
    Dildos & Vibrators & Butt Plugs, Oh My! with Zoë Ligon

    enApril 03, 2018

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring Sex in Summer: Enhance Your ExperienceEmbrace summer for passionate exploration, use sex products, prioritize pleasure, communicate, and explore new ways to enhance your sex life with toys.

      Summer is the season of passion and exploration when it comes to sex. To enhance the experience, consider using products like Promescent's delay spray or warming arousal gel. The magic wand, an iconic sex toy, is also a popular choice for those seeking intense pleasure. Prioritizing pleasure and stepping away from goal-oriented sex is also important. The magic wand, available in various models, is a powerful vibrator that has earned accolades for decades. Sex education and exploring new ways to incorporate toys into your sex life can lead to greater satisfaction and connection. And remember, communication and consent are key to any sexual experience. So, embrace the summer season and make it a sexually fulfilling one. For more information and resources, visit SexWithEmily.com.

    • Exploring sexual experiences with lubricants and technologyLubricants can enhance sexual experiences and technology broadens dating options, but deeper thought is required before committing to relationships.

      Wetness does not necessarily indicate arousal and there are ways to enhance sexual experiences with the use of lubricants and exploration. Another key point discussed was the impact of technology on modern dating, allowing for more choices but also encouraging deeper thought and consideration before committing to relationships. The hosts also encouraged listeners to sign up for their weekly newsletter and join them on social media for additional content, including sex hack videos. Lastly, they announced the O's of March contest, where listeners are invited to share their surprising "oh moment" discoveries in their sex and dating lives for a chance to win a prize.

    • Unexpected connection in a bathroom at a sex toy expoMeaningful connections can be made in unexpected places. Everyone's sexual experiences and journeys are unique and deserving of exploration and acceptance.

      The speaker and another woman met in an unexpected place - a bathroom at a sex toy expo - and started a conversation that led to a deep connection. The speaker shared how she discovered her love for creating art with a focus on reclaiming bodies, which eventually led her to the sex industry. She also revealed that she discovered her sexuality and ability to orgasm through the use of sex toys. They bonded over their shared experiences and the stigma surrounding the use of sex toys and the ability to orgasm without them. The conversation was a turning point for the speaker, leading her to a career in the sex industry and a newfound confidence in her sexuality. It's a reminder that meaningful connections can be made in unexpected places and that everyone's sexual experiences and journeys are unique.

    • Exploring Sexual Experiences with ToysExploring sexual experiences with toys can enhance sex life and relationships. Find open-minded partners and communicate openly about preferences. Distinguish between dildos and vibrators for optimal pleasure.

      Exploring and expanding one's sexual experiences through the use of sex toys can significantly enhance one's sex life and relationships. The speaker, who grew up comfortable with her body but didn't explore her sexuality until later in life, discovered the benefits of using a wand vibrator during penetrative intercourse. She emphasizes the importance of finding partners who are open-minded and supportive of her sexual needs and preferences. Additionally, she clarifies the distinction between dildos and vibrators, explaining that a dildo's primary function is to be an insertable item, while a vibrator's primary function is vibration. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of open communication, experimentation, and finding sexually compatible partners.

    • Exploring sex toys and techniques keeps sex life excitingOpen communication, individual preferences, and flexible approach to sex can lead to a fulfilling and exciting sex life, contrary to popular beliefs about desensitization and porn's limiting portrayal.

      Exploring different sex toys and techniques can help keep your sex life exciting and prevent boredom, just like cross-training keeps your body in shape. Contrary to popular belief, using toys doesn't desensitize you or cause permanent changes. People's individual experiences and preferences vary, and everyone has unique qualities to offer. It's important to communicate openly about these topics with partners and not judge or compare. Additionally, porn's linear portrayal of sex can limit people's understanding of sexuality, so it's essential to approach sex as a dynamic and flexible experience, not a one-size-fits-all formula.

    • Discussing desires and preferences in relationshipsEffective communication and understanding are crucial for satisfying sexual experiences. Discuss individual desires early on, be aware of porn's fictional nature, and embrace vulnerability.

      Effective communication and understanding are essential for satisfying and consensual sexual experiences. The speaker emphasizes the importance of discussing individual desires and preferences early on in relationships. She also highlights the impact of pornography on shaping unrealistic expectations and the need for education about its fictional nature. Additionally, the speaker encourages embracing vulnerability and self-exploration as key aspects of intimacy. Overall, the conversation underscores the importance of open dialogue, self-awareness, and consent in fostering healthy and fulfilling sexual relationships.

