
    Born To Run Free (For a Lifetime) with Christopher McDougall + Eric Orton

    enDecember 08, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring the joy and creativity of runningApproach running as an art form for better performance and a lifelong love for the sport. Focus on efficiency and prevent injuries with corrective drills and training regimens.

      Approaching exercise as a form of joy and creativity, rather than punishment or self-destruction, can lead to better physical performance and a lifelong love for running. Christopher McDougall's book "Born to Run" introduced the world to the Tarahumara, a tribe of super athletes known for their ability to run long distances, and the principles behind their success. In "Born to Run 2," McDougall and co-author Eric Orton delve deeper into these ideas, offering practical advice on naturalistic running drills, injury prevention, and finding joy in running. McDougall emphasizes the importance of viewing exercise as an art form and encourages runners to focus on efficiency rather than pushing themselves to the limit. Eric Orton, a running coach and co-author, shares his expertise on corrective drills and training regimens to help runners perfect their form and avoid injury. The book also includes race-ready recipes, shoe recommendations, and advice on building a running community. McDougall's message is clear: approach exercise with joy and creativity, and the rest will follow.

    • The power of learning from others and running naturallyDiscover the benefits of mimicking natural running styles and learning from others through books and personal experiences.

      The importance of learning from others and the benefits of running in a way that mimics the natural movements of our bodies. Christopher McDougall's book "Born to Run" has inspired many runners and fitness enthusiasts with its stories of the Tarahumara people and their effortless running style. Eric Orton's training methods also emphasize the importance of getting close to a running partner and learning from their form. The experience of running behind a Tarahumara runner can be transformative, as it showcases the joy and ease that comes from running in a more natural way. The exchange between the host, the guests, and the audience highlights the impact that books and personal experiences can have on our perspectives and motivations, encouraging us to continue learning and growing.

    • An unforgettable experience adapting Born to Run into a movieDespite the failure to adapt Born to Run into a movie, camping with Jake Gyllenhaal and Peter Sarsgaard and Gyllenhaal's visit to the cabin during a monsoon provided a unique connection to the story and actors.

      The experience of attempting to adapt the book "Born to Run" into a movie with Jake Gyllenhaal and Peter Sarsgaard involved was a memorable one, despite the eventual failure of the project. The memory stands out for the opportunity to camp with Gyllenhaal and Sarsgaard, as well as Gyllenhaal's visit to the cabin during a monsoon. However, the challenge of adapting the complex story into a cinematic narrative proved to be insurmountable, leading to the abandonment of the project. The revelation that Micah True's story, not the runners', should be the focus of the book also came to light during this time. Despite the setback, the experience was a positive one, providing a unique connection to the actors and the story.

    • Micah True's extraordinary life and disappearanceMicah True, or Caballo Blanco, lived a life of pursuit of the extraordinary in running and living, inspiring awe and admiration. His disappearance serves as a reminder of the hidden wonders and limitless potential in the world.

      Micah True, also known as Caballo Blanco, lived his life as a modern-day nomad, embodying the spirit of the Tarahumara people and their legendary running abilities. His story took an unexpected turn when, years after Chris McDougall's book about him came out, Chris received a call from Caballo's girlfriend, revealing that he had gone missing. This encounter took Chris back to the Agoura Hills Library, where he had first learned about the Tarahumara and discovered Caballo. Micah's life was defined by his relentless pursuit of the extraordinary, both in running and in living, inspiring awe and admiration in those around him. His story serves as a reminder that the world is full of hidden wonders and limitless potential, waiting to be discovered by those who dare to seek them out.

    • Micah True's deep bond with GuadalupeThe deep connection between Micah True and his dog Guadalupe, and the strong community bond formed around him, were crucial elements in the mystery of his disappearance.

      Learning from the discussion about the book "Born to Run" is the deep connection between the protagonist, Micah True, and his loyal companion, Guadalupe, a wolf-like dog. Micah, a minimalist and ultra-runner, lived off the grid for a long time, and Guadalupe was his constant companion. When Micah went missing, his girlfriend, Maria Walton, reached out to the author for help. She shared that Micah had left Guadalupe tied up before disappearing, which was out of character for him. This detail, along with other signs, led the community of ultra-runners to suspect that Micah had intentionally vanished. Barefoot Ted, a character in the book, predicted Micah's disappearance, adding to the mystery. Despite the uncertainty, the community came together to search for Micah, demonstrating the strong bond formed around him.

