
    China Simp Newsom Cleans Up San Fran for Xi Jinping & Islamophobia Debunked!

    enNovember 14, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Addressing Controversial Topics and Promises for ImprovementsThe speaker acknowledges complaints about controversial language and promises improvements, while sharing his entrepreneurial journey and upcoming guests, inviting listeners to join him tomorrow and the Mug Club for exclusive content.

      The speaker on this podcast is addressing some controversial topics and language used on the show, which has led to numerous complaints. He acknowledges the need to address these issues and promises to make improvements. The speaker also shares his background and entrepreneurial journey, which inspired him to start his own company and podcast. Despite the challenges, he remains committed to his vision and invites listeners to join him tomorrow for a new episode on Ash Wednesday. The speaker also shares upcoming guests, including Patrick Bet David and Dan Bongino. He encourages listeners to leave ratings and reviews, and to join the Mug Club for access to exclusive content. Throughout the conversation, the speaker's tone remains upbeat and engaging, despite the interruptions and distractions. Overall, the speaker's determination and passion for his work shines through, even amidst the challenges.

    • Notable events and discussions this weekDan Bongino and Patrick Bet David have a sit-down conversation tomorrow, live dual stream event on Thursday, SF addressing anti-Semitism and Islamophobia, Josh Firestein performs in Tulsa, ongoing debates about MSG, Megan Rapinoe's future in politics

      There are several notable events coming up. Tomorrow, Dan Bongino and Patrick Bet David will have a sit-down conversation. On Thursday, they will have a live dual stream event, with Dan Bongino hosting his show and Patrick streaming on his channel, both from Mug Club Studios. San Francisco is taking steps to clean up its act, but there are concerns about rising anti-Semitism and Islamophobia. There are debates about the authenticity of these issues and their impact on communities. Josh Firestein will be performing at Brick Town Comedy Club in Tulsa, Oklahoma, on November 19th. There are ongoing discussions about MSG and its presence in food, with some arguing that it's in everything. Megan Rapinoe's soccer career has ended unexpectedly, but there are speculations that she may run for office in the future.

    • Speaker's disappointment with Meghan's retirement speechSpeaker found Meghan's lack of gratitude and disbelief in God during retirement speech surprising and disappointing, made insensitive comments about her age, injury, and career, and made light of serious global issues.

      During a live commentary, the speaker expressed disappointment and disbelief towards a female soccer player named Meghan, who during her retirement speech, expressed her disbelief in God. The speaker found it surprising and disappointing that Meghan chose to make such a statement during her speech instead of expressing gratitude towards those who helped her in her career. The speaker also made some insensitive and derogatory comments about Meghan's age, her injury, and her career, and expressed a desire for YouTube to "die." The speaker also made light of global issues such as wars and famine, and made a joke about God being busy. Overall, the speaker's comments were disrespectful and insensitive towards Meghan and the issues she was addressing in her retirement speech.

    • San Francisco's Preparation for APEC: Deep Cleaning and Addressing Social IssuesCity leaders deep clean BART, pressure wash streets, add shelter beds, shut down encampments, and target Fentanyl dealers to improve San Francisco's image for APEC and beyond.

      The city of San Francisco is making a significant effort to clean up its streets in preparation for the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) event. This includes deep cleaning the BART system and pressure washing the streets to remove human feces and other unsanitary conditions. City leaders understand the importance of maintaining a clean image for tourism, and are taking steps to address homelessness and drug-related issues. The city had become dingy, and the addition of 300 beds to their shelter system and the shutting down of homeless encampments are part of their efforts to help the homeless and improve the overall appearance of the city. Additionally, the San Francisco DA has started a new program to arrest Fentanyl dealers. These actions show the city's commitment to improving its infrastructure and addressing social issues, in order to present a clean and welcoming image for visitors.

    • Neglecting Residents for Impressive VisitorsLeaders prioritizing city image over residents' needs can lead to neglect and unsatisfactory living conditions.

