
    All Things Life and NFTs | Interview with Rich Kleiman

    enJune 01, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Understanding human behavior and being an early adopter led to Gary Vaynerchuk's success in NFTsGary Vaynerchuk's success in NFTs stemmed from his ability to understand human behavior patterns and capitalize on trends early, giving him a competitive edge.

      Gary Vaynerchuk's success in the NFT space can be attributed to a combination of being in the right place at the right time, understanding the technology naturally due to his background, and executing before others. He saw the potential of NFTs as early as 2011, based on human behavior patterns he observed in digital markets. Communication is a key aspect of human behavior and Vaynerchuk excels at it, allowing him to understand and capitalize on trends before they become mainstream. The NFT market may have seemed volatile and unpredictable to many, but Vaynerchuk saw it as an extension of real-world behavior and communication. His success in the NFT space came not only from his early adoption but also from the growth and success of his larger businesses, VaynerX and VaynerMedia.

    • Discovering the Potential of NFTs through NBA Top ShotNFTs were first introduced to the speaker through CryptoKitties in 2017, but they didn't fully grasp their value until revisiting them through NBA Top Shot in 2020. The speaker sees NFTs as having the potential to become a global phenomenon, similar to the early days of the internet.

      The speaker's interest in NFTs was sparked by CryptoKitties in 2017, but they didn't fully understand it at the time due to being busy with other projects. However, when they revisited NFTs through NBA Top Shot in 2020, they saw the potential for growth and began educating themselves and others about the value of digital assets. The speaker also noted the similarities between NFTs and video games, and the ease with which children understand the concept of spending money on virtual items. They believe the difficulty in understanding NFTs today is comparable to the early days of the internet, and that NFTs have the potential to become a global phenomenon. The speaker's encounter with Rohan, the founder of NBA Top Shot, was instrumental in their understanding and promotion of NFTs.

    • Struggling with new technologies: A natural part of the adoption processPeople bring their existing mindset to new technologies, causing initial skepticism and misunderstanding. History repeats with each new tech, like the Internet and Web 3/blockchain. Patience and an open mind are key as these technologies continue to evolve.

      The struggle with new technologies, such as the Internet and now Web 3 and blockchain, is due to people bringing their existing mindset and understanding to these new platforms. In the past, people had trouble grasping the concept of the Internet as a place for constant communication and sharing, leading to skepticism and dismissal. Similarly, with Web 3 and blockchain, people are having trouble understanding the concept of true ownership and the value of digital assets. The speaker emphasizes that this is a natural part of the adoption process and that history repeats itself with each new technology. He also draws an analogy between the physical world and the digital world, pointing out that just because something can be easily replicated or copied in the physical world does not mean it is not valuable. The speaker encourages patience and an open mind as these new technologies continue to evolve and be adopted by the masses.

    • Technological trends can lead to overvaluation and eventual correctionsSome NFT projects and companies will survive the hype and succeed, while others will not. Educate yourself during periods of hype to make informed decisions.

      During periods of major technological trends or "gold rushes," people and companies can become overvalued based on hype and speculation, leading to eventual corrections. The NFT market, with its recent surge in popularity and high valuations, is no exception. The speaker, who has experienced this firsthand, notes that while some projects and companies will rise above the hype and succeed in the long term, many others will not. The internet stock crash of the late 90s serves as a reminder of this phenomenon, with companies like Amazon and eBay surviving the correction and going on to great success. The speaker also mentions the current real estate market as an example of a correction in progress. Regarding Bored Ape, the speaker recalls being initially intrigued by the project but too focused on his own project to invest heavily. He encourages people to educate themselves during these periods of hype and make informed decisions.

    • BAYC's Dominance in NFT Space: AOL and Yahoo of Current MomentBAYC's acquisition of CryptoPunks IP and launch of metaverse solidified their position as dominant players in the NFT space, despite challenges like high gas fees.

      Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) has become the dominant player in the NFT space, capturing the cultural zeitgeist and amassing a massive valuation. With the acquisition of CryptoPunks IP and the launch of their own metaverse, they've established themselves as the AOL and Yahoo of the current NFT moment. However, they face challenges, such as high gas fees on Ethereum, which can deter potential buyers and limit accessibility. Despite these hurdles, BAYC's success is a testament to their ability to execute and innovate in the rapidly evolving NFT market. The real work begins now as they aim to maintain their position and continue pushing the boundaries of what's possible in the NFT space. The conversation also touched upon the significance of CryptoPunks, with the speaker expressing their early interest in the project and its influence on the NFT market. The speaker's connection to Kevin Rose, the founder of Moonbirds, led them to discover CryptoPunks and sparked their fascination with NFTs and collectibles.

    • The Significance of CryptoPunks as a Trailblazer in NFTsCryptoPunks, as the first successful 10,000 PFP project, offers investors potential profits and decentralized brand development, but challenges in maintaining consistency and dealing with commercial successes remain.

      The history and significance of CryptoPunks, as the first successful 10,000 PFP project, makes it a safe and potentially profitable investment for the future. The speaker's personal connection to the project, combined with its cultural impact and the recent acquisition by Hugo Labs, has given individual NFT owners the power to build revenue outside of utility through IP ownership and creation. This decentralized approach to brand development could lead to a multitude of unique and intriguing outcomes, but the potential challenges of maintaining brand consistency and dealing with commercial successes outside of the intended image have yet to be fully explored. Overall, CryptoPunks' role as a trailblazer in the NFT space makes it an exciting and valuable asset for collectors and investors alike.

    • Exploring the Impact of NFT Projects and Discord CommunitiesNFT projects led by legit artists with unique perspectives, like World of Women, demonstrate potential for longer-lasting impact through Discord communities, which focus on interaction and ease of use, are crucial for success in the evolving NFT landscape.

