
    After the Revolution: Chapters Twelve, Thirteen & Fourteen

    enJuly 03, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Connecting with Neighbors for Social Bonds and Disaster PreparednessBuilding relationships with neighbors can provide social connections and disaster preparedness. Neighbor to Neighbor encourages this, while Chumba Casino offers entertainment and ZYN nicotine pouches provide convenience.

      Building meaningful connections within your community can bring hope and preparation in uncertain times. Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteer network, emphasizes the importance of relying on neighbors for social bonds and disaster preparedness. Meanwhile, having fun and convenience are priorities for some, with Chumba Casino offering free social casino games and ZYN nicotine pouches providing a smoke-free, hassle-free alternative. In the art world, deception and forgery exist due to the vast amounts of money involved. Straight Talk Wireless offers affordable family plans and clear communication, while podcasts like Drink Champs and How Men Think provide insights into various aspects of life. Ultimately, it's essential to find fulfillment in the tasks we undertake, even if they seem unrewarding at first. Sasha's story in "Chapter 12, Sasha" illustrates this idea, as she learns to use her mind and loyalty effectively in the heavenly kingdom.

    • Finding comfort and connection through faith and laborThe girls discovered the power of unity, faith, and compassion in a challenging new community, learning to appreciate differences and extend kindness to all.

      Despite the hardships and differences among the girls in the kingdom, they found comfort and connection through their shared faith and physical labor. Sasha, who took pride in her work, felt guilt but also a sense of commitment to her new community. She met girls from diverse backgrounds, including Caroline, who worked silently and intensely, Susanna, the only black girl who sang beautifully, and Anne, her former classmate. However, Sasha disliked May, who seemed to judge others for their imperfections. During dinner, Sasha felt more touched and cared for than she had in years. Helen, their leader, reminded them of the importance of compassion and humility, emphasizing that even their enemies were beloved by God. Sasha was deeply moved by Helen's wisdom and conviction. Overall, the girls' experiences showed that faith and community could provide strength and solace in the face of adversity.

    • Finding comfort and understanding in each other's shared experiencesThrough late-night conversations, Sasha and Anne discover deeper connections and validate their complex emotions, strengthening their bond in an unfamiliar environment

      Despite the challenges and hardships faced by Sasha and Anne in their new living situation, they find comfort and understanding in each other's shared experiences of love and loss. Their late-night conversation reveals their shared vulnerabilities and strengthens their bond, providing a source of support and companionship in the unfamiliar and sometimes harsh environment. Their conversation also highlights the complex emotions that exist beyond the surface-level gratitude and faith that is emphasized in their community, and the importance of acknowledging and validating those emotions.

    • Witnessing a Public Execution of Gender TraitorsThe extreme punishment for gender nonconformity highlights intolerance and violence in this society, leaving the girls deeply disturbed and conflicted.

      The girls in this text are witnessing a public execution of six individuals accused of being "gender traitors." The experience leaves Sasha and her companions deeply disturbed, with Sasha expressing her disagreement with the extreme punishment. The scene highlights the intolerance and violence towards those who do not conform to traditional gender roles in this society. The girls' reactions, including fainting and shock, underscore their emotional connection to the victims and their conflicted feelings about the situation. The event serves as a stark reminder of the societal norms and values that govern this community, and the potential consequences for those who challenge them.

    • Girls grappling with the morality of executionsDespite their religious beliefs, the girls questioned the morality of executions and struggled with the trauma of witnessing violence.

      Even those who believe in divine justice can feel compassion for those who are subjected to it. The girls in the text, despite their religious beliefs, were affected by the violence they witnessed, and they struggled with the morality of the executions. Sasha, Susanna, and Anne discussed their discomfort and doubts, acknowledging that the executions felt wrong and questioning whether Jesus would approve of such actions. Anne shared her experience of witnessing an execution with her intended, Kyle, who explained that the heavenly kingdom couldn't afford to reeducate the fallen and that those capable of change would be rewarded in heaven. The girls continued to work and carry out their duties, but the trauma of what they had witnessed stayed with them, and they grappled with the complexities of their faith and the reality of the violence around them.

