
    Don Lemon Returns to CNN with His “Liberal Privilege,” How We Can Increase Longevity, with Dr. Mark Hyman, Britt Mayer, and Carrie Prejean Boller | Ep. 498

    enFebruary 22, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Learning from those who live longerIncorporate habits from 'blue zones' to regulate biology and heal aging hallmarks, reversing dysfunctions for a vital and fit aging process

      It's possible to feel younger than our chronological age and improve our overall health and longevity. Dr. Mark Hyman, a functional medicine expert and author of "Young Forever," explains that we can now measure our biological age and see how our lifestyle and habits impact it. He emphasizes that disease, frailty, and decrepitude are not normal consequences of aging, and that science shows we can reverse these dysfunctions. By applying the latest longevity science, we can turn back our biological clocks and stay vital and fit as we age. Dr. Hyman, who has a background in Cornell undergrad and University of Ottawa faculty of medicine, encourages us to learn from the "blue zones" where people naturally live longer and incorporate their habits into our lives. He believes that we don't have to accept feeling like crap as we age, and that we can regulate our biology and heal the hallmarks of aging to live our best lives up until the end.

    • Discover the influence of lifestyle on gene agingThrough lifestyle choices, diet, thoughts, and environmental factors, we can positively impact gene expression and slow down biological aging as measured by DNA methylation tests.

      Our genes' aging process is not fixed, and we can influence how they're expressed through our lifestyle choices, diet, thoughts, and environmental factors. New tests, like DNA methylation testing, can measure the rate of our biological aging by examining epigenetic marks on our genes. These tests can reveal our true age and inspire us to make positive changes to optimize our health. Although we may not be able to turn back the clock to be "sweet 16" again, we can expect to see significant improvements in our biological age through healthy living. Future advancements in gene reprogramming may even allow us to reverse our biological age using external factors. To explore this further, consider getting a DNA methylation test from labs like True Diagnostic or by searching for "DNA methylation testing" online.

    • Reprogramming cells to a younger versionBy addressing lifestyle factors and providing our bodies with essential nutrients, hormones, and other elements, we can extend our lifespan and potentially reverse the aging process

      We have the potential to reverse the aging process by addressing the underlying causes of aging, rather than just treating symptoms or diseases. Dr. Andrew Huberman from the Cleveland Clinic discusses the possibility of reprogramming cells in blind mice to a younger version, which highlights the potential of activating ancient healing systems in our bodies. Instead of focusing on what we shouldn't do (smoking, obesity), we should also consider what we can do to influence the fundamental biological systems that contribute to aging. By addressing lifestyle factors such as diet, stress, sedentary lifestyle, toxins, and allergens, and ensuring we provide our bodies with the necessary nutrients, hormones, light, air, clean water, rhythm, rest, exercise, good sleep, connection, community, meaning, and purpose, we can significantly extend our lifespan. The concept of blue zones, areas with the longest-lived people, shows that these practices are not just beneficial but often automatic in these communities.

    • Sardinians' Secrets to Long and Healthy Lives: Diet, Natural Movement, Low Stress, and Strong CommunityAdopting a holistic approach to health by focusing on a diet rich in whole real foods, natural movement, low chronic stress, and strong social connections can contribute to long and healthy lives.

      The people of Sardinia, Italy, live long, healthy lives due to their consumption of simple, whole real foods, natural movement, low chronic stress, and deep sense of community and connection. Their diet is rich in vegetables, beans, goats and sheep, fish, and good fats, while avoiding sugar and processed foods. They don't focus on structured exercise but instead live active lives through daily tasks. Their stress levels are low, and they have a strong sense of belonging and community, which is crucial for longevity. The story of a 103-year-old woman, Julia, who lived with her niece and had a rich social life, further emphasizes the importance of community in maintaining good health. Even when following an unhealthy lifestyle in the second half of life, as Nana did, having a strong social network can contribute significantly to longevity. The story of the Italian community in Rosetta, Pennsylvania, further highlights the importance of community and social connections in promoting longevity. The findings from Sardinia and these stories illustrate the importance of adopting a holistic approach to health, focusing on diet, natural movement, low stress, and strong social connections.

