
    The Only Quality That Will Allow You to See All Your Ambitions Through | Tea With GaryVee

    enAugust 06, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Welcome to Tea with Gary Vee and catching up with listenersGary Vaynerchuk encourages staying connected through Twitter and listening to his podcast for valuable content.

      Gary Vaynerchuk strongly recommends following him on Twitter and tuning into his podcast, "Tea with Gary Vee," multiple times a week for the best content he's ever produced. He emphasizes the importance of staying connected through social media, especially Twitter, as it is the pulse of his universe. During this podcast episode, he welcomed listeners and caught up with some of them, expressing his excitement to be back. He also introduced his guest, Bill, who shared his career background and the fascinating topic of his new book, "Die with 0," which focuses on finding fulfillment and balance in life.

    • Maximizing happiness and fulfillmentFocus on experiences and enriching moments, not just wealth accumulation. Strike a balance between work, survival, and desired experiences. Don't let the pursuit of success overshadow living in the present.

      Living a fulfilling life is not just about accumulating wealth, but rather experiencing net fulfillment. The book "Die with 0" advocates for a methodology that encourages individuals to consider their resources, including time and experiences, in order to maximize their happiness and fulfillment. It's important to strike a balance between work, survival, and desired experiences. People often become so focused on success and wealth that they forget to live in the present and experience life fully. The speaker emphasizes the importance of taking risks and having experiences during the formative years of young adulthood, as the regret of missed opportunities can be devastating. For those who may not be destined to be rich, the focus should be on enriching experiences and learning from failures. Ultimately, the goal is to live a life filled with meaningful experiences rather than just accumulating wealth.

    • Live intentionally and make the most of each stage of lifePrioritize experiences, consider timing, experiment, optimize, and live intentionally to get the most value out of life

      People should prioritize their experiences and allocate resources wisely throughout their lives, rather than creating a rigid bucket list. The speaker emphasizes that certain experiences are best enjoyed at specific stages of life and that delaying them can result in missed opportunities. He encourages experimenting with new experiences, even if they require limited resources, and emphasizes the importance of considering the totality of one's life when making decisions. The speaker also encourages optimizing experiences, much like optimizing business and marketing, to get the most value out of life. Essentially, the message is to live intentionally and make the most of each stage of life.

    • Pursuing Personal Happiness Through InterestsEmbrace your passions, seek help when writing a book, and live deliberately to maximize happiness and minimize regrets.

      Happiness is a personal priority and everyone has the power to pursue it through their interests, no matter how seemingly insignificant they may seem to others. The speaker, who has a background in high circles, emphasizes the importance of being true to oneself and optimizing for happiness, whether that means collecting sports cards, flipping garage finds, or discussing wrestling or football teams. Another key takeaway from the discussion is the importance of starting and seeking help when writing a book. The speaker shares that he had been talking about writing a book for years but only started the process when pushed by his doctor. He emphasizes the value of outlining the book and reaching out for help to experts in the field. Lastly, the speaker encourages deliberate living and planning to maximize the impact of resources on our lives and minimize regrets. He emphasizes that the best time to leave a financial legacy for our children is not when we die, but while we are still alive and able to see the impact it has on their lives.

    • Patience, operational talent, and cultural leadership are keys to disrupting traditional industriesPatience, being underrated with operational talent, and building a strong team are essential for outsiders to disrupt traditional industries like real estate and marketing.

      Patience, operational talent, and being a culturally led CEO are key factors in disrupting traditional industries like real estate and marketing from an outsider's perspective. The speaker, who was inspired by the speaker's success in real estate and marketing, emphasized the importance of taking the long game and having genuine business skills. He also highlighted the value of being underrated and having actual operational talent, which allowed him to disrupt the wine and marketing industry. Additionally, building a strong and consistent team is crucial for continuity and success in disrupting industries that are long overdue for evolution and change.

    • Consumer-centricity, personal branding, and top-performing agentsAdding value to clients, building a strong personal brand, and focusing on top-performing agents are crucial for success in real estate. Stay disciplined and take calculated risks to pursue your passions.

