
    Dems Politicizing and Undermining Institutions, and Cameras in Kohberger Courtroom, with Mark Levin, Marcia Clark, and Mark Geragos | Ep. 632

    enSeptember 21, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Democrat Party's Racist History and America's TransformationMarc Levin's new book argues that the Democrat Party's racist history and goal to fundamentally transform America are causing many of today's issues. The book is currently the number one selling book on Amazon.

      Learning from this conversation with Marc Levin on The Megyn Kelly Show is that the Democrat Party, according to Levin, has a horrific and racist history unlike the Republican Party. Levin's new book, "The Democrat Party Hates America," argues that the Democrat Party is responsible for many of the issues plaguing the country today, including the border crisis, the state of education, and economic issues. Levin believes that the Democrat Party's goal is to fundamentally transform America into something it's not, and he delves deep into the party's history to make his case. The book is currently the number one selling book on Amazon. Levin also discussed the importance of privacy in the digital age and encouraged listeners to protect their data with ExpressVPN.

    • Democrats' Desire to Fundamentally Transform AmericaThe Democrat Party's attempts to change election systems, pack courts, and eliminate traditions are part of their desire to fundamentally transform America and rewrite its history, despite their own racist past.

      The Democrat Party, as expressed by prominent figures like the Obamas, has openly expressed a desire to fundamentally transform the United States of America and rewrite its history. This desire is evident in their attempts to change election systems, pack courts, and eliminate traditions. They have a history of promoting policies that perpetuated slavery, segregation, and racism, yet they attempt to project these issues onto the Republican Party. Figures like Woodrow Wilson and Franklin Roosevelt, who were once Democratic icons, were in fact racists who implemented policies that discriminated against black communities. The Democrats' efforts to transform America and rewrite history are akin to totalitarian regimes and are an attempt to replace the country as we know it.

    • Political Use of Government Agencies in US HistoryHistorically, US presidents like FDR and LBJ used government agencies for political purposes, including spying on opponents, which raises concerns about current investigations and allegations of selective justice.

      The New Deal era under Franklin D. Roosevelt and later with Lyndon Johnson involved the use of government agencies like the IRS, FBI, and CIA for political purposes. Johnson, in particular, is noted for his involvement in civil rights legislation but also for his use of these agencies to spy on political opponents, including civil rights leaders and even his own vice president. This historical context sheds light on the current debates around government investigations and allegations of political targeting. The discussion also highlighted the case of Hunter Biden, where the investigation was slow-rolled until the statute of limitations expired on the most serious charges. The speaker expressed concern over the apparent selective application of justice in criminal prosecutions.

    • Concerns over politicization of DOJ and FBIThe search of Trump's home and handling of investigation raises concerns about politicization, potential erosion of rule of law, and dangerous precedents set by use of general warrant and Espionage Act against a former president.

      The search of former President Trump's home and the subsequent handling of the investigation raises concerns about the politicization of the Department of Justice and the FBI, as well as the potential erosion of faith in the rule of law. The discussion highlights how the use of a general warrant and the application of the Espionage Act, which was passed during a time to target political opponents, against a former president without the Presidential Records Act's protection could set a dangerous precedent. Additionally, the lopsided way the DOJ goes after cases and the appointment of radical senior leadership at the department under the Biden administration add to the growing unease. These events could potentially undermine the public's trust in these institutions and the fairness of the justice system.

    • Politicization of the Justice SystemThe speaker raises concerns over the politicization of the justice system, specifically the broad application of laws and politically motivated investigations, which is eroding public trust and respect for the system.

      The current political climate in the United States has led to a contentious relationship between the justice system and the public, particularly regarding the handling of certain high-profile cases. The speaker expresses concern over the broad application of laws, such as the FACE Act, and the politically motivated investigations and prosecutions, particularly against individuals and corporations with conservative or libertarian leanings. The speaker also criticizes the role of radical judges, appointed primarily during Democratic administrations, in exacerbating the issue. The speaker predicts that these cases, including those against Donald Trump and Elon Musk, will likely be decided by judges rather than juries and may ultimately reach the US Supreme Court. The speaker's overall sentiment is that the justice system is losing respect due to its perceived politicization and disregard for due process.

