
    Better Diet Adherence with Dr. Mike PART II

    enSeptember 26, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Keep meal prep simple for diet successSimplifying meal prep with tasty, easy recipes can help make diets more manageable and sustainable

      When it comes to sticking to a diet, trying to avoid planning and making elaborate menu items during meal prep can make the process simpler and easier. Elaborate food is often elaborate because it tastes very good, but this can lead to obsessing over food and wanting more, which can hinder progress. Instead, focusing on simple, tasty meals can help make the diet more manageable and sustainable, especially when juggling other responsibilities like work and family. It's important to remember that everyone's dietary needs and preferences are different, and there's a time and place for complex recipes. But for those just starting out, keeping things simple can make a big difference.

    • Simplify your diet and wardrobe for a easier lifestyleSimplifying your diet and wardrobe can save time, reduce decision-making, and free up mental energy for bigger problems or interests.

      Keeping things simple is crucial, especially when starting a new routine or diet. Overcomplicating things can lead to feeling overwhelmed and ultimately failing. This applies to food preparation as well. Instead of preparing elaborate meals and going to multiple grocery stores, keeping meals basic with a few proteins, carbs, fats, and veggies can save time and energy. Additionally, having a simple wardrobe can also contribute to a simpler lifestyle. Many successful people, such as Albert Einstein and Steve Jobs, are known for wearing the same outfit regularly to reduce decision-making and mental energy spent on trivial matters. By simplifying your diet and wardrobe, you can free up time and mental energy to focus on bigger problems or interests.

    • Mental Challenges in DietingAvoid mental struggles in dieting by focusing on convenient options and resisting cravings for restricted items.

      As you embark on a diet or weight loss journey, be mindful of the mental challenges that come with it. Restriction and limitation can lead your mind to crave those very things, making the process more difficult. If you enjoy cooking and intricate recipes as a way to distract from the diet mentality, then by all means, indulge. However, for most people, the allure of complex meals may not outweigh the time and effort required. Instead, focus on implementing convenient, on-the-go options for busy days. Additionally, be aware of the potential for your mind to gravitate towards restricted items, and make a conscious effort to resist these cravings. Ultimately, the key is to find a balance that works for you, whether that means embracing the cooking process or relying on quick, convenient alternatives.

    • Staying Nourished on the GoConvenient, portable foods like apples, nuts, jerky, RTD protein shakes, protein bars, and Quest Hero bars help maintain energy levels and prevent hanger, ensuring healthy choices when on the move.

      Having convenient, portable, and nutritious food options on hand, whether for air travel, long commutes, or unexpected delays, can help prevent hanger and ensure that you're able to meet your macro needs, maintain energy levels, and avoid making unhealthy choices when you're feeling desperate or hangry. Some examples of such options include apples, nuts, jerky, RTD protein shakes, protein bars, and Quest Hero bars. Keeping a stash of these items in various places, such as your car, office, or carry-on bag, can be a game-changer for maintaining a healthy and balanced diet, even when you're on the go.

    • Being Prepared is Key to Maintaining a Healthy Diet While Eating OutBe aware of hidden fats and carbs, order simple meals like salads, and request custom orders at fast food restaurants to maintain a healthy diet while eating out.

      Being prepared is key when it comes to maintaining a healthy diet, even when eating out. The speaker shares his experience of being surprised by the macros in airport food and the consequences of being underprepared. He suggests ordering simple meals, like salads, and being aware of hidden fats and carbs. He also recommends requesting custom orders at fast food restaurants, such as Chipotle or Panera, to create a meal with good macros. The key is not to be perfect, but to make informed choices and adjust as needed. In summary, being prepared and informed can help you make better choices when eating out and maintain a healthy diet.

    • Understanding Restaurant Options and Modifying OrdersChoose restaurants with healthier options or modify orders at various cuisines to maintain a macro-friendly diet. Communicate with servers for modifications and ask for steamed vegetables instead of fried ones.

      When eating out, it's essential to understand restaurant options and have a plan to modify orders if necessary. This can help maintain a macro-friendly diet and prevent unwanted indulgences. For instance, knowing restaurants with healthier options or being able to modify orders at various cuisines, such as Chinese food, can make a significant difference. In Chinese restaurants, for example, opting for dishes like chicken and broccoli with white rice can be a good choice. Additionally, communicating with servers about modifications or asking for steamed vegetables instead of fried ones can be beneficial. Remember, the effort required for restaurants to make these modifications is minimal for them but can make a big difference for your diet.

    • Focus on grilled or steamed options at restaurantsAsk for dressings on the side, consider modifications, and opt for healthy choices at various restaurants to maintain a lean meal.

      When eating out, focus on grilled or steamed options, and ask for dressings on the side to keep your meal lean. You can find healthy choices at various types of restaurants, including steakhouses, fast food places, and even diners. Don't be afraid to ask for modifications or substitutions to fit your dietary needs. Remember, it's possible to enjoy a meal out with friends without going over your macros or making unhealthy choices. Additionally, consider bringing a protein shake or having a light snack later in the day if you do go over your macros. Chipotle, Qdoba, Panera, Chick Fil A, and even Cheesecake Factory offer healthy options like salads. And if all else fails, opt for a simple grilled chicken or vegetable dish. With a little planning and communication, you can make smart choices when dining out.

