
    Combat Barbie: Female Marine calls out the Military

    enMay 18, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Personal improvements in 2024: Byte for teeth alignment, Thumbtack for home projectsUpgrade your smile with Byte's affordable and convenient teeth alignment solution. Simplify home maintenance with Thumbtack's local pros. Embrace emotions and make positive life changes.

      2024 is the year for prioritizing personal improvements, whether it's enhancing your smile with Byte or tackling unfinished home projects with Thumbtack. Byte offers doctor-directed, affordable, and convenient teeth alignment solution with financing options and a discounted impression kit using code "Wondery." Thumbtack simplifies home maintenance by connecting users with highly-rated local pros for various tasks. Meanwhile, the podcast episode showcases raw and honest conversations between individuals, sharing their past experiences and personal growth. Whether it's moving away from negative influences or serving in the military, everyone has a unique journey. Embrace your emotions and take the first step towards making positive changes in your life.

    • Growing up on a farm: A harsh realityDespite the idyllic image, farm life can involve long hours, addiction, poverty, and even necessitate stealing. Breaking the cycle of trauma and empowering oneself can lead to positive change.

      Growing up on a farm, despite the idyllic image it may present, can be a harsh and challenging reality. The speaker shares her experience of working long hours in the fields, dealing with her parents' addiction issues, and struggling with poverty. She recounts shoplifting and stealing clothes as a child due to the family's financial situation. The situation was so dire that she left home at a young age. However, the recent sobriety of her parents has led to a renewed relationship and a sense of forgiveness. The speaker reflects on the intergenerational cycle of trauma and the importance of breaking it. She emphasizes the importance of self-empowerment and the ability to create positive change in one's life.

    • Determined to join the Marines despite challengesThe speaker's determination to join the Marines was driven by a desire to prove herself and make a difference, despite facing intimidation and discouragement from others.

      The speaker's determination to join the Marines was driven by a desire to prove herself and make a difference, and was fueled by the intimidation and challenge presented by the Marines. She was the first in her family to graduate high school and felt a strong desire to be the first to join the military. When she visited the recruiting stations, she was drawn to the Marines due to their uniform and presence. Despite being discouraged by others, she pursued her goal and eventually became a supply chief. The experience scared her, but she saw it as an opportunity to grow and avoid the "what if" regret. Her dreams scared her because they were big, but she believed that's what made them worth pursuing. Ultimately, she wanted to help those who were fighting and killing, rather than engage directly in those activities herself. Her family reacted differently, with her mother crying and her stepfather laughing at her, but she was undeterred and went on to serve in the Marines.

    • Childhood Emotional Abuse: Lasting EffectsEmotional abuse in childhood can lead to low self-esteem and a lifelong search for validation. It's important to turn negatives into positives and not become a victim.

      Emotional abuse can be just as damaging as physical abuse, and the effects can last a lifetime. The speaker shares her experience of growing up with an abusive stepfather who belittled her and made her feel worthless. She describes how his words impacted her self-esteem and led her to seek validation from the world as an adult. The speaker also mentions the challenges of leaving home and dealing with her parents' choices. Despite the pain and hardships, she emphasizes the importance of turning negatives into positives and not becoming a victim. The speaker's story highlights the long-term effects of childhood abuse and the resilience of the human spirit.

    • Overcoming adversity and defying expectationsThe speaker's resilience and determination allowed her to overcome adversity and defy expectations, from leaving home after a public embarrassment to succeeding in military training despite lying about her past.

      Despite facing adversity and challenges in her life, the speaker learned to keep moving forward and not let others define her. This was evident when her stepfather tried to belittle her after she appeared on the cover of Playboy, but she refused to show any reaction and left home for good. Later, when she joined the military, she faced rigorous testing and had to lie about her past, but she persevered and found support from the marines. Through it all, she remained determined and focused on her goals, proving that she was capable of achieving anything she set her mind to. Additionally, the speaker's experiences highlighted the strict and demanding nature of military training, as well as her love for emo music and rocker identity.

    • Pressure to join the military leads to lying about drug useThe speaker's experience of lying during military recruitment about drug use highlights the immense pressure to join the military and the unique challenges faced during training.