    • The importance of limiting starch and sugar in our dietsReducing or eliminating starch and sugar from our diets is crucial for better health and longevity.

      The excessive consumption of starch and sugar, primarily in the form of ultra-processed foods, is a major contributor to metabolic health issues and accelerated aging. This was emphasized through the discussion of the Mediterranean diet and the importance of limiting bread intake, especially in its modern, high-starch and high-sugar forms. The speaker also highlighted the challenges of avoiding these foods in everyday life, especially for children, and the concerning statistics regarding the prevalence of metabolic unhealthiness in the American population. To put it simply, reducing or eliminating starch and sugar from our diets is a crucial step towards better health and longevity. Additionally, the speaker mentioned the concept of Blue Zones, areas with exceptionally high concentrations of centenarians, as examples of places where traditional, healthier ways of living can be found.

    • Choosing the Right Sources of Protein for Good HealthChoose lower mercury fish like sardines, herring, mackerel, and small wild salmon. Opt for regeneratively raised meat like pasture-raised chicken or beef, bison, or lamb for nutrient-dense food and ecosystem restoration. Consider vegan diets but ensure adequate protein intake and strength training.

      Making informed choices about the sources of our food, particularly when it comes to protein sources like fish and meat, is crucial for maintaining good health and reducing exposure to toxins like mercury. While fish can provide important nutrients, it's important to choose varieties that are lower in mercury, such as sardines, herring, mackerel, and some small wild salmon. For meat, opting for regeneratively raised options, like pasture-raised chicken or regenerative beef, bison, or lamb, can provide more nutrient-dense food and help restore ecosystems. While these options may not be affordable for everyone, investments in regenerative agriculture are increasing, making these choices more widely available. It's also important to note that a vegan diet may not provide all the necessary nutrients for building muscle and maintaining health as we age, so incorporating the right kinds of protein and engaging in strength training or resistance training is key to longevity.

    • Eating a variety of fruits and veggies with phytochemicals can extend lifeConsuming a diverse range of plant-based foods, including those rich in phytochemicals, can support the body's healing systems and potentially increase lifespan. Be mindful of individual sensitivities to certain vegetables, and consider organic options to minimize pesticide exposure.

      Consuming a variety of fruits and vegetables, including those that contain phytochemicals, can help activate the body's healing systems and extend life. However, it's important to note that some individuals may be sensitive to certain components in certain vegetables, such as nightshades, and may need to eliminate them to determine if they cause inflammation. Additionally, choosing organic produce can help reduce exposure to pesticides, but this may not always be feasible or affordable. The Environmental Working Group's "Dirty Dozen" and "Clean Fifteen" lists can help guide consumers in making informed choices about which produce to prioritize for organic consumption. Overall, incorporating a wide range of plant-based foods into your diet can have a positive impact on your health and longevity.

    • Activate muscle synthesis and improve metabolism with a protein-rich breakfastChoose protein-rich foods like eggs, Greek yogurt, nuts, seeds, or protein powder for breakfast to boost muscle growth and metabolism. Add veggies, low glycemic fruits, and healthy fats for extra nutrition. Avoid sugary cereals, muffins, bagels, and milk alternatives.

      Breakfast is an essential meal for activating muscle synthesis and improving metabolism, especially after a 12-14 hour overnight fast. Instead of consuming sugar-laden options like cereals, muffins, or bagels, aim for a good load of protein, such as eggs, Greek yogurt, nuts, seeds, or even protein powder in a shake. Adding vegetables, low glycemic fruits, and healthy fats can enhance the nutritional value of your breakfast. Avoid sugary milk alternatives like oat milk and opt for unsweetened nut milks instead. Regular glucose monitoring can help individuals identify their unique response to different foods and make informed decisions about their diet. For more information, check out the "healthy aging shake" recipe in the book or visit Levels Health for a glucose monitoring device.

