
    Bondage, "Bang Checks," and Shaggin' Wagons

    enOctober 14, 2016

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring Sexual Experiences with Iconic Vibrators, Pleasure Enhancers, and Bondage GearIconic vibrators offer powerful rumble for enhanced orgasms, pleasure enhancers like delay spray and warming gel prolong experiences, and bondage gear adds adventure to sex lives.

      The magic wand is more than just a vibrator - it's a cultural icon known for its powerful and deep rumble, earning accolades like "vibrator of the year" for decades. It comes in various models to fit different lifestyles, but all have the same powerful orgasmic rumble. Meanwhile, Promescent offers pleasure enhancing products like delay spray and warming arousal gel to help enhance sexual experiences and last longer. The Midnight line by Sport Cheats provides sophisticated and playful bondage gear to add adventure to your sex life. Overall, these products aim to help individuals and couples explore and enhance their sexual experiences.

    • Exploring Sexuality on the 'Sex with Emily' PodcastListeners can share their unconventional sexual fantasies for a chance to win prizes and join a community that celebrates and explores sexuality in a fun and open way, creating a safe space for self-discovery and pleasure.

      The "Sex with Emily" podcast, which can be found on sportsheets.com or sexwithemily.com, is all about exploring sexuality and embracing one's desires, no matter how unconventional they may be. The show's host, Emily, encourages listeners to share their hottest fantasies for a chance to win sexy prizes, and she's even working on creating a new lube with the help of listener feedback. The podcast aims to take the shame and embarrassment out of sex and sexuality, and instead, celebrate and explore it in a fun and open way. Emily's passion for all things sexual is evident, and she invites listeners to join her on this journey of self-discovery and pleasure. The podcast offers a safe space for people to learn, share, and grow, and encourages listeners to fully embrace their sexuality, no matter what it may be.

    • Embrace Individuality and Unconventional PreferencesAccept and respect individual differences, even if they seem unconventional or go against societal norms. Be open-minded and understanding during conversations about personal quirks and preferences.

      Everyone should embrace their uniqueness and be comfortable with their preferences, no matter how unconventional they may seem to others. During a conversation, the topic of personal quirks and comforts arose, with one person sharing their use of a saliva enhancer for enhanced oral experiences. This led to a discussion about societal norms and the importance of self-acceptance. The speaker encouraged everyone to be open-minded and understanding, as everyone has their own ways of experiencing pleasure and expressing themselves. They also shared a past experience where they introduced a sex toy to a threesome situation, which did not go over well with all parties involved. Despite this, the speaker emphasized that everyone has different preferences and that it's essential to respect and accept those differences. Overall, the conversation underscored the importance of being true to oneself and embracing individuality, even if it goes against societal norms.

    • Connecting with listeners can lead to meaningful experiencesMeeting John at a sexual health expo was a heartwarming encounter for the speaker. Sign up for the filmmaker's campaign to receive a gift box and support their first feature film.

      Acceptance and connecting with others, even in unexpected ways, can lead to meaningful experiences. The speaker shared a story about attending a sexual health expo, where he met a listener named John, who had reached out to the show after losing his wife and feeling pressured to date again. The speaker provided advice and support, and John later attended the expo to thank him in person. This encounter was memorable and heartwarming for the speaker. Another takeaway is the speaker's ongoing quest to make his first feature film, which he is raising funds for through a campaign at grouperthemovie.com. The campaign offers a gift box for filmmakers if they reach 1,000 followers, which takes only 30 seconds to sign up for with your name and email. The speaker's video pitch for the film is a work of art and the movie promises to be a unique and engaging experience.

    • Anderson's Upcoming Film Challenges HomophobiaAnderson's new film explores homophobia through a surprising plot twist, featuring two homophobic individuals falling in love, while listeners can attend a brunch event with Emily and her team for a fun and memorable experience.

      The upcoming film project by Anderson, as revealed during a podcast episode, explores the theme of challenging homophobia through an unexpected plot twist. Two homophobic individuals are forced to confront their beliefs and choose to be in a relationship with each other. Meanwhile, listeners are invited to a brunch event with Emily and her team, where they can engage in a fun and memorable experience, ask sex-related questions, and receive gift packages. Anderson expressed excitement about making her first feature film, which has previously won awards for her short films. She also shared her anticipation for becoming a father, as her wife's due date was approaching. The podcast episode concluded with a lighthearted exchange between the hosts. Overall, the podcast episode provided insights into Anderson's upcoming film project and her personal life, while also offering an entertaining and engaging conversation for the audience.

    • Car sex in the 1970s and beyondOver half of high school students have tried car sex, with men reporting higher orgasm rates and sessions lasting under 15 minutes. Safety and privacy are key considerations.

