
    Cracktoberfest Part Four: Why Ronald Reagan Should Have Gone To Jail

    enOctober 05, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Companies prioritizing quality and customer needsJCPenney offers inclusive clothing options, Lazarus Naturals ensures CBD product safety, and AT&T provides in-car Wi-Fi for productivity. Oliver North showcases advanced intelligence.

      Both JCPenney and Lazarus Naturals prioritize quality and consistency in their respective industries. JCPenney offers a wide range of stylish and comfortable clothing options for various body types, making everyone feel counted. Meanwhile, Lazarus Naturals ensures the safety and potency of their CBD products through their farm-to-door production model and transparent labeling. Additionally, AT&T's in-car Wi-Fi allows for productivity on the go, and Oliver North's awareness of global situations demonstrates advanced intelligence capabilities. Overall, these companies prioritize customer needs and satisfaction in unique ways.

    • Reagan administration's secret support for Contras despite Boland AmendmentThe Reagan administration continued to support the Contras in Nicaragua through secret offshore accounts, bypassing the Boland Amendment's restrictions on U.S. funding for foreign militant groups.

      During the 1980s, the Reagan administration's support for the Contra rebels in Nicaragua, who were fighting against the socialist Sandinista government, led to the passing of the Boland Amendment in 1982. This law prohibited the use of U.S. funds to overthrow foreign governments or support militant groups without congressional approval. Despite this, Reagan's administration continued to support the Contras through offshore accounts and secret contributions. The administration, led by Bud McFarlane and Oliver North, used intermediaries like Adolfo Calero to set up these offshore accounts to avoid detection. This covert operation was motivated by the fear of the spread of socialism in the Americas and the belief that the Sandinistas were dangerous. However, the public and Congress grew increasingly skeptical of these covert operations due to past experiences, such as the Vietnam War, and the Boland Amendment was passed to prevent such actions.

    • Secretly funding the Contra war in Nicaragua through Saudi ArabiaThe US illegally obtained funding for the Contra war through the Saudi Arabian govt using secret deals and favors, risking impeachment due to foreign involvement.

      During the 1980s, the United States illegally obtained funding for the Contra war in Nicaragua through the Saudi Arabian government. This was done through a series of secret deals and favors, with key figures like Oliver North and Ronald Reagan involved. The NSPG, a national security planning group, facilitated these transactions. The problem arose when it was discovered that the money was coming from foreign sources, making it an impeachable offense. Despite this, some high-ranking officials, including Vice President George H.W. Bush, argued that helping the Contras was a worthy cause as long as no direct return was received. However, the complexity of the arrangement and the involvement of multiple parties increased the risk of discovery and potential consequences.

    • U.S. and Saudis Funded the Ineffective Contras in NicaraguaDuring the 1980s, the U.S. and Saudis funded the Contras in Nicaragua, but their efforts were unsuccessful as the Contras lost the war, while the U.S. also struggled to secure American hostages in Lebanon.

      During the 1980s, the United States, through Oliver North, provided indirect funding to the Contras, a rebel group in Nicaragua, despite Congress's prohibition against such actions. The Saudis played a role in this funding, providing millions of dollars and weapons to the Contras. The Contras, however, were not an effective rebel group and ultimately lost the war. This was happening at the same time the U.S. was trying to secure the release of American hostages in Lebanon. When the U.S. ran into issues getting weapons to Israel, which was also involved in the situation, North stepped in to broker a deal. The arms industry also profited from these transactions. Despite the financial investment and involvement, the U.S. failed to achieve its goals in both Nicaragua and Lebanon.

    • Selling arms to Iran to fund the Contra warDuring the Iran-Contra affair, Oliver North proposed a plan to sell arms to Iran, keep profits offshore, and fund the Contra war without official funds, involving questionable activities but not actual criminal behavior.

      During the Iran-Contra affair in 1986, Oliver North proposed a plan to sell arms directly to Iran and mark up the prices to fund the Contra war in Nicaragua. The money was to be kept offshore to avoid detection. North suggested taking extra profits for himself, but he didn't. The plan aimed to remove Israel as the middleman, get hostages released, and fund the war without using official funds. The money was never supposed to exist in official accounts, and some of it wound up in North's personal safe in the White House. The situation was messy, with people involved not being actual criminals but engaging in questionable activities. It's a reminder of the complexities and ethical dilemmas that can arise in international politics.

    • Covert Operation to Fund Contras in NicaraguaThe Reagan administration secretly sold weapons to Iran and used the extra funds to support the Contras in Nicaragua, despite ongoing negotiations for American hostages' release.