    • Embrace healthy habits: Mindful eating, exercise, and intentional stressorsMindful eating, regular exercise, and intentional stressors like fasting and hot/cold therapy promote overall health and longevity

      Maintaining a healthy lifestyle involves mindful eating, regular exercise, and embracing stressors that make us stronger. Using technology to monitor sugar levels can help us understand the impact of food quantity and quality on our health. Exercise, including weight resistance training, is essential for building and maintaining muscle as we age, and can be as simple as 30 minutes, three times a week. Hormesis, or intentional stressors like fasting, hot and cold therapy, and certain supplements, can help activate ancient healing systems and improve overall health and longevity. It's important to prioritize these habits starting today, as our environment and modern diets often lack the necessary nutrients for optimal health.

    • Small lifestyle changes for better health and longevityCut out ultra-processed foods, refined sugars, and starches, add protein in the morning with resistance training, and aim for a 20-minute walk a few times a week for improved health and longevity. Being social and active, like having a pet, can also contribute to overall well-being.

      Making small lifestyle changes can significantly improve one's health and longevity. The two most important things are cutting out ultra-processed foods, refined sugars, and starches, and adding protein in the morning with some resistance training three times a week. Even a 20-minute walk a few times a week can make a big difference, especially for those who are sedentary. These simple steps can lead to improvements in various health conditions, including heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and dementia. Additionally, being social and active, as with having a pet, can also contribute to overall well-being. Regarding current events, Don Lemon's repeated sexist comments towards women, particularly towards Nikki Haley, warranted criticism and an on-air apology. However, Lemon only issued a tweeted apology, which was not in line with journalistic standards. The lack of accountability and repeated patterns of sexist behavior highlight the importance of holding individuals in positions of power accountable for their actions.

    • CNN's Handling of Don Lemon's Apology and Liberal PrivilegeApologies should be sincere, acknowledge actions, and take responsibility. Lemon's lacked sincerity, and contrasting reactions to Chris Harrison's apology highlighted hypocrisy. Understanding privilege and empathy towards marginalized communities is crucial.

      The handling of Don Lemon's apology by CNN and his insincere wording of it raised concerns about liberal privilege and hypocrisy. The discussion highlighted that when we apologize, we should explicitly acknowledge and take responsibility for our actions. Lemon's apology lacked sincerity as it was not directed towards those he offended and did not express remorse for his sexist comments. The contrasting reactions to Chris Harrison's apology for a similar issue further emphasized this hypocrisy. The conversation also touched upon the importance of understanding privilege and empathy towards communities that have faced historical injustices.

    • Don Lemon's inconsistent behavior and lack of empathyCritics question Don Lemon's credibility and relevance due to inconsistent behavior, lack of empathy towards women, and insincere apologies. CNN's handling of the situation also raises concerns.

      Don Lemon's inconsistency and lack of empathy towards others, particularly women, have been called into question. His apologies have been deemed insincere, and he has been criticized for not acknowledging or apologizing to specific groups when making controversial statements. This pattern of behavior, combined with his hypocritical stance on issues like race and sexism, has led many to question his credibility and relevance. The lack of grace and support extended to others by CNN, which has allowed Lemon to make divisive comments on air for years, has also put the network on the defensive.

    • Double standard in accountability for offensive commentsIndividuals who make offensive comments towards women face inconsistent consequences, with some facing cancellation while others continue to hold power. This inconsistency highlights a larger cultural issue that needs addressing.

      There is a double standard when it comes to holding individuals accountable for offensive comments, particularly towards women. The speaker expresses frustration over the lack of consistent application of consequences for offensive remarks, with some individuals facing cancellation while others continue to hold their positions despite offending a large number of people. The discussion also touches upon the role of power structures and protected classes in shaping public discourse and the consequences of those actions. Ultimately, the speaker argues that this inconsistency and lack of accountability is indicative of a larger cultural problem that requires addressing.

    • Holding Individuals and Institutions Accountable for Unacceptable ConductSilence and inaction enable unacceptable behavior to persist. It's crucial for individuals and institutions to prioritize accountability and the well-being of others.

