
    #101 Michael Yon - Secrets of the Darién Gap

    en-usMarch 18, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Former Green Beret and writer Michael Yan's experiences in over 100 countriesMichael Yan, a former Green Beret and writer, has reported from over 100 countries, including conflict zones like Iraq and Afghanistan, and witnessed the ongoing situation at the US-Mexico border and the impending famine. His experiences highlight the far-reaching impact of global events and the importance of on-the-ground reporting.

      Michael Yan, a former Green Beret and American writer, has had an extensive career traveling and reporting from over 100 countries, including the Darien Gap. He has witnessed firsthand the ongoing situation at the border and the impending famine. Yan's background includes serving in special forces in the 1980s, becoming a writer in the 1990s, and reporting from various conflict zones such as Iraq and Afghanistan. He has authored several books, including ones on Chinese information war and his experiences in Iraq. A notable anecdote is his time spent providing security for Michael Jackson. During a reporting trip to a remote village in Afghanistan after Jackson's death, the villagers mourned the loss of the iconic pop star. Yan's experiences demonstrate the far-reaching impact of global events and the importance of on-the-ground reporting.

    • The speaker's experiences shaped his perspective on winning and losing, influencing his decision to join the war in Iraq.The speaker's military background and personal experiences influenced his decision to join the Iraq war, emphasizing the importance of understanding one's motivations and experiences in shaping decisions.

      The speaker's experiences during high school and in the military shaped his perspective on winning and losing, which later influenced his decision to join the war in Iraq. The military and being an American were highly revered during that time, and the coaches had a "first place and losers" mentality. When his friends were killed in the war, the speaker was urged to join, but he resisted until he realized it was an insurgency. He went to the war three years in and went all in, as the special ops community is known for an all or nothing way of life. The speaker also mentioned his experiences in Nepal and how it influenced his understanding of the situation in Iraq. Since Biden's installation, the speaker has spent significantly more time at the Darien Gap.

    • The Darien Gap: A Strategic Location for the US in Central AmericaThe Darien Gap, the end of the Pan-American Highway, is a significant location for the US due to its proximity to the Panama Canal, historical ties, and role as a migration entry point. A new bridge is being built to connect it to Colombia, enhancing its strategic importance.

      The Darien Gap in Panama is a strategically important location for the United States due to its proximity to the Panama Canal and its role as a gateway to North and South America. The Darien Gap marks the end of the Pan-American Highway, and a new bridge is being built to connect it to Colombia. The United States' historical connection to Panama, through the Panama Canal and the former U.S. Army South headquarters, makes it a significant location for American interests. The Darien Gap is also a key entry point for migration into the Americas, with the International Organization for Migration (IOM) having a significant presence there. The control of this area is important for both trade and military reasons, as it allows for the quick movement of naval forces and the ability to influence or control parts of Central and South America.

    • The Darien Gap: A Potential Land Route Between ContinentsThe Darien Gap, a significant 60-mile stretch of land between Panama and South America, holds potential for a land route between the two continents, with major geopolitical implications for Panama, China's Belt and Road Initiative, and the US. Control of key harbors and development of a 'tri-state city' are also crucial elements.

      The Darien Gap, a 60-mile stretch of land between Panama and South America, is significant due to its potential to open up a land route between the two continents. This could have major geopolitical implications, as Panama is a country with valuable real estate and a professional but under-equipped military. The Chinese-sponsored Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is expected to go through Panama, making it a key player in global trade routes. The US, through actions such as Biden's visit to Brownsville, Texas, is also showing interest in this region. Control of key harbors like Rotterdam and Antwerp, and the development of a "tri-state city" in the Netherlands, Germany, and Belgium, are also important pieces of this geopolitical puzzle. While some may dismiss these developments as conspiracy theories, they are backed by concrete information and strategic considerations.

    • The speaker's passion for functional mushrooms leads him to start a business ventureThe speaker promotes USDA organic functional mushroom supplements from Performance Mushrooms and offers a discount code. He also supports Hoist IV hydration and HVMN's ketone supplements, providing discount codes for each.

