
    Dealing With Negative People

    en-gbApril 15, 2019

    Podcast Summary

    • Setting Emotional Boundaries with Negative PeoplePractice self-care to maintain positivity and preserve strength while assisting negative people, and remember their negativity may stem from personal struggles

      When dealing with negative people, it's essential to establish emotional boundaries to avoid getting dragged into their negativity. Practicing self-care, such as checking your frame of mind and mindset, can help you remain positive and present to assist them while preserving your strength. Remember that negative people are often just having a tough day, and being there for them with empathy and understanding is the best response.

    • Stay positive and strongMaintain a positive mindset and focus on resilience to overcome challenges and continue being of use to yourself and others

      It's important to maintain a positive mindset and focus on staying strong and resilient, even during challenging times. By doing so, we can continue to be of use to ourselves and others, rather than getting sucked into negative emotions. It's important to remember that we have the ability to overcome obstacles and that we have the strength within us to get through anything. So, have a great day and a great start to the week. Believe in yourself and know that you have the power to succeed. Remember, you're not alone and you're not in this alone. Stay positive and keep pushing forward. You've got this! And I'll be here to support you tomorrow.

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