
    Can They See Your Fear?

    en-gbSeptember 27, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Fear is a natural part of the human experienceRecognize that fear is not a weakness, but a natural emotion that drives and protects us, and can help us grow and overcome challenges

      Fear is a shared human experience, no matter how confident or successful someone may appear. Even those who seem most self-assured are likely dealing with fear in their own way. Sharing these feelings can be illuminating and reassuring. Fear is not something to be ashamed of, but rather, it's a natural emotion that drives and protects us. So, next time you're feeling afraid, remember that you're not alone, and that fear is a part of the human experience. It's important to recognize that fear is not a weakness, but rather a powerful force that can help us grow and overcome challenges. By acknowledging and embracing our fears, we can learn to use them as fuel to move forward.

    • See fear as a friendAcknowledge and accept fears, recognize inner resources, approach new experiences with confidence and resilience

      Fear is a natural part of life, but it doesn't have to hold us back. According to Kate Cochrane from the Volley Network, fear can be seen as a friend that helps us move through the world cautiously but courageously. It's important to acknowledge and accept our fears, rather than letting them consume us. By recognizing that we have the inner resources to cope with whatever comes our way, we can approach new experiences with confidence and resilience. So next time you're feeling afraid, remember that you have 100% got this, and your fear is just a companion helping you navigate the world. Embrace it, and keep moving forward. This is a powerful message of everyday positivity that Kate shares in her podcast, and a reminder that we all have the strength to overcome our fears and thrive.

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    Tune in now!


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     In the Inner Circle you will spend 4 months with Henry and an amazing, hand-selected group of people to learn what Henry took 26 years to master that would MAKE A GREATER IMPACT AND CREATE MORE SUCCESS AND FULFILLMENT FOR YOURSELF AND EVERYONE YOU LOVE. Join us and make a difference for the ret of your life.

    Sign Up Here.


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    Enjoy the episode! 


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    Enjoy this episode!



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