
    Aaron Rabinowitz & Callie Wright || What We Get Wrong About Transgender People

    enMarch 02, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Celebrating Diversity with JCPenney and Connectivity on the Go with AT&TJCPenney caters to diverse body types and styles for various occasions, while AT&T's In-Car WiFi ensures productivity and communication on the move. Both brands support essential transitions in life.

      JCPenney and AT&T offer solutions for different needs in our lives. At JCPenney, everyone is celebrated with fashion options for various body types and styles for various occasions. Meanwhile, AT&T's In-Car WiFi ensures connectivity on the go for productivity and communication. Additionally, the conversation on the Psychology Podcast highlights the importance of understanding and acknowledging gender and trans issues, shedding light on personal experiences and ethical considerations. As we navigate through life's transitions, both JCPenney and AT&T provide essential tools to enhance our daily experiences.

    • The importance of open and honest conversations about trans individualsEngaging in good faith discussions is vital for fostering understanding and reducing misinformation about trans people, as the broader conversation is still evolving and often filled with inaccuracies. Commit to respectful dialogue and promoting understanding.

      Open and honest conversations are crucial for fostering understanding and dispelling misinformation about trans individuals. The podcast producer, with a decade of experience, emphasizes the importance of engaging in good faith discussions, as the broader mainstream conversation around trans people is still evolving and often filled with misinformation. He shares his passion for communicating complex ideas, particularly in the realm of ethics, and his personal interest in addressing the lack of moral education for many people. The producer, who identifies as cisgender, also shares his experiences growing up around gender non-conforming individuals and his commitment to ensuring they receive the support they need. He encourages a respectful dialogue about trans experiences, acknowledging the challenges they face while also addressing genuine concerns. The producer's goal is to promote understanding and reduce the temperature in this conversation.

    • Exploring Gender Identity: A Journey Towards AuthenticityOne's journey towards self-discovery and self-actualization can lead to identifying as a non-binary trans woman, challenging societal norms and expectations, and ultimately living a more authentic life, despite ongoing mental health struggles.

      The speaker's journey towards self-discovery and self-actualization led them to identify as a non-binary trans woman. This process involved questioning societal norms and expectations, facing pressure to conform to gender stereotypes, and exploring various aspects of their identity. The speaker's experiences highlight the complexity of gender identity and the importance of individual self-determination. They also shed light on the potential marginalization of non-binary individuals within the trans community, although statistics on this are not readily available. Despite facing challenges, the speaker feels that the decisions they have made have allowed them to align with their authentic self and live a more self-actualized life, despite ongoing mental health struggles.

    • Exploring personal growth and identityPersonal growth and understanding one's identity can lead to feelings of averageness despite opposition. Emphasize emotional impact over scientific proof in discussions about identity and personal growth.

      Personal growth and understanding one's identity can lead to feelings of averageness, even in the face of opposition from traditional or conservative groups. The speaker's journey towards self-discovery, particularly in relation to gender and relationships, has helped them arrive at a place where they feel they've mostly overcome the struggles that once felt outsized. However, these conversations can be challenging for individuals committed to scientific facts, as ideologies often come into play and hinder productive dialogue. The speaker emphasizes that their experiences with their gender identity are deeply personal and not easily subjected to scientific proof or disproof. Instead, they argue that the focus should be on understanding the impact of various experiences on individuals' emotional and intimate lives. Ultimately, the speaker encourages the importance of respectful and open-minded dialogue in navigating complex issues related to identity and personal growth.

    • Balancing respect for gender identity and individual wellbeingEmphasizing benefits and disadvantages, the majority of individuals prioritize respecting an individual's gender identity to promote human dignity and wellbeing, while minimizing harm from transphobia.

