
    #85 Bryce Case Jr. AKA YTCracker - Anonymous Hacker

    en-usNovember 23, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Bryce Case Jr.'s Early Hacking DaysStarting with game codes, Bryce's curiosity and love for computers led him to a hacking career. His early experiences showcase the evolving role of hackers in the digital world.

      Bryce Case Jr., a top hacker in the world, got into hacking at a young age out of curiosity and a love for computers. His father's job in the defense industry exposed him to computers when they were less common, and he quickly became infatuated with programming and coding. He started by changing game codes to get cheats or extra ammunition, which was the beginning of his hacking career. The importance of this takeaway lies in the changing nature of warfare and the growing significance of hackers like Bryce in the digital world. The conversation also highlights the opportunity for individuals to learn and explore new fields from a young age and make a positive impact on society.

    • The Early Days of Hacking with Whitey CrackerHacking's origins were rooted in curiosity and exploration, with a focus on knowledge and skill. Early hackers, like Whitey Cracker, valued ingenuity and resourcefulness, and the community embraced mental health practices like using performance mushrooms.

      The hacking community has a rich history, with its own unique language and culture. Bryce Case Jr., also known as Whitey Cracker, is a notable figure in this community, with a storied past as a hacker and the forefather of Nerdcore. He grew up in a time when handles and call signs were common, and the term "hacker" had a different meaning than it does today. Hacking was seen as a curiosity-driven pursuit, and the community valued knowledge and exploration above all else. Bryce's story is a testament to the ingenuity and resourcefulness of early hackers, and his contributions to the field have left a lasting impact. Additionally, mental health is an important aspect of the hacking community, and the use of performance mushrooms and other brain-boosting supplements is a common practice.

    • Colorado Springs' influence on speaker's interest in computersGrowing up in an environment that encouraged intellectual curiosity and provided access to programming knowledge shaped the speaker's passion for computers and programming.

      The speaker's upbringing in Colorado Springs, with its military influence and unique anti-hacking laws, played a significant role in shaping his interest in computers and programming at a young age. Despite being exposed to highly intelligent individuals, he doesn't consider himself a genius but rather someone who has built on the knowledge of those who came before him. His early experiences with reading and programming laid the foundation for his future success. The environment he grew up in, though not necessarily friendly to exploration, fueled his passion for computers and set him on a path towards a remarkable skill set.

    • Inspiring the Next Generation of HackersThe speaker's mentorship and knowledge have led to impressive advancements in hacking tools and hacker-proof devices, while encouraging individuals to invest in precious metals during uncertain economic times.

      The speaker's mentorship and knowledge have inspired and influenced many individuals in the hacking community to create impressive technologies. From inventing advanced hacking tools to developing hacker-proof devices, these individuals have learned and built upon the speaker's expertise. The speaker expresses pride in their role in fostering talent and growth in the field but is quick to acknowledge that the accomplishments are the individuals' own. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of preparation, particularly during uncertain economic times, and encourages listeners to consider investing in precious metals as a means of protecting their money. Additionally, the speaker shares their personal use and endorsement of HVMN's ketones supplement, which enhances workouts and mental clarity. Overall, the speaker's impact on the hacking community and their personal endorsements highlight their expertise and influence.

    • Mother's encouragement and early exposure to programming fueled careerEarly exposure to programming and mother's support ignited a lifelong passion for computer science

      The interviewee's early exposure to reading and programming at a young age, combined with his mother's encouragement and involvement, played a significant role in sparking his interest and eventual career in computer programming. The use of educational tools like poster boards and basic programming languages designed for beginners, such as Basic, contributed to his learning experience. The home computing revolution during that time also provided accessible resources for self-learning, allowing him to experiment and input code directly into the computer. The interviewee's fascination with being able to make machines do whatever he wanted led him to programming, and despite distractions being fewer back then, computers remained his primary interest, surpassing hobbies like baseball cards and magic.

    • A family-oriented upbringing nurtured their creativity and technical skills, but rebellious teenage years introduced them to criminal activities.Despite a challenging upbringing and rebellious teenage years, one's passion and skills can endure and shape their future career.

      The speaker's upbringing, influenced by a family-oriented but strict environment, fostered both their creative and technical interests. They participated in extracurricular programs like Odyssey of the Mind, which encouraged creativity, and learned computer programming. However, during their teenage years, they experienced a rebellious phase, which led them to engage in criminal activities like graffiti and shoplifting. Despite this, their passion for computers persisted, setting the stage for a future in technology. The speaker's story highlights the complex interplay between upbringing, personal experiences, and individual development.

    • Exploring unconventional pathsChallenging limits and exploring new opportunities, even without a clear need, can lead to innovative paths and personal growth.

      The necessity to challenge limits and explore new opportunities, even without a clear need, can lead to innovative and unconventional paths in life. The speaker's experiences with shoplifting and hacking as a teenager, and later being offered a job at a tech company, illustrate this idea. However, the speaker's parents' disapproval and reluctance to let him pursue these opportunities led him to explore other avenues, such as the rave scene and drug use. While some of these experiences were harmful, they also fueled his passion for music and creativity. Ultimately, the speaker's story highlights the importance of seizing opportunities and following one's interests, even when faced with adversity.

    • A Young Life of CrimeThe speaker's past involved engaging in criminal activities, driven by peer pressure and the thrill of the adrenaline rush, but he now regrets those actions and tries to make amends.

      The speaker's past involved engaging in criminal activities, specifically breaking and entering and car theft, driven by a combination of teenage angst, peer pressure, and the thrill of the adrenaline rush. The speaker was the brains of the operation and managed to avoid getting caught, but many of his friends were not so lucky. They targeted businesses and cars, often taking valuable parts to sell or keep for themselves. The speaker expresses regret for his actions and tries to make amends for any negative karma incurred. The experiences occurred before movies like "Gone in 60 Seconds" and "Fast and the Furious" glamorized such behavior. The speaker acknowledges that it was a foolish and dangerous way to live and that it was all for no good reason.

    • Dreams of Death Reinforced False Sense of InvincibilityDespite a near-death experience, the speaker's belief in his invincibility persisted, leading him to continue risky behavior and only changing his ways after a significant life event

      Even after experiencing a life-threatening event, the speaker's false sense of invincibility only grew stronger. At the age of 18, he had recurring dreams of impending death, which unfortunately came true when he was attacked in a parking lot. Despite nearly dying from his injuries, the experience did not deter him from his risky behavior. Instead, he saw it as a personal challenge to support himself through dealing drugs. This period of his life lasted until the birth of his daughter, which was the turning point that helped him leave his dangerous lifestyle behind. The incident in the parking lot did not serve as a wake-up call, but rather reinforced his belief in his invulnerability.

    • From Spamming and Drug Dealing to RedemptionIt's never too late to change your path, even if you've made mistakes in the past. With discipline and dedication, you can turn your life around.

      No matter how far down the wrong path one may go, it's never too late to make a change. The speaker shares his personal experiences of engaging in spamming and drug dealing, which proved to be unrestful and ultimately led him to the realization that he wanted to be a father and turn his life around. He encourages those who may be stuck in similar situations to know that change is possible with discipline and dedication. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of giving second chances to those who have made mistakes in the past and understanding the reasons behind people's actions.

