
    95% of People are Confused About Success and Happiness

    enNovember 28, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • The Opportune Time for HappinessEmbrace opportunities, focus on work and passion to find happiness. Gary Vaynerchuk's journey from humble beginnings to entrepreneurial success inspires us to tap into our unique talents and passions.

      According to Gary Vaynerchuk, we are living in the most opportune time in history to find happiness due to the abundance of opportunities presented by technology. He shares his personal journey from humble beginnings in the Soviet Union to entrepreneurial success in America, highlighting how his love for business and hustle brought him joy. Vaynerchuk emphasizes that for individuals to achieve their goals and find happiness, it comes down to two things: doing the work and knowing what to do. He encourages everyone to tap into their unique talents and passions, just as he did selling lemonade and baseball cards, and to focus on capturing the attention of those they aim to reach. Ultimately, Vaynerchuk's message is one of optimism and encouragement, inspiring us to embrace the opportunities before us and strive for happiness in all its forms.

    • The importance of a balanced approach to successOptimism fuels motivation, practicality ensures results. Understand people, be selfless, learn from struggles, and add value to build long-term success.

      A balanced combination of optimism and practicality is crucial for success. Optimism fuels the motivation to put in the necessary work, while practicality ensures that effort is focused on achieving tangible results. However, it's essential to remember that hard work and empathy towards others are key components of building a meaningful business or project. The speaker emphasized the importance of understanding people and being selfless in one's approach. He also warned against the dangers of impatience and living life based on others' opinions. The speaker's success stories, from selling baseball cards to building a wine business, underscored the importance of learning from struggles and watching people to truly understand their needs and desires. Ultimately, by focusing on adding value to others, one can build a strong foundation for long-term success.

    • Relying too much on others' opinions hinders progressFocus on authentic, consistent posting instead of seeking constant validation through likes and filters.

      Relying too heavily on the opinions of others to dictate our actions is a major hindrance in life. Many people, especially those over 40, lived their lives before the internet and had to make decisions without constant external validation. Now, with the abundance of social media platforms, there's an unprecedented opportunity to build a profile and presence online at no cost. However, people often get caught up in the semantics of likes and filters, rather than focusing on creating awareness for their ideas, businesses, or personal brand. The speaker encourages posting regularly and authentically, rather than overthinking and removing content due to a lack of immediate validation. Ultimately, it's important to remember that the goal is not to get likes, but to effectively communicate what we want to share with the world.

    • Consistently delivering value through entertainment or information is key to social media successEarly adoption of social media platforms doesn't guarantee success, but consistently delivering value does. Reflect on your content and ask if it's for the audience or for self-esteem. Explore unique opportunities in the US market and be authentic in posting.

      Success on social media platforms is not about being the first, but about being better through providing entertainment or information. The speaker shares his personal experience of being an early adopter of YouTube and Twitter, and how being quick to move on new platforms can lead to a large following. However, the key to sustaining that following is consistently delivering value through either entertainment or information. The speaker encourages self-reflection on one's Instagram account, asking whether recent posts were made for the audience or for one's own self-esteem. He also emphasizes the unique opportunities for content creation in the US market and encourages authenticity in posting. Lastly, he addresses the common misconception that pictures and videos are the only forms of content, and encourages exploration of other ways to create and share content.

    • Explore writing and podcasting for self-expression and business growthWrite engaging captions for Instagram, start a podcast or write LinkedIn articles for reach and engagement, tailor content to each platform's audience.

      Written word and audio are powerful platforms for self-expression and business growth. If you're not comfortable with taking lots of pictures and videos, consider honing your writing skills or starting a podcast. The ease and cost of entry are minimal, and both podcasting and LinkedIn offer significant opportunities for reach and engagement. Podcasting is an efficient way to consume content, especially as audio continues to grow in popularity. On Instagram, adding written copy to your posts can significantly increase reach and engagement. LinkedIn, once seen as just a job search platform, is now a valuable tool for business content creation. By focusing on these platforms and creating high-quality content, you can make your happiness and success happen. The key is to understand the unique mindsets and expectations of each platform's audience and tailor your content accordingly.

    • Engaging with content online leads to personal growth and successConsistently engage in digital platforms to increase attention, opportunities, and ultimately, happiness and success.

      Actively engaging with content on various platforms through comments, written words, audio, and videos can significantly impact personal growth and business success. This simple act can lead to increased attention and opportunities, especially in today's digital age where the internet has eliminated the excuses of money and time. The speaker's personal experience demonstrates the importance of persistence and patience, as it took years of dedication before seeing any significant results. Ultimately, the question is not if you want to be happy and successful, but rather, why not put in the effort required to achieve these goals? The speaker encourages everyone to start thinking about what they truly want and how they can actively work towards it through consistent engagement on various digital platforms.