    • A life lived on one's own terms despite challengesFind a way to turn what we love into a lifestyle, fostering creativity and joy in exercise, and building a community of like-minded individuals.

      The story of Micah True, also known as Caballo Blanco, is a testament to living life on one's own terms, even in the face of uncertainty and adversity. Despite the challenges and risks, True's passion for running and living in nature inspired those around him to join him on his journey. However, balancing this dedication to personal principles with the responsibilities of everyday life can be a complex issue. The answer, according to the author, lies in finding a way to turn what we love into a lifestyle, rather than just a recreational activity or a form of self-punishment. This idea of creativity and artistry in exercise can lead us to a more fulfilling and joyful approach to our physical and mental well-being. The story of Caballo Blanco also highlights the importance of community and the shared desire to live a meaningful and authentic life.

    • Explore personal growth resources and storytelling techniquesExplore apps like 'Waking Up' for personal growth resources. Authenticity and vulnerability in storytelling can connect with broader audiences. Find joy and exploration in activities for unique perspectives.

      Investing in personal growth through apps like "Waking Up" can provide a wealth of resources beyond daily meditations, including courses on various topics like stoicism, cognitive behavioral therapy, time management, and more. These resources can help individuals navigate mental health, relationships, and other important aspects of life. Another takeaway is the importance of authenticity and vulnerability in storytelling, as seen in Rich Roll's writing process for his successful book, "Born to Run." This approach allowed him to connect with a broader audience beyond just the running community. Lastly, finding joy and exploration in activities, even if one is not an expert or enthusiast, can lead to unique perspectives and engaging stories.

    • Exploring the joy of running through writingBoth McDougall and Murakami found joy in writing about their running experiences, contrasting it with the serious approach in endurance sports. Persistence and staying true to one's message led to widespread popularity for McDougall's 'Born to Run'.

      Both Christopher McDougall and Murakami Haruki shared a sense of freedom and openness in writing about their running experiences, feeling that their work might not be widely read. McDougall reflected on how his first book, "Born to Run," was written during a time when the running literature scene was sparse, and he saw himself as distinct from successful novelists like Murakami. However, they both found common ground in their exploration of the importance of fun and joy in running, contrasting it with the often serious and suffering-focused approach in endurance sports. McDougall also shared his experience of the grassroots promotion of "Born to Run," which initially received little attention but eventually gained widespread popularity. This anecdote highlights the importance of persistence and staying true to one's message, even when faced with initial setbacks.

    • The Power of Persistence and Grassroots MarketingStay true to your vision, believe in the value of what you're offering, and the power of word-of-mouth can lead to unexpected success.

      Persistence and grassroots marketing can lead to unexpected success. John's story of selling running books at races and eventually catching the attention of The Daily Show is a testament to the power of word-of-mouth and determination. Despite facing challenges and setbacks, John continued to share his passion for running and the books he sold, eventually leading to a major breakthrough. This story highlights the importance of staying true to your vision and believing in the value of what you're offering, even when it seems like an uphill battle. Additionally, the untold part of the story about John's plan to write a book on weekend warrior athletes shows that success often comes from exploring unique ideas and finding hidden talents in unexpected places.

    • Stay true to your passion and purposeDiscovering and staying true to your passion and purpose can help you achieve your goals, whether it's writing a book or running a race.

      Passion and purpose are crucial elements in achieving goals. The man in the story was initially focused on competing against himself rather than others, but when he realized he was writing a book to argue with someone instead of sharing a story for the joy of it, he lost motivation. Instead, he discovered that the book people truly wanted was one that answered their questions and provided them with valuable advice. Similarly, when Christopher wanted to run a 50k race but doubted his abilities, Eric recognized his desire and shifted his approach to help him achieve his goal. Both stories illustrate the importance of staying true to one's purpose and passion, whether it's writing a book or pursuing a personal goal like running.

    • Every athlete's unique needs require individual attentionEffective coaching involves understanding an athlete's unique psyche and addressing both fitness and technique issues to prevent injuries and optimize performance.

