
    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring Education and Unexpected Social Media DiscoveriesPurdue Global offers career comeback opportunities for adults, while social media introduces unexpected topics, allowing individuals to decide what information to engage with.

      Education, specifically with Purdue Global, can serve as a career comeback for working adults. Backed by a respected university, this online platform caters to individuals who bring real-life experiences into the classroom. Meanwhile, in a lighter note, social media can introduce us to unexpected topics, such as personal anecdotes about celebrities' lives. However, it's essential to consider whether we truly want or need to know such information. In this particular conversation, the discussion veered towards Meghan Trainor's husband's supposed large size and their unconventional bathroom setup. While some may find it entertaining, others might question its relevance. Ultimately, it's up to each individual to decide what information they choose to engage with and how it impacts their perspective.

    • Andrew Tate's controversial life: New insights into his father's influenceNewly reported context sheds light on Andrew Tate's upbringing, revealing his father's possible narcissism may have contributed to his own behavior and eventual separation from the military.

      The life and influence of Andrew Tate, a controversial figure who gained prominence on social media, has been the subject of renewed interest following his release from house arrest and increased reporting from major news outlets. Previously, information about his early life and rise to prominence was scattered and hard to find. Newly reported context reveals that his father, Emery Tate, a chess legend, was likely a narcissist, which may have contributed to Andrew's own behavior and eventual separation from the military during his childhood. This new information adds depth to the understanding of Andrew Tate's background and helps explain his influence and controversial actions.

    • Andrew Tate's father refused military pension due to narcissistic personality disorder diagnosisAndrew Tate admires his father for refusing a military pension after being diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder, believing it was an act of courage, but accounts suggest his father's behavior may have been disruptive and self-serving.

      Andrew Tate's father, Emery, was discharged from the Air Force due to a disagreement over a document translation, leading to a diagnosis of narcissistic personality disorder. The military offered Emery a pension on the condition that he admitted to the diagnosis, but he refused, believing his sanity was not for sale. This decision led the family to poverty, and they eventually moved back to England to seek help. Andrew continues to idolize his father for this decision and portrays it as an act of courage. However, accounts suggest that Emery's behavior was disruptive and that he may have embellished the situation for personal gain. Despite this, Andrew maintains a strong bond with his father and continues to draw inspiration from his defiance of the military's offer.

    • A Complex Portrait of a Principaled but Abusive FatherSpeaker acknowledges father's principles while recognizing harm caused, but questions societal norms around infidelity and women's roles.

      The speaker's father, Emery, was a principled man who turned down potential financial gains from the government despite facing financial hardships towards the end of his life. However, there are inconsistencies in the speaker's account, such as conflicting reasons for why they moved to England and differing stories about his father's infidelity. Additionally, Emery was abusive towards his children, both mentally and physically, as evidenced by the speaker's recount of being locked in a dark room and left alone as a child. Despite these issues, the speaker seems to hold a complex view of his father, acknowledging his principles while also recognizing the harm he caused. The speaker also criticizes societal norms around infidelity and the role of women in shaping those norms.

    • Andrew Tate's childhood experience in a closet shaped his belief in self-reliance and toughnessAndrew Tate's controversial persona, rooted in his past experiences, reflects his belief in self-reliance and toughness, shaped by his father's negative influence and his mother's absence.

      Andrew Tate's experience of being locked in a closet as a child, as described in Rolling Stone's reporting, provides insight into the formation of his controversial persona. The incident, which Tate has spoken about proudly as a defining moment in his life, likely contributed to his belief in the importance of self-reliance and toughness. However, it also reflects his father's negative influence, as Emery Tate used alcohol and narcissism to cope with his own failures. This dynamic, combined with his mother's departure, shaped Andrew's understanding of masculinity and left him unable to process his emotions in a healthy way. The impact of these experiences was felt by his younger brother Tristan as well, who grew up in Andrew's shadow and modeled himself after his older sibling due to their father's absence. Ultimately, Andrew's persona is a complex mix of truth and exaggeration, rooted in his past but also distorted by his desire to present a particular image of himself.

    • The Reality of Living Under Ads and Monopolies vs. Constant New ExperiencesDespite the desire for independence, many people live under the control of ads and monopolies, while constant new experiences offer excitement and rewards.

      Human beings ought to live independently of ads and monopolies, but unfortunately, this is not the reality for many, including the characters discussed in the podcast. Andrew and Tristan are depicted as carbon copies of their father, living a depressing existence controlled by ads. Contrastingly, the Monopoly Go game offers constant new experiences and rewards, highlighting the appeal of having something new and exciting. In other news, Amy Winehouse's "Back to Black" is set to be released on the big screen, allowing fans to experience her music and story. However, there are concerning developments in society, with nearly 500 anti-LGBTQ+ bills in state legislatures, and Lambda Legal is leading the fight against these discriminatory measures. Additionally, there have been conflicting reports about Andrew Tate's upbringing, with some claiming he exaggerated his financial struggles. Overall, the podcast discusses various aspects of life, from entertainment to societal issues, emphasizing the importance of standing up for what is right.