    • Embrace this era, be self-awareUnderstand the unique opportunities of this era, stay true to passions, and avoid seeking fast success.

      We're living in a unique and special era where opportunities for happiness and success are abundant, but many people are held back by their insecurities and fear of criticism. Gary Vaynerchuk emphasized the importance of understanding this era, producing content on various platforms, talking about what we know, and having self-awareness. He shared his personal experience of knowing who he was as an entrepreneur despite not fitting in during his time. He also warned that trying to achieve fast success can be detrimental and encouraged people to stay true to their passions. Ultimately, the key takeaway is to embrace this era, be self-aware, and make the most of the opportunities it presents.

    • Understanding yourself is key to entrepreneurship and happinessSelf-awareness enables entrepreneurs to determine their capabilities, overcome fear, follow dreams, and avoid regret, leading to success and overall happiness.

      Self-awareness is crucial for entrepreneurship and overall happiness. Entrepreneurship is not easy and requires a great deal of self-awareness to determine if it's the right path for you. Self-awareness allows you to understand who you are and what you're capable of, making you less vulnerable in society. It also enables you to give without expectation and overcome fear, giving entrepreneurs an advantage. Additionally, it's essential to follow your dreams, even if they don't align with your parents' expectations, to avoid regret and potential resentment later in life. The fear of regret is a powerful motivator and can lead to success, even if it means facing challenges early on. Overall, self-awareness and following your dreams are the keys to a fulfilling and successful life.

    • Identify and pursue passions, regardless of societal pressureReflect on happiness, pursue passions, and don't let others' opinions hinder personal growth

      It's essential to identify and pursue your passions in life, regardless of societal pressure or fear of judgment. Gary Vaynerchuk emphasized that we live in an era where starting a business or creating content around what we enjoy is more accessible than ever before. He urged the audience to reflect on their happiness and what they would do if they could do it every minute of their lives. He also highlighted the importance of not letting others' opinions hinder personal growth and encouraged everyone to take advantage of the opportunities available in this era. The regret of not pursuing one's passions, as expressed by older generations, should not be our reality. Instead, we should seize the moment and build a life that brings us fulfillment and joy.

    • Embrace your passions and create content consistently for 5 yearsFocus on interests and skills, be a generalist first, entry cost is low, dedication and persistence lead to impact, don't let fear hold you back

      This is an exceptional time to live and pursue your passions, regardless of your financial situation or location. Gary Vaynerchuk encourages everyone to produce content consistently for five years, focusing on their interests and skills, whether it be through video, audio, or written word. He emphasizes the importance of being a generalist first to discover your strengths and expertise. The cost of entry to create and share content is at an all-time low, and with dedication and persistence, one can make a difference in the world. By focusing on your unique abilities and interests, you can stand out and make a lasting impact. Don't let fear or self-doubt hold you back – take advantage of this unique moment in time and live your life to the fullest.

    • Finding the right investor matters, focus on team and industry connectionFocus on finding investors with a personal connection to your industry or experience, and a team that can deliver on the idea.

      When it comes to securing investment for a business, it's essential to focus on finding the right investor who believes in both the idea and the team behind it. The speaker, an experienced investor, emphasized that while the idea matters, the capability and drive of the team is even more crucial. He shared that he's lost money in the past by loving an idea too much but failing to consider the team's abilities. Therefore, startups and businesses should prioritize finding investors who have a personal connection to their industry or experience and can provide the necessary resources and guidance. Additionally, the best financial decision the speaker made was investing wisely and never spending more money than they had. He advised against taking unnecessary risks that could put one below zero, as it's essential to maintain financial stability while being aggressive and taking calculated risks.

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    This episode was produced by Kerry Thompson, with music by Ramtin Arablouei

    Edited by Neva Grant, with research help from Alex Cheng.

    You can follow HIBT on Twitter & Instagram, and email us at hibt@id.wondery.com.

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    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1511

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    Read a transcript of this episode: https://mastersofscale.com/

    Subscribe to the Masters of Scale weekly newsletter: https://mastersofscale.com/subscribe

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

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    This episode was produced by Kerry Thompson, with music by Ramtin Arablouei.

    Edited by Neva Grant with research help from Sam Paulson.

    You can follow HIBT on Twitter & Instagram, and email us at hibt@id.wondery.com.

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.