
    Podcast Summary

    • The success of a16z and its impact on venture capital.Former operators make better VCs, and timing is crucial. Pilot.com eliminates back-office pain for startup founders, so they can focus on what matters. Use link for 20% off.

      a16z is a VC firm that has revolutionized the investment landscape in just 11-12 years, popularizing the idea that former operators make better VCs than career investors. Their success can be attributed to their perfect timing - they were founded two years after the iPhone came out. The founders of Pilot.com, Waseem and Jessica, started their company after experiencing the visceral pain of doing all their back office work themselves and realizing that startup founders should be laser-focused on what matters. Pilot.com eliminates the pain of tax prep and bookkeeping for startups by providing experts who take the work off their plate. A sweet deal is available for Acquired listeners: using the link pilot.com/acquired will get 20% off the first six months of service.

    • The Contrarian Bet That Started a Successful Venture Capital FirmBelief in a solid strategy and the future can help overcome challenges and turn a contrarian bet into a rewarding venture.

      Marc Andreessen and Ben Horowitz, despite being alone in their belief that the financial crisis could be good for Silicon Valley startups, went ahead and started their venture capital firm, a16z, in late 2008/early 2009. They were led by their interest in VC and their contrarian bet. They sought advice from old friend, Andy Rachleff, who advised them to counter-position against an incumbent, which they did against Kleiner Perkins. Starting a successful venture capital firm requires a strategy and a solid belief in the future, even when others may not share that belief. The journey from angel investing to leading rounds as a participating investor to being a lead investor is a significant leap that can be challenging but ultimately rewarding.

    • Benchmark's approach: treating portfolio companies as 'sovereign states'Benchmark's approach of providing portfolio companies with small, equal partnership and great board members sets them apart in the competitive world of venture capital. Their success is also attributed to early investments and established tenets.

      When it comes to venture capital, Benchmark's approach of treating portfolio companies as 'sovereign states' and providing them with a small, equal partnership of great board members set them apart from the competition, particularly Kleiner Perkins. Kleiner's reliance on star investor John Doerr to source deals and farm out board seats to other partners and associates was seen as potentially pressuring entrepreneurs into decisions that didn't benefit them. Benchmark's success was also due to luck with an early investment in eBay, but their self-examination and established tenets helped them create a strong marketing message and establish counter positioning in the competitive world of venture capital.

    • Andreessen Horowitz's Approach to Supporting Technical FoundersAndreessen Horowitz prioritizes empowering technical founders to become professional CEOs by providing access to tools, skills, and a synthetic network, offering an alternative to the traditional venture industry approach of small partnerships and lower salaries.

      Andreessen Horowitz was formed with the aim to support technical founders and help them become professional CEOs. The firm created the platform teams to provide all the tools and skills that a CEO requires, in the absence of a natural network. The firm believed that an innovator should run the company, and it is not possible without the help of a synthetic network. With management fees, they built the company by hiring people and enhancing the platform. The venture industry was dominated by small partnerships that received huge management fee streams, and they advised entrepreneurs to take lower salaries. The Series A purist approach was favored by Benchmark, which outsource all the early-stage risks to the seed stage. The Series A round turns into a total bonanza for the venture firms.

    • Andreessen Horowitz's Diverse Approach to Venture InvestingAndreessen Horowitz invests in diverse stages, builds networks for founder CEOs and prioritizes fast, low-risk returns. Their successful counterposition against Benchmark highlights the importance of choosing the right investment.

      Andreessen Horowitz is a venture firm that is stage-agnostic, government-agnostic, and believes in investing in lots of stages, from seed investment to growth rounds. They don't take board seats in seed investments and don't provide too much capital or ownership. They believe in investing in companies that have potential and building a portfolio, which allows for variations. Andreessen Horowitz aims to build networks that can help technical founder CEOs become CEO's, and they will take board seats if they believe it can help them scale. They focus on offering fast returns, dollar returns, and very low-risk investments. Their counterposition against Benchmark has worked to varying degrees, with the most notable cautionary tale about the importance of choosing the right investment being Instagram.

    • Overcoming established VCs in the venture industry using Hollywood tacticsIn a highly competitive market, successful entry requires identifying signaling effects and adapting tactics by learning from diverse industries, as Andreessen Horowitz did by turning to Michael Ovitz's Hollywood experience.

      In the highly competitive venture industry, winning against established VCs like Benchmark, Sequoia, and Kleiner is a bloodsport. Andreessen Horowitz's grand unified theory of counter positioning and market entry strategy may not work as expected, as they face challenges like lack of staying power and questions about their achievements. VC firms are more vulnerable to signaling effects than the companies they invest in. Michael Ovitz, the Hollywood super agent and Andreessen's fellow board member, provides inspiration for the firm's approach to getting things done. Hollywood's broken dynamics in the past parallel the issues in the startup and venture industry today, with VCs acting as the studios and holding much power over the talent.

