
    Bachelor Nation’s newest couple Justin Glaze & Susie Evans dive into how they met, their professional worlds turning personal, the $$$ behind their careers before and after reality TV, and their future plans!

    enJanuary 25, 2024
    What personal news is discussed in this episode?
    Which major tech stocks are highlighted for significant gains?
    What investment strategy does Jason recommend?
    How did the speaker's reality TV opportunity arise?
    What is important for success after reality TV, according to the interviewees?

    Podcast Summary

    • Justin and Susie's Relationship and Market UpdateJustin and Susie share their love story, the S&P 500 hits record highs, and Jason encourages investing in ETFs following major indices

      This week's Trading Secrets episode is unique as it's being released early due to exciting personal news. Justin and Susie from the Bachelor franchise have confirmed they are dating, and listeners can look forward to an in-depth discussion about their meeting, careers, and relationship. Additionally, the market is performing well, with the S&P 500 reaching record highs, and major tech stocks like Nvidia, Meta, Microsoft, Alphabet, Amazon, Apple, and Tesla seeing significant gains. Jason encourages listeners to consider investing if they have the means and understanding, suggesting starting with an ETF that follows a major index like the S&P 500. Lastly, Jason shares some updates from his personal life, including his work with Smoothie King and upcoming travels to Pebble Beach, Tampa Bay, and Beavercreek.

    • Love and business intertwine unexpectedlyMeeting in a professional setting, shared passions led to a deep connection and love between Justin and Susie

      Love and business can intertwine in unexpected ways. Justin and Susie, two Bachelor Nation favorites and new couple, met when Justin hired Susie for a project. Their shared passion for the arts and business led to a deep connection, eventually blossoming into a romantic relationship. This encounter showcases that opportunities for love can arise in professional settings, and the thoughtfulness put into initial interactions can make all the difference. The duo's shared experiences on reality TV, combined with their artistic backgrounds, have given them unique platforms to showcase their talents and build successful careers. Their journey serves as a reminder that personal and professional growth can go hand in hand, and sometimes love can be found in the most unexpected places.

    • The Bachelor experience: A catalyst for personal and professional growthUnexpected experiences and relationships can lead to personal and professional growth, challenging the notion that personal and professional pursuits should be kept separate.

      The Bachelor experience can break down the barriers between personal and professional life. The speaker, who met Justin on the show, shared how their friendship and eventual move to LA together showed her that these aspects of life are interconnected. Justin also shared his experience of getting his employer's support to go on the show, despite working in finance at the time. This story illustrates how unexpected experiences and relationships can lead to personal and professional growth. Justin's career was in finance when he was approached for Katie Thurston's season. He was surprised when his employer not only supported his appearance on the show but also covered his time off. However, things looked differently post-show, and he faced challenges going back to work. The speaker and Justin's story highlights the unconventional ways life can take unexpected turns, leading to personal and professional growth. The Bachelor experience can challenge our preconceived notions about how different aspects of life should be kept separate. Through their shared experience, the speaker and Justin learned that personal and professional pursuits can intertwine and lead to unexpected opportunities.

    • Considering personal priorities before opportunitiesEven when faced with tempting offers, it's crucial to evaluate energy levels, priorities, and personal well-being before making a decision.

      Even when presented with lucrative opportunities, it's essential to consider one's energy levels, priorities, and personal well-being. The speaker shared her experience of being approached to join "Paradise" right after her season of "The Bachelorette," but she felt exhausted and wanted to focus on her work. Despite her initial reluctance, the producers persisted, and she eventually gave in. However, she soon realized that her priorities had not changed, and she left the show. Later, she went back to work in pharmaceutical marketing before taking the leap to pursue videography full-time. In retrospect, she acknowledged that her experience on "Paradise" was a valuable learning opportunity that helped her clarify her priorities. Overall, this story highlights the importance of staying true to oneself and considering all aspects of a decision before making it.

    • Facing Financial Struggles: A Humbling ExperienceBelieving in oneself and taking risks can lead to financial struggles, but staying optimistic and persistent can help overcome them.

