
    Biden's Classified Docs, Free Speech Crackdowns, and Woke Golden Globes, with the Fifth Columns Hosts | Ep. 468

    enJanuary 10, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Double standards in handling classified documentsInconsistent application of rules and transparency raises concerns over handling of classified records by Biden and Trump, highlighting the need for clearer guidelines and consistent enforcement.

      Double standards seem to apply when it comes to handling classified documents, depending on who holds the power. The recent discovery of classified records from Joe Biden's time as vice president at a private office in DC has raised eyebrows, especially considering the public outcry and investigations into former President Trump's handling of such documents at Mar-a-Lago. Some argue that the circumstances are not identical, but the inconsistent application of rules and transparency is a concern. The ongoing investigations into Biden's records could result in significant resources being dedicated to the case, which some view as an overreach, especially given the historical precedent of presidents and vice presidents handling classified materials in their personal spaces. Ultimately, the issue highlights the need for clearer guidelines and more consistent enforcement of rules regarding classified information.

    • Presidential papers: Biden, Clinton, and Trump casesThe proper handling and declassification of presidential papers is a persistent issue, with concerns over potential compromises, concealment, and inconsistencies in the cases of Biden, Clinton, and Trump.

      The issue of presidential papers not being properly declassified and handled, as seen in the cases of Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, and Donald Trump, is a significant problem. While the specifics of each case differ, the common thread is that some information was kept from public view for reasons that may not be entirely clear. In the case of Biden, there were concerns about potential compromise of sensitive information. The Clinton and Trump cases involved attempts to conceal information and resist handing it over. The ongoing debates around these issues can be seen as a PR nightmare for Merrick Garland and the Department of Justice, as they navigate the complexities of each case and the public's perception of inconsistencies.

    • Media response to Biden and Trump document discoveries differThe media has shown leniency towards Biden's document discovery and delayed reporting, while Trump's was met with immediate scrutiny. Double standards in media coverage are a concern.

      While there are significant differences between the handling of documents by Joe Biden and Donald Trump, the media response and coverage have been noticeably different. The media has been more lenient towards Biden, with some instances of downplaying the importance of the discovery of documents and delaying reporting until after the midterm elections. The double standard in media coverage is a concerning trend, and it's important to acknowledge and address the inconsistencies. Additionally, there are ongoing investigations into both Biden and Trump's handling of documents, and it remains to be seen what the outcomes will be. The media's framing of these issues and the shifting political landscape will continue to shape the narrative around these stories.

    • Biden's inconsistencies and memory lapses raise concerns about his competencyDespite concerns over Biden's inconsistencies and memory lapses, some Democrats continue to support him for a second term, while others seek alternatives. The long-term implications for his presidency and party are uncertain.

      President Joe Biden's inconsistencies and apparent memory lapses have become a significant concern for many, with incidents like confusing the Salvation Army with the Secret Service raising questions about his competency. These incidents, while some may be considered gaffes, add to a pattern of Biden making false claims about his past actions and experiences. The frequency and gravity of these incidents have led some to question whether the President's brain is functioning effectively or if he is intentionally fabricating stories. Despite these concerns, some Democrats continue to support Biden for a second term, while others are beginning to look for alternatives. The situation recalls the debates around former President Trump's truthfulness, but the response from the public and media seems to be different, with some choosing to ignore or downplay Biden's inconsistencies. The long-term implications of these incidents for Biden's presidency and his party remain to be seen.

    • The Political Landscape: Unexpected Developments and Exciting RacesJohn Bolton's unexpected presidential bid, potential Republican fractures, lack of young politicians, NeoCons comeback, and mustaches in politics - the 2024 race promises excitement and unpredictability

      The political landscape continues to evolve with unexpected developments, such as John Bolton's announcement to run for president despite being 74 years old and having little to no support from the public. This comes as the Republican Party is expected to face a fractured field against former President Donald Trump's potential nomination. The discussion also touched on the lack of young blood in politics and the potential impact of debates between seasoned politicians. The NeoCons are making a comeback, but it remains to be seen if they can capture the support needed to win a national election. The conversation also brought up the idea of bringing back mustaches in presidential politics, as they have been largely absent since the 19th century. Overall, the political scene is gearing up for an exciting and unpredictable 2024 race.