      The debate surrounding gender identity, particularly in relation to minors, involves complex philosophical and ethical questions. While some people may hold extreme views, the majority of individuals, both activists and non-activists, aim for individuals to live good quality lives. The focus on controversial issues like surgery and hormones often overshadows the fact that most interventions are less invasive, such as using different pronouns or clothing. The discussion often goes astray due to differing weights given to various concerns. Aaron's perspective, which emphasizes considering the benefits and disadvantages, suggests that the disadvantages of respecting an individual's gender identity are often outweighed by the potential harm of transphobia. Ultimately, the goal is to promote human dignity and respect for individuals, regardless of their gender identity.

    • Societal Transphobia and Gender Essentialism pose the greatest risk to Transgender and Non-Binary IndividualsSocietal transphobia and gender essentialism are the main causes of harm to transgender and non-binary individuals, not their identities. Fear of societal mistreatment and a 'trans agenda' stems from a fear of change and cultural beliefs.

      The greatest risk of harm to transgender and non-binary individuals comes from societal transphobia and gender essentialism, rather than any inherent issue with their identities. This was a personal realization for the speaker when they came out to their mother, who expressed concerns about societal mistreatment. However, some individuals hold the belief that the increase in people identifying as trans or non-binary is due to societal indoctrination. This perspective is rooted in the fear that these individuals will undergo medical procedures and treatments that may have negative side effects or be influenced by external pressures. The speaker acknowledges that there are spaces in society where being trans or non-binary may lead to better treatment, but ultimately believes that most individuals are genuinely expressing their identities. The fear of a "trans agenda" or "social contagion" is rooted in a fear of change and a cultural belief that others living out gender dynamics differently is a threat.

    • Understanding the Complexity of Transgender DebatesRecognize the multifaceted nature of transgender debates, acknowledging that concerns may stem from genuine care or political/moral agendas, and approach discussions with nuance and specificity.

      The debate surrounding transgender issues, particularly regarding medical treatments and restroom access, is complex and multifaceted. Some people's concerns may stem from a genuine place of wanting to protect individuals from potential harm, while others may be driven by fear or a desire to enforce rigid gender norms. It's essential to recognize that the average person's perspective may differ significantly from those with the power to enact laws and policies. While some individuals may genuinely care about the well-being of others, others may use their platforms to push a political or moral agenda. The complexity of these issues makes it crucial to approach discussions with specificity and a nuanced understanding of the various perspectives involved.

    • Understanding the complexities of discussions around trans rightsRecognize nuances and consider power dynamics when evaluating statements, empathize with marginalized communities' experiences and struggles.

      Navigating complex social issues involves recognizing the nuances and complexities of various perspectives, even when they may seem extreme or hyperbolic. In the context of discussions around trans rights and activism, there are instances where hyperbole or exaggeration may be used to draw attention to serious issues, such as the high rates of suicide and mental health struggles within the trans community. However, it's important to consider the power dynamics at play when evaluating the impact of these statements. While a hyperbolic tweet from an individual may not directly cause harm, the words of influential figures like Matt Walsh can have a significant impact on people's beliefs and actions. Ultimately, it's crucial to approach these discussions with empathy and a nuanced understanding of the experiences and struggles of marginalized communities.

    • Avoiding Extreme Positions in Transgender DebatesMaintain informed discussions on complex transgender issues, provide appropriate counseling, and avoid emotional blackmail and pressure on families.

      While there are complex and nuanced issues surrounding transgender rights and identities, it's important to avoid extreme positions and moral panics. The speaker acknowledges the importance of having informed discussions on topics like sports, genital preferences, and access to healthcare, but also emphasizes the need for appropriate counseling and a step-by-step process for individuals making these decisions. They caution against the use of emotional blackmail and the pressure put on parents to affirm their children's identities without considering the unique circumstances of each family. Overall, the key takeaway is the importance of nuanced discussions and avoiding extreme positions in the debate surrounding transgender rights and identities.

    • Exploring gender identity and raising childrenApproach conversation with empathy, understanding, and an open mind, allowing children to explore their feelings while providing accurate information and support.

