
    #AskGaryVee 287 With Ken Auletta | Frenemies, Thoughts Around Privacy in Social Media & What I'd Change In Marketing

    enJuly 26, 2018

    Podcast Summary

    • A Neighbor's Impressive Career in Journalism and WritingKen Aleta, a neighbor of Gary Vaynerchuk, has had a successful career in journalism and writing, gaining attention through his investigative book on New York City's fiscal crisis and a provocative suggestion in New York Magazine.

      Ken Aleta, a neighbor and admired figure for Gary Vaynerchuk, has had an impressive and varied career. Starting with a graduate degree in political science, he worked on campaigns, went into journalism, and wrote for publications like The New Yorker and The Daily News. He's written 12 books, with the first one, "The Streets Were Paved With Gold," investigating New York City's fiscal crisis and the flight of the middle class. While not an initial bestseller, it gained attention through a New York Magazine piece where Aleta suggested that key figures should face jail time for their roles in the crisis. This event highlighted Aleta's ability to make serious topics engaging and captivating for readers.

    • Exploring the Disruption of Advertising IndustryGary Vaynerchuk, a businessman and author, examines the impact of technology on the advertising industry, hiring a team to teach them new ways of advertising to stay competitive in the digital age.

      Technology disrupts industries, and those who fail to adapt risk being left behind. Gary Vaynerchuk, a businessman and author, has chronicled this phenomenon in several of his books. He first explored the fall of Wall Street in "Greed and Glory," then the disruption of TV networks by cable in "3 Blind Mice." In "Googled," he delved into the impact of Google and the digital world on legacy media. Now, in "Frenemies," he examines how this disruption is affecting the advertising industry. Vaynerchuk's curiosity was piqued when he realized he followed media but not advertising, the industry that funds media. He was surprised to find that the advertising world was dominated by publicly traded companies and lacked understanding of the digital shift. He decided to hire a team of inexperienced individuals and teach them the new ways of advertising, recognizing that the present is often more disruptive than the future.

    • Embracing Disruption and Innovation in BusinessTo stay competitive, businesses must adapt to changing landscapes, invest in digital channels, and build direct consumer relationships.

      The business landscape is rapidly changing, and companies that fail to adapt risk being left behind. Gary Vaynerchuk emphasizes the importance of embracing disruption and innovation, especially in the face of competition from digital upstarts like Amazon. He believes that many Fortune 500 consumer goods companies are struggling due to their reliance on traditional business models and their reluctance to invest in digital channels. Vaynerchuk also shares his personal experience of working with Unilever and his goal of buying struggling brands when they go out of business. The key to success in this scenario, according to Vaynerchuk, is to build capabilities in digital channels like Amazon, Shopify, Facebook, and Instagram, and to create direct relationships with consumers through marketing and communications. He encourages heavy advertising industry questions on his AskGaryVee Show.

    • Contradictory emotions in advertising industryThe advertising industry faces a shift towards digital platforms, requiring adaptability and openness to change to avoid complacency and maintain success

      The advertising industry, like others before it, is experiencing a time of contradictory emotions and behaviors. On one hand, there's a sense of comfort and even emotional attachment to long-standing relationships and ways of doing business. On the other hand, there's a growing insecurity and awareness that the industry is being disrupted by new players and business models. This denial and inability to adapt can lead to a dangerous complacency, especially when faced with the undeniable shift in consumer behavior towards digital platforms. As history has shown, the biggest buildings in town can be toppled by those who focus on innovation rather than tearing down others. The success of executives like Les Moonves, who have managed to navigate this transition, serves as a reminder of the importance of adaptability and openness to change.

    • The Complex Relationship Between Old and New MediaAdvertisers must adapt to consumer control over content consumption and shift from intrusive methods to targeted, less intrusive approaches, offering services rather than sales pitches, while addressing privacy concerns in the evolving media landscape.

      The media landscape is evolving rapidly, with traditional networks selling their programs to digital platforms like Netflix and Amazon, creating new revenue streams. However, this relationship between old and new media can be complex, with the touchpoint to consumers becoming increasingly important. Consumers now have more control over when and how they consume content, and advertisers must adapt to this shift. In the advertising world, the public has become a "frenemy," as consumers use tools like ad blockers to avoid interruptions. The question for advertisers is how to replace traditional attention-grabbing methods with more targeted, less intrusive approaches. The future of advertising may involve offering services rather than sales pitches, but privacy concerns will continue to be a major issue. Ultimately, the success of media and advertising companies will depend on their ability to stay close to consumers and provide value in a rapidly changing landscape.

    • Balancing data and art in advertisingSuccess in advertising requires reaching large audiences with data, but ultimately depends on the quality of the creative campaign.

      Success in advertising requires a balance between data and art. The data allows us to reach larger audiences more effectively than ever before, but it's the creative element that ultimately determines the success of a campaign. The example given was the use of Facebook ads, where reaching a large audience is possible, but the success of the campaign depends on the quality of the ad itself. The speaker also emphasized the importance of practitioners in the advertising industry, as opposed to those who only theorize, and the need to adapt to changing platforms and technologies. The owner of a marketing company, who was part of the conversation, was seeking advice on how to expand their business. The takeaway for them is that they should continue to offer a range of marketing services, both print and digital, and focus on the creative aspect of their campaigns to ensure success.

    • Community-based publications: Niche markets and affordable pricingLeveraging niche markets and affordable pricing, community-based publications can generate significant revenue through targeted sales efforts and small business investments.

      The value proposition of a local, community-based publication lies in its niche market and the affordable pricing for small businesses. Although the reach may not be as large as platforms like Facebook or Google, the specific targeting of local audiences and the creation of a sales machine through hiring inexpensive salespeople can generate significant revenue. The business model relies on the justification of small investments by small businesses based on the perceived value of the platform. The success of this approach is evident in the 30,000 to 40,000 impressions per month on the website. However, the vulnerability of the business lies in the need to provide value to the market, as the success ultimately depends on the market's perception. A cautionary tale to consider is the experience of Patch, which serves as a reminder of the importance of delivering value to sustain growth.

    • The Challenges of Patch: High Costs and Lack of Unique ValueDespite potential, Patch failed due to high costs and lack of a uniquely valuable product in a crowded media landscape dominated by large holding companies.

      Ambition and innovation can outpace the reality of a business, leading to high costs and failure. This was the case with Patch, a local online newspaper network, which despite having potential, failed due to its high costs and lack of unbelievably valuable product. The industry, meanwhile, is dominated by a few large holding companies, including WPP, Omnicom, Publicis, Havas, and Dentsu, with WPP being the largest. Michael Kasin, a power broker in the industry, represents clients, platforms, and agencies, raising questions about potential conflicts of interest. Overall, the media industry is evolving, with traditional media facing challenges from digital platforms, and agencies playing various roles in the process.

    • Advantages of Holding Companies in Advertising IndustryHolding companies like Publicis offer global scale and data access, but their value depends on effective utilization and creating attention-grabbing ads, such as on social media or through search queries, as Google does.

      While holding companies like Publicis may be perceived as slow and expensive, they still hold advantages over smaller agencies due to their global scale and access to large amounts of data. However, the value of this data is questionable if the holding companies cannot effectively utilize it and the industry's focus on data has led to an increase in power for media agencies. But the true value lies in the ability to create ad products that capture consumers' attention, such as those found on social media platforms like Facebook. Google has been successful in this regard by acting as a tollbooth for advertisers looking to reach consumers through search queries. The rise of voice assistants like Alexa also has the potential to disrupt traditional search methods and further change the advertising landscape. Ultimately, the ability to effectively reach and engage consumers is the key to success in the advertising industry.

    • Evolving Privacy Landscape for AdvertisersFacebook's focus on sharing info and creating communities may shift towards more personalized, less intrusive ads or data-driven marketing strategies due to increased privacy concerns and potential regulation.

      The ongoing conversation about data privacy, particularly in the context of advertising platforms like Facebook, presents both challenges and opportunities. Historically, Facebook has prioritized sharing information and creating communities over privacy concerns. However, as consumers become more conscious of their data and its usage, companies like Facebook may face increased scrutiny and regulation. For advertisers, this could mean a shift towards more personalized and less intrusive forms of targeted advertising, or a renewed focus on smarter, data-driven marketing strategies. Ultimately, the evolving privacy landscape will require businesses to adapt and find new ways to connect with consumers in a respectful and transparent manner.

    • Facebook's Value Beyond TargetingDespite potential disruptions, Facebook's large user base and brand awareness capabilities make it valuable for businesses, offering top-of-the-funnel marketing opportunities.

      While Facebook's targeting capabilities make it an attractive ad platform for many businesses, if Facebook were to lose its targeting capabilities, it could still offer remarkable value for overall brand awareness due to the large user base and attention it commands. However, this doesn't mean that Facebook will not face disruption in the future, and the potential disrupters would need to offer significant advantages to challenge Facebook's network effects and user base. The speaker emphasizes his bullishness on Facebook and Amazon, but acknowledges that disruptions have happened in the past, and it's uncertain if Facebook will be the next major disruption. The real value of Facebook lies in its ability to provide top-of-the-funnel brand awareness at scale, and the speaker believes that entrepreneurs are making a fortune on Facebook's targeting capabilities. However, the speaker also questions the long-term sustainability of Facebook and other large tech companies due to their size and the potential for new technologies to disrupt their businesses.

    • The role of governments in regulating tech companies and the potential for disruption and innovation from smaller players and individualsHistorical and cultural contexts influence regulatory approaches, merit and business acumen are important, underpriced platforms offer opportunities for growth, and the future of the tech industry will be shaped by a complex interplay of business strategies, regulatory frameworks, and societal values.

      While the role of governments in regulating tech companies like Facebook, Amazon, Google, and Apple is a topic of ongoing debate, the potential for disruption and innovation lies not only with these corporations but also with smaller players and individuals. The speakers in the discussion acknowledged the importance of merit and business acumen in the tech industry, and the potential for underpriced platforms like Facebook to offer significant opportunities for growth, even for those without extensive knowledge or resources. They also touched upon the historical and cultural contexts influencing regulatory approaches in different regions. Ultimately, the future of the tech industry will be shaped by a complex interplay of business strategies, regulatory frameworks, and societal values.

    • Inspiring the Next Generation: Gary Vaynerchuk's MissionGary Vaynerchuk, a business magnate and inspirational figure, advocates for independent entrepreneurs to build their legacies instead of working for holding companies. He values legacy over short-term gains and is documenting his life to leave a lasting impact.

      Gary Vaynerchuk, the CEO of VaynerMedia, is not only a business magnate but also an inspiration for independent entrepreneurs. He's on a mission to inspire the next generation to reject the holding companies and build their own legacies. Vaynerchuk values legacy over short-term gains and is documenting his entire life to leave a lasting impact. He's a disruptor in the advertising industry, challenging the traditional ad agency model. For those under 40, Ken Auletta, a renowned journalist, asks: "Who is a great biography subject for your next book?" Vaynerchuk is considering writing a biography himself, but he's not interested in historical figures since he enjoys interviewing living individuals. The discussion highlights Vaynerchuk's unique perspective on business, legacy, and inspiration.

    • Expressing gratitude for audience supportThe speaker values audience engagement and is grateful for their listening and sharing of his podcast content, emphasizing that the act of spreading his message is reward enough.

      The speaker values the support and engagement of his audience greatly. He expresses his gratitude for their listening and sharing of his podcast content. He emphasizes that there is no need for any material compensation in return, only the act of spreading his message. The speaker's passion for delivering value and the impact it has on others is clear, as evidenced by the thousands of DMs and emails he receives weekly. Ultimately, the speaker's goal is to continue growing his podcast and reaching a wider audience, and he invites listeners to help make that happen by sharing his content.

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    Overall, my conversation with Seth Godin was eye-opening and filled with valuable insights. As we navigate the ever-changing landscape of marketing, it's crucial to remember the power of storytelling, the importance of uniqueness, and the need to provide exceptional service. So let's embrace the challenge, meet specifications, and serve our clients to the best of our abilities.