
    Podcast Summary

    • Different Perceptions of Biden and Trump's Handling of Classified DocsAmericans are aware and troubled by both President Biden and former President Trump's handling of classified documents, but most do not believe either should face charges. Perceptions vary on transparency and length of time in possession.

      Both President Biden and former President Trump have faced scrutiny over the handling of classified documents, but the public perception and the circumstances surrounding the discoveries are quite different. President Biden welcomed FBI agents to his home to retrieve additional sets of records, while former President Trump's documents were discovered during an FBI search of his Mar-a-Lago residence. The polling shows that a majority of Americans are aware of and troubled by both situations, but most do not believe that either president should face charges. However, Democrats and Republicans have used the issues to criticize the opposing party's leader. While Republicans argue that Biden's actions are more concerning due to the lack of transparency, Democrats argue that Trump's actions were more serious because the documents were known to be in his possession for years without being returned.

    • Discovery of Classified Documents at Biden's Residence Raises ConcernsUnclear extent and sensitivity of documents found at Biden's residence, initial statements contradicted, potential mistakes or poor record keeping

      The discovery of classified documents at President Joe Biden's residence raises national security concerns, but the extent and sensitivity of the materials are still unclear. Unlike former President Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago estate, which held documents related to special access programs, human intelligence, and foreign intelligence agents, the documents found at Biden's residence were reportedly from his time as vice president and senator. However, initial statements from Biden's team that all records were at the Penn Biden Center have since been contradicted, leading to criticism over transparency and handling of the situation. It is believed that mistakes, poor record keeping, or staff-level errors may have contributed to the issue, but the full extent and implications are still unfolding.

    • FBI searches Mar-a-Lago over classified documents, Biden faces GOP scrutinyThe FBI searched Mar-a-Lago for classified documents in Trump's possession, while Biden faces GOP scrutiny over similar findings in his garage. The shifting White House responses and ongoing investigations make it challenging to provide clear information to the public, but it's crucial to remember Trump's history of disregard for rules.

      The FBI's search of Mar-a-Lago was due to the discovery of classified documents in Trump's possession, which he initially denied having and then claimed he had declassified. Biden, on the other hand, has been more transparent about handling classified materials. The media has criticized the shifting responses from the White House regarding the issue, and there are concerns about potential Republican overreach in investigating Biden. The discovery of classified documents in Biden's garage has given the GOP a new line of attack, but the validity and significance of this issue are questionable. The ongoing investigations and discussions surrounding classified information make it challenging for communications teams to provide clear and complete information to the public. Despite the ongoing controversy, it's important to remember that Trump's history of reckless behavior and disregard for rules sets him apart from Biden.

    • New House Leadership Brings Changes and OversightRepublicans to lead investigations, immigration remains a focus, Ron Klain exits as White House Chief of Staff, Jeff Zients appointed as replacement, different leadership styles

      With the Republicans taking control of the House, we can expect increased oversight and investigations, potentially leading to newsworthy findings. This comes as an alternative to the ongoing debate about immigration and border issues, which remains a salient topic for most voters. In White House news, Ron Klain's departure as Chief of Staff and Jeff Zients' appointment as his replacement signifies a shift in focus. Klain, who started working with Biden when he was 28, was known for his exceptional political instincts, communication skills, and people skills. He broadened the role of a chief of staff by being more visible and responsive, but now, with no legislative agenda, Zients, a management expert, will focus on managing oversight requests and ensuring the effective implementation of already passed laws.

    • New White House Economic Advisor Jeff Zients' Background and RoleJeff Zients, a business veteran and former government official, is the new White House economic advisor, committed to implementing the Biden agenda. Meanwhile, Trump's social media return may aid his primary bid but faces challenges in gaining endorsements.

      Jeff Zients, the new White House economic advisor, has a complex background with experience in both the business community and progressive economic policies. While some progressives express concerns about his past ties to the business sector, others, including members of Congress, have praised his collaboration on progressive policies during his time in government. Zients, who has overseen the National Economic Council and ran the Biden transition, is seen as committed to implementing the Biden agenda. Meanwhile, Donald Trump, a potential 2024 Republican challenger, is making a comeback on social media, with plans to return to Twitter and petitioning Facebook to unblock his account. This return to the political scene may help him in the primary, but he faces challenges in gaining endorsements and maintaining loyalty from some Republican officials and evangelical leaders.

    • Trump's Twitter Return: Shaping Narratives During the Primary SeasonFormer President Trump's Twitter presence could help him regain attention and influence during the Republican primary season, despite the platform's waning power and potential bot followers.

