
    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring uncomfortable emotionsAcknowledging and addressing uncomfortable emotions can lead to self-discovery and healing.

      Our discomfort with certain topics, such as mental health, can be an opportunity for growth. When we feel the need to control others' actions or express discomfort through direct communication, it may indicate that there's an underlying emotion or issue that needs addressing. Instead of avoiding these uncomfortable feelings, acknowledging and exploring them can lead to valuable self-discovery and healing. So, if a particular podcast topic makes you uncomfortable, it's okay to move on. But if you find yourself feeling compelled to reach out and ask for something different, consider what that request might be revealing about your own emotions and needs.

    • Overcoming challenges through personal growth and healingSeeking help for personal growth and healing can lead to new friendships and greater strength, despite initial discomfort

      Personal growth and healing are challenging journeys, but they're worth it. Just like the lion in the ancient fable, we all have thorns in our paws that cause pain and make us angry. These thorns can represent our mental health issues or any other challenges we face in life. Sometimes, we need help from others to pull out those thorns and find relief. This process can be painful, but it leads to growth and the formation of new friendships. And just like the lion in the story, those who help us through our struggles may later become our greatest allies and protectors. So, don't be afraid to seek help when you need it, even if it makes you uncomfortable at first. The journey may be tough, but the rewards are worth it.

    • Understanding and acknowledging internal painRecognizing and addressing internal struggles can lead to emotional resilience, despite the initial discomfort and fear.

      Mental health struggles can feel like being trapped inside your own head with an angry, out-of-control lion representing your pain and negative emotions. This internal dialogue can lead to self-destructive behaviors and feelings of worthlessness. However, acknowledging the presence of this pain and seeking to understand its roots is the first step towards removing the "thorn" causing the suffering. This process can be painful and terrifying, but ultimately leads to relief and emotional resilience. It's important to remember that suffering is a guaranteed part of life, but becoming friends with our emotions and learning to tame the "lion" within us can help us respond to life's challenges with flexibility and rationality.

    • Understanding and addressing the root causes of painRecognizing and addressing the underlying causes of pain is crucial for living a healthy and fulfilling life, rather than masking it with addictive behaviors.

      Identifying and addressing the root causes of pain or discomfort, even if it's frightening or difficult, is essential for living a happy and fulfilling life. This can be compared to the lion in the cave with a thorn in its paw. The lion knows the thorn is the issue, but it can't remove it. Instead, it licks the wound for momentary relief, but this only causes more problems in the long run. This behavior is similar to addictive patterns, where we engage in behaviors to soothe a wound or mask pain, but it ultimately causes more harm than good. It's important to be aware of our relationships with substances or external things, and evaluate why we're engaging in these behaviors. By recognizing and addressing the underlying causes of our pain, we can live a healthier and happier life.

    • Being aware of negative habits and behaviorsRecognize the impact of habits like alcohol and social media on well-being, set boundaries, and evaluate if they're creating more problems than benefits.

      It's important to be aware of how our habits and behaviors, including our use of substances like alcohol and social media, can negatively impact our lives. While these things can bring enjoyment and relaxation, they can also lead to anxiety, shame, and wasted time. It's crucial to evaluate if these behaviors are creating more problems than benefits and to make adjustments as needed. For example, setting boundaries around alcohol consumption or limiting time spent on social media. By being mindful of our habits and their consequences, we can improve our overall well-being and productivity. Additionally, it's essential to recognize that addictive behaviors can take many forms, and it's not just about substances. Social media, for instance, can be just as addictive and detrimental to our lives if we're not careful.

    • Understanding Addictive Behaviors and Attachment StylesRecognizing and addressing addictive behaviors from social media and online shopping, as well as understanding attachment styles from childhood experiences, can lead to improved mental health and happiness.

      Identifying and addressing addictive behaviors and attachment styles can significantly improve mental health and overall happiness. Social media platforms like Twitter can lead to addictive behaviors due to the dopamine hit from arguing or fighting with others. Similarly, online shopping can also become addictive due to the unpredictability of deals and the resulting dopamine hit. By recognizing these patterns and setting boundaries, individuals can regain control and experience a boost in self-esteem. Attachment styles, which develop from childhood experiences, can also impact adult relationships and contribute to addictive behaviors. By understanding these styles, individuals can work towards healthier relationships and greater emotional well-being.

