
    Podcast Summary

    • Reflect on the stories we tell ourselvesConsider the stories you tell yourself and how you might rewrite them for a more positive and empowering outlook. You have the power to change your story and, in turn, your life.

      Our perception of the world is shaped by the stories we tell ourselves. These stories can influence our emotions, actions, and overall reality. Kate Cocker, from the Volley network, encourages us to reflect on the stories we constantly tell ourselves, especially about ourselves and our circumstances. For instance, the story we tell ourselves about going to work or earning money can significantly impact our mindset and life. By changing the narrative, we can alter our perception and potentially improve our situation. So, consider the stories you've been telling yourself and how you might rewrite them for a more positive and empowering outlook. Remember, you have the power to change your story and, in turn, your life.

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