
    A Raging Bull Elephant

    en-usSeptember 21, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Former President Trump's Podcast Mentioned in AG Garland HearingDespite legal troubles, Trump and other politicians use podcasts to maintain influence and raise funds

      Despite the numerous legal troubles facing former President Donald Trump, with over 4 indictments and more than 90 felony charges, he continues to make headlines through various means, including his podcast, which was recently mentioned during a hearing for Attorney General Merrick Garland. Senator Ted Cruz, who has a podcast of his own, was brought up during the discussion as an example of how some politicians use alternative platforms to maintain influence and raise funds. While Cruz's podcasting may be seen as less damaging than his past political actions, it still highlights the ongoing presence and influence of controversial figures in the political landscape.

    • Senator Ted Cruz's Synergy between Podcasting and SenatoringSenator Cruz leverages his political influence to boost his podcast, while his podcast provides a platform to discuss political issues. Republicans failed to find evidence of corruption during AG Merrick Garland's hearing, leaving them frustrated.

      Senator Ted Cruz is effectively using his political position to promote his podcast and vice versa, demonstrating the synergy between senatoring and podcasting. Another key point from the discussion is the hearing with Attorney General Merrick Garland, where Republicans were trying to question him about perceived corruption in the Department of Justice regarding investigations into Democrats. However, Garland's answers were unassailable, as he had maintained independence and authority for ongoing investigations, leaving Republicans frustrated and unable to find any evidence of corruption. The salient question Garland refused to answer pertained to the timing of the appointment of a special counsel for the investigation into Hunter Biden.

    • The Political World vs. Courtroom Standards of ReportingRepublicans use loud and repetitive allegations to create a 'blizzard of bullshit', contrasting the fact-based evidence and standards of the criminal justice system.

      The hearing before the House Judiciary Committee showcased the significant difference between the standards of evidence in a courtroom and the political world. Republicans, such as Matt Gaetz and Jim Jordan, have mastered the art of spreading allegations loudly and repeatedly, creating a "blizzard of bullshit" that can stick in the public's mind. The phrase "Biden crime family" is a prime example of this tactic, which aims to impute potential wrongdoing to the entire family, rather than focusing on individual issues. This performative and repetitive approach contrasts starkly with the criminal justice system, where evidence and facts are essential. The 2024 election may see this divide between fact-based evidence and political rhetoric come to a head, as the two screens clash in the public discourse.

    • January 6th Capitol attack: Focus on Ray Epps and inconsistencies in David Weiss's statementsDespite debunked accusations, Ray Epps pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor charge related to the Capitol attack. Inconsistencies in David Weiss's statements regarding his authority added to controversy.

      During a recent hearing, there was renewed focus on the January 6th Capitol attack and allegations of agent provocateurs, specifically Ray Epps. Epps, a Trump supporter, was falsely accused of being an FBI asset who instigated the riot. Despite this being debunked numerous times, the conspiracy theory persisted. This week, Epps pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor charge related to the attack. While some may view this as a sweetheart deal, it does undercut the narrative that he was being protected by the federal government. However, the conspiracy theory continues to persist despite being discredited multiple times. The hearing also touched on inconsistencies in David Weiss's statements regarding his authority to bring cases, with the Biden administration repeatedly announcing contradictions without explaining or seeking to reconcile them. The repetition of these announcements has been effective in generating controversy, even as evidence is presented in a sober manner.

    • The conspiracy theory about election interference continues, while the legal battle between Jack Smith and Trump takes a turnThe legal battle between Jack Smith and Trump over potential election interference continues, with Smith seeking a gag order to prevent Trump from intimidating witnesses and potential jurors, sparking debate over balancing justice and politics.

      The conspiracy theory surrounding election interference will persist due to its usefulness for certain individuals and groups. Meanwhile, the legal battle between Jack Smith and Donald Trump took a significant turn with Smith's request for a gag order, aimed at preventing Trump from intimidating witnesses and potential jurors. This request has sparked debate, with some arguing it's a necessary step to uphold the justice system, while others see it as an infringement on Trump's First Amendment rights. The situation is complex, as Trump's status as a criminal defendant and a political figure adds an extra layer of complication. Ultimately, Smith's approach to treating Trump as a criminal defendant rather than a candidate raises important questions about balancing the interests of the justice system with the political arena.

    • Balancing First Amendment rights and preventing jury tampering in Trump casesProsecutors are building a record of Trump's extrajudicial statements and actions to potentially influence trial outcomes, aiming for earlier trial dates as a deterrent

      The ongoing legal proceedings against Donald Trump involve a delicate balance between First Amendment rights and the need to prevent jury and witness tampering. The prosecution, led by Jack Smith, is carefully building a record of Trump's extrajudicial statements and actions that could potentially influence the outcome of the trial. The goal is not to lock Trump up, but to accelerate the trial date as a deterrent and prophylactic measure against further interference. This is just one of several cases Trump is facing, and his pattern of disparaging public comments towards the judicial system and potential witnesses is a cause for concern. The stakes are high, as Trump's actions pose a threat to the legitimacy and confidence in our institutions.