    • Andrew Tate's Early Image: Wealth and Perception Over SubstanceAndrew Tate, in his early career, valued appearances and the perception of wealth over substance, but also showed necessary humility due to trying to break into TV. He was willing to lie and cheat but also sensitive and wanted to fit in.

      Andrew Tate, as depicted in the Rolling Stone article and his early reality TV appearances, valued appearances and the perception of wealth over substance. He was willing to lie and cheat to achieve his goals and portray himself as a bad guy. However, there was also a necessary humility he showed due to trying to break into TV. In his early 20s, he described himself as mentally strong and someone who would achieve what he wanted because he had never not gotten it. He looked down on those who sought attention or thought they were exceptionally smart or physically capable without the backing. Despite his desire to be seen as the baddie, several people who worked on the show described him as hypersensitive and wanting to fit in, contrasting his lewd persona.

    • Andrew Tate's Public vs Private Life with WomenDespite his public persona as a ladies' man, Andrew Tate reportedly struggles with self-confidence and fear of interacting with women on equal terms. This fear, combined with a lack of charisma, hindered his attempts to become a big celebrity and led him to find success as a social media personality and Discord cult leader.

      Andrew Tate's public persona as a ladies' man and womanizer contrasts with his private reality, where he reportedly struggles with self-confidence and fear of interacting with women on equal terms. Despite his desire to be seen with women, he seems to harbor a deep-seated fear and dislike towards them, possibly stemming from childhood experiences and a deep-rooted fear of embarrassment. This fear, combined with his lack of charisma and ability to work with people, hindered his attempts to become a big celebrity through martial arts or reality TV. Instead, he found success as a social media personality and Discord cult leader. It's important to note that this analysis is based on second-hand accounts and should be taken with a grain of salt.

    • Andrew Tate's reaction to being laughed at revealed his sensitivity and lack of self-controlAndrew Tate's aggressive and insensitive behavior towards women who laughed at him is outdated and off-putting in today's celebrity culture.

      Andrew Tate's aggressive and dangerous persona may have worked in the past for celebrities like Steven Seagal, but in the current era, being friendly and pleasant is more appealing to audiences. This is evident in the success of celebrities like The Rock, Dave Bautista, and John Cena, who are known for their kindness and charitable work. However, an article from Rolling Stone reveals an incident where Tate's reaction to being laughed at by women was far from pleasant. The women jokingly photoshooted with his belongings, and Tate's response was filled with anger and cursing. This incident highlights Tate's sensitivity to laughter and his lack of self-control, which can be off-putting and potentially dangerous. Overall, Tate's approach to fame and his reactions to criticism are out of sync with contemporary expectations, making it a challenge for him to break through as a big celebrity.

    • Andrew Tate's Character and Motivations QuestionedAndrew Tate, a self-proclaimed business guru, faces accusations of manipulating women and using violent language, while his net worth and financial claims remain unclear. Leaked chat logs from his War Room reveal teaching members to manipulate and abuse women, contradicting his public persona.

      Andrew Tate, an influencer and self-proclaimed business guru, has been accused of manipulating women into camming and using violent language, giving off "I might murder you" vibes. These allegations, along with his obsession with wealth and image, have led some to question his character and motivations. Despite his claims of being worth billions, his actual net worth is unclear, and he has been accused of misrepresenting his financial situation. Additionally, leaked chat logs from his War Room reveal that the organization teaches members to manipulate and abuse women, rather than providing the elite connections and knowledge he portrays in his videos. Overall, Tate's actions and words raise serious concerns about his character and the harm he may be causing to those around him.

    • Andrew Tate's 'War Room' group engages in illegal activitiesThe 'War Room' group, led by Andrew Tate, is known for attempting to manipulate elections, obtaining multiple passports for nefarious purposes, and other questionable activities.

      The "War Room" group, led by Andrew Tate, is made up of individuals who engage in questionable and sometimes illegal activities, such as attempting to manipulate elections and obtaining multiple passports for nefarious purposes. One member, Jacob Woll, is known for failing at political scams and posing with the same cigar in different videos. The group's leader, Andrew Tate, has a history of bragging about his international exploits and multiple passports, which ultimately led to his arrest and extension of jail time. Despite this, Tate continued to post unhinged tweets from prison, claiming to fight ghosts and be a badass. Overall, the "War Room" group is a collection of individuals who prioritize appearances and engage in behavior that is often at odds with the law.

    • New Challenges and Rewards in Monopoly Go and Amy Winehouse's MusicMonopoly Go brings endless excitement with changing challenges and rewards, while Amy Winehouse's music invites connection through her story.