      Understanding an athlete's unique psyche and identifying their specific needs are crucial for effective coaching. For instance, Chris, a runner frustrated by his inability to run, was found to lack the ability to run easy, which caused him to exert excessive effort and worsen his form. This issue was both a matter of fitness and technique. The key was not only addressing his form but also instilling confidence that a solution was possible. This principle, rooted in the idea that everyone's running form is unique and requires individual attention, is essential to prevent injuries and optimize performance. Chris's experience with Eric became a lifetime adventure, demonstrating the profound impact of a coach who recognizes and caters to each athlete's unique needs.

    • Evaluate form and daily activities for injury preventionAssess form and daily activities to prevent injuries, use simple drills, and aim for minimal protection with necessary terrain coverage

      The book "Born to Run" introduced the concept of form technique and minimal footwear in running, but it's not a panacea for injuries. The further we get away from the ground with shoes, the more we hinder our feet's ability to work in a natural environment, which impacts our stability and overall running performance and health. It's essential to evaluate our form and daily activities that may be leading to injuries. Simple drills, like the rock lobster, can help assess where we stand. Ultimately, shoes should be seen as a tool, and we should strive for minimal protection while maintaining necessary protection for the terrain and desired performance.

    • Running shoes vs minimalism: A personal choiceExperiment with different running styles to find what feels best for you, rather than committing to one way or another.

      Running shoes and minimalism are personal choices. Some runners prefer the comfort and sensual pleasure of running shoes, while others, like the speaker, believe that feeling the ground beneath their feet helps them maintain proper form. The speaker shares his experience trying minimal shoes and the inspiration he took from a runner named Tony Riddle, who has mastered barefoot running. The speaker suggests that instead of focusing on committing to one way of running, individuals should experiment and find what feels best for them, making the process enjoyable rather than a punishment. The transition to minimal running or barefoot running can be gradual and should be seen as a training tool rather than an all-or-nothing commitment.

    • Neuromuscular strength and functional movementIgnoring neuromuscular strength can lead to chronic running pain. Focus on foot engagement, glute activation, and addressing underlying issues like tight hips and hip flexors.

      Neuromuscular strength plays a crucial role in running pain-free, especially for individuals dealing with chronic issues like lower back pain and sciatic issues. The brain's ability to connect with certain muscle groups is essential, and it's not always about muscle weakness. For instance, the glutes not firing is a common issue. Neuromuscular strength is often overlooked, but it's vital to functional movement. The foot engagement is a key starting point to develop neuromuscular strength. Back pain and other symptoms may be indicators of underlying issues, such as tight hips or hip flexors, rather than the root cause. Therefore, exploring these areas can lead to significant improvements. The book discussed in the conversation emphasizes this concept and offers valuable insights for runners of all levels.

    • Maintaining a cadence of 180 steps per minute for efficient running formElite runners have a consistent cadence, focus on lifting knees, and practice to develop muscle memory for efficient running form

      Improving running form involves understanding the importance of cadence and optimal stride length. Elite runners tend to have a cadence of 180 steps per minute, which allows for efficient use of elastic energy and reduces the risk of overstriding. To achieve this, runners can practice jogging in place with their back against a wall, focusing on lifting their knees and maintaining a cadence with music. The challenge lies in developing muscle memory to maintain this form consistently, which may require patience and dedication. Overcomplicating the process with additional drills or skills can hinder progress.

    • Balancing Technique, Mindset, and External Factors in RunningFinding the right balance between technique, mindset, and external factors like music can enhance running performance. Understand the purpose of running and feel the cadence for optimal results.

      Finding the right balance between technique, mindset, and external factors like music can significantly improve running performance. Eric and the speaker had a conversation about the importance of simplifying exercises and finding a consistent beat through music. Flea argued against using music, but Lady Southpaw, a punk musician, advocated for it. Rick Rubin, the "Buddha" of music, suggested considering when one wants to be at the mercy of music. Ultimately, the key is to feel the cadence and understand the purpose of running, rather than relying solely on external tools like watches or music to dictate pace. The book's overarching theme is the importance of understanding the purpose behind various aspects of life, from running to food and beyond.

    • Reconnecting with the past for modern insightsExploring historical context and influential figures can deepen our understanding and appreciation of modern practices, leading to greater satisfaction and enjoyment.