      No matter where you come from or what accomplishments you've had, facing financial struggles can be a humbling experience. At 27, after leaving a marketing career at Disney and pharmaceuticals, the speaker found herself needing a second job as a waitress to make ends meet as a videographer photographer. Though she had a foundation in entertainment and had even competed in beauty pageants, the feeling of needing a job during the busy season in Virginia Beach was tough. She had always been a risk-taker and believed in her ability to make things happen for herself, even if it meant taking on multiple jobs. Though she had made a decent salary in pharmaceutical marketing, the lack of longevity and unhappiness led her to take a chance and pursue her passion in videography photography. Bartending provided a significant income, with the potential to make up to $800 in one night during peak seasons, but the lack of taxes taken out made it difficult to estimate annual earnings. Despite the challenges, the speaker remained optimistic and believed in her ability to make a good life for herself.

    • Unexpected journeys in unrelated fieldsBeing open-minded and taking risks can lead to new opportunities and personal growth, even in unrelated fields

      Unexpected opportunities can arise from seemingly unrelated experiences. In this conversation, two individuals shared their experiences with pursuing careers in different fields – one in pageants and the other on The Bachelor. Both had encountered similar challenges, such as difficult interviews and potential financial risks. However, they also found that being open-minded and taking risks led to new opportunities and experiences. For instance, one person had communicated with Bachelor casting directors for four years before deciding to apply, while the other had to refund a wedding to pursue her dream of becoming Miss USA. Despite the challenges, they both found that the experiences shaped them and led to personal growth. Additionally, they shared a light-hearted moment about the intense psychological tests they had to take during the application processes, which added to the overall unpredictability and excitement of their journeys.

    • Navigating social media opportunities while maintaining a full-time jobBeing prepared for unexpected opportunities and able to adapt is crucial for success in both personal and professional life.

      The world of social media and influencer marketing can present unexpected opportunities, but navigating these opportunities while maintaining a full-time job can be challenging. Justin, a contestant on a reality TV show, initially saw social media as an unrealistic source of income due to his upbringing and career goals. However, after the show, he found it difficult to focus on his job due to the constant distractions of social media and the attention he received. Although his coworkers were supportive, the highly regulated finance industry presented complications when it came to reporting and approving outside income. Eventually, these complications led to a difficult situation, and Justin had to make a decision between his job and his newfound opportunities in social media. This experience highlights the importance of being prepared for the unexpected and being able to adapt to new opportunities while maintaining a balance between personal and professional life.

    • Personal branding and social media presence in the workplaceUnderstanding the boundaries between personal and professional branding is crucial to avoid potential conflicts in the workplace. Clear communication and transparency are key to managing expectations and avoiding misunderstandings.

      Having a personal brand and social media presence can lead to both opportunities and challenges in the workplace. The speaker in this conversation shared an experience where their Instagram posts, which showcased their travels and experiences, led to questions and scrutiny from their employer. Despite performing well in their job, they were asked to refrain from posting certain content, leading to feelings of betrayal and frustration. The situation escalated to the point where the speaker was asked to avoid anything "bachelor related" if they wanted to continue working there. This experience highlights the importance of understanding the boundaries between personal and professional branding, and the potential consequences of blending the two. It also underscores the importance of clear communication and transparency between employees and employers regarding social media use.

    • Unexpected call leads to life-changing opportunityStay open to new opportunities, trust your instincts, and avoid debt to pursue your dreams.

      Sometimes unexpected opportunities or events can lead to significant changes in one's life, even if it means stepping out of comfort zones and making difficult decisions. The speaker in this conversation shared her experience of receiving a call from a producer while on her way to an interview for a corporate job, which ultimately led her to appear on a reality TV show. Although she initially hesitated, she eventually decided to go, and while she didn't secure a job during her time away, she returned to her previous career of waiting tables and continued her videography work. Through this experience, she learned to trust her instincts and avoid going into debt to pursue her dreams. Despite the financial strain, she managed to make it work and remained committed to her goals. Overall, this story illustrates the importance of staying open to new opportunities and trusting oneself to navigate the unexpected twists and turns of life.

    • Staying true to values despite external pressuresThe Bachelor experience opened new opportunities, but Susie prioritized her unique lifestyle and personal fulfillment over fame and fortune.