    • The importance of being prepared and having first aid skillsQuick thinking and actions using basic first aid knowledge saved a life, highlighting the value of being willing to help and having necessary skills. Recognition and appreciation followed.

      Being prepared and having basic knowledge of first aid can make a significant difference in an emergency situation. Sasha's quick thinking and actions saved Susanna's life, demonstrating the importance of being willing to help and having the necessary skills. Furthermore, the willingness to get involved and take action, even if it means getting messy, is a rare quality. Sasha's actions were recognized and appreciated, leading to a shift in the other girls' attitudes towards her. Additionally, the scarcity of qualified medical professionals in this new world highlighted the value of even basic medical training.

    • Examining Captives from the City of WheelsThe City of Wheels, a Wasteland Warrior tribe, has several posthuman citizens with advanced abilities. These captives, though initially uncooperative, must be treated with care to prevent tribal retaliation.

      The Wasteland Warriors, often portrayed as drug-addled pagans, are a formidable force with advanced technology and deadly capabilities. Despite their negative reputation, they possess a significant number of posthuman citizens, some of whom are capable of overpowering entire companies of human war fighters. The city of wheels, one of their tribes, has around 600 such individuals. Sasha, a young woman, was tasked with examining two captive members of this tribe, Marigold Fulton and an unnamed male. Marigold, who had a mohawk and was covered in LED tattoos, was uncooperative and hostile during the examination. Sasha, despite her initial apprehension, managed to complete the task with the help of Doctor Brandt, who had warned her about the potential danger. The captives were to be treated well to prevent any retaliation from their tribe.

    • Power dynamics and manipulation in the heavenly kingdomMarigold uses her sexuality and commanding presence to control Sasha, while Sasha's intelligence and resourcefulness lead her to consider Marigold's offer. Tuli's silent demeanor presents a different challenge.

      Power dynamics and manipulation are prevalent in the heavenly kingdom, even among captives. Marigold used her sexuality and commanding presence to control Sasha and manipulate her into complying with her requests. Despite her initial fear and unease, Sasha was intrigued by Marigold's offer to help free her people and considered it, showcasing her intelligence and resourcefulness. Meanwhile, Tuli, another captive, presented a different challenge with her silent and seemingly emotionless demeanor. These interactions highlight the complex and often unsettling dynamics that exist even in the most unexpected of places.

    • Small moments of joy and connection amidst conflictEven in the midst of war, small moments of joy and connection can bring hope and excitement, but uncertainty and doubt can also arise.

      Even in the midst of conflict and danger, small moments of joy and connection can bring hope and excitement. Sasha's encounter with the enemy woman was a reminder of the harsh realities of war, but her anticipation of seeing Alexander again brought her great happiness. However, the news of his short visit and Helen's hesitant response left Sasha feeling uncertain and doubtful, despite the joy she felt. The menial task of cataloging spoiled medicines was a reminder of the harsh realities of working in a war zone, but Sasha found solace in her dedication to the work and the hope of seeing Alexander soon. The text highlights the complexities and contradictions of human emotions and experiences in times of conflict.

    • Sasha's Reunion with Alexander Amidst ExecutionsDisobedience results in severe consequences, but connection and obedience can lead to a future in a harsh society.

      Sasha's reunion with her online love, Alexander, takes place in the midst of a harsh and unforgiving society. The men she recognizes among those being executed were once her coworkers, but they had stolen food and supplies meant for their community, resulting in their execution. Sasha is initially overwhelmed and emotional upon seeing Alexander, who reveals himself as a leader in this community. Despite her initial reservations, they share a moment of connection and plan to enjoy a cup of coffee together, indicating a potential future in this new world. The execution scene highlights the severe consequences of disobedience and the importance of obedience and hard work in this society.

    • Longing for Connection and LoveIn relationships, respecting each other's priorities and communicating openly is crucial for understanding and growth.

      In the midst of difficult circumstances, the longing for connection and love can be strong. Sasha and Alexander's reunion was filled with relief, joy, and the desire to build a future together. However, Alexander's expectations of starting a family right away clashed with Sasha's current priorities. Meanwhile, in a different context, the importance of community and connection was emphasized through the Neighbor to Neighbor volunteer network. And lastly, the simplicity and affordability of Mint Mobile's wireless plans can bring a sense of clarity and relief to one's finances. In both personal and community relationships, as well as financial matters, it's essential to communicate openly and respect each other's priorities.

    • Mint Mobile's new deal and podcast recommendationsMint Mobile offers an unlimited wireless plan for $15/month with slower speeds after 40GB. Listen to Tanya Sam's Money Moves and April Dinwiddie's Navigating Adoption podcasts for financial stability and adoption stories.

      Mint Mobile offers a new customer deal with an unlimited wireless plan for $15 a month, but with slower speeds above 40 gigabytes. Meanwhile, Ryan invites listeners to join him in fun activities, such as playing casino games at Chamba Casino. In the story, Alexander deceives Sasha about the nature of his work in the kingdom, but justifies it as being for the greater good. The podcasts mentioned in the text aim to amplify and elevate various voices, with Tanya Sam's Money Moves podcast focusing on financial stability and April Dinwiddie's Navigating Adoption podcast discussing real-life adoption stories. Manny, in the final text snippet, wakes up feeling disoriented after surviving a drone attack and a car crash, and calls out for Reggie but finds him missing. Overall, the discussion covers a range of topics, from wireless plans and entertainment to deception and adoption.

    • Manny's chaotic worldManny's world is filled with threats and urgency, requiring quick action and focus, but his attention is often divided, leading to potential danger.

      The world Manny inhabits is chaotic and dangerous, with constant threats and the need for quick action. This is evident when he wakes up after being knocked unconscious and finds himself surrounded by messages from loved ones, one of which reveals that Oscar's wife is terrified for his safety. Despite the urgency of the situation, Manny is unable to focus on the message from Ayesha, instead sending a mass response to everyone else. He then sets out to find Reggie, who has made a discovery at a rooftop bar. Along the way, Manny encounters various obstacles and distractions, including drunk and chromed individuals, but eventually makes it to the bar and reunites with Reggie and Skullfucker Mike. However, their conversation is interrupted by a newswire update indicating that the SDF and Austin forces have abandoned Waco, suggesting that the situation there is dire. The world of Manny and his companions is one of constant upheaval and danger, requiring quick thinking and action to survive.

    • Texas army units defecting to the 'heavenly kingdom'The situation in Texas worsens as army units defect and the kingdom expands, leading Manny to consider negotiation instead of fighting.

      The situation in Texas has drastically worsened, with reports of entire units of the Republic's army defecting and joining the "heavenly kingdom." The kingdom's territory has expanded significantly, and they are pushing into the suburbs of major cities like Dallas and Austin. Manny, who had lost several friends in the conflict, is considering his next steps, including helping to evacuate people from Dallas to slow down the kingdom's advance. An old documentarian named Donald Ferris approaches and suggests that they can make a difference by negotiating with the kingdom instead of fighting. The group continues to drink and discuss their options, with Mike urging Manny to join the fight and Reggie preparing to leave for El Paso to be extracted by his editor.