      Understanding the fundamental principles and reconnecting with the past can provide valuable insights into modern practices, such as the benefits of zone 2 training and minimalist footwear. Phil Maffetone's approach to food and training, as exemplified by his 2-week test and living in harmony with nature, can help individuals reevaluate their relationship with their tools and experiences. By exploring the historical context of these practices and the stories behind influential figures like Phil Maffetone and Rick Rubin, we can gain a deeper appreciation for the importance of these concepts and their relevance to our lives today. Whether it's through running, music, or any other pursuit, returning to first principles can lead to greater satisfaction and enjoyment.

    • Effective pacing and understanding different training zonesUnderstanding conversational pace and different training zones can help optimize performance and endurance for athletes, whether military personnel or runners.

      Effective pacing and understanding different zones in training are crucial for endurance athletes, whether they are military personnel or runners. Arthur Liddiard, the father of modern jogging, introduced the concept of conversational pace and mandated zone 2 for cardiac patients. Military training follows a similar approach, with call and response to ensure soldiers can handle unexpected challenges while maintaining fitness. Joe Vigil, a renowned cross-country coach, emphasizes the importance of instinctively dialing back efforts to avoid exhaustion. Kilian Jornet, a successful ultra-runner, spends the majority of his training time in zone 2, and questions the need for long runs, instead focusing on frequency. Effective pacing and understanding different zones can help athletes optimize their performance and endurance.

    • From fast to long: Prioritize speed for success in endurance racesFocusing on speed development before endurance can lead to better results in longer races. Emil Zatopek's success in marathon was achieved by training for sprints.

      Developing raw speed and ability is crucial for athletes, especially when aiming for longer races. Killian Jornet's success in mountain environments is not just about endurance but also speed. The traditional approach of building endurance first and then focusing on speed may not be as effective. Instead, athletes should prioritize speed development and apply it to longer races. This is because one cannot go from long to fast, but can go from fast to long. A famous example is Emil Zatopek, who trained for his first marathon by focusing on sprints. Additionally, some athletes, like Billy Barnett, have found success by letting go of expectations and focusing on enjoyment rather than speed. Ultimately, the key is to find a balance between speed and endurance, and not to overlook the importance of the former.

    • Embrace the sensual pleasure and social aspects of runningIncorporating barefoot running and focusing on enjoyment can lead to cognitive improvement, enhanced performance, and a sustainable running practice

      Incorporating barefoot running and embracing the sensual pleasure and social aspects of running can lead to improved cognitive function, enhanced performance, and increased enjoyment of the activity. As seen in the examples of Barefoot Ted and Billy Barnett, even with minimal training, individuals have achieved remarkable results by using running as a tool rather than an all-or-nothing commitment. By connecting with nature, engaging in group activities, and focusing on the enjoyment of the experience, runners can create a sustainable and rewarding practice.

    • Training within heart rate zones for optimal running performanceUnderstanding heart rate zones and gearing can help runners avoid straining, improve performance, build resilience, and enhance overall fitness. Focusing on neuromuscular exercises and leg stiffness can also significantly improve running ability.

      Understanding and training within specific heart rate zones can help runners avoid straining and improve their performance. This concept, referred to as gearing, allows athletes to establish appropriate effort levels for their goals and understand the correlation between speed and time. The use of gear changes, or varying intensity levels, can also build resilience and improve overall fitness. Additionally, focusing on neuromuscular exercises and leg stiffness can significantly enhance running ability and promote good health. By incorporating these elements, runners can unlock their full potential and enjoy the joy and fun of running.

    • Improve running performance and longevity with music and movement snacksUsing music to improve leg stiffness and cadence, and incorporating fun movement snacks into your routine can help runners of all levels enhance their performance and build confidence in their abilities.

      Running is an art that can be mastered, regardless of one's self-perceived abilities. A simple exercise like using music to improve leg stiffness and cadence can make a significant difference in performance and longevity. Leg stiffness refers to the ability to quickly land and get off the ground, which is a good thing and not a sign of tightness or lack of mobility. The most common issue that runners face is a lack of self-confidence and belief in their abilities. Drills and techniques, such as movement snacks inspired by parkour athletes, can help improve form and overcome these doubts. Movement snacks are non-threatening, fun exercises that can be done anywhere, anytime, and can help loosen up muscles and prepare the body for running. By incorporating these techniques into their routine, runners of all levels can enhance their running experience and build confidence in their abilities.