    • Exploring Intimacy with Toys and Open CommunicationUsing sex toys and open communication can lead to new preferences, sensations, and deeper connections in relationships, while breaking down societal taboos and exploring non-monogamous relationships can broaden horizons.

      Exploring the use of toys and open communication with a partner can significantly enhance intimacy and broaden the horizons of one's sex life. The speaker shares her personal experience of discovering new preferences and sensations through the use of sex toys and learning about her body. She also emphasizes the importance of breaking down societal taboos and exploring non-monogamous relationships as valid alternatives to monogamy. By using toys and open communication, couples can learn and grow together, expanding their sexual experiences and deepening their connection.

    • Communication and Self-Discovery in Relationships and Food ChoicesCommunicate your needs, discover personal preferences, and use lube for anal sex. Enjoy favorite foods guilt-free with options like Hero Bread.

      Personal preferences and needs are important, whether it's in relationships or in everyday choices like food. During a discussion, the topic of anal sex and lube came up, highlighting the importance of communication and self-discovery. The speaker shared that while she used to receive many questions about anal sex, she now sees more information available on the topic. She emphasized the importance of using lube for anal sex due to the lack of natural lubrication. In another part of the conversation, the speaker shared her experience with Hero Bread, which offers low-carb bread options that taste great and fit into a healthy lifestyle. She highlighted the importance of enjoying favorite foods without feeling guilty and how Hero Bread has been a game changer for her. The speaker also touched on the importance of asserting one's needs and being open to communication in relationships. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of self-discovery, communication, and making choices that align with personal preferences and needs.

    • Societal Expectations and Personal Experiences Shape Intimate ExpressionSocietal conditioning and personal experiences can influence how women express themselves intimately. The #MeToo movement and sex positivity conversations are important for challenging societal norms and promoting healthy relationships.

      Societal expectations and personal experiences can shape how women express themselves intimately, particularly when it comes to their roles and sexuality. The speaker, a sex educator, shares her experience of being a dominant and independent woman in her professional life but more passive and dismissive in intimate relationships. She also discusses the challenges of being in relationships with men who expect her to fit into traditional gender roles based on her profession. The speaker also touches upon the impact of societal conditioning and the #MeToo movement on women's understanding of consent and their past experiences. She emphasizes the importance of continuing the conversation around sex positivity and consent to challenge societal norms and promote healthy relationships.

    • Recognizing and Challenging Normalized Inappropriate BehaviorIndividuals, especially women, should challenge unwanted advances and recognize society's impact on gender roles. Men and women must prioritize consent and respect in professional settings.

      It's important for individuals, particularly women, to recognize and challenge normalized inappropriate behavior, especially in professional settings. The speaker shares her personal experience of feeling obligated and powerless in the face of unwanted advances from male colleagues. She emphasizes the need for both men and women to be present and attentive to each other's body language and consent in moments of intimacy. Society's expectations of gender roles can hinder individuals from having healthy relationships and expressing their true selves. It's crucial to recognize that most people are inherently good and want to improve, but may lack the necessary tools and understanding. We all come from different backgrounds and experiences, and it's essential to work through childhood issues and extend forgiveness to our parents and others, as we are all on a journey of growth and self-discovery.

    • Breaking cycles of harmful gender norms and self-loveChallenge societal expectations, listen to others, confront prejudices, and practice self-awareness and empathy to foster self-love and confidence.

      Societal expectations and upbringing can significantly impact individuals' perceptions of themselves and their roles in society. The conversation highlighted the importance of breaking cycles of harmful gender norms and the need for allies to speak up and challenge these norms. Shame surrounding sex and body image, influenced by religious beliefs or societal expectations, can lead to negative self-perception and self-destructive behaviors. It's essential to listen to others' experiences, follow their cues, and take care of ourselves to foster self-love and confidence. The conversation also emphasized the importance of confronting prejudices and biases when we encounter them, rather than remaining silent. Overall, the conversation underscored the importance of self-awareness, empathy, and allyship in challenging harmful societal norms.

    • Body image and confidence: Embrace your uniquenessFocus on self-acceptance and mindfulness for improved mental and emotional wellbeing, avoid assumptions or unsolicited compliments, and broaden perspectives by exposing ourselves to diverse bodies and experiences.