      The speaker shared their experience of lying during the military recruitment process about their drug use. They had promised themselves never to use drugs after witnessing their parents' addiction. However, they experimented with various substances as a teenager, including snorting Loratab and Xanax. Despite this, they lied to the recruiters and passed the screening. They also shared their experience of attending boot camp at Parris Island, where they mentioned the strict regulations and control over their diet and personal life. The speaker expressed their surprise and nervousness about flying on an airplane for the first time and the unique experience of being surrounded by only women during their training. They also mentioned the rumors about the food and its effects on their hormones and constipation. Overall, the speaker's story highlights the pressure and lengths people go through to join the military and the unique challenges they face during their training.

    • Military Boot Camp: A Test of Determination and CommitmentFormer marine describes intense military training, including long hours, harsh treatment, and emotional moments, ultimately leading to a sense of preparedness and growth

      Military boot camp is a challenging and intense experience designed to test recruits' determination and commitment. One former marine shared his experience, which included rolling on the floor for 30 minutes to prevent a mass on an app, receiving a SARS vaccine in his belly button, and enduring three days of no sleep and food. During this time, drill instructors would berate recruits, trying to break their spirits and see who would quit. The recruit shared that he had nothing to lose and pushed through, eventually becoming one of the few who made it through the grueling process. After earning the title of marine, the recruit was no longer treated as harshly and was considered an adult. The experience was emotional, with the drill sergeant speaking to the recruits as humans for the first time, acknowledging that only 5% of the marine corps were female at the time. Despite the challenges, the recruit felt that the experience had prepared him for anything.

    • Labeling and Judgment in Male-Dominated EnvironmentsWomen in male-dominated industries face negative labels and judgment based on their appearance and actions, which can impact their self-esteem and career progression. Creating a platform to share personal stories and counteract negative stereotypes is crucial.

      Women in male-dominated environments face constant labeling and judgment based on their appearance and actions. Despite excelling in their roles, they are often reduced to being labeled as a "slut," "bitch," or "dyke." This not only affects their self-esteem but also their career progression. The speaker shared her personal experience of being a high-performing Marine, yet still being subjected to such labels and rumors. The Internet amplified the situation, leading to viral bullying and further damage to her reputation. She started a podcast to share her story and give a voice to women facing similar challenges, emphasizing the importance of having a platform to share one's backstory and counteract negative stereotypes.

    • Embracing one's story and identityDespite adversity and bullying, we all have the power to reclaim our stories and embrace our identities on our own terms.

      The power of embracing one's story and identity, even in the face of adversity and bullying, can lead to empowerment and resilience. The speaker, who went viral as "Combat Barbie" in the military despite the derogatory label, used her experiences to own her narrative and turn the tables on her critics. She deactivated her social media to regain control of her image and reclaimed the name, ultimately going viral again and inspiring magazines and websites to feature her story. Even when faced with criticism and bullying, she refused to let others define her and instead chose to define herself on her own terms. Her journey serves as a reminder that we all have the power to reclaim our stories and embrace our identities, no matter what others may say.

    • Military culture disregards respect and consent, particularly towards womenThe military's focus on tradition and image suppressed reports of sexual harassment and pressure to marry, creating a cycle of unhappiness for some individuals.

      The speaker experienced a culture of disregard for respect and consent in the military, particularly towards women. She shared stories of being sexually harassed and feeling pressure to marry for financial reasons, creating a cycle of unhappiness. The military's focus on maintaining a positive public image often led to incidents being swept under the rug. Despite the challenges, the speaker did find love in her first marriage, but it ended due to her husband's insecurities and controlling behavior. Overall, the military culture described was one that prioritized tradition over progress and respect for individuals.

    • Turning adversity into opportunityDespite facing hardships, we can use our experiences to inspire and support others, and make a positive impact by standing together and fighting for change.

      No matter how difficult or challenging our experiences may be, we have the power to turn them into opportunities for growth and to help others. The speaker, a former Marine Corps member, shares her story of facing adversity and overcoming it to become a leader and an advocate for change. Despite facing hardships, including abuse and discrimination, she refused to be a victim and instead used her experiences to inspire and support others. Her determination and resilience ultimately led her to leave the military and continue her mission to make a difference. The importance of standing together and fighting for change when faced with adversity is a powerful reminder of the impact we can have when we use our voices and experiences to create positive change.

    • From Divorces to Modeling: Overcoming AdversityDespite multiple divorces, PTSD, and financial struggles, the speaker found ways to move on and even turn her situation around through resilience and adaptability.