    • Exploring the Unpredictable City of ChaosDespite initial reluctance, Manny was drawn to the unique and chaotic experience of the Brain Breakers party, but the city's unpredictability and his drug-induced state left him questioning his decision

      The city they found themselves in is known for its unpredictability and the prevalence of mind-altering substances. Donald, a seasoned resident, tried to convince Manny to join him on a dangerous mission, but Manny, still groggy and disoriented from the drugs he had unknowingly consumed, refused. The group continued to the infamous Brain Breakers party, a three-story cube structure at the top of the city's highest gantry. To enter, one had to step through a living-like wall of metal that felt good against the skin, but Manny couldn't shake off his unease and reluctantly followed. Inside, he was met with a surreal scene of bizarre performances and violent human interactions. Despite his initial discomfort, Manny couldn't deny the allure of the unique and chaotic experience. However, the city's reputation for inconsistency and the unexpected effects of the drugs left Manny questioning if he had made the right decision.

    • The mesmerizing blend of music and projection art in Brain BreakersAmidst chaos and confusion, the harmony of music and visuals can create a surreal and immersive experience.

      Despite the chaotic and confusing environment of Brain Breakers, the seemingly disparate elements of music and projection art came together in a mesmerizing and cohesive way. The hypnotic effect of the music and the dancing silhouettes created a surreal and immersive experience for Manny, who was drawn in by the sensory overload. The presence of friends like SkullFucker Mike added to the enjoyment of the party, even as the drugs took effect and the surroundings grew more bizarre. Ultimately, the experience was a reminder that even in the most chaotic and confusing situations, there can be beauty and cohesion if we allow ourselves to be fully immersed in the moment.

    • Discovering the Value of Community and ConnectionDuring difficult times, building and relying on community and connection can provide strength, hope, and opportunities to make a difference. Even those who seem unapproachable can have deep emotions and valuable stories.

      Even in the midst of pain and uncertainty, there's value in connecting with others and making a difference. Manny, a weary traveler, learned this when he asked about his captured companions. He discovered that each person had unique strengths and stories, and they had all played crucial roles in building their community from the ground up during difficult times. Mike, the powerful and emotional leader, shared his own sense of helplessness and the importance of seizing opportunities to help others. Their shared experiences humanized them, and Manny was reminded that even those who seemed unapproachable could have deep emotions. Furthermore, the conversation reminded Manny of the importance of community and connection, which was echoed in a public service announcement about Neighbor to Neighbor, a volunteer network aimed at building stronger communities. In the midst of the discussion, there was also a lighter moment, as Ryan asked about winning and the fun to be had at Chumba Casino. The contrast between the heavy and light moments underscored the importance of finding joy and connection in both the difficult and easy times. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of community, connection, and seizing opportunities to make a difference. It was a reminder that even in the midst of pain and uncertainty, there's value in coming together and supporting each other.

    • Manny is approached by Roland to help rescue his people from an impending attack on WacoManny makes a sudden decision to help Roland's people despite the urgency and surprise from others, while Roland indulges in drugs before being needed.

      Manny, after experiencing an acid trip, is approached by Roland, who will be his escort if he decides to help rescue his people from an impending assault on Waco. The urgency of the situation is pressing, as intelligence suggests the attack could occur within a week. Despite the surprise from others, Manny makes the decision to help. Meanwhile, unrelated to the main plot, there are mentions of various podcasts, including "Waiting on Reparations" and "Gangster Chronicles," which discuss social issues and the underworld, respectively. Roland, in his free time, gets as high as possible before being needed.

    • Extremist Group Uses Autonomous Vehicles for BombingsAn extremist group has found a way to hide human drivers in autonomous vehicles, enabling them to carry out over 300 bombings in the Dallas Fort Worth area undetected.

      The Martyrs, an extremist group, have been able to successfully carry out over 300 bombings in the Dallas Fort Worth area using autonomous vehicles, despite these vehicles being subjected to rigorous checks. The most likely explanation is that they have found a new way to conceal human drivers in these vehicles, making them appear autonomous to sensors. The origin of these vehicles is still unknown, but Reggie, a journalist, suspects that they may be being assembled at a yet-to-be-identified location. Roland, the protagonist, who was in a drug-induced haze during this discussion, was appointed a partner and a negotiator named Manny for an upcoming mission.