      Body image and confidence are deeply interconnected, and societal pressures to conform to narrow beauty standards can lead to feelings of shame and self-consciousness. However, it's essential to remember that everyone's body is unique and beautiful in its own way. Instead of focusing on changing our bodies to meet external standards, we should strive for a mindset of self-acceptance and mindfulness. This can lead to improved mental and emotional wellbeing, as well as more fulfilling and connected sexual experiences. Furthermore, it's important to be aware of the impact of our words and actions towards others' bodies. Losing weight or changing one's appearance can have various reasons, and it's crucial to avoid making assumptions or offering unsolicited compliments. Instead, we can focus on building genuine connections and celebrating each other's individuality. Lastly, it's essential to recognize that mainstream media and pornography often perpetuate unrealistic and narrow beauty standards. By exposing ourselves to a wider range of bodies and experiences, we can broaden our perspectives and cultivate a more inclusive and body-positive mindset.

    • Mindfulness and Intentionality in Sexual ExperiencesBe present and focused during solo and partnered sexual experiences. Use toys with flared bases and pointed tips for safety. Consider intentions behind pornography use.

      Intent and mindfulness are crucial during solo and partnered sexual experiences. The speaker, Zoe Ligon, emphasized the importance of being present and focused on physical sensations instead of getting lost in one's thoughts. She also recommended using toys, such as flared base plugs, to help enhance the experience and minimize mind chatter. Regarding the specific question from Maddie about buying a safe and reliable butt plug, Zoe suggested looking for one with a flared base and a pointed tip. She mentioned that any toy could potentially get lost if one tries hard enough, but the risk is significantly lower with properly designed toys. She recommended the G Pop and G Plug from FT London as good options. Another important topic discussed was the use of pornography and the need to consider intention. While there's nothing inherently wrong with it, the speaker advised being mindful of one's motivations and ensuring that the material aligns with one's values and relationships. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of mindfulness, intent, and safety when it comes to sexual experiences and toy usage.

    • Exploring Sex Toys for Difficulties with Orgasms and DiscomfortFor those experiencing discomfort or difficulty achieving orgasm during sex, particularly during anal play or being on top, sex toys like clitoral vibrators with a slim internal shape and direct vibration can be beneficial. The We-Vibe Touch was specifically recommended for its internal and external stimulation catering to the whole clitoris.

      For individuals experiencing difficulty achieving orgasm or feeling uncomfortable during sexual activities, particularly those involving anal play or being on top during intercourse, exploring the use of sex toys can be beneficial. Rachel from Wisconsin shared her struggles with orgasms and discomfort during sex due to past experiences. The discussion suggested that a clitoral vibrator with a slim internal shape and direct vibration could be helpful for those who are unsure of what toys to try. The We-Vibe Touch was specifically recommended as it offers both internal and external stimulation, catering to the whole clitoris, including the internal legs. It's important to remember that everyone's body responds differently, so experimentation and communication with partners are essential. Additionally, going slow, using plenty of lubricant, and focusing on relaxation techniques can enhance the experience.

    • Explore your body for a fulfilling sexual experienceExplore your body through self-exploration, educational materials, and experimenting with techniques to discover unique sensations and enhance your sexual experiences.

      Exploring your own body and becoming comfortable with it is essential for a fulfilling sexual experience. This can be achieved through self-exploration, reading educational materials, and trying out different techniques. For instance, using a vibrator during masturbation or being on top during intercourse can provide unique sensations and a greater understanding of your body's needs. Additionally, being open-minded and experimenting with various methods, such as reading books or watching educational videos, can broaden your horizons and help you discover new ways to enhance your sexual experiences. Ultimately, the key is to be curious, open-minded, and willing to try new things to find what works best for you.

    • Zoe and Megan's shared love for Lou and connectionDespite their differences, Zoe and Megan share a strong connection and a shared love for Lou. They plan to stay in touch and even hang out in person soon. Find them on social media @thongria on Twitter and Instagram, and ShopSpectrumboutique on Instagram and ShopSpectrum on Twitter.

      Zoe and Megan, despite being different individuals, share commonalities and have a strong connection. They have decided to stay in touch and even plan to hang out in person soon. Zoe's social media handles are @thongria on Twitter and Instagram, and her store can be found on ShopSpectrumboutique on Instagram and ShopSpectrum on Twitter. The conversation ended with expressions of gratitude and appreciation for the audience's support, with a reminder to review the show on iTunes. A recurring theme throughout the conversation was their shared love for Lou. Overall, the conversation was filled with positivity, laughter, and a genuine desire to connect with each other and their audience.

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