
    Podcast Summary

    • A multifaceted entertainer's journey with collaborator Brandon DermerDespite setbacks, Dylan Francis and Brandon Dermer continue to create content and share experiences in the entertainment industry

      Dylan Francis is a multifaceted entertainer with a long-standing connection to the host through their collaborator Brandon Dermer. They have worked together on various projects including Dylan's stand-up special on Showtime and a series on Go 90. Dylan is known for his writing, acting, producing, DJing, and music production. Despite the ups and downs in their careers, they continue to create content and have shared experiences, such as traveling to Iceland for a project that never aired. The conversation also touched on their frustration with the lack of success of Go 90 and the challenges of the entertainment industry.

    • The Power of Social Media: A Fake Mural and the Desire for ValidationSocial media can lead to unusual situations, as seen in a fake mural in LA that required social media verification for a photo op, causing anger and misunderstandings. Understanding context and reading beyond headlines is crucial.

      Social media and the desire for validation through online presence can lead to unusual and unexpected situations. In Los Angeles, a fake mural requiring social media verification for a photo opportunity caused a stir among locals and tourists. The mural, created as a stunt for a TV show, attracted attention and anger from those who were unable to take pictures due to their lack of online following. This incident highlights the power of social media and the lengths people will go to for the perfect Instagram-worthy moment. It also showcases the importance of understanding context and reading beyond headlines to avoid misunderstandings. The mural stunt ultimately led to the show being picked up by Funny or Die, demonstrating the serendipitous nature of such experiments.

    • Exploring the Reliability of Memories and the Impact of Social MediaWhile memories can sometimes fail us for everyday details, they can be surprisingly reliable for past experiences and hidden items. Social media challenges our perceptions of personal connections and can lead to misunderstandings based on online presence. The origin of Mumbaton, a unique music genre, was also discussed.

      While our memories may fail us at times, especially when it comes to personal details or everyday occurrences, they can be surprisingly reliable when it comes to seemingly insignificant or long-forgotten information. This was highlighted in the conversation about the differences between forgetting everyday details and being able to recall past experiences or hidden items. Additionally, the discussion touched upon the impact of social media on our perceptions of personal connections and the challenge of dealing with people who believe they know us based on our online presence. Another intriguing topic that emerged was the origin of the music genre Mumbaton, which started as a remix of a dance song at a skipping party and evolved into a unique blend of reggaeton and dance music. Overall, the conversation was a fascinating exploration of memory, identity, and the power of music to bring people together.

    • Pioneering Mumbaton: Dylan and De France's ImpactDylan and De France paved the way for Mumbaton, experimenting with reggaeton tones and inspiring a new wave of music. Dylan later created his own label due to feeling restricted by record labels.

      Dylan and De France were early pioneers in the creation and popularization of the Mumbaton genre. They both experimented with adding reggaeton tones to existing songs and shared their creations on SoundCloud. This led to a wave of new music in the genre, with both artists becoming key figures. The genre was not signed to labels initially, but Dylan shared his experiences of being signed and feeling restricted, leading him to create his own label. Dylan's music video for "Butter" stood out to many as a representation of his artistic vision, which resonated with fans. Despite controversy surrounding a later video, Dylan's fanbase remained loyal. Festivals became a significant platform for Dylan to showcase his music, making him a beloved figure in the festival scene. However, Dylan shared that festivals were his personal nightmare due to his anxiety and preference for being off the stage and away from crowds.

    • The speaker shares his experiences with backstage areas and unusual substancesThe speaker has had diverse experiences, including unpleasant encounters and past involvement with unusual substances, but now prioritizes work and interactions with people he cares about.

      The speaker has had various experiences with backstage areas at festivals, some of which have been unpleasant encounters with unfamiliar people under the influence of drugs. He prefers to keep his interactions limited and only engage with people he knows and cares about. The speaker also mentions his father's business, Tide, and how it has adapted to trends, such as creating a boxed wine-like design for their product. The conversation then shifts to the speaker's past experiences with unusual substances like Jankem, which involves bagging and fermenting feces. Despite his past involvement, the speaker expresses that he no longer engages in such behaviors and prefers to focus on his work and interactions with people he cares about. The conversation also touches on the speaker's apathy towards playing in certain locations, specifically Northern Florida. Overall, the conversation highlights the speaker's experiences and preferences, including his past experimentation and current priorities.

    • A man's reaction to salvia on YouTube leads to the creation of a churchPersonal experiences with drugs can lead to profound realizations and unexpected outcomes, highlighting the importance of staying present and honest.

