
    Censorship and Death of Journalism with Alex Berenson

    enApril 16, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • A journalist's experience reporting on the Corona crisis and facing backlashReporting on controversial topics can lead to backlash from institutions and challenges to factual reporting. The importance of relying on scientific evidence and rigorous testing in medicine was emphasized, with a historical perspective on the evolution of medical practices.

      During the Corona crisis, American writer and journalist Alec Berents took a significant risk to uncover the truth, only to face brutal backlash from institutions that once celebrated him. He has covered various industries, including finance and pharmaceuticals, for the New York Times, but his attempts to report on the crisis led to his being labeled a pariah. Alec's experiences highlight the power dynamics within institutions and the challenges of factual reporting, especially when it goes against the mainstream narrative. Furthermore, the discussion touched upon the issue of Wikipedia's reliability and the difficulties in correcting defamatory entries, especially for individuals promoting alternative medicines or unconventional practices. The conversation also emphasized the importance of relying on scientific evidence and rigorous testing in medicine, with a historical perspective on the evolution of medical practices and the role of evidence-based research. In summary, Alec Berents' experiences during the Corona crisis serve as a reminder of the importance of factual reporting and the challenges faced when reporting on controversial topics. The discussion also shed light on the power dynamics within institutions and the ongoing debate about the role of alternative medicines and evidence-based practices in healthcare.

    • Concerns about vaccine accuracy and transparencyAttorney and science advocate expresses skepticism towards vaccine information, concerns about misrepresentation of views, and issues with the publishing process leading to potential suppression of dissenting opinions, while maintaining belief in standard childhood vaccines' safety

      The speaker, an attorney and science advocate, shares a love for science but has concerns about the accuracy and transparency of information regarding vaccine safety and efficacy. He has experienced misrepresentation of his views and feels that the scientific discourse around vaccines is often controlled by hostile parties. He believes that peer-reviewed science is not infallible and that there are issues with the publishing process, leading to concerns about retractions and suppression of dissenting views. Despite his skepticism, he holds a belief that standard childhood vaccines are generally safe based on their long history of use, but is cautious about other vaccines due to limited knowledge and research. He acknowledges the potential for conflicts of interest within the pharmaceutical industry and the vaccine establishment.

    • Media's alignment with Democratic party and focus on opposing certain figuresMedia's role in shaping public discourse has shifted towards opposing certain figures and aligning with political parties, with a focus on reporting COVID-19 deaths in a way that amplifies severity, impacting democratic processes and public's access to accurate information. Vaccine industry's profitability raises questions.

      The media's role in shaping public discourse has undergone a significant shift in recent years, with an increasing alignment with the Democratic party and a focus on opposing certain figures, such as Donald Trump. This trend was accelerated by Trump's penchant for spreading falsehoods and his unconventional leadership style. The media's response to Trump's handling of the coronavirus crisis further highlighted this shift, with a focus on reporting COVID-19 deaths in a way that amplified the severity of the situation. This change in media dynamics has important implications for democratic processes and the public's ability to make informed decisions based on accurate information. Additionally, the speaker noted the increase in the number and profitability of vaccines over the years, raising questions about the potential motivations behind this trend.

    • Media Bias and Suppression of Certain Viewpoints during the COVID-19 PandemicThe speaker expresses concerns about media bias during the pandemic, questioning the effectiveness of lockdowns and masks, criticizing the media for labeling protests differently, and advocating for alternative voices to ask unanswered questions about non-pharmaceutical interventions and vaccines.

      The speaker expresses concerns about the role of the media during the COVID-19 pandemic and the alleged suppression of certain viewpoints. According to the speaker, there is little evidence that lockdowns and masks have been effective in the United States, and there was a pushback against this narrative, particularly regarding the situation in Florida. The speaker also criticizes the media for labeling protests against George Floyd's death as "mostly peaceful" while suppressing coverage of lockdown protests. The speaker believes that the media has become increasingly biased and that people are desperate for alternative voices to ask questions that the mainstream media is not addressing, particularly regarding non-pharmaceutical interventions and vaccines. The speaker also mentions their own background as a journalist and their skepticism towards the rapid development and approval of vaccines, despite believing they may ultimately be necessary to defeat COVID-19. The speaker suggests that while they believe only a small amount of media bias is linked to pharmaceutical advertising revenues, journalists should still be asking questions about the rapid approval process for these vaccines.

