership to these territories. As a result, two major criminal enterprises are now controlling a significant portion of the human trafficking and drug trafficking businesses in Europe, benefiting from each other's resources and networks. The cartels' expansion into Europe is expected to create a major news cycle and potential diplomatic tensions, as Europe has been critical of the US' handling of the drug crisis. The cartels' motivation for this expansion may be driven by their desire to diversify their operations and target markets, as well as potential geopolitical benefits for China and the cartels themselves.

    • Cartels' Infiltration into the US SystemMexican drug cartels have expanded their reach in the US by forming relationships, building families, and recruiting Americans to help operate within the country, making it difficult to combat their presence effectively.

      Mexican drug cartels have been deeply embedded in the US system for decades. They have established relationships, built families, and even recruited Americans to help them operate within the country. Cartels don't need to form physically within the US as they can partner with Americans and have them handle the distribution of drugs while they focus on production and financing. This symbiotic relationship allows cartels to expand their reach and influence without raising too much suspicion. The US has seen an increase in arrests of doctors, teachers, politicians, and law enforcement officers working for cartels, highlighting the extent of their infiltration. The cartels' ability to recruit Americans, particularly those in positions of power, makes it difficult to combat their presence effectively.

    • US Citizens Facilitate Human Smuggling Across US-Mexico BorderOrganized crime groups use US citizens to bypass border checks, expanding their human smuggling business with fewer risks and higher profits.

      Organized crime groups have smartly adapted to the US immigration system by recruiting American citizens to facilitate human smuggling across the border. According to US Sentencing Commission data, over 79.4% of those sentenced for human smuggling are now US citizens. This trend began in the 1990s, and it allows the criminal organizations to bypass border checks and expand their business with fewer risks and higher profits. The situation at the US-Mexico border is complex, with both countries having their own border patrols and political agendas. Mexico's border institutions, such as the Mexican Institute of Immigration, are notoriously corrupt and prioritize extortion over border security. The situation on the ground involves a large number of migrants, both those who cross the border illegally and those who do so lawfully to request asylum. The border situation is a mess, and while some politicians in Washington may benefit from it, neither the US nor Mexico prioritizes border security above their own interests.

    • Ineffective border control at U.S.-Mexico borderTechnical issues, insufficient capacity, and widespread scams hinder the new application system, leaving migrants with few options but to wait or risk dangerous border crossings.

      The current border control situation at the U.S.-Mexico border is chaotic and ineffective, with many migrants facing difficulties using the new application system and resorting to dangerous methods to cross the border illegally. The system, which includes the CVP one app, is not working efficiently due to technical issues, insufficient capacity, and widespread scams. Migrants, many of whom are fleeing economic or security issues, are left with few options but to wait in place or risk their lives to cross the border. The situation is overwhelming for border patrol agents, who are dealing with a high volume of people and must prioritize those in need of political asylum. A more effective system is needed to separate genuine asylum seekers from economic migrants and prevent the dangerous and illegal crossing of the border.

    • Most illicit drugs enter US through legal ports of entrySmugglers exploit Americans to transport drugs through legal checkpoints, minimizing risk of loss and utilizing concealable vehicles

      The majority of illicit drugs, including fentanyl, are entering the US through legal ports of entry, not through the border wall. Smugglers are exploiting the fact that Americans can more easily pass through checkpoints, and they are hiring them to transport drugs. This tactic allows them to minimize the risk of losing both the drugs and the smuggler. The statistics on drug seizures may not fully reflect this trend, as there is more security at entry points compared to the vastness of the border. Additionally, smugglers are aware of the challenges of transporting large quantities of drugs through deserts or rivers and prefer to use vehicles, which can be easily concealed.

    • Americans recruited by cartels fuel opioid crisis, not migrantsThe opioid crisis is not driven by migrants smuggling in drugs but by Americans, often in economically struggling situations, being recruited by cartels to transport drugs across the border

      The opioid crisis in the United States is not being fueled by migrants smuggling in bags of fentanyl, but rather by Americans, often in desperate situations, being recruited by cartels to transport drugs across the border. This was revealed through interviews with individuals involved and statistics from the cartels themselves. The economic struggles and poverty in the US, exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, make people more susceptible to these offers. The cartels exploit this vulnerability to break down the country's borders and wreak havoc on communities. The image of migrants being the primary source of the problem is a misconception, and it's essential to understand the root cause of this issue to address it effectively.

    • Cartels show interest in a US talk showCartels value the expertise and content of a US talk show, expressed through attempts to secure interviews with prominent figures, particularly those discussing military strategy and arms.