    • Maintaining Flexibility During Hypocaloric DietsWhen unexpected events occur, pivot to maintenance mode to minimize diet setbacks and get back on track more easily, focusing on healthy food choices during maintenance periods.

      When following a hypocaloric diet for fat loss, it's important to know your limits and be flexible when faced with unexpected events or high-stress situations. Instead of completely derailing your diet, pivoting to maintenance mode can help minimize setbacks and allow you to get back on track more easily. This approach can be especially helpful during special occasions, work projects, or when dealing with personal emergencies. By focusing on healthy food choices during maintenance periods, you can avoid significant weight gain and maintain progress towards your goals. Remember, it's okay to take a momentary step to the side when needed, rather than taking multiple steps back.

    • Create dedicated spaces for healthy and less healthy foodsMake it difficult to access unhealthy foods, create a commitment to healthy eating, and allow occasional treats without guilt

      It's important to allow yourself occasional treats without feeling guilty, but also to make it difficult to access unhealthy foods to prevent impulsive cheating. By creating dedicated spaces for healthy and less healthy foods, you can make a commitment to yourself and minimize the temptation to stray from your diet. Remember, it's okay to have a cheeseburger every now and then, but try to avoid the extra unhealthy sides. Use positive momentum from small victories to keep yourself motivated and focused on your goals. And above all, don't beat yourself up over one meal. Instead, get back on track as soon as possible and move on.

    • Create a healthy food environmentControl your food environment by mentally and physically separating from junk food, set boundaries, practice mindfulness, and recognize the desirability of certain foods.

      Individuals have the power to control their food environment, especially in their own homes, to support their health goals. This can be achieved through mental and physical separation from junk food. For parents, it may involve setting boundaries and communicating with roommates or family members. It's important to remember that as adults, we have the ability to make rational decisions based on logic rather than emotion, and mindfulness practices can help us resist cravings. Additionally, it's essential to recognize that some foods may be worth indulging in, depending on their ranking on a scale of desirability. Overall, creating a healthy food environment and practicing self-control are key to maintaining a healthy diet.

    • Understanding food palatability during a dietBe mindful of high palatability foods during a diet, balance them with nutrient-dense options, and avoid food obsession to maintain progress.

      During a diet, it's important to be mindful of the palatability of the food you consume and how it affects your cravings and relationship with food. Initially, high palatability foods can be incorporated into your diet without issue. However, as hunger and cravings increase, these foods may become more tempting and even generate stronger cravings. This can lead to food obsession and hinder progress towards diet goals. It's crucial to find a balance and be aware of the transformation process your relationship with certain foods undergoes during a diet. Instead, focus on incorporating a variety of nutrient-dense foods and limiting highly palatable, "cheat" foods to prevent food obsession and maintain a healthy dietary routine.

    • Our relationship with food changes during a dietFocus on tasty foods early, incorporate less palatable options later, and use cheat meals or days wisely to avoid negative relationships with food

      Our relationship with food, particularly with palatable options like Oreos, can change as we progress through a diet. At the beginning, moderation might be possible, but as the diet becomes more intense, even seemingly harmless foods can lead to cravings and overeating. This can result in suffering and a negative relationship with food. Some people are natural moderators, while others become abstainers as the diet progresses. Extreme diets that eliminate all enjoyable foods can lead to boredom and eventual failure. Instead, it's essential to adjust the foods we eat based on our current palatability sensitivity level. In the early stages of a diet, focus on tasty foods, while in the later stages, incorporate more boring, less palatable options. Cheat meals and cheat days can provide benefits like boosting metabolism and reducing diet fatigue, but it's better to incorporate them earlier in the diet rather than later to avoid setting yourself up for potential setbacks.

    • Maintain caloric intake for a diet break to reduce diet fatigueTaking a diet break by maintaining caloric intake with same foods can help reboot metabolism and continue dieting for another 2-4 weeks.

      To effectively reduce diet fatigue without completely derailing your progress, it's important to maintain your caloric intake at a consistent level instead of indulging in large cheat meals or days. This approach, known as a diet break, involves eating more of the same types of foods you're used to at maintenance level for a period of time, usually between half a week and 2 weeks. This strategy can help reboot your metabolism and give you the energy and motivation to continue dieting for another 2-4 weeks. It's important to remember that everyone's body responds differently to diet breaks, so it's crucial to listen to your body and adjust accordingly. Additionally, having discipline and understanding the concept of motivation and its emotional component can help you stick to your diet plan and reach your goals.

    • The Importance of Discipline in Achieving GoalsDiscipline is crucial when motivation wanes, honor commitments to goals, habits can make the process easier, have a plan for when motivation is lacking.

