
    Best Of: Face-Sitting, Fetishes, & Foreplay Foibles with Joanna Angel

    enAugust 07, 2018

    Podcast Summary

    • Explore and enhance your summer sex life with these tools and toysExperiment with Promescent's delay spray and warming gel, the iconic Magic Wand vibrator, and the discreet Jive from We-Vibe for a satisfying and exciting summer sex life. Use code EMILY for a discount on Promescent products and visit sexwithemily.com for the Magic Wand and Jive.

      Summer is the season of passion and exploration when it comes to sex. To enhance the experience, consider using products like Promescent's delay spray and warming arousal gel. For women, the Magic Wand vibrator is a cult classic and icon of pleasure. Additionally, the Jive from We-Vibe offers discreet and customizable vibration patterns. Overall, these tools and toys can help individuals and couples keep their sex lives exciting and satisfying. Promescent's delay spray is a game-changer for men looking to last longer during intercourse, while their warming arousal gel adds an extra layer of pleasure for women. The Magic Wand, a cultural icon, offers powerful vibrations for solo or partnered play. Lastly, the Jive from We-Vibe is a discreet and customizable vibrator that can be worn alone or controlled by a partner, adding a new level of excitement to sexual experiences. Summer is the perfect time to experiment and try new things in the bedroom. With these tools and toys, individuals and couples can take their sex lives to the next level and make this summer the sexiest one yet. Don't miss out on the opportunity to enhance your sexual experiences. Check out promessence.com/emily for a discount on Promescent products and sexwithemily.com/magicwand for the Magic Wand and sexwithemily.com/wevibe for the Jive.

    • Back to Sexual Confidence Month: Building Confidence for Better SexBuild confidence, relax, and be open for successful anal sex experiences. Use lube and prepare the body with masturbation.

      September is declared as the "Back to Sexual Confidence Month" on the show, focusing on tips for improved sexual experiences, which starts with building confidence. Previously, August was "Anal Sex Month," where the importance of relaxation and lube were emphasized for enjoyable anal sex experiences. The speaker, who enjoys anal sex, shared her positive experiences and orgasms associated with it, emphasizing the unique sensation and the importance of being relaxed for successful anal sex. She also mentioned that everyone's bodies are different and some may need to ease into it. The speaker, who has directed numerous porn films, previously gave insensitive advice but later realized the importance of being relaxed and open for anal sex. She advises using lube and being relaxed, and even masturbating beforehand to help prepare the body. Additionally, she mentioned that some people may not be able to handle large penises in their vagina but can in their anus. Overall, the key takeaway is the importance of confidence, relaxation, and being open to new experiences for better sexual experiences.

    • Normalizing Anal Sex in Adult EntertainmentCultivating sexual confidence through self-exploration and open conversations can help individuals navigate societal expectations and normalize alternative sexual practices in adult entertainment.

      Sexual confidence plays a significant role in one's life, especially in the adult entertainment industry. The speaker shares her personal experience of wanting to explore anal sex but facing resistance from directors due to societal norms. She also discusses how the open conversation about anal sex started in the industry, leading to its normalization. Now, with the trend shifting towards squirting, the speaker reflects on the importance of confidence and self-exploration in sexual experiences. She suggests that cultivating confidence, through activities like masturbation, can help individuals navigate sexual encounters and societal expectations. The speaker's conversation highlights the importance of normalizing open conversations about sex and embracing individual desires and experiences.

    • Exploring Your Body for Sexual Confidence and SatisfactionBoth men and women can benefit from self-exploration and masturbation for sexual confidence, reducing stress, and increasing libido. Remember, every body is unique and communication and attentiveness are key to a fulfilling sexual experience.

      Self-exploration and understanding of one's own body is crucial for sexual confidence and satisfaction, not just for women but for men as well. While women might feel the need to learn and experiment more, men often rely on a playbook and external validation. Both genders can benefit from masturbation as a means of reducing stress, anxiety, and increasing libido. It's essential to remember that every body is unique, and communication and attentiveness are key to a fulfilling sexual experience. Masturbation, as a form of self-love and exploration, can help individuals feel more confident and in control of their sexuality. It's important to make time for self-exploration and not rely solely on external validation or partners to experience pleasure.

    • Exploring sexuality leads to happinessExplore your sexuality through masturbation, reading, and resources. Acknowledge and address issues, communicate and seek consent, and learn and grow to prioritize happiness.

      Self-exploration and self-love are crucial for sexual satisfaction and overall happiness. The speaker shared her personal experience of discovering her own sexuality and confidence through masturbation, reading, and seeking out informative resources. She emphasized the importance of acknowledging and addressing sexual issues, as well as learning to be happy and confident in one's own skin. The speaker also touched on the importance of communication and consent in sexual relationships, and the need to learn and grow over time. Ultimately, she encouraged others to explore their own sexuality and prioritize their own happiness.