      Former President Donald Trump's return to Twitter could help him gain attention and shape narratives during the Republican primary season, despite the waning power of Twitter in the media landscape and the presence of other underwhelming potential challengers like Nikki Haley. Notable tweets from figures like Reverend Solomon, Ed Balls, and Patricia Lockwood were discussed as examples of Trump's ability to generate buzz and engage with his audience. However, it was noted that a significant portion of his Twitter following might be bots or inactive accounts. While Twitter may not be as effective as Facebook in reaching his base, Trump's need for attention and his penchant for controversial statements make it a valuable platform for him during the primary season. The lackluster performance of other potential Republican contenders, such as Haley, was also highlighted.

    • 2024 Republican Primary: Trump's Aggressive Approach Shaping the RaceTrump's aggressive approach towards opponents, particularly in the evangelical community, could make him a formidable outsider candidate in the 2024 Republican Primary. Democratic Congressman Ruben Gallego's entry into the Arizona Senate race emphasizing his commitment to the working class adds intrigue to the upcoming primary season.

      The 2024 Republican primary race could be shaped by former President Donald Trump's aggressive approach towards his opponents. While some politicians tend to gradually escalate their attacks, Trump has shown that going hard and being relentless against opponents can be effective. This strategy has been particularly successful for him in gaining the support of the evangelical community, despite controversies and allegations. Trump's unique position as a former president without the support of the party establishment could make him a formidable outsider candidate once again. Another notable development is Democratic Congressman Ruben Gallego's announcement to run for Kyrsten Sinema's Senate seat in Arizona. Gallego's campaign video emphasizes his commitment to fighting for the working class, and his chances in the race will be closely watched. Overall, the political landscape is shaping up for an interesting and competitive primary season in both parties.

    • Democratic Candidate Ruben Gallego's Inspiring Background and Primary ChancesDemocratic candidate Ruben Gallego, with a inspiring background of growing up in poverty and serving in the Marines, has strong chances in Arizona's Senate primary despite potential challenges from Kyrsten Sinema and the Republican nominee. His progressive support and strong fundraising abilities give him an advantage.

      Ruben Gallego, a Democratic candidate for Arizona's Senate seat, has an inspiring background and strong chances in the upcoming primary, despite potential challenges from independent Kyrsten Sinema and the Republican nominee. Gallego, who grew up in poverty with an abusive father and served in the Marines, has gained support from progressives and could potentially clear the Democratic primary field. However, the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC) may face a difficult decision if Sinema runs as an independent, as they are committed to supporting Democratic candidates. Gallego's strong fundraising abilities and progressive support suggest that he will have a significant advantage in the race.

    • Democratic Senators Face Challenges in 2024 ElectionsDemocrats face challenges in defending Senate seats in Republican-leaning states due to internal criticism and potential primary challenges from senators like Manchin and Sinema, as well as the retirement of popular senators and uncertain status of others.

      The political landscape in the upcoming Senate elections in 2024 is shaping up to be a challenging one for the Democratic party. Senators like Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema, who represent Republican-leaning states, are facing criticism and potential challenges from within their own party. Manchin, who is one of the least popular senators in the country, recently helped pass significant climate change legislation, adding to the confusion about his political stance. Sinema, on the other hand, has been criticized for her perceived alignment with wealthy interests, while her opponent, Mark Kelly, focuses on economic populism. The retirement of popular Democratic Senator Debbie Stabenow from Michigan, and the undecided status of Manchin and Jon Tester, adds to the uncertainty of the Senate map in 2024. The Democratic party will need to defend seats in Trump-winning states, making the upcoming elections a significant test for the party.

    • 2024 Senate Landscape: Challenges for DemocratsDemocrats face tough battles defending 23 seats, with key races in WV, OH, WI, PA, NV, and MI. Extreme GOP candidates may emerge, but strong Dem candidates and bipartisan efforts offer hope for progress.

      The 2024 Senate landscape presents significant challenges for Democrats, who are defending 23 seats compared to the Republicans' 9. Key races include Manchin's seat in West Virginia, where he faces low approval ratings, and Sherrod Brown's re-election bid in Ohio. Republicans may nominate extreme candidates in several states, including Ohio, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania. Democrats also face tough races in Nevada with Jackie Rosen and potentially in Michigan. Despite these challenges, Democrats have strong candidates, such as Sherrod Brown and Bob Casey, and will focus on finding common ground with Republicans to make progress for the American people. House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) will join the show to discuss his plans for the next two years in a divided Congress.

    • Discussing the importance of prioritizing American needs over partisan politicsPoliticians must prioritize American needs, not partisan politics, to prevent economic catastrophe from debt default, especially regarding Social Security and Medicare.

      Both Democrats and Republicans in the U.S. government must prioritize the needs of the American people over partisan politics. This was emphasized during a recent discussion, where it was stated that the debt ceiling issue should be addressed without threatening Social Security and Medicare. The Speaker of the House, Kevin McCarthy, was criticized for his handling of the situation and the potential harm it could cause to these programs. It was suggested that McCarthy should bring a clean debt ceiling bill to the floor, but he has previously stated that he won't do so. The business community was urged to intervene and help prevent a potential economic catastrophe from a debt default. Additionally, it was acknowledged that even Trump, a former president, has spoken out against cutting Social Security and Medicare as part of the debt ceiling negotiations. Despite McCarthy's past actions and promises, there is hope that reason and the potential consequences of a default will ultimately prevail.