    • Maintaining good form and understanding personal goals are crucial for running performance and injury preventionFocusing on form and personal goals can improve running performance, prevent injuries, and make any physical activity more enjoyable.

      Focusing on technique and form in running, and in other physical activities, is essential for improving performance and avoiding injuries, especially for those who didn't naturally excel in the sport or have a history of disliking or getting hurt. Chris McClung, a runner and ultramarathoner, emphasized the importance of maintaining good form and understanding one's personal goals in running. He also shared his experience with swimruns, an adventure race that involves swimming and running in teams, and how it requires specific skills and respect for the environment. The partnership aspect of swimruns also adds to the experience. Eric's dedication to form and focus on the joy of improvement is inspiring, and his journey shows that anyone can make progress in a sport with hard work and the right mindset.

    • Embrace Challenges for Unique ExperiencesPushing beyond comfort in physical activities can lead to memorable experiences and improved performance through the buddy system and foot core exercises.

      Pushing yourself beyond comfort in swimming, running, or any physical activity can lead to unique and memorable experiences, even if the conditions are harsh. The buddy system in swimrun competitions adds an extra layer of fun, community, and safety. Practicing foot core exercises, such as barefoot forefoot balancing, can improve overall stability and athletic performance. These exercises are simple, practical, and effective in developing neural pathways and correcting imbalances. Remember, the goal is not just to suffer, but to create new habits and improve over time.

    • Proper preparation and strength training for runnersImprove resilience and reduce injury risk through isometric and eccentric exercises like leg stiffeners. Effective for all levels, these simple and fun exercises help during asymmetric movements like uphill or downhill running.

      Importance of proper preparation and strength training for runners, focusing on isometric and eccentric exercises like leg stiffeners. These exercises help improve resilience and reduce injury risk, especially during asymmetric movements like running uphill or downhill. The exercises are simple and fun, making them effective for runners of all levels. For those interested in learning more, Eric Ortiz offers coaching services, has a website (ericorton.com), and a YouTube channel. Additionally, communities like The Rundown and various running clubs can provide resources for finding a supportive running group. The upcoming book "Born to Run 2" promises to offer more insights and resources for runners.

    • Recognizing Opportunities and Seizing ThemCuriosity, passion, and determination can lead to the creation of innovative businesses, even from obscure or overlooked sources. Recognize opportunities and seize them, no matter how small they may seem.

      The power of inspiration can lead individuals to create innovative businesses, even from seemingly obscure or overlooked sources. During this conversation, the guest shared stories about the unexpected success of Chia seeds and pinole, and how they became popularized despite not being well-known beforehand. The guest also mentioned a fan who started a company based on pinole, demonstrating how inspiration and passion can drive entrepreneurship. This discussion highlights the importance of recognizing opportunities and seizing them, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant they may seem at first. Additionally, the guest emphasized the importance of soaking Chia seeds and enjoying them in various forms, such as ground and dry, or in a smoothie. Overall, this conversation underscores the power of curiosity, passion, and determination in creating something new and successful.

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    The Rich Roll Podcast
    enJune 03, 2024

    Navigate Modern Dating & Create A Healthy Love Life: Relationship Coach Matthew Hussey on Breaking Destructive Cycles, Attracting Authentic Connections & More