    • Childhood experiences shape adult attachment stylesAnxious attachment develops from inconsistent care, causing fear of abandonment, while avoidant attachment stems from emotional unavailability or rejection, leading to intimacy struggles

      Our attachment styles in relationships are shaped by our experiences as young children. An anxious attachment style develops when a caregiver is inconsistently responsive to a child's needs, leading to feelings of insecurity and a fear of abandonment in adulthood. People with anxious attachment may constantly seek reassurance and fear their partner will leave them. On the other hand, an avoidant attachment style develops when a caregiver is emotionally unavailable or rejecting, causing a child to learn that relationships are not a source of security or comfort. People with avoidant attachment may struggle with intimacy and be quick to end relationships when faced with conflict. Understanding these attachment styles can help us improve our relationships and communicate more effectively with our partners.

    • Childhood experiences shape adult attachment stylesAn avoidant attachment style forms when emotional comfort is lacking, leading to fear of intimacy and love, possibly due to caregiver's low self-esteem. A secure attachment style forms with both physical presence and emotional comfort.

      Our early experiences with caregivers can shape our attachment styles in relationships as adults. An avoidant attachment style develops when a child does not receive emotional comfort from their caregiver despite receiving physical presence. This can lead to a fear of genuine intimacy and love due to the belief that rejection is inevitable. This complex issue may stem from a caregiver's low self-esteem, leading to feelings of undeservingness of love. Conversely, a secure attachment style forms when a child receives both physical presence and emotional comfort from their caregiver. In the story of Androcles and the lion, the lion's avoidant attachment is shown through its resistance to trust and let go of its pain, while a secure attachment would allow for healing and connection. Understanding attachment styles can provide insight into our relationships and help us form healthier bonds.

    • Understanding Attachment and Healing WoundsRecognize attachment triggers, learn to soothe inner child, move towards secure attachment, and reduce the hold of addictive behaviors through awareness and healing.

      Attachment theory and psychology offer a path to understanding and healing attachment wounds from our past. Whether you identify as anxiously or avoidantly attached, these patterns do not define you as an adult. By recognizing your attachment triggers and learning to soothe your inner child, you can move towards secure attachment and live a happier, more meaningful life. Additionally, attachment styles can intersect with addictive behaviors. For those with avoidant attachment, pornography or other forms of addiction may provide a sense of intimacy without the risk of emotional closeness and potential rejection. Conversely, those with anxious attachment may use sex or other forms of intimacy as a way to feel close and reassured, but the fear of abandonment can lead to addiction as well. Dr. Gabor Mate, an addiction specialist, offers valuable insights into the connection between attachment and addiction. By becoming aware of these patterns and taking steps to heal, we can reduce the hold that addictive behaviors have on us and live more fulfilling lives.

    • Forgetting important items and getting easily distracted are common symptoms of ADHDADHD can impact podcast production, causing distractions and affecting listeners' experiences. Supporting independent podcasts financially can help creators continue producing content during challenging times.

      The podcast host, who is currently going through the process of getting tested for ADHD, shared an experience related to the condition - forgetting important items and getting easily distracted. He also mentioned how these behaviors affected his podcast, causing some listeners to be unable to listen with their pets in the room due to the use of an instrument in the show. The host expressed his gratitude to his patrons for supporting him financially, allowing him to continue creating the podcast as his full-time job during the pandemic when live gigs were scarce. He encouraged listeners who could afford it to consider becoming patrons and supporting independent podcasts.

    • Support independent podcasts and practice mindfulnessSupport independent podcasters and use mindfulness as a tool for mental health improvement and living in the present moment

      Podcasting is a valuable independent medium that offers unique perspectives and voices, and it's essential to support independent podcasters financially or by sharing their work. Mental health is another crucial aspect of our well-being, and while therapy can be beneficial, not everyone has access to it due to financial or structural issues. In such cases, mindfulness is an essential first step towards emotional evaluation, literacy, and personal growth. Mindfulness, unfortunately, has become a buzzword, but for those not in the throes of mental health issues, it's an effective tool for improving mental health and living in the present moment. The lion with the thorn in its paw is a metaphor for someone dealing with mental health issues, and mindfulness is the first step to identifying and removing the thorn. So, support independent podcasts, practice mindfulness, and consider it an essential part of your self-care routine.