    • Professor's use of Prophet Mohammed image sparks protests, terminationCollege campuses face increasing pressure to censor academic content, stifling open dialogue and academic freedom

      At Hamline University in Minnesota, a professor named Erica Lopez Prater, an adjunct teaching Islamic art online, faced backlash for showing a picture of Prophet Mohammed in her class, despite giving ample warnings and explaining the historical context. Aram Waddetala, a senior and the president of the Muslim Student Association, claimed to have been blindsided, leading to widespread student protests and the professor's eventual termination. This incident highlights the growing trend of trigger warnings and censorship on college campuses, stifling academic freedom and open dialogue. The university's decision, despite the First Amendment implications, may have been driven by financial considerations in a heavily Muslim area. The incident underscores the need for respectful dialogue and understanding in diverse communities, while upholding the principles of academic freedom and freedom of speech.

    • University controversy over Mohammed image: Balancing freedom of speech and religious sensitivityThe incident highlights the need for nuanced discussions around freedom of speech, religious sensitivity, and academic freedom in universities. Institutions must balance these competing interests, avoiding knee-jerk reactions or fear-based responses.

      The incident at the university involving the display of an image of Mohammed and the subsequent controversy and reaction raises complex issues around freedom of speech, religious sensitivity, and the role of institutions in balancing these competing interests. The incident involved a single Muslim student objecting to the image, leading to the professor's contract not being renewed. However, there have been positive responses to the incident, including pushback against the idea that there is a prohibition against depictions of Mohammed in Islam, as well as criticism of the university's handling of the situation. The New York Times, in its coverage of the incident, showed the image but pixelated it, highlighting the inconsistency in the media's treatment of such depictions. The incident also underscores the need for nuanced discussions around these issues, rather than knee-jerk reactions or fear-based responses, and the importance of institutions upholding principles of free speech and academic freedom.

    • The taboo against depicting Mohammed in professional media stifles academic freedom and proper study of historyThe avoidance of depicting Mohammed in media due to taboo hinders academic freedom, historical accuracy, and intellectual progress.

      There's a significant taboo against depicting Mohammed in professional media, including The New York Times, despite his historical significance. This taboo, which is not grounded in Islamic teachings for all Muslims, stifles academic freedom and the proper study of history. The absence of depictions of Mohammed is compared to not teaching Michelangelo's David in art history classes. The Muslim Public Affairs Council, a Muslim organization, recognized the historical significance of depicting Mohammed and supported the professor's decision to show the image in class. This incident underscores the importance of upholding free speech principles in academia and society at large, as the suppression of offensive speech can lead to the erosion of intellectual freedom and the American experiment. The bizarre nature of media accounts of such scandals lies in their avoidance of specific depictions or statements, indicating that the censure and fear of backlash are the primary concerns. Emerson's essay on self-reliance highlights the dangers of fundamentalism, cowardice, and cynical indifference in all institutions, and the need to confront these enemies to promote progress and intellectual freedom.

    • Exploring controversial ideas and overturning beliefsProtecting free speech and individual freedoms is crucial for knowledge creation and progress. Controversial ideas should be explored, even if they offend some people, to challenge deeply held beliefs and promote learning.

      The suppression of ideas, self-censorship, and adherence to blasphemy laws can hinder the progress of knowledge and infringe upon individual freedoms. The discussion emphasized the importance of exploring controversial ideas and overturning previously held beliefs, even if they may offend some people. This is a fundamental aspect of learning and knowledge creation. The demand for blasphemy laws, which have roots in fundamentalist interpretations of religion, can limit free speech and create a dangerous environment for academic exploration. It is crucial to uphold the principle of free speech and protect individuals from the dictates of someone else's religious beliefs. The fear of reprisals, financial incentives, and the desire to stand up for American principles are reasons why people may choose to express controversial ideas. The history of attacks on individuals who have offended certain religious groups serves as a reminder of the potential consequences of challenging deeply held beliefs.