    • Judge Chutkan to Warn Trump's Team, Weak Recusal MotionJudge Chutkan may issue a warning to Trump's team for mishandling classified docs, but won't enter an order first time. Trump has made a weak recusal motion. Ex-aide Molly Michael reported Trump asked her to lie about classified info, and she recognized note cards with markings at Mar-a-Lago during FBI search. Michael is 'employee 2' in indictment.

      Judge Chutkan is expected to issue a warning to Trump's legal team regarding their handling of classified documents, but is unlikely to enter an order the first time. Trump has made a motion to recuse Judge Chutkan from the case, which is considered weak. The pattern of Trump's attempts to obstruct investigations is expected to be a factor in similar motions in other cases. A former Trump aide, Molly Michael, has reported to federal investigators that Trump asked her to lie about her knowledge of classified information. Michael recognized note cards with classification markings used during Trump's time in office, which were found at Mar-a-Lago during the FBI search. Michael grew concerned about Trump's handling of government documents and resigned last year. She is believed to be "Trump employee 2" in the indictment.

    • Legal battles over 2020 election moves to federal courtNot all defendants in election-related cases can successfully remove their cases to federal court, particularly those who acted outside their authority or engaged in fraudulent activities.

      The ongoing legal battles related to the 2020 election continue to unfold, with some defendants attempting to have their cases moved to federal court. However, the discussion highlighted that these efforts may not be successful for all defendants, particularly those who were not acting under the authority of their positions or engaging in fraudulent activities. For instance, the case of Jeffrey Clark, a former acting assistant attorney general, was deemed a bad case for removal due to his defiance of the attorney general and deputy attorney general's instructions and the fraudulent nature of his actions. The discussion also touched upon the attempts of fake electors to have their case removed, which was dismissed as a non-issue due to their lack of federal officer status. Overall, the legal landscape remains complex, with various challenges being raised and addressed in the courts.

    • Legal Drama Surrounding Lin Wood, Rudy Giuliani, and Trump ContinuesLin Wood testifies in a Georgia case, Rudy Giuliani must appear in person for his defamation trial, Cassidy Hutchinson's book alleges Giuliani inappropriately touched her, Trump remains focused on his campaign and threatens retribution, ongoing politicization of the justice system, and bizarre behavior from some in Trump's orbit

      The legal drama surrounding figures like Lin Wood and Rudy Giuliani continues to unfold in the aftermath of the 2020 election. Lin Wood, known for filing bogus lawsuits and questionable behavior, has resurfaced as a witness in a Georgia case. Rudy Giuliani, who has already lost a defamation suit, is required to appear in person for the remainder of his trial. Cassidy Hutchinson's new book alleges that Giuliani inappropriately touched her on January 6th. Trump, meanwhile, is reportedly concerned about potential prison time but remains focused on his presidential campaign. These developments highlight the ongoing politicization of the justice system and the increasingly bizarre behavior of some prominent figures in the former president's orbit. Despite the mounting allegations and legal troubles, Trump continues to threaten retribution and pardon January 6th rioters if elected in 2024. The internal workings of these individuals' minds may be of lesser importance compared to their actions and the potential consequences for American democracy.

    • 2024 Trump Presidency: Clearer Than EverIn 2024, a Trump presidency would mean pardons for insurrectionists and a rewrite of January 6th history.

      The 2024 presidential race is different from previous elections due to the clear and unambiguous nature of Donald Trump's promises. Unlike in 2016 and even 2020, there can be no illusions about what a Trump presidency would mean. Trump himself has made it clear that he intends to pardon those involved in the January 6th insurrection and rewrite history regarding the event. Someone needs to make the case against this in the political arena, as others have been too gentle in their criticisms. Trump's promises of retribution and a heroic event rather than an attempt to overthrow democracy are not being misconstrued or exaggerated; they are what he is openly stating. It's important for voters to take Trump at his word and understand the implications of a Trump presidency in 2024.