    • The Power Dynamics and Lessons for Startups from VC Firms and the Entertainment IndustryUnderstanding the point of integration in a value chain can lead to gaining power, which is crucial for startups. Being an efficient execution machine while disrupting the old system can also help build a successful firm in any industry.

      The power dynamics between the ecosystems of major VC firms and studios in the entertainment industry and the startup world are fascinating to watch. CAA fundamentally transformed the entire industry by shifting the point of integration down the value chain and gaining power. The important lesson here is that wherever the point of integration is, that's where you gain power. This is applicable in the startup world, where technical founders can create the core piece of value, but need help with everything else. Being a dream execution machine like CAA can make a huge difference for startups. Additionally, taking no prisoners and burning the old system to the ground can be an effective approach to building a successful firm in any industry.

    • The Unconventional Approach of Andreessen Horowitz in Venture Capital and PRAndreessen Horowitz sets itself apart from other venture capital firms by integrating PR and marketing concepts into their investment strategy, and standing on a soapbox to communicate their optimistic view of the future.

      Andreessen Horowitz is a different kind of venture capital firm as they not only have a network for engineering recruitment, future financing, and M&A, but also a PR network. They were the first firm to introduce marketing concepts to VC and help their companies with PR and marketing. Their founders are unabashedly optimistic about the future and vocalize their beliefs. Unlike institutional firms like venture capital firms, they believe in standing on the largest soapbox possible and preaching about the future. Margit Wennmachers, the best PR person in Silicon Valley at the time, helped them launch their firm. They named it Andreessen Horowitz despite being about the entrepreneurs and network because Marc Andreessen was a known quantity and could help with branding.

    • Andreessen Horowitz: A Venture Capital Firm for Entrepreneurs, by Entrepreneurs, with a Global Focus.Andreessen Horowitz is a Silicon Valley VC firm that invests in cultural phenomena like Facebook and Twitter. With a focus on global investment and localization, it helps entrepreneurs achieve their dreams.

      Entrepreneurship and innovation are alive and well in the Silicon Valley. Marc Andreessen's venture capital firm, Andreessen Horowitz, was launched in 2009 and has since become a major investor in cultural phenomena like Facebook and Twitter. The firm's name, abbreviated as a16z, is a geeky reference that gives them an advantage in alphabetical listings. Marc's appearance on Charlie Rose helped to galvanize attention for the new venture capital firm. Andreessen Horowitz is known for being by entrepreneurs, for entrepreneurs, and has a focus on internationalization and localization in its investments.

    • How Andreessen Horowitz Became a Major VC Player through Diverse InvestmentsAndreessen Horowitz's founders utilized their entrepreneurial experience and unique investment strategies to position themselves as a top VC firm, investing in a diverse range of startups and achieving success with companies like Airbnb, GitHub, and Slack.

      In the early days of Andreessen Horowitz, their founders leveraged their experience as entrepreneurs to counter position themselves against professional investors and appeal to founders. The firm's strategy of investing in a diverse range of startups was criticized by others in the industry, but Andreessen and Horowitz remained confident in their approach. Their $300 million fund, launched in 2009, was among the largest first-time funds at the time. Despite some early skepticism, the firm quickly established itself as a major player in the VC world, with a track record of investing in successful companies like Airbnb, GitHub, and Slack.

    • The Evolution of Andreessen Horowitz's Investment StrategyAndreessen Horowitz shifted from a network-driven firm to a thesis-driven one, demonstrating how even a small percentage ownership, like their investment in Skype, can have a significant impact on fund returns.

      Andreessen Horowitz made some early investments in popular companies like Digg, Apptio, and Rockmelt. They were initially a network-driven firm which invested in startups founded by people they already knew and trusted. Later, they became a more thesis-driven firm with a focus on specific industries and technologies. Despite some early criticism, their $50 million investment in Skype ended up being a great idea, even though they only owned 1.8% of the company. This investment helped them to return their fund and illustrate that even a small percentage ownership can still have a meaningful impact on fund returns.

    • The Power of Investing in Emerging Technologies and Paradigms.Being open-minded and willing to embrace change is essential when investing in emerging technologies. A willingness to bet on new ideas and paradigms can lead to huge returns and success in the long run.

      Investing in emerging technologies and paradigms can yield huge returns. Andreessen Horowitz's investment in Okta paid off despite being laughed at for betting on a new identity provider in the cloud-based world. They missed out on Instagram and Uber, but their willingness to embrace change and new ideas played a significant role in the success of their portfolio. Marc Andreessen's ability to broker deals and recruit top talent also played a crucial role in the success of the firm. Investing in the right technology at the right time can bring massive returns like Microsoft's acquisition of Skype for $8.5 billion from a paltry $153 million in under two years.

