
    Podcast Summary

    • AI transforms industries and clapping expresses joyArtificial intelligence revolutionizes various sectors and clapping is a universal expression of happiness. Seeking professional financial advice and finding the right entertainment sources can significantly enhance your life.

      Technology, specifically artificial intelligence (AI), will play a significant role in shaping the future. From healthcare and retail to entertainment and personal computing, AI is transforming industries and creating a more accessible world. Meanwhile, on a more personal note, clapping, a simple and rudimentary percussive instrument, holds rich traditions in childhood and happiness. It's a universal way to express joy and can even be considered an instrument of our bodies. Additionally, seeking financial advice from certified financial planner professionals (CFPs) can greatly impact your future, ensuring they act in your best interest. Lastly, Xumo PLAY offers endless entertainment with a diverse lineup of free live channels, movies, and TV series. Remember, asking the right questions, like seeking a CFP, and finding the right sources of entertainment, like Xumo PLAY, can greatly impact your life.

    • History and Significance of ClappingClapping, an essential social signal, expresses approval and appreciation through sound and can be traced back to ancient Rome.

      Clapping, an often overlooked form of expression, has a rich history dating back to ancient Rome. It symbolizes appreciation and can even be used as a signal to turn devices on and off. The act of clapping, particularly a good, solid clap, provides satisfaction and can be seen as a way to express the impact an experience has had on us. However, after prolonged applause, our hands may tire, leading us to continue clapping silently to maintain appearances. Despite common assumptions, there is no significant difference in clapping volume or frequency between genders. Overall, clapping plays an essential role in social constructs and demonstrates our cooperative nature by signaling approval and appreciation in unison.

    • Body movement synchronization strengthens social connectionsSynchronized body movements, like clapping, increase following cooperative training and strengthen relationships

      Clapping and other forms of body movement synchronization play a significant role in building social connections and community. This behavior, while not innate, is learned and helps us communicate and align with one another. A study from the California Institute of Technology found that body movement synchronization increases following cooperative training, suggesting it's a measurable indicator of social interaction. Activities like digging ditches or rowing a canoe require this synchronicity to prevent accidents and improve efficiency. Even in everyday life, falling into a rhythm with someone can help strengthen relationships. So, the next time you clap in a group or engage in a synchronized activity, remember that it's a powerful tool for fostering social connections.

    • Exploring the Impact of Teamwork and Communication in RelationshipsEffective communication and teamwork in relationships significantly enhance our ability to work together and achieve common goals, with potential advancements in brain-to-brain interfaces and technology like Astepro's nasal spray playing a role.

      Effective teamwork and communication in relationships can significantly impact our ability to work together and achieve common goals. This concept is currently being explored in scientific research, focusing on the brain-to-brain interface in cooperative relationships. This study could potentially lead to advancements in linking brains for various tasks, such as piloting a spaceship. Meanwhile, everyday activities like clapping hands provide insights into how our brains adapt to such interactions. Additionally, technology like Astepro's fast-acting nasal allergy spray can help individuals manage their symptoms and stay focused on their tasks. The future holds immense potential for AI and its integration into various industries, as explored in the Technically Speaking podcast. Overall, the importance of effective communication, teamwork, and utilizing technology to enhance our abilities cannot be overstated.

    • The impact of social interaction on performance and financial planningApplause in a crowd and financial planning both benefit from social interaction. Trusted experts, like CFPs, ensure accurate financial advice, while audience engagement and participation can significantly impact performance.

      The power of social interaction, as represented by clapping in a crowd, can significantly impact the overall experience, even if the performance itself remains the same. The dynamics of the audience play a crucial role in the spread and intensity of applause. Research shows that a few individuals can influence the overall volume of applause, with some people starting or stopping it leading to a noticeable effect. This phenomenon can be observed in various performance environments and highlights the importance of audience engagement and participation. Similarly, when it comes to financial planning, finding a trusted advisor, such as a Certified Financial Planner (CFP), is essential for securing your future. The commitment of CFP professionals to act in your best interest ensures you receive accurate and reliable advice. Overall, whether it's applause in a crowd or financial planning, understanding the importance of social interaction and seeking trusted experts can lead to positive outcomes.

    • Social pressure shapes our reactionsSocial context can influence our perceptions and responses, making us question our own experiences and feel pressure to conform.

      Social pressure can influence our responses to experiences, even if our personal experiences differ. Using the example of a play, the speaker describes feeling out of sync with the enthusiastic audience response, wondering if they were experiencing the same performance. However, they later discovered that the applause was due to family and friends of the performers. This experience highlights how social context can shape our reactions, and the pressure to conform can make us question our own perceptions. Another example given is office applause, where the speaker mentions feeling the pressure to acknowledge good work, even if it's not a regular occurrence. These situations illustrate how social norms can impact our experiences and responses, and how we might feel like we're the odd one out if we don't conform.