    • The heckler's veto can limit free speechThe heckler's voto can silence important discussions and lead to censorship under the guise of safety and inclusivity, limiting critical thinking and open dialogue.

      The heckler's veto, or the threat of violence or backlash, can silence important discussions and limit freedom of speech. This was highlighted in a recent incident where a university investigated renowned psychologist Jordan Peterson for expressing opinions that were deemed offensive by some. Peterson, known for his influence on young men, was investigated by Ontario College of Psychologists for comments on Twitter and a podcast, including referring to a transgender actor by their former name and criticizing a prime minister. The college demanded a public apology and a remedial course. Peterson refused, risking losing his license. This incident underscores the growing trend of censorship and the suppression of free speech under the guise of safety and inclusivity. It's a concerning development that can stifle critical thinking and open dialogue. The 18 million dollars spent by University of Michigan on DEI programs, the investigation of Peterson, and California's regulation of doctors' speech are examples of this trend. It's crucial to protect the right to express opinions, even if they're unpopular or offensive, to maintain a vibrant and diverse society.

    • Canada's absence of First Amendment protection leads to selective investigationsCanada's lack of First Amendment protection allows for selective investigations targeting high-profile individuals based on their political views

      Canada's lack of a First Amendment protection leads to authoritarian actions by governmental and quasi-governmental bodies, as seen in the case of Jordan Peterson's professional licensing board investigation. Peterson, a clinical psychologist and conservative commentator, was targeted for his public comments on cultural, political, and social topics, despite no patients complaining about his work. The board's actions were selective, focusing on Peterson's high-profile status and perceived non-leftist views. The investigation highlights the problem of uneven application of standards and the potential for censorship and infringement on free speech. The incident underscores the importance of the First Amendment in the United States and serves as a reminder of the potential consequences of its absence.

    • The Price of Conformity: Suppression of Free Speech and ExpressionConformity to beliefs or statements through regulation or societal pressure can lead to suppression of free speech and expression, impacting individual autonomy and academic freedom.

      The pressure to conform to certain beliefs or statements, whether it's through government regulation or societal pressure, can have detrimental effects on individuals and their careers. The discussion revolved around the Soviet Union trial of economists, Piers Morgan's firing, and the increasing requirement of DEI courses in American colleges. These examples illustrate how the need to adhere to specific viewpoints can lead to the suppression of free speech and expression. It's crucial to question the intent and purpose of such mandates and consider the potential consequences on individual autonomy and academic freedom.

    • The Blurred Line Between Professional Guidance and Personal BiasProtecting free speech and individual autonomy is crucial, even when viewpoints may be offensive or controversial. Resist attempts to regulate or censor, and emphasize resilience in the face of criticism.

      The line between professional guidance and personal bias can be blurred, as shown in a personal account of a marriage counseling session where the counselor questioned the client's political views. This incident highlights the importance of upholding free speech and resisting attempts to regulate or censor certain viewpoints, even if they may be offensive or controversial. The speaker also shared their experiences as a public figure, emphasizing the importance of resilience in the face of criticism and the potential dangers of conditioning people to self-censor or report others. The discussion also touched on the difference in cultural attitudes towards complaints and regulatory bodies, with the speaker noting that such entities are less common in the US compared to the UK. Overall, the conversation underscores the need to protect and defend the principles of free speech and individual autonomy.

    • Freedom of Speech: A Powerful Tool Against Powerful ForcesThe retirement of speech restrictions led to a rise in diverse viewpoints, but power imbalances can still limit free speech. Keep pursuing freedom of speech in media and policy.

      Free speech is a powerful tool for the downtrodden against the powerful. The discussion highlighted how those in power often use speech restrictions against private citizens, and how the retirement of the fairness doctrine led to a sea change in how Americans view politics through the rise of talk radio and alternative viewpoints. It's important to keep freedom of speech as a central pursuit in media and policy, rather than using regulatory schemes that will be rigged against certain groups. Additionally, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's use of the term "terrorists" towards peaceful protestors highlights the power imbalance in these situations, and the importance of allowing for diverse perspectives. Lastly, despite the speaker's teasing about Justin Trudeau's hair, it's clear that his hair is not the most significant issue at hand.