      The conversation around gender identity and the approach to raising children regarding gender stereotypes is complex and nuanced. It's essential to avoid oversimplifying the issue and focusing on individual tweets or statements without considering the larger context. Some people argue that it's valid to teach children that they can have feminine interests without being transgender, but this perspective is often met with skepticism due to the potential harm it may cause to trans individuals. However, dismissing the idea that gender is real and that transgender people exist is also problematic and unfounded. Instead, it's crucial to approach the conversation with empathy, understanding, and an open mind, allowing children to explore their feelings and identity while providing them with accurate information and support. Ultimately, the goal should be to create a world where people can grow up free of pressure regarding gender roles and stereotypes, but this requires a thoughtful and compassionate approach to the issue.

    • Understanding the diversity of experiences within the trans communityRespect and validate each individual's journey towards living authentically as a trans person, recognizing the diversity of reasons and experiences within the community

      Being a trans woman, or identifying as such, is a deeply personal and subjective experience that varies greatly from person to person. There is no standardized "feeling" that defines all trans women, and the reasons for identifying as such can range from a sense of visceral discomfort or dysphoria, to a desire to embrace a gender identity that feels more authentic, to simply chasing euphoria. It's important to recognize and respect the diversity of experiences within the trans community, and to approach each individual's journey with empathy and understanding. From a developmental perspective, it's crucial to validate children's feelings and help them navigate the complexities of gender identity in a supportive and inclusive way. Ultimately, it's essential to remember that everyone deserves the dignity and respect to live their lives authentically, regardless of their gender identity.

    • Understanding the Complexity of Gender IdentityRecognize the complexity and subjectivity of gender identity, and strive for a society where individuals can express their identities freely without facing discrimination or marginalization.

      Gender identity, like other aspects of identity such as race or sexuality, is complex and subjective. It's not something that can be easily defined or quantified, but rather, it's shaped by personal feelings, desires, intuitions, and cultural influences. The speaker acknowledges the challenges this presents, particularly in terms of legislation and social norms, but argues that it's important to recognize the complexity and subjectivity of all identities, rather than trying to pretend they are objective or throw them out altogether. The speaker also acknowledges the historical and ongoing oppression faced by certain groups based on their race or gender, and suggests that our goal should be a society where individuals have the freedom to identify as they choose without facing marginalization or imbalances of power. The speaker also touches on the issue of Rachel Dolezal, a white woman who identified as black, and suggests that if she is genuine in her identification, she should be allowed to do so, even if some may find it difficult to respect. Ultimately, the speaker argues that the fundamental difference between racial and gender identity is that they are both deeply personal and subjective, and that our goal should be to create a society where all individuals have the freedom to express their identities without facing discrimination or marginalization.

    • Understanding the importance of identity-based communities and acknowledging systemic oppressionIt's crucial to respect individual freedom to choose their identity while acknowledging the need for identity-based communities for safety and authenticity. Trans identity is not about seeking power but finding comfort, and it's essential to focus on individual actions and cultural context instead of identity.

      While the freedom to choose one's identity is important, it's also crucial to acknowledge the systemic oppression and the safety in identity-based communities. Gatekeeping around certain identities exists due to perceived security within these groups. Race and gender are different issues with unique challenges, and it's essential to approach them separately. In the case of trans identity, it's generally not about seeking social power or cred, but rather about finding comfort and authenticity. The sports world, with accusations of trans women trying to game the system, might be a moral panic or incorrect, and it's essential to focus on an individual's actions and understanding of the cultural context rather than their identity.

    • Trans athletes and fair competitionTrans individuals should be allowed to participate in sports without discrimination, but concerns about fair competition need to be addressed through open dialogue and finding solutions that respect all involved.

      The issue of trans athletes participating in sports is a complex one with valid concerns on both sides. While some argue that trans athletes may have an unfair advantage due to biological differences, others point out that this is not always the case and that trans individuals should be allowed to live their lives and participate in sports without discrimination. The speaker acknowledges that there are reasonable versions of these concerns, such as the need to determine acceptable differences for competition and the potential for individuals to falsely claim a trans identity to gain access to certain spaces. However, they also argue that these concerns are often only raised when trans people are involved and that the underlying issue may be a lack of belief in the validity of trans identities. Ultimately, the speaker advocates for open and honest dialogue to address these concerns and find solutions that are fair to all involved.