    • Bill Gates and George Soros' networks subtly shape public discourseBill Gates and George Soros' networks offer opportunities for engagement that can influence thinking without appearing corrupt. Critical examination of vaccine efficacy data and industry responses is necessary for public safety.

      The influence of figures like Bill Gates and George Soros extends beyond direct payments to journalists and academics. Instead, they've built up complex networks that subtly shape public discourse. These networks offer opportunities for engagement, like conferences, that can influence thinking without appearing corrupt. The vaccines provide an example of this dynamic. Many people have accepted headline figures about vaccine efficacy without scrutinizing the data. When journalists like RFK Jr. raise concerns, they're often dismissed as conspiracy theorists. However, it's crucial to examine the evidence, like increased pregnancy losses in animal studies. The pharmaceutical industry's response to such signals has been insufficient, leading to concerns about safety. It's easier to attack the messenger than to engage with the message. Regarding Tony Fauci, his tenure at the National Institute of Allergic and Infectious Diseases has seen it transform from a disease prevention agency to an incubator for pharmaceutical products. Critics argue that his agency's focus on new drugs, many of which it holds patents for, has led to questionable performance during the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite his agency's failures and the vast budget, the US has had one of the worst COVID-19 records among nations.

    • Fauci's Role is to Advise, Not DecideFauci's role is to advise policymakers, not make decisions for the country. The response to the pandemic should have been managed as a medical problem within the healthcare system, not a societal issue.

      While Dr. Anthony Fauci is an important public health figure, his role is to advise policymakers, not make decisions for the country. The decision to shut down the country or close schools should have been made by elected officials, not solely by Fauci. Furthermore, Fauci's eagerness to speak publicly and present himself as the hero or villain in the COVID-19 response can overshadow the importance of other voices and perspectives. The response to the pandemic should have been managed as a medical problem within the healthcare system, rather than a societal issue. Ultimately, the decision-making power should have been in the hands of those elected to lead, not solely in the hands of a senior bureaucrat.

    • COVID-19 Response: Societal and Economic CostsThe COVID-19 response, including lockdowns and school closures, has resulted in significant societal and economic costs, including increased unemployment and deaths. Public health authorities' mistakes and media's lack of thorough questioning of vaccine safety have contributed to this situation.

      The response to the COVID-19 pandemic, including lockdowns and school closures, has led to significant societal and economic costs. Unemployment, for instance, was found to cause 50,000 deaths per year (based on half the current population), and the long-term consequences for future generations have not been adequately considered. Furthermore, the public health authorities' mistakes regarding lockdowns, school closures, and masks have not led to more skepticism about the COVID-19 vaccines, which are the most intrusive measures taken against individuals. Despite the vaccines' novel technology and limited safety data, journalists did not question their safety and efficacy thoroughly. Additionally, we now know that COVID-19 primarily affects older adults and those with underlying health conditions, while the risk for younger, healthier individuals is relatively low. Given this new information, the urgency to rush vaccine development may not have been warranted.

    • Censorship concerns in vaccine informationPolitical pressure for quick vaccine approvals and censorship of alternative treatments limit information flow, hindering open debate and potentially misinforming the public. Instead, transparency and more speech are the solutions.

      The ongoing health crisis raises concerns about transparency and censorship, particularly regarding information about treatments outside of the approved vaccines. The hacking of European Medicines Agency documents revealed political pressure to approve vaccines quickly, yet this story was underreported. Furthermore, videos of doctors sharing their experiences and potential treatments have been removed from platforms like YouTube. The suppression of such information is problematic as it limits the flow of information and stifles open debate. The solution to potentially misleading or false information is not censorship, but rather more speech and transparency. It's crucial to maintain a balance between ensuring public safety and upholding the principles of free speech and information access.