    • Expediting Trump's prosecution before the 2024 electionJudge Chutkin's rush to trial in January 6th case, despite it being filed after Mar-a-Lago case, raises concerns about fair defense and impartiality in Trump's prosecution.

      The January 6th federal case against former President Trump, which was filed after the Mar-a-Lago documents case, has become the priority in the courts due to Judge Chutkin's decision to move up the trial date. This decision was made despite the fact that the Mar-a-Lago case was filed first and had been ongoing for longer. The rush to trial, with truncated discovery and a tight deadline, raises concerns about the defendant's right to a fair defense. The judge's apparent bias towards the prosecution and her stated desire to see Trump convicted before the election further fuels these concerns. The government's response to Trump's recusal motion is also unprecedented and raises questions about the impartiality of the judiciary in this case. Overall, the handling of these cases suggests a deliberate effort to expedite Trump's prosecution and potential conviction before the 2024 election.

    • Former AG Ed Meese raises concerns over Trump caseEd Meese, former AG, warns of potential dangers in Trump case including setting a dangerous precedent, potential jury nullification, and monopolization of the legal system by the Democratic Party.

      The ongoing legal proceedings against former President Donald Trump are not a "slam dunk" case as some may believe. Former Attorney General Ed Meese, in an affidavit, argues that charging federal officials for advice given to state officials is a federal matter and could set a dangerous precedent. The judge presiding over the case was appointed by a former Democratic president, raising concerns. Meese also warns of the potential for jury nullification and the monopolization of the legal system by the Democratic Party. The speaker expresses worry about the state of the justice system and the suppression of free speech and debate, which they believe is reminiscent of totalitarian regimes. The situation is seen as a threat to the country, and the speaker's book, "The Democrat Party Hates America," addresses these concerns.

    • Democrat Party's Immigration Policies: An Assault on AmericaPresident Biden's refusal to enforce immigration laws leads to societal instability, crime, drugs, human trafficking, and potential voter influence through chain migration and legalization, making it an impeachable offense under 'high crimes and misdemeanors'.

      The speaker argues that the Democrat Party's handling of immigration is an assault on America, leading to record numbers of migrants at the southern border, potential security risks, and societal instability. They claim that President Biden's refusal to enforce existing immigration laws is resulting in crime, drugs, and human trafficking, and the long-term consequences include potential voter influence through chain migration and legalization. The speaker believes that the impeachment clause, which includes "high crimes and misdemeanors," applies to political offenses against the society and the citizenry, making Biden's immigration policies a valid impeachable offense.

    • Melin discusses potential financial crimes, border crisis, and 2024 presidential raceMelin advocates for investigating potential presidential financial crimes, supports Biden border crisis concerns, expresses backing for Trump or DeSantis in 2024, and praises DeSantis' conservative record and culture war fights

      Mark Levin emphasizes the importance of investigating potential financial crimes involving the President of the United States and upholding the rule of law, while also expressing concern over President Biden's handling of the border crisis and its consequences for American citizens. Regarding the 2024 presidential race, Levin expresses support for both Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis, depending on the circumstances. He also mentions the lack of a strong Republican "farm team" and praises DeSantis for his conservative record and willingness to fight in the culture wars. The conversation also touched on legal developments in high-profile cases, including the Idaho murders and potential criminal investigations involving Russell Brand.

    • Two Teenagers Charged with Murder and Carjacking in Las VegasTwo teenagers, aged 17, allegedly went on a violent spree in Las Vegas, leaving one man dead and several others injured. They are expected to receive a conviction and a long prison sentence.

