
    Books, NFTs And The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck | Interview w/ Mark Manson

    enJanuary 15, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • A conversation between Gary Vaynerchuk and Mark Manson about building audiences online, connections, and writing careersTwo influential figures, Gary Vaynerchuk and Mark Manson, shared their experiences in building online audiences, the importance of connections, and their respective writing careers, emphasizing the serendipity of their meeting.

      Gary Vaynerchuk and Mark Manson, two influential figures from the blogging and publishing worlds, came together for a conversation on the GaryVee Audio Experience podcast. They discussed their shared experiences in building audiences online, the importance of connections, and their respective writing careers. Mark, who started blogging in 2007 and gained viral success on social media, has written four books, including a recent collaboration with Will Smith on his memoir. Gary, who discovered Mark around 2010, shared his admiration for Mark's work and expressed his desire to engage in a meaningful conversation. They spoke about their experiences in the blogging world, going viral on social media, and the process of writing and publishing books. The conversation highlighted the serendipity of their meeting and the importance of making meaningful connections.

    • The importance of having the right person for a successful collaborationCollaborating with the right person and empathy are crucial for a successful project. Empathy and compromise are important when dealing with multiple creatives. A catchy title can also significantly impact a book's success.

      Having the right person and good chemistry is crucial for a successful collaboration. Gary Vaynerchuk spoke about his experience co-authoring a book with a Frenchman, where their skills and personalities complemented each other well. He emphasized that without the right person, the experience could have been horrible. Vaynerchuk also mentioned the challenge of having multiple creatives in the kitchen, and how important it is to have empathy and compromising capabilities. He acknowledged that there were moments where he had different ideas for the book, but ultimately it was the author's project. Vaynerchuk also discussed the impact of a catchy title on the success of a book, citing the example of Tim Ferriss' "4-Hour Workweek" which was determined through Google AdWords. Overall, Vaynerchuk's experience highlights the importance of collaboration, empathy, and a good title in achieving success.

    • Understanding the importance of personal valuesDiscovering your own values and principles helps reduce anxiety, depression, and stress by avoiding distractions and seeking validation from others.

      The book "The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F\*ck" by Mark Manson became a viral success due to its relatable title and content that resonated with people's struggles with figuring out personal values and priorities in a world filled with infinite distractions and external affirmation. The book grew from viral blog posts and addressed the anxiety, depression, and stress that comes from not having clear values and instead seeking validation from others. The author's experience of being constantly in the online world and observing the infinite amount of content led him to write about the importance of discovering one's own values and principles to avoid being overwhelmed. The book's title may seem crass, but it's a clever way to grab people's attention and make them consider the importance of not giving a fuck about the things that don't matter to them.

    • The addiction to outside validation can lead to collective unhappinessFocus on values and actions within our control, like treating others with kindness and respect, for long-term happiness rather than seeking constant validation from others.

      In today's world, where we're exposed to an overwhelming amount of people and information, it's unrealistic to expect everyone to like us or agree with us. However, the ease of passing moral judgment on others and the lack of accountability for our actions has led to a culture of moral righteousness, which can be a source of collective unhappiness. This addiction to outside validation can be a short-term emotional boost, but it's important to remember that values and actions within our control, such as treating others with kindness and respect, are what truly matter. The speaker also mentioned that they've been focusing less on content creation due to new priorities in their life, such as family.

    • Gary Vaynerchuk's Multiple Roles and New NFT VentureGary Vaynerchuk is focusing more on building the VeeFriends brand, aiming to be a creative leader like Disney and McMahon, and bringing his book 'Subtle Art' to the NFT world.

      Entrepreneur and businessman Gary Vaynerchuk, also known as Gary Vee, is juggling multiple roles and projects, including being the active CEO of VaynerX, a large global company, and the creator of VeeFriends, a new NFT venture. He shared that he feels the need to put more energy into building the VeeFriends brand, comparing himself to figures like Walt Disney and Vince McMahon who were known for their creative leadership, rather than just being the face of their companies. Vaynerchuk also expressed his excitement about entering the NFT space with Subtle Art and shared his plans to fractionalize the book and bring it to the NFT world. Despite his previous successes, he acknowledged the challenges that come with managing multiple projects and teams, and the feeling of being behind the curve in the rapidly evolving NFT market.

