
    Best of: Gender-Chill with Jacob Tobia

    enJune 19, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Explore and enhance your summer sexual experiencesEmbrace sexuality, experiment, and use tools like Promescent's delay spray and warming arousal gel, or the Magic Wand vibrator, to heighten pleasure during the summer season.

      Summer is the season of passion and exploration, and there are tools available to enhance the experience. Promescent's line of pleasure-enhancing products, such as their legendary delay spray and warming arousal gel, can help individuals last longer and heighten sensations, respectively. Meanwhile, the iconic Magic Wand vibrator continues to be a game-changer for solo and partnered play, offering powerful vibrations and various models to fit different lifestyles. Ultimately, the key is to embrace sexuality and experimentation, as seen in Jacob Tobia's book "Sissy," which encourages understanding and acceptance of gender neutrality and individual identities. So, make the most of the summer season by exploring new pleasures and expressing yourself sexually. Check out promescent.com/emily for a discount on Promescent products, and sexwithemily.com/magicwand for the Magic Wand.

    • Exploring the layers of gender identityEmbrace a nuanced understanding of gender, challenging societal expectations and expanding the range of accepted identities.

      Identity is a complex and layered experience, not limited to a single label. Speaker Jacob Tobia shares their personal journey of discovering their gender identity, which was initially repressed due to societal expectations. They describe their identity as a "layer cake," with each layer representing different aspects of their identity that have evolved over time. Initially identifying as gay, they later discovered the existence of genderqueer and non-binary identities and embraced a more nuanced understanding of their gender. Tobia emphasizes that our bodies should not dictate our identities or limit our expression. This perspective challenges traditional ways of thinking about gender and sexuality and highlights the importance of creating space for a broader range of identities. The historical achievement of a woman wearing pants in a major motion picture serves as a reminder of the progress made in expanding gender expression, but also the ongoing need for continued exploration and acceptance.

    • Decades of activism led to expanded gender expression and expressive clothing for allUnderstanding the history of gender expression and clothing choices is crucial, and embracing individuality through expressive clothing is a courageous act.

      The expansion of gender expression for women and the exploration of expressive clothing for all individuals, regardless of gender, is the result of decades of activism and sacrifice. Activists faced scorn, derision, and hateful remarks while fighting for these rights. Now, it's essential to consider the implications of giving more people access to expressive clothing and the freedom to blend genders in their wardrobe. The speaker, Jacob, identifies as someone who favors expressive clothing rather than women's clothing specifically. They enjoy wearing a blend of men's and women's clothing, often finding men's pants and cowboy boots more suitable for their style. Their unique, vibrant, and secondhand clothing choices reflect their belief in rehoming abandoned clothes and embracing individuality. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of understanding the history behind gender expression and clothing choices while appreciating the courage and vulnerability of those who challenge societal norms.

    • Bravery is a collective processLearning bravery through community and support, fostering individual freedom, and creating a world free of judgment for sexual orientation expression.

      Bravery is a collective process, not an individual one. The speaker shares how they've learned bravery through community and support from others, emphasizing that it's not something that happens in a vacuum. They also discuss the importance of creating a world where people have the freedom to express their sexual orientation without judgment or limitations. The speaker's personal experiences and goals are driven by a deep desire for their own desires to be met, as well as a commitment to liberating bi and pansexual individuals. The conversation highlights the importance of community and support in fostering bravery and promoting individual freedom.

    • Disconnect between attraction and representation of transgender individualsCisgender men should acknowledge their attraction to transgender women and gender nonconforming individuals, and society should promote open-mindedness and inclusivity in relationships.

      There is a significant disconnect between the attraction to transgender individuals in various media, such as porn, and the representation of such relationships in mainstream culture. The speaker emphasizes the need for cisgender men to acknowledge their attraction to transgender women and gender nonconforming individuals, as they are often sexually attractive and desirable. This lack of representation and acknowledgement can contribute to feelings of shame and invisibility for transgender individuals. The speaker also discusses the importance of exploring one's desires and expanding one's erotic blueprint through introspection and therapy. Ultimately, the speaker advocates for open-mindedness and inclusivity in relationships, emphasizing that desire and attraction can take many forms and should not be limited by societal expectations or conditioning.

    • Exploring Sexuality: A Journey of Self-Discovery and ConnectionEmbrace self-discovery, challenge societal norms, and find safe, consensual ways to explore sexuality beyond traditional gender categories.