    • Censorship of COVID-19 information on major tech and media platformsMajor tech and media platforms have been suppressing or censoring information related to COVID-19 treatments, vaccine side effects, and protests, potentially driving people to conspiracy theories and skepticism, and may be motivated by political or financial biases.

      Several major tech and media platforms, including YouTube, Facebook, Amazon, and certain medical journals, have been suppressing or censoring information related to COVID-19 treatments, vaccine side effects, and protests, often to the detriment of free speech and open debate. This issue is problematic because it can potentially drive people to conspiracy theories and skepticism, and may be motivated by political or financial biases. For instance, the Lancet and New England Journal of Medicine published flawed studies on hydroxychloroquine, which was later proven to be safe and effective in some cases, but these publications were part of a larger campaign to discredit the drug due to its association with then-President Trump. It's crucial for regulators, the media, and tech companies to ensure transparency and honesty in reporting and publishing, particularly when it comes to matters of public health.

    • Lack of transparency in EUA data and all-cause mortalityIt's essential to have complete data on EUA of monoclonal antibodies and vaccines to assess their overall health impact, ensuring public trust and understanding.

      There are concerns regarding the lack of transparency and complete data being provided regarding the EUA of monoclonal antibodies for COVID-19 treatment and the all-cause mortality data of vaccinated versus unvaccinated individuals. The speaker argues that it's crucial to have this information to assess the overall health impact of these interventions. The discussion also touched upon the history of the CDC's surveillance system and a past study that was halted due to uncovered vaccine-related injuries. The speaker emphasized the importance of asking these questions and obtaining answers to ensure public trust and understanding. The study mentioned, called "Lazarus," suggests that passive surveillance systems may miss a significant percentage of events. However, the speaker admits they have not read the paper in full. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of thorough investigation and transparency in understanding the safety and efficacy of COVID-19 treatments and vaccines.

    • Determining Vaccine Safety: Examining All Reported DeathsThoroughly investigating every reported death after vaccination, compared to background rates, is crucial for accurately determining vaccine safety.

      Accurately determining vaccine safety involves meticulously examining all reported deaths in both the vaccine and placebo groups, and comparing them to background rates. Companies may try to dismiss unrelated deaths as not vaccine-related, but every death must be accounted for and compared. Anecdotally, there are cases of individuals experiencing severe health issues or death shortly after vaccination, which authorities and companies may not acknowledge as vaccine-related. This was exemplified by the case of Aaron, who died 17 days after advocating for vaccines and was later reported to have died shortly after vaccination. Despite fact-checking efforts against such reports, it's crucial to investigate thoroughly and not dismiss potential vaccine adverse effects outright. The ongoing controversy surrounding the AstraZeneca vaccine and blood clots illustrates the importance of thorough investigation, as initial reports of adverse events were dismissed, but later investigations revealed a higher number of incidents.

    • Voluntary reporting systems have limitations, especially for rare conditions like HITTDespite the seriousness of conditions like HITT, doctors often fail to report them due to pressure and lack of incentives. This can lead to an increase in such events and underscores the need for open debate and transparency in healthcare.

      Limitations of voluntary reporting systems in healthcare, even for rare and dangerous conditions. Dr. Alex Berenson shared the example of a condition called Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia and Thrombosis (HITT), which is often missed by doctors despite its seriousness. This issue is not unique to the US or Europe, and the lack of reporting could lead to an increase in such events. Doctors are under pressure not to report these events, but the tide may soon change as families demand answers and medical professionals feel compelled to act. Dr. Berenson encourages people to follow him on Twitter and check out his latest booklet, "Unreported Truths about COVID 19 and Lockdowns Part 4: Vaccines," for more information on the science and data behind mRNA vaccines. He emphasizes the importance of open debate and discussion in democracy, which is essential for making informed decisions.

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