      The speaker shares a unique experience of watching a salvia video on YouTube where a man's reaction to the drug was captured with his cat. This experience was so profound that the man started his own salvia church. The speaker also discusses their personal experiences with drugs, mentioning their first encounter with speed and acid. They express their preference for alcohol and share an anecdote about unknowingly taking acid during a movie night with a friend. The conversation also touches on the importance of honesty and staying present in uncomfortable situations. Despite the negative connotations often associated with drug use, the speaker reflects on these experiences with a sense of wonder and amusement.

    • Unexpected drug encounters in social settingsBe cautious of unknown substances in social situations to avoid unpleasant experiences and feelings of sickness or disorientation.

      Unexpected encounters with drugs, even in social settings, can lead to unpleasant experiences. The speaker recounts two instances where they consumed mushrooms unknowingly, leading to feelings of sickness and disorientation. The first time was during a dinner prepared by a friend who had accidentally used weed butter instead of regular butter. The second time was at a party where a friend gave the speaker chocolate laced with mushrooms. These experiences left the speaker feeling uneasy and out of control, emphasizing the importance of being aware of what one is consuming in social situations.

    • Exploring the impact of experiences on our livesIntoxication can lead to unexpected encounters and shape our journey, emphasizing the importance of embracing the unexpected and the role of chance encounters in shaping our lives.

      The experiences we have, whether sober or under the influence, can significantly shape our journey and the people we encounter along the way. The discussion revolves around the unique experience of taking a ride home after a magical musical encounter on mushrooms. The speakers reminisce about the unexpected encounters and the differences in experiences based on the state of intoxication. They also imagine the possibilities of a drug-specific ride-sharing service and the potential challenges it might bring. The speakers also share their personal experiences with various substances, highlighting the unpredictability and diversity of experiences. Overall, the conversation underscores the importance of embracing the unexpected and the role that chance encounters and experiences can play in shaping our lives.

    • Stories of underage drinking gone wrongUnderage drinking can lead to embarrassing situations, damage to property, and negative consequences. Be responsible and respectful.

      Underage drinking and irresponsible behavior can lead to chaotic and embarrassing situations. The speakers in this conversation recall an incident where they and a friend broke into a house, consumed large amounts of alcohol, and ended up vomiting all over the white carpet and furniture. They had intended to steal some alcohol from the house, but were caught by the homeowner who was not impressed with their actions. Another story was shared about a college roommate who drank excessively and ended up vomiting in a dramatic fashion at a party. These stories serve as reminders of the potential consequences of underage drinking and the importance of being responsible and respectful.

    • A man's cool response to spilling a drink inspires aweThe speaker shares a story about finding inspiration in an unexpected moment and discusses their background in the entertainment industry, including experiences at Coachella and in the music industry, leading to a career in stand-up comedy.

      The speaker shared an amusing story about a man spilling a drink on himself and handling it coolly, which inspired awe from the speaker. They also discussed their backgrounds, with the speaker sharing their experiences growing up in Los Angeles and their parents' support for their career in the entertainment industry. The speaker expressed fascination with alternative medicine and their parents' involvement in it, and they reminisced about their experiences at Coachella. The conversation touched on the speaker's past job in the music industry, where they worked with various artists and learned the ropes of touring, leading them to pursue stand-up comedy as a career. Overall, the conversation showcased the speakers' shared love for music and entertainment, as well as their ability to find humor in everyday situations.

    • Managing Expectations and New ExperiencesExpectations shape our experiences, but keeping them low and embracing new experiences can lead to memorable moments. Unexpected outcomes can challenge our perceptions and broaden our horizons.

      Expectations play a significant role in shaping our experiences. The speaker shared stories about attending Coachella and the Playboy Mansion, where her expectations were met in unexpected ways. At Coachella, she was surprised by the excess and objectification she witnessed, while at the Playboy Mansion, she found it less glamorous than she had imagined. However, she also acknowledged the value of keeping expectations low and throwing oneself curveballs to create memorable experiences. Additionally, the speaker touched upon the wealth and extravagance of certain individuals, such as Diplo, who own islands or throw expensive parties. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of managing our expectations and being open to new experiences, even if they don't align with our preconceived notions.

    • The allure of wealth and extraordinary experiencesWealth allows for unique experiences and indulgences, often associated with exclusivity and luxury.