    • The complexity of fairness in sports debatesDespite concerns about fairness, it's unclear how to define and enforce it consistently. The focus on trans athletes may be influenced by biases and misconceptions, rather than genuine concerns for fairness.

      The debate surrounding trans athletes in sports is complex and multifaceted, with concerns about fairness often being used as a justification for exclusion. However, as the discussion reveals, fairness in sports is a concept that is difficult to define and enforce consistently. The conversation around trans athletes in sports gained prominence only when they began to compete at elite levels, leading some to question the true motivations behind the debate. The example of Michael Phelps and his use of a high-tech swimsuit highlights how income and other factors can influence the competitive landscape, yet the focus on trans athletes persists. The Catch-22 situation they face - being accused of cheating if they win or not trying hard enough if they lose - is a significant issue. The conversation also touches upon the unspoken misogyny in the debate and the need for a more nuanced discussion on fairness in sports that considers all factors, not just the gender identity of athletes.

    • Ensuring fairness in women's sports: Balancing inclusivity and complexityMaintain a focus on creating an inclusive and fair sports environment for all individuals, while acknowledging the complexity of the issue and engaging in respectful dialogue.

      The discussion surrounding fairness in women's sports can easily become a contentious issue when the focus shifts from ensuring fairness for all participants to targeting a specific group, particularly trans women. This hyperemphasis on a small aspect of the issue can create an unfair and inequitable system, with potential negative consequences for everyone involved. It's essential to acknowledge the complexity of the situation and have an open, respectful dialogue about the issue, focusing on downstream questions related to safety and fairness within sports. While some may argue that these concerns are valid, it's crucial to be aware of potential bad faith actors who may be exploiting these concerns to promote transphobia. Ultimately, the goal should be to create a sports environment that is as inclusive and fair as possible for all individuals, regardless of their gender identity.

    • Focus on safety and respect for all in bathroom access discussionsEnsure inclusive bathroom access by respecting self-identified gender and promoting safety and respect for all individuals.

      The focus of conversations surrounding gender identity and bathroom access should be on ensuring safety and respect for all individuals, rather than getting bogged down in debates about the differences between sex and gender. While these debates can be important in certain contexts, they often distract from the real issue at hand. The trans community holds various perspectives on the relationship between sex and gender, and it's essential to respect each person's self-identified gender without attempting to diminish their identity. The goal should be to create an inclusive environment where everyone is allowed to use the bathroom they identify with without fear of harassment or discrimination. Ultimately, the most important aspect of these discussions is ensuring the dignity and worth of every individual's lived experience.

    • Understanding the Connection Between Sex, Gender, and Gender IdentityHealthcare professionals must consider an individual's biological sex, hormonal makeup, and gender identity for effective care. Socially constructed gender and subjective gender identity differ from biologically determined sex. Research is needed to optimize trans individuals' well-being through affirming their identity.

      While there may be debates about definitions and distinctions between sex, gender, and gender identity, it's crucial to understand that they are interconnected but distinct concepts. Biologically, sex is determined by chromosomes and hormones, while gender and gender identity are socially constructed and subjective experiences. When it comes to the well-being of individuals, particularly trans individuals, it's essential for healthcare professionals to consider all aspects of their medical history, including their biological sex, hormonal makeup, and gender identity, to provide effective and personalized care. The medical profession would benefit from paying more attention to these complexities and recognizing that everyone's experiences and needs are unique. In the field of psychology, there is a need for more research on maximizing the well-being of trans individuals, and affirming their identity is a proven step in that direction, although not all trans individuals may require or desire hormonal or surgical interventions.

    • Exploring the Benefits and Complexities of Gender-Affirming CareAffirming individuals in their gender identity is generally beneficial, but more research is needed to optimally apply gender-affirming care. Finding competent therapists and considering individual circumstances is crucial.