    • Golden Globes returns with new host and debates over diversity and wokenessThe Golden Globes, an awards ceremony for films and TV, is back after a hiatus with comedian Jared Carmichael as host, amidst debates about diversity, gender neutrality, and Hollywood's perceived wokeness. Recommended listening: Dedicated with Doug Brunt podcast.

      The Golden Globes, an annual awards ceremony for films and television, is returning after a hiatus due to controversy over allegations of vote-rigging and lack of diversity. The ceremony will be hosted by comedian Jared Carmichael, known for his discussions on race and sexual identity. The event comes amidst ongoing debates about gender neutrality in awards and the perceived wokeness of Hollywood. The podcast "Dedicated with Doug Brunt," which features interviews with successful authors and industry professionals, was mentioned as a recommendation during the conversation. Despite the controversies, it remains to be seen whether the Golden Globes will regain its previous viewership and popularity.

    • Hollywood's Progress in Representing Black Actors and ActressesHollywood's representation of black actors and actresses has improved, with around 25-30% of nominations and Samuel L. Jackson as the top earner. However, discussions about merging acting categories persist, with valid arguments on both sides.

      The representation of black actors and actresses in Hollywood has significantly improved over the past 30 years, with black people securing around 25-30% of the nominations despite making up only 13% of the US population. The box office numbers also show that audiences are willing to watch films with black leads, as Samuel L. Jackson is the top earner in Hollywood. However, there is a persistent obsession with race and gender in Hollywood, leading to discussions about merging acting categories. While some argue that this would be progressive, others fear it could limit opportunities for certain groups, such as white men. The studios are also reportedly against this change, as it could reduce the number of awards given out and potentially decrease box office appeal. Ultimately, the decision to merge categories is a complex issue, with valid arguments on both sides. It's essential to consider the opportunities and representation available to all actors, regardless of gender or race.

    • Navigating Nonbinary Workwear: A Complex IssueNonbinary professionals face challenges in dressing for work while balancing personal comfort and workplace norms. The decision ultimately depends on individual experiences and workplace culture.

      The ongoing debate around nonbinary identities and workwear can be a complex issue. Some argue that individuals should be free to express their gender identity through their clothing, while others believe that adhering to traditional gender norms in professional settings can help avoid discomfort and potential backlash. The New York Times article "Defining Nonbinary Workwear: How Nonbinary Professionals Thread the Needle" discusses the challenges faced by nonbinary professionals in navigating dress codes. However, some argue that certain clothing combinations, such as a man in a skirt or a man in a dress with sneakers, do not thread the needle and can be jarring to the average customer or client. Ultimately, the decision of how to dress in a professional setting depends on personal comfort and the specific workplace culture. It's important to strive for respect and understanding in these conversations, while also acknowledging that individual experiences and perspectives may vary.

    • Exploring the Changing Landscape of Gender Expression in FashionWhile some embrace the blurring of gender norms in fashion, others may find it confusing or uncomfortable. It's important to hold onto core values of tolerance, free expression, and respect for individual identity while recognizing the complexity of the issue.

      While some people may find the merging of gender norms through fashion and self-expression remarkable and celebrate figures like Billy Porter and Harry Styles, others may not be ready for this change and find it confusing or uncomfortable. The speaker in this discussion acknowledges the importance of subjective assessments of what looks good and the freedom to express oneself, but also emphasizes the need for tolerance and acceptance of differing opinions. They believe that norms do change over time, but that it's essential to hold onto core values such as toleration, free expression, and respect for individual identity. However, they express skepticism towards the idea that gender is entirely fluid and believe that some people may be seeking attention through their gender expression. Ultimately, the speaker advocates for a more nuanced and respectful conversation about gender and identity, recognizing that it's a complex issue with valid concerns on both sides.

    • Complexities and nuances of NFL, identity, race, and media representationSpeakers discussed the discomfort with normalization of non-binary identities, concerns about violence and racial dynamics in football, and celebrated unity and positivity in NFL.

