
    Can Psychedelic Medicine Fix Our Mental Health Crisis with Rick Doblin

    enJanuary 18, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • The Growing Importance of Psychedelic Assisted Therapy in Mental Health CarePsychedelic assisted therapy offers hope for those struggling with mental health issues and medication limitations. Rick Doblin's MAPS is working to legalize MDMA for psychiatric care. Safe context is crucial for success.

      Psychedelic assisted therapy has been gaining significance in the field of mental health care, offering hope for those who haven’t found relief from other treatments. Rick Doblin, the founder and executive director of the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS), has been studying the therapeutic uses of psychedelic substances for decades. His organization is currently working through the FDA process to legalize MDMA for psychiatric care. With increasing rates of mental health issues and psychiatric medication not showing much promise, psychedelic assisted therapy has emerged as a potentially effective option. Creating a safe context for patients to work through their fears is key to its success.

    • Rick Doblin's Journey with Psychedelics: Challenging Preconceptions and Building CompassionRick Doblin, founder of MAPS, believes psychedelics can help people overcome biases and develop more compassion for others. MAPS' mission is to develop contexts for psychedelic-assisted therapies.

      Rick Doblin, founder of the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS), reflects on his early experiences with psychedelics in college. He attended an experimental college in Florida where he experienced a lot of "underground energies" and experimentation with psychedelics. Doblin initially absorbed American exceptionalism and grew up in a privileged environment. However, his experiences with psychedelics allowed him to develop a broader perspective and challenge his preconceptions. He believes that psychedelics can help people overcome their biases and gain more compassion for others. MAPS' mission is to develop medical, legal, and cultural contexts for people to benefit from psychedelic-assisted therapies.

    • Overcoming Irrational Hatred and Cruelty with Rick DoblinThrough overcoming personal challenges and exploring new perspectives, we can open ourselves up to a larger world and work towards creating a better culture for all.

      The speaker, Rick Doblin, talked about his experiences with irrational hatred and cruelty, and how it can make a whole culture go insane. He also discussed his family history as refugees and how he was educated to respond to a world where security is very tentative and the fate of the entire world is at stake. He became a draft resistor during the Vietnam War and was willing to pay the price for his beliefs. He later tried LSD and had a profound experience where he felt out of touch with his emotions and dissolved his ego orientation, opening up to a larger world.

    • The Spiritual Benefits of Psychedelic TherapyPsychedelic therapy's ability to reduce the ego and increase our sense of connection to the collective can help us evolve spiritually and lead to a new consciousness centered on our interconnectedness.

      Psychedelics, according to modern neuroscience, can reduce our sense of self and make us feel connected to something larger than ourselves. This feeling of connection can help us understand that we're all more similar than different, and can serve as the anchor of a new consciousness. A new manner of thinking, one that shifts from our isolated individual ego identification to thinking in terms of the collective, is needed for mankind to survive. Psychedelic therapy is a process that can help people gain a deeper understanding of themselves and evolve spiritually, grounded in science and experiments to demonstrate its effectiveness.

    • Rick Doblin's Journey as a Pioneer in Psychedelic ResearchRick Doblin's interest in LSD and spiritual balance led him to become a pioneer in psychedelic research. Today, his work is contributing to a renaissance in the field as more researchers recognize its potential in treating mental health issues.

      Rick Doblin's interest in psychedelic research began when he wrote a letter to Stan gruff, an MD PhD at Hopkins, asking for advice on his education. To Doblin's surprise, Stan wrote back and invited him to attend a workshop in California. Doblin traveled across the country to attend this workshop and became interested in spiritual balance and the study of LSD. With his parents' support, though they didn't fully understand, Doblin dropped out of college to pursue this interest. Now, decades later, he is a pioneer in the field of psychedelic research, which is experiencing a renaissance as more and more researchers recognize the potential benefits of these compounds in treating mental health issues.

    • The Potential of Psychedelic Compounds for Mental Health TreatmentPsychedelic compounds found in plants and animals can relieve mental health issues, such as anxiety, depression, addiction, and PTSD, in just one or two doses. Group therapy and two-person co-therapy teams may make these therapies more accessible.

      Psychedelic compounds found in plants and animals, such as Ayahuasca, San Pedro Lin, psilocybin, and 5-Meo-DMT, can open up our neural pathways and increase neuroplasticity. Unlike typical psychiatric drugs, which blunt symptoms but don't solve the problem, these compounds can relieve anxiety, depression, addiction, and PTSD in just one or two doses. However, traditional therapy sessions are often too short to accommodate the long-lasting effects of these compounds. To make them more accessible, researchers are exploring group therapy and two-person co-therapy teams, which often include a licensed therapist, to ensure these therapies can help the millions who suffer from mental health issues.