      Monopoly Go offers endless fun and excitement with its constantly changing challenges, wild mini games, and numerous rewards. Meanwhile, Amy Winehouse's Back to Black invites audiences to connect with her music and story. Elsewhere, the fight against discrimination against LGBTQ+ individuals continues with Lambda Legal leading the charge. In the news, there have been claims about Andrew Tate's situation in jail, with discussions of potential escape plans and health concerns. Despite these allegations, Tate has denied having cancer and maintained his strength and vitality. Overall, there's always something new to discover and care about in each of these topics.

    • Allegations against Andrew Tate for intimidation and harassmentAndrew Tate, a controversial figure, is under investigation for intimidation, harassment, and abuse against women. His influence and reach have raised concerns over the impact on those who speak out against him.

      Andrew Tate, who aspires to be the emperor of mankind, is currently facing multiple allegations of intimidation, harassment, and abuse against women. Romanian authorities are investigating him for potentially directing these campaigns and even intimidating witnesses from jail. A former Romanian cop, who is suspected of using her position to help Tate, may have played a role in quashing earlier allegations against him. There's evidence that his fans have executed far-reaching harassment campaigns against women who have spoken out against him. The situation highlights the power and reach of Tate's influence, as well as the issue of harassment and intimidation against women. It's important to note that these allegations are serious and are being investigated by authorities.

    • Andrew Tate's attempts to influence Romanian politiciansAndrew Tate's efforts to use connections to manipulate legal proceedings resulted in backlash and uncertainty, underscoring the risks and potential consequences.

      Andrew Tate's alleged involvement in a case of holding a woman against her will led to a series of events that saw him reach out to Romanian politicians, despite their controversial stances. These attempts to influence politicians backfired when they refused to collaborate with him due to the ongoing investigation and potential negative publicity. Despite the brothers' release from jail into house arrest, there is still uncertainty surrounding their case, with some judges expressing concerns about their influence on witnesses and potential attempts to evade criminal investigation. Tate's decision to hire a high-profile American lawyer, Tina Glandian, who has previously represented controversial figures like Jussie Smollett, adds another layer of intrigue to the situation. Overall, the case highlights the potential risks and consequences of attempting to use connections and influence to manipulate legal proceedings.

    • Lawyer's Versatility and Ethical ConcernsGlanidine, a lawyer known for representing high-profile clients like Chris Brown and Kesha, faces ethical concerns due to her involvement in Brown's case, while her activism work adds depth to her public image. Andrew Shahidan, a previous podcast guest, continues to make headlines with bizarre behavior, fueling speculation about his mental state.

      The lawyer, Glanidine, has represented high-profile clients such as Chris Brown and Kesha, showcasing her versatility in the legal field. Despite her successful representation of Kesha, her involvement in Chris Brown's case raises ethical concerns. Glanidine presents herself as a women's rights activist and a UN ambassador for the Armenian International Women's Association, adding depth to her public image. Meanwhile, Andrew Shahidan, a previous guest on the podcast, continues to make headlines with his bizarre behavior since his release from jail, fueling speculation about his mental state and possible possession by a ghost. The podcast hosts express their skepticism about Shahidan's claims and the authenticity of his recent actions. Overall, the discussion highlights the complexities of public figures' lives and the importance of understanding the nuances behind their actions and public personas.

    • Terminally Online: The Dangers of Oversharing and CyberbullyingStay informed, connected, and protected online. Support LGBTQ+ rights, prioritize mental health, and avoid cyberbullying. Remember, freedom of speech and expression are crucial, but it's essential to be mindful of the impact of our actions online.

      The episode of "Behind the Bastards" discussed the potential dangers and consequences of being "terminally online," urging listeners not to follow a certain individual's online presence. However, it's important to note that freedom of speech and expression are crucial, and it's not safe or advisable to encourage people to abandon their online presence or sue them for urging it. Meanwhile, in real life, it's essential to fight against discrimination and support organizations like Lambda Legal that advocate for LGBTQ+ rights, especially in the face of hundreds of anti-LGBTQ+ bills in state legislatures. Mental health is also an essential aspect of our well-being, and online therapy through platforms like BetterHelp can provide affordable and accessible support. Lastly, staying informed and connected to community news and perspectives, such as those provided by the Michigan Chronicle, is vital for empowerment and understanding.

    Recent Episodes from Behind the Bastards

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert killed a man in Reno, just to watch him die. Also he concludes the story of the murder of the Chagos Islands by the U.S. and the ailing British Empire. With bonus Dog Genocide!


    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 20, 2024

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert welcomes Andrew Ti back to the show to tell the story of the Chagos Islands, a paradise founded by former slaves that was wiped out by the British empire so they could lease it to the U.S. as an air base.

    (2 Part Series)

    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 18, 2024

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    In this episode we got the brody Malcolm on the pod and we talk about relationship zones, being put in the group chat, guy friends, hoe phases, and more! 
     this episode is a classic. Like Share, Comment, And Subsribe for more content! 

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