
    Brian Hooker On His Book Vax-Unvax: Let The Science Speak

    enSeptember 16, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Living conditions and shared political viewsBrian, a senior researcher, and Ahmed discuss their discomfort in extreme temperatures and their opposition to strict regulations, while Brian shares his concerns about vaccine safety and writes a book on the topic.

      The speaker, Brian, and Ahmed, who is conducting the interview, share similar political views as libertarians. They discussed their uncomfortable living conditions due to extreme temperatures in their respective locations, with Brian living in a hot studio without air conditioning in California and Ahmed dealing with a hot summer day in England without a fan. They also shared fond memories of California and expressed their opposition to strict regulations and vaccination mandates. Brian is a senior researcher with a PhD and a senior research fellow at the Children's Health Defense Organization, where he co-authored a new book, "Vaxxed, Unvaxxed: Quantifying the Risks and Rewards of the DTP and Polio Vaccines." The book explores the rationale behind the vaccine debate and the risks and rewards of the DTP and polio vaccines. Brian was motivated to write the book due to his concerns about the safety and efficacy of vaccines and the importance of making informed decisions about vaccination. The interview delves into the contents of the book and the research behind it.

    • Studies comparing vaccinated and unvaccinated populationsThe U.S. government hasn't conducted studies on vaccinated vs unvaccinated safety, but Bobby Kennedy found over 100 studies revealing potential differences between the two groups.

      Despite calls for vaccinated versus unvaccinated studies by reputable institutions like the Institute of Medicine, the U.S. government has not conducted such studies to verify the safety of the vaccination schedule. Bobby Kennedy, an advocate for vaccine safety, attempted to find these studies himself through the National Library of Medicine and found over 60 studies comparing vaccinated and unvaccinated groups. These studies were compiled into a book, featuring graphics and layman-friendly explanations, covering various topics such as the entire childhood vaccination schedule, vaccines in pregnancy, the HPV vaccine, the flu shot, and the COVID-19 vaccine. Despite facing deplatforming from social media, Kennedy and his team continued their research, discovering approximately 100 studies that compared vaccinated and unvaccinated groups. The book serves as a valuable resource for understanding the potential differences between vaccinated and unvaccinated populations.

    • Concerns over vaccine safety and independent studiesIndependent researchers face challenges in studying vaccine safety due to lack of funding and political bias, uncovering negative effects but struggling to gain acceptance in the scientific community

      The process of conducting independent studies on the effects of vaccines on unvaxxed and vaxxed groups has been a challenging endeavor, with many independent scientists leading the charge due to a lack of official research. Dr. Aran Suri and his team met with Dr. Fauci and Dr. Collins in 2017, expressing concern over the lack of ongoing studies to ensure vaccine safety and the potential for long-term complications. Studies like the one by Anthony Mawson, published in 2017, have faced challenges, such as being taken down from journals due to complaints. These independent studies, often funded by concerned individuals and conducted at institutions with academic freedom, have uncovered significant negative effects associated with vaccines. However, the scientific community faces significant challenges in securing funding for such research, as the focus on climate change and other politically-charged topics often takes priority. This bias and politicization of science make it difficult for researchers to investigate vaccine safety effectively.

    • Corruption in Scientific Community: Personal Experiences and ConcernsSpeaker shares personal experiences of scientific study rejection and false research findings, raising concerns about prioritization of policy compliance over scientific accuracy within organizations like the CDC.

      The speaker believes there is significant corruption in the scientific community, particularly regarding vaccine studies. They shared personal experiences of having studies rejected without peer review, and discovering misleading or false information in published research, including a study on the MMR vaccine and autism diagnoses. The speaker argues that organizations like the CDC prioritize policy compliance over scientific accuracy, and that this can result in distorted or manipulated research findings. The speaker also expresses disappointment with the portrayal of the CDC in popular media, which often presents it as a heroic institution saving the day during crises. Instead, they view the CDC as a corrupt and non-scientific organization.

    • CDC's Prioritization of Vaccine Advocacy Over SafetyThe CDC spends significantly more on vaccine advocacy than vaccine safety, raising concerns about conflicts of interest with big pharma. Autism rates have risen since the 1980s, and further investigation is needed into potential causes, including the National Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 and the expansion of the vaccination schedule.