    • Advancing PTSD Treatment with MDMA and Psychedelic MedicineThe FDA requires a doctor on site for MDMA-assisted PTSD treatment, but trained therapists with a bachelor's degree and behavioral health experience can assist. Group therapy and honest drug education can help treat the 12 million PTSD patients in America.

      The FDA required a doctor to be on site for PTSD treatment with MDMA, but that was not scalable. A doctor must screen and prescribe, but a second person with a bachelor's degree and behavioral health experience can assist. Group therapy, including conjoint therapy for couples or dyads, is being studied. The goal is to train 25,000 therapists this decade to treat the 12 million PTSD patients in America alone, with insurance coverage as a key factor. Embedding psychedelic medicine into the culture with honest drug education, harm reduction, pure drugs, and treatment on demand is a two-pronged approach with drug policy reform. Studies show that MDMA and other psychedelics can change the brain's structure and function.

    • The Mind-Bending Effects of Psychedelic DrugsPsychedelic drugs like MDMA and classic psychedelics can create new neural connections and be effective in treating PTSD by reducing fear and promoting self-acceptance.

      Psychedelic drugs like MDMA and classic psychedelics can have profound and long-lasting impacts on the brain, but the exact mechanisms of how they work are not fully understood. However, research suggests that they can increase neuroplasticity, shake up patterns of thought, and produce new neural connections. MDMA is particularly effective in treating PTSD as it reduces activity in the fear processing amygdala, increases activity in the logic-based prefrontal cortex, and releases oxytocin, which triggers new neural connections. These drugs can be used to treat mental illnesses and help people overcome traumatic experiences by breaking up patterns of thought and promoting self-acceptance.

    • The Healing Power of Psychedelics for the Brain and MindPsilocybin and MDMA can reorganize the brain in ways traditional drugs cannot, helping with brain diseases. Fear extinction and memory consolidation are vital concepts, and positive mystical experiences correlate with better outcomes.

      The brain and mind are connected, and healing the brain can also heal the mind. The beauty of compounds like psychedelics is that they can reorganize the brain in ways that traditional psychiatric drugs can't, and they have long-lasting effects that can be helpful for various brain diseases. Psychiatry has abandoned the mind, and psychedelics are bringing it back into focus. Fear extinction and memory consolidation are important concepts in understanding how these compounds work in therapy. Classic psychedelics can reduce the sense of self and produce visual distortions, while MDMA is more focused on memory and trauma processing. The depth of mystical experiences under psychedelics correlates with therapeutic outcomes.

    • The Power of Psychedelics in Unlocking the Unconscious MindPsychedelics can lower the barriers between the conscious and the unconscious mind, allowing repressed material to surface, aiding the therapeutic process, and providing a sense of spiritual awakening. It is a natural alternative to meditation and can enhance the brain's ability to process information.

      The brain is like a filter that prioritizes important information for our survival. Psychedelics can reduce the barrier between the conscious and the unconscious mind, allowing repressed or difficult material to surface. This can help with the therapeutic process and also bring a sense of connection and spiritual awakening. Psychedelics can be seen as a natural alternative to years of meditation, enhancing the brain's ability to channel and process information. The therapy approach is to support whatever comes up during the psychedelic experience, as the person's unconscious is their own guide.

    • Psychedelic Drugs and Deep MeditationPsychedelic drugs may enhance the meditative state, but ultimately it is possible to achieve those states without the drug. Despite negative connotations, education on potential benefits is important.

      This passage discusses how trained meditators can achieve deeper states of meditation through the use of the drug psilocybin, but ultimately are able to reach those states without the drug after experiencing it. This supports the idea that the use of the drug can be a powerful tool in helping individuals deepen their practice and gain a better understanding of their life's meaning and purpose. Additionally, it highlights the importance of reframing the negative connotations associated with psychedelic drugs through public education and emphasizing their potential positive effects.

    • Psychedelics for Collective Healing and Trauma IndexingMaps aims to reframe psychedelics as a tool for collective healing, with the goal of a world with net zero trauma by 2070. Their vision includes drug policy reform, mainstreaming psychedelic use, and reducing psychopaths' power in society.

      Maps is an organization that aims to reframe and reclaim the word psychedelic, similar to the way gay and queer communities have done so. They believe that psychedelics have a role to play in collective healing, especially for those who have experienced trauma. Their vision is to develop a national index of trauma and create a world with net zero trauma by 2070. They hope that through the mainstreaming of psychedelics and mass mental health, humanity can become spiritualized and reduce psychopaths' power in society. They believe that drug policy reform is necessary to achieve this vision.