      Being consumer-centric, building strong personal brands, and focusing on developing top-performing agents are key to success in the real estate industry. Gary Vaynerchuk emphasized his own experiences, from Wine Library to Vayner Real Estate, highlighting the importance of adding value to clients and building a strong personal brand. He advised staying disciplined and not taking on clients who may not have the potential to become top performers, as this could negatively impact the equity of the business. Adam, a guest on the show, shared his entrepreneurial journey, starting with selling non-kosher goods in high school and eventually roasting coffee on his mother's barbecue. He emphasized the importance of being born with an entrepreneurial spirit and taking risks to pursue your passions.

    • Starting a business despite personal and professional comfortsHumility, risk-taking, a strong support system, and creativity are crucial for personal growth and business success. Adversity can lead to opportunities for innovation and expansion.

      Humility and the willingness to take risks are essential for personal growth and business success. The speaker shares his experience of moving against the status quo and starting a coffee business despite coming from a well-off background and working in finance. He admits that losing his father at a young age pushed him to take risks and not fear failure. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of having a strong support system, including family and team, to help navigate challenges and turn negatives into positives. The speaker's business, which focuses on selling to restaurants and institutions, is now looking to expand to direct-to-consumer sales due to the impact of COVID-19. Instead of dwelling on the negatives, the speaker sees this as an opportunity to innovate and grow. He also values creativity and building a team of talented individuals, rather than following traditional business models.

    • Applying wine industry techniques to coffee farmingA passionate entrepreneur disrupted traditional coffee industry practices by building relationships with farmers, investing in long-term partnerships, teaching sustainable practices, and leveraging multiple sales channels.

      The coffee industry is lagging behind the wine industry in terms of innovation and production methods, but a passionate entrepreneur saw an opportunity to apply wine industry techniques to coffee farming. By building relationships with farmers, investing in long-term partnerships, and disrupting traditional industry practices, this company has become a leader in the coffee industry. A key component of their success is their focus on the farm level, where they teach farmers sustainable practices and build deep relationships. The company's philosophy is to not just give a man a fish, but to teach him how to fish. They also leverage multiple sales channels, including Amazon and ecommerce, to reach consumers directly and avoid being overly reliant on any one platform. The entrepreneur's willingness to disrupt traditional industry practices and bring in new thinking has been crucial to their success.

    • Embrace authenticity and diversity in personal brandingSuccess comes from embracing diverse experiences and interests, prioritizing, and working hard with patience.

      It's okay to be authentic and diverse in expressing yourself on social media, rather than striving for ideological cohesiveness. The speaker, who grew up with financial struggles and mental health issues, found success in the hospitality industry and now manages multiple projects. To balance multiple passions and grow a personal brand, she suggests creating stability first and then building a platform over time. Patience and prioritization are key. The speaker's story is a reminder that it's okay to have diverse interests and experiences, and that success comes from hard work and persistence.

    • Embracing the journey to success with patience and persistenceSuccess often requires a combination of extreme ambition and patience. Embrace the ups and downs, learn from failures, and stay committed to your goals.

      Having both extreme ambition and patience is not as common as it may seem, and it's important to understand that success often requires a combination of the two. Patience is crucial for allowing things to manifest over time, and it's important to remember that failures can be valuable learning experiences. Additionally, everyone's journey is unique, and there's no need to rush or compare progress to others. It's essential to focus on giving things your best effort and staying true to your intentions. Mahogany, an Atlanta resident with an immigrant background, shared her experiences of growing up with adversity but finding success through hard work and determination. She emphasized the importance of patience and staying focused on her goals while also acknowledging the importance of taking time for personal growth and new endeavors in the future. Overall, the conversation underscored the importance of embracing the ups and downs of the journey to success and staying committed to your goals with patience and persistence.

    • From collecting cans to inspiring others: The speaker's journey of resilienceDespite facing numerous challenges, the speaker remained determined and used her experiences to inspire others. Her parents' influence and hustler mentality led her to explore various ventures and eventually find her path as a special needs teacher and legal assistant.