    • The Eternal September of AOL and the Rise of SpamThe 1990s saw a surge in internet usage due to AOL's user-friendly features, leading to a rise in unsolicited commercial emails, or spam, with the porn industry being a significant contributor to this trend.

      The advent of America Online (AOL) in the 1990s marked a significant shift in internet usage, making it more accessible to the general public and leading to a proliferation of unsolicited commercial emails, or spam. This era, known as the "Eternal September," saw a massive influx of new users, many of whom were less technically proficient than early internet users. AOL's user-friendly features, such as chat rooms and member directories, made it easy for marketers to harvest information and send spam emails, with affiliate programs for pornography being a major driver of this activity. The porn industry played a pivotal role in the development of internet technology, from VHS tapes to broadband internet, and its marketing techniques often paved the way for mainstream practices. As a teenager during this time, the speaker made money by using hacked AOL accounts to send spam emails promoting porn sites, earning around $1,000 a week.

    • Affiliate Marketing in the Porn Industry Pioneered Modern TechniquesThe porn industry's use of email marketing, free trials, and continuity offers set the stage for modern affiliate marketing practices.

      The affiliate marketing model in the porn industry paved the way for its widespread use in various industries. The techniques used, such as extracting email addresses from chat rooms and creating marketing emails with attention-grabbing content, are still common practices. Affiliates would pose as models and send out emails, leading recipients to landing pages with tracking codes in the URL. The porn industry also popularized the use of free trials and continuity offers, where affiliates were paid for the initial trial sign-ups and subsequent monthly payments. This was all done without limitations, leading to the development of technologies to prevent mass emailing and spamming. The speaker, who started at a young age, shared his experiences of being part of this early affiliate marketing scene.

    • Early hacking days on bulletin board systems and AOLBryce's curiosity and desire for knowledge led him to hack on bulletin board systems, discovering the 'Anarchist Cookbook' and further fueling his interest in hacking.

      The early days of hacking involved using computer programs to access information on bulletin board systems, which were precursors to modern online forums. AOL was a popular target due to its vast user base and easy-to-exploit vulnerabilities. Bryce started hacking on these systems out of curiosity and a desire to gain knowledge, leading him to explore various topics, including the infamous "Anarchist Cookbook." This book, available both in print and online, contained instructions for creating bombs and engaging in various forms of mischief and illegal activities. Bryce's interest in hacking grew from this early experience, eventually leading him to more advanced exploits and techniques. Moving on, the Sean Ryan Show took a brief detour to discuss mental health and brain health supplements. Bryce shared his experience with Laird Superfoods and their Performance Mushrooms, which support brain health and can be added to various beverages. He also highlighted Hoist IV level hydration, a product with fewer sugars and more electrolytes than other sports drinks, and encouraged listeners to check it out.

    • The early days of computer networking and explorationEarly computer networking was marked by local BBSs, multi-node systems, and hacking discoveries, shaping the foundation for the modern internet and digital age.

      The early days of computer networking were characterized by local bulletin board systems (BBSs) and communities that predated the internet. These systems were often run by organizations like libraries and offered various functions, including email, news, and file sharing. Multi-node systems allowed multiple users to access the system simultaneously, while single-node BBSs had time limits and required users to call back later if they were disconnected. One user discovered a way to gain shell access on a library computer's BBS, which led him to set up a bot to monitor internet relay chat channels and keep them active. During this time, hackers discovered vulnerabilities in software like WinNuke, which could crash Windows systems by exploiting an open port. This software gained popularity on America Online (AOL), leading the user to explore the platform and eventually engage in spamming and other mischievous activities. These experiences showcased the sense of curiosity and exploration that drove early computer enthusiasts, as well as the potential risks and ethical dilemmas that came with this new technology. The pre-internet era laid the groundwork for the modern internet and the digital age we know today.

    • Hacking and Manipulation in the Early Days of the InternetDuring the late 1990s and early 2000s, hacking and manipulating online systems was common on platforms like America Online, fueled by the anonymity and ease of manipulating technology. Ranging from harmless pranks to serious attempts to take over accounts or keywords, these activities served as the proving grounds for modern cyber attacks.

      During the late 1990s and early 2000s, hacking and manipulating online systems for personal gain or just for the thrill was a common occurrence, especially on platforms like America Online (AOL). Users would hack into private rooms, manipulate keywords, and even target employee accounts to gain access to internal systems. The anonymity of the internet and the ease of manipulating the technology were major factors that fueled this behavior. These activities ranged from harmless pranks to more serious attempts to take over accounts or even entire keywords. It was a time when the internet was still new and evolving, and the rules and security measures were not as advanced as they are today. This period served as the proving grounds for various cyber attacks and manipulations that continue to persist in the digital world.

    • Hackers in the late 80s created a reverse tunnel system for unauthorized AOL accessDuring the late 80s, hackers used a reverse tunnel system called a jump box to gain unauthorized access to AOL's internal network, primarily for securing desirable screen names and building relationships within the hacking community

      During the late 80s, a group of hackers, including the speaker and his friend Carbox, developed a reverse tunnel system called a jump box, which granted them unauthorized access to AOL's internal network. With this access, they could obtain customer information, including addresses, phone numbers, and credit card details. They primarily used it to secure desirable screen names for themselves and their friends. The era was known for legendary hacker groups like Masters of Deception and Legion of Doom, and the speaker fondly recalls the time as the "glory days" of hacking. He never met some of his closest friends, like Glitch, in person and only knew them through their voices on conference calls. They met and built relationships within the hacking community through private rooms named after popular software. While they didn't engage in credit card theft or other malicious activities, their actions were part of a time when the internet was just starting to become accessible to the public, and there were no compensating controls in place.

    • Innovation and collaboration on AOL's early internetThe early internet on AOL fostered a culture of innovation, collaboration, and resourcefulness, with users creating tools and sharing software, leading to successful careers for many in the tech industry.

      The early days of the internet were characterized by a highly collaborative and innovative culture, particularly on platforms like America Online (AOL). Users would download software in chunks from server rooms, engaging in a network of sharing and collaboration similar to the open-source community. One user, renowned for his programming skills, gained notoriety by creating tools like an all-in-one chat command program and a program that generated free AOL accounts, which were in high demand due to desirable lowercase screen names. As hacking began to take on more serious forms, the focus shifted to breaking into AOL's systems and creating thin clients that emulated the platform without using its software. Many individuals from this era went on to successful careers in tech, including Mark Zuckerberg, who also started his programming journey on AOL. The spirit of innovation, collaboration, and resourcefulness that defined this period continues to influence the tech industry today.

    • Exploring Hacking Communities in the Late 1990sHacking communities in the late 1990s were complex ecosystems with a sharing economy and hierarchical structures, where black hat activities coexisted with friendships and valuable insights.

      The online communities discussed were not forums of hackers per se, but rather chat rooms with varying skill levels. The speaker, who was part of several groups, including AWOL files and observers, recalls a hierarchical structure with elite groups like Lithium Node. He admits to engaging in black hat hacking activities within AOL, causing the termination of hundreds of thousands of accounts and potentially causing ancillary deaths. However, he also emphasizes the sharing economy among hackers, where knowledge was exchanged for future gains. The speaker met some of his best friends through these online communities, and they have remained friends for over 25 years. Despite the black hat activities, the speaker's experiences provided him with unique insights into systems that few others had access to. Overall, the speaker's story illustrates the complex and sometimes dangerous world of hacking communities in the late 1990s.

