
    Jewish Man Killed in California, and Key Election Races to Watch, with John Podhoretz, Christine Rosen, Andy Ngo, and Chris Stirewalt | Ep. 664

    enNovember 07, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Rising Anti-Semitism During Israel-Hamas Conflict Leads to Homicide in California ProtestThe Israel-Hamas conflict has led to a surge in anti-Semitic attacks, resulting in a homicide during a protest in California. Jewish communities and their allies have been criticized for the lack of a strong counter-narrative against hate speech.

      During a protest between pro-Israel and pro-Palestinian supporters in California, a 69-year-old Jewish man named Paul Kessler was killed due to blunt force head injuries, which have been classified as a homicide. The incident occurred when Kessler was waving an Israeli flag during the protest. There have been increasing reports of anti-Semitic attacks in America and Europe since the conflict between Israel and Hamas began. The Anti-Defamation League reported a 388% increase in anti-Semitic attacks in the US alone. The discussion also highlighted several recent incidents of anti-Semitic attacks in the US and Europe. Despite this, there has been a lack of public response from Jewish communities and their allies. The lack of counter-protests from those advocating for peace has been a topic of concern. The podcast co-hosts John Podoritz and Christine Rosen discussed this issue on their show, expressing their concern over the rising anti-Semitism and the absence of a strong counter-narrative.

    • Historical powerlessness of Jews and the creation of IsraelIsrael's creation was a response to prevent Jewish powerlessness and modern Israelis show resilience and dignity despite adversity, contrasted with hostages in Gaza. Recent violence against Israelis resulted in thousands of casualties and ceasefires let Hamas go unpunished, while pro-Hamas activists glorify their actions and call them 'freedom fighting'.

      The discussion revolves around the historical powerlessness of Jews and the creation of Israel as a response to prevent such situations. The speaker uses a historical joke about two Jews before a firing squad to illustrate this mindset. The speaker also emphasizes the resilience and dignity of modern Israelis in the face of adversity, contrasting them with hostages in Gaza. The speaker expresses horror at the recent violence against Israelis, which resulted in thousands of casualties, and criticizes those who advocate for ceasefires that would let Hamas go unpunished. The speaker also shares an example of a pro-Hamas activist's perspective, which glorifies Hamas actions and calls them "freedom fighting," and expresses concern that such views are gaining traction in universities and beyond. Overall, the discussion highlights the ongoing conflict between Israelis and Palestinians, the historical context, and the importance of acknowledging the reality of the situation.

    • Media narrative on Gaza conflict ignores Palestinian war crimes and fuels anti-SemitismMedia bias against Israel in Gaza conflict perpetuates anti-Semitic sentiments, ignores Palestinian war crimes, and incites violence against Jewish communities.

      The media narrative surrounding the conflict in Gaza between Israel and Palestinians is often biased and fails to acknowledge the documented war crimes and torture committed by Palestinian terrorists against civilians, including children. This narrative, fueled by anti-Semitic sentiments, has been perpetuated for decades and has led to the targeting of Jewish institutions and individuals. The distinction between anti-Zionism and antisemitism is becoming increasingly blurred, as actions and words of public figures like Rashida Tlaib continue to incite violence. The recent attacks in Israel and the resulting backlash against Jewish communities around the world serve as a stark reminder of the dangerous consequences of this narrative. It is essential to acknowledge and condemn the inhumane actions of all parties involved and promote peace and understanding.

    • Rise in Antisemitic Incidents and MisinformationFalse beliefs and misinformation fuel antisemitic incidents, media downplays antisemitic nature, lack of clear condemnation emboldens extremists, acknowledging and addressing antisemitism is crucial, media should report truthfully to foster understanding and unity

      The current global situation involving Israel and Palestine has led to an alarming surge in antisemitic incidents and rhetoric. This has been fueled by false beliefs and misinformation, with some individuals mistakenly targeting Jewish communities and institutions. The media's handling of these incidents has been criticized for downplaying the antisemitic nature of the attacks and failing to provide accurate information. The lack of clear condemnation from certain political figures and organizations has further emboldened extremist groups. It's crucial that we acknowledge and address the rise in antisemitism as a distinct issue, rather than equating it with other forms of hate. The media has a responsibility to report on these incidents truthfully and to help foster understanding and unity, rather than contributing to the confusion and division.

    • Taking Action Against AntisemitismEnforcing laws, creating consequences for offenders, and defining antisemitism in laws are necessary steps to combat antisemitism and prevent violence against Jews and Jewish institutions.