      During discussions about communism and Marxism, there's an appealing theory, but in practice, it may not lead to significant improvements in people's lives. San Francisco serves as an example, where leaders have neglected the residents' needs for years, but made swift changes to impress foreign leaders like Xi Jinping. The speaker hopes that San Franciscans will reflect on this situation and consider past information and solutions that could have improved their city. The speaker also criticizes the lack of results-oriented actions for residents, instead focusing on making the city look good for visitors. The speaker ends by mentioning the potential consequences of such actions and referencing the character Dirty Harry.

    • Hamas uses children's programming to spread hate towards JewsHamas's 'Tomorrow's Pioneers' show indoctrinated hate towards Jews using cuddly animal characters, violating children's innocence and promoting dangerous propaganda.

      Hamas uses children's programming to indoctrinate hate towards Jews and normalize violence. The show "Tomorrow's Pioneers," which aired from 2007 to 2014, disguised political ideologies as cuddly animals. One character, Farfur, was essentially a jihad Mickey Mouse, and when he was caught cheating in class, he blamed the Jews. This is a disturbing example of how an entire generation is raised to hate a specific group. The use of cartoons to spread hate is a gross violation of children's innocence and a dangerous form of propaganda. It's important for people to be aware of this and to condemn such actions. The comparison between children's cartoons and Hamas programming highlights the stark contrast between the values they promote. The former teaches kindness, creativity, and learning, while the latter promotes hate and violence. It's a reminder of the importance of media literacy and the need to challenge and reject hate speech in all its forms.

    • Children's programs perpetuating harmful stereotypes against JewsBe mindful of the media children consume, as it can shape their perceptions and attitudes towards specific groups, potentially promoting intolerance and hatred.

      The content of certain children's programs, as discussed in this conversation, can perpetuate harmful stereotypes and propaganda against specific groups, in this case, Jews. These programs can shape young minds into harboring hatred and intolerance towards certain communities. The examples given include a character in a children's series being murdered by a Jew, and another character, a Palestinian child, dying due to the Israeli siege on Gaza, which was used to blame Jews for his death. These portrayals can contribute to a divisive and hostile environment, rather than promoting understanding and peace. It's crucial to be aware of the media our children consume and its potential impact on their perceptions and attitudes towards others.

    • Antisemitic incidents have risen more than Islamophobic onesDespite concerns for both Jewish and Muslim communities, FBI stats show a greater increase in antisemitic incidents. Media narratives and biases also play a role in community tensions.

      While there are valid concerns about increasing hate speech and threats towards both Jewish and Muslim communities, it is important to acknowledge that antisemitic incidents have seen a more significant rise than Islamophobic ones. This information was discussed during a podcast, with evidence provided from the FBI's statistics. The conversation also touched upon the impact of media narratives and the importance of acknowledging biases. Additionally, the contrasting portrayal of friendship between Arabs and Jews in children's programming was highlighted as an example of complexities that can exist in inter-community relations.

    • Jews are disproportionately targeted in hate crimesJews make up 2.6% of US population but account for 60% of religious hate crimes. The focus should be on disproportionate number and potential perpetrators, not just victims' religion.

      Despite making up only 2.6% of the population, Jews are disproportionately targeted in hate crimes, accounting for approximately 60% of religious-based hate crimes in the United States. These statistics come from various sources, including the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CARE), as well as FBI Director Chris Wray. While anti-Islamic hate crimes also exist, they account for a much smaller percentage (7.7%) of total hate crimes. It's important to note that the focus should be on the disproportionate number of anti-Semitic hate crimes. Furthermore, it's crucial to consider who is committing these crimes. While Jews are the primary victims, it's possible that many of these crimes are committed by individuals who identify as Muslim. It's essential to acknowledge the severity of hate crimes, especially when they result in murder, as in the case of Samantha Woll, a synagogue leader in Detroit, whose murder was initially ruled non-hate related by police despite being found in close proximity to a community known for anti-Semitic rhetoric. The disparity in hate crimes against Jews compared to other religious groups highlights the unique vulnerability of this community and the need for increased support and protection.

    • Reporting truthfully during volatile situationsHonesty and accuracy in reporting are crucial to prevent misunderstandings and potential escalation of tensions. Biased reporting can downplay violent incidents and anger people.