      The speaker has become passionate about functional mushrooms after experiencing their benefits firsthand. He has started his own business venture, becoming a shareholder in a company that produces the finest functional mushroom supplement on the market. This product, called Performance Mushrooms, is USDA organic and contains chaga, cordyceps, lion's mane, and mia taki, among other ingredients. The speaker is proud to represent this company and encourages listeners to check it out at layeredsuperfoods.com, using the promo code SRS for a 20% discount. Additionally, the speaker mentioned other health-related products he supports, including Hoist IV level hydration, which is authorized by the military and offers a discount to military and first responders, and HVMN's ketone supplements, which boost workouts by helping the body use fatty acids for fuel. The speaker encourages listeners to try these products and offers discount codes for each. Furthermore, the speaker touched upon geopolitical topics, mentioning the efforts of certain countries to build a tri-state city and the use of weaponized migration as a tool. He also noted the presence of Chinese and Russian influence in a particular region. However, the focus of the conversation was mainly on the speaker's personal business ventures and the health benefits of the products he promotes.

    • Terrorist organizations forming alliances and using Yemen, Venezuela as passageways to enter USTerrorist groups like Taliban, al-Qaeda, Hamas, ISIS forming alliances in Yemen, Venezuela to enter US. Hezbollah's presence in these countries is a concern due to ties with Russia, China, Iran. Potential increase in migrants due to expanding infrastructure.

      Various terrorist organizations, including the Taliban, al-Qaeda, Hamas, and ISIS, are forming alliances and using countries like Yemen and Venezuela as passageways to enter the US. This is particularly concerning due to the presence of groups like Hezbollah in these countries, which have close relationships with Russia, China, and Iran. These countries are also expanding infrastructure, such as increasing the number of buses for migrants, which could potentially lead to a significant increase in the number of people entering the US through these routes. China's interest in building a canal in Thailand and influencing the Indo-European corridor is also part of this larger geopolitical strategy to control trade routes and re-establish old silk and spice routes. The US should be aware of these developments and take steps to secure its borders and protect against potential terrorist threats.

    • NGOs Influencing Immigration Policies and Border ControlSome NGOs like HIAS, Catholic charities, and IOM have significant influence in US immigration policies and border control, raising concerns about potential security risks and calls for funding cuts or operations shutdowns.

      Certain non-governmental organizations (NGOs) like HIAS, Catholic charities, and IOM have significant influence in immigration policies and border control, and there are concerns that they may be facilitating the entry of individuals with malicious intentions into the United States. The speaker claims that these NGOs have offices near immigration camps and have been instrumental in appointing key officials, such as Alex Mayorkas, who was once a board member of HIAS. The speaker's criticisms have sparked accusations of anti-Semitism due to HIAS being a Jewish organization. However, the speaker's primary concern is the potential security risks posed by these NGOs, as they have reportedly allowed individuals from terrorist organizations to enter the country through the Darien Gap. The speaker argues that these NGOs have effectively taken over immigration control and border security, leading to increased scrutiny and calls for their funding to be cut or their operations to be shut down.

    • Chinese immigrants' entry into US: Through Mexico or Darien GapChinese immigrants enter US illegally via Mexico or Darien Gap. Cost and personal circumstances determine the choice. The Darien Gap, though dangerous, can be safer with payment to Kuna Indians.

      There are various ways people, particularly Chinese immigrants, enter the United States illegally. Some fly to Mexico and meet "snake heads" or human traffickers in Cancun or other cities, while others take more dangerous routes through the Darien Gap. The choice between routes depends on factors like cost and personal circumstances. The Darien Gap, often considered dangerous, can be safer for those who pay more for the journey. Meanwhile, the Kuna Indians in the area, who control some of the routes, ensure the safety of those who pay them. The speaker has personal experience with these issues and has even met the Indian mayor of the affected villages. Despite the dangers and challenges, people continue to enter the country illegally in large numbers.

    • New bridge in Darien Gap of Panama for easier access to valuable treesA new bridge in the Darien Gap of Panama, likely funded by China, is being constructed for easier access to valuable trees, increasing economic activity and potential exploitation of natural resources.

      The construction of a new bridge in the Darien Gap of Panama, potentially large enough for tanks, is underway, likely funded by China. This bridge, along with the ongoing logging in the area, will provide easier access to valuable trees, some worth millions of dollars, which will be transported out of the region for high profits. The bridge's construction is active and significant, with heavy machinery and a large workforce in place. The exact size and number of lanes are not yet known, but it's clear that this is a major project. The Chinese have a history of rebuilding small bridges in the area every year due to the rainy season and to facilitate the logging of valuable trees. The trees, which are worth significantly more downstream, are a valuable resource for both the Chinese and the locals, who sell them for varying prices. The Darien Gap, known for its dense jungle and difficult terrain, is becoming more accessible, potentially leading to increased economic activity and the exploitation of valuable natural resources.