    • The Self-Fulfilling Cycle of Success in Venture CapitalSuccess breeds more success in venture capital, leading to larger funds, more recruitment opportunities, and stronger market positioning. Being a top performer creates a self-fulfilling cycle of hype and mindshare in the industry.

      In venture capital, success leads to more success. The top performing firms stay at the top for a long time because strength follows strength. This is seen in the case of Marc Andreessen and Ben Horowitz who raised a massive second fund of $650 million in just one year after deploying a $300 million fund. This allowed them to recruit more people and have even more management fees. The hype around successful startups is both real and self-fulfilling, as they are able to keep the mindshare of the category leader and recruit the best executives. Success in venture capital is indeed the secret to success in venture capital, as Bill Gurley had said.

    • Andreessen Horowitz's Unconventional Investment Strategies Pays OffBy taking risks and investing unconventionally in pre-IPO secondaries and unexpected startups, Andreessen Horowitz was able to make impressive returns and ultimately succeed, despite criticism and some failed investments.

      Andreessen Horowitz made some unconventional investments, including buying pre-IPO secondaries in big companies like Facebook and Twitter, and invested in a gaming company called Tiny Speck, eventually leading to the creation of Slack. They were initially criticized for having a huge $650 million fund and their ability to return that capital, but their investments ultimately paid off, including letting Tiny Speck's CEO, Stewart Butterfield, pivot into Slack development with the money. Their unconventional approach allowed them to succeed and make some impressive returns, even though some of their other investments didn't work out as well.

    • Lessons Learned from Andreessen Horowitz's Investment JourneyCommunicate effectively and avoid breakdowns to make sound investments. Also, size matters, as larger firms can condition the market, affecting future investments positively or negatively.

      Andreessen Horowitz had a monster year in 2011 with successful investments in Pinterest, Airbnb, Stripe and many others. However, they missed out on the opportunity to invest in Uber's Series B due to a communication breakdown resulting in a massive loss. The lesson learned is that even the most successful investors can make mistakes, and communication is key to avoiding them. It's also important to note that larger venture capital firms can condition the market to pay higher prices for deals, which could help or hurt their future investments depending on the outcome.

    • The Power of Software in Disrupting IndustriesMarc Andreessen's observation and prediction were validated by the success of Uber, Lyft, Apple, Microsoft, and Amazon. With Moore's Law, every generation of tech companies will be bigger. However, the entry point for funds continues to rise despite the increasing addressable market, posing a challenge for startups.

      Marc Andreessen's 'Software is Eating the World' thesis argued that more businesses and industries would be disrupted by software with new world-beating Silicon Valley companies during the disruption in more cases than not. This was seen in the success of companies like Lyft and Uber, which pioneered peer-to-peer ride-sharing. The success of tech companies like Apple, Microsoft, and Amazon further validated Andreessen's argument, as they showed high growth rates and gross margin profiles with a decreasing cost of compute. The argument also aligns with the Mike Moritz line that every successive generation of technology companies should be an order of magnitude bigger because of Moore's Law. However, the entry point for funds continues to rise despite the increasing addressable market.

    • Andreessen Horowitz's Investment StrategyAndreessen Horowitz's success lies in their ability to identify opportunities for investment in the venture ecosystem, make impactful investments in just a few companies, and buy shares from other investors to amass huge returns. Their strategy pays off when they price higher in Series A investments and make masterful PR moves, all while focusing on high impact, long-term investments.

      Andreessen Horowitz's success can be attributed to their ability to identify arbitrageable moments in the venture ecosystem and make investments accordingly. By investing in Series A when other firms were focused on seed investing, they were able to price higher and take advantage of the lack of risk. Their branding of a $100 million investment in GitHub as a Series A was a masterful PR move, despite it not being a true Series A. The firm's ability to buy shares from other investors helped them amass huge returns, as seen in their stake in Coinbase, which is worth $11 billion. Their investment strategy of making impactful investments in just a few companies paid off, as seen in their 76 new investments in 2012 and 97 new investments in 2013.

    • The Evolution of Andreessen Horowitz's Brand Strategy.Andreessen Horowitz's brand strategy has evolved and been modeled on aggressive marketing tactics, which has created a stereotype amongst other firms causing concerns about the signaling effect.