    Navigate Modern Dating & Create A Healthy Love Life: Relationship Coach Matthew Hussey on Breaking Destructive Cycles, Attracting Authentic Connections & More
    This week, I’m joined by Matthew Hussey, the celebrated relationship expert and bestselling author, to discuss the intricacies of modern dating and to raise standards for authentic connections. With honest truths, he addresses embracing self-worth, setting boundaries, and cultivating a mindset that attracts an equal partnership based on decency, kindness, and respect. Exploring internal fears, anxieties, and the allure of chaotic relationship dynamics, Matthew discusses unreliable instincts and recognizing red, amber, and green lights. He provides a practical roadmap for breaking destructive cycles, navigating vulnerabilities, and nurturing healthy interdependence. Additionally, we examine gender differences in dating insecurities and societal pressures. Matthew emphasizes the importance of open communication, productive arguments, and empowering your partner’s growth. Please enjoy! Show notes + MORE Watch on YouTube Newsletter Sign-Up Today’s Sponsors: Bon Charge: Use code RICHROLL to save 15% OFF 👉 boncharge.com Waking Up: Get a FREE month, plus $30 OFF   👉wakingup.com/RICHROLL Roka: Unlock 20% OFF your order with code RICHROLL 👉ROKA.com/RICHROLL Go Brewing: Use code Rich Roll for 15% OFF your first purchase 👉gobrewing.com  AG1: Get a FREE 1-year supply of Vitamin D3+K2 AND 5 free AG1 Travel Packs 👉drinkAG1.com/richroll SriMu: Get 22% OFF artisanally crafted plant-rich cheeses w/ code RRP 👉SriMu.com Check out all of the amazing discounts from our Sponsors 👉richroll.com/sponsors Find out more about Voicing Change Media at voicingchange.media and follow us @voicingchange
    The Rich Roll Podcast
    enMay 27, 2024

    Ozempic: Weight Loss Miracle Drug or Something Darker? Johann Hari on The Benefits & Risks

    Ozempic: Weight Loss Miracle Drug or Something Darker? Johann Hari on The Benefits & Risks
    This week, I’m joined by Johann Hari, New York Times bestselling author, journalist, and speaker, to explore his journey into the world of the new weight loss drug phenomenon: Ozempic. Johann shares his surprising firsthand experience injecting himself weekly with the drug for over a year, leading to dramatic weight loss but also complex side effects. We discuss the staggering potential of these “magic pills” to curb the global obesity epidemic, but also the alarming risks like thyroid cancer, pancreatitis, and muscle wasting. Johann provides a nuanced look at the bigger picture—examining the role of pharmaceutical profit, societal pressures around body image, and whether medicalizing thinness addresses root causes. His investigation stretches from the science labs of Iceland to the food culture of Japan. This discussion ultimately confronts sobering philosophical questions about the ethics of pharmaceutical shortcuts versus growth through struggle. Please enjoy! Show notes + MORE Watch on YouTube Newsletter Sign-Up Today’s Sponsors: InsideTracker: Use code RICHROLL at checkout and enjoy 10% OFF the InsideTracker Subscription and any plan 👉insidetracker.com/richroll Seed: Use code RICHROLL25 for 25% OFF your first order  👉seed.com/RichRoll  On: 10% OFF your first order of high-performance shoes and apparel w/ code RICHROLL10 👉on.com/richroll  Momentous: Save up to 36% OFF your first subscription order of Protein or Creatine, along with 20% OFF all of my favorite products 👉livemomentous.com/richroll Squarespace: Use the offer code RichRoll to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain 👉Squarespace.com/RichRoll  Peak Design: 20% OFF thoughtfully designed carry solutions 👉PeakDesign.com/RICHROLL SriMu: Get 22% OFF artisanally crafted plant-rich cheeses w/ code RRP 👉SriMu.com Check out all of the amazing discounts from our Sponsors 👉richroll.com/sponsors Find out more about Voicing Change Media at voicingchange.media and follow us @voicingchange
    The Rich Roll Podcast
    enMay 23, 2024

    Eat Like A Legend: Chef Dan Churchill On Fueling Your Body For Peak Performance With Delicious Food