      Two teenagers, aged 17, allegedly went on a violent spree in Las Vegas, leaving one man dead and several others injured. The retired police officer, Andreas Probst, was killed in a hit-and-run incident, and the suspects were later apprehended. The case is particularly shocking due to the callousness displayed in the video footage, with the suspects celebrating the death. The defense is expected to argue that the teens' brains were not fully developed, but the evidence against them, including their intentional targeting of other victims, seems to point towards a premeditated and first-degree murder case. The penalty for murder is no longer the death penalty for those under 18 due to a Supreme Court ruling. The suspects are likely to receive a conviction and a long prison sentence. Additionally, the suspects are accused of targeting other victims, including a 72-year-old man, and stealing multiple cars to carry out their spree. California law allows for early parole for minors convicted of life without parole, but it's unclear if this law applies in this case.

    • Race to confess: Two young men's battle for leniency in criminal justice systemThe criminal justice system may prioritize flipping suspects against each other, regardless of their empathy or compassion, and race influences media coverage, but equal justice should be the focus.

      The criminal justice system may see a race between lawyers for two young men accused of a heinous crime to flip on each other and confess all sins for potential breaks. These men, who reportedly have no empathy or compassion, may face a battle over whether their case will be tried in adult or juvenile court. Their alleged mentality, which appears to be that of sociopaths, may lead to more extreme behavior when in a group. While the race of the perpetrators and victim may influence media coverage, the criminal justice system should focus on punishing both equally guilty parties. In another news, Russell Brand is facing a PR and potentially legal nightmare as four women have come forward with allegations of sexual assault and rape. Despite his denials, the police in the UK have opened an investigation into the matter. The unsightly aspect of the criminal justice system comes into play when prosecutors choose to turn one suspect against another, often for cooperating in a case where neither party deserves leniency.

    • Investigation into Russell Brand's sexual assault allegations from 2003 is complicated by the passage of timeThe statute of limitations for sexual assault in the UK is unclear, making it difficult to defend against allegations as time passes. Lack of contemporaneous evidence and inability to find corroborating evidence from that era complicates the situation for both accusers and accused.

      The investigation into allegations against Russell Brand for sexual assaults dating back to 2003 is a challenging situation due to the passage of time. The statute of limitations for sexual assault in the UK is unclear, and as the discussion highlights, it becomes increasingly difficult to defend against such allegations as time passes. The absence of contemporaneous evidence and the inability to find corroborating evidence from that era make it a tough case for both the accusers and the accused. The situation is further complicated by the fact that some accusers have come forward anonymously, while others have contacted the police. The ongoing investigation urges anyone with allegations to speak to detectives, and it remains to be seen how the defense will handle the lack of clear evidence from that time.

    • Use of digital evidence in old criminal cases and workplace misconductThe use of digital evidence in old criminal cases can strengthen prosecution's case but pose challenges for defense. Employers have a responsibility to address workplace misconduct. Freedom of speech and due process are at risk in the digital age.

      The use of digital evidence, particularly text messages, in old criminal cases can pose challenges for the defense but can also strengthen the prosecution's case. The absence of a statute of limitations in criminal cases allows victims to come forward at any time, but it also makes it difficult for defendants to mount a defense after a long period. The discussion also touched on the issue of workplace misconduct and the responsibility of employers to address such behavior. The UK government's attempt to pressure platforms to demonetize and cancel individuals raises concerns about freedom of speech and due process. The rapid spread of information in today's digital age can lead to a full-scale assault on an individual's reputation and livelihood, making it a challenging time for those facing allegations.

    • Balancing fairness and transparency in handling allegationsIt's essential to treat allegations against individuals with fairness and transparency, considering potential consequences for all parties. Address accountability of entities involved and ensure both sides are heard.

      The ongoing allegations against Russell Brand should be treated with fairness and transparency. The notion of canceling individuals without due process or allowing unproven accusations to linger indefinitely is not desirable. It's essential to consider the potential consequences for both the accused and the accusers. In this specific case, the lack of cooperation from the main accusers and the questionable actions of networks that were aware of Brand's behavior but failed to act raise more significant concerns. It's crucial to address the accountability of these entities and ensure that the truth is aired on both sides. Ultimately, it's essential to balance the need for victims to be heard with the right for the accused to defend themselves.