    • Practicing mindfulness can prevent a downward spiral during times of anxietyRegular mindfulness practice can help ground you in the present moment and prevent a cycle of worry and dread from spiraling out of control.

      During times of anxiety and dread, practicing mindfulness can help prevent a downward spiral into a living hell. The speaker shares how he experienced intense dread during the pandemic, which led him to worry and pace around, unable to focus on the present moment. He describes how this cycle of worry only worsened over time, and he eventually reached a point where mindfulness would no longer have been effective. However, if he had practiced mindfulness regularly from the start, he believes he could have prevented his mental health from deteriorating so severely. Mindfulness involves bringing your attention to the present moment and focusing on your body, rather than allowing yourself to be consumed by worry and dread. By focusing on the physical sensations in your body, you can ground yourself in the present moment and prevent your mind from spiraling out of control.

    • Practicing mindfulness in daily activitiesMindfulness can reduce anxiety, enhance enjoyment, and deepen connections. By being fully present in the moment and noticing details, we can lessen negative thoughts and explore emotions safely.

      Practicing mindfulness in daily activities can help reduce anxiety and improve mental well-being. During periods of severe mental health issues last year, the speaker found herself living in her head, consumed by feelings of dread and worrying about her career and future. Instead of fully engaging in simple activities like making coffee or feeding her cats, she went through the motions autonomously while her mind raced with negative thoughts. However, by practicing mindfulness and being fully present in the moment, she could have lessened her feelings of dread and anxiety. This involves noticing and being thankful for every detail of the experience, from the aroma of the coffee to the sensation of chewing and the sound of the cats purring. By grounding herself in her environment and body through mindful breathing, she could have then safely explored her emotions. This mindful approach not only reduces anxiety and stress but also enhances the enjoyment of daily activities and deepens the connection with the environment and the people around us. It's a simple yet powerful practice that can make a significant difference in our mental and emotional well-being.

    • Mindfulness practice during stressful timesMindfulness can help reduce intense emotions and prevent mental health issues. Practicing in the morning can help manage emotions throughout the day.

      During times of significant stress or worry, practicing mindfulness can help reduce the intensity of emotions and prevent potential mental health issues. The speaker shares how his fear of not working in television for two years due to the pandemic led him to experience existential dread. However, through mindfulness practice, he was able to recognize and accept the disappointment as a valid emotion but not a cause for extreme fear or anxiety. This realization helped him avoid several months of mental health issues. The pandemic has caused many people to wake up with a sense of dread due to losses or changes in their lives. However, it's essential to be mindful of these emotions and assess whether they warrant extreme reactions or if they are simply inevitable suffering. Practicing mindfulness in the morning can help individuals start their day with a clearer perspective and better emotional management.

    • Perspective towards life events matters mostMindfulness and personal autonomy are crucial for navigating challenges and approaching mental health

      Our perspective towards life events is more important than the events themselves. The ability to adopt a mindful approach to our thoughts and emotions can help us navigate challenges such as addiction and attachment. It's essential to remember that everyone has the autonomy to decide how they approach their mental health journey, and there's no need to feel pressured to change if it's not working for you at the moment. The length of this week's podcast was longer than usual, but it covered topics such as addiction, attachment, and mindfulness. Despite not having a song for the end of the podcast, the importance of mindfulness and personal autonomy were the key takeaways. Additionally, a fun fact was shared about crocodiles not being able to stick out their tongues, and information about UnitedHealthcare short term insurance plans was provided for those in need of flexible and budget-friendly coverage.

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    I am not alone

    I am not alone
    Hello and welcome to Martin Hewlett's Calming Anxiety.

    This is the start of our month of positive energy affirmations, courage and belief in who we are.
    Don't forget the app and now all our podcasts are also on YouTube.

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    Try out the new , beautiful and simple breathing challenge to help you relax.

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    Calming Anxiety for Android - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=digital.waterfront.calming.anxiety&hl=en-GB

    Please download and enjoy.

    Our 3 minute meditation playlist on YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLIEHBjIeSUViM_0g-Lq_jQBcTc8kl1123

    Wim Hof - The Ice Man links - https://youtu.be/tybOi4hjZFQ

    This is our lovely new visual meditation guide, please do subscribe and like. (it would really help)

    My chosen charity , just $1 will buy 1 treated anti malaria net.
    For helping to fight against malaria - https://www.againstmalaria.com/

    If you have found benefit from my podcast I do have a "buy me a coffee" page which helps to fund the hosting costs and all the time. :)

    If you have an Alexa device at home its now as simple as "Alexa, play the Calming Anxiety Podcast" All your favourite shows (over 750) now even easier to access.