      Despite the decline in car culture and size of vehicles in the 1970s due to rising gas prices and anti-parking regulations, car sex remains a popular activity among young people. According to recent research, over half of high school students have engaged in sexual activity in a car, with sessions typically lasting less than 15 minutes. Interestingly, 86% of men reported having an orgasm compared to 48% of women. The experience can be stressful due to the confined space and potential for interruptions, but some find it exciting and even write about it in blogs to enhance the experience. Safety and privacy, such as tinted windows, are essential considerations. While getting caught can be embarrassing, it's a common experience for those who engage in car sex frequently. Overall, car sex continues to be a part of the adolescent experience, despite changes in societal norms and vehicle sizes.

    • Cultural differences and personal experiences shape car ownership and useGrowing up in various places influences attitudes towards car brands and personal experiences with cars. Cultural norms and personal desires can significantly impact how people view and use cars.

      Growing up in different places shaped people's experiences significantly, especially when it came to owning and using cars. The speaker grew up in Michigan and had to have an American car to fit in, but desired a foreign one. In contrast, the listener grew up in Michigan but later lived in California where car brands didn't matter. The speaker shared a story about having sex in her non-American car during summer camp without getting caught, while the listener never faced any shame for driving a non-American car. Later, the speaker attended a sex industry conference in Germany and was thrilled to discover We-Vibe's Shagun Wagon, which she had long fantasized about for her own project, "Shag and Wagon," where she would drive around LA and interview people about their sex lives. Overall, the discussion highlights the impact of cultural differences and personal desires on people's experiences.

    • A nostalgic conversation about past sexual experiences and productsThe group shared stories of past sexual experiences and products, including coin-operated bed shakers, vibrators, and water beds, and expressed a desire to re-experience these things.

      The Shag and Wagon, a shaking vehicle from a movie, sparked an exciting and humorous conversation about vibrators, water beds, and nostalgia. The group reminisced about the past and discussed the benefits of various sexual experiences and products. The Shag and Wagon reminded them of coin-operated bed shakers and vibrators, leading to a desire to experience these things firsthand. The conversation also touched on the difficulty of using water beds for sexual activities and the popularity of coconut oil-based products for multitasking beauty needs. Overall, the conversation showcased the group's openness to discussing various sexual experiences and their shared sense of humor.

    • Importance of Self-Care for Sexual ExperiencesSelf-care, including medication, skincare, and seeking advice, can significantly improve sexual experiences and overall happiness.

      Self-care and focusing on personal needs can lead to significant improvements in various aspects of life, including sexual experiences. A listener named DV shared his experience of overcoming ED with the help of Viagra, Kopari hair and skincare products, and the Sex With Emily podcast's advice to focus on himself and his partner. He also mentioned using Jo salted caramel lube and exploring kinky activities with his partner. DV's heartfelt email serves as a reminder of the importance of self-care and seeking help when needed, leading to a more fulfilling sex life and overall happiness. Additionally, listeners can engage with the show by submitting questions on sexwithemily.com or leaving voice mails.

    • Exploring Open Relationships: A Personal JourneyOpen relationships require honesty, communication, and understanding. It's essential to be open and honest with potential partners, respect everyone's comfort levels, and find a dynamic that works for all.

      Open relationships are becoming more common and accepted in today's society. Derek, who has been married for 7 years, shares his experience of opening up his marriage with his wife and the positive impact it has had on their relationship. He now finds himself in a situation where he's looking for a new partner while being honest about his marital situation. However, he's unsure of how to approach the topic with potential partners without scaring them off. Despite societal norms and personal fears, open relationships are increasingly prevalent, with estimates suggesting that up to 1 in 5 Americans have experienced one. It's essential for individuals considering an open relationship to understand that it's not for everyone and that effective communication and honesty are key. Derek's situation highlights the importance of being open and honest with potential partners, even if it's uncomfortable. It's crucial to remember that everyone's circumstances and comfort levels are different, and there's no one-size-fits-all approach. Ultimately, the most important factor is finding a relationship dynamic that works best for all parties involved.

    • Being honest about relationship statusHonesty in relationships is crucial, especially when discussing open relationship status. Starting with transparency can lead to healthier and more fulfilling connections.

      Honesty is key in relationships, especially when it comes to disclosing your relationship status. Open relationships can work, but it's essential to be upfront about it from the beginning to avoid wasting time and potential heartache for both parties. People are more open to alternative relationship structures than ever before, and there are resources available to help connect like-minded individuals. While privacy concerns may be valid, it's important to remember that dishonesty can lead to more significant issues down the line. Being truthful about your situation can lead to healthier and more fulfilling relationships. Additionally, societal norms are evolving, and the stigma surrounding open relationships is lessening. It's essential to find a community that accepts and supports your choices.

