
    Bill Gates' Global Neo-feudalism with Vandana Shiva

    enFebruary 09, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Fighting for farmers, women, and the environmentRenowned activist Vandana Shiva advocates for seed sovereignty, women's rights, and forest protection, inspiring many with her interconnectedness philosophy. She opposes land takeovers by billionaires like Bill Gates.

      Vandana Shiva, a renowned grassroots leader, has dedicated her life to fighting for the rights of farmers, women, and the environment. She has been a role model for many, including Bobby, who first encountered her during the Chipka movement in the 1980s. Shiva's work focuses on the interconnectedness of all living beings and the potential to move beyond mechanistic thinking. Currently, she is involved in protests against the takeover of land by billionaires, including Bill Gates, who are attempting to turn everything into a portfolio. Shiva's lifelong work includes advocating for seed sovereignty, women's rights, and forest protection, and she has won numerous awards for her activism. The clash between those who want to protect the land and those who seek to profit from it is a significant issue facing the world today.

    • The agricultural revolution's social and environmental issuesThe push for chemical-dependent farming practices led to the displacement of traditional methods, exploitation of farmers, and environmental harm. Resistance continues as farmers fight for preservation of traditional farming and protection of the soil and soul.

      The agricultural revolution, driven by the Rockefeller Foundation and the World Bank, which aimed to make agriculture more adaptable to chemicals, led to significant social and environmental issues. The implementation of monoculture farming practices and the use of large amounts of chemicals resulted in the displacement of traditional farming practices and the exploitation of farmers. This was evident in the protests against the green revolution in India in 1984, which saw the deaths of thousands of farmers. The resistance to these practices continues today, with farmers fighting for the preservation of traditional farming methods and the protection of the soil and the soul of India. The story is a reminder of the importance of multidimensional thinking and the potential negative consequences of pushing the world towards one-dimensional, artificial intelligence solutions.

    • Industrialization of Agriculture and Food Processing: A Modern-Day ColonizationThe industrialization of agriculture and food processing, driven by corporations and Bill Gates, negatively impacts farmers' earnings, biodiversity, soil health, plant health, and human health. It consolidates power and control over agriculture and food production, potentially leading to a loss of genetic diversity and further dependency on chemical inputs.

      The industrialization of agriculture and food processing, driven by corporations like Pepsi and now Bill Gates, has led to a significant decrease in farmers' earnings and a loss of biodiversity, negatively impacting both the health of the soil, plants, and humans. This industrial mindset, which has migrated into our food and bodies, is a form of modern-day colonization. Farmers are getting an insignificant percentage of what consumers pay for their food, while consumers pay not just for the price of the food but also for potential health issues. The degradation of soil health, plant health, and human health is a result of monoculture farming, chemical agriculture, and the use of GMO seeds. Moreover, Gates' acquisition of farmland, seed banks, and development of robotic farm workers and AI are further consolidating power and control over agriculture and food production, potentially leading to a loss of genetic diversity and further dependency on chemical inputs. This industrialization of agriculture and food production is a threat to our health and the health of the planet.

    • Bill Gates' tech-driven approach to human problems leads to harm in AfricaThe Gates Foundation's technology-focused solutions for hunger and disease in Africa, including GMO crops and chemical agriculture, have resulted in increased starvation, unhealthy food production, and environmental damage, perpetuating colonial-like control over land and resources.

      Bill Gates' approach to addressing human problems such as hunger and disease through technology, including GMO crops, patented seeds, synthetic foods, chemical agriculture, and pesticides, has led to increased starvation and unhealthy food production in various African nations. This is not just about farming or food, but about taking control of land and resources, and perpetuating a colonial-like empire. The use of genetic engineering as a new tool in this old mindset has resulted in the monopolization of seeds, the spread of GMO crops that require heavy use of chemicals, and the destruction of natural minerals in food. This not only harms the environment but also contributes to malnutrition despite a full belly. It's important for movements like Black Lives Matter to recognize the underlying racist structures in the Gates empire and the potential harm it poses to communities around the world.

    • The disregard for the natural world in agriculture and food industryMonsanto's control of seed industry and Gates' push for GMOs disregard potential harm to biodiversity and small farmers, emphasizing money making over sustainability.