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    show notes

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    Jon Lovett: Unprecedented Times

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    Ben Wittes and Steven Shepard: He Is Still a Criminal

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    Tom Nichols: Political Malpractice

    Tom Nichols: Political Malpractice
    All Americans who love this country and hate Donald Trump deserve answers about Thursday's abysmal performance—and how we are going to move forward. And do not answer our doubts about Biden and his staff with a MAGA-style blaming-the-press bit. Meanwhile, the Supreme Court recklessly assists Trump yet again, and Bannon goes to the big house. Tom Nichols joins Tim Miller.

    show notes:

    Mika Brzezinski on Joe Biden

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    en-usJuly 01, 2024

    Sarah Longwell, Jonathan V. Last, and Jonathan Martin: A Disaster

    Sarah Longwell, Jonathan V. Last, and Jonathan Martin: A Disaster
    The Secret Pod makes an emergency appearance to work through last night's terrible performance by Biden and to urge the Democratic Party to do the responsible thing in this moment. And Jonathan Martin discusses the strategy behind Biden's failed gamble and whether sitting Democrats would actually publicly push the president to leave the ticket. Sarah Longwell, JVL, and Martin join Tim Miller for the weekend pod.

    show notes:

    Claire McCaskill on Biden's performance
    David Frum on the debate
    Tim's playlist 

    The Bulwark Podcast
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    Kate Bedingfield and Marc Caputo: Debate Day

    Kate Bedingfield and Marc Caputo: Debate Day
    Former White House comms director Kate Bedingfield serves up some keen insights into Poppa Joe—he is a night person, he regularly seeks out Jill's opinion, and he is a calming influence. And he's probably not as anxious as Tim Miller is about tonight's debate. Meanwhile, Marc Caputo reports from Magaville on Trump's posturing that he is definitely, absolutely not at all prepping for the debate. Your pre-fight night comfort food to calm the jitters.

    show notes:

    Kevin Williamson piece Tim mentioned

    The Bulwark Podcast
    en-usJune 27, 2024

    Stuart Stevens: I think Joe Biden Has Been A Great President

    Stuart Stevens: I think Joe Biden Has Been A Great President
    So many of the people who worked around POTUS 44 think no one will ever be as good as Obama, but Stuart Stevens argues that Democrats need to make the case that Joe Biden is a great president. Meanwhile, Dems on Tuesday showed they are the one party holding their crazy people to account. Plus, Vance is too smart to be Trump's VP pick, more Republicans need to follow Kinzinger's example, and Ole Miss, college sports and civil rights. Tim Miller's show today.

    show notes:

    Stuart's latest book, "The Conspiracy to End America"
    Stuart's book, "The Last Season: A Father, a Son, and a Lifetime of College Football"
    Wright Thompson's piece on Ole Miss in 1962
    Stuart's piece on calling Biden a great president 

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    Symone Sanders-Townsend: Don't Say We Didn't Warn You

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    Project 2025 sounds mundane, but it would institutionalize Trumpism, eliminate the Department of Education, mass deport 11 million people, and turn the Department of Health and Human Services into the Department of "Life." Plus, more from the mailbag, and Biden finding the sweet spot between Uncle Joe and punching Trump in the face. Symone Sanders-Townsend joins Tim Miller.

    show notes:

    Symone's interview on Project 2025
    MSNBC Live: Democracy 2024 event in September

    Tim's Mount Rushmore of political books:
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    Jared Polis and Bill Kristol: Live from Denver

    Jared Polis and Bill Kristol: Live from Denver
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    Jane Coaston: He's So Not a Badass

    Jane Coaston: He's So Not a Badass
    Trump is not drawing support from black voters because of his criminality—that's just MAGA's bigotry of low expectations. Meanwhile, he's now promising a green card to every foreign Harvard grad to please tech bro donors. Plus, the attempt to create a race war over Caitlin Clark, the annoying liberals on the coasts are creating MAGA reactionaries, and more from the mailbag. Jane Coaston joins Tim Miller for the weekend pod.

    show notes:

    Reid Hoffman's reply to David Sacks
    Tim interviews Reid Hoffman
    Tim's playlist 

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    Jan. 6th Committee's Closing Arguments (w/ Matt Miller)

    Jan. 6th Committee's Closing Arguments  (w/ Matt Miller)

    Liz Cheney, Wyoming's Congresswoman, revealed the January 6th Committee's final card at yesterday's hearing. Subpoena to Donald Trump to testify and to provide documents about his role in the events that lead to the attack on the US Capitol. It was a surprise move by the panel at the end of its final public hearing in which it revealed some new details about alarming intelligence warnings to the secret service about the potential for violence that day, as well as compelling footage that day as Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer huddled about how to get to the business of the day certifying Joe Biden's victory in the Presidential election back on track. The hearing, like all the earlier ones, got gavel to gavel coverage on cable TV and played big in major newspapers across the country, but it hasn't moved the needle it terms of public opinion. And just as important, hasn't brought the Justice Department any closer to bringing criminal charges to against the former President. We discuss with Matt Miller, former Chief of Public Affairs of the Justice Department under Democratic Attorney General Eric Holder.

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