      Affirming individuals in their gender identity is generally considered beneficial, but more research is needed to determine the extent and optimal application of gender-affirming care. The absence of unbiased longitudinal data makes it challenging to assess the impact of such care and identify those who might not benefit. It's crucial to distinguish between individuals who try and desist from transition-related treatments due to societal challenges or inadequate care, and those who receive unnecessary or inappropriate treatment. The importance of finding competent, non-judgmental therapists who can help individuals navigate their unique challenges is emphasized. It's essential to approach each person's situation individually and explore various psychological interventions to find the best fit. The pressure to immediately affirm every patient as trans, without considering other potential psychological factors, can be counterproductive.

    • Supporting Trans Individuals during their Transition ProcessEducating providers, ensuring sensitivity, respecting autonomy, and reducing barriers are crucial for trans individuals' mental health during their transition process.

      Providing adequate support and understanding for individuals who identify as trans, especially during their transition process, is crucial for their mental health and wellbeing. This includes educating mental health and medical providers about trans issues and ensuring they approach the situation with sensitivity and care. The transition process can be complex and involve various stages, including social transition and medical interventions. It's essential to ensure individuals are given accurate information and have the ability to make informed decisions about their bodies and health, even at a young age. The process can be challenging, with significant barriers to accessing medical interventions, but it's important to acknowledge the reality of these challenges and work towards reducing them. Ultimately, respecting young people's bodily autonomy and allowing them to make informed decisions about their own bodies and health is a fundamental aspect of medical ethics.

    • The complex journey of transgender transitioningTransitioning involves extensive evaluations, consultations, and medical treatments, with ethical considerations and significant costs.

      The process of transitioning for transgender individuals is a complex and lengthy journey involving multiple medical and mental health professionals, extensive evaluations, and consultations with parents. It's not a simple or quick process, and it's not something that happens without thorough consideration and examination. Additionally, the cost of accessing these medical treatments can be a significant burden, leading some individuals to consider alternative, potentially dangerous sources. The debate around gatekeeping versus for-profit medicine is a complex one, but it's important to note that many of the treatments and procedures used in transitioning were not invented specifically for transgender individuals, but rather adapted from existing medical practices. The idea of a 12-year-old consenting to transitioning raises further ethical questions, particularly around parental consent and autonomy. Ultimately, the process of transitioning requires a deep understanding of the individual's needs, a supportive medical and mental health team, and a commitment to navigating the complexities and challenges of the journey.

    • Impact of Hormone Blockers on Trans Youth's Fertility and Sexual FunctionThe debate over the use of hormone blockers for trans youth is complex, with concerns over potential sterility and sexual dysfunction weighed against the benefits for mental health and well-being. Informed consent and individual well-being should guide the decision-making process.

      While there may be cases where parental rights override a child's autonomy, such as in the context of abortion, the situation regarding trans youth and hormone blockers is more complex. A leading evolutionary biologist, Carol Hooten, has argued that taking testosterone blockers before puberty can lead to irreversible sterility and the inability to experience orgasms. However, the validity of these claims is debatable, and it's essential to consider the potential impact on a child's quality of life. Denying trans youth the ability to undergo hormone therapy can cause significant distress and mental health issues. While there may be costs associated with hormone therapy, such as potential impacts on sexual function, these costs do not outweigh the benefits for many trans individuals. Ultimately, the decision to undergo hormone therapy should be made with informed consent and consideration of the individual's well-being.

    • Balancing risks and benefits for trans youth's medical decisionsIt's crucial to consider potential risks and benefits, mental health, and individual circumstances when making medical decisions for trans youth. Doing nothing also has costs, potentially including long-term psychological harm. Approach topic with an open mind and commitment to ongoing learning to ensure trans youth receive necessary care and support.