      The convergence of big agriculture, food, technology, and finance is leading to a disregard for the natural world and traditional farming practices. Companies like Monsanto have used lawsuits and patents to control the seed industry and promote genetically modified organisms (GMOs), disregarding the potential harm to biodiversity and small farmers. Bill Gates, through his new initiative AG1, is pushing for the widespread adoption of GMOs and other technological solutions, despite resistance from farmers and ecologists. The emphasis on money making and growth, rather than living sustainably, is leading to a disregard for the natural world and the potential negative consequences of these technologies. The control of seed banks by organizations like the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is also a concern, as it could limit access to traditional seeds and further promote the use of GMOs. It is important to consider the potential impact on the environment, public health, and small farmers when promoting and implementing new technologies in agriculture.

    • Bill Gates' Influence on Global Health and Food SystemsBill Gates has committed $10 billion to global health through the World Health Organization and now $10 billion to food, promoting synthetic and chemical options, while Vandana Shiva advocates for local and sustainable food systems and civil disobedience against forced feeding of potentially harmful food

      Bill Gates, through various organizations and initiatives, has significantly influenced global health and food systems in the last decade. He pledged $10 billion to the World Health Organization in 2010, leading to a decade of vaccines, and now he's doing the same for food, promoting chemical and synthetic options. Vandana Shiva warns against this centralization of power and the potential loss of traditional seed varieties and food systems. She calls for civil disobedience against forced feeding of bad food, including genetically modified options like Golden Rice, and encourages support for local and sustainable food systems.

    • Gates Ag One: Digital Farming Without FarmersBill Gates' expansion of Gates Ag One through robots, AI, and digital farming could lead to a monopolistic system, threatening food diversity, sovereignty, and access to healthy food, while potentially criminalizing the right to good food.

      Bill Gates is expanding his agricultural business, Gates Ag One, using robots, AI, and digital farming without farmers, which could lead to a monopolistic, externally-driven agricultural system. This system could potentially threaten food diversity, sovereignty, and access to healthy food. Additionally, Gates' past actions, such as patenting seeds and promoting industrial agriculture, have contributed to environmental degradation and health issues. Now, Gates aims to digitally map genomes and create fake food, potentially criminalizing the right to good food. These actions could further concentrate power and wealth while undermining public goods and shared values. It's crucial for individuals who value freedom and diversity to be aware of these potential consequences and advocate for policies that support sustainable, locally-driven agricultural systems and access to healthy, diverse food options.

    • Bill Gates' Food Monopoly Threatens Local Farmers and CommunitiesBill Gates' push for fortified foods and banning traditional produce in developing countries undermines local farmers, exposes people to potentially harmful processed foods, and recalls past failures like the Green Revolution and globalization. Support organizations like Navdanya and resist the Gates empire to build sustainable, equitable food systems.

      Bill Gates is using his power and influence to monopolize the food industry, particularly in developing countries, by pushing for fortified foods and banning traditional, nutrient-rich produce. This not only undermines local farmers and food systems but also exposes people to potentially harmful, processed foods. Gates' efforts are reminiscent of past failures like the Green Revolution and globalization, which concentrated power and resources in the hands of a few at the expense of diversity and local communities. To resist this trend, we can support organizations like Navdanya, attend their Zoom courses, and read reports like "Gates to a Global Empire." Let's make 2023 the year we transition away from the Gates empire and towards a world that values and protects the diversity of all life and the freedoms of all people. For more information, contact Vandana Shiva at vandana.shiva@gmail.com. Remember, Shiva is a name that means "destroyer of bad systems," and it's a fitting name for someone fighting to create new, sustainable, and equitable food systems.

    • Collaboration and new ideas in actionCollaborate with others, stay curious, and follow new opportunities to make a positive impact in the world.

      Importance of collaboration and following new ideas, as demonstrated by the partnership between the speaker and Vandana Shiva, which is detailed in the speaker's recent article in Defender. This partnership showcases the power of coming together to make a difference and innovate. The speaker encourages everyone to stay curious and open to new opportunities, just as they did by following the "antenna" and connecting with Vandana Shiva. By doing so, we can all contribute to making a positive impact in the world. Additionally, the speaker expresses gratitude to Bobby for joining the conversation and thanks everyone for tuning in. They invite everyone to read their article for more information about this collaboration and the impact it has had. Overall, the key takeaway is the importance of collaboration, staying curious, and following new opportunities to make a difference.