      Exploring one's sexuality and erotic desires involves a journey of self-discovery and acceptance, as well as the need for connection and exploration with others. The speaker shares her personal experiences of desiring a teacher figure, taking a break from dating, and embracing her male body as a trans person. She also emphasizes the importance of challenging societal norms that restrict sexuality to binary gender categories. The speaker's dream future includes being married to a drag queen and continuing her work on sexual liberation. The conversation highlights the importance of exploring one's sexuality in a safe, consensual, and open-minded way, and the value of finding ways to make sense of sexuality beyond traditional gender categories.

    • Exploring personal growth and new solutionsEmbrace exploration, honesty, therapy, and try Hero Bread for personal growth and improved health

      Exploration and honesty are key in personal growth, whether it's in finding one's identity or trying new things, like low-carb bread. The speaker shared her journey of writing a book and how it was a healing experience, allowing her to retell her story in a more empathetic way. She also emphasized the importance of therapy in personal growth. In the conversation, the speaker also introduced Hero Bread, a product that allows individuals to enjoy bread without the carb guilt. Hero Bread offers delicious, low-carb options with impressive nutritional stats, making it a game changer for those with health goals. Whether you're looking for a sandwich bread, a burger bun, or even a low net carb croissant, Hero Bread has got you covered. Personal growth and discovering new solutions to everyday challenges, like carb guilt, can lead to significant improvements in one's life. So, embrace the journey of exploration, be honest with yourself and others, and don't hesitate to try new things, like Hero Bread. And remember, therapy can be a valuable tool in the process of personal growth.

    • The importance of acknowledging the need for therapyWriting about past traumas and seeking therapy can lead to personal growth, empathy, and improved relationships.

      Therapy is beneficial for everyone, regardless of the severity of their emotional experiences. The speaker believes that acknowledging the need for therapy is an important step towards personal growth and understanding the root causes of our emotions. Writing about past traumas and experiences publicly can lead to empathy towards those who have hurt us and improve present-day relationships. A simple example given was the speaker's experience with her father's use of incorrect pronouns and how it led to a deeper conversation about the subject. Overall, the speaker emphasizes the importance of self-reflection, empathy, and seeking help when needed.

    • Accepting and celebrating gender nonconforming journeysThrough communication, understanding, and a lighthearted approach, we can learn to accept and celebrate the journeys of gender nonconforming individuals, focusing on accurate language use to promote respect and accuracy in representation.

      Communication and understanding are key in accepting and celebrating the journeys of gender nonconforming individuals. The speaker's father, who initially struggled with accepting his child's nonconformity, was able to learn and grow, ultimately finding pride in his journey. The use of humor and a lighthearted approach to discussing complex topics, such as gender pronouns, can help alleviate anxiety and make the process of understanding and acceptance more accessible. The importance of not being overly anxious about pronoun usage and instead focusing on the effort to use accurate language is emphasized. Language, while imperfect, plays a significant role in how individuals are perceived and categorized, and the goal is to strive for accuracy and respect in representation.

    • Respecting Preferred Names and PronounsRespecting someone's preferred name and pronouns is simple and important for inclusivity. Everyone's gender identity and expression is unique, and it's essential to ask about and use the correct pronouns to show respect.

      The preference for being called by a name or pronoun that aligns with one's gender identity is no different than a cisgender person's request to be called by a nickname. The speaker argues that people often make a fuss over trans individuals' requests, treating it as a heavy or complicated issue, when in reality it can be as simple as respecting someone's preferred name. The speaker also emphasizes that there is no one way to identify or express gender, and that everyone's experiences and preferences should be respected. The speaker encourages asking about someone's pronouns as a way to ensure respect and inclusivity. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of understanding and respecting individual gender identities and expressions.

    • Navigating Complex Gender Identities and ExpectationsRecognize and validate everyone's unique experiences with gender, challenge limiting stereotypes, and acknowledge the complexity of gender identity beyond appearances or expressions.

      Gender identity and experience are complex and interconnected, and everyone can have moments of feeling gender nonconforming. The speaker shares their personal journey of navigating their gender identity and the societal expectations they faced based on their femininity and appearance. They emphasize the importance of recognizing and validating everyone's experiences with gender and the need to challenge limiting stereotypes. The conversation highlights the importance of acknowledging the complexity of gender identity and the need to move beyond outdated assumptions about people based on their appearance or gender expression.

    • Follow a child's lead on gender identityAllow children to freely express their gender and support them in their authentic identity to foster self-confidence and respect for others.