      It's not enough to just call out antisemitic rhetoric and hate crimes; action needs to be taken. This includes enforcing existing laws, creating consequences for offenders, and defining antisemitism in laws. Recent incidents, such as the death of Paul Kessler in Indiana and a Jewish student having his nose broken in New Orleans, highlight the need for action. These acts of violence against Jews and Jewish institutions are not just meant to make a statement, but to kill people, particularly children. The Jewish community must hold accountable those who make apologia for hate groups like Hamas, which has a charter calling for the murder and elimination of Jews. Every incident, no matter how small, could potentially lead to serious harm or death. It's crucial that we take a stand and demand action against antisemitism.

    • Hamas' ultimate goal: Israel's annihilationHamas leaders seek Israel's removal, sacrificing civilians, debates on response, controversy over missing civilians flyers.

      Hamas leaders have made it clear that their ultimate goal is the annihilation of Israel and they are willing to sacrifice civilians to achieve it. Hamas' top leader recently reiterated their plan, which includes the removal of Israel from Palestinian lands and teaching Israel a lesson through continuous conflict. This message was delivered despite ongoing calls for a ceasefire, and the martyrs they refer to are civilians, including children. The situation has led to debates about how to respond, with some advocating for a strong stance against Hamas and others expressing concern for Palestinian civilians. The issue has also led to controversy over the removal of flyers raising awareness for missing Israeli civilians, with some seeing it as a pro-Palestinian stance and others as support for Hamas. The situation highlights the complexity and emotional intensity of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

    • Israel-Gaza conflict: Controversy over removal of missing children postersThe ongoing Israel-Gaza conflict continues, with intense dedication from both sides. Controversy arose over removing missing children posters in Israel, seen as downplaying the issue or necessary for public consciousness. Jewish law emphasizes hostage recovery.

      The ongoing conflict between Israel and Gaza continues to be a significant issue, with both sides showing intense dedication to their respective causes. The removal of posters displaying images of missing children in Israel has sparked controversy, with some seeing it as an attempt to downplay the gravity of the situation and others viewing it as a necessary act to keep the issue in the public consciousness. The Jewish community, including John Podoritz and Christine Rosen of the Commentary Magazine podcast, have emphasized the importance of this issue and the Jewish law requiring the recovery of hostages. The incident serves as a reminder of the deep-rooted passions and convictions on both sides, with no signs of resolution in sight.

    • Israel-Palestine conflict played out in public spaces through postersIsraelis protect their posters, Palestinians tear downs, Jewish Voices for Peace's legitimacy debated, public spaces serve as intense battleground

      The current conflict between Israel and Palestine is being played out in public spaces through the display and destruction of posters. Those supporting Israel are preserving their posters with laminate and other protective measures, while those supporting Palestine are tearing them down. This contrast highlights the stark differences between the two sides. Additionally, there is a group called Jewish Voices for Peace, which is criticized by some for using their Jewish identity to promote causes harmful to Israel. The debate around this group's legitimacy as a Jewish organization highlights the complexity and emotional intensity of the conflict. The use of public spaces as a battleground underscores the importance of the issue to both sides and the intensity of their convictions.

    • Protests in UK and US bring together extremist groupsMuslim extremists and radical leftists unite in violent protests against America and its allies, resulting in extremist rhetoric and calls for terrorism.

      The pro-Palestinian protests in the UK and US have seen a dangerous convergence of various extremist groups, including Muslim extremists and radical leftists, who share common targets and enemies, such as America and its allies. These protests have resulted in violent incidents, including the recent death of a Jewish man in the UK, and have brought together individuals with a lack of moral compass and a willingness to use terrorism as a tactic. This is not a new development, but rather a continuation of decades of Palestinian nationalist propaganda and the merging of this narrative with critical race and decolonization theories. The result is a coalition of radical individuals who are determined to destabilize America and pressure politicians to turn against their friends and allies internationally. These protests are not just peaceful events, but rather a breeding ground for extremist rhetoric and calls for terrorism.

    • Pro-Palestinian protests vs. Pro-Israel rallies: Different OutcomesThe distinction between peaceful protests and violent demonstrations can be blurred, leading to varying outcomes and community tensions. Understanding cultural nuances and responding appropriately is crucial.