    • Meeting Friends in the Hacking SceneThe hacking community is diverse, with individuals from various backgrounds defying stereotypes. Early hackers often started with harmless pranks, but their experiences could lead to government work.

      The hacking community, which was largely unknown and misunderstood three decades ago, is far more diverse than the stereotypical image of a hoodie-wearing, energy drink-guzzling "weirdo" at a computer. The speaker shared his personal experience of meeting his closest friends through the hacking scene starting from his teenage years. He emphasized that these individuals came from various backgrounds and did not fit the stereotypical image. However, he acknowledged that there are common personality traits, such as mental health issues and autism, within the hacking community. The speaker also shared his early experiences with hacking, starting with defacing websites for fun, and how it eventually led him to government work. He left the websites defaced until the owners noticed and took action, often leaving a message or a joke behind. Overall, the speaker's experience highlights the complexity and diversity of the hacking community, challenging the stereotypes that have persisted for decades.

    • A teenage hacker's crusade against government and corporate websitesA determined hacker can expose vulnerabilities in powerful entities, underscoring the importance of cybersecurity and potential consequences of neglect.

      During the turn of the millennium, a high school student named [Name] gained notoriety for hacking various government and corporate websites, including those of NASA, FAA, and the White House. His actions, while raising awareness about vulnerabilities, were considered criminal. He was motivated by his patriotism and belief that these entities, despite their resources, were neglecting cybersecurity. Starting at 16 or 17 years old, he defaced websites with warnings of security holes and exposed vulnerabilities. Though he was investigated by multiple agencies and faced consequences, he saw it as an opportunity to raise awareness about the illusory power structure that could be defeated by a determined hacker. His actions, while questionable, highlighted the importance of cybersecurity and the potential consequences of neglecting it.

    • Hacking Government Websites: Similarities in Techniques and ImpactHacking involves exploiting vulnerabilities to gain access to sensitive information, not just grinding out passwords. Techniques like carpet bombing can easily find and impact vulnerable government websites, highlighting the need for securing critical infrastructure.

      The methods used in hacking, whether it's targeting a local car dealership or government websites, have similarities in terms of exploiting vulnerabilities. The speaker, a self-proclaimed hacker, started with graffiti and transitioned to using the internet as a medium for his actions. He gained notoriety by hacking government websites, including NASA, Defense Contract Audit Agency, and Federal Aviation Administration, on November 23, 1999. These hacks gained widespread media attention. The speaker leveraged an exploit in a database service called msadc.dll, which allowed him to issue commands with web user permissions. He could manipulate police records and even access international warrants. People may have a misconception that hacking is just grinding out passwords, but it involves exploiting vulnerabilities and gaining access to sensitive information. The speaker used a technique called carpet bombing, where he targeted .gov and .mil domains, and his grinders checked for the presence of the vulnerable file. The ease of finding vulnerable sites and the potential impact of the hacks highlight the importance of securing government websites and other critical infrastructure.

    • Hacker gains access to DNS intelligence of government networksAccess to DNS intelligence can reveal sensitive information about gov't networks, leading to potential investigations and cooperation with authorities.

      Having access to DNS intelligence can reveal valuable information about government organizations and their networks. This was demonstrated by a hacker who gained access to a repository of operating systems and versions used by various sites, including those belonging to government entities. The hacker, who was part of a hacker group called Sesame Street hackers, was eventually approached by an administrator of a hacked satellite who warned him that authorities were after him. The hacker then contacted NASA's Office of the Inspector General and was able to avoid arrest by cooperating with the authorities. The incident involved multiple agencies investigating the hacker, highlighting the significant resources that were allocated to the case. It also showcases the importance of having a clear communication channel between hackers and law enforcement to prevent escalation and potential damage.

    • A teenager's defiance: Hacking NASA and speaking to the pressA hacker gained recognition and attention by openly defacing NASA's website and speaking to the press, but faced consequences including community service and a tarnished reputation.

      During the early days of hacking, some hackers saw media attention as a way to gain recognition and spread their message. One hacker, who was 17 at the time, openly defaced NASA's website and spoke to the press before getting caught. He believed being upfront about his actions saved him from harsher consequences. When NASA arrived at his home, they had evidence against him, including chat logs. The conversation was cordial, and they took his equipment for analysis. NASA fixed the problem and didn't offer him a job due to public perception issues. The hacker later worked with agencies on a technical consultation basis as part of his community service. The experience felt surreal, like living in a movie, given the resources and manpower required to track down the hackers. Despite the consequences, the hacker remained proud of his actions and the attention they brought.

    • Hacker's Perspective: Lack of Awareness and Resources in Late 90sRegretful hacker highlights the need for cybersecurity expertise and resources to prevent potential catastrophic consequences from vulnerabilities.

      The importance of anonymity and the challenges of maintaining robust cybersecurity were key themes in the speaker's experience as a hacker in the late 90s. He emphasized that the lack of awareness and resources among government agencies, as well as the anonymity that came with being a hacker, were crucial factors that allowed him and his peers to operate undetected. He also noted the significant gap in expertise and resources between the hackers and the organizations they targeted, and the potential catastrophic consequences of such vulnerabilities today. The speaker expressed regret that his warnings about security vulnerabilities were often ignored, and he urged the importance of having skilled professionals dedicated to cybersecurity to prevent such incidents.

    • Demonstrating commitment and authenticity through disruptive behaviorBreaking rules or showing vulnerability can help build trust and credibility, but it's crucial to consider the ethical implications of such actions

      Demonstrating one's commitment and authenticity, even if it involves breaking something, can help establish trust and credibility within a community. This was evident in the creation of the Digital Gangster forum, which started as a defunct website for a local production company but gained traction when its founder demonstrated his hacking skills by sharing hacked information, such as Paris Hilton's Sidekick data, with the community. This disruptive behavior brought together various groups, including hackers, internet marketers, and gaming enthusiasts, and made the forum a hub for information sharing and collaboration. However, it's important to note that the forum's activities, while popular at the time, would now be considered a serious invasion of privacy and regrettable behavior.

    • The Digital Gangster forum: A hub for hackers and self-incriminationThe Digital Gangster forum demonstrated the disconnect between media portrayals and reality, highlighting the importance of critical thinking and the role of hacking communities in fostering talent and knowledge sharing

      The early days of the internet were a wild frontier, filled with hacking, intrigue, and a revolving door of newcomers and veterans. One notable example was the Digital Gangster forum, where hackers shared knowledge and engaged in self-incriminating behavior. The forum attracted millions of users and generated astronomical page views due to its high Google ranking. One infamous event involved the hacking of Miley Cyrus's email, which brought the forum significant attention. Despite the forum's demise, its legacy includes valuable lessons about the disconnect between news reports and reality and the importance of critical thinking. While some may find the past actions of these hackers embarrassing or humiliating, the forum served as a pipeline of fresh talent and a place for mentorship.

    • Exploring the diverse early 2000s hacking communityThe hacking community in the early 2000s was a diverse group of individuals who used online forums to learn, collaborate, and engage in both legal and illegal activities, ultimately contributing to the development of the digital world.