    • Hope for Despair: The Potential of Psychedelic PsychotherapyPsychedelic psychotherapy, with roots in ancient cultures, shows potential in treating alcoholism, drug overdoses, and suicide. Despite historic marginalization, increased access to these treatments offers hope for those struggling with despair.

      Psychedelic psychotherapy and research offer hope for those struggling with despair and deaths of despair caused by alcoholism, drug overdoses, and suicide. While there is a long way to go before these treatments become mainstream and accessible to everyone, there are technologies being developed that are not different from what humans have used for thousands of years. Psychedelics have been used for millennia by humans throughout the world, but they have been suppressed and marginalized throughout history. With the development of more clinics and therapists trained in these treatments, more people will have access to these tools that have been around for millennia.

    • The Dangers of Altering Psychedelic Structures and the Potential Future of Drug PolicyPsychedelics like LSD and psilocybin are safe but require a safe, supportive context, while MDMA and ibogaine require even more caution. The future of drug policy may involve a licensed system.

      Psychedelics like LSD and psilocybin are in the public domain, meaning they can be used freely without a patent. However, some pharmaceutical companies are trying to alter their structure to make them more profitable, which can be dangerous. While psilocybin and LSD are extremely safe, they require a safe, supportive context when being used as they are psychologically challenging. MDMA and ibogaine require more caution, as they are physiologically challenging. The future of drug policy reform could involve a licensed legalization system, where individuals can obtain a license to use drugs, but risk losing it if they misbehave.

    • The Rise of Psychedelics in Mental Health TreatmentPsychedelic substances like LSD, MDMA, and psilocybin are being recognized for mental health treatment potential. A licensing system is being proposed to ensure safe use in a clinical setting with trained therapists. Traditional psychiatry is becoming more open to the idea.

      Psychedelic substances like LSD, MDMA, and psilocybin are gaining recognition for their potential benefits in the field of psychiatry and mental health. To ensure safe use, advocates suggest a licensing system where individuals can receive the drugs in a clinical setting, at no cost, and with the guidance of a professional. The therapy aspect of the treatment is seen as critical, and therefore, therapists themselves receive training with the substance. Traditional psychiatry is showing increased openness to these substances, with many institutions developing departments of psychedelic research and inquiry, and articles on the subject appearing in prestigious journals like the New England Journal.

    • Overcoming Resistance: The Future of Psychedelic Research in Traditional Psychiatry and RegulationDespite past obstacles, psychedelic research is gaining more recognition and acceptance. The approval of MDMA-assisted therapy for PTSD could change the field of psychiatry and improve treatment for patients, including refugees, prisoners, and adolescents. The World's largest psychedelic conference in Denver in 2023 showcases the growing interest in this area.

      Psychedelic research has faced significant resistance due to the war on drugs, which suppressed innovation for a very long time. However, the openness is increasing in traditional psychiatry, regulatory agencies, and marijuana legalization. MAPS, a non-profit pharmaceutical company, plans to show how to market a drug that maximizes public benefit and not profits. The upcoming FDA approval for MDMA-assisted therapy for PTSD will be a significant turning point that could change the whole field of psychiatry. The objective is to move closer to trauma and treat patients earlier, such as refugees, prisoners, and adolescents. The World's biggest psychedelic conference will take place in Denver in 2023.

    • The Revival of Psychedelics in Western CulturePsychedelics have a long history in western culture, including in early Christianity, but were later suppressed. Today, efforts to bring them back into mainstream consciousness require public education and awareness. Psychedelic research shows potential for healing and repairing mental health on a global scale.

      In a recent podcast, Rick Doblin discussed the history of psychedelics in western culture, including their use in early Christianity and the subsequent persecution of those who used plant medicines. Doblin notes that the current efforts to bring psychedelic consciousness back into mainstream culture represent a major turning point after nearly 15 centuries of suppression. He also emphasizes the importance of public education and awareness in overcoming fear and anxiety around these substances. Finally, Doblin shares his excitement for the future of psychedelic research and the potential for these substances to heal and repair mental health on a global scale.