      During the Reagan administration, the sale of weapons to Iran was part of a covert operation to fund the Contras in Nicaragua. John Poindexter, a top national security advisor, was involved in this scheme, which included raising the price of the weapons sold to Iran and using the extra funds to support the Contras. The negotiations for the release of American hostages in Iran were ongoing during this time, but the US continued to provide weapons to Hezbollah and Iran, despite their failure to secure the hostages' release. The only consistent players in this saga were Hezbollah and Iran, who were willing to accept weapons in exchange for their promise to release the hostages, even if they did not follow through. The US team, led by Oliver North, brought a Bible and a cake as gestures of good faith during a negotiation attempt, but the outcome was unsuccessful. Ultimately, the US appeared to be supplying weapons without expecting any significant concessions in return, making them seem like a "gun pinata" to their counterparts.

    • Principle of 'everybody or nothing' in Iran-Contra negotiationsNegotiator Bud McFarland's insistence on a better deal led to failed Iran-Contra negotiations, but the US still received payment for the Contras, highlighting government's complexities and potential short-term gains over long-term principles.

      During the Iran-Contra affair, Bud McFarland, a key negotiator, held firm to his principle of "everybody or nothing." Despite the Iranians initially offering only two hostages in exchange for weapons, Bud believed that the US should aim for a better deal. However, the Iranians had already unloaded the plane with the weapons before the US negotiators realized they wouldn't be getting their hostages back. The negotiation failed, but the US still received payment for the Contras. Despite the success in obtaining funds, Bud was unaware of the diversion of the arms to Nicaragua and the subsequent cover-up. The affair highlights the complexities and secrecy of government operations, as well as the potential consequences of prioritizing short-term gains over long-term principles.

    • Iran-Contra affair: High-ranking officials' secret involvement in Nicaragua's warDespite publicly denying it, high-ranking U.S. officials coordinated the Nicaraguan war effort from Washington, engaged in deception and destroyed evidence, leading to a major scandal and lasting impact.

      During the Iran-Contra affair, high-ranking officials, including Oliver North, were directly involved in coordinating the war effort from Washington, despite publicly denying it. They engaged in deception and destruction of evidence to conceal their actions, which included raising funds for the Contras and providing them with military intelligence. The cover-up came to light when Gene Haas, a U.S. citizen, was shot down in Nicaragua, leading to the discovery of the secret operations. The aftermath involved the destruction of evidence and the eventual resignation or dismissal of key figures involved. The recent news of President Biden discussing reparations for officers involved in the affair highlights the lasting impact of this scandal.

    • The truth always comes outEven those in high power positions cannot keep secrets forever. Individuals and the media have the power to uncover and reveal information, emphasizing the importance of transparency and accountability.

      People, even those in high power positions, cannot keep secrets forever. In the discussed story, Gene, a man involved in a controversial arms deal, refused to be silenced and ultimately exposed the truth. Reagan, a president at the time, tried to downplay the situation but was eventually forced to address it when the truth came out. This illustrates that no matter how hard someone tries to hide the truth, it will eventually come to light. Additionally, individuals, including those in the media, have the power to uncover and reveal information that can significantly impact the public. The story also highlights the importance of transparency and accountability in political and business dealings.

    • Angling Gear and In-Car Wi-FiInvest in gear that shields you from the sun and provides comfort, while staying connected on the go with reliable in-car Wi-Fi. Remember, self-protection is crucial in all aspects of life.

      The Columbia PFG Solar Stream Elite Hoodie and Cast Back TC shoe are essential gear for anglers, offering superior UV protection and comfort, as well as traction and cushioning, respectively. Meanwhile, AT&T's In-Car Wi-Fi provides a convenient solution for working on the go. However, the discussion also touched upon the political drama surrounding the Iran-Contra affair, with Don Regan, a key player, ultimately throwing Bud McFarland under the bus while Reagan, despite his involvement, maintained power. The moral of the story? Protect yourself, whether it's with the right gear or understanding office politics, and always consider your own interests.

    • Reagan Scandal: Cover-up of Arms Sales to Iran and Hostage ReleaseDuring the Reagan administration, a cover-up involving arms sales to Iran and hostage release led to intense scrutiny and pressure on the president, with Nancy Reagan taking charge and discussions about invoking the 25th Amendment. The cover story involved blaming Israel and denying negotiations with terrorists.