      Truth and accuracy in reporting are crucial, especially during sensitive and potentially volatile situations. The example given involved an incident where an elderly Jewish man was killed during a pro-Israel, pro-Palestine rally in California. Initially, NBC News reported the death as a result of the man falling and hitting his head during the rally. However, the Ventura County Sheriff later ruled it a homicide. The initial reporting downplayed the violent nature of the incident, which angered many people. This is not an isolated incident, as similar biased reporting has been observed in other contexts, such as discussions about crime involving different racial groups. Honesty and accuracy in reporting are essential to prevent misunderstandings and potential escalation of tensions.

    • Media and academia's perceived bias in controlling informationPerception of media and academia bias leads to skewed public perception, emphasizing transparency and sharing info to combat biases is crucial.

      There's a growing perception that certain institutions, including media and academia, are controlling the flow of information in a biased way, leading to a shift in cultural attitudes and behaviors. This was discussed in relation to the Nashville manifesto and the false perception of media credibility. The speaker also addressed the issue of antisemitism on college campuses and in media, where Jewish students and figures have faced hatred and threats. The speaker emphasized that the consistent thread is not that everyone involved is Jewish, but rather their progressive or leftist ideologies. The media's role in controlling information was criticized, as they often choose what to show and what to hide, potentially leading to a skewed public perception. The speaker urged for transparency and the sharing of information to combat these biases.

    • Peaceful Protests and Isolated IncidentsWhile peaceful protests against hate speech and violence towards certain communities are important, it's crucial to distinguish between peaceful protests and isolated incidents of hate speech and violence.

      While there are instances of hate speech and violence towards certain communities, it's important to distinguish between isolated incidents and larger, peaceful protests. For instance, a rally against anti-Semitism in Paris had 100,000 participants, who were mostly peaceful and focused on their cause. On the other hand, there have been instances of pro-Palestinian rallies where hate speech towards Jews has been reported. However, it's crucial to remember that not all attendees at these rally's engage in such behavior. The Biden Harris administration has acknowledged the rise in Islamophobia and has announced a plan to combat it. It's essential to recognize that hate speech and violence towards any community is unacceptable and should be addressed accordingly. At the same time, it's equally important to distinguish between isolated incidents and larger peaceful protests.

    • Growing up with tolerated extremist ideologiesAcknowledge and address potential harm from extremist ideologies, rather than labeling concerns as phobias

      The speaker grew up in an environment where extremist ideologies, including those found in some interpretations of Islam, were more openly expressed and tolerated than in the United States. He expresses a rational fear of the potential harm caused by these ideologies, citing statistics that suggest a significant number of Muslims worldwide support the use of violence against civilians. The speaker argues that this is a valid concern, given the global population of Muslims who hold these beliefs, and contrasts it with the Jewish population, suggesting that the numbers do not support the label of "Islamophobia." The speaker emphasizes that this discussion is not about all Muslims or Jews, but rather about the statistical reality of the situation. The takeaway is that it is important to acknowledge and address the potential harm caused by extremist ideologies, rather than labeling concerns as phobias without considering the facts.

    • Expressing gratitude and encouraging engagement on multiple platformsContent creators need to engage with their audience across platforms to continue producing and sharing their content. Encouraging viewers to interact and adapt to disruptions is crucial for success.

      Engaging with an audience through multiple platforms is crucial for content creators to continue producing and sharing their content. In the discussion, the speaker expresses gratitude to their audience for supporting them on both Rumble and YouTube. They encourage viewers on Rumble to engage further by clicking a button to continue watching, acknowledging that this interaction is essential for their livelihood. The speaker also shows frustration towards those who try to disrupt or disrupt their streams. Overall, this exchange highlights the importance of audience engagement and the need for content creators to adapt and utilize various platforms to reach and connect with their fans.