      The Bachelor experience opened up new opportunities for Susie, but she valued her unique lifestyle and personal fulfillment over the allure of fame and fortune. Despite being approached to be the Bachelorette or appear on Paradise, Susie waited patiently to collaborate with brands and maintain her local wedding vendor business. She recognized that the experience was different post-show and appreciated her life before the show more than she anticipated. Susie's story demonstrates the importance of staying true to one's values and desires, even in the face of external pressures and opportunities.

    • Weighing Career Opportunities Against Personal CostsPeople make decisions based on their priorities, considering potential rewards and personal impact.

      Sometimes making a decision about a career opportunity involves weighing the potential rewards against the personal cost and the impact on other areas of life. In the case discussed, the speaker considered going on a reality TV show to potentially find love and further her career, but ultimately decided against it due to concerns about the contract's limitations and the potential impact on her personal pursuits. She also shared how she met her boyfriend in a different context and how they approached starting a relationship with care and respect for their friendship. Another takeaway is that people value different things in life and make decisions based on their priorities, whether it's pursuing a career opportunity, finding love, or maintaining existing relationships.

    • Making a bold move can lead to personal growth and new opportunitiesTaking a risk and stepping out of your comfort zone can lead to unexpected and rewarding outcomes, such as pursuing new passions and even starting a business.

      Sometimes, making a bold move outside of your comfort zone can lead to new opportunities and personal growth. The speaker in this conversation had always wanted to live somewhere other than Baltimore but kept putting it off due to fear and comfort. However, she finally decided to take the leap and move to Los Angeles temporarily with a friend. This short-term move allowed her to test the waters and ultimately led her to permanently move and pursue her creative passions professionally. She went from working long hours in corporate finance to pursuing art and social media work, and even starting her own business. This experience shows that taking a risk and stepping out of your comfort zone can lead to unexpected and rewarding outcomes.

    • Creating content full-time can lead to significant financial gains and personal happinessContent creation offers financial and personal rewards, but requires dedication and a long-term perspective

      Creating content full-time can lead to significant financial gains and personal happiness, even surpassing what can be earned in traditional corporate jobs. However, it requires dedication, hard work, and a long-term perspective. Many successful content creators view their current endeavors as stepping stones to bigger opportunities. For instance, a content creator who has seen significant growth in the past six months, despite being in a relationship, believes they can make more money doing what they're doing than in the corporate world. Similarly, a former Bachelor Nation contestant, Susie, has transitioned from wedding videography to full-time content creation and is exploring new opportunities like hosting shows. While the grind can be just as intense as in the corporate world, the potential rewards make it worthwhile for those who enjoy the creative process and are willing to put in the effort.

    • From bartender to content creator: An unexpected financial success storyUnexpected financial success can come from pursuing your passion, even if you underestimate its earning potential. Embrace opportunities and partnerships to grow and validate your work.

      Financial success in content creation was an unexpected surprise for this individual, but one they embraced and found fulfilling. They had always strived to be smart with their money, but underestimated the earning potential in their passion. Transitioning from working as a bartender to creating content full-time was a significant shift, and one that brought both financial prosperity and a deep sense of enjoyment. The unexpected success of their content collaborations with their partner led to new opportunities and a potential business partnership. The biggest compliment came when a brand recognized and appreciated the content they produced, validating their efforts and solidifying their place in the content creation world.

    • Collaborating on careers beyond reality showsSuccessful reality show alums focus on unique skills, communicate openly, complement each other's strengths, and maintain separate spaces to build sustainable careers and relationships.

      Successful individuals from reality shows must establish their identity beyond the show and focus on their unique skills and creativity to build a sustainable career. The interviewees discussed their collaboration, with one focusing on writing and creativity, while the other excels in technical skills and production. They also emphasized the importance of open communication, especially regarding finances, which they've found to be essential in their personal and professional relationship. The conversation highlighted the importance of complementing each other's strengths and adapting to each other's quirks to create a harmonious partnership. Additionally, the interviewees touched on the idea that maintaining separate spaces might contribute to a healthy relationship. Their shared experiences and trust from their friendship facilitated an easy transition into a more serious relationship, as they had already been working together and discussing personal matters.