      The CDC's budget for vaccine advocacy is significantly higher than the budget for vaccine safety. About 12 times higher, to be exact. With nearly half of their $5,000,000,000 budget going to big pharma for vaccine purchases, it's no wonder the CDC is seen as being beholden to the pharmaceutical industry. Furthermore, conflicts of interest within the advisory committee for immunization practices can result in substantial financial gains for pharmaceutical companies once their vaccines are added to the CDC schedule. Despite these concerns, it's important to acknowledge the increase in autism rates and the need for further investigation into potential causes. The autism rate has risen significantly since the 1980s, and studies suggest that improvements in diagnosis account for only a small percentage of the increase. The National Vaccine Injury Act of 1986, which granted vaccine manufacturers liability shields, and the expansion of the vaccination schedule in the 1990s coincide with this rise in autism rates. It's crucial that scientific research is conducted with rigor and transparency to better understand the complex relationship between vaccines and health outcomes.

    • Studies show health benefits for unvaccinated childrenUnvaccinated children had fewer ear infections, respiratory infections, pneumonia, developmental delays, autism diagnoses, ADHD, asthma, and chronic ear infections compared to vaccinated children. Concerns exist regarding vaccines in pregnancy and the trend towards prenatal vaccines.

      The authors of the book found significant differences between completely vaccinated and completely unvaccinated children in various health issues. According to studies featured in the book, unvaccinated children had fewer ear infections, respiratory infections, and pneumonia. They also had fewer developmental delays, with some studies suggesting twice as many diagnoses in vaccinated children. The rate of autism was five times higher in vaccinated children, and the number of cases of ADHD, asthma, and chronic ear infections were much higher among those who followed the CDC's vaccination schedule. The authors also noted concerns regarding vaccines in pregnancy, specifically the influenza, Tdap, and COVID-19 shots, which have been linked to increased risks of autism spectrum disorder, poor pregnancy outcomes, and fertility issues. The authors emphasized the need for critical evaluation of studies and raised concerns about the recent trend towards prenatal vaccines.

    • Vaccines contain adjuvants with potential long-term health effectsVaccines include adjuvants like aluminum, mercury, formaldehyde, cyanide, and polysorbate 80, which enhance immune response but have unclear long-term health effects. Some vaccines contain live or killed viruses or antigen proteins, which may carry over DNA and RNA.

      Vaccines contain various components like aluminum, mercury, formaldehyde, cyanide, and polysorbate 80, which have not been thoroughly tested together. These adjuvants are added to enhance the immune response, but their long-term effects on human health are not fully understood. Additionally, some vaccines contain live or killed viruses or antigen proteins, which may carry over DNA and RNA. The idea of vaccines, which is to introduce a weakened or inactivated form of a virus or antigen to stimulate an immune response, becomes more complex when considering the use of adjuvants. While the intention is to boost the immune system, the potential risks and long-term effects of these additives are a cause for concern and warrant further investigation.

    • Concerns over adjuvants in vaccinesAdjuvants in vaccines, such as aluminum, mercury, cyanide, formaldehyde, and detergents, can disrupt the immune system and potentially suppress its effectiveness, rather than enhancing it.

      The use of adjuvants in vaccines, such as aluminum, mercury, cyanide, formaldehyde, and detergents, raises concerns due to their toxic nature and potential to suppress the immune system. These adjuvants can trigger an immune response, but they may not necessarily boost the effectiveness of the vaccine or target the intended antigen. Instead, they can disrupt the body's natural immune response and even increase susceptibility to infections. The immune system is complex and multifaceted, consisting of both acquired and innate responses. The acquired response, which is primarily targeted by vaccines, is only one part of the whole system. The innate immune response, which is not acquired and does not require exposure to a pathogen, is also crucial and can be suppressed by repeated vaccinations. Therefore, it is essential to consider the entire immune system and focus on supporting it rather than introducing potentially harmful additives in vaccines.

    • The Complexity of Systems: Human Immune System and Genetic EngineeringDespite our advances, there's still much to learn about complex systems like the human immune system and genetic engineering. Unintended consequences and new knowledge continue to emerge, highlighting the importance of humility and long-term consideration in our actions.

      Our understanding of complex systems, like the human immune system and genetic engineering, is limited compared to their true complexity. We may think we know it all, but there are often unintended consequences and a vast amount of knowledge yet to be discovered. For instance, the human body's immune system is a beautifully designed machine, but we're still learning about its intricacies. Similarly, mRNA technology, which is used in vaccines, involves introducing genetic material into cells, and there are concerns about potential unintended consequences, including the possibility of creating genetically modified humans. It's essential to approach these complex topics with humility and a recognition that there's always more to learn. The consequences of our actions can be far-reaching and not always immediately apparent, so it's crucial to consider the long-term implications and potential risks.

    • COVID-19 Vaccines: Long-term Effects and Medical Experiment on ChildrenCOVID-19 vaccines contain modified RNA and E. Coli bits, persistently produce spike protein, include untested adjuvants, and raise concerns about long-term effects and children's health

      The COVID-19 vaccines contain modified RNA and genetically modified E. Coli bits, which can integrate into our genetic material, leading to the production of spike protein for extended periods, even up to 6 months. This persistent production raises concerns about the long-term effects of the vaccines. Furthermore, children are receiving numerous vaccines at once, which have not been tested in tandem, making it a grand medical experiment. Adjuvants in the vaccines, such as aluminum and mercury, can accumulate in the body and brain, requiring intentional detoxification. The childhood vaccine schedule includes 72 or more vaccines, raising questions about the financial motivations behind this vast enterprise.

    • Flu shots may impact immune response and increase risk of other infectionsFlu shots could potentially weaken the immune system and increase susceptibility to other respiratory infections. Safety concerns exist regarding mRNA technology in vaccines, including potential damage to the innate immune system and unintended consequences. Consult healthcare professionals before making vaccination decisions.

      While flu shots can offer protection against the flu, they may also suppress the innate immune response and increase the risk of other respiratory infections. Additionally, there are concerns about the potential damage to the innate immune system and the possibility of unintended consequences, such as neurological disorders and gene transfer, with the use of mRNA technology in vaccines. The speaker also expressed concern about the potential for companies to prioritize profits over safety and the importance of considering a holistic approach to health and wellness. Ultimately, the decision to get vaccinated, including flu shots and COVID-19 vaccines, should be made with careful consideration and consultation with healthcare professionals.

    • Concerns over COVID-19 vaccine testing and potential long-term effectsDespite ongoing studies, concerns remain about the safety and potential long-term effects of COVID-19 vaccines, particularly regarding lipid nanoparticles and the spike protein. Some argue regulatory bodies didn't do enough to protect public, and ongoing studies explore spike protein persistence and potential toxicity.

      During the development and approval process of COVID-19 vaccines, there were concerns raised about insufficient testing, particularly regarding the safety and potential long-term effects of lipid nanoparticles and the spike protein. The regulatory bodies were criticized for not doing their job in protecting the public, and some argued that the revolving door between regulatory bodies and pharmaceutical companies may have played a role. There are ongoing studies to understand the behavior and persistence of these components in the body, but they were not completed before the vaccines were authorized for use. The spike protein, a key component of the vaccines, has been found to persist in the body for at least 6 months, and there are concerns about its potential toxicity and impact on fertility. Some individuals have reported adverse events, and there are efforts to develop treatments and protocols to help detoxify the body from the spike protein. The speaker also questioned why the body would produce the most toxic part of the virus rather than another harmless component.

    • Concerns over vaccine safety and industry profitsSpeaker questions vaccine safety, expresses skepticism towards regulatory agencies, and advocates for more transparency and independent oversight in the vaccine development process

      The discussion highlights concerns about the prioritization of the spike protein in COVID-19 vaccines and the potential risks associated with the pharmaceutical industry's focus on profits over safety. The speaker expresses skepticism towards the safety and regulatory processes, citing the indemnification of vaccine manufacturers and the significant influence of the pharmaceutical industry on regulatory agencies. If given the power, the speaker suggests removing pharmaceutical commercials from media, abolishing the CDC, and creating an independent arbiter of vaccine safety. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of being informed and encourages readers to read their book for detailed information on vaccine safety and studies comparing vaccinated versus unvaccinated populations. The speaker personally would not vaccinate their children due to safety concerns.

    • Investing in family and surrendering to life's challengesDr. Hooker emphasizes the importance of focusing on relationships, particularly family, and surrendering to a higher power to live a fulfilling life.

      Learning from this conversation with Dr. Brian Hooker is the importance of surrendering to life's challenges and focusing on relationships, particularly family. Dr. Hooker, reflecting on his own experiences and impending mortality, advises that every day should be seen as an opportunity to surrender to a higher power and to invest in our loved ones. He encourages listeners to listen to their inner voice and prioritize their family relationships above all else. It's a simple yet profound message that resonates with the human experience and the importance of connection and love in our lives. So, whether you're just starting out or reaching the end of your journey, remember that investing in your family and surrendering to life's twists and turns is a worthwhile pursuit. I hope you found this conversation as inspiring as I did, and I encourage you to check out Dr. Hooker's book and other resources for more insights on health, wellness, and the power of family.

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    IMPORTANT NOTICE Following my cancellation for standing up for medical ethics and freedom, my surgical career has been ruined. I am now totally dependent on the support of my listeners, YOU. If you value my podcasts, please support the show so that I can continue to speak up by choosing one or both of the following options -

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    IMPORTANT NOTICE Following my cancellation for standing up for medical ethics and freedom, my surgical career has been ruined. I am now totally dependent on the support of my listeners, YOU. If you value my podcasts, please support the show so that I can continue to speak up by choosing one or both of the following options -

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    IMPORTANT NOTICE Following my cancellation for standing up for medical ethics and freedom, my surgical career has been ruined. I am now totally dependent on the support of my listeners, YOU. If you value my podcasts, please support the show so that I can continue to speak up by choosing one or both of the following options -

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    IMPORTANT NOTICE Following my cancellation for standing up for medical ethics and freedom, my surgical career has been ruined. I am now totally dependent on the support of my listeners, YOU. If you value my podcasts, please support the show so that I can continue to speak up by choosing one or both of the following options -

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    IMPORTANT NOTICE Following my cancellation for standing up for medical ethics and freedom, my surgical career has been ruined. I am now totally dependent on the support of my listeners, YOU. If you value my podcasts, please support the show so that I can continue to speak up by choosing one or both of the following options -

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    Doc Malik
    enJune 14, 2024

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    #186 - Law & Freedom

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    ABOUT THIS CONVERSATION: Anna de Buisserat is a lawyer, activist and freedom fighter. Anna is a senior employment lawyer specialising in discrimination law, disability discrimination, mental health discrimination, and human rights. Anna has devoted the past four years of her life to the people for the people, as many others have too. A veteran, senior lawyer, and most of all a woman of heart, courage, moral integrity, grit, and determination, she has defended people's rights and stood up for freedom. In this conversation, we discuss the Magna Carta, Common Law, Natural Law, Informed Consent, the Nuremberg Code and much more. Please support her cancer treatment by donating to her Give send go - link below. I hope you enjoy this episode. Much love as always Ahmad Links



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    IMPORTANT NOTICE Following my cancellation for standing up for medical ethics and freedom, my surgical career has been ruined. I am now totally dependent on the support of my listeners, YOU. If you value my podcasts, please support the show so that I can continue to speak up by choosing one or both of the following options -

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    enJune 12, 2024

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    #184 - Playing God

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    IMPORTANT NOTICE Following my cancellation for standing up for medical ethics and freedom, my surgical career has been ruined. I am now totally dependent on the support of my listeners, YOU. If you value my podcasts, please support the show so that I can continue to speak up by choosing one or both of the following options -

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    Doc Malik
    enJune 05, 2024

    #004 - Supporter Stories

    #004 - Supporter Stories

    FREEDOM - LIBERTY - HAPPINESS SUPPORT DOC MALIK To make sure you don't miss any episodes please subscribe to either:

    ABOUT THIS CONVERSATION: For too long, the Covid Plandemic has been a faceless monolith, represented by the media mainly through charts, graphs and confusing numbers. Science was corrupted, people were manipulated on a global scale and statistical jugglery was used to confuse, guide, and misinform. I have been moved by the messages from my paid supporters, who come from all walks of life and from across the globe. I have read some incredible emails, listened over the phone to amazing minds and beautiful souls, and most importantly I have learnt so much from them. I want to give a voice to these people. Everyone has a story worth telling, and I want to highlight this through this series of podcasts. In this episode, we have Alex from Germany and Yurek from Canada. Both have been some of my earliest supporters and listeners. I thank them both for their messages of support and recommendations. Alex was the one who put me in touch with Dr Sabine Stebel who did the amazing podcast on Spike Protein. If you are one of my supporters and would like to feature in the supporter series, please get in touch. If I have failed to get back to you it's because I'm inundated with correspondence and am struggling to keep up. You have my permission to badger me. I hope you enjoy the episode. Much love as always, Ahmad.



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    IMPORTANT NOTICE Following my cancellation for standing up for medical ethics and freedom, my surgical career has been ruined. I am now totally dependent on the support of my listeners, YOU. If you value my podcasts, please support the show so that I can continue to speak up by choosing one or both of the following options -

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    To sponsor the Doc Malik Podcast contact us at ⁠hello@docmalik.com⁠

    Doc Malik
    enJune 04, 2024

    #183 - Who Is The Real Barbara O'Neill?

    #183 - Who Is The Real Barbara O'Neill?

    FREEDOM - LIBERTY - HAPPINESS SUPPORT DOC MALIK To make sure you don't miss any episodes please subscribe to either:

    ABOUT THIS CONVERSATION: Barbara O’Neill is a huge figure in the natural alternative health movement. Barbara states "I am not a healer, I am a teacher. Your body is the healer, and I love to teach whoever is interested, the conditions that allow and encourage this amazing body we live in to do what it has been designed to do .....heal itself!" Barbara has a massive following across the world. Clips of her videos where she advocates natural remedies are shared and viewed by millions across social media. However, Barbara has her detractors who claim she is unqualified, a dangerous misinformation spreader “known for advertising dangerous and unsupported health practices and ideas”. In 2019, the Health Care Complaints Commission in New South Wales ruled that she is prohibited from providing any health-related services following several complaints from the public and health professionals. A subsequent investigation found that she provided dangerous advice to vulnerable patients, such as telling those with cancer to forego prescribed chemotherapy for bicarbonate of soda and to give infants unpasteurised goat's milk. The investigation found that she also had no qualifications in a health-related field and failed to meet the expected standards of unregistered health professionals. But what is the truth? The last few years and my own experience have taught me not to trust the authorities at face value and to question everything. I am also aware that there are always two sides to any story. So I asked Barbara directly about all the allegations and claims against her. I invite you to judge for yourself after hearing her side of the story, not just what is written in Wikipedia or mainstream news. I also asked Barbara about her top tips for staying healthy. See my substack post for further details. I hope you enjoy this episode. Much love Ahmad Links



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    IMPORTANT NOTICE Following my cancellation for standing up for medical ethics and freedom, my surgical career has been ruined. I am now totally dependent on the support of my listeners, YOU. If you value my podcasts, please support the show so that I can continue to speak up by choosing one or both of the following options -

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    Doc Malik
    enJune 03, 2024

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    If you value my podcasts, please support the show so that I can continue to speak up by choosing one or both of the following options -

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    To sponsor the Doc Malik Podcast contact us at ⁠hello@docmalik.com⁠ 

    About Doc Malik: Orthopaedic surgeon Ahmad Malik is on a journey of discovery when it comes to health and wellness. Through honest conversations with captivating individuals, Ahmad explores an array of topics that profoundly impact our well-being and health.

    You can follow us on social media, we are on the following platforms: 
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    How COVID-19 Vaccine Can Enhance Your Natural Immune Response (Part 1)

    How COVID-19 Vaccine Can Enhance Your Natural Immune Response (Part 1)

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    Doctor Robert "Dr. Bob" G. Lahita is a Clinical Professor of Medicine at Rutgers New Jersey Medical School, a Professor at New York Medical College, and the Chairman of the Department of Medicine at St. Joseph's Healthcare System. Dr. Bob is the author of more than 16 books and 150 scientific publications in the field of autoimmunity.

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    1:10 Dr. Bob's educational and professional journey
    6:00 Basics of immunology: how the "Biological Soul" protects you
    8:30 Two parts of the immune system 
    12:43 Vaccines boost the efficiency of natural immune response
    17:23 COVID-19 immunity through infection vs. vaccine immunity 
    22:00 What are cytokines and chemokines?
    25:41 Can COVID-19 vaccines cause health risks to a perfectly healthy person?
    30:49 COVID-19 vaccine and pregnancy 
    34:04 Healthy diet and regular exercise increase natural immunity
    37:00 "I would never have closed the gyms"
    40:06 How to wear a face mask properly

    Health and Fitness Redefined is a podcast that takes a deep dive into the world of health & fitness as we overcome adversity, depict fact vs fiction, and see fitness in a whole new light.  

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    PR by Sally Jones.

    For more additional information about the show, as well as extra resources and exclusive content, please visit MOVERSANDSHAKERSPODCAST.COM

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.