    Listen to the show and then leave me a voice message here with your tips... - https://www.speakpipe.com/calminganxiety

    I am always open to requests and tips as I try to help as many people as possible .
    My email is calminganxiety@martinhewlett.co.uk

    For those younger listeners struggling with the stress of social media, do check out this amazing website. https://www.icanhelp.net/

    If you feel like you need more help but don't want to see a therapist in person then why not check out our online course - https://courses.martinhewlett.co.uk/courses/banishanxiety

    If you have found benefit in any of our podcasts then it would really help if you could subscribe as well to our YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/c/martinhewlett?sub_confirmation=1

    Finally, if you are ready to learn more about meditation and self hypnosis we have an eBook - Calming Anxiety - A New Way of Thinking. It comes with 5 guided sessions to listen to and shows you how to learn to relax deeply. https://www.martinhewlett.co.uk/resources/ Its free !!!

    For one on one Zoom hypnotherapy sessions to help with anxiety and insomnia to confidence and coping with bad habits email hypnotherapy@martinhewlett.co.uk

    and , for our range of T-shirts and hoodies. www.martinhewlett.co.uk/shop

    and finally, in everything you do, just be kind .

    Backing Music by Chris Collins


    Affiliate links to the gear I use the items that give me a more tranquil life.

    Rode Podmic - https://amzn.to/3LN1JEd
    Zoom Livetrak L8 - https://amzn.to/36UCIby
    Sony ZV 1 - https://amzn.to/3JvDUPT
    GoPro Hero 8 Black - https://amzn.to/372rzFl
    DJI Mini 2 - https://amzn.to/3NQfMdY


    Items I use for a more relaxed way of life :)

    Organic Pure Hemp CBD Capsules - https://amzn.to/3LQlP0u
    Incense Burner - https://amzn.to/3v3EKxJ
    MCT Oil (helps with my Keto Lifestyle) - https://amzn.to/3DLO9y9
    Weighted blanket - https://amzn.to/35NRZKs
    Weighted Bluetooth eye covers - https://amzn.to/3KdpxAJ

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/calming-anxiety--4110266/support.

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    315: Getting Your VOICE Onto the PAGE with Leslie Caplan

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    Leslie lives in Ashland, Oregon, and you can learn more about her at www.courageousheartinmotion.com.

    This episode is being sponsored by Rich German's JV Experience LIVE! Join me in Newport Beach, CA, from September 6 - 8, 2017 so that you can:

    • Learn how to grow your business exponentially with joint ventures
    • Meet hundreds of heart-centered coaches, experts and leaders who are ready to promote you and send you your perfect clients
    • Practice and get feedback on the perfect JV pitch that gets you promotional partners on the spot, even if you are just starting out
    • Connect with some of the top industry leaders who are looking for new programs and services to share with their huge lists
    • AND - Have a lot of FUN!

    Tickets to this event normally go for $1000, but Rich has agreed to provide Consciously Speaking with 10 tickets - absolutely FREE! So sign up NOW before they're gone!

    Sign up for your Podcast Launch Breakthrough Call Today, and please be sure to check out our other podcasts: The PodQuest Show, Buy This – Not That! and Something to Wine About.

    Please, don’t forget to subscribe to Consciously Speaking so that you don’t miss a single episode, and while you’re at it, won’t you take a moment to write a short review and rate our show? It would be greatly appreciated!

    To learn more about our previous guests, listen to past episodes, and get to know your host, go to www.MichaelNeeley.com and follow us on Facebook and Twitter.

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    Nathan is well-trained in Conscious Leadership and is now on a personal exploration of what's next in life.

    Sign up for your Podcast Launch Breakthrough Call Today, and please be sure to check out our other podcasts: The PodQuest Show, Buy This – Not That! and Something to Wine About.

    Please, don’t forget to subscribe to Consciously Speaking so that you don’t miss a single episode, and while you’re at it, won’t you take a moment to write a short review and rate our show? It would be greatly appreciated!

    To learn more about our previous guests, listen to past episodes, and get to know your host, go to www.MichaelNeeley.com and follow us on Facebook and Twitter.