      Accountability and action are necessary when ethical lines are crossed, especially in high-profile situations. The recent controversy surrounding Don Lemon's behavior at CNN highlights the importance of speaking out against unacceptable conduct and the consequences of staying silent. The lack of public statements from female co-anchors and CNN as a whole, as well as continued ad partnerships, perpetuates a culture that allows such behavior to continue. Similarly, in the case of a Canadian shop teacher claiming to have real "gigantomastia" breasts, the refusal to acknowledge the truth and potential harm to students raises serious concerns. It's crucial for individuals and institutions to hold themselves accountable and prioritize the well-being and safety of others.

    • The Controversy Surrounding Kayla's Alleged False Claims About Her BodyEmbrace your body and be confident, rather than focusing on appearances. Objectification and sexualization of women's bodies is harmful, and women should support each other and stand up against it. Take care of women's health, and accept and value people for who they are.

      The discussion revolves around the controversy surrounding a person named Kayla who gained attention for her alleged false claims about her body, specifically her breasts and nipples. Some people view this as body shaming and an attack on women, while others dismiss it as harmless. Kayla herself emphasizes the importance of embracing one's body and being confident in who you are, rather than focusing on appearances. The conversation also touches upon the idea that women's bodies are often objectified and sexualized, and the need for women to stand up for each other and support one another. The discussion also mentions a personal experience with a gynecology appointment and the importance of taking care of women's health. Ultimately, the conversation highlights the importance of accepting and valuing people for who they are, rather than focusing on their physical appearance.

    • Discussion on the normalization of mocking women's bodies and gender identityThe use of prosthetics to mock women's bodies and the presence of transgender individuals in women's spaces are deeply offensive and disturbing issues that impact women's privacy, dignity, and sense of self. It's crucial to stand up for our beliefs and values, and seek community support to fight for change.

      The mocking and appropriation of women's bodies, particularly the use of prosthetics to imitate breasts and feminine features, is a deeply offensive and disturbing issue. This was expressed in a discussion about the normalization of such behavior and the impact it has on women, particularly in the context of breastfeeding and gender identity. The comparison was drawn to historical instances of racial appropriation, such as blackface, and the idea that these actions are being presented as acceptable in modern society. The discussion also touched on the case of a transgender teacher and the controversy surrounding their presence in women's spaces, with some arguing that it is an affront to women's privacy and dignity. The speakers emphasized the importance of standing up for one's beliefs and values, even in the face of opposition, and the power of community support in fighting for change.

    • Transgender policies in locker rooms: Women's privacy and comfort vs. Trans individuals' mental healthConcerns over potential exploitation of exceptions for biological males in transgender policies, impacting women's privacy and comfort, and the complexity of balancing mental health considerations with privacy concerns.

      The discussion revolved around concerns regarding transgender policies in locker rooms, specifically focusing on the potential exploitation of exceptions for biological males and the impact on women's privacy and comfort. The speaker expressed frustration over the justification of these policies as being for the protection of trans individuals' mental health. The conversation also touched upon the sensitivity towards women's discomfort with undressing in front of strangers, and the potential for pedophiles to exploit such exceptions. The speaker shared personal experiences of discomfort and vulnerability in all-female spaces, and mentioned a disturbing update about a transgender swimmer, Leah Thomas, who allegedly engaged with content related to autogynephilia on social media. The speaker seemed overwhelmed by the complexities of the issue and the blurred lines between gender identities.

    • Trans Athlete's Partner's Controversial Online ContentExploring the intersection of trans identity and sexual fetishes can raise complex issues, emphasizing the importance of investigating and standing up for women's rights while acknowledging individual differences within the trans community.

      The line between personal life and public persona can become blurred, leading to concerns about the normalization of potentially problematic behaviors. The discussion revolves around Leah Thomas, a trans athlete, and her partner's apparent support of disturbing content online. This content involves fetishistic themes, raising questions about the intersection of trans identity and sexual fetishes. The speakers also highlight historical connections between the trans movement and sissy porn, adding to the complexity of the issue. The conversation emphasizes the importance of investigating these matters and standing up for women's rights, while acknowledging that not all trans individuals share these problematic behaviors. The speakers also introduce Battle Cry, an organization founded to address these concerns and defend women's rights in society.