    • The Power of Clapping: Social and Neurological ImpactsClapping spreads joy, has a sigmoidal curve like disease outbreaks, synchronizes neurons, quickens brain response, and develops skills in children.

      The simple act of clapping can have profound effects, both socially and neurologically. From a social perspective, clapping acts as a contagion, spreading joy and excitement as it spreads from person to person. This was demonstrated in a study by mathematicians and biologists, who found that the graph of clapping times had a sigmoidal curve similar to graphs of disease outbreaks. Neurologically, our brains respond to clapping as if we are part of an audience, with neurons firing and synchronizing in response to the sound. This quick adaptation and decision-making ability is crucial in everyday life, allowing us to react to unexpected situations. Furthermore, clapping has been linked to the development of important skills in children and young adults through hand clapping songs. Overall, the power of clapping goes beyond the surface, impacting us in ways that are both social and neurological.

    • Exploring the benefits of clapping activitiesClapping activities offer social and cognitive benefits, reducing stress, boosting mood, and strengthening bonds through synchronization of movement and sound.

      Engaging in musical activities, particularly those involving clapping, can have significant social and cognitive benefits. This is especially true for children during their motor and cognitive development years, as they naturally gravitate towards clapping activities. However, adults can also reap the rewards, experiencing reduced stress and increased focus through clapping games. The social aspect of clapping, whether it's in a group setting or alone, can lead to stronger bonds and a sense of connection to others. Additionally, the synchronization of movement and sound can provide a warming, emotionally charged experience. So the next time you're feeling stressed or in need of a mood boost, consider giving patty cake or a slow clap a try.

    • Exploring the depths of clapping and sharing storiesLearned about the hidden intrigue of clapping, sponsors Visible and Xumo Play, importance of CFPs, and the impact of St. Jude Children's Research Hospital

      Sometimes the most ordinary things in life, like clapping, hold hidden depths and intrigue. During the discussion, we explored various aspects of clapping and shared some interesting stories. If you have any unique clapping experiences, we would love to hear from you. You can get in touch with us through our website, social media platforms, or email. Additionally, we highlighted some sponsors, including Visible, a wireless company offering transparent plans, and Xumo Play, a free streaming platform with a diverse range of entertainment options. Furthermore, we emphasized the importance of seeking financial advice from Certified Financial Planner (CFP) professionals, who are committed to acting in your best interest. Lastly, we shared a heartwarming story about a family's journey with St. Jude Children's Research Hospital and the hope it brings to children fighting cancer. We encouraged listeners to become St. Jude Partners in Hope and help make a difference in the lives of these children.

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    About the Podcast Guest:

    Dr. Gerwin Schalk is a remarkable scientist, engineer, and entrepreneur who has made significant contributions to the fields of AI/machine learning, neurotechnology, and FinTech. From an early fascination with the potential of decoding thoughts and emotions from human biosignals, he embarked on a journey that led to groundbreaking discoveries. With a strong academic background and a focus on computer technology, signal processing, and AI/machine learning, Dr. Schalk paved the way for groundbreaking research demonstrating humans' ability to control machines through their brain signals.

    As a research scientist for over 20 years at Wadsworth Center, Dr. Schalk conducted pioneering research in neuroscience and neuroengineering. He also played a pivotal role in developing BCI2000, the standard software used in brain-computer interface research worldwide. His impressive scientific accomplishments include over 130 peer-reviewed publications, book chapters, and extensive media coverage.

    Currently serving as the Director at the Frontier Lab for Applied Neurotechnology, Dr. Schalk is dedicated to improving lives through the development and promotion of novel neurotechnologies. As the Co-Founder and Chief Scientific Officer of Helios Life Enterprises, he leads the scientific and technical development of COMPREHEND—an AI-based system that extracts valuable information from executives' voices during earnings conference calls.

    Dr. Schalk's expertise extends beyond academia and research. He served as an Associate Professor of Neurology at Albany Medical College, where he performed research with neurosurgical patients, decoding language and other aspects of human functions from brain signals. His detailed understanding of medical device technology led to the invention of a new functional mapping procedure for neurosurgery.

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    Dr. Gerwin Schalk's exceptional expertise, research, and entrepreneurial endeavors have made him a true force in the field of neurotechnology. His contributions continue to push the boundaries of what's possible and inspire others to explore the fascinating intersection of neuroscience and AI-driven advancements.