      The hacking community in the early 2000s was a diverse group of individuals with various skill sets, including hackers, internet marketers, and gamers. They used online forums as a training ground to learn and collaborate, engaging in both legal and illegal activities. One notable incident involved gaining control of Barack Obama's Twitter account to tweet affiliate links for free gas cards, showcasing the group's ability to exploit systems for financial gain and amusement. The community was not just about hacking or outing celebrities, but also provided resources for learning programming, marketing, and other skills, ultimately contributing to the development of the digital world as we know it today.

    • A Talented Individual's Bitcoin Mining Hack on Darknet ForumThe Darknet forum fostered innovation and skill development, with members achieving financial success through cryptocurrency hacks and creating valuable software.

      The Darknet forum discussed in the conversation was a breeding ground for talented individuals, particularly in the realm of programming. One such individual, named Ryan, made a significant amount of money through a hack involving Bitcoin mining. The mining process involves solving complex mathematical problems using computer processing power. Ryan used malware to gain access to other people's computers and harness their processing power to solve these problems faster than his competitors, allowing him to earn more Bitcoin. This was a significant coup, as the value of Bitcoin had skyrocketed at the time. The forum also had an "Adopt a Newb" program, where experienced members mentored newcomers. One such newcomer, named Glue, impressed everyone with his rapid learning and innovative ideas. He went on to create software for spammers, which was later packaged and marketed. Glue is now one of the most skilled programmers in the world. The forum was a place where people learned valuable skills and went on to achieve great things, including financial success. Ryan's Bitcoin hack was just one example of the impressive feats accomplished by members of the forum.

    • Competing to find specific outputs in Bitcoin miningMining Bitcoin involves finding specific outputs through proof of work, with miners pooling resources and sometimes using unauthorized methods like botnets to increase efficiency, but risks include potential malicious activities.

      Bitcoin mining involves finding a specific output from a computationally intensive process called proof of work. Miners compete to find this output by trying different inputs, and the first one to find it is rewarded with new Bitcoin. This process requires significant computational power, leading some miners to form pools where they share resources and profits. Ryan, in the discussed example, used a botnet to mine Bitcoin for himself and his pool, making it a more efficient process. However, this method was still considered a form of hacking as it utilized others' computing resources without their consent. In the past, similar techniques have been used for malicious purposes, such as installing malware or stealing banking information. I personally have exploited vulnerabilities in website account creation to generate profits, but my methods did not involve using others' resources without permission. Overall, the intersection of hacking and cryptocurrency mining presents both opportunities and risks.

    • Understanding Human vs Bot Behavior in CybercrimeCybercriminals exploit differences between human and bot behavior to create accounts and bypass protections, particularly in industries with strict verification requirements like dating.

      Human beings and automated bots behave differently online, and finding ways to create accounts and bypass protections has been a lucrative area for cybercriminals. Account creation is a significant issue, with CAPTCHAs and human verification often being circumvented through outsourcing to humans in countries like Bangladesh. Bot protections often rely on these human efforts, creating a new playing field when changes are made. The dating industry was particularly profitable due to the need for age verification and the ability to emulate human behavior. The interviewee's success came from staying ahead of technology changes and exploiting site idiosyncrasies. Overall, understanding the differences between human and bot behavior and the ways to manipulate systems to create accounts and bypass protections is a crucial aspect of cybercrime.

    • Exploring early affiliate marketing hacksCollaborative community of innovators in early affiliate marketing used skills to bypass restrictions and make money online, driving success through unique methods and shared desire for success

      The early days of affiliate marketing involved a collaborative community of individuals, including Bryce and Ryan, who used their skills in marketing and cybersecurity to outsmart systems and make money online. Bryce recognized Ryan's potential early on and the two became friends and mentor-mentee. They explored various methods to bypass restrictions and hack into markets, working together as a team. One notable hack involved obtaining address books to expand their reach. While the specifics of this hack may not be publicly known, the spirit of collaboration and innovation in the affiliate marketing community during this era was a driving force for success. The more unique and effective methods they could develop, the more money they could make. The community's collaborative nature and shared desire for success made the experience not only profitable but also enjoyable.

    • Mass spamming for financial gain: Speakers' past actionsSpeakers engaged in mass spamming using email and text messages, risking legal consequences for financial gain. Prank calls to emergency services led to 86 calls.

      During a specific time in their past, the speakers engaged in mass spamming campaigns using email and text messages for financial gain. They sent out millions of ads indiscriminately, using technologies like GSM modems and prepaid SIM cards. These actions were considered a felony and could result in prison time. Despite the potential legal consequences, the speakers found enjoyment in the process and the financial rewards. They also shared a passion for hacking and marketing. One notable experience involved a prank call to the local police station using an IP relay service, falsely reporting a bomb threat and other violent acts, which was attributed to the speakers. This incident resulted in 86 different calls to emergency services. Overall, the speakers' actions demonstrate the potential risks and consequences of mass spamming and the importance of respecting privacy and ethical boundaries.

    • Swatting: A prank call with dangerous consequencesSwatting, a prank call involving false reports to emergency services, can result in dangerous situations for innocent people and waste valuable resources.

      Swatting, a prank call where false reports of a serious crime are made to emergency services, can have dangerous consequences. The interviewee, Ryan Montgomery, shared his personal experience of being the victim of one of the first recorded swatting incidents in the US. He received an unexpected visit from over 80 law enforcement officers, including bomb squad and helicopters, after someone reported a crime at his old address. Although he was unharmed, the situation could have ended tragically if he had made the wrong move. Swatting originated from an IP relay service meant for deaf people to communicate, but it evolved into making elaborate false reports to emergency services. The potential danger lies in the fact that the responding officers take these reports seriously and may use force if they believe there is an imminent threat. It is crucial to be aware of the risks and consequences of engaging in such pranks.

    • Digital Security Threats: Swatting and Sim SwappingSwatting and sim swapping are digital security threats that rely on social engineering and access to specific information. They can lead to the theft of passwords, crypto wallets, and other sensitive information. Be aware of these threats and take steps to protect personal information.

      Digital security threats, such as swatting and sim swapping, have evolved significantly over the years. Swatting, which involves making false reports to law enforcement to send a large police presence to a target's location, was once used mainly against enemies, but now even kids can fall victim to it during online gaming. Sim swapping, a technique to take over someone's phone number, can lead to the theft of passwords, crypto wallets, and other sensitive information. Both swatting and sim swapping rely heavily on social engineering and require access to specific information. The police are more aware of these threats now, but they remain effective if the attacker is convincing. The use of equipment like RFID readers and Prox Mark III can help bypass security measures and gain unauthorized access to certain systems or physical spaces. It's crucial to be aware of these threats and take steps to protect personal information.

    • Exploring wireless communication and data extraction with Flipper and Hack RFThe Flipper and Hack RF are versatile tools for wireless communication and data extraction, with the Flipper focusing on NFC technology and the Hack RF functioning as a software-defined radio, enabling access to various wireless signals and systems.

      The discussed devices, including the "grown-up version" of the Flipper and the Hack RF, offer extensive functionality for wireless communication and data extraction. While the Flipper primarily focuses on NFC technology, the Hack RF functions as a software-defined radio (SDR), enabling it to send and receive various wireless signals, from AM/FM radio and TV to more complex systems like ADS-B for airplanes and POCSAG pagers. The Hack RF also serves as a listening and transmitting device, making it a versatile tool for individuals interested in wireless communication and data analysis. These devices can be used for various purposes, such as monitoring wireless protocols or even sending messages on certain frequencies. Essentially, they provide access to the electromagnetic spectrum, allowing users to explore and interact with previously invisible wireless signals.