    • Join the Battle Cry US movement and share your storyEmpowering women to stand up against attacks on their rights and dignity, spreading the message beyond local communities to make a significant impact on society

      The Battle Cry US is a movement aimed at empowering women to stand up against the attacks on their rights and dignity. The organization, which can be found on Instagram and Twitter under the handle @battlecry_us, encourages women to share their unique stories and experiences. The movement's leaders believe that the current state of affairs goes beyond playing nice and requires a declaration of war on issues affecting women, men, children, and truth. The ultimate goal is to elevate everyday women and ensure they are not erased or eliminated. The Battle Cry US is a powerful force that intends to spread this message beyond local communities and make a significant impact on society.

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJune 24, 2024

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    Full interview with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - originally aired May 30.

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
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    In a world of polypharmacy, we discuss viable alternatives to painkillers, NSAIDS, and other popular prescriptions, and how our bodies have their own internal storehouse of pain relievers, otherwise known as oxytocin. And of course, it wouldn’t be the Aging GreatFULLy show if we didn’t discuss the importance of attitude, gratitude and happiness and the essential role they play regarding our experience with pain and positive aging.
    Dave Frost is passionate about adding life to our years, and doing so as pain free as possible. As author of Kaboomer: Thriving and Striving Into Your Nineties, he is also Founder and leads Well Past Forty LLC, to actively promote both wellness and fitness for athletes of all ages and abilities. He specializes in nutrition, endurance and strength training for people who deal with cancer, MS, PD, CP, diabetes, and metabolic syndrome. Dave is a non-profit executive and volunteer for America Rows. You can learn more about him or connect with his KABOOMER life’s work at https://wellpastforty.com.
    If you enjoy this episode, please leave us a positive show review or share it with your friends and family. To connect, share, download or subscribe, visit our official host page at www.CTRNetwork.com/holleykelley. The Aging GreatFULLy show so appreciates every listener in our global family of Aging Rebels! Remember, you rock and you ROLE model! We do this show for YOU!

    Biotech Ninja Moves Are Disrupting How We Age & What We Eat – Jim Mellon with Dave Asprey : 736

    Biotech Ninja Moves Are Disrupting How We Age & What We Eat – Jim Mellon with Dave Asprey : 736

    In this episode of Bulletproof Radio, my guest is Jim Mellon, a British entrepreneur, investor, author and global philanthropist.

    We talk about the financial investments that are leading to real-time breakthroughs in human longevity, as well as developments in cellular agriculture that can feed a planet—without harming any animals.

    Where I think Jim is pulling a bit of a Ninja move is that he sees the goal of having old people who have brains that work and have bodies that work and have a ton of energy and a ton of wisdom. And that's the world where I'd like to live in. That's how we lift our society up. That's how we stop making the same cyclical mistakes that each generation has to figure out. So, I'm excited by that vision! 

    “We are talking about disruption,” Jim says. “We're talking about execution. We're talking about future areas of opportunity. I would say that none of us know where it's going to end up in 10 years, but we do know that it's going to be radically different. Curiosity is a major component of success. You have to keep on seeking out and not discounting things just because they seem a bit radical.”

    Jim’s known for his ability to recognize emerging trends that turn into new industries or major shifts in markets. This includes the global financial crisis of 2008-2009, new science and technologies, and now the field of aging research and longevity. 

    He’s working with biotech and life sciences companies that are looking at the mechanisms of aging. Currently underway are an FDA-approved migraine solution; a ketone ester; organ regeneration; and new drug applications.

    There are five things that kill 70% of the 140,000 people that die every day on the planet (excluding COVID-19): stroke, cancer, Alzheimer's, obesity, and respiratory disease. “Those diseases, which are diseases of aging, are being addressed,” Jim says.

    The research and product and clinical trials are moving at warp speed with the help of AI. So many people still believe that it’s not possible to influence the aging process, Jim says, but there’s incredible potential in this industry.

    There’s also great potential in cellular agriculture to help solve how we’ll feed the billions of people on our planet. “There's a very high level of purity and all sorts of environmental positives to it,” Jim says, “but it's sort of at a very early stage.”

    Listen on to learn more about the developments in longevity and sustainable food solutions that are changing our world right now.

    Enjoy the show! And get more resources at https://blog.daveasprey.com/category/podcasts/

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