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    GUESTS: Nick Di Paolo | Alex Jones

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    Louder with Crowder
    enJune 28, 2024

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    This is How Trump Beats Biden in the Debate | GUEST: Trump Spokeswoman Karoline Leavitt

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    Tune in to our Debate Mega Livestream Tomorrow Night at 9PM ET

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    GUESTS: Karoline Leavitt | Nick Di Paolo

    SOURCES: https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/sources-june-26-2024

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    Music by @Pogo

    Louder with Crowder
    enJune 26, 2024

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    Julian Assange Free | YouTube Threatens Takedowns of Presidential Debate Streams | GUEST: Tim Pool

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    GUEST: Tim Pool | Josh Firestine

    Tax Network USA’s tax specialists have settled over $500 million in tax debts to the IRS and state taxing authorities. Call 1 (800) 245-6000 or visit tnusa.com/crowder

    SOURCES: https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/sources-june-25

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    Music by @Pogo

    Louder with Crowder
    enJune 25, 2024

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    BREAKING REPORT: ARMY Admits Debilitating Heart Conditions Linked to Covid Vax!

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    GUEST: Josh Firestine

    One of the leading firearm manufacturers in the world for 135 years. Go to www.WaltherArms.com to try the Walther.

    SOURCES: https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/source-june-24

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    Music by @Pogo

    Louder with Crowder
    enJune 24, 2024

    REBUTTAL: Jon Stewart is WRONG about Gun Violence

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    Today, we culturally appropriate Native American Indians, because to appropriate is to appreciate! This marks the second installment of our 9th annual Cultural Appropriation Month celebration! In the news, Governor Gavin Newsom announced a land return to the Shasta Tribe in an episode of virtue signaling, Louisiana is officially the first American state to require the Ten Commandments to be displayed in public classrooms, Jon Stewart is wrong on guns, NYC State of Crime, and so much more!

    Support freedom of speech with Rumble's 1775 Coffee. Go to 1775coffee.com/Crowder right now and pick up your first bag. Use code CROWDER to save 10%.

    GUEST: Josh Firestine

    SOURCES: https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/sources-june-20

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    Louder with Crowder
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    A Mug Club viewer like you came to Mug Club Undercover with a tip regarding an incident and an apparent subsequent cover-up involving the coercion and abuse of a minor intern at a county jail housing federal inmates for U.S. Marshals in Ohio. As our journalists pulled the thread, we found it nearly impossible to get answers over the phone, so we sent boots on the ground to ask face-to-face. We obtained exclusive access to and are publishing today materials corroborating this shocking case!

    GUEST: Breanna Morello

    Join MugClub to watch this show every day! http://louderwithcrowder.com/mugclub

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    Music by @Pogo

    Louder with Crowder
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    GUEST: Josh Firestine

    CBDistillery’s targeted formulations are made from the highest quality CLEAN ingredients. No fluff, no fillers - just pure, effective CBD solutions designed to help support your health. Go to CBDistillery.com and use code CROWDER for 20% off and a 100% money back guarantee.

    SOURCES: https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/sources-june-18

    Join MugClub to watch this show every day! http://louderwithcrowder.com/mugclub NEW MERCH! https://crowdershop.com/ Subscribe to my podcast: https://rss.com/podcasts/louder-with-crowder/ FOLLOW ME: Website: https://louderwithcrowder.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/scrowder Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/louderwithcrowder Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stevencrowderofficial Music by @Pogo

    Louder with Crowder
    enJune 18, 2024

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    GUEST: Dr. Robert Epstein | Josh Firestine

    SOURCES: https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/sources-june-17-2024

    Join MugClub to watch this show every day! http://louderwithcrowder.com/mugclub NEW MERCH! https://crowdershop.com/ Subscribe to my podcast: https://rss.com/podcasts/louder-with-crowder/ FOLLOW ME: Website: https://louderwithcrowder.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/scrowder Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/louderwithcrowder Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stevencrowderofficial Music by @Pogo

    Louder with Crowder
    enJune 17, 2024

    Disney Makes Star Wars Galactically Gay!

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    Folks, today marks the start of our 9th annual Cultural Appropriation month celebration. We all know appropriation is appreciation and today we are appreciating Iran! In the news, young Iranians are protesting their nation’s strict religious laws through a phenomenon called “turban knocking,” space lesbian witches are somehow getting pregnant and destroying Star Wars, a string of attacks on American fast food restaurants in Iran has got us wondering who could be responsible, after the shocking helicopter crash death of Iran’s President, Ibrahim Raisi, Iran will hold a free and fair election to replace him, we’re going to be straddling the borderline today, so buckle up and come to Rumble and Mug Club if you want to the show today because YouTube definitely ain’t okay with what’s happening today!