      Wealth can lead to extraordinary experiences, as seen in Diplo's extravagant birthday celebration. The speaker expressed regret for not being able to attend, admitting that if they were as wealthy as Diplo, they too would have indulged in such luxurious activities. The conversation touched upon the exclusivity of such events and the speaker's age, with a humorous reference to Miley Cyrus' Halloween party and the speaker's appearance. The conversation also included a brief mention of politics, with the speaker expressing frustration towards the attention given to Trump in the media. Overall, the conversation highlighted the allure of wealth and the unique experiences it can provide.

    • Feeling out of place in social situationsRespect social norms and be mindful of actions to avoid uncomfortable or potentially harmful situations

      Age and societal norms can make individuals feel out of place in certain situations. The speaker shared an experience of feeling old at a party with younger people, leading to an uncomfortable and potentially illegal situation. The conversation then shifted to discussing the origins of youthful appearances and the discomfort of intruding on the personal lives of famous individuals. The speaker also reflected on his past experiences with day drinking and wild parties, emphasizing that everyone has their preferences and boundaries. Ultimately, the conversation underscores the importance of respecting social norms and being mindful of one's actions to avoid uncomfortable or potentially harmful situations.

    • The speaker shares strong opinions about Paris and French peopleThe speaker expresses dislike for Parisians and French food, but still enjoys performing there, and shares stories about interactions with famous DJs

      The speaker expressed strong opinions about various topics, including music, comedy, and travel, particularly regarding Paris and the French. He shared stories about interactions with famous DJs, such as Diplo and David Guetta, and criticized their actions and humor. The speaker also expressed a dislike for French people and French food, and shared his experiences of being treated poorly in Paris. Despite his negative feelings towards Parisians, he acknowledged that he enjoys performing there. The speaker's monologue also included mentions of upcoming projects, including a TV show on Funny or Die and an appearance at the Latin Grammys, where he is nominated for a music video.

    • Honesty and Explicitness in Urban MusicUrban music in Spanish TV and songs is explicit about sex, appealing to audiences, contrasts with American music's hidden references, and reflects the experiences of those involved.

      Urban music, particularly in Spanish TV and songs, is often explicit about the topic of sex, which is a major appeal for many audiences. The discussion also touched upon the contrast between this approach and American music, which often employs hidden references. The speakers shared their personal preferences for the Spanish versions of songs due to their honesty and straightforwardness. Additionally, the conversation revealed that the speakers were currently performing in Vegas and had previously collaborated with notable figures in the music industry. Despite their preference for solitude, they acknowledged the appeal of being part of a larger group or squad in the music industry. Overall, the conversation highlighted the candid and sometimes raw nature of urban music and the experiences of those involved in its creation.

    • Embracing new experiences despite feeling uncertain or out of placeThe speaker cherished his high school experiences, including interactions with famous musicians, despite feeling like an imposter. He also learned to appreciate artists he once trolled online after meeting them in person. Encounters with Avicii showed the complexities of fame and potential pitfalls of drugs and alcohol.

      The speaker, despite feeling out of place in high school due to his lack of self-confidence, cherished the experiences he had there, including dancing with Justin Bieber and interacting with famous musicians like Jermaine Dupri. These moments gave him a sense of belonging and perfection, even if he felt like an imposter. He also shared how he used to troll artists online as a form of entertainment, but when he met them in person, he genuinely appreciated their music. The speaker also mentioned his encounters with Avicii, and how young he was when he gained fame, leading to the challenges of handling notoriety and the potential pitfalls of drugs and alcohol. Overall, the speaker's experiences highlight the complexities of adolescence and the importance of embracing new experiences, even when feeling uncertain or out of place.

    • The mental and physical demands of performingPerformers put in immense effort to entertain, alcohol can aid performance but comes with risks, and the demands of music and comedy are similar.

      Performing, whether it's music or comedy, requires a significant amount of energy and mental focus. Alcohol can help performers get into the zone, but it also comes with risks and consequences. Comedians, in particular, face high expectations from their audiences, and the constant demand to entertain can take a toll on their bodies and minds. The overlap between music and comedy is significant due to the similar physical and mental demands of performing. It's easy for outsiders to underestimate the effort that goes into putting on a good show, but the reality is that performers are giving their all to create an enjoyable experience for their audiences.

    • Behind the Scenes of Performing: Preparation and Personal ChoicesPerformers dedicate long hours, sacrifice sleep, and rely on vices to fuel their energy and focus for shows. Personal choices, including diet and lifestyle, are important but should be enjoyed in moderation.