    • A factory in Texas is the origin of vehicles used in attacks against the SDFThe SDF discovered the origin of the vehicles used in their attacks by tracing their paths and infiltrated a factory in Texas to gather intel, offering narcotics in exchange

      The factory in McKinney, Texas, which is now part of the heavenly kingdom, was the origin of the vehicles used in the attacks against the SDF. The SDR, with the help of some independent satellites and drone footage, traced the paths of 78 of these vehicles, all of which started their journey from this factory. The SDF recruited Roland and Manny to infiltrate the kingdom and gather information on how they've accomplished their attacks. In exchange, they offered to refill Roland's backpack of narcotics. To blend in, Roland used the face of a dead man, whose identity he assumed by stealing his ID card, and they headed into the kingdom. Roland had to leave his drugs behind as the kingdom has a strict policy against intoxicants.

    • Roland calms Manny during a panic attackExperienced professionals can use their skills to reassure and save missions, but extreme methods can be dangerous and unethical.

      In the given situation, Roland, a highly experienced and skilled killer, used his past experiences and abilities to calm and reassure Manny during a panic attack, ultimately saving the mission by preventing Manny from revealing their intentions to the enemy. Despite his own high state of intoxication, Roland's confidence and ability to handle pressure helped to keep the situation under control. However, it's important to note that his methods were extreme and potentially dangerous, and it's not recommended as an effective or ethical solution to dealing with fear or anxiety. Instead, open communication and empathy are generally more productive ways to support someone in a stressful situation.

    • Roland's Past Resurfaces During JourneyEncountering past traumas and challenges can blur memory and identity, making them uncertain and complex.

      Memory and identity are complex and fragile things. In the text, Roland, a posthuman with lost memories, embarks on a mission to gain access to the Heavenly Kingdom. During their journey, they encounter checkpoints and face challenges. Roland's past resurfaces when they pass the site of a devastating explosion, leaving him shaken. Manny, his companion, presses Roland about his past and his memory loss. Roland reveals that he was injured during the revolution and has no clear memories before that. He's undergoing treatment to restore his memories, but Manny questions if he truly wants them back. The conversation between them makes Roland uneasy, and he realizes that his identity and past are not as clear-cut as he thought. This encounter serves as a reminder that memory and identity are intricately linked and can be influenced by various factors, including trauma and drugs.

    • Roland disguises himself as a Christian to gain asylum, but ends up in the military instead.Despite a haunted past, Roland seeks asylum, but ends up in the military disguised as a Christian. Manny feels trapped, but Roland remains hopeful about rescuing Topaz.

      Roland, a man with a haunted past filled with killing and war, finds himself at an immigration center seeking asylum. During their interaction with an intake officer, Roland feigns ignorance to pass as a Christian and get past the questioning. The officer, suspecting Roland's deception, decides to draft him and Manny into the military of the "heavenly kingdom." This unexpected turn of events leaves Manny feeling trapped and anxious about their mission to rescue Topaz. Despite the uncertainty, Roland remains hopeful about reclaiming his memories of his loved one. The encounter highlights the complexities of war, faith, and identity, as well as the lengths people will go to protect what they hold dear.

    • Stay Calm, Build Connections, and Prioritize EssentialsIn tough times, stay calm, build relationships, and prioritize essential responsibilities for peace of mind and success.

      Even in challenging situations, it's important to stay calm, stay focused, and trust in your abilities. Roland, from the text, demonstrates this mindset when he reassures his team that their mission, though complex, will not be impossible due to the enemy's weaknesses and their own strengths. Additionally, building connections within your community can help make difficult situations more manageable. The Neighbor to Neighbor initiative, mentioned in the text, emphasizes the importance of relying on those around you for support and building meaningful social bonds. Lastly, taking care of essential responsibilities, like ensuring child safety, can bring peace of mind and make daily life easier to navigate.

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    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 20, 2024

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

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    (2 Part Series)

    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 18, 2024

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