      Allowing children to express their gender freely and authentically, as led by the child, is crucial for their growth into healthy, confident individuals. This concept may seem simple, but its impact can be profound. The speaker, who had powerful female mentors early in her career and found solace in LA's sunshine and plant-filled environment, emphasizes the importance of following a child's lead in matters of gender identity. She believes that kids have an innate sense of who they are and what they're interested in, and that parents who provide a supportive and accepting environment can help raise children who are not only comfortable with their own gender but also respectful of others. This approach fosters a strong sense of self and reduces the likelihood of gender shame.

    • Allowing children to express themselves freelyDenying children space to be themselves can lead to harm, while affirming their gender identity is crucial for their safety and understanding.

      Allowing children to express themselves freely comes with its challenges, but denying them the space to be who they are can lead to internalized bullying and a lack of safety and understanding at home. Parents may fear affirming their child's gender nonconformity due to potential external bullying, but the consequences of not affirming them can be equally harmful. Children are more capable of understanding complex ideas than we give them credit for, and it's essential to acknowledge the existence of good touch and safe spaces to help them navigate the world. The idea that discussing complex topics with children is complicated is a misconception, and kids learn what we teach them. Coming out is not a one-story experience, and it's crucial to recognize the development process and provide a safe and supportive environment for children to explore their identities.

    • Metaphor of snails in their shells for queer and trans experiencesRecognize the need for protection and acknowledge the humanity of queer and trans individuals, using the metaphor of snails in their shells instead of being in a closet.

      The metaphor of being in a closet to describe being queer or trans is limiting and doesn't accurately represent the complex experiences of these communities. Instead, the speaker suggests the metaphor of snails in their shells, which acknowledges the natural human response to protect oneself when feeling threatened and allows for the humanity and experience of queer and trans individuals to shine. This metaphor also emphasizes the importance of compassion and understanding for those who may need to retreat into their "shells" for their safety and well-being. Ultimately, the goal is to create a more loving and accepting society where everyone, regardless of their identity, feels safe and free to be their authentic selves.

    • Ask them what they needWhen someone shares their sexual or gender identity, ask them what they need to feel supported and respected. Offer a range of assistance and let them guide you on how to best help them.

      When someone comes out to you about their sexual or gender identity, the most valuable thing you can do is ask them what they need. This simple question shows support and allows them to take the lead in their journey. Be prepared to offer a range of assistance, from emotional support to practical help, and respect their boundaries. Remember, everyone's experience is unique, and there's no one-size-fits-all solution. Be patient and understanding, and let them guide you on how you can best support them. Don't rush or try to solve complex issues on your own, as this could potentially violate their trust and privacy. Instead, be an ally and a listening ear, and let them know that you're there for them whenever they need you.

    • Supporting someone through a difficult timeBe there, check in, offer practical help, acknowledge own struggles, and send supportive texts.

      Supporting someone going through a difficult time involves being there for them, checking in regularly, and offering practical help in non-invasive ways. This can include helping with basic needs, providing resources, or even paying for therapy. It's important to remember that everyone goes through challenges, and being open about our own struggles can help build stronger connections. When it comes to relationships, sending that supportive text and not overthinking it is a valuable gift to give to yourself. A turn-on can be a simple touch, like someone placing a hand on your knee during a date. A turn-off is when someone refuses to acknowledge their own trauma and struggles. Overall, being authentic and vulnerable can lead to deeper connections and healing.

    • The Importance of Empathy and Discovering Hidden TreasuresEmpathy builds meaningful connections, discovering hidden treasures can lead to unexpected joys, and sharing experiences creates camaraderie

      Empathy is an essential personality trait in building meaningful connections with others. This was emphasized during the conversation between Emily and Jacob Tobia. Moreover, Jacob shared his fondness for finding meaningful items, like his grandmother's earrings, which make him feel confident. The duo also discussed their shared interest in estate sales and the joy of discovering hidden gems for a small price. In essence, the conversation highlighted the importance of empathy and the thrill of finding hidden treasures. Furthermore, the episode underscored the value of connecting with others and sharing experiences. Emily and Jacob's conversation flowed naturally, and their shared interests created a sense of camaraderie. This is a reminder that building connections with others can be as simple as finding common ground and expressing empathy. Lastly, the episode showcased the importance of being open to new experiences and taking risks. Emily and Jacob's discussion about estate sales and their shared love for discovering hidden gems illustrates the value of stepping out of one's comfort zone and exploring new things. This can lead to unexpected discoveries and meaningful connections. Overall, the conversation between Emily and Jacob Tobia emphasized the importance of empathy, the joy of discovering hidden treasures, and the value of building meaningful connections with others.

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    or at WomenInTheLawUK.com