    • Understanding frequency band usage and static IP addressesFrequency bands with wider capacity handle more traffic and offer better signal strength, while static IP addresses ensure consistent and secure communications.

      Frequency bands, like those used by Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, can become busy due to high traffic and signal-to-noise ratios. The width of the band determines the capacity for traffic, and you can observe the signal strength and noise level to understand the band's usage. Additionally, having a static IP address offers consistency and security for communications, as it doesn't change and can be associated with a domain. The speaker uses a hardened Android phone, the Obelisk One, which supports software-defined radio and runs a secure Linux distribution called Andrax, for secure communications while traveling. This phone's static IP address ensures reliable and consistent access to services and data. Overall, understanding frequency band usage and utilizing a static IP address can enhance the security and functionality of communication systems.

    • Android phone prioritizes security over usabilityAndroid phone offers enhanced security features but sacrifices usability, while an OMG cable can be used as a command and control channel for potential harm

      The Android phone discussed in this conversation is not focused on usability but rather on security. It's designed to be more secure with features like being completely locked down and having no Google Play Store. Users need to sideload all applications explicitly. The phone itself is also hardened, making it a hassle to use but secure. The speaker also mentioned an OMG cable, which is an OEM iPhone cable with a hidden full computer and wireless radio that can be used as a command and control channel. This cable can be used to exfiltrate data or take control of any machine it's connected to. The NSA has developed similar utilities, and this cable is now available to consumers for less than $200. However, it's important to be careful with such tools as they can be deceiving and can cause significant harm if used maliciously. The Android phone and the OMG cable represent the compromise between security and usability, with the former being prioritized over the latter.

    • Tools like OMG cable can pose risks to computer securitySeemingly harmless tools can be used maliciously for data extraction on air-gapped machines, highlighting the importance of proactive cybersecurity measures.

      The use of seemingly harmless tools, like the OMG cable, can pose significant risks to computer security. These tools, which can be used to control a computer through a phone, can be used maliciously for data extraction, even on air-gapped machines. The ease of access to such tools and the potential power they hold in the hands of individuals is a cause for concern. In the professional world, the development of cyber weapons is not always for nefarious purposes. Instead, companies like Google are working to identify and weaponize vulnerabilities before they can be exploited by malicious actors. This proactive approach is crucial in the lucrative field of cybersecurity, where the threat of force is just as important as the power to act.

    • Researchers Discovering and Addressing Zero-Day Vulnerabilities in IoTResearchers play a crucial role in discovering and addressing zero-day vulnerabilities in IoT devices, protecting millions of users through their deep understanding and dedication.

      The field of embedded security, particularly in the Internet of Things (IoT) sector, requires constant vigilance due to the interconnected nature of various smart devices. Researchers like the one discussed focus on discovering and addressing zero-day vulnerabilities, acting as both the weaponizer and the antidote provider. Their work can prevent widespread exploitation and protect millions of users. This research often involves deep understanding of system components and interoperability. The researchers' dedication stems from their personal use of these products and the potential impact on their loved ones. The Dubai government's GISEC conference is one example of efforts to encourage collaboration between researchers and organizations to identify and resolve vulnerabilities.

    • Advanced countries prioritize cybersecurity with UAE leading the wayUAE's efficient approach to cybersecurity contrasts US's larger attack surface and bureaucracy

      Advanced countries like the UAE are prioritizing cybersecurity and investing heavily in it, recognizing it as the battleground of the future. They are bringing in top talent from around the world for penetration testing and bug finding. The US, while making progress, still lags behind in this regard due to its larger attack surface and bureaucratic red tape. The speaker has experience working in cybersecurity for both the UAE and the US, and has noticed a significant difference in their approaches. The US, inventor of the internet, has a larger attack surface and more exposure due to its technological dominance. Authoritarian governments, like the UAE, can address problems more efficiently due to less bureaucracy, but come with their own trade-offs, such as limited individual freedoms. The speaker also mentions their experience in the adult industry, specifically with Grindr, where they served as head of security, highlighting the unique challenges that industry presents.

    • Privacy and security concerns in geolocation-based apps for marginalized communitiesBalancing user experience, security, and privacy is crucial in developing and operating geolocation-based apps, particularly for marginalized communities, as illustrated by the Grindr case study.

      Privacy and security concerns are crucial considerations in the development and implementation of geolocation-based apps, particularly those catering to marginalized communities. The Grindr case study illustrates the benefits and risks of proximity-based features, with users desiring greater accuracy and ease of use, but security personnel warning of potential safety hazards and privacy invasions. The app faced significant challenges, including stalking and entrapment by government agencies in countries where homosexuality is illegal. Despite these concerns, the app was eventually bought by a Chinese company, raising national security and data privacy issues. Ultimately, the US government intervened, forcing the sale back to an American company to mitigate potential risks. This incident underscores the importance of balancing user experience, security, and privacy in the development and operation of geolocation-based apps.

    • Recruiting Controversial Hackers for CybersecuritySome organizations hire hackers with controversial pasts for their cybersecurity expertise, recognizing their unique perspective and adversarial thinking as valuable assets. However, trustworthiness and reputation are crucial factors in their recruitment.

      Despite a controversial past, some organizations are willing to recruit high-profile hackers for their expertise in cybersecurity. The speaker, a hacker with a history of defacing various high-profile websites and organizations, has been recruited by several foreign governments and tech companies for penetration testing and red cell operations. While some may question the morality and trustworthiness of such individuals, the speaker argues that their unique perspective and adversarial thinking make them valuable assets in the cybersecurity field. The challenge lies in whether these organizations are open to considering individuals with questionable pasts and whether these individuals are trustworthy enough to handle sensitive information. The speaker's own reputation and trustworthiness, despite a history of defacing websites, have been key factors in their ability to be recruited.

    • Valuing Passion and Diversity in CybersecurityFind passionate individuals for your cybersecurity team, regardless of background or qualifications. Embrace diversity and adaptability to succeed in the ever-evolving field.

      Passion and diverse talent are key in building a successful cybersecurity team. The speaker, with a criminal past and a background in music, shares his experience of being valued for his unique perspective and ability to identify talent. He emphasizes the importance of finding individuals who are passionate about the field, regardless of their background or academic qualifications. The speaker also mentions the evolution of cybersecurity from a niche discipline to a recognized profession, making it accessible to a wider audience. He reflects on his own journey, from being a "digital gangster" to leading a team at a tech company, and the importance of seizing opportunities and being open to new experiences. Overall, the speaker's insights highlight the value of passion, diversity, and adaptability in the ever-evolving field of cybersecurity.

    • Importance of identifying and cultivating cybersecurity talent for infrastructure systemsDiversity in cybersecurity is important, but identifying and cultivating talent for securing infrastructure systems, especially those with large attack surfaces and obscure designs, is crucial to prevent societal collapse in case of failure.