    • Personal growth and self-love before relationshipsSociety's pressure to be in relationships can lead to overlooking personal needs, but breaks provide opportunities for self-reflection. Identify happiness and desires in a partner, avoid unhealthy dynamics, and prioritize education and open communication for fulfilling relationships.

      Understanding and prioritizing personal growth and self-love are crucial before entering into a relationship. Society's pressure to be in relationships can lead us to overlook our own needs and desires. Breakups can be devastating, but they provide opportunities for self-reflection. It's essential to identify what truly makes us happy and what we want in a partner. Women, in particular, often feel the need to prove themselves in relationships, which can lead to unhealthy dynamics. Education plays a vital role in breaking down sexual stigmas and promoting open discussions about female pleasure. France's decision to use 3D models of the clitoris in sex education classes is a significant step towards normalizing discussions about female sexuality and promoting sexual equality. By focusing on personal growth and open communication, we can build healthier and more fulfilling relationships.

    • Exploring the Complexity of Female Sexual Pleasure and the ClitorisUnderstanding the clitoris's complexity can lead to various types of rewarding orgasms, but sex education often overlooks this aspect. Honesty and open communication are crucial in sexual relationships.

      The clitoris, a crucial part of female sexual pleasure, is more complex than commonly thought. It's not just a small button but an intricate organ with thousands of nerve endings, including those in the legs and the bulbs of the vestibule. This complexity can make achieving various types of orgasms, like G-spot or anal, more challenging but also more rewarding. Sex education often focuses on preventing pregnancies rather than exploring sexual pleasure, but it's essential to understand the clitoris's role and how to enjoy it. Hero Bread, a product mentioned during the discussion, offers a solution for those who love bread but want to maintain a healthy diet. It's a low-carb bread alternative that tastes great and fits well into health-conscious lifestyles. Paul, a listener, shared his experience of having a foot fetish and asked if introducing it in the bedroom after a vanilla answer on a first date would be considered deceitful. Emily, the host, didn't provide a definitive answer but emphasized the importance of open communication and honesty in sexual relationships.

    • Timing and approach matter when sharing sexual preferencesWait until there's a sense of comfort and connection before discussing significant sexual preferences, but be open and honest when the topic arises naturally.

      When it comes to sharing your sexual preferences or fetishes with a new partner, timing and approach are key. The discussion suggests that it might not be appropriate to bring up a foot fetish, or any other significant sexual preference, during the early stages of a date. Instead, it's recommended to wait until there is a sense of comfort and connection between both parties. However, if the topic of sex naturally arises during conversation, it could be an opportunity to express your interests in a subtle and respectful manner. Remember, everyone has unique sexual preferences, and it's essential to find a partner who accepts and respects yours. The conversation also emphasizes the importance of open communication and honesty in any relationship.

    • Communication, exploration, and respect are key to successful threesomesFocus on genuine connections and mutual consent for enjoyable threesomes. Meet people organically or online, set clear boundaries, and communicate effectively.

      Having a successful threesome requires open communication, exploration, and respect for boundaries within a relationship. The best threesomes often happen organically and involve a genuine connection with the third person. Elizabeth, who is looking to have a threesome with her boyfriend and another woman, should focus on meeting someone they have a real connection with and setting clear boundaries beforehand. Meeting people at events or online can be effective ways to explore this interest, but it's important to remember that the most enjoyable experiences come from genuine connections and mutual consent.

    • Communication, Flexibility, and Focus are Key in ThreesomesEffective communication, flexibility, and a focus on the experience are crucial for successful threesomes. Establish boundaries and be honest about desires beforehand to avoid misunderstandings.

      Threesomes require open communication, flexibility, and a focus on the experience rather than personal desires or jealousy. The best positions and dynamics can vary greatly depending on the individuals involved and their comfort levels. It's essential to establish boundaries and be honest about desires and limitations beforehand. Additionally, being in a porn industry or having prior experience with threesomes does not necessarily make the situation easier, as assumptions and misunderstandings can still arise. Ultimately, a successful threesome requires a willingness to adapt and be present in the moment.

    • Communicating new sexual activities with sensitivity and confidenceApproach new activities with sensitivity, confidence, initiate when partner is aroused, make them feel desired, and explore gently.