    • Open communication, friendship, and a shared mindset in creative partnershipsEffective creative partnerships require open conversations, mutual support, and compatibility in values and goals.

      The key to a successful and supportive partnership in the creative industry is open communication, friendship, and a shared mindset of working as one. Justin and Susie's relationship is built on their ability to have open conversations about opportunities, investments, and personal finances. They are not in competition with each other, but rather support each other's growth and success. Their friendship and shared values have helped them navigate the industry's challenges and make informed decisions. Justin's financial green flag is investing, while Susie's is being budget-conscious and making deals. Their ability to balance their desires for nice experiences with practicality is a testament to their compatibility and ease with each other. Overall, their partnership is a shining example of how open communication, support, and a shared vision can lead to success in a challenging industry.

    • Investing in experiences and relationshipsPeople prioritize experiences and connections over material possessions, and are willing to spend money to make memories and strengthen relationships.

      People, especially this particular group, value experiences and connections over material possessions. They are willing to spend money on experiences and people, regardless of their financial situation. For instance, they mentioned their love for home decor shopping and their willingness to spend on tequila and tickets to events. They also shared stories of prioritizing experiences over money owed to others. The checks they received from Jack Daniels and Hilton during important experiences in their careers were particularly meaningful to them. Overall, this group emphasizes the importance of living life to the fullest and investing in experiences and relationships.

    • Recognition and monetization of personal passionsRecognizing and monetizing personal passions can lead to growth, happiness, and success, even if the financial reward isn't the largest. Find joy in what you do and find ways to monetize it.

      Recognition and monetization of personal passions and talents can lead to significant personal growth and happiness, even if the financial reward isn't the largest. The speaker shared a personal experience of being recognized for their creativity and comedy skills, which led to a meaningful collaboration and financial opportunity. This moment served as validation and motivation to continue pursuing their passions, ultimately leading to a successful career. The speaker also emphasized the importance of finding joy in what one does and finding ways to monetize it, even if the path isn't linear or straightforward. Additionally, they shared a trading secret that everyone's path is unique and non-linear, and one should find what they enjoy doing and find ways to monetize it.

    • Prepare for Business Success: Research, Education, and a Solid TeamJumpstart your business with proper research, education, and a strong financial team to minimize anxiety and set yourself up for success. Embrace challenges as opportunities to learn and pivot.

      Starting a business requires preparation and a solid foundation, even if you lack experience or knowledge. Susie shared her personal experience of jumping into business without proper preparation and the anxiety that came with it. She advises future entrepreneurs to do their research, seek education, and have a solid financial team in place before starting. Additionally, Susie emphasized the importance of finding the "light" in difficult times and not letting fear or lack of knowledge hold you back. Justin and Susie both agreed that failure and setbacks are inevitable on the path to success and should be seen as opportunities to learn and pivot. Overall, their trading secrets include being prepared, staying optimistic, and never giving up. To follow their journey, find Justin on Instagram and TikTok @justinglaze and Susie on Instagram @susiecevans and YouTube @susiewaslike.

    • Engage with your audience to build a strong communityConsistently grow your online presence and encourage followers with clear calls-to-action.

      Importance of growing your social media following, even if it means reaching out to those who have already engaged with your content but haven't followed yet. Susie shared her experience of having interacted with 4 million people on her blog in the last 90 days, yet only a portion of them had chosen to follow her. She emphasized the need for a call-to-action, encouraging listeners to follow her blog, Susiewaslike.com, as well as Justin's account. This episode of Trading Secrets underscores the significance of consistently growing your online presence and engaging with your audience to build a strong community.

    Recent Episodes from Trading Secrets

    199. Steven Tartick: From growing up with Jason to executive creative director! The BTS of the business behind Broadway, professional magician by 5th grade, and $$$ behind it all!

    199. Steven Tartick: From growing up with Jason to executive creative director! The BTS of the business behind Broadway, professional magician by 5th grade, and $$$ behind it all!
    This week, Jason is joined by entrepreneur, producer, executive creative director, former professional magician, board game creator, and co-founder of The Season, a producing and marketing company, his brother Steven Tartick!

    Jason and Steven dive into growing up in the Tartick household, their differing opinions on team sports, how he got into magic, what career goals he had growing up, going professional as a magician in 5th grade, how his experience was going through school as a gay man, how he got into drama club, and how he ended up working in Broadway. Steven also reveals working at Apple in 2007, what stock mistake he made, the business behind a Broadway show, what recoupment looks like for a Broadway show, what he thinks of celebrities taking on the stage, the critical role that communal entertainment plays in ticket sales, his dream celebrity cast, what he thinks of the influencer space and the world of media & reality TV!

    Steven reveals all that and so much more in another episode you can’t afford to miss! 

    Host: Jason Tartick
    Co-Host: David Arduin
    Audio: John Gurney
    Guest: Steven Tartick

    Stay connected with the Trading Secrets Podcast! 
    Instagram: @tradingsecretspodcast 
    Youtube: Trading Secrets
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    All Access: Free 30-Day Trial 

    Trading Secrets Steals & Deals!

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    Bilt Rewards:
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    Trading Secrets
    enSeptember 09, 2024

    198. Joey Graziadei: Fighting for the mirrorball on season 33 of DWTS! Predictions, approach to the competition, and what comes next revealed!

    198. Joey Graziadei: Fighting for the mirrorball on season 33 of DWTS! Predictions, approach to the competition, and what comes next revealed!
    This week, Jason is joined once again by Joey Graziadei!

    Earlier this year, Joey and his fiancé Kelsey were on Trading Secrets to talk about all the details from their time on The Bachelor, life after the show, and what some of their personal, professional, and financial goals were as they started their new life together. As of yesterday, it was announced that Joey would be participating in season 33 of Dancing with the Stars. 

    Joey breaks down the environment of Dancing with the Stars so far, when he knew he was going to be a contestant on the show, supporting Jenn after her season finale and joining DWTS, how his coaching background can be an advantage, why he is doing the show, being in LA with Kelsey and weighing the options for the move after DWTS, and how Joey is doing his best to ensure that Kelsey is involved in his journey through the competition. Joey also reveals what form of dancing he is looking forward to, his perspective on the judges, and what is next! 

    Joey reveals all that and so much more in another episode you can’t afford to miss! 

    Host: Jason Tartick
    Co-Host: David Arduin
    Audio: John Gurney
    Guest: Joey Graziadei

    Stay connected with the Trading Secrets Podcast! 
    Instagram: @tradingsecretspodcast 
    Youtube: Trading Secrets
    Facebook: Join the Group
    All Access: Free 30-Day Trial 

    Trading Secrets Steals & Deals!

    Trading Secrets
    enSeptember 05, 2024

    197. Ryan Serhant: From Million Dollar Listing to his own show “Owning Manhattan,” the BTS to his SERHANT empire, current state of luxury real estate and how his leadership has lead to major $$$

    197. Ryan Serhant: From Million Dollar Listing to his own show “Owning Manhattan,” the BTS to his SERHANT empire, current state of luxury real estate and how his leadership has lead to major $$$
    This week, Jason is joined by entrepreneur, real estate mogul, investor, best-selling author, and reality TV star, Ryan Serhant!

    Ryan is the star of Netflix’s new reality show Owning Manhattan, along with being the former star of Bravo’s Million Dollar Listing New York, which follows behind the scenes of the lives of luxury real estate agents. Ryan has established himself as one of the most successful and well-known real estate brokers in the world. He is the founder and CEO of Serhant, a multi-dimensional real estate brokerage that sits at the intersection of media, entertainment, education, and technology. Under Ryan’s leadership, Serhant has since expanded to seven states, grown its agents and employee roster to over 500 people across 19 states, and amassed over 6 million followers across all social media platforms.

    Ryan breaks down the biggest move of everything he has done since the last time he was the podcast, how he was able to pitch Owning Manhattan to networks, how his show differentiates from other reality shows he has been on, why they decided to go with Netflix, the benefit of renting vs owning, what compensation looks like, how being able to sell cars can translate to selling properties, how PR plays a critical role, and the two things that an entrepreneur needs to work on daily. Plus, Ryan reveals how he operates as a leader, the current state of the luxury real estate industry, the shift in his mindset, and his best advice for owning property. 

    Ryan reveals all that and so much more in another episode you can’t afford to miss! 

    Host: Jason Tartick
    Co-Host: David Arduin
    Audio: John Gurney
    Guest: Ryan Serhant

    Stay connected with the Trading Secrets Podcast! 
    Instagram: @tradingsecretspodcast 
    Youtube: Trading Secrets
    Facebook: Join the Group
    All Access: Free 30-Day Trial 

    Trading Secrets Steals & Deals!
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    Trading Secrets
    enSeptember 02, 2024

    195. Abigail Heringer & Noah Erb tell all! From careers before becoming one of Bachelor Nation’s favorite couples and reality TV to DIY and wedding planning, all the $$$ behind it!

    195. Abigail Heringer & Noah Erb tell all! From careers before becoming one of Bachelor Nation’s favorite couples and reality TV to DIY and wedding planning, all the $$$ behind it!
    This week, Jason is joined by one of Bachelor Nation’s favorite couples, Abigail Heringer and Noah Erb!

    Abigail made her reality TV debut on Matt James’ season of the Bachelor, while also being the first contestant with a cochlear implant ever on the show. Noah made his debut on Clare Crawley and Tayshia Adams season of the Bachelorette. The two ended up meeting each other on the beaches of Mexico in season seven of Bachelor in Paradise and the rest is history. Noah and Abigail dive into their careers prior to joining Bachelor Nation, how they handled finances while filming the show, how COVID impacted their experiences, how paradise is more like dating in the real world, why they think the format of Paradise needs to change it up,  working on renovation projects, and wedding planning. 

    Noah breaks down his work as a travel nurse, why he wanted to get out of staff nursing, the differences between the two types of nursing, who nominated him for the show, how he felt about Aaron on the show, and saving money by doing home renovation projects on his own. Abigail reveals her financial journey while working in a budgeting and financial analyst role, budgeting event planning for two weeks, how she applied for The Bachelor, how being furloughed during COVID allowed her to go on the show, how influencing differentiates from the corporate world, the hardships of being in the spotlight, and her new book “The Deaf Girl: A Memoir of Hearing Loss, Hope, and Fighting Against the Odds.”

    Noah and Abigail reveal all that and so much more in another episode you can’t afford to miss! 

    Host: Jason Tartick
    Co-Host: David Arduin
    Audio: John Gurney
    Guest: Noah Erb + Abigail Heringer

    Stay connected with the Trading Secrets Podcast! 
    Instagram: @tradingsecretspodcast 
    Youtube: Trading Secrets
    Facebook: Join the Group
    All Access: Free 30-Day Trial 

    Trading Secrets Steals & Deals!

    Trading Secrets
    enAugust 26, 2024

    Episode Title: 194. More Than Money: Jason & David put the listeners in the hot seat!

    Episode Title: 194. More Than Money: Jason & David put the listeners in the hot seat!
    This week, Jason is joined by the curious Canadian, David Arduin to take questions from the listeners from All Access! 

    In this addition of More Than Money, Jason and David get the chance to ask Trading Secret listeners about their careers and vice versa! From a therapist to sports media, everything you need to know about the schooling behind a career, how to best approach the conversation around food with kids, not tying your image to your work, expenses and tips behind parenthood, job applications, and so much more. Plus a special surprise from Kat and MK! 

    It’s an episode you can’t afford to miss! 

    Host: Jason Tartick
    Co-Host: David Arduin
    Audio: John Gurney

    Stay connected with the Trading Secrets Podcast! 
    Instagram: @tradingsecretspodcast 
    Youtube: Trading Secrets
    Facebook: Join the Group
    All Access: Free 30-Day Trial 

    Trading Secrets
    enAugust 22, 2024

    193. Dolores Catania: RHONJ fan favorite breaks down her $ecrets to honoring her values, staying Switzerland in the drama, and BTS of reality TV

    193. Dolores Catania: RHONJ fan favorite breaks down her $ecrets to honoring her values, staying Switzerland in the drama, and BTS of reality TV
    This week, Jason is joined by entrepreneur and reality TV personality best known for her role on Bravo’s The Real Housewives of New Jersey, the one and only Dolores Catania!

    Dolores joined the cast back in 2016 and was voted as fan favorite Miss Congeniality across the entire Real Housewives franchise. In 2018, her passion for charitable work and helping those less fortunate has made her one of the more relatable and likable cast members of the show. In addition to her role on the show, she likes to express her entrepreneurial spirit by opening her own fitness center and flipping homes with her ex-husband. 

    Dolores dives into why she doesn’t watch the show, what she was doing for work before the show, how she learned she was dyslexic, how she was able to maintain her character and friendships on the show, how much of the show gets cut out, how Traitors compares to the housewives, her advice about money when going through a divorce, and the impact of brand deals. Dolores also reveals how she grew up, how she feels about prenups, what she spends the most money on, and having no regrets.

    Dolores reveals all that and so much more in another episode you can’t afford to miss! 

    Host: Jason Tartick
    Co-Host: David Arduin
    Audio: John Gurney
    Guest: Dolores Catania

    Stay connected with the Trading Secrets Podcast! 
    Instagram: @tradingsecretspodcast 
    Youtube: Trading Secrets
    Facebook: Join the Group
    All Access: Free 30-Day Trial 

    Trading Secrets Steals & Deals!
    Monarch Money:
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    Bilt Rewards:
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    Trading Secrets
    enAugust 19, 2024

    192. More Than Money: Fashion expert Randy Willard! Suits, styles, do’s, don’ts and more!

    192. More Than Money: Fashion expert Randy Willard! Suits, styles, do’s, don’ts and more!
    This week, Jason is joined by entrepreneur and men’s fashion expert, Randy Willard!

    Randy has been on the forefront of custom men’s fashion since 2010 and primarily works with high level executives and leading business men in several different industries including: Forbes, 500 lists, athletes in sport, entertainment, finance, and technology leaders. Randy breaks down all aspects of the suit, what kind of suits he recommends for a wedding, the importance of not letting down the bride with how you wear your suit, the impact of wearing a suit jacket, what goes into styling, and so much more! 

    It’s an episode you can’t afford to miss! 

    Host: Jason Tartick
    Co-Host: David Arduin
    Audio: John Gurney
    Guest: Randy Willard

    Stay connected with the Trading Secrets Podcast! 
    Instagram: @tradingsecretspodcast 
    Youtube: Trading Secrets
    Facebook: Join the Group
    All Access: Free 30-Day Trial 

    Trading Secrets
    enAugust 15, 2024

    191. Doug Ellin: 20th anniversary of Entourage, breaking into the TV & movie industry, the collaboration process, and all the $$$ behind it!

    191. Doug Ellin: 20th anniversary of Entourage, breaking into the TV & movie industry, the collaboration process, and all the $$$ behind it!
    This week, Jason is joined by Emmy nominated director, producer, screenwriter, and podcast host, Doug Ellin!

    Doug is most well known for creating the hit HBO series Entourage in which he held roles as executive producer and director. Between 2004 and 2011, the show amassed 96 episodes while collecting 26 Emmy nominations and six Emmy winners, and  eventually adapting his own movie screenplay based around the characters and plot of the show. Since the show’s end in 2011, Doug has continued to feed off the high level of interest and success of the show by creating a podcast called “Victory the Podcast” and his new TV show “Ramble On.”

    Doug gives insight to how he went to school law before switching gears to do standup comedy, impact of his parents support, how making one short film launched his career, the shocking amount of projects that lose money, how the short film lead to his first rewriting and directing job with Phat Beach, how Entourage revived his career after a major film flop, and how the money breaks down after landing the show. Doug also reveals how he almost went back to become a lawyer, the stresses of landing a show at Max and hoping it sticks, the money behind the show, why he didn’t want to do the Entourage movie, and how his new show “Ramble On” is different from Entourage. Who funded his first short film? When was the first time he felt like Entourage was a success? 

    Doug reveals all that and so much more in another episode you can’t afford to miss! 

    Host: Jason Tartick
    Co-Host: David Arduin
    Audio: John Gurney
    Guest: Doug Ellin

    Stay connected with the Trading Secrets Podcast! 
    Instagram: @tradingsecretspodcast 
    Youtube: Trading Secrets
    Facebook: Join the Group
    All Access: Free 30-Day Trial 

    Trading Secrets Steals & Deals!
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    ZBiotics Pre-Alcohol:
    Vacations, weddings, birthdays, and reunions, there’s so much going on! Get the most out of your summer plans by stocking up on Pre-Alcohol now. Go to zbiotics.com/TRADINGSECRETS to get 15% off your first order when you use TRADINGSECRETS at checkout. Pre-Alcohol is backed with 100% money back guarantee so if you’re unsatisfied for any reason, they’ll refund your money, no questions asked. Thank you ZBiotics for sponsoring this episode and our good times.

    Trading Secrets
    enAugust 12, 2024

    190. More Than Money: Decoding online safety from personal data to shopping with former TikTok cybersecurity lead, Caitlin Sarian aka Cybersecurity Girl

    190. More Than Money: Decoding online safety from personal data to shopping with former TikTok cybersecurity lead, Caitlin Sarian aka Cybersecurity Girl
    This week, Jason is joined by former TikTok cybersecurity lead and tech influencer Caitlin Sarian aka Cybersecurity Girl!

    Caitlin dives into ways to protect your data online, her journey working at TikTok and how it started with them asking her to speak, debunking conspiracy theories, what she believes the biggest cybersecurity threat in social media is, and the essentials to strong passwords PLUS,  how to check if your accounts have been breached, how to get your personal information removed from the internet, what the pay range is, how to shop safely online, her insider perspective on cracking the algorithm and so much more! 

    It’s an episode you can’t afford to miss! 

    Host: Jason Tartick
    Co-Host: David Arduin
    Audio: John Gurney
    Guest: Cybersecurity Girl 

    Stay connected with the Trading Secrets Podcast! 
    Instagram: @tradingsecretspodcast 
    Youtube: Trading Secrets
    Facebook: Join the Group
    All Access: Free 30-Day Trial 

    Trading Secrets
    enAugust 08, 2024

    189. In the spotlight since 8 years old! RHONJ’s Gia Giudice breaks down growing up on reality TV, capitalizing on social media, pursuing law, and using what she knows to make major career moves

    189. In the spotlight since 8 years old! RHONJ’s Gia Giudice breaks down growing up on reality TV, capitalizing on social media, pursuing law, and using what she knows to make major career moves
    This week, Jason is joined by reality TV personality and oldest daughter of Teresa and Joe Giudice from Bravo’s Real Housewives of New Jersey, Gia Giudice!

    Gia has spent the majority of her life growing up in front of the camera, having debuted on the hit reality show when she was just eight years old. Having gone through some major life experiences in front of millions, she’s been able to keep a steady mind for her family and her personal & professional growth. 

    Gia dives into her desire to be in front of the camera since she was a small child, the importance of school in her family, what sparked her interest in pursuing a degree to become a lawyer, what she has learned from growing up during her parents situation, what she would do differently from her parents, and what she believes the older generations thinks about Gen Z. Gia also reveals what her next step is, how she was able to capitalize on an old song going viral on TikTok, how to make money on TikTok and Instagram,  the competitiveness of content creation, how social media has become a huge part of high school, and what her goals are for her future! What is one of her biggest financial accomplishments? What source of income pays the most? Which reality shows have approached her? 

    Gia reveals all that and so much more in another episode you can’t afford to miss! 

    Host: Jason Tartick
    Co-Host: David Arduin
    Audio: John Gurney
    Guest: Gia Giudice

    Stay connected with the Trading Secrets Podcast! 
    Instagram: @tradingsecretspodcast 
    Youtube: Trading Secrets
    Facebook: Join the Group
    All Access: Free 30-Day Trial 

    Trading Secrets Steals & Deals!
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    ZBiotics Pre-Alcohol:
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    Trading Secrets
    enAugust 05, 2024

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