      The diversity of individuals in the field of cybersecurity is important, but the ability to identify and cultivate talent, especially in the area of government vulnerabilities, is crucial. The infrastructure systems that run our society, such as power grids and utilities, are often custom and have large attack surfaces. Some systems employ the concept of "security through obscurity," making them difficult to understand and fix. This creates a challenging landscape for improving these systems and preventing potential collapses. It's essential to be concerned about the security of these systems and the potential consequences of their failure. The interview touched on the potential societal collapse if individuals were unable to handle basic survival skills in the event of an extended power outage.

    • US Power Grid Vulnerable to Attacks, Especially from ChinaThe US power grid is susceptible to cyber and hardware-based attacks, primarily from China, with no mandatory inspection of imported equipment for vulnerabilities. The CHIPS Act aims to mitigate risks and reduce dependence on foreign hardware.

      The US power grid is vulnerable to attacks, particularly those involving malware or hardware-based vulnerabilities, some of which are manufactured in China. There is no law requiring power companies to inspect imported equipment for such vulnerabilities. The CHIPS Act, recently signed into law, aims to bring more silicon manufacturing back to the US to mitigate supply chain risks and hardware-based vulnerabilities. A deliberate attack could lead to significant trust erosion and potential impact on the nation. The brittleness of utility systems is a concern, but it's kept in check by capitalism and economics. The US power grid may not be taken down in one fell swoop, but the potential consequences of a successful attack are significant. The speaker, while not an expert, has learned about these vulnerabilities from experts and research. Concern for the power grid's vulnerability to hacking is high, with recent attacks, like Stuxnet against Iran's nuclear program, serving as reminders of the potential consequences.

    • Security of Critical Systems: Not Impossible to HackCritical systems, like those in power grids and water treatment, are complex and often air-gapped, but not immune to hacking by state-level actors. Lack of regulation and auditing in manufacturing and supply chains increases risk, especially for components like transformers often manufactured in countries like China.

      The security of certain critical systems, such as those used in power grids and water treatment, is a significant concern due to their complexity and the resources required to infiltrate them. These systems are often air-gapped, meaning they're not connected to the internet, making attacks more difficult for individuals but not impossible for state-level actors. The lack of comprehensive regulation and auditing in the manufacturing and supply chain of these critical components adds to the risk. The speaker mentions the example of transformers, which are often manufactured in countries like China, and raises concerns about the potential for malicious actors to infiltrate and implant malicious code without detection. The speaker also notes that China, as a major trade partner, is not necessarily an adversary but that the balance of power could shift, leading to increased risks. The speaker expresses concern over the potential consequences of successful attacks on these systems, which could have significant impacts on the average American's quality of life.

    • Cyber attacks and data breaches pose significant risks to essential services and infrastructureChina and Russia are reportedly active in hacking networks, ransomware attacks are lucrative, and it's crucial to secure networks and invest in cybersecurity defenses.

      As our world becomes increasingly reliant on computerized systems for essential services and infrastructure, the risks of cyber attacks and data breaches become more significant. China and Russia have been reportedly active in hacking government and private sector networks, and the consequences of successful attacks can range from financial loss to the destruction of critical data. The rise of ransomware attacks, where hackers encrypt data and demand payment for the decryption key, has become a lucrative business for cybercriminals, particularly those based in China and Russia. The consequences of these attacks can be devastating, from the loss of valuable data to the disruption of essential services. It's crucial for individuals and organizations to take proactive measures to secure their networks and data, and for governments to invest in robust cybersecurity defenses. The consequences of a successful cyber attack can be severe, and the increasing sophistication of cybercriminals makes it essential to stay vigilant.

    • The Role of Technology in WarfareCountries like China and Russia are using the US as a training ground for hackers, giving them an advantage in future conflicts. Technology's role in warfare is increasing, with cyber warfare and hacking becoming more relevant. The human cost may lessen, but civilian casualties remain a concern.

      Warfare is rapidly evolving, with technology taking an increasingly prominent role. Cyber warfare and hacking are becoming increasingly relevant, and the ability to control advanced technology can give a significant advantage on the battlefield. The US, with its traditional stance on hackers, is at a disadvantage compared to countries like China and Russia, who use the US as a training ground. Hackers, who often don't think of themselves as representing a specific country, possess a unique skill set that could play a crucial role in future conflicts. The human cost of warfare may lessen as technology advances, but the issue of civilian casualties remains a concern. Ultimately, the development of these advanced technologies and the skill sets to use them effectively will be crucial in future conflicts.

    • Cultural differences in hacking between US and adversarial countriesAdversarial countries like Russia and China have a larger cybersecurity workforce, offer lucrative opportunities for hackers, and have a more accepting attitude towards hacking, leaving the US at a disadvantage in the cybersecurity landscape due to their aggressive approach and advanced persistent threat groups operating as criminal organizations.

      The adversarial mindset and culture towards hacking in countries like Russia and China are significantly different from that in the United States. These countries have a larger number of personnel dedicated to cybersecurity, including in their military, and offer lucrative opportunities for hackers, often encouraging and even legitimizing their activities. In contrast, in the US, hacking is generally discouraged and illegal, with few safe harbor laws or financial incentives for ethical hacking. This cultural difference has left the US significantly behind in the cybersecurity landscape, with advanced persistent threat groups in countries like China and Russia having codified their industries and even operating as criminal organizations. The skills of their hackers are a concern, but the larger issue is the aggressive attitude and the way these countries have architected their programs, which puts the US at a disadvantage in the event of a cyber war.

    • Rules and restrictions hinder cyber defenseThe need to adapt and evolve in cyber warfare, recognizing unconventional talents and addressing the challenges of deep fakes and AI technology, is crucial for effective defense.

      The rules and restrictions we impose on ourselves in cyber warfare are handicapping our ability to effectively defend against increasingly sophisticated attacks. The speaker expresses concern that our adversaries do not face the same limitations, and the stakes in cyber warfare, particularly in areas like power grids or critical infrastructure, can have devastating real-world consequences. The speaker suggests reevaluating restrictions on who can serve in cybersecurity roles, recognizing that unconventional talents and personalities may be valuable in this domain. The proliferation of deep fakes and AI technology further complicates the landscape, making it essential that we adapt and evolve our strategies to stay ahead.

    • Deepfake technology poses significant risksDeepfakes can create convincing fake videos and images, leading to potential identity theft, financial fraud, and damage to reputations. Be cautious and implement secondary authentication measures.

      Deepfake technology, which can create convincing fake videos and images of individuals, is becoming increasingly accessible and advanced. This poses significant risks, as scammers and malicious actors could use deepfakes to impersonate people, leading to potential identity theft, financial fraud, and damage to reputations. The implications are vast, including the potential for deepfakes to be used in political manipulation, pornography, or other nefarious purposes. As technology advances, it may become increasingly difficult to distinguish real from fake, making it essential for individuals to implement secondary authentication measures and be cautious of unsolicited requests or communications. The ability to create deepfakes from DNA samples or other biometric data adds another layer of concern, as it could potentially allow for the creation of deepfakes without the need for video or images of the target. The ramifications of this technology are significant and far-reaching, requiring ongoing vigilance and awareness.