    • Coming Forward with Evidence is KeyTo make allegations of misconduct stick, come forward with evidence, attach your name, and consider keeping records for contemporaneous support.

      When making allegations of misconduct, it's essential to come forward with evidence and attach one's name to the accusations. Anonymity may not be the best option, as the accused deserves a chance to respond. Keeping a journal or making records of incidents immediately after they occur can serve as crucial evidence. The bravery it takes to come forward, especially when one's career is at risk, is essential in holding accountable those who commit assault or other harmful acts. Contemporaneous witnesses and records, such as therapy notes and journal entries, can significantly strengthen a case.

    • Parents discover potential Instagram connection between accused and victimsDigital evidence suggests possible motive for murders, but authenticity and relevance are under investigation, trial delayed, and debate over courtroom cameras continues

      The parents of Kaylee Gonzales have shared evidence suggesting a potential connection between Brian Kohlberger, the accused murderer, and the victims through Instagram. They discovered that Kohlberger had been following the Instagram accounts of Kaylee and her best friend Maddie Mogan, and had liked several of Maddie's pictures. This digital evidence could potentially explain why Kohlberger targeted these specific women, as there appears to be no obvious motive for the murders. However, the authenticity and relevance of this evidence are still under investigation, and the trial, which was set to begin soon, has been delayed indefinitely as Kohlberger has waived his right to a speedy trial. The debate continues over whether or not to allow cameras in the courtroom, with the families of the victims advocating for transparency.

    • Cameras in Courtrooms: Balancing Transparency and FairnessAllowing cameras only when the jury is present can help ensure the public sees an accurate representation of trials, but cameras should be banned during jury selection and evidence discussions to prevent misinformation and distortion.

      The presence of cameras in the courtroom during trials can create distortions and misunderstandings, particularly in the age of social media. Marsha, a former prosecutor, believes that allowing cameras only when the jury is present can help ensure the public sees an accurate representation of the trial. However, during proceedings where evidence is being discussed and jury selection is taking place, cameras should be banned. The OJ Simpson trial was criticized for being a circus, and the influence of social media on trial coverage is a concern due to the potential for misinformation and distortion. The judge in the Kohlberger case appears to be leaning towards banning cameras when the jury is not present to mitigate these concerns.

    • New trial outcome uncertain despite defendant's financial crimesThe judge's decision on a new trial for a defendant facing juror misconduct charges is uncertain, despite his recent guilty plea for financial crimes and allegations of inappropriate juror friendliness.

      The outcome of a potential new trial for a defendant, who is currently facing charges for juror misconduct and financial misdeeds, is uncertain. The defense argues that the defendant was inappropriately friendly with jurors, but this claim is disputed by the prosecution and some jurors. A hearing will be held to determine the validity of the affidavits. However, the defendant's writing of a book about the trial and his recent guilty plea for financial crimes may not significantly impact the judge's decision. The fact that the defendant is going to jail for the financial crimes might encourage the judge to grant the hearing to appear fair. Regardless, the outcome remains uncertain.

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
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    The Megyn Kelly Show
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    Trump’s WORLD CRUMBLES as Lawyers Meet with Justice Department