    • Increased infrastructure development in Darien Gap leads to more dangerous journeysThe Darien Gap region in Panama has seen significant infrastructure development, attracting more people to make the dangerous jungle crossing, resulting in higher fatality rates and challenges.

      The infrastructure development in the Darien Gap region of Panama, particularly on the Chinese side, has significantly increased over the past few years. This is evident in various ways, such as the use of more powerful engines for boats, the construction of new camps with improved facilities, and the increased presence of journalists and other outsiders. However, this development has also led to an increase in people attempting the dangerous journey through the jungle, resulting in higher fatality rates and other challenges. When the speaker first visited the area several years ago, he found a village called Baho Chiquito that was overrun with people and lacked basic necessities like clean water and sanitation. Now, the situation has improved, but the risks and challenges of the journey remain significant.

    • Infrastructure improvements in the Darien Gap make travel for migrants faster and more efficientChinese migrants face challenges like lack of sanitation and holding camps despite easier travel through the Darien Gap, and some engage in illicit activities like marijuana cultivation and fentanyl smuggling.

      The Darien Gap, a notoriously difficult and dangerous jungle passage between South America and Central America, is experiencing significant infrastructure improvements, making the journey faster and more efficient for migrants. The Chinese route, in particular, has seen substantial growth, with easier travel and organized systems in place. However, despite these advancements, many migrants still face challenges, including the lack of proper sanitation and holding camps. The Chinese migrants are reportedly establishing their own ecosystem within the larger migrant population, engaging in activities like marijuana cultivation and fentanyl smuggling. The choice between entering the US directly, traveling through the Darien Gap, or coming via Canada seems to depend on individual circumstances and motivations.

    • Chinese military-age males entering Americas through unconventional meansThousands of Chinese military-aged males are entering the Americas through unconventional means, possibly for nefarious reasons, and are obtaining new passports through the Chinese consulate after losing their old ones through 'irregular means'.

      Large numbers of Chinese military-age males have been entering the Americas through unconventional means, particularly through Central America and the Caribbean. They often come with new passports, which they obtain through the Chinese consulate if their old ones are lost through "irregular means." These individuals are part of a larger trend of Chinese migration, with many using student visas to enter the US. However, some appear to be coming for more nefarious reasons, potentially linked to military or intelligence operations. One interlocutor shared an encounter with a Chinese man who had recently entered the country and was itching from insect bites, suggesting he had come through the jungles of Central America. This man admitted to buying a boat in the Bahamas and drifting to the US, possibly as part of a covert mission. The Chinese government's open support for obtaining new passports for nationals who have lost theirs through "irregular means" raises questions about the scale and intent of this migration.

    • China's Strategies for Global Influence: Demographic Warfare and Overseas ChineseChina courts overseas Chinese communities, rewrites history, and aims to integrate into local populations to dominate the global landscape

      China is employing various strategies to expand its influence around the world, with a focus on demographic warfare and recruiting overseas Chinese. The Chinese government invites and courts overseas Chinese communities, offering them a sense of belonging and even parades and visits to family graves. In addition, they engage in archaeological and anthropological efforts to rewrite history and gain the trust of local populations. The ultimate goal is not to conquer territories outright, but to become an integral part of these communities and ultimately, to dominate the global landscape. This was evident in the case of Tibet, Hong Kong, and potentially in Honduras, where Chinese influence was slowly but surely taking over key positions and institutions.

    • China's Influence and Demographic Expansion Shaping Global Power DynamicsChina's efforts to expand diplomatically and culturally could lead to the creation of Chinese enclaves and the establishment of Chinese laws and rules in those areas, potentially altering global power dynamics

      China's influence and demographic expansion are leading to a potential shift in global power dynamics, particularly in relation to Taiwan. The speaker notes China's efforts to gain diplomatic cover by encroaching on the territories of countries like Belize and Guatemala, which border Mexico. The speaker also raises concerns about Chinese immigrants claiming persecution while maintaining diplomatic ties with China. Furthermore, the speaker highlights the historical role of Chinese immigrants in shaping American history and the current trend of Chinese influence extending beyond economic and diplomatic spheres to cultural and political domains. This influence could potentially lead to the creation of Chinese enclaves and the establishment of Chinese laws and rules in these areas.