    • The power of technology to create and manipulate realistic images and videos raises ethical concernsTechnology's advancements in machine learning and deep fakes can create fantasies, deceive, or manipulate evidence, requiring ethical considerations and potential consequences

      Technology, particularly machine learning and deep fakes, has the power to create and manipulate realistic images and videos, raising ethical concerns. These technologies can be used to create fantasies or even deceive, but they can also be used for malicious purposes, such as spreading false information or even manipulating evidence. The process of machine learning involves training computers to recognize patterns and make decisions based on data, but the inner workings of these models remain a mystery to us. While computers are excellent at tasks like image recognition, they still have limitations and can be fooled. The Turing test, which aims to determine if a machine can mimic human conversation, is becoming increasingly challenging to distinguish from human interactions. As technology advances, it's crucial to consider the ethical implications and potential consequences of these innovations.

    • Large Language Models: Human-like but data-dependentLarge Language Models can generate human-like text but their accuracy depends on the data they're trained on. They may revolutionize industries, lead to job displacement, and act as tools for productivity.

      Large Language Models (LLMs) are becoming increasingly advanced, capable of generating human-like text, but their output is only as good as the data they're trained on. This means they can exhibit biases and produce inaccurate or nonsensical results. While they have the potential to revolutionize various industries, including law, finance, and healthcare, they may also lead to job displacement for certain professions, such as driving and customer service. In the near future, we can expect to see AIs communicating and resolving disputes with each other, with human beings acting as gatekeepers. The transportation industry, including pilots and drivers, is expected to be significantly impacted by automation. However, rather than replacing humans entirely, LLMs are more likely to augment human workflows and act as tools for productivity. It's important to note that the full implications of LLMs are still uncertain and will depend on how they are developed and implemented.

    • Embracing Technology's Impact on Our Lives and EconomyTechnology, especially AI and cryptocurrency, offers new opportunities but requires adaptation. Cryptocurrency eliminates intermediaries, empowers individuals, but comes with responsibilities.

      Technology, particularly artificial intelligence and cryptocurrency, is rapidly changing the economic landscape and the way we live our lives. While there may be initial fears about job displacement and the singularity, it's important to embrace technology and adapt. Cryptocurrency, for example, eliminates the need for intermediaries like banks and gives individuals more control over their finances. However, it's important to understand the limitations of technology and not overhype its capabilities. The speaker's experience with Bitcoin illustrates the potential of cryptocurrency as a decentralized and immediate alternative to traditional financial systems. But it's also crucial to remember the responsibilities that come with this new technology, such as securing one's digital keys. Overall, the speaker encourages a forward-thinking attitude towards technology and its potential to solve complex problems and improve our lives.

    • Discussion on Digital Currencies and PrivacyGovernment-backed digital currencies raise privacy concerns, while cryptocurrencies offer benefits for accountability and transparency. Privacy coins like Monero protect transactions, and decentralized currencies like Bitcoin are resilient to government control. Secure communication channels like Signal are crucial.

      As the world moves towards more digitized forms of currency, there are significant implications for privacy, accountability, and government control. The discussion touched upon the potential for government-backed digital currencies, the advantages and disadvantages of various types of cryptocurrencies, and the importance of secure communication channels. The speaker expressed concerns about potential government surveillance and the possibility of a social credit system, highlighting the potential for digital currencies to make it easier for governments to track transactions. However, they also acknowledged the benefits of digital currencies for nonprofits and other organizations seeking accountability and transparency. The speaker also emphasized the importance of privacy coins like Monero, which obfuscate transactions on the blockchain, allowing for greater privacy. They also discussed the resilience of decentralized currencies like Bitcoin and the emergence of decentralized exchanges, making it harder for governments to control or outlaw these currencies. Lastly, the speaker touched upon the importance of secure communication channels, with Signal being their preferred choice due to its end-to-end encryption features. Overall, the discussion highlighted the complex and multifaceted nature of the intersection between technology, currency, and privacy.

    • Signal: The Most Secure Messaging App with End-to-End EncryptionSignal is a secure messaging app with end-to-end encryption, regularly audited code, and open-source availability, making it the most secure messaging option as long as devices remain secure.

      Signal is a secure messaging app that offers end-to-end encryption, making it nearly impossible for anyone, including intermediary servers, to decrypt the conversation. The app's security relies on the devices themselves, and as long as mathematics and quantum computing remain unbroken, Signal is considered the most secure messaging option. However, the device the software is installed on can still be compromised, making it essential to secure personal devices. The app undergoes regular audits, and its open-source code is publicly available for anyone to review. Regarding Snowden, while his actions as a whistleblower are respected, the manner in which he released the information is seen as problematic by some. The decision of whether or not to prosecute or pardon him is a subjective matter. Nerdcore hip-hop is a genre of music that celebrates nerd culture, including comic books, Star Wars, and Dungeons and Dragons. It originated around the AOL days and has since grown in popularity. The music is about these nerdy pursuits and has been a part of the hip-hop scene for decades.

    • Exploring unique sub-genres in Nerdcore hip hopPioneers like MC Hammerhead brought real-world applications and technical depth to Nerdcore hip hop through sub-genres focused on computer security, literature, poetry, and geeky themes.

      The early days of Nerdcore hip hop saw artists exploring various sub-genres, each with their unique focus. MC Hammerhead, a pioneer in the scene, is known for his raps about computer security, while others like MC Lars delved into literature and poetry, and MC Frontalot focused on geeky themes. Hammerhead's music, inspired by the core tenets of hip hop to keep it real, was a natural progression from making money on the streets to making it online. His career has been marked by collaborations with major artists and a fan base that appreciates the real-world applications and technical depth in his lyrics. Hammerhead's mission with his music is to inspire and educate, offering a unique perspective on the intersection of music, technology, and real-life experiences.

    • From music to hacking and fatherhood, Bryce's diverse experiencesBryce values relationships and remains humble, prioritizing fatherhood and showcasing a wide range of interests

      Bryce's diverse experiences in music, hacking, and fatherhood have shaped him into the person he is today. The unexpected collaboration with Deadmau5 on a theme song for a hacking group, Lolsec, led to a long-lasting friendship. Bryce's passion for being a good father is his top priority, and he values the relationships he's made throughout his life. If he could invite three people on a podcast, he would choose Deadmau5, Connor Daly, and Sam Curry, reflecting his wide range of interests and connections. Despite his accomplishments, Bryce remains humble and appreciative of the opportunities that have come his way.

    • Adding a P.S. to your job application cover letter can increase its chances of being readUp to 75% of recruiters or hiring managers may read the P.S. first, make it compelling and relevant to stand out from other applicants

      Adding a P.S. to your job application cover letter can significantly increase its chances of being read. According to Skip Freeman, an expert on hiring, up to 75% of recruiters or hiring managers may read the P.S. first before even looking at the rest of the letter. So, make sure that the P.S. contains compelling and relevant information that could make you stand out from other applicants. This simple addition could give you an edge in the competitive job market. To learn more about this tip and other valuable insights, tune in to the Something You Should Know podcast and search for Skip Freeman's interview on YouTube or wherever you listen.