      Performing on stage, whether it's music or comedy, requires a great deal of preparation and dedication beyond what the audience may see. The performer may appear to be winging it, but the truth is that they put in long hours, sacrifice sleep, and rely on various vices to fuel their energy and focus. This discussion also touched on the topic of personal choices, such as diet and lifestyle, and the societal pressure to conform to certain expectations. Ultimately, the performer emphasized the importance of enjoying life's pleasures in moderation and not being too hard on oneself for indulging in them occasionally.

    • Engagement and Support for CreatorsEngage and support creators by visiting their websites, watching, liking, and subscribing to their content to help them grow and thrive.

      Key takeaway from this podcast episode is the importance of engagement and support for content creators. The speaker expresses gratitude to his guest and encourages listeners to visit their website, watch, like, and subscribe to their content. This is a common call-to-action in the creative community to help grow an audience and increase reach. The speaker also shares some humorous anecdotes, showcasing the camaraderie and lightheartedness often present in such collaborations. Despite the seemingly random and nonsensical statements, the underlying message remains clear: engagement and support are essential for creators to thrive. So, if you're listening to this podcast, go ahead and give some love to the creators you enjoy. It might be the best thing you do today.

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    Preacher Lawson
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    #39 - Does Sarah Miss Smosh? w/ Sarah Whittle

    #39 - Does Sarah Miss Smosh? w/ Sarah Whittle
    Mom is back! Sarah is visiting to reminisce about the old days and fan girl about the current era of Smosh. Go to http://meundies.com/smoshmouth to get 20% off your first order and free shipping. 0:00-0:34 Intro 0:35-7:15 Sarah's Smosh origins 7:16-15:19 Spelling Bikini Wax 15:20-23:59 New Smosh era 24:00-30:08 Smosh Games evolution & Funeral roasts 30:09-36:11 Being touchy feely people 36:12-37:37 Sponsor! 37:38-54:53 Husband/family talk 54:54-1:03:49 Sarah's life after Smosh 1:03:50-1:08:27 Revisiting 2024 predictions SUBSCRIBE: https://smo.sh/Sub2SmoshCast WEAR OUR JOKES: https://smosh.com WHO YOU HEAR Shayne Topp // https://www.instagram.com/shaynetopp/ Amanda Lehan-Canto // https://www.instagram.com/filmingamanda/ Sarah Whittle // https://www.instagram.com/rudeunicorns/ WHO YOU DON’T HEAR (usually) Director: Selina Garcia Editor: Alyssa Salter Producer: Amanda Lehan-Canto, Shayne Topp, Selina Garcia Assistant Director: Amanda Barnes Art Director: Cassie Vance Assistant Art Director: Erin Kuschner Art Coordinator: Alex Aguilar Prop Assistant: Adam Mustafa, Oliver Wehlander Audio Mixer: Scott Neff Audio Utility: Dina Ramli Camera Operator: Eric Wann Director of Photography: Brennan Iketani Director of Design: Brittany Hobbs DIT/AE: Matt Duran CEO: Alé Catenese EVP of Production: Zoe Moacanin EVP of Programming: Kiana Parker Executive Coordinator: Rachel Collis IT: Tim Baker Operations PA: Katie Fink Post Production Manager: Luke Baker Production Manager: Amanda Barnes Production Coordinator: Marcus Munguia Production Assistant: Ovsana Tsaturian Senior Manager, Channel & Strategy: Lizzy Jones Channel Operations Coordinator: Audrey Carganilla Marketing Director: Dani Howe Social Creative Producer: Peter Ditzler, Tommy Bowe Social Strategist: Erica Noboa, Mallory Myers Talent Coordinator: Selina Garcia OTHER SMOSHES: Smosh: https://smo.sh/Sub2Smosh Smosh Pit: https://smo.sh/Sub2SmoshPit Smosh Games: https://smo.sh/Sub2SmoshGames El Smosh (Spanish Dub): https://smo.sh/Sub2ElSmosh FOLLOW US: TikTok: https://smo.sh/TikTok Snapchat: http://smo.sh/OnSnapchat Instagram: https://instagram.com/smosh Facebook: https://facebook.com/smosh



    NBA star Mason Plumlee co-hosts this episode of #AGV with me and boy was it FIRE. Moving through 3 teams in 4 years, Mason touches on what diving into social media as a pro athlete is like and defends the common misconceptions of the big leagues. Such a solid dude which made for one of the all-time episodes. ENJOY ;)

    --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/garyvee/message



    We celebrate 1 year of BFFs with just the OG crew. We talk about our favorite guests and moments from the past year, what’s next for the pod, and introduce a new Barstool employee. Support Our Sponsors: Use the code "JOSH" on https://barstool.link/BFFs for 20% off your first order.

    You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/bffspod