    • Control and influence through information and cultural narrativesLibrary, museum, and archaeological sites use information and narratives to shape public perception and understanding of history and culture, sometimes manipulating facts for control and influence.

      Information and cultural narratives are used as tools for control and influence, particularly in libraries, museums, and archaeological sites around the world. The speaker shares his experiences in El Salvador, where a new library displays a Chinese Communist Party flag and requires patrons to read a book before playing video games. He also mentions the manipulation of historical narratives in archaeological sites and museums, where certain groups try to claim ownership or influence over the interpretation of history. This "library warfare," "archaeological warfare," and "museum warfare" are tactics used to shape public perception and understanding of history and culture.

    • Soviet war destruction led Afghans to grow opium, Maine farmers turn to marijuanaThe disruption of local farming industries and the appeal of lucrative cash crops can lead farmers to grow socially and environmentally damaging crops, highlighting the importance of preserving local agriculture and supporting farmers.

      The destruction of agricultural systems in Afghanistan during the Soviet war led farmers to grow opium as an alternative cash crop due to its water efficiency and resilience. Similarly, in Maine, the disruption of local farming industries and the appeal of marijuana as a lucrative cash crop have attracted Chinese farmers, contributing to growing concerns over their presence and potential negative impacts. The parallels between these two situations highlight the importance of preserving local agriculture and supporting farmers to prevent them from turning to more profitable but socially and environmentally damaging crops.

    • Drugs fund conflicts and weaken societiesDrug production and distribution, often linked to China, fund conflicts and weaken societies, causing harm to individuals and communities while generating significant profits for cartels and other actors.

      The production and distribution of drugs like opium and fentanyl, particularly those linked to China, not only harm individuals and communities but also serve as a means to fund conflicts and weaken societies. This process, often aided by the involvement of cartels and other actors, results in the destruction of people's lives while generating significant profits. Furthermore, the use of drugs makes individuals more susceptible to manipulation and control, which can be exploited for nefarious purposes. The interconnectedness of drug production, war funding, and societal weakening forms a complex and dangerous issue that requires attention and action.

    • Consistent effort and recognizing patterns lead to great successImproving daily through consistent learning, like using Babel, leads to significant progress and is cost-efficient. Recognizing patterns in the Bible and current events can provide valuable insights.

      Improving daily through consistent learning, like using Babel for language acquisition, can lead to significant progress in a short amount of time. This method is more effective and cost-efficient than traditional methods like private tutors or time-wasting apps. Furthermore, the patterns and concepts discussed in the Bible, such as famine, war, and pandemic, continue to resonate and apply to current events. It's essential to recognize the conditions that set the stage for significant events and not focus solely on the sparks that ignite them. In the words of those who have come before us, "it's all about conditions." So whether you're learning a new language, preparing for potential crises, or simply seeking wisdom, remember that consistent effort and recognizing patterns can lead to great success.

    • The Haber-Bosch Process: A Game Changer for Fertilizer Production and Population GrowthThe Haber-Bosch Process revolutionized fertilizer production from natural gas, leading to population growth and increased agricultural productivity. However, potential environmental concerns and resource depletion from relying on natural gas as a primary resource call for continued scientific advancements and adaptability.

      The discovery and industrialization of the Haber-Bosch Process, which enabled the mass production of nitrogenous fertilizers from natural gas, significantly contributed to the population growth and increased agricultural productivity in the 20th century. However, the reliance on natural gas as a primary resource for fertilizer production could potentially lead to environmental concerns and resource depletion, especially in the context of increasing global population and potential food shortages. Additionally, the importance of scientific progress and the ability to adapt and evolve theories, as exemplified by Fritz Haber and Albert Einstein, is crucial for addressing complex challenges and advancing knowledge.

    • Predicting Trends and EventsThorough analysis and observation can lead to accurate predictions about political and economic trends and events, such as the Darian Gap and the closure of the Groningen gas field. Being prepared for potential famine situations is crucial, as they can be man-made and have devastating consequences.