    Eat Like A Legend: Chef Dan Churchill On Fueling Your Body For Peak Performance With Delicious Food
    This week, I’m joined by Dan Churchill, a performance chef redefining what it means to thrive in the culinary world. With a Master’s in Exercise Science, Dan is fueling plates and human performance. As executive chef of Osprey in Brooklyn’s 1 Hotel, a former restaurant owner, coach on Chris Hemsworth’s Centr app, and cookbook author—Dan is at the intersection of cuisine, fitness, and content creation. We talk about his unique background growing up in Sydney, how a passion for food connected his family, and his journey from appearing on MasterChef Australia to self-publishing cookbooks that launched his career in New York City. Dan shares insights from building respected brands like Charley Street, the harsh realities of the restaurant world, the importance of authentic relationships over transactional partnerships, and finding balance as an entrepreneur, athlete, and chef. We discuss his latest projects, eating with intention, properly fueling training, recovery, digestion, and more. We explore performance nutrition facts and myths, managing energy levels, and working with elite athletes like Chris Hemsworth and Lindsey Vonn. Please enjoy! Show notes + MORE Watch on YouTube Newsletter Sign-Up Today’s Sponsors: Eight Sleep: Use code RICHROLL to get $350 OFF Pod 4 Ultra 👉eightsleep.com/richroll  On: 10% OFF your first order of high-performance shoes and apparel w/ code RICHROLL10 👉on.com/richroll  AG1: get a FREE 1-year supply of Vitamin D3+K2 AND 5 free AG1 Travel Packs with your first purchase  👉 drinkAG1.com/richroll. Whoop: Unlock the best version of yourself👉join.whoop.com/roll Brain.fm: Listeners of the show can get 30 days FREE 👉brain.fm/richroll SriMu: Get 22% OFF artisanally crafted plant-rich cheeses w/ code RRP 👉SriMu.com This episode is brought to you by BetterHelp: Listeners get 10% off their first month 👉BetterHelp.com/RICHROLL Check out all of the amazing discounts from our Sponsors 👉richroll.com/sponsors Find out more about Voicing Change Media at voicingchange.media and follow us @voicingchange.
    The Rich Roll Podcast
    enMay 20, 2024

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    April reveals the return of the AI for Beauty Business Workshop, a game-changer for those looking to harness the power of technology to reach more people and save precious time. Imagine turning one video into a dozen with the click of a button, or even having a digital twin to represent you without the need for makeup. The future is here, and it's ready to elevate your marketing strategy.


    But that's not all. April dishes out wisdom with two quotes about seizing opportunities and the importance of getting started, even if it's with a 'version one.' These nuggets of motivation will fuel your drive to implement new systems and embrace the growth that comes with taking action.


    And for the pièce de résistance, April provides three creative Valentine's Day promotional ideas tailored for the beauty industry. From a unique 14% discount that plays on the date to a 'buy one, gift one' offer that taps into the spirit of giving, these strategies are designed to draw clients in and spread the love. Plus, discover how to create a gift guide that not only showcases your favorite products but also opens doors to potential collaborations with referral partners.


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    Remember to stay tuned for more details on the upcoming AI workshop and how you can sign up to transform your beauty business operations.



    Topics Covered:


    01:37 - Announcement: AI for Beauty Business Workshop

    03:02 - Quote 1: Opportunities missed

    03:35 - Quote 2: Embracing 'version one'

    04:12 - Valentine's Day Promo Idea 1: 14% off is better than roses

    05:14 - Valentine's Day Promo Idea 2: Buy one, gift one

    06:36 - Valentine's Day Promo Idea 3: Spread the love with a gift guide

    10:52 - The importance of non-salesy promotion and taking action



    Key Takeaways:


    "Opportunity is often missed because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work. But once you put the system in place, it works for you." - April Meese

    "Version one is better than version none. Just get started, and you will improve along the way." - Unknown

    “Valentine's Day isn't just about discounts; it's about giving people a reason to act and promoting your business in a way that feels genuine and exciting.” - April Meese

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    The Inca Way with Elena Radford Elena Radford is founder, CEO, and visionary leader of The Inca Way - an organization deeply dedicated to safeguarding the timeless wisdom of her ancestral lineage rooted in Peru—the Inca and Pre-Inca civilizations, which gave rise to extraordinary individuals and vibrant communities. At the heart of our mission lies "The Inca Way," a contemporary approach to disseminating age-old teachings stemming from the Inca and Pre-Inca traditions. We seamlessly blend ancient Human Energy knowledge with cutting-edge 21st-century delivery mechanisms and technology, both intellectual and physical. This fusion serves as a catalyst, igniting within individuals a profound sense of passion and purpose while dismantling the barriers of outdated beliefs that have hindered and constrained their personal growth.

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    • Entrepreneurship: Passion and Purpose
    • Top life lessons learned from playing baseball
    • The ultimate secret to achieving success in life and business
    • How to power through a midlife Crisis
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    Jeff has helped dozens of business owners build a solid marketing foundation - from local businesses and startups to nationally and internationally recognized names. He is a personal brand strategist with the Brand Builders Group and is passionate about helping others to build and monetize their personal brands.






    Contact The Show!

    Website: http://www.ahnafulmer.com
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@imperfectlyempoweredpodcast
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