      The distinction between peaceful protests and violent demonstrations becomes blurred when examining certain groups, as evidenced by the pro-Palestinian protests in London and the pro-Israel rally in New York. These protests can result in vastly different outcomes, with the former leading to numerous arrests and accusations of racial hatred, while the latter saw no such incidents. The London protests also highlighted the provocative use of the chant "Allahu Akbar," which, while a common part of Muslim prayer, takes on a different meaning when used as a political statement in the context of violence and incitement. The lack of understanding of this cultural nuance among non-Muslim communities can contribute to fear and mistrust. The ongoing Nashville school shooting case adds another layer of complexity, as authorities have yet to release the shooter's manifesto, which is unusual in such cases. The intersection of identity politics, violence, and free speech raises important questions about how society should approach and respond to such events.

    • Nashville Shooter's Manifesto Leaked: Reveals Pathological Grievance Ideology and Hatred Towards White PeopleThe Nashville shooter's leaked manifesto reveals a pathological grievance ideology, hatred towards white people, and a commitment to the attack with a sense of joy and happiness. The document's release raises questions about why similar manifestos from other shooters have been handled differently.

      The release of a mass shooter's manifesto can provide insight into their motivations, but in the case of the Nashville shooter, the documents have been withheld due to their alleged horrific nature. Three pages have been leaked to Steven Crowder, revealing a pathological grievance ideology, hatred towards white people, and a commitment to the attack with a sense of joy and happiness. The shooter was reportedly a female to male trans person, and there were also homophobic slurs in the manifesto, leading to speculation about her motivations. The public has a right to know the contents of the manifesto, but some family members of the victims have expressed opposition to its release. The handling of this case raises questions about why similar manifestos from other shooters have been released more freely in the past, and why this one has been kept hidden.

    • Transparency and Understanding Complex Issues are Crucial for SocietyTransparency in information is essential for society's understanding of events and potential prevention of future tragedies. Censorship can hinder this process, blurring lines between supporting victims and promoting terrorism.

      Transparency and the free flow of information are crucial for society's understanding and potential prevention of future tragedies. The removal of controversial content by platforms like YouTube, despite its newsworthiness, can hinder this process. The Nashville shooting incident, where radical trans activists held up seven fingers during a moment of silence for the victims, is an example of how the line between supporting victims and promoting terrorism can be blurred. The ongoing investigation into the death of Paul Kessler at a pro-Palestinian protest further highlights the importance of understanding complex issues and the potential consequences of censorship. The radicalization of universities and institutions in America is a significant concern, as it could lead to a mobilized army ready to be exploited for various conflicts. The situation in the United States is critical, and deradicalizing these institutions will be a challenging task.

    • Virginia midterms as a preview of 2024 presidential raceThe Virginia midterms could indicate the health of both parties and provide insights into the 2024 presidential race, with potential Republican contender Glenn Youngkin's performance being closely watched.

      The Virginia elections on this election day are particularly noteworthy, as they could serve as a preview of the political landscape for the 2024 presidential race. Glenn Youngkin, a potential Republican contender, has staked his political future on the outcome of the Virginia midterms, and a strong performance could potentially propel him into the Republican nominating process. The intensity and motivation of voters in key areas like Northern Virginia, Tidewater, and the suburbs outside of Richmond will be crucial indicators of the health of both parties. With a significant amount of money poured into the Virginia races and a narrow control of both chambers at stake, the results could provide valuable insights into the state of the Democratic Party and the potential strength of Republican candidates in the upcoming presidential election.

    • Governor Youngkin's Potential White House BidBillionaire supporter sees potential for Youngkin in White House race, but crowded Republican field may pose a challenge.

      In the political landscape of Virginia, there are indications that Governor Glenn Youngkin could enter the White House race if he successfully wins control of the senate and keeps control of the house or improves the Republican margin in the house. Billionaire supporter Thomas Peter Fee, who has the financial means to influence such a decision, believes that Youngkin's success in Virginia could lead him to join the presidential race. However, the crowded Republican field, with notable figures like Ron DeSantis and Nikki Haley, could make it challenging for Youngkin to make a significant impact. In Mississippi, the Democratic challenger, Elvis Presley's relative, is trying to unseat the Republican governor, Tate Reeves, by labeling him corrupt. Despite Reeves' lack of popularity, it remains to be seen if the "corruption" argument will resonate with voters in the deeply red state.

    • Mississippi Democrat Brandon Presley's Elvis Connection and Kentucky Republican Daniel Cameron's Uphill BattleDespite initial advantages, Brandon Presley in Mississippi and Daniel Cameron in Kentucky face long odds due to their states' political leanings and challenges in mobilizing certain voter demographics.

      While the connection to Elvis Presley may give Brandon Presley an initial boost in Mississippi's Democratic primary, his long odds of winning are due to Mississippi being a strongly Republican state and the lack of physical resemblance to the legendary singer. In contrast, Daniel Cameron in Kentucky faces an uphill battle despite being a rising Republican star and having the support of both the MAGA and traditional conservative wings of the party. The key issue is voter turnout, with the majority of the electorate being middle and upper class, leaving the rural and Democratic-leaning areas with lower voter participation. Cameron's strategy to nationalize the election and appeal to Trump voters is a risky move, as it requires changing the shape of the electorate and capitalizing on high Republican passion. Ultimately, both candidates face significant challenges in their respective races.

    • Bridgeport mayoral primary: A tale of voter fraud allegations and redo electionsIncumbent mayor wins despite election loss due to absentee ballots, but allegations of voter fraud lead to a redo election. Outcome uncertain as challenger could potentially win as an independent.

      Local politics can get messy, as evidenced by the mayoral primary in Bridgeport, Connecticut. The incumbent mayor, despite losing on election day, managed to win due to an unusual number of absentee ballots. However, after allegations of voter fraud, a judge ordered a redo of the primary, leaving the outcome uncertain. The challenger could potentially win as an independent, while the incumbent would represent the Democrats if he wins again. The shenanigans in Bridgeport serve as a reminder that people's bad behavior is not limited to high-profile elections and the lengths they'll go to can be quite revealing about human nature.

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    Callahan- https://www.amazon.com/Ask-Not-Kennedys-Women-Destroyed/dp/0316276170/


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    The Megyn Kelly Show
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    The Megyn Kelly Show
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    Sexton: https://www.bucksexton.com

    Prager: https://www.prageru.com


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    October 31st, 2023: Bibi’s Blame Game, Hamas's Silent Crisis, & Russia's Disturbing Mob Scene

    October 31st, 2023: Bibi’s Blame Game, Hamas's Silent Crisis, & Russia's Disturbing Mob Scene
    In this episode of The President's Daily Brief: Israeli forces make a major move on Gaza's northern city, and Prime Minister Netanyahu's controversial comments lead to heightened tensions. A silent crisis unfolds in Gaza: foreign nationals, held as hostages by Hamas, prevented from leaving despite exit offers from neighboring nations. Turning our gaze to Russia, we unpack the harrowing incident at an airport where an anti-Semitic mob targeted passengers from an incoming Tel Aviv flight. In our 'Back of the Brief' segment: General Motors and the United Auto Workers come to an agreement, marking the end of a significant strike. However, Hollywood remains in a deadlock, as SAG-AFTRA and production houses continue their standoff. Please remember to subscribe if you enjoyed this episode of The President's Daily Brief. Email: PDB@TheFirstTV.com. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Tucker's Secret Messages in Court Filing Reveal He ‘Hates Trump Passionately'

    Tucker's Secret Messages in Court Filing Reveal He ‘Hates Trump Passionately'
    MeidasTouch host Ben Meiselas reports on new text messages, emails, and deposition transcripts just unsealed from the Dominion’s $1.6 billion defamation lawsuit against Fox. MeidasTouch host Ben Meiselas reports. HENSON SHAVING: Visit https://HensonShaving.com/MEIDAS to pick the razor for you and use code ‘MEIDAS’ for 2 years worth of free blades! Shop Meidas Merch at: https://store.meidastouch.com Join us on Patreon: https://patreon.com/meidastouch Remember to subscribe to ALL the Meidas Media Podcasts: MeidasTouch: https://pod.link/1510240831 Legal AF: https://pod.link/1580828595 The PoliticsGirl Podcast: https://pod.link/1595408601 The Influence Continuum: https://pod.link/1603773245 Kremlin File: https://pod.link/1575837599 Mea Culpa with Michael Cohen: https://pod.link/1530639447 The Weekend Show: https://pod.link/1612691018 The Tony Michaels Podcast: https://pod.link/1561049560 American Psyop: https://pod.link/1652143101 Majority 54: https://pod.link/1309354521 Political Beatdown: https://pod.link/1669634407 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    China Simp Newsom Cleans Up San Fran for Xi Jinping & Islamophobia Debunked!

    China Simp Newsom Cleans Up San Fran for Xi Jinping & Islamophobia Debunked!

    San Francisco's streets are suddenly cleaned up ahead of a visit from China's President Xi, we're taking a look at Hamas' children's propaganda show, "Tomorrow's Pioneers," which aired from 2007-2014, how this brainwashing led to dramatically increased rates of antisemitism, and what that looks like on the street for everyday people.


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