      The cartels in the US have taken notice of a particular talk show, and its hosts and guests. The cartels have shown interest in the show, respecting the quality of the interviews and the expertise of the guests. The process of securing an interview with a prominent figure within the cartel world is ongoing, and the cartels are aware of the potential interview. The cartels are particularly drawn to discussions on military strategy and arms. This unexpected development underscores the reach and impact of the talk show, and the value of its content.

    • The Power of Engaging Conversations and Practical TipsOpening up to new experiences and applying practical tips can significantly enhance various aspects of life, from personal connections to job applications.

      Having an engaging and personalized approach can make a significant difference in various aspects of life. During a conversation, the speaker shared his experience on a show where he connected with a guest who had intriguing insights on UFOs and their acknowledgment by certain authorities. Inspired by this encounter, the speaker shared his intention to create a docu-series based on such interviews. He also emphasized the importance of adding a P.S. to a job application cover letter, which can increase its chances of being read by up to 75%. This anecdote and piece of advice highlight the power of being open to new experiences and applying practical tips to improve one's situation.

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    S2, Episode 1: "The Joy of Serving" with Francis Chan and Kevin Malone

    In season 2 of the Trafficking Free America podcast, we talk about our new video series with Francis Chan called "Advocate: Defending Hope For The Hopeless" - http://usiaht.org/advocate

    In this episode, President and founder of the U.S. Institute Against Human Trafficking and Kids Not For Sale, Kevin Malone, and Pastor, Speaker, and Author, Francis Chan, sit down to discuss the joys (and hardships) of serving in ministry.

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    Listen and be encouraged as we dive into more content around our new video series to educate the Church about Human Trafficking and how Jesus has called the Church to react. 

    00: Intro

    1:09 - Why Francis Chan educates other about Human Trafficking.

    3:33 - Why are some people not impacted by the human trafficking awareness.

    5:50 - How people typically respond to Human Trafficking.

    7:23 - Encouragement in the fight to end Human Trafficking.

    11:46 - When Kevin Malone first met Francis Chan

    12:26 - Kevin & Francis's mission trip in Thailand together.

    13:45 - The joy of serving God in ministry.

    18:19 - How victims of human trafficking have been surprised by Kevin's ministry.

    24:08 - Naturally being more like Jesus.

    26:40 - How to become involved in the fight to end human trafficking as an abolitionist.


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    USIAHT YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@u.s.instituteagainsthumant7628

    Kids Not For Sale Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kids_notforsale/

    Kids Not For Sale Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kidsnotforsalenevada

    Kids Not For Sale Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@kidsnotforsale6673

    Out of Bondage: Human Trafficking

    Out of Bondage: Human Trafficking
    The mass abduction of several hundred female students in Nigeria outraged the world recently. Unfortunately, similar scenarios with smaller numbers is happening every day, and not only to young women. Males are sold into slavery as well. It is an ugly global epidemic. Enter Dottie Laster and Nick Hart, partners in the Bound No More Project. Every day, Dottie and Nick find themselves on the front lines of the recovery of someone’s son or daughter. This is a show not to miss. Tune in to hear the recent recovery stories and new developments in fighting this pervasive crime.

    Episode 15: ON LAWLESSNESS: A direct statement addressed to WA State AG, Bob Ferguson

    Episode 15: ON LAWLESSNESS: A direct statement addressed to WA State AG, Bob Ferguson

    For the record, Tempest DelFuego is a fictional name attached to a real personality.

    The real person experiences cold, gets soaked in the rain and also feels the direct impact of a leftist led environment in Western Washington State, where progressives treat the law as if it is a subjective matter. That looks like law to be selectively enforced by mob will, prosecutorial misconduct and vigilantes, who get a criminal spree pass, if they are useful idiots to local communist political sympathies.  Everyone else deals with arbitrary rules.

    That's the difference between a 41 month sentence for the QAnon Shaman for bad PR(; which is just long enough for Biden to wrap his first term) and ZERO prosecution for ANTIFA associated terrorists who took over a Seattle police precinct for 90 Days. 

    What is explained here is why Western Washington has become a terrible, unsafe place to live because of a noxious hybrid of corporatist corruption in Olympia, supported by the AG and Jay Inslee, AND politically motivated Leftists. 

    FUN FACT: Communists/Leftists tend to believe all laws passed by the existing democratic parlimentary public processes are beneath them to comply with based on their subjective agenda; which often is handed off from someone higher up in the global Communist heirarchy; like the CCP/PRC.  This means they do not believe in domestic application of equal justic before the law and will fight to represent the interests of people who support the open faced destruction of our democratic processes.

    Thanks for your indulgences.