      While motivation is important for achieving goals, it can be inconsistent. When motivation wanes, discipline becomes essential. Discipline is the ability to honor commitments to your goals for their own sake, even when you don't feel like it. It's like fighting a badger to the death with honor, co-opting the idea of honor to serve our diet goals. However, discipline can be draining, and habits can help reduce the need for it by making healthy choices easier. It's important to have a plan in place for when motivation is lacking, such as having healthy options readily available and reminding yourself of your goals. In summary, while motivation is important, discipline is necessary for long-term success, and habits can help make the process easier.

    • Understanding motivation and discipline balanceMotivation and discipline are important for personal growth, but focus on building habits and finding enjoyment to minimize their need.

      While motivation and discipline are essential components of personal growth and achieving goals, they are not the only factors. The speaker emphasizes the importance of understanding the role of each and the balance between them. Motivation may fluctuate, but discipline can help get through tough times until motivation returns. However, the ultimate goal should be to minimize the need for excessive motivation or discipline by building habits and finding enjoyment in the process. A good night's sleep can often reset motivation, and discipline should not be relied upon excessively. The speaker references David Goggins as an example of someone who has mastered discipline but also emphasizes the importance of not relying solely on it. Instead, focus on creating a life where the things you need to do align with your desires and become habits, making the need for motivation and discipline less frequent.

    • Motivation is not a reliable energy source for long-term goalsEffective strategies and discipline are essential for maintaining commitment when motivation fades.

      Motivation is not a reliable source of energy to sustain long-term discipline and commitment to goals, especially in the areas of diet and fitness. Instead, individuals should employ effective motivational strategies when faced with challenges, and develop the discipline to continue even when motivation wanes. This can be likened to having a spare tire in your car – it's not something you use every day, but it's essential to have it on hand for when you need it. As a coach or trainer, it's important to help your clients understand that motivation will fade at times, and to provide them with strategies to maintain discipline and find motivation when needed. This can include changing up the environment, listening to inspiring music or speeches, or even hiring a coach. Remember, the first few days or weeks of a new diet or workout plan can be exciting, but the real test comes when you encounter obstacles and setbacks. By preparing yourself with the discipline and habits to overcome these challenges, you'll be well on your way to reaching your goals.

    • Understanding the natural ups and downs of motivationMotivation is not constant, it's natural for it to fluctuate. Understand this and persist through the process to achieve fitness goals.

      Staying motivated for training is not always about being motivated, but rather about understanding the natural ups and downs of the process. People might ask questions about staying motivated, but the key lies in recognizing that motivation is not a constant. In this episode, Doctor Mike and Nick continued their discussion on motivation, covering points 6 through 12. They will finish the series in the next episode, covering points 13 through 20. The conversation was insightful and provided valuable information, tying it all back to the core components they've been discussing. Overall, this series has been an excellent resource for understanding motivation and the importance of persistence in achieving fitness goals. Thanks for tuning in, and we'll catch you on the next episode! Doctor Mike and Nick appreciate your time and enjoyment of their conversation.

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    • We talk about how to get those good feelings OTHER than finding them in food.
    • We take some questions from our Live chat.
    • Go ahead and post in the group when you’ve treated yourself instead of binging!
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    • Thank goodness for #WinningWednesday post. You are all so awesome!
    • Join our the Hate to Weight Discussion Group on Facebook and have fun with us!

    Links Mentioned:

    Join Us On Our Journey:

    600: Shay's Weight Loss Journey - Weekly Updates

    600: Shay's Weight Loss Journey - Weekly Updates

    Shay is giving us weekly updates on her weight loss journey!

    Shay has been overweight since childhood, has attempted many diets and finally has found success! She's already lost 88 pounds as of 1/31/20 and will be sharing her journey as reaches for her goal to lose another 50.

    Hear Shay's journey and tips for success in this episode! 

    Find Shay on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gettinfitwithmycat/


    For more information on virtual and in person Pilates classes at Shellates: https://www.shellates.com/




    Find me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/youcanpoundthis/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AmandaValentineBites

    Website: http://amandavalentinebites.com/

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    621: Shay's Weight Loss Journey - Weekly Updates

    621: Shay's Weight Loss Journey - Weekly Updates

    Shay is giving us weekly updates on her weight loss journey!

    Shay has been overweight since childhood, has attempted many diets and finally has found success! She's already lost 88 pounds as of 1/31/20 and will be sharing her journey as reaches for her goal to lose another 50.

    Hear Shay's journey and tips for success in this episode! 

    Find Shay on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gettinfitwithmycat/


    For more information on virtual and in person Pilates classes at Shellates: https://www.shellates.com/




    Find me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/youcanpoundthis/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AmandaValentineBites

    Website: http://amandavalentinebites.com/

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    If you have any questions for the podcast please send them to: Podcast@ChaseLifeConsulting.com

    If you’re ready to take decisive action to resolve your struggles with binge / emotional eating, stress, overwhelm, or low self esteem, you can book in for a call at: www.chaselifeintensive.com/call

    To find out more about who we are and what we do go to: www.ChaseLifeConsulting.com