    • Political Extremism in Washington D.C.: A Cause for ConcernBoth parties must prioritize responsible governance and avoid hostage-taking tactics to address key issues and avoid crises, despite political extremism and mistrust among some Republicans.

      The current political climate in Washington D.C. is marked by extremism among some Republicans, who are unwilling to compromise on key issues like the debt ceiling and reproductive rights. This extremism is a cause for concern, as it could lead to catastrophic consequences for the American people. Democrats, on the other hand, are committed to making a difference in the lives of everyday Americans and finding common ground for governing. However, negotiations with Republicans may be difficult due to the unruly behavior of some extremist members. The existence of secret deals made by Republican leaders, such as Kevin McCarthy, adds to the uncertainty and mistrust. To move forward, it is crucial for both parties to prioritize responsible governance and avoid hostage-taking tactics. The use of measures like the motion to vacate to remove uncooperative leaders could be considered, but it's important to consider the context and process surrounding such actions. Ultimately, the American people expect their leaders to work together to find solutions and avoid unnecessary crises.

    • Opportunities for Debate and Progress in the Democratic PartySpeaker McCarthy's legislative Wednesdays allow for open debate on bills, strengthening the Democratic Party's position for the future amidst political tensions and disagreements.

      Despite the ongoing political tensions and disagreements within the Democratic Party, particularly in New York, there are opportunities for all members to advance their priorities through open debate on the floor of the House of Representatives. Speaker McCarthy has proposed legislative Wednesdays for voting on favorable bills, regardless of party affiliation. The aftermath of recent political events in New York, including the rejection of a governor's judicial nominee and the close gubernatorial race, calls for a serious self-evaluation to strengthen the party's position for the future. The use of the word "xenial" during the speaker transfer ceremony was a challenging choice, but ultimately, it was the best option available to the speaker at the time.

    • Leading through challenges in American politicsDespite ethical concerns, leaders like Schumer and Pelosi deliver legislation for the American people, addressing urgent needs and focusing on progress.

      Despite challenges, such as quality of life issues and intense communication demands, leaders like Schumer and Pelosi are navigating complex situations, delivering for the American people through legislation like the American Rescue Plan and Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. However, there are concerns about the ethical standards of some politicians, like George Santos, who have been found to be fraudulent. Investigations are ongoing, but the focus remains on addressing the urgent needs of the country. Overall, it's a critical time in American politics, with a lot at stake and a lot to communicate about.

    • Ranking news takes in 'Take Take, Don't Tell Me' gamePlayers rank news takes from best to worst, adding a twist of random order, promoting open-mindedness and critical thinking.

      The "Take Take, Don't Tell Me" game, inspired by the Take Appreciations game, introduces a ranking system for evaluating news takes, with the worst take being ranked as number 1. Players must rank 5 news takes from best to worst without filling the number one slot too early. The game adds a twist by having the presenter read the takes in a random order. The goal is to grade the rankings at the end and potentially reevaluate the rankings. The discussion revolved around the take presented in an NBC News article suggesting that President Biden should pardon some January 6 rioters to kickstart an era of mass decarceration. The participants had differing opinions on the take, with one arguing for the potential benefits of the pardons and the other opposing the political strategy behind it. Despite their disagreement, they were able to engage in a thoughtful and respectful conversation, demonstrating the value of open-mindedness and critical thinking in evaluating news takes.

    • A debate on Trump's role in Operation Warp Speed and Tucker Carlson's stance on vaccines and nicotineThe discussion explored conflicting views on Trump's involvement in the COVID-19 vaccine initiative and the safety and effectiveness of the vaccines produced under it. Some argued that the vaccines saved lives, while others claimed they caused harm or even death. Tucker Carlson's defense of big tobacco and nicotine also sparked concern.

      The discussion revolved around Trump's potential performance in a Republican primary and the issue of vaccines, specifically Operation Warp Speed. The piece from a right-wing website, Town Hall, criticized Trump for his involvement in the initiative, claiming that the vaccines produced under it not only failed to stop the spread of COVID-19 but also caused harm or even death to some people. Some participants in the discussion disagreed, stating that the vaccines saved more lives than they harmed and that the mutation of the virus to new variants was not the fault of the vaccines. Additionally, Tucker Carlson was discussed for his defense of big tobacco and nicotine, with some participants expressing concern over his rhetoric. Overall, the conversation highlighted the complexity and controversy surrounding the role of government in public health initiatives and the politicization of scientific issues.