      Despite the creation of the Google Glass Collective, which was only a PR move without any actual investment commitment, Andreessen Horowitz continued to do well and closed another $1.5 billion fund by 2014. However, their pace stepped down a bit, possibly due to concerns about the signaling talk or entrepreneurs becoming more sensitive to the signaling effect. This led to the professionalization of the seed asset class. In 2015, The New Yorker piece on venture capital featuring Marc Andreessen as its mouthpiece further cemented the brand strategy of Andreessen Horowitz, which was modeled on Larry Ellison's aggressive marketing during the enterprise software wars. According to one investor in their funds, it became a running joke on how quickly other firms would complain about Andreessen Horowitz.

    • The Disruptive Impact of Andreessen Horowitz on Venture Capital Industry and the Rise of Big Teams and High CostsThe high cost structure required for competitiveness in the venture capital industry has led to the disappearance of the middle ground, but there is still room for super niche players. New entrants should adjust their strategies rather than complain about industry changes.

      Venture capital industry has experienced margin compression due to the high cost structure required to be competitive, leading to the disappearance of the middle ground. Andreessen Horowitz, with its services model, has disrupted the industry and caused other firms to up their marketing game. This has forced firms to adopt big teams and high costs to stay relevant and competitive, making it hard to run lean as a big firm. However, there is still some room in the industry for super niche players. It took 30 to 40 years for venture capital profits to go away from general partners as the industry evolved. The first reaction to new entrants should not be complaining but rather thinking twice about adjusting strategies.

    • How Andreessen Horowitz is Empowering Entrepreneurs with Capital and Data.Andreessen Horowitz is a leading financial data provider for startups, offering valuable services and raising billions of dollars across multiple funds. Entrepreneurs can access data by exploring Pitchbook's database for free for two weeks, giving them a competitive edge.

      Entrepreneurs have been the biggest winners in the past 10 years, getting access to more capital without as much dilution and receiving a superior product. Companies like Andreessen Horowitz are championing startups and providing valuable services. When competitors speak about a startup, good or bad, it means that they are winning. Andreessen Horowitz has raised billions of dollars across several funds, making it one of the leading financial data providers for VC, P/E, and M&A. It has made almost 1000 investments in over 500 portfolio companies, produced 160 exits, and has 22 general partners. Entrepreneurs can get access to data by exploring Pitchbook's database for free for two weeks.

    • Andreessen Horowitz's Expansions and Investments Beyond the Bay AreaAndreessen Horowitz has built a unique hybrid culture and invested in successful companies like Okta, Lyft, and Roblox. Their future growth lies in crypto and expanding their services while finding synergies between their portfolio companies for economies of scale.

      Andreessen Horowitz has expanded beyond the Bay Area, invested in more places, and built a hybrid culture and processes internally. They have also built a media company and offer value-added services as a venture firm. The firm's success in investments includes big companies like Okta, Lyft, Pagerduty, Pinterest, Slack, Airbnb, Affirm, and Roblox with over $11 billion stake in Coinbase. The bull case for Andreessen Horowitz is in crypto and its brand extension in the rest of the world. Additionally, the firm could find leverage from its own scale, provide services, and find synergies between portfolio companies, leading to economies of scale across different companies.

    • Andreessen Horowitz's Experimental Mindset and Potential Challenges in HP 2.0 StrategyAndreessen Horowitz's innovative approach to investing in startups and willingness to adapt to change makes them strong contenders in the market. However, they must be cautious during a potential market downturn and rethink their branding strategy for HP 2.0 to ensure it does not associate with another company.

      Andreessen Horowitz aims to become a startup dream machine, covering everything from idea to IPO. They have an experimental mindset and are willing to change things. They have built the machinery to invest in crypto and have figured out necessary regulatory infrastructure. The firm's biggest challenge can be a potential market downturn, which hasn't happened during their operational years. They might lose their ground if they overextend themselves in imagining what the HP 2.0 strategy could look like. The firm may need to rethink its branding strategy as HP 2.0 could associate itself with HP, which isn't desirable. Despite potential challenges, Andreessen Horowitz has huge potential to create an idea platform and execute the CAA dream execution machine concept for startups.

    • Andreessen Horowitz's unique underwriting strategy and service offerings have disrupted the industry, but their success might not be sustainable.When assessing investments, consider the balance between financial investment and added value services. The competition and awareness around tech startups and VC is beneficial for growth and innovation.

      Andreessen Horowitz's success in underwriting differently than other VCs and offering a broad set of services alongside capital may not last forever, especially in a capital-crunched environment. However, they have had a significant impact on the industry as a whole, creating more competition and awareness around tech startups and VC. It's important to consider the balance between pure financial investment and the added value of advice, relationships, and services when evaluating investments. Ultimately, politics and people can be the downfall of any venture firm, regardless of success. The coverage and drama around tech and VC is beneficial for all parties involved, creating more opportunities for growth and innovation in the industry.