    Learn more about Dr. Shalk's work here:

    Helios Life Enterprises https://www.helioslife.enterprises/

    The Chen Frontier Lab for Applied Neurotechnology https://ant.chenfrontierlab.com/

    Connect with Dr. Schalk on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gerwin-schalk-a86530/

    About the Podcast Host:

    The Neurocareers podcast is brought to you by The Institute of Neuroapproaches (https://www.neuroapproaches.org/) and its founder, Milena Korostenskaja, Ph.D. (Dr. K), a neuroscience educator, research consultant, and career coach for students and recent graduates in neuroscience and neurotechnologies. As a professional coach with a background in the field, Dr. K understands the unique challenges and opportunities facing students in this field and can provide personalized coaching and support to help you succeed.

    Here's what you'll get with one-on-one coaching sessions from Dr. K:

    • Identification and pursuit of career goals
    • Guidance on job search strategies, resume and cover letter development, and interview preparation
    • Access to a network of professionals in the field of neuroscience and neurotechnologies
    • Ongoing support and guidance to help you stay on track and achieve your goals

    You can always schedule a free neurocareer consultation/coaching session with Dr. K at https://neuroapproaches.as.me/free-neurocareer-consultation

    Subscribe to our Nerocareers Newsletter to stay on top of all our cool neurocareers news at updates https://www.neuroapproaches.org/neurocareers-news


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    3. Geoffrey Hinton
    4. Yoshua Bengio
    5. Elon Musk
    6. Tucker Carlson
    7. Larry Page
    8. Mark Zuckerberg
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    12. Steven Pressfield
    13. Srinivasa Ramanujan
    14. Albert Einstein
    15. Kary B. Mullis
    16. Sigmund Freud
    17. Tim Ferriss
    18. Carl Jung
    19. Neil deGrasse Tyson
    20. Noam Chomsky
    21. Jordan Peterson
    22. Elliot Page
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    24. Stephen C. Meyer
    25. Karl Marx
    26. Seneca
    27. Nassim Nicholas Taleb
    28. Robert Sapolsky
    29. Stephen Jay Gould

    Videos and podcasts mentioned:
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    Listen to the episode now on all major podcast platforms, and get ready to have your mind blown!

    About the Podcast Guest:

    Dr. Nikolay Novitskiy is a fascinating researcher and a true pioneer in the field of cognitive neuroscience. With a Master's degree in biology, specializing in neurobiology, and a Ph.D. in psychology with a focus on cognitive neuroscience, Dr. Novitskiy has dedicated his career to unraveling the mysteries of the human brain.

    His expertise lies in electroencephalography (EEG), a powerful tool that allows him to delve into the brain's electrical activity. Dr. Novitskiy is not only well-versed in EEG recording and analysis but is also familiar with other advanced techniques such as magnetoencephalography (MEG), functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), and psychophysical methods.

    Throughout his journey, Dr. Novitskiy has published extensively in international peer-reviewed journals, sharing his groundbreaking research on the brain mechanisms of low-level memory and perception. His work has garnered attention for its innovative methodology and insightful findings.

    Currently serving as a research associate at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Dr. Novitskiy leads a dynamic team that aims to develop an objective and cost-effective prognostic tool for predicting individual infants' future language and communication abilities. He has made remarkable strides in understanding the auditory neural pathway crucial to spoken language development by leveraging EEG data and employing machine learning techniques.

    Dr. Novitskiy's research has the potential to transform our understanding of human communication and pave the way for groundbreaking advancements in early intervention for language-related disorders.

    Join us on the Neurocareers podcast as we delve into the extraordinary work of Dr. Nikolay Novitskiy and gain a deeper appreciation for the incredible complexities of the human brain.

    Learn more about Dr. Novitskiy by following these links:

    ResearchGate https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Nikolay-Novitskiy

    LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/nikolay-novitskiy-8a22275/

    About the Podcast Host:

    The Neurocareers podcast is brought to you by The Institute of Neuroapproaches (https://www.neuroapproaches.org/) and its founder, Milena Korostenskaja, Ph.D. (Dr. K), a neuroscience educator, research consultant, and career coach for students and recent graduates in neuroscience and neurotechnologies. As a professional coach with a background in the field, Dr. K understands the unique challenges and opportunities facing students in this field and can provide personalized coaching and support to help you succeed.

    Here's what you'll get with one-on-one coaching sessions from Dr. K:

    • Identification and pursuit of career goals
    • Guidance on job search strategies, resume and cover letter development, and interview preparation
    • Access to a network of professionals in the field of neuroscience and neurotechnologies
    • Ongoing support and guidance to help you stay on track and achieve your goals

    You can always schedule a free neurocareer consultation/coaching session with Dr. K at https://neuroapproaches.as.me/free-neurocareer-consultation

    Subscribe to our Nerocareers Newsletter to stay on top of all our cool neurocareers news at updates https://www.neuroapproaches.org/neurocareers-news