      The NFT space is seeing a diverse range of projects and artists gaining popularity, with unique approaches to community building and representation. The success of projects like World of Women, led by legit artists and offering unique perspectives, demonstrates the potential for longer-lasting impact. Discord has emerged as a powerful tool for building and engaging NFT communities due to its ease of use and focus on community interaction. As the NFT landscape continues to evolve, understanding the unique needs and opportunities of different platforms will be crucial for success.

    • A new generation views investing as a way to enjoy collectiblesYounger investors are shifting towards collectibles like sports cards, NFTs, comics, sneakers, and VHS tapes for both enjoyment and potential profit.

      We're witnessing a cultural shift in how people perceive investing, with a new generation viewing it as a way to both make money and enjoy collectibles. This trend, which gained momentum during the COVID-19 pandemic, has led to the rise of various investment areas, including sports cards, NFTs, and even nostalgic items like comics, sneakers, and VHS tapes. Younger investors, as young as 15, are increasingly open to the idea of investing, and they're not limiting themselves to traditional assets like real estate or Wall Street stocks. Instead, they're drawn to items with a strong pop culture appeal, such as limited-edition sneakers or NFTs, which they can flaunt on social media. This shift in attitude is driving significant growth in these markets and opening up new opportunities for investors. The comparison between trading cards and NFTs is a good analogy for this trend. While record-breaking prices are being paid for high-end trading cards and NFTs, the base cards and lower-priced NFTs are experiencing ebbs and flows. However, the long-term potential for both remains strong, and the overall market is showing signs of consolidation, with top projects and items gaining more market interest. Overall, this cultural shift towards investing in collectibles is a significant development that's here to stay.

    • Young investors and NFTs: A growing trendYoung investors, particularly those in Gen Z, are driving the NFT market forward, and Michael Rubin's diverse business ventures in trading cards, NFTs, gambling, and more position him well to capitalize on this trend.

      Alternative investments, specifically Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs), are on the verge of becoming a major trend in pop culture. Young investors, particularly those in the Gen Z demographic, are increasingly interested in this area, and as they grow older and amass more wealth, they will drive the market forward. Michael Rubin, the founder of Fanatics, is well-positioned to capitalize on this trend with his diverse business ventures in trading cards, NFTs, gambling, and more. However, the success of Fanatics ultimately hinges on Michael Rubin's health and ability to surround himself with the right team. Despite this challenge, Rubin's track record of success and relentless drive make him a formidable force in the industry.

    • Fanatics' B2C Transformation and Disruptive TechnologiesFanatics shifts from B2B to B2C, leverages limited edition fan merchandise, explores VR and metaverse, and integrates NFTs into DTC products. Oculus and Metaverse lead VR tech, collaborative podcasts emerge as a disruptive format.

      The Fanatics brand has evolved significantly in recent years, moving from a B2B focus on selling team merchandise to a potential B2C powerhouse. This shift is exemplified by the growing popularity of limited edition fan merchandise, similar to Nike's transformation from a sports brand to a pop culture phenomenon. While virtual reality and the metaverse are gaining attention, it's important to exercise caution and wait for mass adoption before investing heavily. The Oculus and Metaverse divisions of Meta are currently leading the way in VR technology, and the integration of NFTs into direct-to-consumer products is a disruptor to watch. Additionally, collaborative podcasts with compelling hosts are an emerging disruptive format.

    • Identifying and investing in disruptorsStaying informed and invested in potential disruptors, whether individuals or businesses, can lead to significant success.

      Identifying and investing in disruptors, whether they be individuals or businesses, can lead to significant success. This was a recurring theme in the conversation, with the speaker drawing parallels between boxing and podcasting, and noting how he keeps tabs on a multitude of things to identify those on the precipice of disruption. The modern comedian genre was cited as an example of this phenomenon, with figures like Schultz, Schwab, and Dylan capturing the format and gaining attention. In terms of business, VaynerMedia has grown into a global company with various verticals, including VaynerAgency, Galleria Media Group, Ivano Saddam, VaynerCommerce, and a new media barter company called Tingly Lane Trading. The speaker also mentioned his personal project, VeeFriends, as his intellectual property project centered around the virtues he cares about most. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of staying informed and invested in potential disruptors.

    • Building a Successful Intellectual Property Brand like DisneyStay true to values, adapt, seize opportunities, and prioritize hard work, relationships, and staying informed to build a successful intellectual property brand.

      Gary Vaynerchuk is deeply passionate about building a successful intellectual property brand, inspired by his childhood love for cartoons and wrestling, and plans to make it as big as Disney. He emphasizes the importance of staying true to one's values and continuing to adapt and seize new opportunities, as shown by his success with NFTs. Additionally, he shares his lifelong dream of owning the New York Jets and his belief in the power of hard work, relationships, and staying informed to make it a reality. Overall, Gary Vaynerchuk's message encourages persistence, authenticity, and staying open to new opportunities in order to achieve one's goals.

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    YouTube: https://youtu.be/taaobzr-FCM

    Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/where-it-happens/id1593424985

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    Hosted by: Paul Zimnisky

    Guest: Reena Ahluwalia

    Guest plug: www.reenaahluwalia.com

    More information on PZDA’s State of the Diamond Market report: www.paulzimnisky.com/products


    Show contact: paul@paulzimnisky.com or visit www.paulzimnisky.com.


    Please note that the contents of this podcast includes anecdotes, observations and opinions. The information should not be considered investment or financial advice. Consult your investment professional before making any investment decisions. Please read full disclosure at: www.paulzimnisky.com.