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    Ayurveda and Mental Health

    Ayurveda and Mental Health
    Ayurveda says that the body mind and spirit are not only connected but interconnected and an imbalance in one will cause a disturbance in the other. The five elements are in subtle forms which affect the mind. The mind has qualities of purity, action and inertia, described as the GUNAS. The Vedas have a comprehensive view of the functions of the mind which when understood allows us to control the mind which is described as the most difficult thing to do, if we don't it will control us. Diet and Lifestyle are just as important to mental health as they are to physical health. Sleep and proper digestion of thoughts and experiences are vital to maintain a balanced mind and if you don't use it, you lose it. Every problem is the effect of a cause and if we have the power to create a problem so do we have the power to correct it. Videos and blogs on mental health at the web-site www.ataytv.com

    Dr. Nolan Williams: Psychedelics & Neurostimulation for Brain Rewiring

    Dr. Nolan Williams: Psychedelics & Neurostimulation for Brain Rewiring
    In this episode, my guest is Nolan Williams, M.D., a triple board-certified psychiatrist, neurologist and professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Stanford School of Medicine. He is also the Director of the Stanford Brain Stimulation Lab. We discuss clinical applications for brain stimulation, behavioral protocols and novel drug treatments to halt and reverse mental health disorders, including depression and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). We first discuss the neural circuits for self-identity and mood and stress control. We discuss Dr. Williams’ work using transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) to depression, trauma, PTSD, and other mood disorders. We then dive deep into the history, biology, modern use, and safety margins of the various psychedelics, including MDMA, LSD, ketamine, ibogaine, ayahuasca, and psilocybin, as well as cannabis and the use of SSRIs in both adults and children. Finally, we discuss behavioral treatments for mental health disorders, including sleep and sleep deprivation, light exposure, exercise, and training to control the brain-heart-rate pathways. Regardless of age, all those interested in mental health should benefit from the incredible breadth and depth of Dr. Williams’ knowledge and the clarity with which he conveys that information. For the full show notes, visit hubermanlab.com. Thank you to our sponsors AG1 (Athletic Greens): https://athleticgreens.com/huberman LMNT: https://drinklmnt.com/huberman Supplements from Momentous https://www.livemomentous.com/huberman Timestamps (00:00:00) Dr. Nolan Williams, Brain Stimulation & Depression Treatment (00:03:48) Sponsors: LMNT (00:09:16) Depression, Risk Factors, Emergency Psychiatric Treatments (00:15:11) The Brain-Heart Connection, Vagus Nerve, Prefrontal Cortex (00:17:51) Right vs. Left Brain Hemispheres & Mood Balance, Connectome (00:22:34) Heart Rate & Depression, Behavioral Interventions, Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) (00:33:02) Prefrontal Cortex & Cognitive Control, TMS (00:35:30) Sponsor: AG1 (00:39:00) Belief/Identity “Rules”, Re-scripting, TMS & Talk Therapy (00:45:49) Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex, TMS & Depression Treatment (00:48:36) Cingulate Cortex & Emotion, Dissociation & Catatonia (00:54:27) Ketamine, the Opioid System & Depression; Psychedelic Experience or Biology? (01:03:42) SSRIs, Serotonin & Depression; Childhood, Chemical Imbalance or Circuit? (01:13:58) Memories & “Rule” Creation; Psilocybin & “Rule” Resolution (01:21:00) MDMA & Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Treatment, Psilocybin & Depression Treatment (01:24:12) Is MDMA Neurotoxic?, Drug Purity, Dopamine Surges, Post-MDMA Prolactin (01:30:38) Psilocybin, Brain Connectivity & Depression Treatment (01:34:53) Exposure Response Prevention: “Letting Go” & Depression Treatment (01:41:23) Normal Spectrums for Mental Health Disorders (01:45:35) Ibogaine & “Life Review”; PTSD, Depression & Clinical Trials (01:57:16) Clinical Use of Psychedelics (02:01:59) Ayahuasca, Brazilian Prisoner Study (02:06:55) Cannabis: THC, CBD & Psychosis, Clinical Uses (02:14:52) Personal Relative Drug Risk & Alcohol (02:20:42) Circadian Reset for Depression, Sleep Deprivation, Light (02:28:43) Stanford Neuromodulation Therapy (SNT) Study (02:34:25) Space Learning Theory & TMS Stimulation (02:45:35) Zero-Cost Support, YouTube Feedback, Spotify & Apple Reviews, Sponsors, Huberman Lab Premium, Neural Network Newsletter, Social Media Title Card Photo Credit: Mike Blabac Disclaimer

    Episode 6:

    Episode 6:

    Stephy Steph and Bobby chat about the challenges that doctors face. This one specifically deals with how mental health is stigmatized. Bobby chats about what has changed in Texas at the dental board to try to be proactive on this important topic. Bobby is representing his own opinions in this episode.  They also talk about the important work of the Dr. Lorna Breen Heros Foundation. https://drlornabreen.org/