      Having a clear understanding of potential trends and events, based on thorough analysis and observation, can lead to accurate predictions. The speaker shares his personal experience of making such predictions related to political and economic situations, such as the opening of the Darian Gap and the closure of the Groningen gas field. He emphasizes that this ability is not based on insider information or manipulation, but rather on identifying patterns and paradigms. The speaker also highlights the importance of being prepared for potential famine situations, as they can be man-made and have devastating consequences. He advises people to be prepared in various ways, as defending food with weapons may not be effective.

    • Building a community for survival during a famineDuring scarcity, forming a community with diverse skills and assigning roles based on strengths increases chances of survival. Self-defense and relocating to rural areas may also be necessary.

      During times of extreme scarcity, such as a famine, building a strong community is crucial for survival. People with various skills and knowledge can work together to ensure the basic needs of the group are met. Community leaders can assign roles based on individual strengths and resources. However, governments may pose a threat by targeting farmers and taking control of agricultural facilities. Therefore, self-defense is also necessary. If you live in a city, it might be wise to consider relocating to a more rural area where self-sufficiency is more feasible. Building a community and securing essential resources will increase your chances of survival during a famine.

    • Choosing Moink for American-grown, high-quality meatMoink offers grass-fed and finished beef, lamb, pastured pork, chicken, and sustainable wild-caught Alaskan salmon, sourced from traditional farming practices. New customers get a year's worth of free bacon with code 'Sean'.

      It's concerning that a significant portion of US pork production comes from a Chinese-owned company using a banned substance in their hogs. However, there is an alternative solution for consumers who want to support American farming and receive high-quality meat. Moink is a company that delivers grass-fed and finished beef, lamb, pastured pork, chicken, and sustainable wild-caught Alaskan salmon directly to customers' doors. Moink farmers follow traditional farming practices, resulting in meat that tastes better and helps keep family farms financially independent. Customers can choose the specific meat items they receive in each delivery, and there's no long-term commitment. Additionally, new Moink customers who sign up using the code "Sean" will receive a year's worth of free bacon. By choosing Moink, consumers can feel good about supporting American farming and receiving delicious, high-quality meat.

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    #110 Tu Lam - Call of Duty & The Way of Rōnin

    #110 Tu Lam - Call of Duty & The Way of Rōnin
    Tu Lam is a former Army Special Forces Green Beret and CEO of Rōnin Tactics. Tu Lam escaped communist rule in Vietnam as a child and would ultimately immigrate to the United States and serve in Special Operations for over 20 years. Today, he continues to run Rōnin Tactics and is widely known for his appearances in the hit video game series Call of Duty. Most recently, Tu Lam has authored The Way of Rōnin, an incredible chronicling of his life and work. The book is available now to preorder. Shawn Ryan Show Sponsors: https://lairdsuperfood.com - USE CODE "SRS" https://mypatriotsupply.com https://betterhelp.com/shawn https://drinkhoist.com - USE CODE "SHAWN" Tu Lam Links: Preorder The Way of Rōnin - www.harpercollins.com/pages/way-of-ronin Train - https://www.ronintactics.com IG - https://www.instagram.com/ronintactics X - https://twitter.com/ronintactics FB - https://www.facebook.com/people/Ronin-Tactics/100064816893518 YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGbWCJCruG_3HlRlMaIq6xA Please leave us a review on Apple & Spotify Podcasts. Vigilance Elite/Shawn Ryan Links: Website | Patreon | TikTok | Instagram | Download Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    Shawn Ryan Show
    en-usMay 16, 2024

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    Click here to see the Australians' view of BREXIT:


    And, don’t forget to subscribe to The Black Spy Podcast to never miss an episode.

    Please also contact Carlton by utilising any of the following:

    To donate - Patreon.com/TheBlackSpyPodcast

    Email: carltonking2003@gmail.com

    Facebook: The Black Spy Podcast

    Facebook: Carlton King Author



    To read Carlton's Autobiography:

    “Black Ops – The incredible true story of a (Black) British secret agent”

    Click the link below:


    Carlton is available for speaking events. For this purpose use the contact details above.


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    To contact Carlton King by utilising any of the following:

    To donate - Patreon.com/TheBlackSpyPodcast

    Email: carltonking2003@gmail.com

    Facebook: The Black Spy Podcast

    Facebook: Carlton King Author



    To read Carlton's Autobiography:

    “Black Ops – The incredible true story of a (Black) British secret agent”

    Click the link below:


    Carlton is available for speaking events. For this purpose use the contact details above.

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