
    Ben Horowitz on How the Best Leaders Build Culture

    enAugust 19, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Actions shape culture, not just valuesCulture is defined by the everyday actions of employees, not just displayed values, and these actions set the tone for the organization.

      Culture is not just about values on the wall, but rather the actions that define how things are done within an organization. Andy Grove, a management guru, emphasized this idea and believed that culture is shaped by the little things, such as returning phone calls promptly or showing up on time for meetings. These actions, while seemingly insignificant, ultimately drive the overall feel of a company and how it conducts business. Grove, who valued precision at Intel, demonstrated this through his attention to detail, such as checking for clean desks in the morning. These actions set the tone for the entire organization and reinforced the importance of precision. Ultimately, culture is about the actions that define an organization, not just the values displayed on the wall.

    • Leadership through personal connectionEffective leaders understand and connect with individuals on a personal level, remembering details and representing the entire team.

      Effective leadership involves understanding and connecting with people on a personal level. Andy Grove, a renowned CEO, taught this lesson through his focus on improving Intel's lowest-ranked manufacturing facility. He used a creative approach, challenging the team to clean up their "bullshit" and get up to spec. Bill Campbell, another influential figure, stood out for his exceptional people skills. He had an uncanny ability to connect with individuals and remember details about them, making everyone feel seen and valued. As a leader, Campbell emphasized the importance of representing the entire team when communicating, ensuring that everyone's voices were heard and considered. Both Grove and Campbell demonstrated that strong leadership involves a deep understanding of people and their unique strengths and challenges.

    • Effective communication during change or crisisTransparency and simultaneous communication with employees and public can maintain trust and morale during transitions, leading to successful outcomes.

      Effective communication is crucial for a CEO during times of change or crisis. Bill Campbell, a renowned executive coach, advised Marc Benioff during a pivotal moment in Benioff's career when they were transitioning from a services company to a software company. Benioff was hesitant to break the news to his employees, but Campbell emphasized the importance of transparency and communicating the changes simultaneously with the public announcement. This approach helped Benioff maintain the trust and morale of his team, ultimately leading to the successful sale of the company. The same principle applies to CEOs in general. Instead of focusing on what they cannot do, coaches and mentors should help them build confidence by highlighting their strengths and competencies. This approach not only boosts their confidence but also enables them to lead their teams through challenges effectively.

    • Okta's early commitment to trust and reliabilityOkta's focus on honesty and security over features helped establish their reputation and set them apart from competitors. Recognizing the value of discovering and recruiting top talent from diverse backgrounds also contributed to their success.

      Okta's early culture of prioritizing trust and reliability over features, even if it meant missing out on short-term gains, played a crucial role in their long-term success. When faced with a difficult decision about an inaccurate sales promise, Okta's CEO Todd McKinnon chose to uphold the company's commitment to honesty, even if it meant losing a deal. This decision helped establish Okta's reputation for reliability and security, which ultimately set them apart from competitors like OneLogin who prioritized features over security. Another important lesson from the discussion is the importance of shifting the focus from diversity to talent discovery. Instead of viewing diversity as a box to check, it's essential to recognize the value of discovering and recruiting top talent from a wide range of backgrounds. This approach not only benefits the team by bringing in diverse perspectives and experiences but also helps the company stay competitive in the ever-evolving tech industry. The combination of a strong cultural commitment to trust and reliability, along with a focus on talent discovery, has contributed significantly to Okta's success. These lessons serve as valuable reminders for CEOs looking to build strong, innovative companies.

    • Misunderstanding diversity in organizationsFocus on attrition, job satisfaction, and promotion rates for true diversity and inclusion, not just numbers. Recognize and value talent from all backgrounds and cultures.

      The issue of diversity in organizations is often misunderstood and misdiagnosed as being solely about racism and sexism. Instead, the root cause is profiling and hiring based on what we're familiar with and can test for in interviews. This can lead to homogeneous workplaces and limiting the reach of talent. A classic example of this is the evolution of music labels and their marketing strategies. Steve Stoute, a former president of Sony Urban Music, shared his experience of being restricted from marketing to rural areas due to the label's categorization of music as "urban," which excluded a significant portion of the market. This approach not only limits the potential talent pool but also creates a disconnect between the diversity department and the rest of the organization. To truly foster diversity and inclusion, it's essential to focus on attrition, job satisfaction, and promotion rates, rather than just numbers, and to develop the ability to recognize and value talent from all backgrounds and cultures.

    • Understanding and building successful teamsEvaluate talent fairly, network, make transparent decisions, and offer raises based on performance for successful teams.

      Building a successful team involves understanding and evaluating talent, networking with new people, and making fair decisions. The speaker emphasizes the importance of not shortcutting the hiring process or making biased decisions based on factors like gender, race, or orientation. Instead, teams should evaluate everyone based on performance and offer raises transparently and fairly. The speaker also shares an anecdote about making tough decisions regarding employee retention and offers, and emphasizes the importance of fairness and consistency in management philosophy. Ultimately, creating a fair and transparent culture is crucial for job satisfaction, diversity, and long-term success.

    • Creating a culture of ownership and investmentCEOs should prioritize fostering a culture where employees feel their contributions matter and that the company is theirs, maintaining this sense of ownership as the company grows for long-term success.

      Creating a resilient company culture where employees feel a strong sense of ownership and investment in the business is crucial for long-term success. Ben Horowitz, in his conversation, shared his experience of how the feeling of working for a company being one's own significantly impacts the company's ability to innovate and be courageous. He emphasized that preserving this feeling as the company grows and scales is essential. Horowitz also highlighted the contrasting effects of working for a company where employees don't feel ownership versus one where they do, using his experience at HP as an example. Therefore, CEOs should prioritize fostering a culture where everyone feels their contributions matter and that the company is theirs. This sense of ownership can be maintained even as the company grows, making it a valuable asset for the organization.

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