
    A Mother, a Daughter, a Deadly Journey: An Update

    enDecember 28, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Historic surge in Darien Gap migration attemptsThe Darien Gap, a dangerous jungle between Colombia and Panama, has seen a record-breaking number of migration attempts due to pandemic-induced economic crisis in South America, with nearly 250,000 people crossing in 2022

      The Darien Gap, a narrow and treacherous jungle between Colombia and Panama, has seen an unprecedented surge in migration attempts in recent years. Despite the extreme dangers posed by the jungle's harsh terrain, deadly animals, and lack of infrastructure, the pandemic-induced economic crisis in South America has left many with few options, leading to a significant increase in people attempting the dangerous journey. In 2022 alone, nearly 250,000 people crossed the Darien Gap, a stark contrast to the average of under 11,000 people per year between 2010 and 2020. To better understand this phenomenon, journalists Michael Reilly and Fe Ferricorrios braved the jungle themselves, shedding light on the reasons behind this historic migration wave.

    • Journeying through the Darien Gap: A perilous path for familiesFamilies face steep terrain, extreme heat, and long hours during a dangerous, 4-day trek through the Darien Gap from Colombia to Panama, driven by hope for a better future.

      The journey of migrants through the Darien Gap in Colombia and Panama is a challenging and dangerous endeavor, particularly for those traveling with children. The process begins with organized boat rides from Nicolai, Colombia, where migrants pay to cross a large body of water to reach the jungle. The hike itself is arduous, with steep terrain, extreme heat, and long hours, causing many to fall ill or become injured. Despite these challenges, families often carry on, singing to keep their children's spirits up. By the fourth day, migrants have typically crossed into Panama, but the most difficult part, the Hill of Death, still lies ahead. Despite the risks, migrants continue their journey, driven by the hope for a better future.

    • A girl's journey through the harsh realities of migrationPeople make unimaginable sacrifices to provide a better life for their loved ones, even if it means enduring harsh conditions and trusting strangers.

      The journey to seek a better life can be incredibly harsh and force people to make unimaginable sacrifices. Sarah, a 6-year-old girl from Venezuela, was being carried by a stranger named Angel through the Darien Gap due to her mother's injury. The mother had to entrust her child to someone she barely knew, raising questions about the desperation and cruelty of the journey. The next morning, Sarah's group left, and Fele and the speaker decided to wait for the mother. A few hours later, a woman matching Sarah's description appeared, and the relief and reunion were palpable. Sarah's mother, Alexandra, shared her story, explaining how she had endured terrible blisters on her feet and was driven by the hope of providing a better life for her daughter. This heart-wrenching story highlights the lengths people will go to for their loved ones and the harsh realities of migration.

    • A lawyer's journey to reunite with her daughterEconomic instability forces families to make dangerous journeys in search of safety and security

      The collapse of Venezuela's oil industry led a lawyer named Alexandra to leave her country and embark on a dangerous journey to Chile and then the United States, seeking to build a new life and reunite with her daughter. Along the way, she became separated from Sarah, causing her immense distress. Despite the challenges, Alexandra persisted, eventually catching up with her daughter and reuniting with her at a camp for separated children. The journey highlighted the devastating impact of economic instability on individuals and families, and the desperate lengths they will go to in search of safety and security.

    • Venezuelan Mother's Determination to Reunite with DaughterA Venezuelan mother's unwavering determination led her to risk her life to find her daughter, but they eventually found safety and a legal path to the US through humanitarian parole.

      Despite the hardships and dangers faced by Alexandra, a Venezuelan mother, she remained determined to find her daughter and reunite with her. Even in her weakened state, she refused to eat or rest, and instead focused on getting to the UN camp in Panama where her daughter was supposed to be. However, their journey didn't end there. After a bittersweet reunion, they learned that the Biden administration had implemented a new policy allowing Venezuelans to apply for humanitarian parole and enter the United States legally. Realizing the risks involved, Alexandra decided to take this safe and legal route for herself and her daughter.

    • Barriers to Humanitarian Parole and Immigrant StoriesDespite challenges, some immigrants find success in the US, but a more efficient and compassionate immigration system is needed to help those in poverty and instability.

      The humanitarian parole program requires a sponsor in the United States, creating a significant barrier for many immigrants seeking asylum. This was highlighted in the story of Alexandra, a woman waiting over a year for her application to be processed, while living in poverty and instability. However, there is a silver lining. Angel, another immigrant featured in the story, made it to the US and now works as a mechanic, earning enough to support his family back home. Despite the challenges, he sees the US as a place where he can fulfill his duties as a father and make a difference. Unfortunately, the Darien Gap, a dangerous jungle pathway to the US, has become increasingly popular among immigrants fleeing economic, political instability, and conflict. Last year, 248,000 people crossed the Darien Gap, and this year, we are on track to hit 500,000. The situation underscores the urgent need for a more compassionate and efficient immigration system.

    • The treacherous journey through the Darien GapDespite known dangers, some migrants choose to make the perilous Darien Gap journey for potential rewards on the other side, highlighting complex and desperate circumstances driving migration.

      Despite the known dangers of the Darien Gap, some migrants are still choosing to make the treacherous journey due to the potential rewards that await them on the other side. This decision highlights the complex and often desperate circumstances that drive people to embark on such perilous journeys. The Daily's episode on this topic was produced by Sydney Harper, Carlos Prieto, Nina Feldman, and Claire Tenesketter, with editing by MJ Davis Lin, Patricia Whelans, Lisa Chow, Susan Li, and fact-checking by Susan Li. The episode featured original music by Alisha Baeitube and Dan Pell, and was engineered by Brad Fisher and Chris Wood. The theme music was provided by Jim Brumberg and Van Landsberg of Wonderly, and special thanks were given to Eileen Sullivan. Overall, the episode sheds light on the risks and rewards of migration and the human stories behind these journeys.

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    Background reading: 

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    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    Michael Yon is a Former Green Beret, Author, Photographer, and War Correspondent. After serving in the U.S. Army Special Forces, Yon retired his rifle in favor of a camera. He began his journalism career in December of 2004 in Iraq, covering some of the World's most complex conflicts and war zones. His writing and photography lead him to over 100 countries during his 20 year career. Most recently, he's been in South America covering an unknown path for illegal immigration into the United States: The Darién Gap. The Darién Gap is a region that connects the Southernmost part of Panama and Northern Colombia. This area has become the preferred way of travel for hundreds of thousands of migrants since the late 2000's. The Darién Gap is largely unregulated and only maintained by a faltering assortment of NGOs and smugglers. In this episode, Yon breaks down how the region functions in illegal immigration and the growing threat it poses to U.S Sovereignty. Shawn Ryan Show Sponsors: https://lairdsuperfood.com - USE CODE "SRS" https://helixsleep.com/srs - USE CODE "HELIXPARTNER20" https://babbel.com/srs https://hillsdale.edu/srs https://blackbuffalo.com https://ShawnLikesGold.com | 855-936-GOLD #goldcopartner Michael Yon Links: Website - https://michaelyon.com Twitter / X - https://twitter.com/Michael_Yon Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/michael_yon_world Locals - https://michaelyon.locals.com/landing/video Substack - https://substack.com/@michaelyon LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/michael-yon-57639226 Linktree - https://linktr.ee/michaelyon1776 Please leave us a review on Apple & Spotify Podcasts. Vigilance Elite/Shawn Ryan Links: Website | Patreon | TikTok | Instagram | Download Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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