      During the Reagan administration in the 1980s, there was a cover-up involving arms sales to Iran and the release of American hostages. The story was that Bud McFarlane, a national security advisor, took the fall for the scandal to protect President Reagan. Reagan was under intense scrutiny and pressure, especially when he had to testify before Congress. Despite his denials, it was clear that he had knowledge of the arms sales. The scandal led to a period of turmoil in the White House, with Nancy Reagan taking charge and even discussions about invoking the 25th Amendment to remove the president. The cover story involved blaming Israel for the arms sales and denying any negotiations with terrorists. In the end, George Schultz, the Secretary of State, expressed his concerns about the cover-up to the group.

    • Iran-Contra Affair: Lies and DeceitDespite warnings, Reagan continued to deny wrongdoing during the Iran-Contra Affair, leading to a deepening crisis and eventual investigation.

      During the Iran-Contra affair, Reagan and his team found themselves in a web of lies and deceit when they attempted to sell weapons to Iran in exchange for the release of American hostages. Schultz, a key player, warned against the dishonesty, predicting it would be exposed, much like Watergate. Despite this, Reagan continued to deny any wrongdoing, even as evidence of arms sales on the same day as hostage releases mounted. His insistence on denying the truth, despite mounting evidence, led to a deepening crisis and eventual internal investigation. Reagan's approach of denying intentions rather than actions ultimately failed, as the evidence spoke for itself.

    • Oliver North's Missed Shredding of the 'Diversion Memo'Thorough destruction of incriminating evidence is crucial to avoid scandal fallout. One missed document can lead to serious consequences.

      During the Reagan administration, a military aide named Oliver North shredded crucial documents related to an illegal arms sale to Iran, but they missed shredding one memo, titled the "diversion memo," which later led to his downfall. North became the fall guy for the scandal, and despite his involvement in serious felonies, he managed to turn it into a career boost, becoming a right-wing superstar. The incident highlights the importance of ensuring thorough destruction of incriminating evidence and the potential consequences of missing even one document.

    • The Iran-Contra Scandal: Reagan, North, and a War Criminal's Disappearing ActHigh-ranking officials, including Reagan and North, illegally funded the Contra war in Nicaragua, with a war criminal's disappearance adding to the scandal's intrigue.

      The Iran-Contra scandal involved high-ranking officials, including Ronald Reagan and Oliver North, engaging in illegal activities to fund the Contra war in Nicaragua. Reagan's involvement was significant despite his advanced Alzheimer's disease, which allowed him to claim he couldn't recall certain events. North became a key figure in the scandal, with his war stories and questionable actions earning him infamy. However, another favorite character of the story is Gbonafar, a war criminal who managed to disappear from records after cashing a large check. The scandal had far-reaching consequences, with Nicaragua expressing its gratitude in unexpected ways. The full story, including the ending, can be found in Robert Evans' book "After the Revolution," available from various publishers including AK Press. Another related book by Margaret Kildroy is also worth checking out.

    • Recommended Books and ProductsDiscover 'We Won't Be Here Tomorrow', 'Terraform', 'Props', and Jake Hanrahan's 'Gargoyle'. Support transparency and quality with Lazarus Naturals CBD, and trust Granger for professional-grade supplies. Consider becoming a St. Jude Partner in Hope.

      There are several noteworthy books and products worth checking out. Sophie endorsed "We Won't Be Here Tomorrow" by Robert and Margaret, a book that comes with a nice cover artwork situation if you preorder. Another book she recommended is "Terraform," a poetry and short story collection, along with Terraform Cold Brew, a delicious coffee. Props book was also praised for its beauty and quality. Additionally, Jake Hanrahan's "Gargoyle" was mentioned. Regarding products, Lazarus Naturals was highlighted for their farm-to-door transparency and commitment to quality and consistency in their CBD products. Granger was recommended for professional-grade supplies and a dedicated team ready to help. Personally, the speaker shared a heartfelt story about St. Jude Children's Research Hospital and the importance of hope and support for children battling cancer. To help make a difference, the audience was encouraged to become St. Jude Partners in Hope.

    Recent Episodes from Behind the Bastards

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert killed a man in Reno, just to watch him die. Also he concludes the story of the murder of the Chagos Islands by the U.S. and the ailing British Empire. With bonus Dog Genocide!


    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 20, 2024

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert welcomes Andrew Ti back to the show to tell the story of the Chagos Islands, a paradise founded by former slaves that was wiped out by the British empire so they could lease it to the U.S. as an air base.

    (2 Part Series)

    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 18, 2024

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    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/a-different-perspective-with-kevin-randle--2069421/support.