    Submit your costumes on X with #AppropriateIran for a chance to be featured on the show!

    Visit http://PrepWithCrowder.com for My Patriot Supply emergency food kits, and $50 Off the Grid Doctor Solar Generator System

    GUEST: Nick Di Paolo

    SOURCES: https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/sources-june-13-2024

    Join MugClub to watch this show every day! http://louderwithcrowder.com/mugclub NEW MERCH! https://crowdershop.com/ Subscribe to my podcast: https://rss.com/podcasts/louder-with-crowder/ FOLLOW ME: Website: https://louderwithcrowder.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/scrowder Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/louderwithcrowder Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stevencrowderofficial Music by @Pogo

    Louder with Crowder
    enJune 13, 2024

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    More from Ruthless: https://www.youtube.com/@RuthlessPodcast

    Follow The Megyn Kelly Show on all social platforms:


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    Jewish Man Killed in California, and Key Election Races to Watch, with John Podhoretz, Christine Rosen, Andy Ngo, and Chris Stirewalt | Ep. 664

    Jewish Man Killed in California, and Key Election Races to Watch, with John Podhoretz, Christine Rosen, Andy Ngo, and Chris Stirewalt | Ep. 664

    Megyn Kelly is joined by John Podhoretz and Christine Rosen, co-hosts of The Commentary Magazine Podcast, to talk about the rise in anti-Semitic violence in the U.S. and worldwide, including the Jewish man killed in California, the way Jews have been prepared for what we've seen since the terror attack, differences between pro-Israel and anti-Israel protests, the mentality of those who rip down hostage posters, and more. Then Andy Ngo, senior editor at The Post Millennial, joins to discuss the anti-Israel violence he witnessed in the U.K., the connection the anti-Israel protests and riots has with BLM and Antifa in previous years, what we've learned from the "trans" Nashville shooter's manifesto that has been made public by Steven Crowder, the efforts to censor and suppress it, and more. Then Chris Stirewalt of The Dispatch joins to talk about the key states to watch tonight on Election Day, including Virginia and with Gov. Glenn Youngkin's potential rise to power, the governor's races in Mississippi and Kentucky, the mayor race in Bridgeport, CT, and more.

    Podhoretz and Rosen: https://www.commentary.org

    Ngo: https://www.andy-ngo.com

    Stirewalt: https://thedispatch.com/author/chris-stirewalt/


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    Media and Left Botch Gaza Hospital Story, and Campus Anti-Semitism Grows, with Buck Sexton and Dennis Prager | Ep. 650

    Media and Left Botch Gaza Hospital Story, and Campus Anti-Semitism Grows, with Buck Sexton and Dennis Prager | Ep. 650

    Megyn Kelly begins the show by breaking down exactly what happened at the blast at the Gaza hospital, and how so many in the media and on the left got it so disastrously wrong, their instincts to immediately believe Hamas propaganda and blame Israel, the horrifying protests that emerged after, and more. Then Buck Sexton, co-host of The Clay Travis and Buck Sexton Show, joins to discuss the absurdity of believing Hamas sourcing about the hospital blast, conspiracy theories so many on the left believe, ridiculous "moral equivalency" in this crisis, the American media's culpability and anti-Israel sentiment, the possible reasons behind the terror attack, what may happen next in Israel's ground attack, and more. Then Dennis Prager, co-founder of PragerU, joins to discuss the thousands of years of groups who want to exterminate Jews, anti-Semitism on campuses and in our culture, the left finally waking up to the threats of radical ideology, the college student ripping down posters of Israeli hostages held by Hamas, the rich donors of top colleges fighting back and defunding the schools, whether this moment will last, the long drift toward the position we're at today in woke education, ideology extremism on campuses, women in our culture today, BLM's associations with anti-Semitism, praying for Biden's success in the Middle East, and more.

    Sexton: https://www.bucksexton.com

    Prager: https://www.prageru.com


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