    • Tips for Tying Up Your PartnerUse sports sheets with Velcro cuffs for ease, communicate before trying new things, and respect boundaries.

      Leah, a 26-year-old listener, is seeking advice on taking control during intimate moments with her partner, specifically when it comes to tying him up. The expert suggests using sports sheets with Velcro cuffs and restraints for ease and convenience. These can be discreetly kept under the bed. The expert also mentions the importance of communication and ensuring both parties are comfortable with the idea before trying new things. The expert also shares a story about a man removing his wedding ring in inappropriate situations, emphasizing the importance of respect and honesty in relationships.

    • Exploring new sex positions and adding surprisesExperimenting with various sex positions and introducing elements of control and surprise can enhance intimacy and pleasure in relationships. The woman on top positions like reverse cowgirl and crab offer control and exploration. Adding a blindfold or bondage tools can add surprise, but always ensure both partners are comfortable.

      Experimenting with different sex positions and adding elements of surprise and control can enhance intimacy and pleasure in a relationship. The woman on top position, such as reverse cowgirl or the crab, allows for control and exploration. The crab position involves the woman being on top but not on her knees, requiring strong triceps. Another position is the cross position, where the man is on the bottom and the woman is on the side. To add an element of surprise, consider using a blindfold or bondage tools, as long as both parties are comfortable with it. When it comes to sharing past sexual experiences, it's essential to consider the partner's openness and comfort level. Ultimately, the decision of what to share and what to keep private is a personal one. It's important to remember that past experiences should not define the present relationship.

    • Discussing past sexual partners can harm relationshipsSharing past sexual encounters can lead to jealousy and unhealthy thoughts, focusing on the present and shared experiences can strengthen relationships.

      The obsession with the number of sexual partners and sharing such information can be detrimental to relationships. This conversation between Harry and Anderson revolves around their experiences and attitudes towards massage parlors and the societal pressure to disclose past sexual encounters. While Harry openly shared his experiences at massage parlors to start conversations, Anderson expressed his discomfort with the stigma surrounding these establishments and the negative implications of discussing past sexual partners. They both agreed that such information is not useful and can trigger jealousy and unhealthy thoughts in relationships. Instead, focusing on the present and the shared experiences and feelings can strengthen the bond between partners.

    • Men's use of porn is a normal part of their sexualityMen's porn use is common and usually doesn't interfere with relationships unless it becomes an addiction or misaligns with partners' preferences. Open communication is key.

      Men's use of porn, including specific genres, is a normal part of their sexuality and should not be a major concern in a relationship unless it becomes an addiction or interferes with real-life intimacy. While it may be confusing or disturbing for some partners, particularly when it involves older women or fantasies that don't align with their own preferences, it's essential to remember that porn is a separate release and not a reflection of a man's feelings towards his partner. As long as both partners communicate openly and honestly about their boundaries and concerns, porn can coexist in a healthy, consensual relationship. Quoting Dr. Drew, "more mystery, less history" is a good rule of thumb when it comes to sharing sensitive information too early in a relationship.

    • Exploring Porn Use in RelationshipsWhile some porn use can be normal, excessive or hidden use can negatively impact relationships. Open communication and understanding are crucial in addressing any concerns.

      While it's understandable for a partner to feel concerned about their significant other watching porn, it's important to remember that porn use doesn't necessarily harm the relationship or sex life. People have fantasies and rich inner lives, and it's healthy for both men and women to explore these. However, if porn use is interfering with work, causing addiction, or leading to problems during sex, it may be worth addressing. Additionally, using privacy settings and search engines like Bing can help maintain discretion. Ultimately, open communication and understanding are key in navigating this issue.

    • The Orgasm Gap: Bridging the Difference in Male and Female OrgasmsEffective communication, foreplay, and products like Promescent and The Magic Wand can help bridge the orgasm gap and enhance intimate experiences for both partners.

      During sexual intercourse, there is a significant orgasm gap between men and women. Men typically take 6 to 8 minutes to reach orgasm, while women can take anywhere from 20 to 40 minutes. To help bridge this gap, the use of foreplay is essential, and products like Promescent, a clinically proven and FDA-approved delay spray, can help men last longer and reduce performance anxiety. This allows for a more enjoyable and intimate experience for both partners. The Magic Wand, a trusted toy for women for over 30 years, is also mentioned as a tool for achieving pleasure and orgasms. Overall, the discussion emphasizes the importance of open communication, foreplay, and the use of products to enhance sexual experiences and bridge the orgasm gap.

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