    Trump’s WORLD CRUMBLES as Lawyers Meet with Justice Department
    The week is off to quite the start, and on this episode of the MeidasTouch Podcast, we’ll bring you up to speed. Trump’s lawyers had a two-hour meeting with Jack Smith at the Justice Department, as their client had a complete meltdown regarding the possibility of imminent indictments. Yet, don’t look to the rest of the Republican field for any normalcy. Former South Carolina Governor and current presidential candidate Nikki Haley appeared at a CNN Town Hall, and her comments showed how radical and unserious she truly is. We also discuss Lauren Boebert being caught lying about why she missed voting on the debt ceiling bill and other bizarre GOP behavior.  Deals From Our Sponsors: Better Help: Visit BetterHelp.com/MEIDAS today to get 10% off your first month. AG1: Visit athleticgreens.com/meidas and get a free year supply of Vitamin D and 5 free travel packs with your order. Moink: Keep American farming going by signing up at moinkbox.com/meidastouch right now and listeners of this show get free bacon in your first box! HoldOn Bags: Visit holdonbags.com/meidas to save 20% off your order Remember to subscribe to ALL the Meidas Media Podcasts: MeidasTouch: https://pod.link/1510240831 Legal AF: https://pod.link/1580828595 The PoliticsGirl Podcast: https://pod.link/1595408601 The Influence Continuum: https://pod.link/1603773245 Kremlin File: https://pod.link/1575837599 Mea Culpa with Michael Cohen: https://pod.link/1530639447 The Weekend Show: https://pod.link/1612691018 The Tony Michaels Podcast: https://pod.link/1561049560 American Psyop: https://pod.link/1652143101 Burn the Boats: https://pod.link/1485464343 Majority 54: https://pod.link/1309354521 Political Beatdown: https://pod.link/1669634407 Lights On with Jessica Denson: https://pod.link/1676844320 MAGA Uncovered: https://pod.link/1690214260 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Jack Smith and Manhattan DA have Trump in MASSIVE Panic Mode

    Jack Smith and Manhattan DA have Trump in MASSIVE Panic Mode
    On this episode of the MeidasTouch Podcast, we discuss the ongoing legal battles surrounding former President Donald Trump, including the delay of the Manhattan Grand Jury vote for his indictment and his latest attacks against prosecutors. We also cover Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg's response to House GOP attempts to obstruct the investigation into Trump and the recent win for Special Counsel Jack Smith in the federal criminal case against Trump regarding the classified documents stolen and found at Mar-a-Lago. Additionally, we talk about Trump's escalating attacks on his rival Ron DeSantis and the latest Republican committee hearings, that once backfired in massive ways. Lastly, we discuss President Biden celebration of the 13th anniversary of the Affordable Care Act and his pledge to continue to get every American affordable health coverage. New full-length episodes of the MeidasTouch Podcast featuring the brothers are released every Tuesday & Friday morning. The rest of the week, enjoy our short-form content we call ‘The Mighty.’ If you enjoyed this episode, please be sure to rate, review and subscribe. DEALS FROM OUR SPONSORS: Rhone: Head to rhone.com/meidas and use code ‘MEIDAS’ to save 20% off your entire order! Lomi: Head to LOMI.COM/MEIDAS and use the promo code MEIDAS to get $50 off your Lomi. Shop Meidas Merch at: https://store.meidastouch.com Join us on Patreon: https://patreon.com/meidastouch Remember to subscribe to ALL the Meidas Media Podcasts: MeidasTouch: https://pod.link/1510240831 Legal AF: https://pod.link/1580828595 The PoliticsGirl Podcast: https://pod.link/1595408601 The Influence Continuum: https://pod.link/1603773245 Kremlin File: https://pod.link/1575837599 Mea Culpa with Michael Cohen: https://pod.link/1530639447 The Weekend Show: https://pod.link/1612691018 The Tony Michaels Podcast: https://pod.link/1561049560 American Psyop: https://pod.link/1652143101 Majority 54: https://pod.link/1309354521 Political Beatdown: https://pod.link/1669634407 Lights On with Jessica Denson: https://pod.link/1676844320 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Donald Trump Recordings & Supreme Court Election Ruling | 6.28.23

    Donald Trump Recordings & Supreme Court Election Ruling | 6.28.23

    New audio seems to contradict former President Trump’s claims about his classified documents in his possession, testimony from two IRS whistleblowers directly conflicts with claims made by the Attorney General regarding Hunter Biden, and  the Supreme Court rules that states do not have unlimited power when it comes to federal election law. Get the facts first with Morning Wire. 

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