    • The Power of Branding in Venture CapitalA strong brand can differentiate a business and lead to higher returns. Andreessen Horowitz's unique branding strategy allowed them to stand out, win deals, and achieve persistent differential returns.

      Power in business enables achieving differential returns, and it comes from doing things that competitors can't do due to their business models. Brand power is a significant differentiating factor in commodity industries like venture capital. Andreessen Horowitz took branding to a new level by charging higher prices to blow competitors out of the water, offering higher valuations, and having a multi-sided brand strategy for entrepreneurs and LPs. They also introduced several unconventional practices, such as paying huge prices and having a huge team of experts, transparent blogging, and calling everyone at the firm a partner. These practices enabled them to underwrite the future differently than others and achieve persistent differential returns.

    • Andreessen Horowitz's Unique Approach to Venture CapitalAndreessen Horowitz's incorporation of brand building, content marketing, and PR has proved beneficial to their LPs in the long term. Their non-consensus-driven approach and use of a red team helps make informed investment decisions.

      Andreessen Horowitz changed the requirements of the venture capital job by incorporating brand building, content marketing, and PR into their playbook. They were criticized for overpaying for name brands but it was beneficial to their LPs in the long term. Publicly arguing that valuations are too high is not wise for venture firms as their customers are entrepreneurs. Institutional venture firms like Andreessen Horowitz have a non-consensus-driven approach where any GP can pull the trigger on any deal, but they also have a red team that presents the other side of the case. Marc Andreessen doesn't believe in pivots, failing fast, or the lean startup.

    • The Importance of Passion, Perseverance, and Quality in Building Successful Brands and PodcastsBuilding a successful brand or podcast takes time, dedication, and high-quality content. Emphasizing passion and perseverance can lead to breakthroughs, while partnering with creators and sponsoring content is a successful marketing strategy for growth and recognition.

      Passion and perseverance are key ingredients in achieving true breakthroughs. While individuals may not always see immediate economic value in pursuing their passions, society benefits greatly from those who are willing to keep running at something almost illogically so in a way that is not in their best interest. Brands take time and are built through perseverance and dedication, and once they are established, they provide a sense of security and robustness. Upholding a quality bar is important in building trust with an audience, as listener commitment to podcasts are high-stakes investments of time. Partnering with creators and sponsoring content can be a successful marketing strategy to foster growth and brand recognition.

    • Andreessen Horowitz's Fund Success and Potential Returns.Andreessen Horowitz's first $8 billion fund generated at least $25 billion in returns, with potential for more from companies like Databricks. The firm's success is due to its diverse investments and strong community.

      Andreessen Horowitz's first $8 billion fund generated at least $25 billion in returns from their top 10 liquid outcomes, grossing a 3x return. However, this is not including potential returns from companies like Databricks, which could be worth $20 billion and in which a16z may own 25%. It's worth noting that this analysis is based on napkin math and not all returns have been realized yet. Moreover, Andreessen Horowitz invests in a wide range of companies, including biotech and crypto, and not all of it contributes to the returns mentioned. Nonetheless, this shows that the firm has had a successful track record so far and has a strong community of companies and investors behind it.

    • Andreessen and Horowitz's Remarkable Success in the VC IndustryBeing right with conviction and generating absolute cash returns is more important than a good multiple. Andreessen and Horowitz's success in a short time frame is a significant achievement in a challenging industry.

      Andreessen and Horowitz have successfully burst onto the scene, broke into an industry with persistent returns year-over-year, and competed with the very best of the best by generating a large dollar return of $22 billion on $8 billion invested. Good multiple means being right, but a great amount of absolute cash returned means being right with conviction, with winning access to be a meaningful participant on the cap table and deploying a large-enough amount of capital. It's remarkable how well they've done, and the magnitude of absolute dollars generated matters most. The challenge of breaking in and challenging the incumbent within such a short time frame is significant. Only a few firms have done what they have accomplished.

    • A Variety of Paths to GreatnessWhether it's indulging in masterful movies, utilizing personal connection for sharing content, or finding inspiration from gear experts, success is achievable through diverse approaches that prioritize lasting results and appreciation for hard work.

      Greatness can be achieved through any path. Watching The Godfather trilogy is a must as it is a masterpiece in storytelling and acting. The first two movies are highly recommended, whereas the third one lacks subtlety. Sharing podcast episodes with friends through one-to-one approach is more effective than social media sharing. High-touch growth is slow and methodical, but it leads to lasting results. MKBHD's new channel on YouTube, THE STUDIO Channel, is a great source for gear lovers and an inspiration for content creators. Respect for the work of YouTubers, for whom audio may seem easy, but video is much harder to produce.

    Recent Episodes from Acquired



    Microsoft. After nearly a decade of Acquired episodes, we are finally ready to tackle the most valuable company ever created. The company that put a computer on every desk and in every home. The company that invented the software business model. The company that so thoroughly and completely dominated every conceivable competitor that the United States government intervened and kneecapped it… yet it’s STILL the most valuable company in the world today.

    This episode tells the story of Microsoft in its heyday, the PC Era. We cover its rise from a teenage dream to the most powerful business and technology force in history — the 20-year period from 1975 to 1995 that took Bill and Paul from the Lakeside high school computer room to launching Windows 95 alongside Jay Leno and the Rolling Stones. From BASIC to DOS, Windows, Office, Intel, IBM, Xerox PARC, Apple, Steve Jobs, Steve Ballmer… it’s all here, and it’s all amazing. Tune in and enjoy… Microsoft.


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    Note: references to Fortune in ServiceNow sponsor sections are from Fortune ©2023. Used under license.

    ‍Note: Acquired hosts and guests may hold assets discussed in this episode. This podcast is not investment advice, and is intended for informational and entertainment purposes only. You should do your own research and make your own independent decisions when considering any financial transactions.

    Renaissance Technologies

    Renaissance Technologies

    Renaissance Technologies is the best performing investment firm of all time. And yet no one at RenTec would consider themselves an “investor”, at least in any traditional sense of the word. It’d rather be more accurate to call them scientists — scientists who’ve discovered a system of math, computers and artificial intelligence that has evolved into the greatest money making machine the world has ever seen. And boy does it work: RenTec’s alchemic colossus has posted annual returns in the firm’s flagship Medallion Fund of 68% gross and 40% net over the past 34 years, while never once losing money. (For those keeping track at home, $1,000 invested in Medallion in 1988 would have compounded to $46.5B today… if you’d been allowed to keep it in.) Tune in for an incredible story of the small group of rebel mathematicians who didn’t just beat the market, but in the words of author Greg Zuckerman “solved it.”


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    Note: references to Fortune in ServiceNow sponsor sections are from Fortune ©2023. Used under license.

    ‍Note: Acquired hosts and guests may hold assets discussed in this episode. This podcast is not investment advice, and is intended for informational and entertainment purposes only. You should do your own research and make your own independent decisions when considering any financial transactions.



    In luxury, there’s Hermès… and there’s everyone else. Stewarded by one French family over six generations, Hermès sells the absolute pinnacle of the French luxury dream. Loyal clients will wait years simply for the opportunity to buy one of the company’s flagship Birkin or Kelly bags. Unlike every other luxury brand, Hermès:

    • Doesn’t increase supply to meet demand (hence the waitlists)
    • Doesn’t loudly brand their products (IYKYK)
    • Doesn’t do celebrity endorsements (stars buy their bags just like everyone else)
    • Doesn’t even have a marketing department! (they barely advertise at all)

    And yet everyone knows who they are and what they represent. But, despite all their iconoclasm, this is not a company that’s stood still for six generations. Unbeknownst to most, Hermès has completely reinvented itself at least three times in its 187-year history. Including most recently (and most dramatically) by the family’s current leaders, who responded to LVMH and Bernard Arnault’s 2010 takeover attempt by pursuing a radical strategy — scaling hand craftsmanship. And in the process they turned the company from a sleepy, ~$10B family enterprise into a $200B market cap European giant. Tune in for one incredible story!


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    ‍Note: Acquired hosts and guests may hold assets discussed in this episode. This podcast is not investment advice, and is intended for informational and entertainment purposes only. You should do your own research and make your own independent decisions when considering any financial transactions.

    Novo Nordisk (Ozempic)

    Novo Nordisk (Ozempic)

    Last year Novo Nordisk, the Danish pharmaceutical company behind Ozempic and Wegovy, overtook LVMH to become Europe’s most valuable company. And the pull for Acquired to finally tackle healthcare (18% of US GDP!) became too strong for us to resist. While we didn’t know much about Novo Nordisk before diving in, our first thought was, “wow, seems like these new diabetes and obesity drugs mean serious trouble for big insulin companies.”

    And then… we realized that Novo Nordisk IS the big insulin company. And in a story befitting of Steve Jobs and Apple, they’d just disrupted themselves with the drug equivalent of an iPhone moment. Once we dug further, we quickly realized this company has it all: an incredible 100+ year history filled with Nobel Prizes, bitter personal rivalries, board room dramas, a generation-defining silicon valley innovation, lone voices persevering against all odds — and oh yeah, the world’s largest charitable foundation at its helm. Tune in for one incredible story!


    Many thanks to our fantastic Season 14 partners:

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    ‍Note: Acquired hosts and guests may hold assets discussed in this episode. This podcast is not investment advice, and is intended for informational and entertainment purposes only. You should do your own research and make your own independent decisions when considering any financial transactions.

    Holiday Special 2023

    Holiday Special 2023

    Ben has some big news. Actually, double big news! On what has become a holiday tradition here at Acquired, we cozy up to the fire to do our annual review of the show “in public”. We reflect on what can only be described as an absolutely mind-blowing 2023 (LVMH! Jensen! Costco! Charlie! Half a million plus listeners!) and look ahead to some big things cooking for 2024. Plus as always, we wrap with extended carve outs (joined this year by some surprise guests) for anyone still shopping for those holiday perfect gifts.

    Huge thank you to everyone for making 2023 an amazing year again here in Acquired-land, and cheers to even greater things to come in 2023!


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    ‍Note: Acquired hosts and guests may hold assets discussed in this episode. This podcast is not investment advice, and is intended for informational and entertainment purposes only. You should do your own research and make your own independent decisions when considering any financial transactions.



    To paraphrase Visa founder Dee Hock, how many of you know Visa? Great, all of you. Now, how many of you know how it started? Or, for that matter, who started it? Who runs and governs it? Where is it headquartered? What’s its business model?

    For the 11th largest market cap company in the world, Visa’s history and strategy is almost shockingly unknown. A huge portion of the world’s population uses their products on a daily basis (you might say Visa is… everywhere people want to be), but very few know the amazing story behind how that came to be. Or why Visa continues to be one of the most incredible and incredibly durable business franchises of all-time. (50%+ net income margins!! On $30B of revenue!) Today we do our part to change that. Tune in for one heck of a journey.


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    ‍Note: Acquired hosts and guests may hold assets discussed in this episode. This podcast is not investment advice, and is intended for informational and entertainment purposes only. You should do your own research and make your own independent decisions when considering any financial transactions.

    Charlie Munger

    Charlie Munger

    We sit down with the legendary Charlie Munger in the only dedicated longform podcast interview that he has done in his 99 years on Earth. We’ve gotten to have some special conversations on Acquired over the years, but this one truly takes the cake. Over dinner at his Los Angeles home, Charlie reflected with us on his own career and his nearly 50-year partnership at Berkshire Hathaway with Warren Buffett. He offered lessons and advice for investors today, and of course he shared his speech on the virtues of Costco once again (among other favorite investments). We’re so glad that we got the opportunity to record and share this with you all — break out your notebooks, tune in, and enjoy the singular wit and wisdom of Charlie Munger.

    A transcript is available here.


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    ‍Note: Acquired hosts and guests may hold assets discussed in this episode. This podcast is not investment advice, and is intended for informational and entertainment purposes only. You should do your own research and make your own independent decisions when considering any financial transactions.

    NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang

    NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang

    We finally sit down with the man himself: Nvidia Cofounder & CEO Jensen Huang. After three parts and seven+ hours of covering the company, we thought we knew everything but — unsurprisingly — Jensen knows more. A couple teasers: we learned that the company’s initial motivation to enter the datacenter business came from perhaps not where you’d think, and the roots of Nvidia’s platform strategy stretch back beyond CUDA all the way to the origin of the company.

    We also got a peek into Jensen’s mindset and calculus behind “betting the company” multiple times, and his surprising feelings about whether he’d go on the founder journey again if he could rewind time. We can’t think of any better way to tie a bow on our Nvidia series (for now). Tune in!

    Editorial Note: We originally recorded this episode before the horrific terrorist attacks in Israel. It feels wrong to release this episode — where the nation of Israel and the Mellanox team are discussed — without sharing our profound sadness for all the families who had innocent loved ones or friends killed, injured, or taken hostage. Our hearts go out to everyone coping through this dark moment in history.


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    Nvidia Part III: The Dawn of the AI Era (2022-2023)

    Nvidia Part III: The Dawn of the AI Era (2022-2023)

    It’s a(nother) new era for Nvidia.

    We thought we’d closed the Acquired book on Nvidia back in April 2022. The story was all wrapped up: Jensen & crew had set out on an amazing journey to accelerate the world’s computing workloads. Along the way they’d discovered a wondrous opportunity (machine learning powered social media feed recommendations). They forged incredible Power in the CUDA platform, and used it to triumph over seemingly insurmountable adversity — the stock market penalty-box.

    But, it turned out that was only the precursor to an even wilder journey. Over the past 18 months Nvidia has weathered one of the steepest stock crashes in history ($500B+ market cap wiped away peak-to-trough!). And, it has of course also experienced an even more fantastical rise — becoming the platform that’s powering the emergence of perhaps a new form of intelligence itself… and in the process becoming a trillion-dollar company.