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    Mark Lamb is an author and Sheriff of Pinal County, Arizona. Lamb spent his early life as a missionary to South America and through his work, developed a strong faith and love of the United States. He then began his exceptional career in law enforcement that has carried him from being an officer, promoted to detective and later elected as Sheriff. Lamb helped foster community policing and transparency in his county via the hit series "Live PD," a show that follows law enforcement live. Often coined as "The American Sheriff," Lamb is nationally recognized and is now running for U.S. Senate. Shawn Ryan Show Sponsors: https://lairdsuperfood.com - USE CODE "SRS" https://babbel.com/srs https://hvmn.com/shawn https://ziprecruiter.com/srs https://hillsdale.edu/srs https://ShawnLikesGold.com | 855-936-GOLD #goldcopartner Sheriff Mark Lamb Links: IG - https://www.instagram.com/americansheriff X - https://x.com/sherifflamb1 FB - https://www.facebook.com/americansheriff Campaign - https://sherifflamb.com Foundation - https://www.americansherifffoundation.com Book - https://www.amazon.com/American-Sheriff-Traditional-Values-Modern/dp/1734805390 Please leave us a review on Apple & Spotify Podcasts. Vigilance Elite/Shawn Ryan Links: Website | Patreon | TikTok | Instagram | Download Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    Shawn Ryan Show
    en-usJuly 01, 2024

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    #118 Nick Irving - "The Reaper"
    Nick Irving is a New York Times bestselling author and former Sergeant and Sniper with the Special Operations unit, 75th Ranger Regiment 3rd Ranger battalion. Nicknamed "The Reaper," Irving has 33 confirmed kills in a single, three and a half month deployment. His authored works include: The Reaper and Way of the Reaper, hit thriller novel Reaper: Ghost Target and Reaper: The Board. Irving also starred in the FOX reality TV show American Grit.  Shawn Ryan Show Sponsors: https://lairdsuperfood.com - USE CODE "SRS" https://shopify.com/shawn https://moinkbox.com/shawn https://mypatriotsupply.com https://ShawnLikesGold.com | 855-936-GOLD #goldcopartner Nick Irving Links: Book - https://a.co/d/gCmhu9c IG - https://www.instagram.com/officialreaper33 X - https://x.com/irving_nicholas FB - https://www.facebook.com/officialreaper33 Please leave us a review on Apple & Spotify Podcasts. Vigilance Elite/Shawn Ryan Links: Website | Patreon | TikTok | Instagram | Download Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
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    en-usJune 24, 2024

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    Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is an author, attorney, activist and 2024 Presidential Candidate. Kennedy is known for his family's long history of public service and his dissenting opinions that circle the rigid "Left" and "Right" view points. Kennedy has spent many years "fighting corrupt government agencies" and corporations alike. He has won environmental cases against dozens of municipalities and corporate giants like General Electric and ExxonMobil. Kennedy also co-founded the WaterKeeper Alliance, the world's largest nonprofit devoted to clean water, protecting 2.7 million miles of waterways. He is now running for President in 2024 and pledges to "end the forever wars, clean up government, and increase wealth for all." Shawn Ryan Show Sponsors: https://lairdsuperfood.com - USE CODE "SRS" https://meetfabric.com/shawn https://helixsleep.com/srs https://trueclassictees.com/srs https://blackbuffalo.com https://ShawnLikesGold.com | 855-936-GOLD #goldcopartner Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Links: Campaign - https://www.kennedy24.com X - https://x.com/RobertKennedyJr IG - https://www.instagram.com/robertfkennedyjr FB - https://www.facebook.com/rfkjr TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@teamkennedy2024 YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4ewc5vQcMpLticvqPDcSQw Store - https://merch.kennedy24.com Please leave us a review on Apple & Spotify Podcasts. Vigilance Elite/Shawn Ryan Links: Website | Patreon | TikTok | Instagram | Download Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
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    en-usJune 17, 2024

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    Sarah Adams (call sign: Superbad) is a former CIA Targeting Officer and author of Benghazi: Know Thy Enemy. Adams served as the Senior Advisor for the U.S. House of Representatives Select Committee on Benghazi. She conducted all-source investigations and oversight activities related to the 2012 Libya terrorist attacks and was instrumental in mitigating future security risks to U.S. personnel serving overseas. Adams remains one of the most knowledgeable individuals on active terrorism threats around the world. Get Sarah's intel briefing via the newsletter: https://shawnryanshow.com/pages/newsletter Shawn Ryan Show Sponsors: https://lairdsuperfood.com - USE CODE "SRS" https://babbel.com/srs https://shopify.com/shawn https://ziprecruiter.com/srs https://drinkhoist.com - USE CODE "SHAWN" https://ShawnLikesGold.com | 855-936-GOLD #goldcopartner Sarah Adams Links: LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/sarahadams IG - https://www.instagram.com/askarimediagroup Website - https://askarimediagroup.com Book - https://www.amazon.com/Benghazi-Know-Enemy-Sarah-Adams/dp/B0BHMV2Q8S Please leave us a review on Apple & Spotify Podcasts. Vigilance Elite/Shawn Ryan Links: Website | Patreon | TikTok | Instagram | Download Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
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    en-usJune 10, 2024

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    en-usJune 03, 2024

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    en-usMay 28, 2024

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    Shawn Ryan - A Memorial Day Message | SRS Special Release
    This is a special Memorial Day weekend message from Host Shawn Ryan. God Bless our fallen heroes and God Bless the United States of America. Please leave us a review on Apple & Spotify Podcasts. Vigilance Elite/Shawn Ryan Links: Website | Patreon | TikTok | Instagram | Download Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    Shawn Ryan Show
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    Vivek Ramaswamy is a former Presidential Candidate and American entrepreneur. As a Harvard graduate, he founded Roivant Sciences, a wildly successful biotech company. He also co-founded Strive Asset Management, an investment firm that positions itself in opposition to environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG). Vivek fought a fierce battle on the campaign trail in 2024 and has returned to the Shawn Ryan Show to share his experience and what he believes is next for America. Shawn Ryan Show Sponsors: https://lairdsuperfood.com - USE CODE "SRS" https://shopify.com/shawn https://zippixtoothpicks.com - USE CODE "SRS" Vivek Ramaswamy Links: Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/vivekgramaswamy Twitter - https://twitter.com/VivekGRamaswamy Campaign - https://www.vivek2024.com Please leave us a review on Apple & Spotify Podcasts. Vigilance Elite/Shawn Ryan Links: Website | Patreon | TikTok | Instagram | Download Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    Shawn Ryan Show
    en-usMay 23, 2024

    #111 John Burke - What Happens When We Die?

    #111 John Burke - What Happens When We Die?
    John Burke is the New York Times Bestselling author of No Perfect People Allowed, Imagine Heaven and Imagine the God of Heaven. He founded and pastored Gateway Church in Austin, Texas. He's also the president of Gateway Leadership Initiative (GLI), a nonprofit organization. As an international speaker, Burke has addressed thousands of people across more than a dozen countries. He has spent the last several years investigating and documenting the near death experiences of people from all walks of life. Burke has worked tirelessly to analyze these experiences and share the truth behind these extraordinary stories with the world. Shawn Ryan Show Sponsors: https://lairdsuperfood.com - USE CODE "SRS" https://helixsleep.com/srs https://mypatriotsupply.com https://trueclassictees.com/srs https://drinkhoist.com - USE CODE "SHAWN" https://ShawnLikesGold.com | 855-936-GOLD #goldcopartner John Burke Links: Books - https://imagineheaven.net Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/johnburkeofficial | https://www.facebook.com/imagineheavenbook IG - https://www.instagram.com/johnburkeofficial Please leave us a review on Apple & Spotify Podcasts. Vigilance Elite/Shawn Ryan Links: Website | Patreon | TikTok | Instagram | Download Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    Shawn Ryan Show
    en-usMay 20, 2024

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