
    Could The Secret to Financial Freedom Be... Orgasm? This Entrepreneur Thinks So

    enApril 24, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Airbnb hosting as a lucrative side hustleEasily start earning income by renting out your home on Airbnb. Your home might be worth more than you think and having a positive mindset towards money and manifestation can contribute to financial success.

      Airbnb hosting can be a lucrative side hustle that utilizes what you already have, making it an accessible way to earn income. The speaker, Nicole Lappin, shared her personal experience of writing in remote cabins while also renting out her home on Airbnb. She emphasized that it's easy to get started with Airbnb and that your home might be worth more than you think. Additionally, she discussed the importance of having a positive mindset towards money and manifestation, which can contribute to financial success. Emily Fletcher, a meditation expert and author, also touched on the topic, explaining that our desires often come with a price tag and that manifestation can include financial abundance.

    • Connection between sexuality, pleasure, and financesAddressing underlying issues for sustainable happiness increases dopamine and serotonin, making us magnets for attracting desires.

      There is a deep connection between our sexuality, pleasure, and finances. Our ability to feel safe and allow pleasure in our bodies is linked to our belief in deserving abundance. The more we can sustainably feel good in our bodies, the more we can manifest abundance in our lives. Orgasm is a powerful tool for feeling good and raising our frequency, making us magnets for attracting what we desire. The formula for manifestation is simple: feel good and place the order. However, feeling good requires addressing any underlying issues preventing us from feeling safe and sustainable happiness. Only then can we increase dopamine and serotonin, leading to a more attractive energy that draws in our desires.

    • Immerse yourself fully in the experience of having already achieved your goalTo effectively manifest your dreams, immerse yourself in the experience of having already achieved them using all five senses, and engage in activities that bring pleasure to enhance the process.

      Manifesting your dreams involves more than just wishing or wanting for them. Instead, it's about fully immersing yourself in the experience of having already achieved your goal. This means using all five senses to imagine the details of the dream as if it's already happened. Your mind doesn't distinguish between real and imagined memories, so this practice can help bring your dream closer to reality. This process can be enhanced through activities that bring pleasure, such as orgasms, breath work, dance, or meditation. By focusing on the feeling of having already achieved your goal, rather than the absence of it, you can reduce stress and manifest your dreams more effectively. This is a key principle in the manifesting practice known as Sacred Secret, which involves visualizing, alchemizing, and magnetizing your desires through pleasure.

    • Orgasm as a tool for accessing a state of fulfillment and manifesting dreamsOrgasm can shift beliefs about what's possible and manifest dreams by accessing a state of connection and bliss. Apply this concept to various areas of life for unexpected opportunities and outcomes.

      Our state of consciousness significantly impacts our ability to manifest our dreams. Orgasm, as a way to connect with the totality of ourselves and the universe, can be a powerful tool for accessing a state of fulfillment, connection, and bliss. From this state, our beliefs about what's possible shift, making our dreams seem more attainable. This concept can be applied to various areas of life, including career and relationships. Even in challenging times, maintaining a mindset of infinite possibility can lead to unexpected opportunities and outcomes. So, never waste an orgasm (or any moment of connection with yourself) – it's a form of self-care and a potent tool for manifesting your dreams.

    • Trusting the process and taking actionManifesting involves trusting the universe's timing and taking action, while regulating emotions around money through practices like meditation for better decision-making and trend prediction.

      Manifesting your desires involves trusting the process and surrendering to the timing, while also taking action. This means placing your order or setting your intention, but also being open to the directive from nature or the universe and taking steps towards your goals. Additionally, regulating emotions around money, particularly through practices like meditation, can lead to a more stable nervous system and increased presence, allowing for better decision-making and trend prediction. By focusing on relaxation and present moment awareness, we can improve our ability to receive information and ultimately, manifest our dreams.

    • Meditation leads to better financial decision-makingMeditating enhances cognitive performance, enabling quick, accurate, and calm actions, benefiting financial decision-making. Utilize platforms like Airbnb and LinkedIn Jobs for resourceful income generation, and recognize the connection between spiritual growth and financial success.

