
    Back In The Basement, Borrowing Clothes & Burning Man

    enSeptember 08, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • The importance of personal space during transitionsValue privacy and cherish personal belongings during times of change to promote self-care and create a comfortable living environment.

      Even in the midst of change and transition, it's important to remember to value privacy and personal space. Vogue Williams and Joanne McNally shared stories about their experiences with moving and the comfort they find in their own personal spaces. Vogue discussed her attachment to her basement and the privacy it provides, while Joanne revealed her plans to move into a new apartment. Despite the excitement of new beginnings, both women acknowledged the importance of holding onto the familiar and taking time to move on at their own pace. Additionally, they highlighted the importance of cherishing personal belongings and the memories they hold. Overall, the conversation emphasized the value of self-care and the importance of creating a comfortable and personal living environment.

    • A playful yet competitive relationship between sistersSisters Amber and the speaker share a close bond filled with teasing, playful banter, and mutual respect, with Amber sometimes acting protective and older sister behaving like a bully, but the speaker finds it amusing rather than hurtful.

      The speaker and her older sister Amber have a playful yet competitive relationship, with Amber often teasing her younger sister about her appearance and belongings. The speaker shared a story from their trip to the Maldives, where Amber had packed two bottles of Sunkist and two pairs of runners in the speaker's bag to prevent them from getting damaged and staining her clothes. Amber was also protective of her belongings and would get defensive when they went missing. The speaker noted that Amber, who is older and enjoys smoking and drinking, sometimes acts like a bully towards her younger sister, but the speaker finds her behavior amusing rather than hurtful. The conversation also touched on the topic of aging and appearance, with the speaker jokingly expressing her concern about Amber's skin and her own use of Botox. Overall, the conversation revealed the close bond between the two sisters, filled with teasing, playful banter, and mutual respect.

    • The speaker's protective nature over her belongingsThe speaker values her possessions and gets annoyed when they're taken without her consent, including her skin care and cosmetics.

      The speaker is very protective and territorial over her skin care and cosmetics, getting annoyed when others use or take them without permission. She believes men don't use these products properly and doesn't think they deserve them. The speaker also mentioned her friends taking her belongings, such as clothing and alcohol, without asking. Despite this, she found humor in the situation and even joked about getting a "live, laugh, love" sign for her friend's new apartment. Overall, the speaker values her possessions and expresses frustration when they are taken without her consent.

    • Valuing Sustainability and Cost-Effectiveness in Children's Birthday GiftsInstead of attending expensive and wasteful children's parties, the speaker prefers to give thoughtful, sustainable gifts and create memorable experiences. She values being environmentally conscious and cost-effective, and dislikes excessive plastic waste from party favors.

      The speaker values being environmentally conscious and cost-effective when it comes to children's birthday parties. She shares her experience of not being invited to a friend's child's party and instead opting to give a meaningful and sustainable gift. She also mentions her dislike for excessive plastic waste from party favors and her preference for giving larger presents. Despite not being invited to the party, she takes pride in giving thoughtful gifts and creating memorable experiences for children. The speaker also expresses her natural frugality and discomfort with spending excessive amounts of money on children's parties, preferring to focus on meaningful and sustainable gifts instead. Additionally, the speaker shares an anecdote about her friend's party going poorly and her friend's lack of involvement in the planning and execution of the event.

    • Understanding and accommodating individual differences in childrenAccept and support children's unique personalities, even if they deviate from societal norms, to promote their growth and development.

      Gigi, a 3-year-old girl, exhibited unusual behavior during a party, refusing to engage with other children and parents, preferring to stay quiet and ignore them. Her caregiver, who is often described as an artist and aloof, supported Gigi's choices, leading to amusement and intrigue for those around them. Despite concerns from others, the caregiver allowed Gigi to walk up the stairs in heels and behave unconventionally, acknowledging her unique personality. This incident highlighted the importance of understanding and accommodating individual differences in children, even if they deviate from societal norms. Gigi's behavior was a reflection of her unique character, and her caregiver's acceptance of her quirks contributed to her growth and development.

    • Importance of Clear CommunicationClear communication is crucial to avoid embarrassing situations and maintain professional relationships.

      Even kind and friendly people can unintentionally let you down, and it's important to communicate openly to avoid embarrassing situations. The speaker had a wonderful evening with new acquaintances but was mortified to find out later that no one had told her she had cake in her teeth the entire time. This experience made her reflect on the importance of clear communication and the potential consequences of not addressing small issues promptly. Additionally, she admired the professionalism and kindness of well-known figures in the industry, emphasizing the value of soundness and professionalism in the entertainment world.

    • Experiences of unpredictable and cruel behaviorPeople can be unpredictable and hurtful, but treating others with kindness and respect is important.

      People can be unpredictable and sometimes cruel, especially when they feel threatened or insecure. In the discussion, the speaker recounts an experience with someone who ignored him until he started doing well, then turned hostile. The speaker also mentions an encounter with a man who made a crude exit promise after a sexual encounter. These experiences highlight the importance of treating others with kindness and respect, regardless of their behavior towards us. Additionally, the speaker touches on the theme of time and its fleeting nature. In one instance, he jokes about being visited again in 10 minutes or 10 weeks, highlighting the cyclical nature of some relationships. In another, he expresses a desire to be factual and get all the facts, acknowledging the importance of accuracy and truth. Overall, the discussion touches on themes of human behavior, time, and the importance of treating others well. It's a reminder that people can be unpredictable and sometimes hurtful, but that we have the power to respond with kindness and respect.

    • Exploring the Fascination with the Male Lower BodyThe speaker shares their fascination with the male lower body, challenging societal norms, and expressing personal preferences for celebrities like Kanye West and Timothée Chalamet, despite age and physical type differences. They also discuss feelings of exposure and the sensation it brings.

      The speaker expresses a fascination with the human body, particularly the male lower body, and a disregard for societal norms and conventions regarding public displays of it. They also share their personal preferences and experiences related to this topic. The speaker's fascination extends to celebrities, such as Kanye West and Timothée Chalamet, and they express their attraction to them despite not being within their typical age range or physical type. The speaker also discusses their own experiences with being exposed and feeling exposed, and the sensation of it. Overall, the conversation touches on body positivity, societal norms, and personal preferences.

    • Surprising Encounters with Famous PeopleDon't judge people based on first impressions or hearsay. Everyone deserves a chance to show their true nature. Even in awkward situations, it's important to communicate to avoid misunderstandings and build stronger relationships.

      People's true nature often surprises us, and it's essential to give them a chance to show who they truly are. Anecdotes were shared about encounters with famous people, such as Leonardo DiCaprio, who were thought to be unsound but turned out to be kind and friendly. The importance of not making assumptions based on first impressions or hearsay was emphasized. Additionally, the difficulty of knowing the right thing to do in awkward situations was discussed, with examples given of missed opportunities to connect due to shyness or discomfort. It was suggested that even if saying something might be uncomfortable, it's important to do so to avoid misunderstandings and build stronger relationships. The conversation ended with a reminder that everyone grieves in their way and that it's essential to be understanding and supportive during difficult times.

    • The importance of human connection in navigating life's experiencesEmbrace life's experiences, value human connection, and promote individuality and collaboration through acts of self-expression and community efforts.

      Despite the inevitability of death and the discomfort of expressing condolences, the importance of human connection and community is emphasized, whether it be through acts of gift-giving and radical self-expression at events like Burning Man or simply offering sympathy to those in mourning. The principles of Burning Man, such as radical inclusion and communal effort, promote a society that values individuality and collaboration, creating an environment for personal growth and connection. However, the challenges of attending events like Burning Man, such as unpredictable weather conditions, highlight the importance of self-sufficiency and preparation. Overall, the discussion underscores the significance of embracing life's experiences, both the joyous and the difficult, and the importance of human connection in navigating them.

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    For merch, tour dates and more visit: www.mytherapistghostedme.com

    For more information about Joanne's gigs, just visit www.joannemcnally.com

    This episode contains explicit language and adult themes that may not be suitable for all listeners.

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    For merch, tour dates and more visit: www.mytherapistghostedme.com/

    For more information about Joanne's gigs, visit: www.joannemcnally.com

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    For merch, tour dates and more visit: www.mytherapistghostedme.com

    For more information about Joanne's gigs, just visit www.joannemcnally.com

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    If you’d like to get in touch, you can send an email to hello@MTGMpod.com

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    For merch, tour dates and more visit: www.mytherapistghostedme.com/

    For more information about Joanne's gigs, visit: www.joannemcnally.com

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    If you’d like to get in touch, you can send an email to hello@MTGMpod.com

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    For merch, tour dates and more visit: www.mytherapistghostedme.com

    For more information about Joanne's gigs, just visit www.joannemcnally.com

    This episode contains explicit language and adult themes that may not be suitable for all listeners.

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    If you’d like to get in touch, you can send an email to hello@MTGMpod.com

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    For merch, tour dates and more visit: www.mytherapistghostedme.com/

    For more information about Joanne's gigs, visit: www.joannemcnally.com

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    If you’d like to get in touch, you can send an email to hello@MTGMpod.com

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    For merch, tour dates and more visit: www.mytherapistghostedme.com

    For more information about Joanne's gigs, just visit www.joannemcnally.com

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    For merch, tour dates and more visit: www.mytherapistghostedme.com/

    For more information about Joanne's gigs, visit: www.joannemcnally.com

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    If you’d like to get in touch, you can send an email to hello@MTGMpod.com

    Please review Global's Privacy Policy: https://global.com/legal/privacy-policy/

    For merch, tour dates and more visit: www.mytherapistghostedme.com

    For more information about Joanne's gigs, just visit www.joannemcnally.com

    This episode contains explicit language and adult themes that may not be suitable for all listeners.

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    If you’d like to get in touch, you can send an email to hello@MTGMpod.com

    Please review Global's Privacy Policy: global.com/legal/privacy-policy/

    For merch, tour dates and more visit: www.mytherapistghostedme.com/

    For more information about Joanne's gigs, visit: www.joannemcnally.com

    This episode contains explicit language and adult themes that may not be suitable for all listeners.

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