    Today we tell another chapter in the amazing Nvidia saga: the dawn of the AI era. Tune in!


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    ‍Note: Acquired hosts and guests may hold assets discussed in this episode. This podcast is not investment advice, and is intended for informational and entertainment purposes only. You should do your own research and make your own independent decisions when considering any financial transactions.



    Costco is not only Charlie Munger’s favorite company of all time (plus he’s on the board, natch), it’s an absolutely fascinating study in how seemingly opposite characteristics can combine to create incredible company value. For instance: Costco has the cheapest prices of any major retailer in America — and also the wealthiest customer base. They pay their hourly workers 30% above the industry norm (and give them excellent healthcare + 401k benefits) — and are almost 3x more profitable on labor than Walmart. Speaking of Walmart, Costco stocks 40x fewer SKUs than their Bentonville-based rivals — yet sells an average of 15x more volume of each. And oh yeah, practically all of Costco’s C-Suite started their careers as baggers and checkout clerks! Tune in for a mind-bending exploration of one of the world’s most iconic — and iconically unique — companies.


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    ‍Note: Acquired hosts and guests may hold assets discussed in this episode. This podcast is not investment advice, and is intended for informational and entertainment purposes only. You should do your own research and make your own independent decisions when considering any financial transactions.

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    If you love Acquired and want more, join our LP Community for access to over 50 LP-only episodes, monthly Zoom calls, and live access for big events like emergency pods and book club discussions with authors. We can't wait to see you there. Join here at: https://acquired.fm/lp/

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    Carve Outs:



    Note: Acquired hosts and guests may hold assets discussed in this episode. This podcast is not investment advice, and is intended for informational and entertainment purposes only. You should do your own research and make your own independent decisions when considering any financial transactions.

    The Slack DPO

    The Slack DPO

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    Carve Outs

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    Episode 24: Skype

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    Pilot: https://bit.ly/acquiredpilot24
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    Topics covered include: 


      Hot Takes: 

      The Carve Out: 

    Episode 42: Opsware (with special guest Michel Feaster)

    Episode 42: Opsware (with special guest Michel Feaster)

    Acquired dives into the legendary acquisition of Ben Horowitz & Marc Andreessen’s “second act” software company Opsware, from a perspective never before heard—HP’s side of the story! Our heroes are joined by Michel Feaster, who led both the acquisition for HP and then the Opsware product as part of the integrated company afterward under Ben Horowitz. Today the tables have turned: Michel is the Co-Founder and CEO of Seattle-based startup Usermind, and Ben Horowitz sits on her board on behalf of A16Z. This episode is not one to miss!  

    Pilot: https://bit.ly/acquiredpilot24
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    Topics covered include: 
    • Opsware’s early history and origins as Loudcloud, the “second act” of internet wunderkind Marc Andreessen and Netscape product manager Ben Horowitz
    • Ben’s first person telling of the Loudcloud/Opsware history in The Hard Thing about Hard Things, as well as the great Wired "period piece” covering Loudcloud’s launch in August 2000
    • The importance of timing, and Loudcloud’s too-early vision of—essentially—AWS before AWS (including eerie parallels between the metaphor Andreessen used to describe Loudcloud during the company’s first press briefing, and Jeff Bezos’s description of AWS at YC nearly a decade later)
    • Creation of the “Opsware” tool inside of Loudcloud to automate deploying and configuring servers within Loudcloud’s data centers
    • Loudcloud's meteoric rise, crash following the burst of the internet bubble, and hard pivot as a public company into Opsware—now an enterprise software company selling datacenter tools 
    • Michel’s role in HP’s evaluation of the company as an acquisition target, and process leading to its $1.6B acquisition in July 2007
    • Integration of the company into HP’s culture and sales channel
    • The creation of Ben & Marc’s “third act”, the VC firm Andreessen Horowitz, and what it’s like for Michel now having Ben as an investor on her board at Usermind 

      The Carve Out: 

    Superhuman (with CEO Rahul Vohra)

    Superhuman (with CEO Rahul Vohra)

    Please take the 2019 Acquired Survey. It takes 5-10 minutes, helps us immensely, and you may win a pair of new AirPods or a free 1-year subscription to the LP show! http://acquired.fm/survey

    We wrap up Season 4 with a very special (and accidental!) episode, a conversation with the CEO of Superhuman, the red hot email productivity app which just announced their $33m Series B led by Andreessen Horowitz. While originally intended as an LP episode, we felt Superhuman would provide the perfect bookend to our “modern enterprise productivity trilogy” following our Zoom and Slack episodes. We hope you enjoy the conversation with Rahul as much as we did, and we’ll see you later this summer for Season 5!

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