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    One of the few leaders who dared to challenge "America’s Doctor" was Senator Rand Paul, himself a physician. Deception is his indictment of the catastrophic failures of the public health bureaucracy during the pandemic.
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    • Fauci and his scientific yes-men knew from day one about Covid’s origin and tried to cover it up.
    • Fauci and his allies ruthlessly attacked everyone—including highly qualified scientists—who threatened to reveal the truth about the pandemic.

    Why? Hundreds of millions of dollars of grants and unreported royalties were at stake, and heads would roll if the truth got out.


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    Sound Design, Research & Editing: Adedotun Babajide 

    Music Credits
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    Connect with Us:
    Email: Handpickedpodcast@WLU.ca
    Twitter: @Handpickedpodc
    Facebook: Handpicked Podcast  

    Glossary of Terms

    Big Data
    Large quantities of data gathered by digital platforms, such as Amazon or Facebook, and other technologies, such as remote sensing, etc. Big data can be sorted and analyzed in different ways to uncover important insights for decision making. For instance, big data can be used to understand consumer purchasing practices to inform marketing spending and business practices to increase profit margins.  

    Data Mining
    Extracting patterns and key insights from big data sets, often using statistics and machine-learning technologies.  

    Data Sovereignty 
    The right of people to have access to and power over the data and information associated with their lives, work, or communities.    

    The increasing use of digital technologies across sectors to make decisions and enable practices. Digital technologies include (but are not limited to), local and remote sensing technologies, digital platforms, big data, cloud-based solutions, etc. 

    Farming 4.0
    Also referred to as digital farming, smart farming, or precision agriculture, this type of farming makes use of sensing technology and sophisticated computing technologies to make decisions about all aspects of the farm including crop choice, inputs, irrigation, and harvesting.  

    Food Policy
    Food policies are developed by governments at different scales to guide food-related decisions and actions. They inform and govern public, private, and non-profit sector actions related to improving food-related outcomes and can create opportunities for stakeholders to work together across sectors. 

    Food Security  
    Food security is the ability to access safe, nutritious, culturally appropriate, and sufficient food all year round. A person or community is food insecure when people cannot afford or have limited or no access to the food they need to nourish their bodies. The UN Food and Agriculture Organization state that “food insecurity can affect diet quality in different ways, potentially leading to undernutrition as well as. . . obesity.” http://www.fao.org/publications/sofi/2020/en/  

    Food Sovereignty
    "Food Sovereignty is the right of peoples to healthy and culturally appropriate food produced through ecologically sound and sustainable methods, and their right to define their own food and agriculture systems."

    Open Source Data  
    A legal protection that ensures that data that is owned and available for use to everyone in a particular community. In the case of Open Food Network, all users have access to all code associated with the platform but must make any alterations or new code available to all other users.   

    Digital infrastructure or frameworks for different kinds of exchange. For example, Open Food Network is a platform that enables digital food hubs, shops, or farmers markets.  

    A food enterprise which makes, grows, bakes, cooks, or produces food which it can supply to other businesses for sale.  https://guide.openfoodnetwork.org/glossary-of-ofn-terms  

    The use of machines to perform tasks previously completed by waged workers. In agriculture, robotics include picking and milking machines, tractors and other farming machines, and packing machines, among other technologies.  

    Supply Chain 
    All of the components of a system—including organizations, producers, suppliers, people, resources, activities, information, and infrastructures—that get a product to a consumer.   

    Sustainable Food System 
    Food systems that are “socially just, support local economies; are ecologically regenerative, and foster citizen engagement.” https://fledgeresearch.ca/    

    Discussion Questions 

    1. How are digital technologies changing food and farming

    2. How are privacy concerns around food and farming data similar to, or different from, more general digital privacy worries (e.g., social media, geo-tracking, etc.)?

    3. Why is concentrated power in digital food and farming an issue of social justice?

    4. What are some approaches that can ensure digital technologies equitably serve farmers and others who work in food?