      Communication and confidence are key when introducing new sexual activities in a relationship. The speaker shares his experience with dominance and oral sex, emphasizing that it's important to approach the topic with sensitivity and confidence. In the case of the listener's situation, the speaker suggests initiating the desired activities in the moment when the partner is already aroused and possibly under the influence of alcohol. Additionally, making the partner feel sexy and desired can help build confidence and encourage them to let go and enjoy the experience. For the ass play activity, the speaker recommends starting with gentle kisses or licking and gradually exploring the area with the tongue, as there are many nerve endings in the area. Overall, the speaker emphasizes the importance of open communication and confidence when trying new things in the bedroom.

    • Exploring new sexual experiences takes time and patienceCommunicate openly, be patient, and try different techniques to make new sexual experiences enjoyable for both partners

      Communication and patience are key when it comes to exploring new sexual experiences with a partner. The speaker emphasizes that rejection or lack of immediate success does not mean that an experience is off the table forever. It may take time and effort to make someone feel comfortable and willing to try something new. Additionally, individuals should not delay experiencing pleasure or satisfaction in their lives, even if they are working on personal goals such as weight loss. In the context of giving or receiving oral sex, the speaker suggests using different techniques and tools, such as lube and hand stimulation, to make the experience enjoyable for both partners. Ultimately, it is important to prioritize open communication and mutual desire in order to create a satisfying and enjoyable sexual experience.

    • Exploring Sensitive Areas with Mouth, Hands, and TechniquesEffective oral sex involves using the mouth, tongue, and hands to stimulate sensitive areas like the penis tip and frenulum, or a woman's clitoris or G-spot. Communication and confidence enhance pleasure for both partners.

      Effective oral sex involves a combination of mouth, tongue, and hands. The most sensitive parts of the penis are the tip and the frenulum, and using both hands to twist and turn in opposite directions can stimulate these areas effectively. This technique, referred to as the "snake charmer," can even help bring an unresponsive penis to life. For women, finding the right spot, whether it's on the outside (clitoris) or inside (G-spot), is crucial for pleasure. Communication and confidence are also important in sexual encounters, as expressing what feels good can help deepen the connection between partners.

    • Open communication and honest feedback improve sexual experiencesSeek honest feedback, learn from resources and experiences, ask questions, and explore techniques to enhance sexual satisfaction

      Open communication and honest feedback are crucial in improving sexual experiences. The speaker shared her personal experience of receiving honest feedback about her blowjob technique, which led to significant improvement. She also emphasized the importance of learning from resources and experiences, as well as the normalcy of seeking help and advice. The speaker encouraged both men and women to ask questions and share their concerns, as it can lead to better understanding and satisfaction in sexual relationships. The conversation also touched upon the importance of exploring and understanding the body, including the use of hands and other techniques. Overall, the discussion emphasized the importance of openness, communication, and continuous learning in enhancing sexual experiences.

    • Sexless relationships can lead to frustration and infidelityAddressing intimacy issues through open communication and seeking professional help is crucial for a healthy relationship.

      A sexless relationship, especially in the engagement or early marriage stage, can lead to feelings of frustration, low self-esteem, and potential infidelity. The lack of intimacy and affection outside the bedroom can further exacerbate these issues. It's essential to address these concerns with open communication and consider seeking help from a sex therapist or counselor to work through any underlying issues. It's important to remember that intimacy goes beyond just sex and includes emotional connection, affection, and mutual respect. If one partner is not willing to compromise or engage in open dialogue, it may be a sign that the relationship needs outside help or may not be sustainable in the long term.

    • Effective Communication in Intimate RelationshipsOpen and honest conversations, 'I' statements, creating a comfortable environment, and trying new experiences can deepen the connection in intimate relationships.

      Effective communication is key in maintaining a healthy and intimate relationship. The speakers suggest having open and honest conversations with your partner, using "I" statements, and creating a comfortable environment for expressing feelings. They also recommend trying new experiences together, such as watching porn as a couple, to help deepen the connection. It's important to remember that these conversations can be difficult, so it's essential to approach them with patience and understanding. Overall, the speakers emphasize the importance of prioritizing communication and intimacy in a relationship.

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    Reid Mihalko is here this week and our conversation goes deep.

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    Follow Sex Gets Real on Twitter and Facebook. It's true. Oh! And Dawn is on Instagram.

    About Reid Mihalko

    America’s favorite sex geek, Reid Mihalko of ReidAboutSex.com and Sex10xOnline.com helps adults and college students create more self-esteem, self-confidence and greater health and satisfaction in and out of the bedroom using an inspiring mixture of humor, keen insight, and comprehensive sexual health information.

    Reid appeals to audiences of all orientations, backgrounds, ages and identities. He’s one of the only male sex and relationship experts touring the country today who can speak pragmatically to nearly all areas of sexual self-expression, intimacy, dating and relating. Reid’s mission is to give men and women new tools to transform their love lives  into fulfilling, satisfying, and sustainable expressions of self.

    Stay in touch with Reid on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

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