      Making medical decisions for trans youth involves balancing potential risks and benefits, acknowledging the importance of mental health and well-being, and recognizing the complexity of individual circumstances. While it's crucial to consider the potential negative consequences of medical interventions, it's equally important to remember that doing nothing also has costs, potentially including long-term psychological harm. The conversation should not be dismissed as a "no big deal" issue, but rather, an ongoing exploration of the best ways to support trans youth in their journey towards self-affirmation and overall well-being. The scientific community continues to gather data to better understand the long-term effects of various interventions, and it's essential to approach this topic with an open mind and a commitment to ongoing learning. Ultimately, the goal is to ensure that trans youth receive the care and support they need to thrive, both physically and emotionally.

    • Should we morally treat humans differently based on biology?Balancing the well-being and autonomy of individuals with societal norms and potential consequences is crucial in complex moral debates, such as the age of consent.

      The question of whether to morally treat humans differently based on their biological makeup is a complex one. While some argue that if certain behaviors are beneficial for a species, they should be morally acceptable, others believe that protecting individuals from harm is the primary consideration. In the context of the age of consent, the debate revolves around whether there is sufficient evidence to justify changing the age based on psychological competence, even if it goes against societal norms. However, it's essential to remember that these conversations are not just between two parties but are often subject to being taken out of context and used against those involved. Therefore, finding a balance between being confident in one's position and being open to new information is crucial. Ultimately, the goal should be to prioritize the well-being and autonomy of individuals while acknowledging the potential consequences of our actions.

    • The complex decision of gender-affirming treatments during adolescenceThe decision to undergo gender-affirming treatments during adolescence is complex and requires considering the potential harm of denying treatments versus the risks of irreversible physical changes from delaying treatment.

      The decision to undergo gender-affirming treatments during adolescence is a complex issue with potential long-term consequences. While some argue that the fully formed adult brain is necessary for making such decisions, others emphasize the importance of considering the potential harm of denying these treatments to minors. The prefrontal cortex, which plays a crucial role in decision-making, is not fully developed until around age 25. However, delaying treatment until adulthood may result in irreversible physical changes that cannot be undone. The psychological impact of denying gender-affirming treatments can be significant and potentially traumatic. The conversation should acknowledge the potential harm on both sides, not just the potential risks of treatments. Ultimately, the decision should be based on a nuanced understanding of the individual's situation and the potential long-term consequences of each option.

    • Understanding Transgender Experiences and ComplexitiesRespect individuals' experiences, allow autonomy in body decisions, and promote accurate education on transgender issues

      While there is validity in the experiences of those identifying with transgender identities, it's important to recognize that the concept of gender identity and the need for physical interventions like hormones or surgeries can be distinctly different. Some people's gender identities may be stable, while others may be more fluid. The education surrounding gender in schools should be approached with care, acknowledging that both misinformation and overly radical perspectives can cause harm. Ultimately, it's crucial to respect individuals' experiences and allow them the autonomy to make decisions about their bodies, while also recognizing the potential complexities and nuances involved. The conversation around transgender issues should be rooted in understanding, empathy, and accurate information.

    • Understanding the Complexity of the Term 'Woke'The term 'woke' signifies a cultural shift towards awareness and inclusivity, but its meaning has been misused and oversimplified. Recognizing its complexity and engaging in nuanced dialogue is crucial for ongoing learning and understanding.

      The term "woke" has evolved into a culturally complex phenomenon, with various interpretations and misappropriations. It's essential to acknowledge this phenomenon while recognizing the term's misuse and the need for nuanced discussions. The term "woke" does not define an extreme ideology but rather a cultural shift towards awareness and inclusivity. The speakers in the discussion emphasized the importance of recognizing the complexity of words and their meanings, drawing parallels to the ongoing debate about the nature of intelligence and gender identity. They also highlighted the need for open-mindedness and pluralism, allowing individuals to hold multiple ideologies and perspectives. Ultimately, the conversation underscored the importance of engaging in nuanced and respectful dialogue, acknowledging the complexity of issues and the need for ongoing learning and understanding.

    • Discussions between trans and gender critical communitiesOpen discussions between trans and gender critical people, led by informed cis individuals, can promote understanding and empathy between communities.