      Despite facing numerous challenges and setbacks in her life, the speaker has always remained determined and resilient, using her experiences to motivate and inspire others. From collecting cans with her mom as a child to performing in front of a laughing cafeteria as a third grader, she has always been an outspoken and resourceful individual. Her parents' influence played a significant role in shaping her character, instilling in her the importance of being a good person and having a strong work ethic. The speaker's hustler mentality led her to explore various ventures, from airbrushing in high school to trying and failing at art school and the Marine Corps. Through it all, she remained committed to finding her path and eventually became a special needs teacher and legal assistant. The speaker's story is a testament to the power of perseverance and the ability to turn adversity into opportunity.

    • Prioritizing Personal Well-Being and Escaping Abusive RelationshipsLeaving abusive relationships and focusing on personal well-being is essential for safety and happiness. Exploring passions and interests can lead to fulfillment and growth.

      Prioritizing personal well-being and escaping abusive relationships is crucial, even if it means making difficult decisions and starting anew. The speaker's personal experiences of an abusive marriage and the importance of leaving it for the sake of her own and her child's safety serve as a reminder to prioritize self-preservation. Additionally, following one's passions and exploring various interests can lead to happiness and fulfillment, even if it seems challenging to focus on just one thing at a time. The speaker's journey from leaving an unhealthy marriage to pursuing art and considering a future as a motivational speaker demonstrates the potential for growth and transformation.

    • Long-term goals for financial and personal stabilityIdentify a clear, long-term goal, execute relentlessly, and grit through hardships to achieve success.

      Having a clear, long-term goal is crucial for financial and personal stability. The speaker shared his own goals, which include financial stabilization, buying his own place, and eventually retiring his parents. He emphasized the importance of executing and not letting excuses, such as family responsibilities, get in the way. He also shared his own experience of having to "eat shit" and endure hardships in the early stages of building his business, VaynerMedia. The ultimate goal is to have the stomach to grit through the difficult times to reach the desired success. The speaker also highlighted the importance of having a singular focus and a foundational beginning point to build upon. He encouraged listeners to identify their biggest vulnerability and work towards addressing it with determination and persistence.

    • Having a stable foundation is crucial for personal growthBuild relationships and financial stability through a steady job, use current situation as a stepping stone towards goals, don't wait for things to happen, make them happen, having a stable foundation doesn't give up on dreams, it supports them

      Having a stable foundation is crucial for personal growth and achieving long-term goals. This can be achieved through a steady job that provides financial stability and allows you to build relationships. Gary Vaynerchuk emphasizes the importance of having a foundational piece before pursuing other ambitions. He encourages listeners to be strategic and deliberate in their actions, and to use their current situation as a stepping stone towards their goals. Whether it's working for a motivational speaker or starting a side business, the key is to take action and make the most of every opportunity. Don't wait for things to happen, make them happen. And remember, having a stable foundation doesn't mean giving up on your dreams, it means having the resources and support to pursue them.

    • Pursuing Passion and Finding ResonanceFind joy in work by pursuing passion, connect with like-minded individuals in motivational or chiropractic fields, and express thoughts on Twitter.

      Following your passion and what resonates with you is crucial for personal growth and fulfillment. The speaker in this conversation emphasizes the importance of working for someone in the motivational or chiropractic field to find that resonance. He encourages listeners to reach out to him on Twitter and express their thoughts. Additionally, he expresses his love and support for the community and sends positive energy to those affected by the situation in Beirut. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of pursuing what brings us joy and connecting with others in meaningful ways.

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    Enjoy! Let me know what you thought.

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    This episode was produced by Kerry Thompson, with music by Ramtin Arablouei.

    Edited by Neva Grant with research help from Sam Paulson.

    You can follow HIBT on Twitter & Instagram, and email us at hibt@id.wondery.com.

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

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    This episode was produced by Kerry Thompson, with music by Ramtin Arablouei

    Edited by Neva Grant, with research help from Alex Cheng.

    You can follow HIBT on Twitter & Instagram, and email us at hibt@id.wondery.com.

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.