    • Discussing Controversial Takes: Wind Power and the Transatlantic Slave TradeA group ranked various controversial takes, with Steve Malloy's claim that wind power enabled the transatlantic slave trade being seen as the most absurd and ridiculous.

      During a discussion about controversial takes, the group ranked various statements based on their absurdity and offensiveness. One of the most requested takes was from Fox News contributor Steve Malloy, who argued that wind power was responsible for making the transatlantic slave trade possible. This take was ranked as the most absurd and ridiculous of the list, with the group finding it both entertaining and disturbing. Other takes included claims that Trump vaccines kill people, nicotine frees your mind, January 6th rioters should be freed, and Senator Kyrsten Sinema was a radical at Davos. The group had a tough time deciding between ranking some takes as 1 (most ridiculous) or 5 (most offensive), as they saw some similarities between right-wing and left-wing extremist views. Overall, the take game provided a range of absurd and thought-provoking statements, showcasing the importance of critical thinking and the power of language to shape perceptions.

    • Democratic Congressman Hakeem Jeffries discusses political events on Pod Save AmericaDemocratic Congressman Hakeem Jeffries emphasized the importance of unity within the Democratic Party and standing up for democratic values, even in the face of political adversity, during a conversation on Pod Save America.

      Hakeem Jeffries, a Democratic congressman from New York, joined the Crooked Media podcast "Pod Save America" for a conversation about current political events. The discussion covered various topics, including the ongoing impeachment inquiry against President Trump and the importance of democratic values. Jeffries emphasized the need for unity within the Democratic Party and the importance of standing up for what is right, even in the face of political adversity. The podcast, which is produced by Crooked Media, is available for listening on YouTube and is supported by a team of producers, sound engineers, and production staff. The conversation will continue on Thursday, and listeners are encouraged to tune in for more insights on the political landscape. Overall, the discussion underscored the importance of engaging in thoughtful and meaningful political discourse, particularly during times of political uncertainty.

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    The First (and Last?) Debate

    The First (and Last?) Debate

    The first debate is upon us, and you’re not the only one feeling nervous. Guest host Stacey Abrams joins Jon, Jon, Tommy, and Dan, live in Brooklyn, to talk about what we can learn from the 2020 debates, and what would constitute a win for Biden on Thursday night. Then, Strict Scrutiny’s Melissa Murray joins the hosts to break down the latest from the Supreme Court and what’s still to come this term, and Run for Something co-founder Amanda Litman talks with Dan about why it’s so important to have progressive candidates running in local races.Democracy or Else is out now! 


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    This Is Your Debate on Drugs

    This Is Your Debate on Drugs

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    How Democrats Can Win Latinos Back (Ep. 4)

    How Democrats Can Win Latinos Back (Ep. 4)

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    Pre-order Democracy or Else: How to Save America in 10 Easy Steps at crooked.com/books or wherever books are sold. Out June 25th.

    Pod Save America
    enJune 23, 2024

    Trump Loses It Over Fox News Poll

    Trump Loses It Over Fox News Poll

    Joe Biden heads to Camp David to prepare for next week's debate, Donald Trump bungles the expectations game, and both sides prepare for the post-broadcast clip war. Meanwhile, a new Fox News poll shows Biden ahead, and Trump lashes out at the betrayal. Then, former White House Counsel Bob Bauer stops by to talk about playing Trump in debate prep in 2020, the Supreme Court, and his new book, The Unraveling: Reflections on Politics without Ethics and Democracy in Crisis. 


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    The Plan to Fight Trump's Second-Term Agenda

    The Plan to Fight Trump's Second-Term Agenda

    Joe Biden makes a big new move on immigration, and Democratic governors and progressive groups quietly make plans to fight back against the second-term agenda that Trump is promising, from mass deportations to bans on medication abortion and gutting the civil service. Strict Scrutiny's Kate Shaw joins Jon and Lovett to talk about the legal challenges in store for both Trump and Biden, the Supreme Court's dangerous decision on bump stocks, and what else we can expect from the justices with so many opinions yet to drop.


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    Biden Campaign Unloads on Trump's Conviction

    Biden Campaign Unloads on Trump's Conviction

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    Trump Returns to the Scene of the Crime

    Trump Returns to the Scene of the Crime

    Trump returns to the Capitol for the first time since January 6th and receives a hero’s welcome from House and Senate Republicans—where he calls Milwaukee a “horrible city,” refers to the Justice Department as “dirty bastards,” and complains about Taylor Swift not endorsing him. Meanwhile, the same Republicans attempting to overturn Trump’s conviction are instead trying to prosecute Attorney General Merrick Garland. Plus, SCOTUS affirms legal access to abortion medication, Biden takes voters’ cost of living concerns head on, and Trump tries to woo CEOs with more tax cuts.

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    Emily Wilson, Emily Saves America


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