      Open and respectful discussions between the trans community and gender critical people are valuable, and it's important for cis people who have done the necessary research and understand the issues to participate in these conversations. The hesitation towards cis people debating trans issues isn't about their identity, but rather their lack of knowledge and understanding. The speaker emphasizes the need for more of these discussions to foster greater understanding and empathy between communities. Additionally, the speaker appreciates the thoughtfulness and compassion demonstrated by both parties during their debate.

    • State Farm's commitment to being a good neighborState Farm is known for its wide range of insurance and financial services, customer-focused approach, long history, and financial stability, making it a trusted partner for its customers.

      State Farm is known for its commitment to being a reliable and trustworthy neighbor to its customers. This phrase, "Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there," is not just a catchy jingle, but a reflection of the company's values and mission. State Farm's dedication to its customers is evident in its wide range of insurance and financial services, as well as its customer-focused approach. The company's long history and financial stability also add to its reputation as a trusted partner. Ultimately, State Farm's commitment to being there for its customers, in good times and bad, sets it apart as a leader in the industry.

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    Dave's Bio:

    Dave Gerber, President and Founder of Synergy Development and Training, LLC is a change catalyst, motivating people to become the best version of themselves. Known as “The Conflict Healer,” Dave inspires his audiences to transform the way they engage with the world around them. His dynamic, humorous style and remarkable depth and breadth of content has earned him the reputation of “best speaker ever” by many of his audiences. His talent for simplifying complex ideas into elegant solutions, is a gift that leaves participants with actionable learning that they can implement immediately.

    A passionate “teacher, healer, warrior and poet”…Dave Gerber is more than a dynamic speaker.  He is also an Executive and Leadership Coach, Learning Expert, Trainer and Author.  Dave has presented to more than 10,000 executives, managers and individuals from across the U.S. Some of his audiences include: SAIC, NASA, Dominion Power, Novo Nordisk, Military & Intelligence Community, Medical & Dental Community, Martial Arts Community, ManTech International, NTCA, EPA, ATPCO, National League of Cities, Project Management Institute and PA House of Representatives.

    Dave is also a prolific author. A selection of his titles include:

    • Use Conflict: Advance Your Winning Life
    • Are You a King or Queen of Conflict…In Project Management?
    • Roadmap to Success (with Deepak Chopra and Ken Blanchard)
    • “On Fire Leadership® (other motivational quote books for martial artists and the military)
    • I.F.E. Line Self-Defense® (Book Series for Kids and Women)


    Links to Dave:



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    #52 - The LGBTQ Community and Workplace Discrimination with Colin Druhan

    Cheers to all you woke folk (literally and figuratively!) who are doing the hard work of fighting for equality and social justice for all! 🎉✊🌈

    It’s time for the 4am report! June is Pride Month here in Canada - a celebration of LGBTQ-plus people, 🏳️‍🌈rainbows 🏳️‍🌈abound, (usually) parades and parties are had (thanks, Covid) 😭, and it’s generally a month of festivity and equality.

    Except when it isn’t.

    Which is why we wanted to talk to this week’s guest, Colin Druhan 

    The Executive Director at Pride at Work Canada, his mission is to hold people accountable when it comes to true inclusion for queer and trans people in the workplace.

    The not-for-profit supports employers and their diversity and inclusion strategies, including:

    🌈 Sexual orientation

    🌈 Gender identity

    🌈 And gender expression

    This is extremely important work, because as Colin says, “You don’t change the system overnight.” 

    Have a listen. Because you WILL learn something. 


    About Colin

    Colin joined Pride at Work Canada/Fierté au travail Canada as Executive Director in 2014. Since then, he has prioritized the extension of the organization’s reach outside of Canada's largest cities into a wide range of communities across the country.

    Originally from Cole Harbour, NS, he has lived in Toronto for fifteen years, during which time he has consistently engaged with queer, trans and 2S communities through working and volunteering with organizations like The 519, the Inside Out Toronto LGBT Film & Video Festival and the Toronto People With AIDS Foundation. Connect with Colin on LinkedIn or email him at colin.druhan@prideatwork.ca.

    Read Colin's writing for IN Magazine.