
    Podcast Summary

    • The Power of Friendship and Cherishing Life MomentsFriendship, nostalgia, and attending important life events are key to a fulfilling life. The podcast 'Whiskey Ginger' showcases these themes through shared stories and humor.

      The podcast "Whiskey Ginger" hosts, Adam and Ray, have a deep connection built on shared nostalgia, comedy, and friendship. During their conversation, they discussed various topics including art, road rage, and childhood cartoons. Despite having known each other for over a decade, Adam revealed that he missed his grandfather's funeral due to work commitments, which still haunts him to this day. This experience emphasized the importance of attending funerals, no matter the circumstances. The podcast's lighthearted and humorous tone, paired with their genuine connection, creates an engaging and enjoyable listening experience. Overall, the podcast highlights the power of friendship, nostalgia, and the importance of cherishing life moments.

    • Assumptions at FuneralsPeople make assumptions during emotional moments, but it's important to practice empathy and find common ground to connect.

      People make assumptions about others based on their experiences and observations, even during emotional moments like funerals. The speaker shared that they would likely give a eulogy without preparing, relying on broad assumptions about the family. They also joked about common issues like drinking problems, gambling, and even STDs. However, the speaker also acknowledged the humanity and vulnerability in these situations, and the importance of empathy and humor in dealing with grief. Ultimately, the conversation highlighted the complexities and nuances of human behavior and the importance of finding common ground and connection, even in difficult moments.

    • Speaker calls out disrespectful behaviorSpeaker values honesty and respect, and confronts disrespectful actions to hold individuals accountable.

      The speaker believes in calling out disrespectful behavior when he witnesses it, no matter the setting or the person involved. He feels it's important to hold individuals accountable for their actions and to not let such incidents go unaddressed. The speaker also mentions his past experiences where he's been the one causing embarrassment and how he's learned to apologize and take responsibility for his actions. Overall, the speaker values honesty and respect, and he's not afraid to confront others when they fail to uphold those values. He also acknowledges the importance of tone and timing in such situations, as well as the potential impact of public embarrassment.

    • Effective communication in conflict resolutionEffective communication is crucial in resolving conflicts. Practice empathy, avoid offensive language, take a step back to consider the other person's perspective, and apologize to make amends.

      Effective communication and understanding are crucial in resolving conflicts. The speakers in the discussion shared their perspectives on various topics, including personal habits, racism, and conflict resolution. They acknowledged the importance of practicing communication skills, especially when dealing with sensitive issues. The speakers also emphasized the need to be mindful of language and avoid using terms that might be perceived as demeaning or offensive. In the heat of the moment, it's easy to react negatively and escalate a situation. However, taking a step back and considering the other person's perspective can lead to a more productive outcome. Apologizing and making amends can help to balance the situation and prevent further conflict. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of effective communication, empathy, and understanding in resolving conflicts and building stronger relationships.

    • Unexpected humor at a baseball gameShared laughter and unexpected humor can bring people together and create valuable connections

      The power of shared experiences and unexpected humor can bring people together, even in the most unexpected situations. The speaker shares a story about a time at a baseball game where the silence was broken by a hot dog vendor's joke, leading to a collective outburst of laughter from the crowd. This moment, filled with joy and connection, highlights the importance of finding common ground and embracing the unexpected. The speaker also reflects on the enduring nature of humor and the role it can play in bringing people closer together. Despite the challenges and disappointments in life, moments of shared laughter and connection can be invaluable.

    • Unexpected connections through shared humorFarts can bring unexpected humor and connection, even between family members. Embrace the natural bodily function and find joy in the mundane moments.

      Farts can bring unexpected humor and connection, even between a father and son. The speaker shared a memory of laughing with his dad during a particularly loud fart incident at a Bears game. This moment stood out to him as a reminder that sometimes the most mundane moments can lead to meaningful connections and shared laughter. The speaker also shared that his mom used to fart in his room as a teenager, which they found amusing at the time. The discussion also touched on the idea that everyone passes gas, and it's a natural bodily function. The speaker even joked about the potential for getting "fartitis" and losing feet from inhaling farts. Despite the potential embarrassment or discomfort, the speaker found humor in these moments and used them to connect with loved ones.

    • First class travel: More than just comfortFirst class offers comforts but doesn't eliminate all travel inconveniences, including potential theft and questionable plane items sales, as well as potential embarrassment from edibles and phone deaths.

      While first class travel can be worth the investment, there are still inconveniences like uncomfortable seats and potential theft of personal items. The illusion of thorough cleaning on planes is just that - an illusion. Travelers should be cautious of buying chargers or other items on the plane, as they may not be the genuine article. Additionally, edibles can lead to embarrassing and even traumatic experiences on flights, especially when phones die and companions are separated. Overall, while first class offers comforts, it doesn't eliminate all the potential challenges of air travel.

    • Childhood experiences shape our reactionsPast experiences, no matter how insignificant, can significantly impact our emotions and behaviors in the present

      Our past experiences, no matter how insignificant they may seem, can have a profound impact on our emotions and reactions in the present. The speaker's encounter with a rude driver brought back memories of feeling powerless and insignificant from his childhood experience of getting lost and being made fun of while dressed as Winnie the Pooh. These memories triggered strong emotions and led him to react aggressively towards the driver. The incident serves as a reminder of how our past experiences shape us and can influence our behavior in unexpected ways. Additionally, the speaker's unique perspective on the situation, including his vivid memory and sense of humor, adds depth and complexity to the story.

    • Encounter on the Road Leads to ReflectionReflecting on daily frustrations, the speaker contemplates confronting a stranger but decides against it, expressing annoyance with city life and considering comedic opportunities.

      The speaker had an encounter with a stranger on the road, which led him to contemplate his actions and reflect on his frustrations with living in Los Angeles. The speaker's initial reaction was to confront the stranger, but he eventually decided against it. Instead, he expressed his annoyance with the traffic and the feeling of being trapped in the city. If the speaker were an Uber driver, he would prefer driving during late nights when the roads are empty. Despite the potential danger and chaos of the situation, the speaker also considered the possibility of using the incident as a comedic opportunity for an Instagram live. Overall, the speaker's experience highlights the complex emotions and reactions that can arise from everyday encounters on the road in a crowded city like Los Angeles.

    • Reminiscing about high school basketball dadsDelving into past experiences, no matter how seemingly insignificant, can lead to captivating stories and memorable characters

      Reminiscing about past experiences, even seemingly mundane ones like parent fights at kids' sport games, can lead us down intriguing rabbit holes filled with entertaining stories and memorable characters. The speaker's deep dive into his high school basketball team's dads, who were known for their fiery temperaments, brought back fond memories and introduced us to colorful personalities like Jeff Hoffman, Len Lacasse, and Cale Lacasse. The conversation also touched upon the speaker's love for fast food, specifically McDonald's, which evoked memories of late nights and simpler times. Overall, this conversation highlights the power of storytelling and the importance of cherishing the past.

    • Stories of shoplifting and working in a grocery store during teenage yearsThe speaker shares tales of his past, including shoplifting and absurd customer interactions, reflecting on the sense of adventure and camaraderie, but acknowledging the wrongfulness of his actions.

      The speaker shares stories of his experiences with shoplifting and working in a grocery store during his teenage years. He recounts how he and his friends would steal food and liquor from the store, often taking advantage of the store layout and lack of security. He also talks about the absurdity of some customer interactions, such as a woman demanding a refund for receiving the wrong type of soda despite having bought a large quantity of it. The speaker reflects on these experiences, acknowledging the wrongfulness of his actions but also highlighting the sense of adventure and camaraderie he felt at the time. Overall, the conversation illustrates the speaker's youthful rebellion and the challenges and quirks of working in a retail environment.

    • Grocery store industry changes in ChicagoIronically, Dominick's, a once-popular grocery chain, shut down while Jewel Osco continued to thrive, highlighting the dynamic nature of the grocery store industry and the importance of adapting to changes.

      The grocery store industry in Chicago underwent significant changes, leading to the downfall of Dominick's and the rise of Jewel Osco. The speaker shared stories of his experiences working at various grocery stores and his encounters with famous names like Megan Briskie. He also spoke about the irony of Dominick's, a once-popular chain, shutting down while Jewel Osco continued to thrive. The speaker's anecdotes provided insight into the dynamics of the grocery store industry and the factors that contributed to the success or failure of specific chains. The conversation also touched on the speaker's personal experiences and the people he encountered during his time working in the industry.

    • Childhood Experiences Shape UsChildhood memories, no matter how embarrassing, shape us profoundly and should be embraced and learned from

      Our experiences in childhood, no matter how embarrassing or seemingly insignificant, shape us in profound ways. During a conversation, the speaker shared stories from his past, including memories of a classmate named Audrey Klitgard, whose name later became Joan Clickguard when she changed it. He also recalled the first time he saw breasts, which happened at a sleepaway camp when a girl named Kayla exposed hers to swat away a bee. The speaker also discussed how he used to be overweight as a child and how he struggled with eating, specifically a commemorative King Griffey junior chocolate bar. These memories, though embarrassing, have stayed with him and have become embedded in his mind. The speaker also joked about how he didn't look the same as a kid and how some people's facial structures don't change, but their bodies do. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of embracing and learning from our childhood experiences, even the awkward and uncomfortable ones.

    • Mother's Discipline and Love Shaped Speaker's UpbringingThe speaker's mother's loving, caring, and stern nature instilled important values and shaped his perspective on maternal love and the complexities of personal development.

      Discipline played a significant role in shaping the speaker's upbringing, with his mother being a loving, caring, and stern figure who instilled important values. The speaker admired his mother's strength and resilience, especially in the face of criticism and teasing about her weight. He also recalled an early experience with a classmate making inappropriate comments about his mother, which highlighted the contrast between his loving home life and the outside world's objectification of women. The speaker's mother's potential decision to get a breast reduction was a topic of fascination for him, and he remembered being shocked by the maturity and independence of a classmate who underwent the procedure at a young age. Overall, the speaker's reflections on his childhood experiences illustrate the complex and multifaceted nature of maternal love and the impact of external influences on personal development.

    • Embracing challenges leads to growthPushing through difficult situations, even in unfamiliar environments, can help build resilience and independence.

      Even in challenging and unfamiliar environments, pushing through and persevering can lead to growth and resilience. The speaker's experience of joining a high school football team, where he was thrown into intense practices despite being new, helped him become tougher and more independent. He also discussed his experience performing at an all-black comedy show, where he felt out of place but ultimately found a way to connect with the audience and bounce back from moments of doubt. These experiences demonstrate the importance of staying committed, even when things are difficult, and the rewards that can come from doing so. Additionally, the speaker touched on the unique aspects of subcultures within the comedy world, highlighting the existence of all-black comedy shows and the importance of representation and inclusivity.

    • The Power of Resilience and Technology in the Entertainment IndustryIn the ever-evolving entertainment industry, resilience and adaptability are crucial. Technology has made it possible for anyone to create and distribute content, transforming the landscape and opening up opportunities for newcomers.

      The entertainment industry has undergone significant changes over the years, making opportunities more accessible for newcomers. The speaker shares his personal experience of struggling to get a comedy tape in the past, but now, with advancements in technology, anyone can record and distribute content using devices like iPhones. He also reminisces about the camaraderie and shared struggles of starting out in the industry, using the analogy of "Gordon and Oscar" from Sesame Street. Despite the challenges, they persevered and created memorable content, such as their infamous "fake Christmas album" recording session. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of resilience and adaptability in the face of industry obstacles and the transformative power of technology in opening up opportunities for creatives.

    • Friends' recording sessions full of mishapsDespite setbacks like getting drunk, damaging doors, and injuries, friends remained dedicated to their craft and finished their projects, emphasizing the importance of staying focused and finding humor in unexpected situations.

      Despite the chaos and mishaps during their recording sessions, the friends continued to persevere and finish their projects, showing their resilience and dedication to their craft. From getting drunk and damaging doors, to falling into cymbals and slicing open eyes, these incidents were a part of their creative process. They even managed to keep recording, demonstrating their professionalism and sense of humor in the face of adversity. The friends' experiences highlight the importance of staying focused on goals and finding the humor in unexpected situations.

    • Unexpected celebrity encounters can create lasting memoriesMeeting celebrities, even in casual settings, can leave a lasting impression and create memorable experiences.

      Encountering celebrities can lead to memorable experiences, even if the interactions are simple and casual. The speaker shared stories of unexpected run-ins with Ben Harper and Larry King, where they engaged in casual conversations about movies and snacks. These moments were significant to the speaker because they were fans of these celebrities and the opportunity to meet them left a lasting impression. The speaker also acknowledged that not all celebrity encounters are ideal, such as the time they mistakenly approached the wrong person as Todd Selleck or when they tried to speak with Mary Alice from The Wonder Years and their mother didn't recognize her. Despite these hiccups, the speaker emphasized the value of seizing opportunities to connect with those they admire, even if the interactions are brief and ordinary.

    • The lasting impact of small gestures and connectionsMeeting a celebrity and stealing lunches led to cherished memories. Genuine expressions of love and gratitude highlight the importance of acknowledging connections.

      The power of small gestures and connections can have a lasting impact on our lives. Andrew Santino shared a story about meeting a celebrity when he was young and how she signed his napkin, an item he still cherishes today. He also recalled stealing lunches from his classmates to save money, which led to a memory involving Jason Potts. Santino also promoted his comedy tour, podcast, and upcoming album. Throughout the conversation, he expressed his love and appreciation for various people and experiences. While some might find it creepy, Santino's genuine expressions of love and gratitude show the importance of acknowledging and valuing the connections we make in life.

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    Brian Simpson
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    Yannis Pappas & John Stamos

    Yannis Pappas & John Stamos
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    Gary Owen

    Gary Owen
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    Preacher Lawson

    Preacher Lawson
    Preacher Lawson lights up the stage with his infectious energy and unmistakable charm. Known for his hilariously physical comedy and vibrant storytelling, he’s not just a stand-up comedian—he’s a showstopper. From dazzling audiences on 'America's Got Talent' to touring globally, Preacher turns every performance into a laugh riot with his boundless enthusiasm and unforgettable jokes. http://preacherlawson.com #preacherlawson #whiskeyginger #podcast #andrewsantino ================================================= SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS PRIZEPICKS DEPOSIT MATCH UP TO $100 PROMO CODE: WHISKEY DOWNLOAD THE APP! https://prizepicks.onelink.me/LME0/WHISKEY BETTER HELP Get the help you need from a licensed professional 10% off your first month https://betterhelp.com/whiskey ======================================= Follow Andrew Santino: https://www.instagram.com/cheetosantino/ https://twitter.com/CheetoSantino Follow Whiskey Ginger: https://www.instagram.com/whiskeyging... https://twitter.com/whiskeyginger_ Produced and edited by Joe Faria IG: @itsjoefaria Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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    157: Add This Book to Your Summer Reading List

    157: Add This Book to Your Summer Reading List

    One of the pleasures of summer is taking time to relax with a good book that both entertains and informs. Never Split the Difference by Chris Voss does both. It’s a book that will raise your relational intelligence. You would do well to put it on your summer reading list. I review it in today’s episode.

    Get ready for summer

    Some magazines and newspaper articles will soon be writing pieces about the top ten, or top five, books to put on your summer reading list. I’m not going to put out a list, but I do have a recommendation of one book that I’m pretty sure you will enjoy.

    It’s a non-fiction book that reads like a novel. I found it to be well-written, entertaining, and something that taught me a few things to increase my relationship skills. I’m going to talk about the book in today’s episode because I think you’re going to find it helpful, too. So keep listening. You’re going to like this one.

    Never Split the Difference - Negotiating as if your life depended on it

    [NOTE: As an Amazon Associate, Caring for Others, sponsor of this podcast, earns a small commission from qualifying purchases.]

    The book I’m referring to and reviewing is in some ways a follow-up to episode 154 of this podcast, “How to Listen Like a Hostage Negotiator.”

    The name of the book is Never Split the Difference, with the subtitle Negotiating as if your life depended on it. It’s by Chris Voss a former hostage negotiator with the FBI. Now at first glance, you might think a book about hostage negotiation as something not terribly interesting. Becoming a hostage negotiator may not be one of your five-year goals. You’re probably not going to suggest it as a career for your children.

    This book is so much more than that. I first came across the book when I heard the author on a podcast I listened to. The stories he told from his experience in negotiating the release of hostages were fascinating. He got me hooked, so I read his book, Never Split the Difference. I recommend you put it on your summer reading list.

    Amazon Reviews

    For this review, I looked on Amazon to see what others who read the book thought of it. At the time I checked, Never Split the Difference had over 23,000 reviews and was number 19 on Amazon's bestseller list. 94% of the ratings were either 4 or 5 stars.

    The few negative reviews either complained about a printing problem with pages being cut off or blank pages. The other complaint was some readers thought the author was too egotistical and self-promoting. I get that and see a little of it more in the beginning of the book. I’m usually sensitive to this kind of thing, but frankly, it didn’t bother me in the least, especially as I got into the book and saw the compassion he had on occasion for people.

    Other reviews said there were too many stories of negotiating sessions he was involved in and that the book doesn’t have much to offer for the rest of us. My perspective, however, is just the opposite. I actually loved the stories because they were well-written, first of all, and secondly, they all illustrated principles of human interaction.

    The 94% who gave it a 4 or 5-star rating had good reason to do so. The rest of this review is my reasons for recommending you put the book on your summer reading list.

    Who the book is for

    If you like stories of good guys going after bad guys you’ll like this book for that reason alone. You’ll also like it if you’re involved in sales or running a business, as I was for 25 years. There are many strategies the author used in hostage negotiation that are applicable in the business world.

    If you’re a parent or interact with other people, you’ll find this book helpful. If you plan to ask your boss for a raise, you’ll find a few useful suggestions in the book. When you’re selling or buying stuff at a garage/rummage/yard sale this book will save you money.

    Furthermore, and this is most interesting and another reason to put this book on your summer reading list. We have a number of missionaries who listen to this podcast, and if you’re one of them, especially if you serve in a part of the world where hostage-taking is not unusual you would do well to read Never Split the Difference.

    The author was deeply involved in the negotiations to secure the release of New Tribes missionaries Martin and Gracia Burnham held hostage by a radical Islamist group in 2001. He comments at length on what went wrong and calls it the “biggest failure in my professional life.” He talks about it in the first few pages of Chapter 7. It’s a tragic story that didn’t have to end the way it did.

    Finally, if you hate conflict, this book is a must-read. Especially the last chapter. There’s really good stuff here that you won’t find in most other books on dealing with conflict.

    Structure of the book

    The paperback version I have is 258 pages in length, which includes a helpful appendix. A footnotes section and index follow. The table of contents lists ten chapters, with a brief phrase that describes each chapter.

    One of the helpful things about how the book is structured is that except for the first one, each chapter ends with a section he calls “Key Lessons.” It reviews and summarizes the main points the author is trying to get across. I wouldn’t recommend reading only this section, as you’ll miss the stories the author uses to illustrate each of the key concepts. The book is an easy read for your summer reading list and it won’t take long to get through it.

    The premise of the book

    The experiences the author shares in hostage negotiations are all interesting and engaging. And there’s a heavy dose of that. But more than this, I enjoyed and learned from how he related to people so very different from the kind of people you and I interact with. Reading the book will raise the relational intelligence level of most readers.

    I’ve been a student of listening for many years and I learned principles and techniques of listening I have not come across anywhere else. In fact, if I were to teach a college course on listening, this book would be required reading in my syllabus. While I’m waiting for the teaching offers to pour in, I’m content for now to just recommend you put Never Split the Difference on your summer reading list.

    Passages from the book that grabbed me

    I’ll start by sharing some passages from the book that grabbed me, because I think they will grab you, too.

    One line from the book that I won’t soon forget is this question,

    “How am I supposed to do that?”

    You can use it when buying a car and the salesman wants you to pay more than you want to pay. I used it when I sold a car for my son when the buyer wanted to pay less than what my son wanted to sell it for. It worked!

    Our daughter used the same line when she and her husband sold a house they had rehabbed. “How am I supposed to sell the house for X, when we’ve already put in Y thousands of dollars to fix it up?” It worked for them, too. The author goes into the psychology of why this one question is so effective. I won’t go into it here. It’s another reason to put Never Split the Difference on your summer reading list.

    The author suggests several other questions in chapter 7 to ask that would be helpful for the parties involved in dealing with marital issues, parenting, and differences between friends, neighbors, and co-workers. I will list them in the show notes, but for now, here they are:

    • What about this is important to you?
    • How can I help make this better for us?
    • How would you like me to proceed?
    • What is it that brought us into this situation?
    • How can we solve this problem?
    • What is the objective?/What are we trying to accomplish here?
    People who lie to us

    Following this, in chapter 8, author Chris Voss cites a Harvard University study showing that “on average, liars use more words than truth-tellers and far more third-person pronouns. They start talking about him, her, it. one, they, and their rather than I, in order to put some distance between themselves and the lie.”

    Throughout the book, the author sprinkles in results of various research studies that show me he’s not just shooting from the hip in presenting his arguments.

    “My name is Chris”

    Also in chapter 8 is an interesting relational technique I’m going to try sometime. The author writes:

    “A few years ago I was in a bar in Kansas with a bunch of fellow FBI negotiators. The bar was packed, but I saw one empty chair. I moved toward it but just as I got ready to sit the guy next to it said, ‘Don’t even think about it.”

    “Why? I asked, and he said, “Because I’ll kick your …. [I’ll stop and let you figure out what part of the anatomy the guy was going to kick].” Back to the author’s story.

    “He was big, burly, and already drunk, but look, I’m a lifelong hostage negotiator - I gravitate toward tense situations that need mediation like a moth to the flame.

    “I held out my hand to shake his and said, ‘My name is Chris.’

    “The dude froze. and in the pause my fellow FBI guys moved in, patted him on the shoulders, and offered to buy him a drink. Turned out he was a Vietnam veteran at a particularly low point. He was in a packed bar where the entire world seemed to be celebrating. The only thing he could think of was to fight. But as soon as I became ‘Chris,’ everything changed.

    I just love this story of how he diffused the guy’s anger, and how once he knew more of the man’s story he viewed him with compassion. It's another reason to put the book on your summer reading list. I’ve learned over the years that when I see an angry person, there’s usually a hurt, sad, or fearful person underneath the angry exterior.

    The Chris discount

    The author goes on to tell another story right after the bar incident. He was in a shopping mall and picked out some shirts he wanted to buy. The checkout clerk asked him if he wanted to join their frequent buyer program.

    “I asked her if I got a discount for joining and she said, ‘No.’

    “So I decided to try another angle. I said in a friendly manner, ‘My name is Chris. What is the Chris discount?’

    “She looked from the register, met my eyes, and gave a little laugh.

    ‘I’ll have to ask my manager, Kathy,’ she said and turned to the woman who’d been standing next to her.

    “Kathy, who’d heard the whole exchange, said ‘The best I can do is ten percent.’

    “Humanize yourself. Use your name to introduce yourself. Say it in a fun, friendly way. Let them enjoy the interaction, too. And get your own special price.” I love this guy’s approach. I wish this guy was a neighbor.

    This second story Chris Voss shared certainly humanizes himself for me. It’s a great example of what I’ve been saying lately at the end of each episode, spread a little relational sunshine this week. Use a little humor. Lighten things up in our relationships. Make people smile every now and then.


    In chapter 9 he tells two stories of how what he learned in hostage negotiation that helped him buy a car that listed for $36,000. He got the dealership to sell it to him for $30,000. He also shared a story of one of his MBA students negotiating a rent decrease after it had just gone up.

    The Author says this about negotiating that applies to any relationship, “It’s not how well you speak, but how well you listen that determines your success.”

    For me, the most inspiring part of the book comes near the end, in chapter 10:

    “Every engineer, every executive, every child - all of us want to believe we are capable of the extraordinary. As children, our daydreams feature ourselves as primary players in great moments: an actor winning an Oscar, an athlete hitting the game-winning shot. As we grow older, however, our parents, teachers, and friends talk more of what we can’t and shouldn’t do than what is possible. We begin to lose faith.

    A map to joy

    “But when someone displays a passion for what we’ve always wanted and conveys a purposeful plan of how to get there, we allow our perceptions of what’s possible to change. We’re all hungry for a map to joy, and when someone is courageous enough to draw it for us, we naturally follow.”

    What he says here so reminds me of a text I received a few months ago, completely out of the blue, from a former student of mine decades ago when I was a teacher. Geraldine has stayed in touch with Janet and me over the years and wrote the following:

    Hi John! I hope this finds you and Janet happy and healthy! I just want to let you know how you inspired my life. I would not be a nurse without you. You told me so many years ago that I was smart enough to go to college. I have touched so many lives because of you. Thank you for that! Sincerely, Geraldine

    This brought tears to my eyes. Without even knowing it I drew a “map to joy” for her so long ago. I bet many of you have done the same thing for others, too. It’s such a great privilege to do so.


    Back to the author. He writes:

    “If this book accomplishes only one thing, I hope it gets you over the fear of conflict and encourages you to navigate it with empathy. If you’re going to be great at anything - a great negotiator, a great manager, a great husband, a great wife - you’re going to have to do that. You’re going to have to ignore that little genie who’s telling you to give up, to just get along - as well as that other genie who’s telling you to lash out and yell.”

    And finally, the last few lines near the end of the book read as follows:

    “… I’m going to leave you with one request: Whether it’s in the office or around the family dinner table, don’t avoid honest, clear conflict. It will get you the best car price, the higher salary, and the largest donation. It will also save your marriage, your friendship, and your family.

    “One can only be an exceptional negotiator, and a great person by both listening and speaking clearly and empathically; treating counterparts - and oneself - with dignity and respect; and most of all by being honest about what one wants and what one can - and cannot - do. Every negotiation, every conversation, every moment of life is a series of small conflicts, that managed well, can rise to creative beauty.

    “Embrace them.”

    So what does all this mean for YOU?

    Are you creating a map for joy for anyone? Has anyone done it for you? If so, thank them, even if it’s decades later, like Geraldine did for me.

    Finally, and I hope this is obvious by now, put Never Split the Difference on your summer reading list. If you buy it from Amazon, please use the link I have at the bottom of the show notes. This will generate a very small commission for our missionary Care ministry, Caring for Others. The book won’t cost you any more.

    Here’s the main takeaway I hope you remember from today’s episode

    Reading Never Split the Difference by Chris Voss will raise your level of relational intelligence in an entertaining way. It will increase your relationship skills and bring more joy into your life.

    Please let me know what you think about today’s episode. I’d love to hear from you.


    In closing, I hope your thinking was stimulated by today’s show, to get the book Never Split the Difference and put into practice some of the things you heard today.

    It will help you experience the joy of relationships God intends for you. Because after all, You Were Made for This.

    That’s about it for today. Be sure to check out the links at the bottom of the show notes. And remember to spread a little relational sunshine with the people you met this week. Oh, and don’t forget to ask for the “John discount.” That’s “John with an h.” Let me know how that works for you.

    Until we meet up again next week, goodbye for now.

    Related episodes/resources you may want to check out

    154: How to Listen Like a Hostage Negotiator

    139: Why Should I Listen to This Podcast?-

    Never Split the Difference by Chris Voss

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