      Life can be unpredictable and challenging, but it's important to keep pushing forward. The speaker shares her experiences of going through multiple divorces, dealing with PTSD, and struggling financially. Despite these hardships, she managed to find ways to move on and even turn her situation around. For instance, she earned a scholarship to college after getting out of the military and started modeling when she had no other plans. She also learned to rely on her family for support during tough times. Overall, the speaker's story highlights the importance of resilience and adaptability in the face of adversity. It's a reminder that even when things seem bleak, there's always a way to turn things around and make the best of a difficult situation.

    • Finding Inspiration in Difficult ExperiencesEven in the darkest moments, we have the power to turn our stories into sources of inspiration and reach out to those in need. Veterans face unique challenges, and addressing their needs is crucial for their wellbeing.

      No matter how difficult our past experiences may be, they hold value and can help us connect with others. Even when we feel like we've hit rock bottom, we have the power to turn our stories into sources of inspiration and reach out to those in need. The speaker's resilience and ability to share her experiences have touched millions of lives, demonstrating that even in the darkest moments, there's a reason to keep going. Additionally, the challenges faced by veterans after serving their country, such as lack of resources and long wait times for assistance, can be overwhelming. The speaker's experience of struggling with depression, addiction, and the VA system highlights the importance of addressing these issues and ensuring veterans receive the support they deserve.

    • Persisting through initial rejections and finding the right peopleDetermination and reaching out to the right people can lead to opportunities in modeling, even when facing initial rejections and challenges.

      Determination and reaching out to the right people can lead to opportunities in modeling, even when facing initial rejections and challenges. Rihanna shares her experience of starting her modeling career by reaching out to photographers and taking inspiration from her brother's encouragement. Despite initial discouragement and encountering some unprofessional photographers, she persisted and eventually landed her first photo shoot with Robert Alvarado. Her story highlights the importance of staying focused on goals, taking calculated risks, and surrounding oneself with supportive people. Additionally, she has experienced issues with social media platforms and algorithms, but continues to create content and build a community despite these challenges.

    • Overcoming obstacles in self-expression on social mediaDespite facing rejection and stereotypes, staying true to oneself and expressing authenticity can lead to success in social media and beyond.

      Social media and traditional media can present unique challenges and opportunities for individuals, particularly when it comes to self-expression and inclusion. The speaker in this conversation shared her experience of gaining popularity on Instagram despite initial resistance due to her tattoos. She eventually gained verification and attracted the attention of photographers and magazines, but faced new challenges related to body image and stereotypes. Through it all, she maintained a defiant attitude and found a way to turn rejection into success. It's a reminder that everyone wants to feel included and valued, and that perseverance and self-confidence can help overcome obstacles. However, the media landscape can also be complex and sometimes inconsistent, with different platforms and outlets having their own norms and biases. Ultimately, it's important for individuals to stay true to themselves and find ways to express their authentic selves, even in the face of external pressures and expectations.

    • Using social media earnings to help familySuccessful woman pays off brother's house, buys mother veneers, and helps family with earnings from OnlyFans

      The speaker, a successful woman who built her brand on social media platforms like OnlyFans, used her earnings to help her family and improve their lives. Despite her initial reluctance due to past traumas, she eventually started making significant money and used it to pay off her brother's house, buy her mother veneers, and help her family in various ways. Her experiences taught her the value of hard work, determination, and the importance of helping those closest to her. Additionally, she found love and connection with someone who respected her for her own accomplishments and shared similar experiences. Despite the challenges and negativity she faced, she remained focused on her goals and the positive impact she could have on her loved ones.

    • Navigating Bittersweet Relationships and Learning from Past MistakesLearn from past relationships to prioritize personal growth and happiness, and be cautious in interactions with people to avoid potential scams.

      Relationships can be bittersweet, and sometimes people need to take a step back to prioritize their own well-being. The speaker shared her experience of being in a relationship with a man named Mike, who was known for having a revolving door of women. She stayed in touch with him over the years, even as he moved on to new relationships. However, she eventually realized that she couldn't deal with the lifestyle and chose to focus on her own growth. The speaker also shared how she was scammed by a photographer in Vegas who promised her a reality show opportunity but never followed through. From these experiences, she learned the importance of being more cautious and skeptical in her interactions with people. Ultimately, she emphasized the importance of listening to one's intuition and making choices that prioritize personal happiness.

    • Living with a Manipulative RoommateRecognize manipulation early, prioritize self-care, build a strong support system, and stay cautious in new relationships.

      Manipulation and control can come in various forms, even from those we trust. The speaker shares her experience of living with a manipulative roommate who took advantage of their OnlyFans income, lied about expenses, and controlled their social media accounts. This situation left her feeling trapped and betrayed, leading her to leave after just 7 days. It's essential to recognize the signs of manipulation early on and prioritize our own well-being. The experience also highlighted the importance of having a strong support system and not being afraid to stand up for oneself. After leaving the situation, the speaker learned to stay casual and cautious when forming new relationships. She also discovered new connections and friendships through her experiences, including those with Dani Banks and Viking Barbias, who inspired her with their work ethic and authenticity.

    • Navigating Relationships in the Entertainment IndustryGood intentions and a good heart are crucial in forming genuine friendships. Helping others and avoiding enabling harmful behaviors are key to maintaining healthy relationships.

      Genuine friendships can be hard to come by in the entertainment industry, and not everyone in it has good intentions. The speaker shares her experiences of being let down by someone she thought was a friend, emphasizing the importance of having a good heart and helping others along the way. She also talks about her past struggles with substance abuse and how it affected her relationships, including a romantic relationship with a male stripper turned porn star. Despite the challenges, she emphasizes the importance of having someone to help you when you need it and the consequences of enabling harmful behaviors. Overall, the conversation highlights the complexities and potential pitfalls of navigating relationships in the entertainment industry.

    • From Financial Gains to Sobriety: A Journey of RedemptionDespite financial gains from drug use, the journey to sobriety and redemption is worth the challenges as it allows for authentic living and personal growth.

      The speaker's experience with drug use brought significant financial gains but also led to a year of chaos and self-destruction. Despite paying off family debts, the speaker recognized that this lifestyle was not authentic to who they were. Sobriety has been a challenging journey, as the brain's chemistry changes after prolonged drug use, making it difficult to feel the same level of pleasure. The speaker emphasizes that the path to sobriety and redemption is thin but worth staying on. They also shared insights about twin flames, explaining that the relationship is about growth through pain and separation rather than being soulmates. The speaker's experience highlights the complexities of drug addiction and the importance of staying true to oneself.

    • A woman's journey towards self-discovery and healing from addictionDespite the challenges of addiction, one can find resilience and determination to heal through self-care and exploration of new relationships.

      The speaker is on a journey of self-discovery and healing after a history of substance abuse. She has quit meth but has been struggling with alcohol since then. She is seeking to understand herself better and find happiness without relying on substances. She has found comfort in writing and has been exploring relationships with soldiers, finding respect and admiration in the military community. Despite her age, she feels unsure about her future and continues to navigate her path towards personal growth. The speaker's experiences highlight the challenges of addiction and the importance of self-care. Her resilience and determination to heal are inspiring.

    • The Power of Hope in Overcoming ChallengesMaintain hope, seek answers, and embrace holistic methods for healing from depression and trauma. Avoid relying on harmful coping mechanisms and prioritize community support.

      Hope is a powerful tool for survival, especially during challenging times. The speaker, who has experienced depression and trauma, emphasizes the importance of maintaining hope and seeking answers to find healing. Depression is not a choice, but a chemical imbalance in the brain that can affect anyone, regardless of their circumstances. The speaker encourages holistic methods for healing, such as vitamin regimens and microdosing, and warns against relying on hard drugs or partying as coping mechanisms. She also shares her own experiences with abuse and the possibility of a traumatic brain injury, highlighting the complex nature of mental health issues. Overall, the message is one of resilience, healing, and the power of community support in navigating life's challenges.

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    Tyler Henry: Website | The Collective | IG

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    Meme: IG

    Hailee: IG

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    Farrah Abraham: IG | Website

    Sophia: IG

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    Winter Blanco: Behind the Likes | IG

    Chy: IG

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    RaMona; IG | Spiritual Slinger

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    Tonesa: IG

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    Karen: IG | The Body Depot

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    Bunnie: Website 

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    ImTheJay: IG  | Bonus Content 

    Bunnie: Website 

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    Bunnie: Website 

    Moonshine Bandits: Website  

    Bucked Up Whiskey 

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    Bunnie: www.dumbblondeunrated.com Jelly: Instagram
    • "Please don't mistake either one of us for being disrespectful or corny." - Jelly
    • "I am a piece of clay right now that is remolding myself." - Jelly 

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