      Meditation not only helps improve cognitive performance but also leads to better financial decision-making. Meditators perform 45% better in the tripartite performance variability test, which indicates their ability to act quickly, accurately, and calmly. This mental clarity can be particularly beneficial when dealing with money matters, as our financial well-being is often influenced by our emotional and nervous system regulation. By practicing meditation, individuals can gain more control over their financial narratives and make wiser choices. Moreover, there are practical ways to monetize existing resources, such as hosting on Airbnb, which can help offset costs and generate income. Platforms like LinkedIn Jobs offer access to a vast pool of qualified candidates, making hiring more efficient for businesses. And, it's essential to recognize that spiritual work and financial success are not mutually exclusive. In fact, being in a state of spiritual expansion can lead to increased financial abundance and a more holistic understanding of wealth.

    • Gratitude and MoneyExpressing gratitude for money and setting clear financial goals can lead to greater abundance in life and business. Seek guidance from authentic teachers who have demonstrated success.

      Having a positive, grateful relationship with money is crucial for its flow in our lives. The speaker emphasizes the importance of acknowledging and expressing gratitude for the money we receive, rather than taking it for granted or falling into fear and lack mindsets. She also shares her personal experience of shifting her perspective towards enthusiastic gratitude and how it has led to greater abundance in her life and business. Additionally, she encourages setting clear financial goals and being mindful of our energy and focus when dealing with money matters. When it comes to choosing a manifestation coach or spiritual guru, the speaker advises considering their results and the value they provide, rather than their wealth or fame. Just as we wouldn't seek financial advice from someone who is broke or health advice from someone who is sick, we should look for teachers who have demonstrated success and authenticity in their own lives.

    • Evaluate teachings based on personal values and goalsSeek guidance from those whose teachings resonate and bring positive results, build a community of like-minded individuals, and prioritize practices for personal growth and well-being.

      When seeking guidance or inspiration from others, it's essential to evaluate if their teachings align with your personal values and goals. Look for principles and practices that resonate with you and bring about positive results in your life. Start by utilizing existing communities and connections to share your message and build a community of like-minded individuals. Remember, manifesting and personal growth require effort and dedication, so prioritize these practices and surround yourself with a supportive team. The profound shifts that come from consistent meditation practice create a strong desire for a community of fellow travelers on the path to improved well-being and happiness.

    • Monks vs Householders: Different Paths to Spiritual GrowthMonks and householders have distinct spiritual practices, but both are valid and can lead to spiritual growth

      The belief that monastic practices are superior to householder practices has led to a skewed perspective on spiritual growth and personal development. Emily Fletcher, the founder of Ziva Meditation, emphasizes that monks are not inherently more enlightened or spiritually evolved than the rest of us. Instead, they have been the living encyclopedias of sacred knowledge, preserving it for generations. Householders, who make up the vast majority of the population, have different practices suited to their lives, and that doesn't make them any less spiritual. The challenge lies in understanding this and educating people about the differences between monastic and householder practices. Ziva Meditation, for instance, is designed specifically for people with busy minds and busy lives. In essence, everyone has the potential for spiritual growth, regardless of their lifestyle or occupation.

    • Start with the dream, not just the numbersIdentifying the dream and purpose behind financial goals can make attracting money easier and more meaningful.

      When setting financial goals, it's essential to start with the dream or vision rather than just focusing on the numbers. According to the discussion, contracts, like prenups, serve as essential tools for the unexpected challenges life may bring. Similarly, financial goals should not only revolve around reaching a specific dollar amount but should be driven by a deeper purpose. By identifying the dream and what the financial goals are funding, individuals can attract money more effortlessly and avoid falling into competition, fear, and lack. Remember, everyone's dreams and financial needs are unique, so it's crucial to understand the why behind the numbers. Money Rehab, a production of Money News Network, encourages listeners to explore their dreams and financial goals through a more meaningful lens. So, start with the dream, and the numbers will follow.

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    You can start manifesting more joy, right now, through gratitude.

    What is bringing you joy today?

    How can you embody that as much as possible throughout the year?



    If you’re ready to manifest that, join me for your virtual yoga retreat, ELEVATE + EMBODY, where you’ll receive a 60-min yoga class + 4 videos + 21 page beautiful printable workbook to journal what you want manifest in 2021. It's just $27 and you can start anytime.

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    Sharon Halliday is the author of Messages from the Heart, co-author of 365 Moments of Grace, a Reiki practitioner, Angel Intuitive, speaker and workshop facilitator...and mum of two and wife to one living in Batemans Bay, Australia. 

    Connect with Sharon:


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