    • Revolutionizing Publishing with NFTsMark Manson uses NFTs to sell Creative Commons rights to individual quotes and paragraphs from his books, allowing buyers to quote, use, and monetize content, while Manson retains copyright. Excited about potential industry solutions and new revenue streams for authors.

      Mark Manson is utilizing the blockchain technology through NFTs to revolutionize the publishing industry by granting buyers the Creative Commons rights to individual quotes and paragraphs from his books. This allows buyers to quote, use, and even monetize the content they purchase, with Manson retaining the copyright. He is particularly excited about the potential of NFTs in publishing as they offer a solution to industry issues and provide a new revenue stream for authors. Furthermore, Manson shared his enthusiasm for the potential of NFTs to transform the value of failed projects and revive the narrative around them. He also mentioned the historical precedent of books gaining popularity after an author's death and expressed his excitement about the potential of NFTs in this context. Overall, Manson's exploration of NFTs in publishing represents an innovative approach to monetizing and preserving content.

    • Navigating the Complexities of Traditional Publishing vs NFT Self-PublishingAuthors are exploring new ways to publish with NFTs, but the market's instability and uncertainty make it a challenging decision. Traditional publishers are open to new technologies, but the potential sales and success are uncertain. Past bubbles serve as a reminder to observe the market carefully before making a choice.

      The publishing industry is evolving with the digital age, and authors like ourselves are navigating the complexities of traditional deals versus self-publishing through NFTs. During our conversation, we shared our experiences with publishers, including HarperCollins, and their openness to new technologies like NFTs. We discussed the potential for significant sales through NFTs, comparing it to the Internet stock bubble and the success of companies like Amazon and eBay. However, we also acknowledged the current bubble in the NFT market and the uncertainty of its future. Additionally, we expressed the feeling of being in a "no man's land," excited about web 3 technologies but recognizing their newness and instability, while traditional web 2 platforms seem saturated. Ultimately, we are both uncertain about whether to sign traditional book deals or pursue NFT self-publishing, and we acknowledged the importance of observing the market and learning from past bubbles.

    • Understanding Social Media's Impact on UsersAwareness of social media's effects on moods, beliefs, and info intake could lead to a boom of independent voices and a decline in traditional media, requiring adaptation to new platforms and technologies.

      The social media landscape is evolving, and understanding the impact of platforms and their algorithms on users is becoming increasingly important. The speaker expresses a belief that there is a growing awareness among the general public about how social media consumption affects moods, beliefs, and information intake. This shift could lead to a new boom of independent voices and a decline in traditional media, as people learn to filter out noise and adopt a more critical approach to content consumption. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of adapting to new platforms and technologies, as seen with the transition from blogging to YouTube and social media. Looking ahead, it's essential to keep an eye on emerging trends, whether in OTT shows, pop culture, or emotional themes, and to be open to new voices and perspectives.

    • The Importance of Building Bridges and Understanding DifferencesEmbrace similarities and differences, be open to learning, and focus on building meaningful relationships to bridge polarized communities. Understand the evolution of technology and be empathetic towards those less familiar with it.

      Our society is becoming increasingly polarized, with people becoming more entrenched in their beliefs and less open to new ideas, leading to a lack of understanding and connection between different groups. This is evident in various aspects of life, including politics and technology. The loudest voices are often the most extreme, and it's easy to get caught up in the chaos and forget about the importance of building meaningful relationships and bridges between different communities. The speaker emphasizes the need to embrace the similarities and differences among us and to be open to learning from each other, regardless of age or background. He also highlights the importance of understanding the evolution of technology and not judging those who may be less familiar with it. Overall, the conversation underscores the importance of empathy, open-mindedness, and connection in a world that can sometimes feel overwhelmingly polarized.

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