      The discussion touched upon various perspectives regarding the NFL, identity, race, and media representation. One speaker expressed discomfort with the normalization of non-binary identities in sports and the mainstream media. Another speaker raised concerns about the violence experienced by black men in football and the racial dynamics at play. A third speaker celebrated the unity and positivity surrounding the recovery of DeMar Hamlin and the potential impact of his charity work. Overall, the conversation highlighted the complexities and nuances surrounding these issues, and the importance of considering multiple perspectives.

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    Callahan- https://www.amazon.com/Ask-Not-Kennedys-Women-Destroyed/dp/0316276170/


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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJune 24, 2024

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    COLLUSION Keeping Him From Debate Stage? | Robert F. Kennedy Jr. x Megyn Kelly - The FULL Interview

    Full interview with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - originally aired May 30.

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
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    Bill Maher Stammers as Republican Corrects His Trump Lie with This Fact

    Bill Maher Stammers as Republican Corrects His Trump Lie with This Fact
    Dave Rubin of “The Rubin Report” talks about Republican Nancy Mace correcting “Real Time with Bill Maher” host Bill Maher with some basic facts about the Trump defamation lawsuit; ABC News host George Stephanopoulos’ failed attempt to shame rape survivor Nancy Mace for supporting Donald Trump after E. Jean Carroll’s assault allegations; Elon Musk helping to debunk the Trump “bloodbath hoax” before it even gets started; Don Lemon trying to smear Elon Musk’s views on DEI on “The View” after X canceled “The Don Lemon Show” before it even aired; Ron DeSantis reporting on the dangerous cargo found aboard a boat of migrants escaping the violence of Haiti; Muslim extremists being allowed to publicly call for jihad on the streets of London; Douglas Murray’s attack on “Sapiens” author Yuval Noah Harari ignoring the importance of a classical education curriculum; and much more. WATCH the MEMBER-EXCLUSIVE segment of the show here: https://rubinreport.locals.com/ Check out the NEW RUBIN REPORT MERCH here: https://daverubin.store/ ---------- Today’s Sponsors: Preserve Gold - Protect your retirement from inflation. Preserve Gold can get physical gold and silver delivered right to your door or inside your IRA, 401k or other qualified retirement account. Rubin Report viewers will get up to $10,000 in free Gold and Silver with a qualifying purchase or retirement account rollover. Preserve Gold will even throw in an immediate $500 account credit if you request your investor guide today. Go to: https://preservegold.com/dave The Wellness Company - Get your Medical Emergency Kit with 8 potentially life-saving medications for you to keep on hand in times of need. Rest easy knowing that you have emergency antibiotics, antivirals and anti-parasitics to help keep you and your family safe. Rubin Report viewers get 15% off at checkout. Kits are ONLY AVAILABLE IN THE USA. Go to: https://TWC.health/RUBIN and use CODE: RUBIN Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Ep. 1033 - The Great Media Beclowning

    Ep. 1033 - The Great Media Beclowning

    NBC News targets The Federalist for destruction, with Google’s help; former vice presidential candidate Tim Kaine gives a faulty history lesson on slavery; and President Trump issues an executive order on policing.

    Exciting news - Ben Shapiro’s new book is now available for presale! Order your copy today: https://utm.io/uwno

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    The Real Reason Why The Media Wants to Stop the Trump Rally (Ep 1279)

    The Real Reason Why The Media Wants to Stop the Trump Rally (Ep 1279)
    In this episode I address the real reason that the liberal media wants to stop the Trump rally. I also address the dreadful Supreme Court immigration ruling and why it could give the President an advantage when leaving office. Finally, I address the latest efforts by Twitter to sabotage the Trump campaign.  News Picks: The liberal media’s hypocrisy on protests, versus Trump rallies is a sight to see. They will do anything to stop President Trump from holding his rally this weekend.  Twitter escalates their war on President Trump.  Facebook removes a Trump campaign ad. Is China preparing for a devastating EMP attack? Those Kente cloths the Democrats wore in their kneeling protest have ties to the African slave trade. The Supreme Court’s DACA ruling is outrageous. Copyright Bongino Inc All Rights Reserved. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices