
    Budweiser's Permanently Tarnished Brand, DeSantis' Furry Battle, and Following the Culture War Money, with Adam Curry | Ep. 562

    enMay 31, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Power of financial institutions in shaping public discourseFinancial institutions, like BlackRock, benefit from social and political controversies by influencing companies' actions and potentially profiting from instability and leadership changes.

      The ongoing debates and controversies surrounding various social and political issues are not just driven by public opinion or media discourse, but also by the financial interests of large institutions like Wall Street. The discussion on The Megyn Kelly Show touched upon the recent backlash against companies like Target and Bud Light for their support of certain causes, leading to significant financial losses. This trend is believed to be fueled by the ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) movement and the CEI (Corporate Equity, Inclusion) scores, which force companies to conform to certain standards to remain investable. These financial institutions, including BlackRock, stand to benefit from the resulting instability and potential changes in leadership. The conversation underscores the power dynamics at play in these situations and the need for a more nuanced understanding of the forces shaping public discourse.

    • Media fueling division and conflictRecognize complexities, approach with empathy, and find common ground to overcome media-driven division

      The current state of political discourse in America, particularly in the media, is causing unnecessary division and conflict between people. The media model of pitting sides against each other for financial gain is leading to a culture of polarization, and politicians are taking advantage of this. However, it's important to recognize that there are complex issues at play, such as mental health and the influence of media and big industries on individuals. The answer is not to abandon the fight, but to approach it with empathy and understanding, recognizing that everyone is dealing with their own struggles. The true enemy is not each other, but those who seek to divide us for their own gain. It's crucial to remember that we are all in this together and need to work towards finding common ground and solutions.

    • Family values vs progressive ideologiesSpeaker raises concerns over consequences of progressive ideologies, including potential sterilization of children and impact on traditional family structures, driven by globalists for consumer market. Emphasizes importance of preserving traditional values and population growth.

      The current societal push towards accepting and promoting progressive ideologies, such as LGBTQ+ rights and gender identity, has led to a larger debate about the importance of family values and population growth. The speaker expresses concern over the potential consequences of these ideologies, including the sterilization of children and the impact on traditional family structures. They argue that this push is driven by globalists who seek to maintain the world's consumer market by importing obedient, cheaper labor. The speaker also highlights the significance of cultural and political battles, using examples like Target and Bud Light, and expresses optimism about the potential for conservatives to win these battles and regain control over issues. Overall, the speaker's perspective emphasizes the importance of preserving traditional values and population growth in the face of progressive ideologies.

    • Discussing societal issues with Jimmy Levy: Protecting children and fighting against harmful influencesGospel singer Jimmy Levy uses his platform to challenge societal issues, specifically targeting the pharmaceutical industry and medical system's capture. He emphasizes men's responsibility to protect children and fight against harmful influences, addressing controversies like transgender access to women's spaces and self-defense.

      Jimmy Levy, a gospel singer, has seen his song reach number 1 on iTunes, which he views as empowering. He is using his platform to stand up against societal issues, specifically targeting the pharmaceutical industry and the medical system's capture by it. Levy believes men have a responsibility to protect children and fight against harmful influences. The conversation also touched upon the controversy surrounding transgender individuals' access to women's spaces and the need for individuals to arm themselves for self-defense. The speakers expressed concerns about the threats they have received and the silencing of voices that question the status quo. They also criticized the mainstream media for not addressing these issues honestly. Overall, the discussion emphasized the importance of standing up for one's beliefs and fighting against perceived threats to children and societal norms.

    • Divide of Interests within the LGBTQ+ CommunityConcerns from LGB community about trans activism's impact on their spaces and identities, rapid change in gender transition process, and targeting of girls in gender identity issues. Importance of open conversations and standing up against the true power behind these issues.

      There's a growing divide of interests between different communities within the LGBTQ+ umbrella. The discussion touched upon the concerns raised by some members of the LGB community regarding the impact of trans activism on their spaces and identities. Andrew Sullivan's post was mentioned as an example of these concerns. The conversation also highlighted the rapid change in the process of gender transition and its potential implications, particularly for young girls. The speakers expressed concern over the targeting of girls in the context of gender identity issues and the lack of activism from the LGB community to address these concerns. The documentary "Affirmation Generation" was recommended as a resource to learn more about these issues. The speakers emphasized the importance of having open conversations and standing up against the true power behind these issues, which they believe is driving the cancel culture and fear-based environment.

    • The Power of Public Opinion and Pressure to ConformIndividuals and organizations may face backlash and calls for apologies when expressing beliefs that go against social and political narratives. It's important to stand firm and promote open and respectful dialogue instead of resorting to intimidation and boycotts.

      The pressure to conform to social and political narratives can lead individuals and organizations to cave in and apologize, even if it goes against their beliefs. This was evident in the case of Toronto Blue Jays relief pitcher Anthony Bass, who faced backlash for sharing an Instagram reel expressing Christian views against corporations like Bud Light and Target. The backlash led to calls for his firing, and he eventually apologized and promised to educate himself. The manager of the team, John Schneider, also weighed in, stating that Bass would face consequences for his actions. This incident serves as a reminder of the power of public opinion and the importance of standing firm in one's beliefs, rather than succumbing to pressure to conform. It also highlights the need for open and respectful dialogue, rather than resorting to intimidation and calls for boycotts or cancellations. The incident also brings up questions about the role of corporations in promoting social and political agendas and the potential impact on consumers and employees.

    • Bud Light's Marketing Campaign Sparks Controversy and Consumer BacklashBud Light's association with Dylan Mulvaney and lackluster response led to consumer backlash, sales drop, and impacted partners. The incident underscores the importance of neutrality and avoiding controversial agendas.

      The Bud Light brand has suffered significant damage due to its association with Dylan Mulvaney and the ensuing controversy. The marketing campaign, coupled with the company's lackluster response and silence on social media, has led to a consumer backlash. Sales have dropped dramatically, with competitors like Modelo experiencing a surge. The situation has also affected Anheuser Busch's bottling plants and partners like Target. The incident serves as a reminder for companies and professional sports to stay neutral and avoid pushing controversial or polarizing agendas. The controversy has escalated beyond a culture war and evolved into a religious war, with some seeing it as an attempt to suppress religious beliefs. The Dodgers' decision to honor a group mocking nuns is being compared to honoring a group that mocks Muslims, highlighting the double standard and the seriousness of the situation.

    • Finding connection and spiritual fulfillment through religious communityAttend church services with family, find a resonating religious community, pray for guidance, prioritize meaningful in-person conversations, and value the importance of community and connection.

      The lack of in-person connections and community, as highlighted in the Surgeon General's report on loneliness, can leave individuals feeling untethered and vulnerable. The speaker shares her personal experience of finding connection and spiritual fulfillment through attending church services with her family. She emphasizes the importance of making an effort to find a religious community that resonates with one's family, and encourages the act of praying for guidance and support during moments of feeling lost or lonely. The speaker also touches upon the need for more meaningful conversations and connections in person, rather than just online. She concludes by emphasizing the importance of community and connection in protecting individuals from feelings of isolation and loneliness.

    • Speaker expresses doubts about Kamala Harris' speeches and her role in politicsThe speaker raises concerns about Kamala Harris' authenticity as a speaker and her role as vice president, suggesting potential speechwriting involvement or ad-libbing. They also discuss Michelle Obama as a potential political contender and make comparisons between Harris and Obama.

      The speaker expresses strong doubts about the authenticity and competence of Vice President Kamala Harris' speeches, suggesting that they may be written by a speechwriter or that she may be ad-libbing. They also express the belief that Harris is being used as a placeholder and that those in power do not want her to be president. The speaker also mentions the use of repetition in advertising and law as a memory-enhancing technique. Additionally, they bring up the topic of Michelle Obama potentially entering the political scene as a last-minute candidate and make comparisons between Harris and Obama in terms of their race and political backgrounds. The conversation also touches on the movie "Dave" as a potential analogy for the current political situation regarding Joe Biden's presidency.

    • Furry Community and Its Controversial NatureThe furry community, which includes individuals identifying as LGBTQ and neurodivergent, is a growing trend with sexual overtones that has been criticized for potential harm to children, leading to debates on the role of sexual content in various communities and its impact on children.

      There is a growing trend towards some individuals identifying with animal identities, known as "furries," which can present challenges for employers and society at large. This trend, which can include sexual overtones, has been criticized for potentially being harmful to children. The furry community, which includes many individuals who identify as LGBTQ and neurodivergent, views it as a safe haven. However, some argue that this community's sexual nature makes it inappropriate for children. A recent law in Florida prohibits children from attending adult live performances, including furry conventions, due to sexualized content. The Rolling Stone's article lamenting the law's impact on furries and other "little joys" has been criticized for downplaying the potential harm to children. The debate highlights the need for a nuanced discussion on the role of sexual content in various communities and the potential impact on children.

    • Florida Governor Ron DeSantis' Controversial StancesCritics question DeSantis' divisive actions, while some wonder about his true intentions. The furry community's acceptance raises debates about individual expression and societal norms.

      The debate surrounding the actions of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis regarding the removal of certain books from schools and his stance against the "furry" community has sparked intense discussions about individual rights, government intervention, and the role of leaders in shaping public policy. Critics argue that while DeSantis has taken strong stands against perceived "wokeness," he must also offer solutions that unite Americans and not just divide them. Some also question his true intentions, given his funding sources and past COVID-19 responses. Meanwhile, the furry community's desire for transformation into animals raises concerns about the boundaries of individual expression and societal acceptance. Ultimately, these debates underscore the complexities of navigating cultural and political issues in today's society.

    • The Disney-DeSantis debate: Conservatives vs. protecting childrenThe Disney-DeSantis controversy highlights the divide among Republicans over whether it's acceptable to target a company's political stance and the importance of protecting children from perceived indoctrination. Disney faces financial consequences due to consumer backlash, but the outcome remains uncertain as the GOP primary heats up.

      The debate around Disney's political stance and Governor DeSantis' actions towards the company has become a significant issue within the GOP. While some argue that it's not conservative to go after a company's viewpoints, others believe in protecting children and standing firm against perceived political indoctrination. Disney, meanwhile, is facing financial consequences due to consumer backlash and declining numbers on their streaming platform, Disney+. This trend is not limited to one political side, as people from all ideologies are expressing dissatisfaction with the company's content and direction. The controversy is expected to continue as the GOP primary heats up, with candidates taking varying stances on the issue. Ultimately, the outcome may depend on how consumers respond to Disney's efforts to address their concerns and adapt to the changing landscape.

    • Traditional media losing audience to influencers and platforms like TikTokPeople prefer content that aligns with their interests, leading to a shift in power and revenue from traditional media to influencers and value-for-value models.

      The traditional media landscape, including award shows and mainstream networks, is losing audience engagement due to a shift in consumer preferences towards influencers and platforms like TikTok. People are tired of being told what to believe or how to act by celebrities and are instead seeking out content that aligns with their interests. This trend is driven in part by the abundance of content available and the democratization of media creation and distribution. Advertisers are following the audience, leading to a loss of power and revenue for traditional media outlets. Content creators, including podcasters, now have the ability to build an audience and secure advertising deals without relying on networks or gatekeepers. This shift towards value-for-value models and the support of loyal fans allows creators to maintain their freedom to express their views.

    • Creating a value-driven content platform without adsBuilding a loyal community of listeners who value the content and want to support it financially can lead to unexpected financial success for content creators.

      Creating a value-for-value content platform without setting a fixed subscription price can lead to unexpected financial success. Megyn Kelly and her co-host Dan Dvorak have been able to sustain their podcast for 16 years without advertisements, relying on their dedicated audience to support them. This model allows for fluctuations in revenue, especially during tax season, but overall provides a comfortable living. The key is building a loyal community of listeners who value the content and want to support it financially. The feedback from these supporters also creates a meaningful connection between the content creators and their audience, allowing for a more engaged and authentic interaction. The success of this model demonstrates the power of a value-driven content platform and the potential it holds for creators and audiences alike.

    • The Debate Over Free Speech and Gender Identity on CampusesUniversities must uphold free speech and academic freedom despite efforts to suppress opposing viewpoints on gender identity, or intellectual discourse and progress could be jeopardized.

      The debate surrounding gender identity and free speech on university campuses has reached a critical point, with some individuals and groups seeking to suppress opposing viewpoints through protests and the creation of safe spaces. This was exemplified by the case of Kathleen Stock, a professor who lost her job and faced threats due to her critical views on gender identity ideology. When she was invited to speak at the Oxford Union, protesters demanded her silence and even set up welfare rooms for those who might be distressed by her presence or her ideas. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak intervened, urging people to allow Stock to speak freely. This incident highlights the need to protect free speech and challenge efforts to erase opposing viewpoints, especially within educational institutions. The UK's lack of a strong constitutional protection for free speech and the influence of large endowments on academic research are contributing factors to this issue. It's essential for individuals to stand up for free speech and academic freedom, as the consequences of allowing this trend to continue could be detrimental to intellectual discourse and progress.

    • Promoting Understanding and Education to Combat Hate SpeechInstead of restricting free speech or attacking the judicial branch, it's crucial to promote understanding and education to combat hate speech and foster a more inclusive society. The media plays a significant role in shaping public opinion, so accurate and fair reporting is essential to prevent the spread of misinformation and dangerous rhetoric.

      There is a growing sentiment, particularly among young people, that hate speech should not be protected by the First Amendment. This sentiment, fueled by media messaging and political rhetoric, has led to calls for new amendments to restrict hate speech and even gun rights. However, this approach discredits the Supreme Court and undermines the importance of civic education. Instead of attacking the judicial branch or attempting to restrict free speech, it is crucial to promote understanding and education to combat hate speech and foster a more inclusive society. The media plays a significant role in shaping public opinion, and it is essential to ensure that it reports accurately and fairly to prevent the spread of misinformation and dangerous rhetoric. Ultimately, the best way to address hate speech and promote unity is through education, dialogue, and understanding.

    • Local Elections Matter, Don't Be Distracted by Presidential NarrativesStay informed and engaged in local elections, as they significantly impact communities and the US Constitution grants citizens significant power. Be wary of media narratives and the potential influence of individuals like George Soros.

      The focus on presidential elections can distract from important issues happening at the local level. The speaker, who has experience in media and politics, expresses concern about the current state of local offices and the potential influence of individuals like George Soros. They believe that staying vigilant in local communities is crucial, as the US Constitution grants significant power to citizens. The media's role in shaping narratives and trying to control public opinion up to the voting booth is also a concern. The speaker mentions the Trump "dangerous" narrative and how it has shifted to Ron DeSantis, but emphasizes that all potential candidates, including Trump and Pence, should not be given a platform due to their perceived danger. The importance of remaining informed and engaged in local issues is a recurring theme.

    • Normalization of controversial figures and suppression of dissent in media threatens democracyThe media's normalization of controversial political figures and suppression of dissenting voices is a threat to democracy and freedoms. Independent voices and platforms are increasingly important.

      The normalization of controversial political figures and the suppression of dissenting voices in the media is a dangerous threat to our democracy and freedoms. The recent firings of Tucker Carlson and Don Lemon serve as a warning to those who don't tow the party line. The media landscape is rapidly changing, and independent voices and platforms are becoming increasingly important. Tara Reid's experience as a Biden accuser who was discredited and attacked by the left is a prime example of how the media can be used for political gain, and how those who challenge the status quo can be silenced. The current political climate is more dangerous than ever, and it's crucial that we support and amplify diverse voices and perspectives. The recent developments with Tara Reid, who is now seeking asylum in Russia after allegedly being told she could be in danger in the United States, further illustrate the need for a free and open media that allows for the free exchange of ideas and information.

    • Discussing American freedoms and safety concerns with Tara ReidTara Reid shares her reasons for leaving the country due to safety concerns, promising unique insights in tomorrow's interview on The Megyn Kelly Show. The hosts uphold their commitment to a no-BS, agenda-free, and fearless platform.

      During the interview on The Megyn Kelly Show, the hosts discussed their belief in upholding American freedoms, referencing Edward Snowden's actions. Tara Reid, a guest on the show, made a surprising announcement about leaving the country due to safety concerns. While the media has portrayed her as a "nutcase," Megyn Kelly expressed fascination with what led Reid to make this decision. Reid mentioned her desire to come back and forth between countries and feel safe, but currently doesn't. The interview promises unique insights into Reid's motivations, and listeners are encouraged to tune in tomorrow for the full conversation. The hosts emphasized their commitment to providing a no-BS, agenda-free, and fearless platform for open discussions.

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    Bannon- https://warroom.org/

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJune 27, 2024

    America's Ability to Tolerate Risk, and Hillary's Cringe Comeback Attempt, with Mike Rowe and Maureen Callahan | Ep. 822

    America's Ability to Tolerate Risk, and Hillary's Cringe Comeback Attempt, with Mike Rowe and Maureen Callahan | Ep. 822

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    Callahan- https://www.amazon.com/Ask-Not-Kennedys-Women-Destroyed/dp/0316276170/


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    The Megyn Kelly Show
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    Bolar- https://www.iwf.org/identity-crisis

    Follow The Megyn Kelly Show on all social platforms:

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJune 26, 2024

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    Blum- https://www.harpercollins.com/products/when-the-night-comes-falling-howard-blum?variant=41292317949986

    Erickson- https://erickerickson.com/

    Follow The Megyn Kelly Show on all social platforms:

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJune 25, 2024

    Trump Picks His VP, and Jack Smith's Election Interference, with Victor Davis Hanson and Jonathan Turley | Ep. 819

    Trump Picks His VP, and Jack Smith's Election Interference, with Victor Davis Hanson and Jonathan Turley | Ep. 819

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    Follow The Megyn Kelly Show on all social platforms:

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJune 24, 2024

    COLLUSION Keeping Him From Debate Stage? | Robert F. Kennedy Jr. x Megyn Kelly - The FULL Interview

    COLLUSION Keeping Him From Debate Stage? | Robert F. Kennedy Jr. x Megyn Kelly - The FULL Interview

    Full interview with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - originally aired May 30.

    Follow The Megyn Kelly Show on all social platforms:

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJune 20, 2024

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    #189: Evidence Free Medicine (Bret Weinstein & Heather Heying DarkHorse Livestream)

    #189: Evidence Free Medicine (Bret Weinstein & Heather Heying DarkHorse Livestream)

    In this 189th in a series of live discussions with Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying (both PhDs in Biology), we discuss the state of the world through an evolutionary lens.


    In this episode we discuss twitter, free speech, and why zero is a special number. Bret sings a little, and invokes Ray Bradbury. Then we discuss a surgeon who is proud to do “non-binary” surgeries, and another doctor who describes how enforcement of Covid policies helped silence doctors who were critical of trans ideology. We discuss what puberty blockers are, and whether they are safe.




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    Mentioned in this episode:


    Washington Post: Following Elon Musk’s lead, Big Tech is surrendering to disinformation: https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2023/08/25/political-conspiracies-facebook-youtube-elon-musk/


    Orwellian tweet from “twitter safety”: https://twitter.com/Safety/status/1696566031177707766


    Rufo, August 2023: Barbarism in the Name of Equality: https://www.city-journal.org/article/barbarism-in-the-name-of-equality


    Rufo, June 2023: Thrown to the Wolves: https://www.city-journal.org/article/transgender-ideology-and-the-corruption-of-medicine


    Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone (GnRH) Analogues: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK547863/

    Support the show

    Ep. 1194 - Libs’ Disgusting Attempt To Blame Derailment On Trump Fails

    Ep. 1194 - Libs’ Disgusting Attempt To Blame Derailment On Trump Fails

    Click here to join the member exclusive portion of my show: https://utm.io/ueSEl

    Liberals try (and fail) to blame Trump for the Ohio train derailment, a mother lambasts Congress after fentanyl smuggled across the border kills her two sons, and Senate Republicans expose corruption at the FBI and DOJ.

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